id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt race-1997-49 race-1997-49 1997 .txt text/plain 1888 82 61 , 267-268 octoroons, 262 one-drop rule, racial categories and, 260-267 Pan-Africanism, 131, 134, 136 Parizeau, Jacques, 225, 226, 229, 230 Patterson, Isabel, 153, 154 Payson, Philip, 150, 151 Pettiford, William, 150, 151 Plessy v, Ferguson, 16, 17, 35, 140 Pocahontas, 102-105, 138 Polish Americans, and the Holocaust 205-211 political issues: Greek Americans and, 202-204; new ethnicity and, 190-196-religion and, 267-272 ' Potsdam Declaration, 231-233 Powell, Colin, 148, 161 Proposition 187, California's, 216-224 Proposition 209, California's, 31-34, 35, 119, quadroons, 262 Quebec, and Canada, 225-230 Raab, Earl, 192-193 Raboteau, Albert Jay, 155 racial identity: claiming of, by teena 246-248; historical view of, 249-253; Italian-Americans and, 197-201; and U.S. census, 260-267 Rand, Ayn, 153, 154 Reagan, Ronald, 87, 120, 203, 218, 26', Reconstruction, 140, 163, 198 redlining, 265 Refugee Act of 1980, 48 religion: blacks and, 138-139; 157-158; rights movement and, 155-156; diver of American, 169-174; immigrants an 43, 44; Polish Americans and, 207 2i 209-210; role of, in political life, 267 Reserve Officer Training Corps, 237 Revolutionary War, 41 Ricard, John H., 157-158 Rolfe, John, 102, 138 Romanticism, German, 221 Roosevelt, Eleanor, 153 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 72, 154 Roosevelt, Theodore, 45 Rwanda, and ethnic conflict in Zaire, 234-235 Sacagawea, 102-105 Safire, William, 78 Sartre, Jean-Paul, 135, 193 Sawyer, Thomas C., 260, 262-263, 26( schools: immigrants and, 44-45; racial segregation in, 16-18, 19-26, 140, 14 Scottsboro Nine, 162-163 segregation, racial, in the schools, 1619-26, 140, 141, 218 self-determination for indigenous peo1 76-82 settlement houses, 44 Simpson, Alan, 49, 50, 64-65 Simpson, O. J., murder trial of, 159-14 Sipuel v. Oklahoma, 17 Sivarakas, Sulak, 257-258 slavery, 139, 140, 153 Slovak Americans, new ethnicity and, 190-196 Smith, Adam, 249 Smith, John, 102 Smith, Lamar, 64-65 Southern Christian Leadership Confen 33 sovereignty, Native Americans and, 8 Soviet Union, immigrants from, to Isr 203-204 Sowell, Thomas, 68-69, 148, 153, 244 Steele, Shelby, 245 stereotypes, of Asian and Hispanic Americans, 166-168 St. Francis College v. Al-Khazraj, 198-19 Stokes, Carl, 157, 158 Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 132, 133 Sudetenland, Potsdam Declaration an 231-233 Sun Yat-sen, 179 Supreme Court, 11, 13, 35, 91, 93, 13 148, 153, 154, 163, 218, 241; and race-based redistricting of Congress 27-28. igin Act of 1924, 10 Nationality Act of 1940, 11 Native Americans, 11, 12, 20, 32, 80, 81; adoption of children of, 98-99; minority groups rights of, 88-95; in the 1990s, 83-87; rights of Canadian, 96-97; women, in history, 102-105 naturalized citizenship, 10, 12-13 Nazis, 12, 46, 220; Holocaust and, 205-211. cache/race-1997-49.txt txt/race-1997-49.txt