s amazing that so much has been accomplished, almost unnoticed, or a very frugal budget. We recommend with urgency that the executive leadership and National Council of Directors appoint a qualified committee of individuals to address the PAC funding needs. We also recommend that this special committee include a review and consideration of suggestions made at the American Agenda Workshop on October 13, 1992, prior to the convention sessions. 4. We recognize the absence of Polish Americans in the hierarchy of political parties and actions. We recommenc the establishment of a national political network to develoj and enhance the progress of Polish Americans toward the highest levels of all major parties and government. The network should include all Polish American elected federal state and local officials, regardless of political part; affiliation. 5. We need effective initiatives and organized efforts t< respond quickly and accurately to defamation and bigotr agLst Poland, the Polish people and Polish Americans network throushont the Polish Amenca, Congress districts should provide a united effort to respon and prevent such attacks. , one of the major problems in building an effective organ: 6' we urge the Couneh t T 7. THE ETHNIC LEGACY Directors to appoint a qualified editor for the Polish American Congress Newsletter and ensure regular issuance of the publication on a quarterly basis. The newsletter costs can be covered by adding a publication fee to membership dues. The final responsibility for content would rest with the leadership of the Polish American Congress, the publisher. 7. Today, many Polish Americans have only a limited knowledge of their heritage. To help deal with this problem we recommend to the National Council of Directors that we consider pursuing the following course: A. A close alliance is needed between the Polish American Congress and educators, and educational, historical and cultural organizations. We call upon the Polish American Congress state divisions to work with colleges and universities in their areas to create and promote workshops, courses and lectures on the Polish experience. B. Establish a national network to promote and promulgate the inclusion of a Polish and East Central European studies curriculum either independently or as part of existing courses, in social studies, American history and multi-cultural studies at the public and parochial schools, so that children of Polish and other backgrounds are not educated away from their respective ethnic values, customs and heritage and can build esteem and pride from the accomplishments of their forefathers. C. Organize national and regional conferences of primary and secondary educators to develop appropriate materials for a Polish and East Central Europe curriculum. D. Encourage Polish American authors by promoting their publications among publishers and other communication outlets. E. Utilize the capabilities and expertise of Polish Americans who are involved in higher education at the college and university level through existing qualified organizations such as the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences and Polish American Historical Association. These resources, including the Kosciuszko Foundation and similar established groups, can be very productive and positive sources for addressing the problems Polish Americans face in getting a college or university education. Regarding higher education, we recommend creation of a national scholarship resource information bank utilizing appropriate professional expertise to help Polish American students attain grants and scholarships. The resource bank could be effectively organized with assistance of some well known groups already operating in our community. F. We appreciate and commend the educational work of Polish Language Schools. We recognize the effort to teach immigrants English. Given today s societal struc ture and economic needs, we encourage bilingual the part of our people. 8. We encourage the creation of Polish American Cent Culture and Heritage in local communities, and de ment of a cooperative spirit that assures their survh growth. Such centers can be vital arms to the American Congress in matters dealing with heritag< lore, music, history and arts. They can be a very infl force in putting the younger generation in practical with the Polish American Heritage. 9. We recommend that the National Council of Di utilize the spiritual leadership of the Polish An clergy to develop a program for strengthening the American family. In these times of various cone family life, it is important that the traditional units Polish American Family be focused toward the va unity and understanding. 10. On the occasion of the 14th anniversary of his elev; the Papacy, we recommend that a communication be Pope John Paul II wishing him well and express! happiness that he has recovered from his recent illn continues his spiritual crusade for world peace and less fortunate who live in poverty and sta conditions. 11. We commend and appreciate the President of the States, the Congress, all other government agenci the private sector for their assistance to Poland dui ordeal under Communism and after her emergen free nation, and we urge its continuance in the fu 12. We are grateful to the United States Government revered care and respect provided for a half centur memory of Ignacy Jan Paderewski, Polish Statesm for the honors bestowed during the ceremonies tran his remains to Poland. 13. We acknowledge, with appreciation, that a deleg Polish Americans participated in the historic Confe World Polonias, the first held since prior to World The conclave, sponsored by Spolnota Polska , v in Krakow, Poland, August 13-23, 1992. We honor those who contributed toward the eventual: of Poland and the demise of Communist domination in Europe. We especially pay tribute to the memory of th gave their lives on the battlefields, leaders and activis Polish American Congress who dedicated their lives to! cause and who did not live to experience the joys of 1 We congratulate and appreciate the organizers of this tion for their hospitality and excellent arrangements. This had been a crossroads meeting of diverse gre individuals; the representation spans different ideas cepts based on generational experience. It is evident Polish American Congress needs a healing process itself together and a deeper understanding of its own 178 ^and organizational personality, and the broad generational constituency it represents. This convention can be the body that creates the moving force for a united community. Let us begin Long live the United States of America Long live a fully Free Poland Long live the ideals of the Polish American Congress. 39. Polish American Congress Resolutions Committee Hilary Czaplicki, Chairman John Olko Ewa Gierat things to do during NATIONAL POLISH AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH ---SUGGESTION SHEET_ 1. Request the elected leaders in your area to present proclamations and greetings at a public event to leaders in the Polish American Community. Don t hesitate to ask them for a presentation that will honor the Polish American taxpayers during Polish American Heritage Month. (Sample proclamations are available upon request.) Invite the entire Polonia to attend as well as the news media. 2. Unite all Polish American organizations for a Mass for the mention of Polish Americans. Encourage each parish to have a wither k 6 ntent'on 1)1 ,,lc'r parishioners. Have a reception inn thA? PaStr'eS and re,resh nts the parish hall follow-your activities^ A,ncrican clergy to participate in the annA an eVent 10 flonor General Pulaski (October 11th is layingceA53^ dcalt' Pulask*)- Organize a wreath the colorin111011^ ^eP rc a Portra>* Pulaski and possibly award from you COntest Pr'zes during that event. Invite everyone organbatil t0 at,e,kl along with the Polish American Nations and Polonia. 4 FY 1 ^dquarter^h^ Anier'can flags in homes, organizations lions to fly p11^' businesses, etc. Ask your local organiza-to entire nro k ''S^ alongside the American flag during ^hflani n P Gv^ober. (Information on purchasing a s available from the national committee.) Organize an essav r- , Ur'ng a school con CS1 in your local schools. Award prizes Mon(you ca assemb|y or public event to encourage partici- iiinsj. Ask vo ta'n Pr zes *roni l cal businesses or organiza-contest Ur area tcac^crs to help organize and judge the 5 Co] Popular n General Pulaski. This type of contest is ^"tstoorg Ith thc ehildren. Ask some of the local art the anw^r |ud^e ^e entries. Ask a local printer to at i?r P r your committee with the name of his 0,6 ^'om as advertising. 7. Organize a library display of Polish books, arts and crafts, wycinanki and paintings by Polish American artists. Contact local artists and request them to display their works at the local library, parish hall, organization hall, public building or office building lobby. 8. Children s recital in local organization headquarters, school hall or recreation center. There are many children groups that would participate and appreciate this type of exposure for their students. Invite the public as well as the Polonia to attend the children s recital. 9. Display National Polish American Heritage Month posters. Posters are available by contacting the Polish American Heritage Month Committee at the address listed on this suggestion sheet. Ask all of your local stores, banks, supermarkets, churches and organizations to display Polish American Heritage Month posters throughout the month of October. 10. Contact your local radio, television and newspapers to tell them about Polish American Heritage Month and its activities in your area. If they are advertising the various activities, compliment them; if they have not complied with your request to advertise activities, call and complain about their lack of interest. 11. Ask all local radio programs to mention your local events in October as part of their community bulletin board or public service announcements. Press releases pertaining to the national celebration can be obtained by writing to the national committee. 12 Ask local organizations, banks, businesses and elected leaders to place POLISH AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH SALUTES in local newspapers and on radio programs. Place a salute each week during the month of October in local newspapers, this will remind everyone about POLISH AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH. (The national committee has an XUS the newspaper snln.es which is FREE p n request.) 179 7. THE ETHNIC LEGACY 1 13. Call upon your area high school students and college students of Polish descent to help with press releases and other activities. Polish American Heritage Month will he very successful if we get everyone involved. Members of your organizations have children and grandchildren that could volunteer some time for this very worthy cause. 14. Senior citizen groups could sponsor a Polish American Day Lunch or Dinner with a guest speaker or entert