id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt CEC CEC .txt text/plain 1425 35 24 Preaching the Gospel of Life in a Milieu of Death, The Most Reverend John Onaiyekan (Archbishop of Abuja) - The African Churches and the Culture of Life [2 copies] ; Presenter(s): Alasdair Maclntyre (Notre Dame) - Pain, Grief and Other Signs of Life [2 copies] ; Presenter(s): George Weigel (Ethics and Public Policy Center) - John Paul II: A Life for Life [2 copies] ; Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture - From Death to Life: Agendas for Reform Conference, 26-28 September 2002 ; Presenter(s): Michael Beaty (Baylor University), Don Briel (University of St. Thomas, St. Paul) and Scott Moore (Baylor University) - Strategies for Revitalizing Christian Colleges and Universities: A Panel Discussion ; Presenter(s): Philip Bess (Andrews University) - New Urbanism and Catholic Evangelism ; Presenter(s): Sidney Callahan (Mercy College), Wilson Miscamble, C.S.C. (Notre Dame) and the Most Reverend John M. D'Arcy, S.T.D. (Bishop of Fort Wayne - South Bend) - Crisis in the Priesthood: Some Ways Forward ; Presenter(s): Charles Dougherty (President, Duquesne University), Robert Sloan (President, Baylor University) and Edward A. Malloy, C.S.C. (President, University of Notre Dame) - Helen Prejean (Sisters of St. Joseph of Medaille) - Dead Man Walking: The Journey [2 copies] ; Presenters): Paul E. Sigmund (Princeton University) - Jubilee 2000, Debt Forgiveness and Third World Poverty [2 copies] ; Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture - A Culture of Life Conference, 29 November - 1 December 2001 ; Presenter(s): Michael Baxter, C.S.C. (Notre Dame), Thomas Hibbs (Boston College) and John Haldane (St. Andrew's University) - A Culture of Life After September 11: A Panel Discussion [2 copies] ; Presenter(s): Francis Cardinal George (Archbishop of Chicago) - Banquet Presentation [2 copies] ; Presenter(s): Stanley Hauerwas (Duke University) - Punishing Christians, Ralph Mclnerny (Notre Dame) - cache/CEC.txt txt/CEC.txt