id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt TNS TNS .txt text/plain 285 6 -21 The New Scholasticism Records ; The New Scholasticism: Manuscripts ; Rejected Manuscripts ; Manuscripts filed by name ; Frederick Sontag ; Mary Jane Trau ; Manuscripts filed by month and year ; Rejected Manuscripts July ; Rejected Manuscripts July ; Rejected Manuscripts March ; Rejected Manuscripts August ; Rejected Manuscripts November ; Rejected Manuscripts January ; Rejected Manuscripts January ; Rejected Manuscripts ; Rejected Manuscripts ; Rejected Manuscripts ; Rejected Manuscripts ; Rejected Manuscripts March and April ; Rejected Manuscripts July and October ; Rejected Manuscripts ; Rejected Manuscripts August ; Rejected Manuscripts August ; Rejected Manuscripts ; Rejected Manuscripts ; Accepted Manuscripts ; Editorial Comments re accepted manuscripts ; Editorial Comments re accepted manuscripts ; Correspondence ; Correspondence re manuscripts ; Acceptance and Rejection letters ; Rejections ; Rejections ; Articles from Poland ; Includes several manuscripts and a letter from Karol ; Wojtyla, future Pope John Paul II ; General Correspondence ; Miscellaneous letters ; General Correspondence ; General Correspondence A through K ; General Correspondence L through W ; Correspondence re book reviews ; Correspondence re articles in THE NEW SCHOLASTICISM ; THE NEW SCHOLASTICISM General Business ; Title for the office ; History of THE NEW SCHOLASTICISM ; cache/TNS.txt txt/TNS.txt