id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt PUB PUB .txt text/plain 109313 1698 15 [this photo was published in the 1981 Dome yearbook, page 237]; Sports scenes - Bill Hurd running track, Hockey, Baseball player Tom Tencza, and a Marching Band member [all except for the band photo were published in the 1967 Dome yearbook; contact sheet only, no negatives]; A man running with the focus on his legs; photos by Jean Claude Lejeune [contact sheet only, no negatives]; Photos by Orville Andrews, including children, California and American landscapes, and animals; Landscapes, still lifes, and textures; photos by Terry Barrett; Landscapes; photos by Rev. Marne Breckensiek, OFM; Notre Dame Campus Scenes and Events; photos by John Dlugolecki [contact sheets only, no negatives]; Notre Dame Campus Scenes and Events; photos by Paul Hundley [contact sheets only, no negatives]; Snite Museum of Art - Jacopo Sansovino's Madonna and Child sculpture; photo by Mark Kelly; Snite Museum of Art - Jacopo Sansovino's Madonna and Child sculpture; photos by Mark Kelly [contact sheet only, no negatives]; Landscapes; photos by John Lanzone; Portraits of children; photos by Pamela Lineham through fog on Lake; Campus Scenes - View of Columba Hall from Lake; Campus Scenes - Two students wading in the Lake; for Insight Magazine; Campus Scenes - Students relaxing outside; Campus Scenes - Stanford and Keenan Halls, with Main Building Dome in background; Campus Scenes - Multi-exposure photo of trees and person walking; photo by Ron Parent; Campus Scenes - Students walking on campus, Stadium in background; Campus Scenes - Students at the Lakes; photo by Ron Parent; Campus Scenes - Grounds crew landscaping near Sacred Heart of Jesus Statue; Campus Scenes - Students walking on campus near Lakes; Campus Scenes - Wooded trail; Campus Scenes - Howard Hall Arches; Campus Scenes - Silhouette of a student in a window stairwell; Campus Scenes - Students playing basketball on outdoor court; Campus Scenes - Film camera on tripod at the Lakes; photo by Neil Bowen; Campus Scenes - Student sleeping next to a tree; photo by Jim Hunt; Campus Scenes - Student walking on campus; Campus Scenes - Students having class outside in front of Radiation Laboratory; Campus Scenes - Close up of Magnolia tree blossoms; Campus Scenes - Students walking on campus; photo by Paul Wieber; Campus Scenes - Two women/ female students sitting by Hesburgh Library Reflecting Pool; Campus Scenes - Banner hanging from Sorin Hall that reads Congrats Monk, congratulating Rev. Edward Monk Malloy on becoming University President; photo by Don Nelson; Campus Scenes - View of sunlight coming through tree branches; Campus Scenes - Students relaxing on campus; Campus Scenes - Window seat in stairwell of O'Shaughnessy Hall; Campus Scenes - Door to Rockne Memorial?; Campus Scenes - Student throwing a football; Campus Scenes - Female/ woman student catching a football; photo by Ron Parent; Campus Scenes - Students studying outside; photo by Zenon Bidzinski; Campus Scenes - Students sitting by Lakes; Campus Scenes - View of back door of Basilica of the Sacred Heart; Campus Scenes - Students walking on Main Quad with Sorin Statue; photo by Paul Wieber; Campus Scenes - Students running on campus in winter with snow; Campus Scenes - Student riding bicycle; photo by Ron Parent; Campus Scenes - Student catching football; Campus Scenes - Student studying on bench outside; Campus Scenes - Two men running on indoor track in Lofts Sports Complex; Campus Scenes - Students walking by Old Bookstore, Main Building Dome and Basilica of the Sacred Heart with scaffolding in background; Campus Scenes - Student walking on campus; photo by Paul Wieber; Campus Scenes - Students walking on campus; Campus Scenes - View of Washington Hall, Main Building, Basilica of the Sacred Heart, and Cavanaugh Hall; photo by Paul Wieber; Campus Scenes - Student riding bicycle; photo by John B. Dlugolecki; Campus Scenes - Student outside playing guitar; Campus Scenes - Minority students walking on campus; photo by Patrick Gibbs; Campus Scenes - Students walking on Main Quad near Jesus Sacred Heart Statue; photo by John B. Dlugolecki; Campus Scenes - Bird's eye view of student sleeping in the grass; Campus Scenes - Students walking in front of Sorin Statue in autumn (fall); Campus Scenes - Men's Interhall Football players walking to or from a game (in uniforms); Campus Scenes - People praying at the Grotto; Campus Scenes - Students lounging by the Lakes; Campus Scenes - Holy Cross Hall Exterior; Campus Scenes - View of Columba Hall from the Lake; Campus Scenes - Students running and walking by the Lakes; Campus Scenes - Students at Lake with sailboat, Main Building Dome in background; Campus Scenes - Student sitting on a bench by the Lake; Campus Scenes - People feeding the ducks at the Lakes; Campus Scenes - White ducks swimming on the Lake; Campus Scenes - Ducks and debris in the Lake; photo by Neil Bowen; Campus Scenes - Ducks on the Lake; photo by Patrick J. Gibbs; Campus Scenes - Ducks and debris in the Lake; photo by Neil Bowen; Campus Scenes - Female/ women students sitting by Lake Watching Ducks; Campus Scenes - People feeding ducks at Lake; photos by Jean Claude Lejeune; Campus Scenes - Two students at the Lakes; Campus Scenes - Grounds crew picking up leaves in autumn (fall) near the Law School Building; Campus Scenes - View of Cavanaugh Hall with leaves on the ground in autumn (fall); Campus Scenes - Students playing football on South Quad by Badin Hall in autumn (fall); Campus Scenes - Students running and walking on wooded trails by the Lakes in autumn (fall); Campus Scenes - Make-shift tents with sign that reads Venite Ad Me Towers; photos by Ron Szot; Campus Scenes - Woman walking on Campus with umbrella in autumn (fall); Campus Scenes - Students walking in front of O'Shaughnessy Hall in autumn (fall); Campus Scenes - Students walking on campus in autumn (fall), unidentified dorm in background; photo by Jim Hunt; Campus Scenes - Students riding bicycles; photos by J.J. Cottrell; Campus Scenes - Students studying by Lakes; photo by Patrick Gibbs; Sign on Campus - Caution Slow Student Crossing; Sign on Campus - United States Army ROTC outside ROTC Building; Sign on Campus - Visiting Rooms Door; Sign on Campus - Ped Xing (Pedestrian Crossing) near Rockne Memorial; Sign on Campus - US Air Force AFROTC Detachment 225 ROTC; Sign on Campus - No Parking Any Time by a Parking Lot; Sign on Campus - Fire Alarm Pull Box; Sign on Campus - No Bottles or Cans in Stands; Sign on Campus - Golf Shop Golf Supplies and Snack Bar Pro Shop Behind Rockne Memorial; Sign on Campus - Conference and Visitor Parking Metered Lot 50ยข; Sign on Campus - No Parking on Basketball Court Lot Behind Lyons Hall; Sign on Campus - Cross Walk on Juniper Road, Hesburgh Library in background; Sign on Campus - Staff Parking Lot B-2; Sign on Campus - No Parking, Police; Sign on Campus - Brownson Hall, Covered in Ivy; Sign on Campus - All Swimmers Must Have ID Pins; Restricted Beach Limited to Faculty, Staff, and Immediate Families St. Joseph Lake Beach; Sign on Campus - Swimming Prohibited at the Lake; Sign on Campus - Take Cinder Path; Sign on Campus - Faculty Parking Only, $10.00 Fine for Violating Above Regulation Parking Lot by Stadium; Sign on Campus - The Morris Inn Awning Banner; Sign on Campus - Parking University Club Members Only; Sign on Campus - Golf Pro Shop; Sign on Campus - C. Golabowski Parking Designation; Sign on Campus - Hard Hats Must Be Worn at All Times with woman looking at the construction; Sign on Campus - Detour to Juniper Road and Student Parking Lot D-2 near Stadium; Sign on Campus - No Parking, Fire Lane Attached to a Chain Link Fence; Sign on Campus - Take Path to Lake with Arrow and Woman walking the Trail; Sign on Campus - Speed Limit 20 Next to a Parking Lot; Sign on Campus - Your Bank Americard Welcome Here, American Express Cards Welcome, and Carte Blanche Welcome Credit Card Advertisements Attached to a Lamppost; Sign on Campus - Straight Ahead 150 Feet Attached to a Tree; Sign on Campus - ND University of Notre Dame License Plate; Sign on Campus - Parking 30 Minute; Sign on Campus - Restricted Area, Authorized Personnel Only Attached to a Chain Link Fence by a Parking Lot; Sign on Campus - Notre Dame Yacht Club, Meetings Wed. 6:30, 204 Eng. Bldg. with Drawing; Sign on Campus - University Club Parking Lot No. 2 Entrance with Stadium in background; Sign on Campus - Staff Parking Decals on Car Window; Sign on Campus - To Columba Hall Dujarie Press, Holy Cross Hall, Community Cemetery, St. Joseph Hall, Moreau Seminary, Holy Cross House, Lewis Hall, East Gate; Sign on Campus - Faculty Parking A-3, Staff Parking B-5, Hesburgh Library in background; Brownson Hall French Quarter Courtyard; Football Coaches - Frank Leahy and Knute Rockne Composite; Early Childhood Development Center (ECDC) - Architectural Drawing; Crossroads Park - Student Paul Linehan looking Over Plans for Improving the Quad Bound by Nieuwland, LaFortune, Hayes Healy, and Crowley Halls; Crossroads Park - Student Paul Linehan Standing in Front of the Fountain in the Quad Bound by Nieuwland, LaFortune, Hayes Healy, and Crowley Halls; Crossroads Park - Fountain in Front of Hayes Healy Hall; photo by Brother Martinus Bombardier, CSC; [GPHR Contact Sheet]; Crowley Hall of Music Interior - Male and female Students playing trumpets; Crowley Hall of Music Exterior - Student sitting on front steps; Crowley Hall of Music Interior - Male Student playing the organ; Crowley Hall of Music Interior - Woman playing the organ; Crowley Hall of Music Dedication - Interior - Woman playing flute, woman playing violin, and man playing piano for an audience; Crowley Hall of Music - Portrait of unidentified; Crowley Hall of Music Exterior - Two Students sitting on front steps; Crowley Hall of Music Exterior - Front Door, includes with bicycles; photos by Brother Martinus Bombardier, CSC; Crowley Hall of Music Interior - Man Teaching/ Lecturing and Adult Audience; Crowley Hall of Music Interior - Man Teaching at chalkboard, behind a baby grand piano; Crowley Hall of Music Interior - Students in class practicing keyboards, wearing headphones; Crowley Hall of Music Interior - Empty choir room with piano; Flanner or Grace Hall Interior - Chapel; Flanner or Grace Hall Interior - Students studying in lounges; Flanner or Grace Hall Interior - Empty conversation pit lounge; Flanner or Grace Hall Interior - Students studying in dorm rooms; cache/PUB.txt txt/PUB.txt