id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt BOC BOC .txt text/plain 5298 79 19 Beyond Our Control - C; BOC 007: NO Beyond Our Control Content but footage of Dick Addis testing new Green Screen at WNDU; BOC 009: Beyond Our Control - Ken's Island Thing, 3 copies of Faces Montage, BOC Open; BOC 010: Beyond Our Control - Worktape 5; Hal 9000; Unexplained Phenomena Theater; Gotta Get Home; Where's the Beef; BOC 011: Beyond Our Control - Couch and Chair Upholstery Company Commercial; BOC 012: Beyond Our Control - SFX Boings; Horse Hooves; Car Engines; BOC 013: Beyond Our Control - Worktape; BOC 014: Beyond Our Control - Robin Hood Master; BOC 015: Beyond Our Control - Robin Hood worktape; BOC 016: Beyond Our Control - Robin Hood worktape; Rambo; Bob The Pianist; BOC 017: Beyond Our Control - Credits from 1985-1986 show [?]; Robin Hood, Raw of King Richard Scene; BOC 018: Beyond Our Control: '60s MAIN PROGRAM TIMELINES, Vol. 2: Channel Control Montage; Favorite Things (Mrs. Olson/Mung); Joe Bait; Squash-a-Matic; Guts and/or Glory; Who's Your Favorite?; Foul Man; Entertainment Editor; The Local News; Sauna Britches; Weather Balloon; BOC Christmas Special; Favorite Things (Klansman); Gentle Marvin; Toast-r Soup; Favorite Things (Coffin Dance); Our Vacation; Original Close; Beyond Our Control: '60s MAIN PROGRAM TIMELINES, Vol. cache/BOC.txt txt/BOC.txt