id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt SND SND .txt text/plain 8942 311 63 On Broadway: The Under-Appreciated Kurt Weill [tape #49]; On Broadway: Mercer on Broadway [tape #59]; Miscellaneous Radio Programs by Br Pedro Haering, CSC; Christmas / Bing Crosby and Friends; New Year's Eve; Some Band Remores; some Latin Music for Listening or Dancing; Movie Songs, 1934-1947; Significant Songs Through Years, 1932-1944, tape 2; Jazz Unlimited [tape #16], Desert Island tape 2; Various Composers: Wagner, Prokofieff, Berlioz, etc.; Clowns; Br Pedro Haering Interview With Eilenn Farrell; Br Pedro Haering Special Announcement; Ken Haering - Come By Here; Ken Haering and Friends; Larry Pennington - Christ Is My King; Collection of Jazz Cassettes owned by Br. [audio, Data DVD, copy of ASND R2 9009]; Words and Music, Remembered Radio Show by Br Pedro Haering, CSC; Words and Music, Remembered: Movie Songs Not Nominated for Oscars [tape #13]; Words and Music, Remembered: cache/SND.txt txt/SND.txt