id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt race-1994-25 race-1994-25 1994 .txt text/plain 1859 81 61 Born in 1885, Ramirez was a migrant railroad worker from Wholost his speech and for this was condemned three decades in a California madhouse, until his death in Tte majority of Mexican immigrants are temporary and eventually return to Mexico ^differences between Anglo- ' ^rica and Ibero-America with each other. and drew hk UdS So he became J5tmanifest itself a f'SpanK' cul,urt of ,hc United States p^yasinas I CCfu> as ln * ^n painting; as S^lasthanProduction by l.uis Valdez; with a c v ' 8I'RuNn Bl.d ind h r Webrin'i45 native Hisna affirmall n forces newcom- What * The Spaniards came later, looking for the Seven Cities of Gold, but when they found none in what is today the southwestern United States, they left their language and their religion, and sometimes their blood. cache/race-1994-25.txt txt/race-1994-25.txt