id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt race-1997-43 race-1997-43 1997 .txt text/plain 2038 87 63 In order to be eligible for certain federal benefits, such as hous ing-improvement programs, a must prove that he or she eit member of a federally recognize tribe or has fifty per cent Indiar One can envision a situation i nonwhiteness itself becomes the ued quality, to be compensated it ways depending on a person s ] Kwame Anthony Appiah, of f Philosophy and Afro-American Departments, says, What the M category aims for is not people ancestry, because a majority of A are actually products of mixed This category goes after people 5 parents who are socially recog belonging to different races. In any cast she said, multiracial people know t check the right box to get the goodies. cache/race-1997-43.txt txt/race-1997-43.txt