id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt MIL MIL .txt text/plain 4916 31 -74 Election Polling Place for Notre Dame; Emmett Keefe, student Cutting Grass on campus; Arthur Larkin, on the Track team; Charles Backman, on the Track team; Ray Miller, on the Track team; Russell Hardy and John Plant, on the Track team; Francis Kirkland, on the Track team; Francis Kirkland, at Track Meet winning the Hurdles; George Waage, on the Track team; Ray Eichenlaub, on the Track team; Knute Rockne and Charles Bachman, on the Track team; Knute Rockne, at Track Meet, Pole Vaulting; Knute Rockne, at Track Meet, Shot Put; Cecil Birder and Martin Henehan, on the Track team; Varsity Track Team, 1914; Students Swimming in Notre Dame Lakes; Last Day of School Year, students with Trunks and Luggage; Commencement Week (?), students collecting trunks; Students in line at Corby Hall to get Dome Yearbooks; Crew Team of Golden Jubilee on Notre Dame Lake; Corby Hall Interhall Coaches - Al Feeney, Rev. John Pop Farley, and Knute Rockne; Al King, student; Corby Hall Track Team (Interhall); Jim Cahill, Corby Hall student; Arthur Bunny Larkin, on the Track team; Rupert Mills, Eddie Duggan, and other Baseball players; Heinie Berger, student (Baseball player?); Notre Dame students at Indianapolis 500 Speedway; George Britton in a car at the Indianapolis 500; French Driver Arthur Puray in his Peugeot Car at Indianapolis 500; Wreck of Joe Dawson's Marmon Car at Indianapolis 500; Corby Hall Photo of All Residents; James Wasson, on Track team; Grover Miller, student; Fitzgerald, Freeman--Football Team; John Plant, on Track team; Freeman Fitzgerald, and other Football players from team; Students Swimming in St. Joseph Lake; Corby Interhall Football team, with John Farley, CSC; Football Team Photo, with Knute Rockne as a player; Football Team Photo, Freshman Team, 1914; Corby Hall Exterior; South Bend Scenes, Railroad Terminal; South Bend Scenes, Kables Lunch Room; South Bend Senses, Epworth League; Grover Miller, student; Jerry Miller, student; Bernie Miller, student; Domonic, Maintenance - Groundskeeper on campus; Corby Rec - Recreation room in Basement of Corby Hall; Matie Rayniers, student at St. Mary's College (?); St. Mary's College students (?); ND, St. Mary's College students, Road to St. Mary's ?; Joe Pliska, Football player; George Finnegan, CSC, on Porch of Corby Hall; March Wells (Prep), student; Grover Miller; Military Inspection, Notre Dame Cadets; John Farley, CSC; Boylan, Ken, student with Camera; South Bend Scenes, Notre Dame and St. Mary's College ? students; Students working for Junior Prom; South Bend Street Scenes with Automobiles Moving; Jerry Miller, student; Richard Daley, student; Joe Smith, student; Corby Hall Recreation Room (Rec Room) with Knute Rockne; Corby Subway, with Corby Hall Residents; Joe Kenney, Basketball player; Jim Cahill, Basketball player; Paul Nowers (Curley), Basketball player; Charles Finegan (Sam), Basketball player; Bill Granfield (Peaches), Basketball player; Cy Williams, Baseball Coach [same image as GASI 5/17 and 5/20, GKLI 1/11]; William Lathrop (Rusty), Baseball Player; Senior Crew Team; St. Joe River Scene, students in Canoe; Sorin Hall Recreation Room (Rec), with Sorin Residents; Sorin Subway, with Sorin Residents; Keith Deak Jones, Football player; Corby Subway, student Dorm Room in Basement; Grover Miller, Dorm Room in Corby Hall; Joe Stack, CSC (Seminarian?); Hitchcock, Raymond; Theatre -Drama Club - Production of As You Like It; Cecil Birder, student as Rosalind in 'As You Like It; Joe Gargan, in student production of As You Like It; Joe Stack as Orlando in As You Like It; Rupert Mills as the Duke in Play As You Like It; Leon Gendron in student Play As You Like It; Mark Duncan in student play As You Like It; Students Dining in Corby Hall Dorm Room; Ray Eichenlaub in student Play As You Like It; Poker Game (Cards) in Corby Hall Dorm Room; March Wells (Prep), student; Corby Hall Janitor (?); Wendell Corcron, CSC; Election Polling Place for Notre Dame students (an old School); Corby Hall, Dorm Room Interiors with students; Pie House; Grover Miller and other students on Christmas Vacation; St. Mary's College students (?) with Notre Dame students; Grover Miller and other Notre Dame students Camping, Long Lake; Moke Kelley, Baseball player; Students Dining in Corby Hall Dorm Room; Students Swimming in St. Joseph Lake; Track Team, Meet Scenes; John Plant, Running Hurdles in Track Meet; Students in Corby Hall Dorm Room, including Gus Jones; Grover Miller, Biographical Photos, friends and family; Notre Dame and St. Mary's College (?) students at Eagle Lake, WI; Notre Dame and St. Mary's College (?) students trip to Wisconsin; Grover Miller, Biographical Photos, family trip; Notre Dame and St. Mary's College (?) students, at Indy 500; Notre Dame students at Indianapolis 500; Grover Miller, Biographical Photos, trip to New York; Grover Miller, Biographical Photos, trip to Quebec; Notre Dame and St. Mary's College (?) students on trip to NYC; Grover Miller, Biographical Photos, Grant's Tomb; Grover Miller, Biographical Photos, Central Park NYC; Grover Miller, on board Ship on Hudson River; Grover Miller, Biographical, trip to Niagara Falls; Grover Miller, Biographical Photos, family trips; Notre Dame and Saint Mary's College (SMC) (?) students, on summer trip; St. Mary's College, Campus Church; St. Mary's College, Holy Cross Hall; St. Mary's College, Holy Cross Hall; St. Mary's College, Augusta Hall (?); Football Team Photo, including Knute Rockne; Football Team Photo, including Deak Jones; Football Team Photo, including Ralph Lathrop; Football Team Photo, including Al Feeney, Emmett Keefe; Football Team Photo, including Fitzgerald; Freshman (?) cache/MIL.txt txt/MIL.txt