id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt SBB SBB .txt text/plain 3347 43 4 [not Notre Dame; Mother Annunciata General's Funeral?; Mother Annunciata General's gravesite; Notre Dame Scrapbook Folder 2/5; Class of 1900, graduates in caps and gowns - George A. Senrich, Dwyer [Vincent D.?], John A.B. Shields, Matthew Long, Patrick J. Dwan, Norwood R. Gibson, George Stuhlfauth, John M. Byrne, Anthony F. Dorley, Hugh S. Gallagher, James H. McGinnis, John W. Forbing, William D. Furry, and Charles H. Nies; Roll Call of Gallant Maine Boys at the Barracks, Key West, Florida, Washington's Birthday, after the explosion of the Maine on February 15, 1898, Crew of 360 of which 266 Perished, L. Moriniere Saved; Robert Hanley; Father Mohan; M. Hughes; William A. Guilfoyle; Murphy, in cap and gown; James D. Barry, Francis J. Barry, and unidentified; Notre Dame Scrapbook Folder 2/6; Graduates in Caps and Gowns - Norwood R. Gibson, John W. Forbing, Professor L.V.S. Stanislaus, George A. Senrich, Sullivan [Jeremiah?]; Brown; Meyers [John J.?] and Timothy Crimmins; John L. Lamprey, in military uniform; Three Skivers - Kelley, Cooney, Riley; Professor Francis X. Carmody, Hayes, Regan, and McInerny, all in tuxedos; George W. Kuppler, Alfred J. DuPerier, O'Shaughnessy, Professor Francis Carmody, F. Gilbert, O'Brien; Baseball Player - Angus D. McDonald; Football Player - Ernest C. Duncan; Baseball Player - Norwood R. Gibson [2 Photos]; Track - Bicyclist - George A. Gaffney [2 photos]; Football Player - Bouza; Thomas A. Medley; James E. Laden; Notre Dame Scrapbook Folder 2/7; George Stuhlfath; Raymond G. O'Malley; Neal E. Dempsey; Notre Dame Scrapbook B ; Notre Dame Scrapbook B: Photographs; Notre Dame Scrapbook Folder 1/1; Interhall Football Team - Corby Hall - Francis Brent, Wagner, Mulcrone, Henry Patterson, Neal Dempsey, Enrique Ruiz, Maypole, Frederick T. McKeon, Howard Diebold, Francis Woodruff, Healy, O'Corwin cache/SBB.txt txt/SBB.txt