id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt DTH DTH .txt text/plain 397 9 30 ; Notre Dame: Department of Theology: Audio-Visual Material ; Notre Dame Theology Department ; PASTORAL INSTITUTE OF ABBE FRANCOIS HOUTART ; Pastoral Sociology- ND Pastoral Theology ; Phyllis Trible - The Pilgrim Bible on a Feminist Journey, CFS/IUSB/ND; Building the Civilization of Love: Imagining the Third Millenium - The Mission of the Church: A Call to Holiness, The Most Rev. Luiz Demetrio Valentini (Brazil); The Most Rev. Alvaro Ramazzini Imeri; Tantur Conference Tapes - Who Do You Say That I Am?; DTH Records of Notre Dame's Department of Theology, including audio-visual material and photographs. cache/DTH.txt txt/DTH.txt