id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt race-1997-23 race-1997-23 1997 .txt text/plain 2001 122 65 So Mrs. Deriev who like many other Soviet Jews had never practiced Judaism, but whose nationali listed in their passport as Je\ not think she was changing 1 ality, much less betraying he tage, when she adopted Cath Nor would most Soviet Jews the father of Yuli Edelstein-Soviet refusenik who is now of Absorption and thus charg bringing Jews to Israel is a Orthodox priest in Russia. The Derievs were living in the remote Kazakstan city of Karaganda, the Soviet Union was falling apart, thousands of Soviet Jews were leaving and many of their friends were already in Israel. cache/race-1997-23.txt txt/race-1997-23.txt