id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt race-1994-49 race-1994-49 1994 .txt text/plain 1781 91 61 102, 188 Special Agricultural Worker (SAW) program, 41 sports: Hispanics and, 97; racism in team names and, 73-77 Stalin, Joseph, 181 200-201 stewardship, environmental, indigenous peoples and, 71 Streicher, Julius, 75, 77 Studs, black men as, 154 Supreme Court, see individual cases Switzerland, apartheid and, 202-204 Szewczyk, Jean, 86-87 Taiwan, indigenous peoples of, 70 Tanzania, indigenous peoples of, 71 television, Spanish-language, 96 textbooks, ethnic influence on, 126 Thailand, indigenous peoples of, 71 Thirteenth Amendment, of the U.S. Constitution, and Plessy v. Ferguson, 10, 11 Tibet, indigenous peoples of, 72 tourism, Native Americans and, 81-85 trade war, Japanese-Americans and, 127-128 Universal Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 72 University of California Regents v. Bakke, 20-25 University of Louisville, program to encourage diversity in, 220-226 University of North Carolina, racial tension in, 216-219 United States: early Italian sculptors in, 164-168; indigenous peoples of, 67, 68, 69, 71, 73-77, 78-80, 81-85, 86-87, 88-89; race and urban poverty in, 193-197 urban poverty, race and, 193-197 Venezuela, indigenous peoples of, 67 victimization, of Asian-Americans, 114-122 Vietnam: immigrants from, 47-48; indigenous peoples of, 71 Voting Rights Act, 153; and Mexican-Americans, 107-109 Walker, Liz, 148, 149 Walters, Ron, 139-140 War Brides Act of 1945, 34 War on Poverty, 151 Washington, Booker T., 135-136 Whitlock, Mark, 141-142 Wiesel, Elie, 182,183 Williams, Juan, 139,140 Woo, Mike, 123, 124 World War II, Holocaust and, 181-183 xenophobia, in Germany, 205-206 Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118,120 Yugoslavia, ethnic conflict in, 190 191 201, 227 Credits/ _____ cks, home ownership and, 157-161 middleman minority, Korean-Americans as, 129-130 Model Cities, 194 model minority, Asian-Americans as, 112, 118, 126 Mody, Navrose, murder of, 120-121 Mongolia, indigenous peoples of, 70 Moore, Charles, 228, 229 Moyers, Bill, 153, 154, 155 Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 147, 148, 151, 153-154 multiculturalism, 235 Myanmar, indigenous peoples of, 71, 72 Namibia, indigenous peoples of, 70 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 33, 136, 137, 138, 139, 150 National Black Leadership Roundtable, 154-155 National Indian Youth Leadership Project, 78-80 national origins quota system, 33-34, 35 41 National Service program, Clinton s, 230-234 nationalism, ethnic conflict and, 198, 227 Native Americans, 55, 56, 67-68; athletic team names and, 73-77; environmental issues and, 69-72; North American, 73-77, 78-80, 81-85, 86-87, 88-89; South American, 60-64 65-66, 67 nativist movement, U.S., of the 1830s, 32 Nazis, Holocaust and, 181-183 Neoclassical sculptors, early Italian, in the U.S., 164-168 Nepal, indigenous peoples of, 70 New Deal, 194 New Zealand, 72, 201 Niagara Movement, 136 Nicaragua, indigenous peoples of 70 nisei, 119, 120 Novick, Peter, 181, 183 Nunavut, 67 Okamoto, Kiyoshi, 118, 119 O Loughlin, Frank, 48-49 Operation Wetback, 35 Opium War, 32 Pakistan, indigenous peoples of, 70 Panama, indigenous peoples of, 71 Papua New Guinea, indigenous peoi of, 71 Paraguay, indigenous peoples of, 61 Passel, Jeffrey S., 38, 39, 40, 81, 82 Peace Corps, 231, 234 Peale, Charles Willson, 166, 167 Pell grants, 231, 232, 233 Pequot people, of North America, 8f Peru, indigenous peoples of, 61-62, 67, 68, 72 Philippines, indigenous peoples of, 1 Plessy v. Ferguson, 10-16, 17, 18, 11 135-136 Poland, immigrants from, 46-47 Polish-American Congress, 1992 Convention Resolution Committe Report of, 176-180 political asylum, 213-214 politics: Asian-Americans and, 123-1 Polish-Americans and, 177 poll taxes, 108 Poussaint, Alvin E, 143, 144, 148, poverty: immigrants and, 50, 51, 54; urban, race and, 193-197 Powell-Hopson, Darlene, 143, 144 proportional democracy, 204 quotas, racial, and University of Cal Regents v. Bakke, 20-25 racism, 173; in athletic team names, 73-77; in Germany, 205-206 Rassinier, Paul, 182-183 Refugee Act, 35-36 religion: Hispanics and, 96, 97, 187-race and, 227-229; Supreme Co and, 26-29 revenue sharing, 194 reverse discrimination, and Universi California Regents v. Bakke, 20-ritual dancing, Native American, 88-Russia: indigenous peoples of, 71; nationalism in, 200 Saint Francis College v. Al-Khazraji, 27-29 Sapphires, black women as, 148, Schemitzun, 88-89 school segregation, and Brown v. B of Education of Topeka, 17-19 sculptors, early Italian, in the Unitec States, 164-168 Segal, Eli, 230, 234 separate but equal, and Plessy v. Ferguson, 10-16, 17, 117, 135-11 Serbia, ethnic conflict in, 190-192 Shaare Tefila Congregation v. Cobb Shining Path, Peru s, 62, 64 Shiptars, 191 Siberia, indigenous peoples of, 70, skin color, blacks and, 145-146 skinheads, 205 slavery, 10, 16, 134, 135, 152; and Scoff v. Sandford, 6-9 Slovak-Americans, ethnicity and, 16 social Darwinism, 153 socialism, 199, 200 South Africa, 201, 203 ( Spanish language, Hispanics and,. cache/race-1994-49.txt txt/race-1994-49.txt