id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt race-1997-28 race-1997-28 1997 .txt text/plain 1862 72 45 The longevity of these ideas depends on more subtle mechanisms including: the popular repackaging of imagery of Romanticism or of the Manifest Destiny of a chosen people with a great calling to fulfill; the official representation of historical events in favor of the dominant group, to the degree that the mistreatment of other groups never really happened or was not that bad, or that victim groups are actually the racists; or in the political revival of earlier, simple solutions to complex issues, a return to an idealized past when we had few problems, and other groups were easily dismissed by decree. The critical point of commonality in these cases is what dominant groups have come to believe about targeted ethnic groups and what is permissible behavior toward them. cache/race-1997-28.txt txt/race-1997-28.txt