id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt race-1997-24 race-1997-24 1997 .txt text/plain 1936 68 44 In this article, I examine the growing phenomenon of ethnic group conflict EXyathe return of open hos,ility aj nty P Pu*ati n toward Z for TW are the basis for this discussion: California, with its Proposition 187, the anti-il grant referendum; and German' marked by growing hostility foreign residents in recent year pose here is to compare and coi two situations to search for th underlying dynamics in which tically weak, foreign ethnic g been singled out for societal pi scapegoating, and exclusion objective is to examine the rc cation both as part of the dis well as a potential, albeit parti in this kind of group conflict Two methodological thread; twined here. How will increased immigration, technological advances, and a more competitive world market affect the relationships between ethnic groups? cache/race-1997-24.txt txt/race-1997-24.txt