id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt race-1994-45 race-1994-45 1994 .txt text/plain 1868 86 61 ern *s sometimes a mere option of electives, sometimes ^ulticultural courses introducing material from ird World cultures and thinning out an already thin arnpling of Western writings, and sometimes courses geared especially to issues of class, race, and gender. 9. UNDERSTANDING CULTURAL PLURALISM Here is Leon Trotsky, arguing in 1924 against a group of Soviet writers who felt that as the builders of a new society they could dismiss the reactionary culture of the past: If I say that the importance of The Divine Comedy lies in the fact that it gives me an understanding of the state of mind of certain classes in a certain epoch, this means that I transform it into a mere historical document. . cache/race-1994-45.txt txt/race-1994-45.txt