id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt race-1997-34 race-1997-34 1997 .txt text/plain 1898 79 46 Contrast local knowledge with national and ia as sources of information on race and ethi Why should advocates of multicultural de' and diversity argue for the following: (1) Fair protection under the law; (2) The compilation ' accurate data on the ethnic composition of the population; (3) Corporate and governmental I are focused on issues that do not exacerbate among persons because of ethnicity and race. are the benefits if ethnic groups meel with other ethnic groups and engage in friend your agenda meetings? 235 i Article 46 Military-civilian schism widens, posing danger 4s fewer and fewer citizens experience military service, society increasingly is dividin into two groups who disdain each other. cache/race-1997-34.txt txt/race-1997-34.txt