id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt STP STP .txt text/plain 1241 58 42 Paul Philibert - The New Evangelization [with intro] ; STEP Institute Day Lectures and Video Conferences ; STEP Institute Day, Lecture and Videoconference 1: Jane Regan - Discipleship and Ministry Empowered by Baptism ; STEP Institute Day, Videoconference 1: Jane Regan - Discipleship and Ministry Empowered by Baptism ; STEP Institute Day, Videoconference 2: Fr. Michael Driscoll - The Gathered Eucharistic Assembly ; STEP Institute Day, Videoconference 3: Lawrence Cunningham - The Integration of Faith and Everyday Life ; STEP Institute Day, Videoconference 3: Lawrence Cunningham - The Integration of Faith and Everyday Life ; STEP Institute Day, Videoconference 4: Br. Loughlan Sofield, ST - Collaborative Ministry ; STEP Institute Day Lectures and Video Conferences ; STEP Institute Day, Lecture and Videoconference 1: Fr. cache/STP.txt txt/STP.txt