STATE * THE OF HISTORICA FOUNDED 1848 WISCONSIN SOCIETY ז 1910 מחורזגרב ווווו זו זריוייי THE HERMITS AT HAPPY HOLLOW OPERA HOUSE MAY 30-JUNE 4 I INDEX To Hermit Year Book Cast Scenes • Musical Numbers Orchestra. PAGES 9-11-13-15-17 19 21-23 • 25 Synopsis 27-29-31 Staff 35 Committees 39 Officers of Club 47 Members. 51 66 Non-resident 103 Index to Advertisers 267 2 FRANK B. MEADE ARCHITECT JAMES HAMILTON 1002 GARFIELD BUILDING CLEVELAND 2725 15960 F89205 266 H422 1910 FRED S. BORTON R. C. ENWRIGHT T. E. BORTON BORTON & BORTON GUARDIAN BUILDING CERTAIN ISSUES OF HIGH GRADE TAX FREE PREFERRED STOCKS THOROUGHLY SAFEGUARD THE INTERESTS OF THE INVESTOR AND YIELD GOOD RETURNS Call at our office Our time is at your disposal Members The Cleveland Stock Exchange 3 4 100 THE PEERLESS MOTOR CAR COMPANY ANNOUNCES THAT HE NEW MODELS FOR 1911 WILL BE READY ON JULY 1ST NINETEEN HUNDRED TEN IN FOUR AND SIX CYLINDER TOURING CARS LIMOUSINE LANDAULET · CLOSE COUPLED PONY TONNEAU AND ROADSTER & FOUR CYLINDER TOWN CAR IN LIMOUSINE & LANDAULET P CATALOGUE "O" SENT ON REQUEST PEERLESS MOTOR CAR COMPANY 2445 EAST 93RD STREET CLEVELAND OHIO 5 יקוויו ווריון FR ריוור THE HERMITS AT HAPPY HOLLOW OPERA HOUSE MAY30-JUNE 4 COVER DESIGN BY HERMIT C. S. SCHNEIDER. 6 THE UNION NATIONAL BANK ¶ This Bank has the resources, organization and connections which enable it to be of the utmost service to Banks, Corporations, Firms and Individuals, whose business it de- sires, and to whom is extended the facilities acquired through twenty-five years of service to the business community. OFFICERS GEO. H. WORTHINGTON, President J. F. HARPER E. R. FANCHER Vice-presidents G. A. COULTON, Cashier W. E. WARD, Assistant Cashier THE HERMITS AT HAPPY HOLLOW A Musical Comedy in Two Acts Produced by THE HERMIT CLUB OF CLEVELAND Under the personal direction of R. H. Burnside Lyrics by R. H. Burnside · Book by Clarence Vincent Kerr Score by John S. Zamecnik, Henry L. Sanford and Richard S. Spencer OPERA HOUSE MAY 30, 31, June 1, 2, 3, 4 Copyright 1910, by R. H. Burnside Press of The Brooks Company + 8 Cleverness When the clever men of Cleveland want clever hats and furnish- cloth ings they go to Bond's The new home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx 1 9 u.W.Lib. Tom Dick H ERMITS at APPY OLLOW Cast Note The characters are named in the program in the order in which they first enter ROWLAND A. CURRY RUSSELL SADLER Guests at Happy Hollow FELIX HUGHES Lord Arthur Percival Basingstoke Who is playing devoted to Miss Austin Eleanor Austin • WALTER S. BOWLER Billy's cousin, a typical Vassar girl. WALLACE R. BEEBE The practical farmer at Happy Hollow Silas Winrow Appamattox Boggs CARL FORD A gentleman of color and position Billy Phibbs Who has been exiled by his uncle to a life on the farm GARDNER ABBOTT Hy. Low CARL CASTLE Who would be a farm hand Jack Haddam GEORGE B. PETTENGILL Billy's old college chum who has been having a night out ΙΟ Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS" This sketch, drawn by the late Phil May, of London, the famous Cartoonist of Punch, has become well- known throughout the United States. A copy in colors can be had, free, by any resident of Cleveland, upon addressing a postal card to Apoll- inaris Agency Co., 503 Fifth Ave., New York, Sole United States Agents for The Apollinaris Company, Ltd., London, Eng. A WHISKY and A SMALL "POLLY II CAST- Continued Skid Dooley CHARLES A. MAHER A N. Y. taxicab driver, who was once a light-weight pugilist Fleurette DeMenthe R. F. SMITH An old Floradora girl Miss Koogen JAMES WAGEN HORST U. Ketcham I. Pullem Jessylyn Bard The housekeeper at Happy Hollow Secretly married to Winrow JAMES MATHERS WILSON B. CHISHOLM Energetic bill collectors HORATIO N. HERRIMAN Mary Who is simply adored by Billy Phibbs ARTHUR J. Caldwell A waiting maid, who admires Mr. Dooley Jeremiah Buglewood CLEMENS W. LUNDOFF Billy's wealthy uncle, who pays an unexpected call Katrina A German nurse girl JOHN WITT 12 I N women's and children's attire---in all that goes to make up a complete dry goods establishment---it is our aim to offer distinct- iveness of style and design--to render ready-to-wear garments as exclusive and individual as made- to-order kinds---to combine elegance with modesty and make the useful beautiful. The Halle Bros. Co. Euclid Ave. and Huron Road 13 CAST Continued Show Girls DR. FRANKLIN E. CUTLER HENRY R. COOL CHAS. F. SHERWOOD EMERY C. PRIOR GUY S. GARDNER J. P. WITT CARL B. WARREN PHELPS CRUM Hello Girls GEO. SMILEY L. C. YOUNG H. E. GAINES C. P. ZURLINDEN LLOYD T. JONES O. T. LEHR W. E. GREENE EDW. LOGAN 14 POMPEIAN MASSAGE CREAM POMPEIAN MFG CO." POMPEIAN MASSAGE CREAM Thoroughly cleanses "Don't envy a good complexion: use Pompeian and have one: THREE SIZES 50¢ 75 SI. ALL DEALERS 15 CAST Continued Ponies T. H. NASH E. L. MASON LEE A. WOOLSEY W. H. LAMPRECHT, 2ND R. T. McGOWAN W. J. DAWLEY COLIN MCALLISTER R. J. CONLEY A. J. CALDWELL Polo Boys R. R. ALEXANDER W. J. SYLVESTER J. H. KLINE E. L. SCH MOCK E. L. MCCULLOUGH RUSSELL SADLER CLYDE E. KWISS E. S. ZUCK 16 The "Exide" Battery for Electric Vehicle Propulsion Gasoline Engine Ignition Automobile and Motor Boat Electric Lighting E.S.B.CO-228 Phantom View of an "Exide" Sparking Battery The "Exide" Battery represents 22 years of experience of the oldest and largest storage battery manufacturer. The "Exide" Vehicle Battery is used in over 90% of all Elec- tric Vehicles manufactured. The "Exide" Sparking Battery is used in the leading makes of gasoline cars. It is adapted for ignition service with all types of gas or gasoline engines and for the lighting of head- lights, side lights and tail light of automobiles or the search lights and running lights of motor boats. The "Exide" Battery is also used for interior illumination in automobiles, carriages and boats. Any of these sales offices will mail you catalogs descriptive of the "Exide" Battery for any of these services. THE ELECTRIC STORAGE BATTERY CO. 1888 PHILADELPHIA, PA. 1910 New York, Boston, Chicago, St. Louis, Cleveland, Atlanta, San Francisco, Toronto 5 "Exide" Depots-715 Distributers-Inspection Service Corps 17 CAST Continued Singing Squad A. B. SMYTHE R. P. MILLARD T. L. WICKENDEN T. A. CHRISTIAN E. L. COLGROVE College Boys E. E. WHITE O. R. RILLEY R. L. BURTON A. M. WORDEN Rowland A. CURRY P. C. VIALL F. J. DRESSER E. F. KINNISON P. D. JENKINS C. C. COVENTRY 18 "Onyx" TRADE ONYX TEED Hosiery MARK For reliable satisfactory Hosiery of the highest quality for Men, Women and Children. The "Onyx" Brand is always the choice of the critical public. SOLD EVERYWHERE Lord & Taylor Wholesale Distributors New York i Scenery Designed and Executed by Arthur Voegtlin, Scenic Artist of the New York Hippodrome 19 H ERMITS at APPY OLLOW Scenes Art One The lawn in front of Billy Phibb's bungalow at Happy Hollow. Morning. Art Two The interior of the bungalow. Evening. TIME-The present. PLACE-Up in the Catskills. Cast coached by Herbert Cripps. Dances coached by Thomas Bennett. Costumes made by the Shubert wardrobe under the direction of Madame Ziebarth, Mrs. Kemety and Miss McAndrews. Boots and Shoes by Millar. Perruquier Adam Weil. 20 "LAKE SHORE NUMBER SIX" NEW YORK ENTRAL LINES For Cleveland People The business men's favorite train Cleveland to New York. Leaves 6:10 p. m., after the business day, arrives New York 9: 12 a. m., at a convenient business hour next morning. An all sleeping car train with buffet, library, smoking car and dining car. Supper and breakfast on the train. TEN OTHER TRAINS A DAY TO NEW YORK Telephone requests to the City Ticket Office, Hippodrome Building, (Bell, Main 456; Cuy- ahoga, Central 260) for delivery of railway and Pullman tickets to residence, hotel or place of business will receive prompt attention. LAKE SHORE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN RY. 21 H ERMITS at HAPPY HOLLOW Musical Numbers Act One Opening Chorus-At Happy Hollow Farm.. .Zamecnik Farming .Zamecnik BILLY AND CHORUS Phoebe Snow ..Sanford FLEURETTE AND POLO Boys Duet-Did he? Yes, he did!. .Zamecnik BILLY AND JACK Ten Little Chorus Girls.. Zamecnik HELLO GIRLS AND COLLEGE BOYS Trio-Gentle Jane .Spencer JESSYLYN, ELEANOR AND BASINGSTOKE You're the Girl.... .Sanford JESSYLYN, BILLY AND CHORUS Zamecnik M-o-n-e-y BUGLEWEED AND CHORUS The Chauffer's Song ..Sanford DOOLEY AND CHAUFFERS Finale (a) Hark to the sound of the Hunter's Horn. .Zamecnik (b) Billy Phibbs is Married. (c) Hooray for the Bridegroom. PRINCIPALS AND FULL CHORUS 22 Will she go away then? See that District Nurse. What is she doing? She is going to that house because some one is sick. What will she do there? She will give skilled care to a patient with pneumonia or a painful chronic disease. No. She will find out what causes ill health in her patient's family. What will she do about what she finds? She will report a rotting floor and clogged drain to the Health Office; an underfed baby, a crippled child or a tuberculous man to the Visiting Nurse of a Special Dispensary. Will she be satisfied then? No. She will go back again and again to care for her patient and see that her plans for the family are followed. Are there many in the city like her? • No. Only 9, though there are 26 District Physicians. Couldn't we have more nurses? Yes, in the twinkling of an eye, if contributions to The Visiting Nurse Association were increased. Care MRS. CHESTER C. BOLTON, Financial Secretary 501 St. Clair Avenue 23 YVHS MUSICAL NUMBERS-Continued Art Two Opening Chorus-Glee, In the Spring a Young Man's Fancy... Song, When you Love a Girl TOM AND CHORUS Zamecnik Mary .Sanford DOOLEY, MARY AND MAIDS The Society Circus... .Zamecnik PHIBBS, CHORUS AND PRINCIPALS What's the Use?.... .Sanford BASINGSTOKE Duet-Life is Like a Dance….... .Zamecnik JESSYLYN AND BILLY I'm Looking For a Girl..... .Zamecnik JACK AND HEllo Girls Trio It's Merely a Matter of Time... .Sanford BILLY, JACK AND DOOLEY Mister Sun .Zamecnik JESSYLYN AND PONIES FINALE 24 Commenced business 1845 Assets $130,000,000 Over 2000 Cleveland Policyholders The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company of Newark, New Jersey will issue Endowment policies at Ordinary Life rates. No other Company will sell you a similar proposition. Write to J. W. PICKARD, JR. SUPERINTENDENT OF AGENCIES NEW ENGLAND BUILDING, CLEVELAND 25 HERMITS HE at HAPPY HOLLOW FRANK B. MEADE, EVERETT L. BROWN, Orchestra Director Librarian First Violin Flute JAMES D. JOHNSTON JOHN L. MILLer, Jr. DUDLEY S. BLOSSOM Clarinet HARRY R. VALENTINE ARCH. C. KLUMPH J. C. MEDICUS JOSEPH C. ROYON JUSTIN J. GRIESE DUDLEY J. HARD Oboe Second Violin CHARLES W. DAVIS JOHN P. WITT Bassoon CHARLES F. SHERWOOD JOSEPH NAROVEC, JR. ALFRED M. FULLER Cornet RAYMOND BRADY EVERETT L. BROWN Viola CHARLES E. BURT ALBERT M. HANNAFORD NORMAN M. COLLART Horn HARRY L. BLISS EDWIN L. GLEASON Cello Trombone HARVEY L. BERKES CLAUDE C. FENTON MAURICE KLUMPH WILLIAM S. GILKEY ARTHUR C. ROGERS CHARLES STUPKA JOHN L. CANNON Traps Bass HARRY DU ROCHER FRANK L. BOYNTON Tympani FRANK B. HANNAFORD RICHARD S. SPENCER Pianists HENRY L. SANFORD JOSEPH FEHRENBACH 26 The Lindner Cox Specialists in Feminine Apparel East Ninth, near Euclid IL SOME people know the Lindner store as "The Store that Sells Wooltex." Others know it as "The Shirtwaist Store." Both classes are right. But it's more than either of these phrases would indicate. It is Cleveland Headquarters for WOOLTEX GARMENTS ONYX HOSIERY CENTEMERI GLOVES It is Cleveland Agent for LIBERTY & CO., LONDON It specializes also on King waists, Fisk, Clark & Flagg waists and neckwear; on jewelry, leather-goods, umbrellas, veils, millinery, furs, women's and girls' suits, dresses, walking-skirts, sweaters. It has a Paris style-bureau and buying-headquarters. It receives direct importations from Paris or London, almost every week-apparel, dress-accessories, novelties. 27 H ERMITS at HAPPY HOLLOW Synopsis IN N the beginning let it be said that The Hermits at Happy Hollow is built strictly along the lines of farce and that some- where between the opening chorus and the finale of the second act there is supposed to be at least one good laugh for the most blasé playgoer. Two years ago one of our Hermit wags said that the funniest line in the show was Charley Maher's hat. So there is your cue. If you don't catch the subtle humor of our jests we will be just as happy and plume ourselves quite as freely if you laugh at George Pettingill's red wig or Frank Meade's orchestra. Interwoven through the piece are eighteen musical numbers, most of which are consecrated to the ever delightful topic, “Girl." The chief criticism directed at most musical plays today is the seeming lack of plot in them, and yet any modern librettist will tell you that when he started out he had a fine plot but that it had to be sacrificed on the altar of art to make way for a comic song for the low comedian, a dancing specialty for the soubrette and a love song, with cinematographic effects, for the leading man. To obviate this we have put in as many different plots as we could originate, and borrow, with the ultimate idea that at least one might remain to crown our efforts. A part of the action of the play takes place a year before the rise of the curtain, at which time Jeremiah Bugleweed makes a proposition to his nephew and only heir, Billy Phibbs. The latter has been sowing too many wild oats along the great white way and his uncle decides to put him at sowing the tame variety on a farm in the Catskills. He sets $25,000 aside for the enter- prise but makes a stringent rule with regard to visits to little old New York. When Phibbs finds that he must either forego the delights of the metropolis for a year or the benefits of his uncle's fortune forever, he reluctantly chooses the former. Then a happy thought comes to him. If he can't go to New York, then New York must go to him, so he plans a series of week-end functions, and when the play begins the forty-second such event is being celebrated at Happy Hollow Farm. 28 The Cleveland Ball Club Co.-New Stands The most complete Ball Park in the World 29 SYNOPSIS Continued Art One The curtain rises on a group of Billy Phibbs' guests who are seriously trying to make themselves think they are engaged in real farming. The practical farmer at Happy Hollow, Silas Winrow, enters and gives feeling to his disappointment over the way things are going. Owing to a rule which Phibbs has made, with regard to married help on his farm, the housekeeper, who is really Mrs. Winrow, is known as Miss Koogen. Her meet- ings with her husband are conducted in the greatest secrecy at which time they discuss the future of their baby daughter, who is kept in the city in the care of a German nurse girl. Katrina decides to go back to Germany and writes that she is going to bring the baby to its parents. The fear of their perfidy being discovered by Phibbs with the likelihood of their discharge from his service haunts them and the entangling of their domestic mishaps with those of their employer adds one of the chief farc- ical incidents of the play. In company with a party of young ladies Phibbs enters in a big motor car and announces that this is their forty-second week- end party and they are to have as special guests the Hello Girls from the musical comedy Havana. Jack Haddam, an old college chum of Phibbs', enters with Dooley, with whom he has jour- neyed from New York. The preceding evening Haddam enter- tained some of his friends of the chorus at Rector's and while in a state of liquid enthusiasm engaged a taxicab for the trip to Phibbs' place in the Catskills. Dooley boasts of his pugilistic prowess, having formerly been known as the "Jersey Skeeter," and threatens to maul Haddam for not paying his taxicab bill. But a temporary truce is declared when Haddam promises to borrow the money from Phibbs. Now be it known that the latter young gentleman has run through with his allowance and is at this time being hounded by various collectors. In order to stave them off he tells them that he has wired his uncle Jerry that he is married and asks for an immediate order on his banker for the additional sum promised him should he enter the married state. One of the guests of the day is Jessylyn Bard, and Phibbs hopes to persuade her to marry him and thereby make good with his uncle when the latter returns from abroad. But owing to a chain of circumstances Uncle Jerry does not take the ship he had planned to do and his nephew's dispatch decides him to postpone the trip abroad and visit his new niece instead. 30 THE LITTLE HERMIT Just to tell you I go from Cleveland to Pittsburg Seven Times Every Day con the Erie Railroad That means Seven Solid Passenger Trains Every Day CLEVELAND to PITTS- BURG over the ERIE RAILROAD I can go to Youngstown eight times every day over The Erie Railroad 31 SYNOPSIS Continued - From this complications arise which keep Phibbs in hot water. It has been arranged for the Midvale Hunt Club to ride to fox and hounds at Happy Hollow and the close of the act finds all gathered to start for the hunt. Owing to the mistake in identity of Haddam, who has dressed in Miss Koogen's gown to escape Dooley, who pursues him for the taxicab fare, which has grown enormously, Bugleweed is led to believe that Jack is his new niece. The curtain falls on the sudden confusion of Phibbs and Haddam. Art Two The curtain rises on a group of boys sitting in the firelight discussing the old but ever new topic of love. Haddam is still masquerading as Phibbs' wife and evading the presence of Dooley, for whom he now entertains a fear that is almost a mania. Bugleweed is approached by his nephew with regard to the money which has been promised him but learns that it is to be given to his wife, with an additional sum for "little toodletums." It is arranged for the sum to be paid the supposed Mrs. Phibbs but a little unlooked for mix-up occurs whereby the money goes into the hands of the housekeeper. Dooley, who has conducted a gum-shoe search for the man who has denied him his fare, is informed by Mary, the waiting maid with whom he is in love, that Haddam is masquerading in woman's clothes. She tips off the disguise to Dooley and he starts on the warpath but he makes a slight mistake which re- sults in the lowering of his colors. Jessylyn, who has been wooed by Phibbs most ardently, decides to teach him a lesson and leads him to believe that she is in love with Lord Basing- stoke, a silly Englishman who is in reality in love with Eleanor. She also informs Bugleweed of his nephew's artfulness and the old fellow angrily swears that he will cut off his heir without a penny. Things break badly for Phibbs but finally, after a com- plete confession, in which he is exceedingly dejected, everything turns out happily. 32 The entrance to the Home of a Hermit on SHAKER HEIGHTS "There are others' The Shaker Heights Improvement Company E. WARNER WHITE, President T. W. LARWOOD, JR., Sales Manager 33 The W. B. McAllister Co. BUILDERS Office Buildings, Warehouses, Power Plants, Fine Residences and Bank and Office Fixtures 34 The Garlock-Frazee Laundry Company W. H. GARLOCK, PRES'T & MGR. DOWN TOWN OFFICE 7 COLONIAL ARCADE BOTH PHONES CLEVELAND OFFICE AND WORKS 1820 E. 18TH STREET (HUNTINGTON) Our Dear Hermits: We were more than glad to know you did not forget us this year and have kindly invited us to go with you again on your trip. We were awfully glad to know you are not going so far away as you did last year for you know we wish to be with you on all your trips. We know it will be a pleasant trip for the name itself indicates that it must be a pleasant place, "Happy Hollow". It savors of balmy atmosphere, delightful shade trees, rippling waters, singing of birds and everything to make one's heart glad. It will be so quieting to our nerves. We will be glad to spend a short time with you. May we be permitted to take a few of our children with us? Also grandpa and grandma? Then we may want May and Kittie, Sadie and Katie, Emma and Martha, Gertie and Ruby, Oona, Dollie and Elsa. Oh, we have so many boys and girls, may we take them all? And wishing you all a pleasant trip and a safe return, with kindest regards, THE GARLOCK-FRAZEE LAUNDRY CO. 35 H ERMITS at APPY OLLOW Staff Fred S. Borton Business Managers General Stage Director R. H. Burnside. Musical Director Frank B. Meade Hez. M. Terrell Stage Manager S. W. Scofield Wm. Wieman, Assistant Albert Rees Davis Property Master Guy S. Gardner Choristers Photographer J. Eugene Rogers R. A. Curry 36 To communicate with "A Hermit in Happy Hollow" Use a Cuyahoga Telephone The Cuyahoga Telephone Co. Local and Long Distance Contract Department Central 31 37 EXTRA FLEXIBLE American Wire Rope Hoisting rope of every description for elevators, mines, coal hoists, ore hoists, conveyors, derricks, stump pullers, steam shovels, dredges, logging, ballast unloaders, etc. Towing hawsers, mooring lines, tiller rope and ships' rigging. Mine and surface haulage rope, street railway cable and power transmission rope, suspension bridge cables, cableway ropes, guy strands and sash cord. Flat rope for deep hoisting. Special rope made to order. All the foregoing styles of rope are made of Swedes iron, Crucible Cast Steel, Plow Steel and Monitor grades, gal- vanized when desired. Made by American Steel & Wire Co. Cleveland, Ohio W. BINGHAM CO., Agents 38 W. H. (Bert) Way Joe Mitchell Sam Rigdon The Great All Season Tire Republici Tires STAGGARD (NON-SED TREAD Made in Youngstown, Ohio, by THE REPUBLIC RUBBER CO. CLEVELAND BRANCH 5919 EUCLID AVENUE The Way, Mitchell, Rigdon Co. 39 H ERMITS at APPY OLLOW Committees J. C. Royon Music Frank B. Meade John S. Zamecnik Scenery and Costumes Frank B. Meade Wm. J. Edmonson Jas. H. Donahey Properties Guy S. Gardner, Chairman Wm. McK. Duncan C. E. Curtiss F. C. Newcomer Harwood Wilson Program Arthur D. Brooks Program Advertising Wilbur M. Baldwin, Chairman Chas. K. Arter Abner H. Bedell Chas. C. Clark Chas. C. Coventry John C. Chandler Edward G. Ernst G. Ray Ingersoll Press Jos. H. Kline Wilfred S. Pollock Samuel T. Nash S. E. Strong B. C. Tucker John P. Witt Fred. J. Woodworth J. W. Pickard, Chairman Wm. H. Alburn Jos. H. Kline C. Robert Housum Norman C. McLoud Chas. A. Otis 40 PERFECTION SPRINGS ARE GUARAN- TEED FOR ONE YEAR Their use on your car is an insur- ance policy against spring troubles Our thin leaf springs are the easiest riding springs in the world. We challenge all competition. The Perfection Spring Co. Cleveland, Ohio 4 4I E Extravagance--Who Pays? Economy --Who Benefits? VERY dollar of unnecessary expense involved in making and selling an automobile is an extravagance. Such as the maker's racing, touring and "stunt" expenses, waste and red-tape in the factory, marble fronts on automobile row, and pretty pictures in the magazines. Not one dollar of this extravagance goes to make the car better. But, just the same, it is all paid for by the buyers of these cars. * * * Since these expenses do not make the car better, while they do add to the price the buyer pays, making his investment needlessly heavy, certainly to cut them off would be an economy that would not in any degree lower the quality of the car, while it would lower the price the buyer pays. *** The Winton Company cuts out extravagant practices and thereby avoids extravagant expenses. That fact alone explains why the quality of the Winton Six can be maintained at top notch, while its price is kept down to a figure that is $1000 to $2000 lower than similar power and size would cost the buyer in any other accredited make. 0 WINTON SIX The WINTON MOTOR CARRIAGE COMPANY Licensed Under Selden Patent HURON ROAD AND EUCLID AVE. 42 Incorporated 1849. Society for Savings in the City of Cleveland. 43 Drawn by Hermit Donahey دورة "HERE THEY COME" Poster for The Hermits at Happy Hollow. 44 The Morris Coal Co. Cleveland, Ohio Cambridge Coal X Capacity 6000 tons daily 45 The Excellence of a Rauch & Lang Electric lies in the fact that in its construction enters only such material as will be in keeping with the Rauch & Lang standard. Fifty-eight years of consistent working for an ideal has produced an electric vehicle of exceptional qualities one that is complete in every part. Raucht Lang Electrics The surpassing beauty of the ex- terior and interior finish is an indi- Ication of what the electrical and mechanical construction consists. It is in harmony with the ideal that has given the product of the Rauch & Lang Company a world- wide reputation. The Rauch & Lang Carriage Co. 629 SUPERIOR AVENUE N. E. 46 ERNST AND ERNST IMPARTIAL AUDITS SYSTEMS CLEVELAND NEW YORK CHICAGO 47 Officers of The Hermit Club FRANK B. MEADE JOSEPH H. KLINE JOSEPH C. ROYON JOSEPH R. KRaus Directors President .Vice-President .Secretary .Treasurer Albert C. Bailey Wilbur H. Brooks Albert R. Davis Roger C. Enwright House Committee Guy S. Gardner Joseph H. Kline Fred S. Porter C. K. Arter Guy S. Gardner, Chairman. Wm. R. Creer H. M. Terrell A. A. Augustus D. S. Blossom C. B. Castle C. R. Housum Entertainment Committee. J. W. Pickard, Jr., Chairman. Douglass Chisholm Felix Hughes O. W. Prescott W. E. Steinweddell E. L. Strong J. P. Witt A. J. Caldwell S. W. Scofield, Property Master. 48 The Chandler & Rudd Company SERVE LUNCHEON ALL DAY AT THE DOWN TOWN STORE 234-236 EUCLID AVE. AND AT THE FAIRMOUNT STORE 10609-106-11 EUCLID AVE. 斃 ​They also put up Box Lunches at all the stores, for all kinds of outdoor life The Chandler & Rudd Company 49 ABSOLUTELY PURE & TRADE NADULTERAL MARK Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey FOR MEDICINAL USE Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is of the highest standard of efficiency and worth, and conforms to the tests laid down in the United States Phar- macopoeia. It is free from deleterious substances and all artificial sweetening, coloring, etc., and is pre- scribed by physicians of all schools, in case of sickness. Wonderful success has attended the use of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey in the treatment of Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Diptheria, Grip, WHISKEY SO THE DUFFYA EY-COMPANY NYU.S.A ROCHESTER PURE MALT MALE WHISKE WHISKEY COMPANY Heart Trouble, Nervous Prostration, Low Forms of Fever and all run down condi- tions of the system, including the weakness and emaciation of old age. On the market for more than fifty years, Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is extremely popular. This is evidenced by its increas- ing sales from year to year. For sale by druggists and dealers. The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co. Rochester New York 50 IMPORTING MAILORS W. H. Coffee & Company TAILORS Hippodrome Building 51 Members of The Hermit Club ABBOTT, GARDNER ALBRIGHT, CHARLES A. ALBURN, W. H. ANDREWS, A. W. ARTER, CHARLES K. ASHBROOK, HERBERT G. AUGUSTUS, A. A. Schofield Bldg. Albright Coal Co. Cleveland Plain Dealer Bourne-Fuller Co. Smith, Taft & Arter Glidden Varnish Co. The Cambridge Collieries Co. A BAILEY, ALBERT C. BALDWIN, W. M. BATES, FREDERICK G. BEARDSLEE, R. PRESCOTT BEDELL, ABNER H. BERKES, DR. HARVEY L. BIERCE, GEORGE W. W. BLISS, HARRY A. BLOOD, JOHN H. BLOSSOM, DUDLEY S. BOLE, DAVID C. BONNELL, WILLIAM F. BORTON, FRED S. BORTON, THOMAS E. BOWLER, Walter S. BOYNTON, FRANK L. BRADLEY, ALVA BRADLEY, C. L. BROOKS, Arthur D. Grasselli Chemical Co. Citizens Savings & Trust Co. Architect. Petroleum Products Sales Co. O. M. Stafford Goss-Bedell Co. Physician Architect Bliss Supply Co. Real Estate and Insurance Manager W. Bingham Co. Cleveland Trust Co. W. C. Langley & Co. Borton & Borton, Brokers Borton & Borton, Brokers Lake Shore Banking & Savings Co. Musical Instruments Real Estate Real Estate The Brooks Co. B BROOKS, WILBUR H. BROWN, EVERETT L. BROWN, M. STANLEY BROWN, WILLIAM H. BULGER, WILLIAM BULKLEY, ROBERT JOHNS BURT, CHARLES E. Henry M. Brooks Co.. Concrete Engineer, Andrew Dall & Son American Surety Co. Machinery Sales Agent Wm. Bulger & Co. Attorney Dentist 52 Visit Yellowstone Park Visit "Wonderland"- the great region of scenic sur- prises—before you go to Europe. Or, if you've seen the Old World, see this year that world of canyons, catar- acts, geysers and hot springs, which lie so close at home, in our own country. See the unique phenomena which Nature has so strangely assembled here, over a mile above the sea, in an incomparable climate, for you to enjoy. Northern Pacific Ry. The Scenic Highway through the Land of Fortune operates through Pullman Sleeping Cars direct to the Park boundary at GARDINER GATEWAY the official entrance, daily during the open season, June 15 to December 15, 1910. ACIFIC YELLOWSTONE PARK LINE Summer Tourist Fares to the North Pacific Coast, effective daily, June 1 to September 30, 1910. Send your name and address for "Land of Geysers" booklet and Yellowstone Park folder, free for the asking, with full particulars of fares and train service. Address A. M. CLELAND GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT St. Paul, Minn. Annual Rose Festival, Portland, Ore., June 6-11, 1910 53 THE STANDARD TOOL CO. TWIST DRILLS Taper Pins Reamers Chucks Milling Special Cutters Tools Taps HIGHEST QUALITY STANDARD TOOL CO. HIGHEST QUALITY STANDARD TOOL CO. Offices and Factory, 6900-7000 Central Ave., Cleveland 54 Henry M. Brooks, President L. A. Wilbor, Vice-Pres. W. H. Brooks, Sec'y and Treas. The Henry M. Brooks Company AGENCY ESTABLISHED IN 1850 Fire Insurance and Automobile Insurance Park Building Public Square CLEVELAND, OHIO 55 Photo by Hermit Rogers ACT I. THE HERMITS IN AFRICA 56 Brown Brothers & Company 4th and Chestnut Sts. Philadelphia, Pa. 59 Wall Street 60 State Street New York City Boston, Mass. TRAVELERS' LETTERS OF CREDIT and INTERNATIONAL CHECKS obtainable at your own bank. STOCKS, BONDS AND INVESTMENT SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD BILLS OF EXCHANGE AND CABLE TRANSFERS DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS received on favorable terms. Brown, Shipley & Company Travelers' Office, 123 Pall Mall, S. W. Head Office, Founders Court, E. C. LONDON 57 HIS MOST EXCEL- LENT MAJESTY King William the Fourth V. O. P. SCOTCH WHISKY SOLE AGENTS F. O. DE LUZE & CO. NEW YORK 58 4 to to 6% With Absolute Security is assured to every purchaser of the securities we list, because they consist solely of High Grade Municipal and Corporation Bonds which have passed a rigid examination, and in which we have shown our confidence by purchasing outright before offering for resale. The safety and stability of Municipal & Corporation Bonds as a class, combined with our twelve years of experience in selecting and selling them, gives to the investor the following advantages: (1) Our interests and yours are identical. We do not sell on commission. We ask no investor to invest money in any enterprise in which we have not al- ready invested our own. (2) The element of speculation is entirely eliminated. These bonds are first mortgages on tangible property. (3) The rate of interest is the highest that is consistent with safety of principal. (4) We have bonds of various denominations, for both long and short periods, making possible the selection of an investment that will exactly meet your needs. (5) Municipal and Corporation Bonds are easily convertible. (6) Interest is figured in actual days; no loss involved in selling in the middle of an interest period, as is the case when withdrawing money from bank. (7) These bonds are good collateral for loans. (8) Your interest is unaffected by panics or business depressions. Write for Booklets: "Bonds and How to Buy Them" explains in detail the various classes of bonds and their comparative values; "How to Buy Bonds on the Installment Plan" shows you how you can become a bond-holder the same as you become a savings bank depositor-by paying a little at a time. Both books are free. Write today. OTIS & HOUGH Investment Bankers CUYAHOGA BUILDING CLEVELAND, OHIO 59 CALDWELL, ARTHUR J. CAMERON, Louis J. CANNON, JOHN L. CASTLE, CARL B. CHANDLER, JOHN C. CHISHOLM, Douglass CHISHOLM, WILSON K. CLARK, CHARLES C. COOL, HENRY C. COULTON, GEORGE A. COVENTRY, CHARLES C. CRAWFORD, HARRY J. CRAWFORD, RANDALL Crawford, W. J., Jr. CREECH, HARRIS CREER, WILLIAM R. CROXTON, DAVID T. CRUM, PHELPS CURTISS, CHARLES E. CURTISS, EDWIN S. CURRY, ROLAND A. CUTLER, FRANKLIN E. CUTLER, SAM C. DALEY, W. A. DAUTEL, CARL DAUTEL, GEORGE DAVIS, ALBERT REES DAVIS, EDW. L. DAWLEY, WILLIAM J. DEAN, D. B. Devereux, J. F. DIELHENN, CLARENCE A. DINSMORE, ROBERT A. DONAHEY, J. H DONALDSON, HARRY C. DRESSER, J. F. DUNCAN, WILLIAM M. DYER, J. MILTON EDMONDSON, Wm. J. EDWARDS, HARRY R. ELLENBERGER, Albert W. The Brooks Co. Central National Bank Asst. Legal Counsel Cuyahoga County W. Bingham Co. Dist. Sales Agt. Lackawanna Steel Co. Chisholm & Moore Mfg. Co. Chisholm & Moore Mfg. Co. Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. W. A. Cool & Son. Union National Bank Cleve. Tool & Supply Co. Attorney Herrick, Parmelee & Crawford Herrick, Parmelee & Crawford Garfield Savings Bank Co. Cleveland Sav. & Loan Co. Cleveland Furnace Co. Attorney Macbeth Iron Co. Cleveland Trust Co. Contractor Physician Dist. Mgr. B. F. Sturtevant Co. W. S. Gilkey Printing Co. Attorney L. Dautel & Son Insurance Agent, Perry-Payne Bldg. Davis-Hunt-Collister Co. Attorney Kuhlman Car Co. Cleveland Trust Co. The C. A. Dielhenn Co. Dentist Cleveland Plain Dealer Pittsburg Coal Co. H. W. Johns-Manville Co. Attorney Architect Bowman & Dodd Co. Wm. Edwards Co. Hydraulic Pressed Steel Co. C D E 60 THE BEST Investment is Real Estate If you desire to know where GO WEST To West 101st Street on Lorain Ave. or Denison Ave. line and see the choice lots in The West Boulevard -and- Hill Crest Allotments The West Side is the place to invest for increase in values. CHAS. J. E. SHIMMON, Sales Manager 209 Schofield Building A. W. ELLENBERGER, Pres. W. R. CREER, Sec'y and Treas. 61 STEEL, CAST IRON OR WOOD PULLEYS—WHICH? Cast Iron Pulleys are heavy and liable to fly to pieces; they cause severe belt wear and waste power. Wood pulleys are useless in damp places and are liable to shrink anywhere. Steel Pulleys-Oneida Steel Pulleys-weigh about one-third as much as cast iron ones, have 15% better belt adhesion, cannot fly to pieces and are indestructible anywhere-in dry or wet places. They have malleable iron hubs--and are made in the largest range of sizes of any steel pulley in the world. Range of Sizes-Diameter, 6 in. to 126 in. inclusive; Face Width, 2 in. to 40 in. inclusive; Bore, I in. to 8 in. inclusive. Want to know more? Ask us. Oneida Steel Pulley Co. Oneida, N. Y., U. S. A. Represented by THE CLEVELAND TOOL & SUPPLY CO. 62 THE F. A. PEASE ENGINEERING COMPANY Civil and Consulting Engineers Municipal Improvements Electric Railways Subdivisions Designers and Constructing Engineers for Maple Leaf Subdivisions, Gates Mills, Oakwood-on- the-Lake, Rocky River, McClellan Heights, Daven- port, Ia., Shaker Heights Subdivisions, and other high grade property Municipal Engineers for Cleveland Heights Village, East Cleveland Village, Rocky River Village, Village of Euclid SURVEYS-PLANS-ESTIMATES AND REPORTS UPON RAILWAY PROJECTS 930-931-932 Williamson Building 63 ANANIAS RECORD CLARENCE V. KERR as Ananias CHARLES A. MAHER as Harry Lauder H. N. HERRIMAN as Nick Carter F. H. VAN ORMAN as George Ade Photos by Hermit Rogers THE HERMITS IN AFRICA 64 The Fred G. Clark Company REFINERS OF AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HIGH GRADE LUBRICATING OILS AND HEAVY CHEMICALS, CAUSTIC SODA SODA ASH, BLEACHING POWDER Wholesale trade only, foreign and domestic trade solicited Main Office: Cleveland, Ohio Branch Offices: New York, Chicago Cable Address: Clarkoil 65 GRILL ROOM IN CONNECTION www wwwww Hannan & McGlade Cafe 2028-2036 East Fourth Street Formerly 22-24 Sheriff Street Cleveland Bell Phone Main 1606 Cuyahoga Phone Central 2263 66 Alfred Nelson Co. 261 Fifth Avenue (near 29th Street) New York City English Tailors and Practical Breeches Makers Riding, Shooting, Hunting, Sporting and Driving Buckskin Breeches and Pigskin Leggings Patterns and Forms for Self-measurement on application Our Breeches are acknowledged by Expert Riders Superior to Any Other Make in the Country Gold Medal Paris Exposition 67 ELLIOTT, LEIGH H. ENWRIGHT, ROGER C. ERNST, E. G. ERNST, W. M. FEHRENBACK, JOSEPH Fenton, Alcinous, Jr. FLEMING, W. J. FOSTER, JAMES H. FULLER, CLIfford W. FULLER, RALPH L. Bourne-Fuller Co. Borton & Borton National Carbon Co. National Carbon Co. E Ohio Rubber Co. Custom House Broker Bourne-Fuller Co. Hydraulic Pressed Steel Co. F Attorney Harshaw, Fuller & Goodwin Co. FULLER, S. A. GAGE, BENJAMIN A. GANSON, GEORGE H. GARDNER, GUY S. GAY, H. B. GILCHRIST, A. J. GILCHRIST, JOSEPH A. GILCHRIST, JOHN D. GILKEY, WILLIAM S. GILL, PAUL STANLEY GILL, DR. J. E. GREEN, ALBERT E. GREENE, EDWARD B. GREENE, WM. E. GROVER, MAURICE B. GUNDRY, JOHN M. HALL, G. ABEEL HAMILTON, JAMES M. HANNA, HOWARD M., JR. HANNAFORD, A. M. Hard, DUDLEY J. HARDING, FRANK I. HARRIS, HERMAN A. HART, WILLIAM F. HARTLEY, SAM'L W. HASBROUCK, N. BEEBE HERRICK, PARMELY W. HERRIMAN, HORATIO N. HIGBEE, WILLIAM T. Taylor Coal & Coke Co. Attorney, Gage & Wilbur Dover Fire Brick Co. Salesman Electric Storage Battery Co. Gilchrist Transportation Co. Gilchrist Transportation Co. Gilchrist Transportation Co. The Brooks Co. Gill Lumber Co. U. S. Navy Attorney Cleveland Trust Co. W. Bingham Co. 917 Schofield Bldg. Lake Shore Banking & Savings Co. John Roeblings Sons Co. F. B. Meade, Architect M. A. Hanna & Co. The Hale & Holmes Co. Cleveland Light & Power Co. Peerless Motor Car Co. Wilson Harris & Son Wm. F. Hart Co. Cleveland Taxicab Service Co. Hasbrouck & Herrick Agent, Cuyahoga Bldg. Great Lakes Register Co. The Higbee Co. G H 68 CUYAHOGA LIGHTS THE WAY AND FURNISHES HEAT FOR THE HERMITS IN THEIR HERMITAGE THE CUYAHOGA LIGHT COMPANY 2035 EAST THIRD STREET MAIN 2870 CENTRAL 2023 69 Your Baggage can be as costly or inexpensive as you can afford, but, if we make it, it will be good in style and quality, and give you full value in faithful service. Master baggage makers for forty years. The Likly & Rockett Trunk Co. 405 Superior Avenue N. W. Opposite Post Office Rathskeller "THE ORIGINAL" 2046-2054 East Fourth Street (Old Sheriff Street) Four of the Most Famous and Best Imported Beers Always Excellent Service on Tap. 70 When the "HERMITS" get into an "UNHAPPY HOLLOW" they come to The Cleveland Electrical Supply Co. 724-726 Prospect Ave. for help IF WARM, we supply them with FANS, to COOL them. The most complete line of all sizes of DESK, OSCILLATING and CEILING FANS in the city can be found here. WHEN THEY HAVE COLD FEET, we supply them with heating pads to warm them, and relieve them of all sorts of pains caused by neuralgia, toothache, pain in the chest and all other aches too numerous to mention here. Then we have the Warmer for the "LITTLE BABY'S MILK." FLAT-IRONS of all sizes for the comfort of their wives, mothers, sisters and sweethearts, to say nothing of the SANTO CLEANER with which you can make your "home" dustless giving you a germ free house to live in. THIS IS GREAT. TOASTERS, HEATERS of all kinds, SHAVING- MUGS, COFFEE PERCOLATORS and a hundred and one articles can be found there. Telephone MAIN 139 or ERIE 220. You can also go out and come in at 703-705 HURON ROAD. It is a pretty good sized place and they carry almost ANY and EVERYTHING in the ELECTRI- CAL LINE, WHOLESALE QUANTITY. or RETAIL IN ANY Headquarters for the Best Mazda Lamps 71 Photo by The Rogues Gallery The Mirth Provoking Comedian CHAS. K. ARTER in The Hermits in Africa 72 The Hermits Are Going Some So Are Davis & Farley! Why don't you give them your Insurance and Surety Bonds? Address Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Cleveland Telephones: Main 233, Central 1574 FARES LOWEST PA DAILY TO ALL POW POINTS C&B JINE STEAMERS FARE $2,50 DAILY BETWEEN CLEVELAND AND BUFFALO "City of Erie" on the Palatial Twin "City of Buffalo" Lve. Cleveland 8:00 P. M. Arr. Buffalo 6:30 A. M. Flyers of the Lakes CENTRAL STANDARD TIME Lve, Buffalo 8:00 P. M. Arr. Cleveland 6:30 A. M. Connections made at Buffalo with trains for all Eastern and Canadian points; at Cleve- land for Toledo, Detroit and all points West and Southwest. Tickets reading over L. S. & M. S. Ry. or N. Y., C. & St. L. R. R., will be accepted on this Company's Steamer without extra charge. Ask Ticket Agent for tickets via C. & B. Line. Send 4c for handsome illustrated booklet THE CLEVELAND & BUFFALO TRANSIT CO., W. F. Herman, G. P. A., Cleveland, O. 73 Protect Yourself! At Soda Fountains or Elsewhere Look for "HORLICK'S" on the bottle. Original and Genuine HORLICK'S MALTED MILK "Others are Imitations" The Food-Drink for All Ages. Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form. More healthful than tea or coffee. For infants, invalids and growing children. Agrees with the weakest digestion. Pure nutrition,upbuilding the whole body. Keep it on your sideboard at home. Invigorates nursing mothers and the aged. A quick lunch prepared in a minute. Sample sent free. Address HORLICK'S, Racine, Wis. Take no substitute. Ask for HORLICK'S. Not in any Milk Trust 74 YOU'LL get more real good out of a big bowl of Quaker Oats than out of any other food you can eat. It's a great strength-maker. Costs least, does most. The Quaker Oats Company CHICAGO 75 HIGGINS, GROVER B. HITCHCOCK, H. MORLEY HITCHCOCK, REUBEN HOTCHKISS, CHAS. H. HOUGH, ADDISON H. HOUSUM, CHAS. R. HOWE, FREDERICK C. HUBBARD, STERLING W. HUGHES, FELIX INGERSOLL, LELAND INGERSOLL, G. R. JACKSON, WArd B. JOHNSTON, JAMES D. KENDALL, HAYWARD H. KERR, C. V. KILFOYL, JOHN F. KING, FREDERICK WARREN KLINE, JOSEPH H. KLUMPH, A. C. KRAUS, JOSEPH R. Kroenke, A. J. LAMPRECHT, WILLIAM H., JR. LANDON, C. N. LAUNDON, MORTIMER H. LUNDOFF, CLEMENTS W. MCALLISTER, WILLIAM B. MCALLISTER, Colin MCCREARY, ROвT. G. MCDONALD, CHARLES A. MCGOWAN, ROLAND T. MCGREGOR, John, Jr. MCINTOSH, HENRY P. MCINTYRE, MILTON D. MCLOUD, NORMAN C. MAHER, CHARLES A. MANSFIELD, HOWARD MARLATT, WILLIAM H. Attorney Salesman Attorney National Malleable Castings Co. Otis & Hough The Leader Attorney Rogers, Brown & Co. Teacher of Singing Attorney L. S. & M. S. R. R. Whitmer-Jackson Sash & Door Co. Orchestra Leader Kendall Coal Mining Co. Physician Cleveland Base Ball Club F. W. King Co. B. W. Housum Co. Cuyahoga Lumber Co. First National Bank The Hohlfelder Mfg. Co. National Refining Co. Artist Secretary M. T. Herrick Constructing Engineer W. B. McAllister Co. W. B. McAllister Co. Attorney Jas. Mullins Coal Co. The Parsons-Parsons Co. Attorney Guardian Savings & Trust Co. Pickands, Mather & Co. McLoud & Pulliam National Car Wheel Co. Grasselli Chemical Co. Treadway & Marlatt H J K L M 76 Orient Insurance Company of Hartford, Connecticut We are insuring the "properties" of "Hermits in Africa." We can insure their Cleveland property ---just as well. Cleveland Representatives THE HENRY M. BROOKS CO. Think Thousands of good bus- It Over iness concerns now "Make Coil Easier" with The ELLIOTT-FISHER Standard Writing-Adding Machine. Why not join the multitude? Elliott-Fisher Co., Caxton Bldg. 77 GREAT WESTERN -CHAMPAGNE- Half the Cost of Imported Absence of duty reduces its cost 50 per cent Of the six American Cham- pagnes exhibited, Great Western was the only one awarded the gold medal at Paris Exposition, 1900 Your grocer or dealer can supply you Sold everywhere GREATWESTERN Great Western RENA 1873 EXTRA DRY FIRST PRAE Pleasant Halley Wind Ca Rheems Pleasant Valley Wine Co. Rheims, N. Y. Oldest and Largest Champagne House in America 78 Hayden, Miller & Company THIS firm buys and sells investment bonds which are suited to the requirements of trustees and prudent inves- tors generally. These bonds are not of interest to specula- tors but meet the needs of those with whom safety of principal is the prime requisite and who are satisfied with the largest income compatible with such safety. This firm also holds MEMBERSHIPS IN THE CLEVE- LAND STOCK EXCHANGE, and as a broker will execute orders to buy and sell for cash securities which have a Cleveland market. Citizens Building, Cleveland Bell, Main 284 W. H. FOURNIER President and Sec'y TELEPHONES Cuy., Cen. 463 MOSES GOODMAN Vice-Pres, and Treas. Small expenses, volume of business, enables us to sell High Grade Merchandise at Moderate Prices "We show the new things first" THE STRAUSS BROS. CO. 317-323 EUCLID AVENUE 79 Photo by Hermit Rogers DR. F. E. CUTLER E. L. WORTHINGTON in The Hermits in Africa 80 FISK A TIRES HEAVY CAR TYPE Made to fit all rims Fisk Removable Rims Fisk Bolted-on-Tires The Ideal Equipment THE FISK RUBBER CO. 1942 Euclid Ave. Bell North 529 Cuy. Central 825 THE EASTERN OHIO TRACTION CO. ROBERT D. BEATTY, Receiver CLEVELAND, O. THE SCENIC LINE Fast and frequent service to points of interest PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS SERVICE PARTY RATES. SPECIAL CARS THE CLEVELAND, YOUNGSTOWN AND EASTERN RAILWAY CO. Formerly the Chagrin Falls and Garrettsville Division of the Eastern Ohio Traction Co. PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS SERVICE PARTY RATES. SPECIAL CARS 701 Electric Building Cleveland, Ohio 81 ∞ PETREQUIN PAPER COMPANY CLEVELAND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF PAPER 82 CUT OFF THAT LOAD FRICTION ZEROLENE The One Oil for all Gasoline Motors "When you find a better oil than Zerolene-use that oil" For all types of cylinders and bearings. Made in one grade only nothing to re- member but the name-ZEROLENE. ZEROLENE AND KARBONIZING DI COR AUTOMOBILE RUBRICATION ZERO COLD TEST STANDARD BILE In sealed cans with patent spout. Barrels for garage trade. Sold by most dealers; if not at yours, write to The Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) 83 MARVIN, F. R. MASON, EDWIN L. MATHERS, JAMES MATHEWS, HERBERT MAXSON, WILLIAM B. MEADE, FRANK B. MERKEL, ARTHUR E. MILLER, JOHN L., JR. MORGAN, ALPHONSO H. MURCH, MAYNARD H., JR. MURRAY, WILLIAM P. Marvin & Ford Cleveland Trust Co. Attorney Mathews & Gilbert Maxson & Purdue Architect Patent Attorney J. B. Moos Co. Morgan Lithograph Co. Broker Pickands, Mather & Co. M NASH, RICHARD P. NASH, SAMUEL T. NASH, WILLIAM F. NEWCOMB, A. G. NEWCOMB, Robert B. NEWCOMER, FRANK C. NICHOLS, ANdrew B. NORTON, ROBERT C. OTIS, ARTHUR H. OTIS, CHARLES A., Jr. PAINE, CHARLES A. PALMER, W. P. PERKINS, Roger C. PETTEE, HAROLD F. PHILPOTT, WILLIAM B. PICKARD, JOHN W. JR. POLLOCK, WILFRED S. PORTER, FREDERICK S. POWERS, CHAS. A. PRESCOTT, ORVILLE W. Cleveland Provision Co. Cleveland Provision Co. Cleveland Provision Co. R. B. & A. G. Newcomb R. B. & A. G. Newcomb Real Estate Manufacturers Agent Baker Motor Vehicle Co. Otis Elevator Co. The News Central National Bank American Steel & Wire Co. Physician Hydraulic Pressed Steel Co. Standard Oil Co. Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co. The Weideman Co. Attorney Martien Elec. Co. Saginaw Bay Co. N 0 P RANNEY, Rufus P. RATTLE, WILLIAM REES, WILLIAM F. REILEY, OLIVER R. RICHARDS, FRANKLIN B. Attorney Chemist Society For Savings Northern Ohio Saving & Cons't Co. M. A. Hanna & Co. R 84 Morgan & Wright Tires Automobile Apparel Garden Hose Bath Sprays The Ohio Rubber Company Gen'l Offices: 725 St. Clair Ave. N.W. Retail Store: Rose Building FIRST CONSUL CIGARS Wilkes & Reid, Distributors Bond and Superior Sts., Cleveland, O. 85 DRILLS AND REAMERS Made By The Morse Twist Drill & Machine Company New Bedford, Mass. For Sale By The Strong, Carlisle & Hammond Company 336-344 Frankfort Avenue N. W., Cleveland 86 Iced Chocolate made from Van Houten's Dutch Cocoa is a Most Refreshing Summer Beverage FORMULA PREPARE any desired quantity of Cocoa, using four tea- spoonsful of Van Houten's Cocoa to a quart of milk, or water, or half of each (the last named gives excellent results); sweeten to taste, boil three minutes and chill thoroughly. Serve in tall glasses, topped with whipped cream. Van Houten's (Best and Goes Cocoa Farthest) A Soda Fountain in Your Home WE WE are prepared to deliver to any home in Cleveland any of the following Beverages that have proven so popular at our stores: Ginger Ale Orange Phosphate Lemon Phosphate Root Beer They are identical with the goods served at our fountains and make a delicious table drink-the kind that have made The Standard famous-put up in a case of two dozen bottles at $2.00, half of which will be refunded when empty bottles and case are returned, making the net cost just $1.00 for 24 bottles delivered. Order a case by phone at our Wholesale Department or at any of our eight stores. Standard Drug Company Cor. East 9th and Bolivar Rd. Bell Phone Main 1825 Cuy. Phone Central 9086 87 Photo by Hermit Rogers WALTER S. BOWLER in The Hermits in Africa 88 KNAUTH, NACHOD & KÜHNE Bankers 15 William Street, New York Circular Letters of Credit and Travelers' Checks available the world over. Obtain- able in Cleveland at Banks and Bankers Compliments of The STOWE FULLER COMPANY 89 CATALOG INDIVIDUALITY S for ourselves, we prefer to stand out a little apart from our fellows. As above and aves, Puffellows. ap We don't want to be simply a part of the crowd. We prefer to have some distinctive INDIVIDUALITY. It's the thing we believe in for ourselves and our customers. When we take a catalog in hand our first thought is to make it good to give it quality. Our second thought is to give it INDIVIDUALITY. It doesn't mean a lot of furbelows and fussiness, or unnecessary expense. But it does mean that your catalog, if it has CORDAY & GROSS INDIVIDUALITY, Won't simply be passed by as one of the crowd. It will be different-different in plan, design, quality and selling power. Since every catalog we make is handled from plan to packing in our own establishment, there's no chance for any part to go wrong. We design, photograph, engrave and print. This fourfold service, backed by CORDAY & GROSS ability and quality standards, means more than you will ever understand until you try it. THE CORDAY & GROSS COMPANY CLEVELAND 90 THE ULLER CLEANING COMPANY DRY CLEANSERS CARPET, RUG AND HOUSE CLEANING BY THE VACUUM SYSTEM EAST 110 RUGS MADE TO ORDER 7606 CARNEGIE AVE. CENT. 7960 THE STERLING & WELCH CO. give special attention to the fitting up of Private Resi- dences, Country Homes, Hotels and Cottages with SUMMER FURNITURE SUMMER FLOOR COVERINGS SUMMER DRAPERIES AND WALL COVERINGS For this purpose the markets are searched both here and abroad, to bring out with each succeeding season, the new- est and best ideas in everything that adds comfort, utility and beauty to the home. THE STERLING & WELCH CO. 1225 Euclid Avenue 91 ROBBINS, LAWRENCE S. ROGERS, ARTHUR C. ROGERS, J. E. ROPER, W. G. ROYON, JOSEPH C. RUNYON, WALTER C., JR RUST, JOHN F. RUTHERFORD, JAMES A. SANFORD, H. L. SAWYER, L. P. SCHNEIDER, CHAS. S. SCOFIELD, SHERMAN W. SCOTT, JOHN R. SHACKLETON, WILLIAM E. SHERWIN, GEORGE N. SHERWIN, JOHN SHERWOOD, CHARLES F. SHOLES, JUSTIN G. SHUPE, HARRY P. SIDDALL, GEORGE B. SMART, JAS. H. SMITH, ARTHUR M. SMITH, RALSTON FOX SMYTHE, Arthur B. SNIDER, H. M. SPENCER, RICHARD SHELDON STAGE, CHARLES W. STAMP, CHARLES E. STEBBINS, HOWARD S. STEINWEDELL, WILLIAM E. STEVENS, FRANK B. STOCKWELL, JOHN N., JR. STRONG, EDWARD L. STRONG, HERBERT W. STRONG, S. E. TAME, ALFRed G. TEARE, WILLIAM H. TERRELL, HEZ. M. THOMPSON, C. E. TILLOTSON, EDWIN G. TUCKER, B. C. Rose-Robbins Co. Fuller & Smith Dodd-Rogers Co. Navy Recruiting Station Attorney Struthers Furnace Co. 904 Citizens Building Aluminum Co. of America Physician Buckeye Electric Co. Watterson & Schneider Architect Carnegie Steel Co. Physician First National Bank First National Bank Mau-Sherwood Co. Lennox Chemical Co. A. M. Benson Co. Henderson Quail & Siddall Attorney Gas Machinery Co. Davies Printing Co. Cleveland Trust Co. Metal Blanks Co. Hydraulic Pressed Steel Co. Attorney C. E. Stamp & Co. Oglebay Norton & Co. Gas Machinery Co. Patterson-Sargent Co. Attorney Strong, Cobb & Co. Strong, Carlisle & Hammond Co. Strong, Cobb & Co. Cleveland Trust Co. Potter, Teare & Co. Malone Stone Co. Cleveland Cap Screw Co. Tillotson & Walcott Vessel Agent R S T 92 REESE-OWEN AGENCY Nine Twelve Society for Savings SURETYSHIP AND INSURANCE General Agents FIDELITY & DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND City Agents OCEAN ACCIDENT & GUARANTEE CORPORATION, Ltd. Main 1350 OF LONDON TELEPHONES Central 1484 "For old times' sake": THE OLDS MOTOR WORKS of Lansing, Michigan, maker of the OLDSMOBILE reserves this space and solicits a con- tinuance of the valued patronage of the Members of The Hermit Club OLDS MOTOR WORKS, Lansing, Mich. 93 CRAWFORD REALTY COMPANY For the Best of Everything Telephone "Tellings" ICE CREAM CHOCOLATES AND BON BONS FANCY CAKES WEDDING AND BIRTHDAY CAKES TELLINGS' ICE CREAM SOLD EVERYWHERE 94 The Cleveland Savings and Loan Company The Hollenden Corner Our Deposits-Savings Accounts Exclusively Our Loans First Mortgages on Improved Real Estate W. H. TEARE, President A. W. ELLENBERGER, Vice-Pres. WM. R. CREER, Sec'y HARTFORD TIRES "THE TIRE THAT LASTS” TRADE MARK Hartford Dunlop, Clincher and Quick Detachable Tires. Plain and Hartford Wire Grip Non-Skid Treads. The Hartford Rubber Works Company 1831 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 95 VALENTINE, HARRY R. WADE, JEPTHA H., JR. WAITE, GEORGE S. WALKER, FRANK R. WALL, WILLIAM E. WALLACE, ROBERT B. WALLACE, J. C. WALLACE, LINDSAY H. WASSER, GEORGE N. WAYCOTT, ALbert J. WELCH, HENRY J. WHITE, PHILIP T. WHITE, WALTER C. WHITE, WINDSOR T. WHITING, WILLIAM B. WILBUR, ROLLIN A. WILSON, HARWOOD WITT, JOHN P. WOLCOTT, FRANK B. WOODWORTH, FRED J. WORTHINGTON, Edward L. WRIGHT, CHARLES C. B. Dreher Son's Co. Real Estate and Insurance Standard Automobile Co. Architect The Fred G. Clark Co. American Shipbuilding Co. American Shipbuilding Co. American Shipbuilding Co. Dentist Damascus Brake Beam Co. Sterling & Welch Co. Cleveland Trust Co. White Co. White Co. Attorney Gage & Wilbur Rogers, Brown & Co. Lake Shore Electric Railway Co. Tillotson & Walcott First National Bank Cleveland Trust Co. Carnegie Steel Co. ZAMECNIK, JOHN Deceased Wyman, H. W. Prior, L. W. Wellman, Chas. H. Reeves, F. H. Rogers, A. L. Lawrence, M. W. Morgan, T. R. Bradley, Geo. J. V W Musician Z 96 Hermits prefer FOWNES GLOVES for all occasions There's a Reason LANG & SARSTEDT Painters and Interior Finishers PAINT SUPPLIES, &C. 1529 PROSPECT AVE. CLEVELAND, OHIO 97 Just a Line from Hunt NOT OVER THIRTY DOLLARS $30$ EXTODO SCOMPANY 200 It's the Limiting Line of The Protectograph You'll find it stamped on the checks of banks, business houses and in- dividuals who can't af- ford to have their This is the Protectograph "The Machine that Todd Built'' checks "raised." Can you? If not, let Hunt show you the latest Model H Protecto- graph suited to your particular requirements. It isn't a Protectograph unless it has Todd's 's name on it. See Hunt and get the genuine article. EDW. C. HUNT, Gen. Dist. Mgr. 404 Cuyahoga Building Cleveland PHONES 98 Bell Telephone Service Made "Happy Hollow" Happy Conundrum: When is a Hermit not a Hermit? Answer: When he can be reached by Bell Telephone service. Life in the secluded mountain valley which figures in the Hermits' play would scarcely have been happy, if the young master of Happy Hollow had been cut off from the city's activities and distractions. It stands to reason, then, that the farm was reached by the Bell long distance lines, which extend to all localities, affording universal telephone service to more than five million Bell subscribers. Bell telephone service-local and long distance-is prompt and reliable. Can you afford to be without it? For infor- mation about rates, etc., telephone- Main 533-Contract Dept. The Cleveland Telephone Company Telephone Building Cor. Champlain Ave. and W. 3rd St. THE CLEVELAND TELEPHONE C AMERICAN T AND LOCAL LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE BELL NE COMPANY TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO SYSTEM Good Work Don't buy good linen unless you send it to a good laundry. This advice is for those who have not yet tried "The Davis." The Davis Laundry & Cleaning Co. 1516 East 66th Street East 345 Princeton 957 99 MCALLISTER COVENTRY Photo by Hermit Rogers CASTLE LAWRENCE WAGENHORST ERNST in The Hermits in Africa 100 OF INTEREST TO OWNERS OF AUTOMOBILES This Means You Why do THE HERMITS use Rich's Non-Carbon Auto Oil and Climax New Process Linseed Oil Soap? Because THEY ARE THE BEST that money and skill can produce Try them! Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded For sale only by The Climax Refining Co. Both Phones 1231 Williamson Bldg., City ARDIRI GABRIEL GABRUEZ The Hermits have taken us every- where but Heaven. There, we will hear the Horn of Gabriel Better get one of these musical signals for our auto. Or, if we fall by the wayside, we'll need Foster Shock Absorbers to prevent the jar. GABRIEL HORN MFG. CO. Phone, North 547 1407 E. 40th St. ΙΟΙ WHITE Out of sight Dandy flight Putts true And stays white "The White Diamond" Worthington Ball Co. Elyria 102 =The= O. M. Stafford-Goss-Bedell Company m GENERAL INSURANCE 601-7 CENTURY BLDG., 414 SUPERIOR AVE. N.W. 103 Non-Resident Members Ade, George ALOE, CAPT. Alfred ANDERSON, J. Scott BAKER, F. S. BARKER, ARTHUR E. BATCHELOR, HARRY A., JR BATES, ALEXANDER C. BATES, GEORGE D. BEEBE, R. W. BOWMAN, WILLIAM P. BOYNTON, ARTHUR J. BRAGGINS, FRed W. BROWN, EDWIN H. BRUNER, C. T. BURNHAM, ROBERT W. CADY, EDW. H. CALL, D. W. CARLE, RICHARD CAMPBELL, E. T. CANFIELD, B. K. CARTER, C. E. CLARKE, N. J. COLE, HOWARD E. CONDIT, E. A. CONNELL, FRANK CROXTON, HERBERT A. CURTISS, JOHN S. DAVIS, CHAS. W. DAY, WM. F. Dur, JacqueS EAGLESON, STUART ELY, R. W. EPPLEY, EUGENE EVANS, W. KENDALL Brook, Ind. First U. S. Infantry New York City Boston, Mass. Elyria, O. Saginaw, Mich. New York City Akron, O. Sidney, O. New York City Elyria, O. Columbus, O. Detroit, Mich. Akron, O. Hornellsville, N. Y. Toledo, O. New York City New York City New York City Ravenna, O. Geneva, O. Pittsburg, Pa. Yokohama, Japan Pittsburg, Pa. Erie, Pa. Massillon, O. Erie, Pa. Colorado Springs, Col. Canton, O. Japan Chicago, Ill. Elyria, O. Cambridge Springs, Pa. 104 LO EXTRA FINE lbs. FRANKLIN GRANULATED SUGAR Standard of Purity. REFINED FOR FRANKLIN SUGAR REFINING CO. PHILADELPHIA Franklin Sugars WHEN you buy sugar, you want it all sugar; pure, clean, and with full sweetening strength. Granulated sugar is not all alike. There is a differ- ence in quality and whole- someness and this difference is vitally important to you. Don't ask your grocer merely for him you want 66 sugar, tell FRANKLIN SUGAR (Extra Fine) In 2 lb. and 5 lb. sealed cartons (Granulated) Franklin Sugar is the purest, cleanest, wholesom- est sugar ever produced. We use every modern device to insure perfect refining and absolute pur- ity and cleanliness. It is packed and sealed by automatic machinery in dust proof cartons to keep it clean, fresh and wholesome and to keep it from absorbing objectionable odors. Franklin Sugar is absolutely free from any foreign substance. Its perfect quality never varies, and in these strong, sealed car- tons it is always protected until you open it. No dirt, dust or flying particles can touch it. No flies nor insects can get into it. No other merchandise gets in contact with it. It does not absorb excess moisture. It is not spilled and wasted in carry- ing. It reaches you full weight. Franklin Sugar costs you no more than ordinary sugar, but think how much the assurance of purity and wholesomeness is worth to you. BE ON THE SAFE SIDE. Ask your grocer for Franklin Sugar in sealed cartons and see that the head of Franklin is on the package. The Franklin Sugar Refining Co., Phila. 105 TRADEMARK NORTON REGISTERED The grinding wheel that cuts fast consumes less horse power in grinding than the wheel that gen- erates heat and does its work poorly Norton Company Worcester, Mass. 106 North British and Mercantile Insurance Company Centennial 1909 This Company has paid over $160,000,000 for losses during its 100 years of organization, and over $8,000,000 in the seven great confla- grations in the United States. The O. M. Stafford-Goss-Bedell Co., Agents Cleveland, Ohio Are you a Hermit in Hanover? If not Come on in. It's the best indemnity. JA Hanover means protection in case of loss by fire Secure our Policy from The O. M. Stafford-Goss-Bedell Co., Agents Cleveland, Ohio 107 VAN ORMAN Photo by Hermit Rogers HERRIMAN MAHER PETTENGILL in The Hermits in Africa 108 F. A. INGALLS, President and Treasurer CHAS. C. SHEPARD, Vice-President W. S. WESTON, C. E., Secretary Ingalls-Shepard Forging Co. Heavy and Light Forgings Drop Hammer Work WORKS: HARVEY, ILLINOIS CHICAGO OFFICE: MCCORMICK BUILDING Corner Michigan Boulevard and Van Buren Street 109 "Better Buy Buckeye" Buckeye "MAZDA" Lamps 2½ Times More Light "Daylight at Midnight" The Modern Lamp Ideal Same Cost of Current 40% MAZDA They burn in any position- IF IN NEED OF LAMPS-AND WANT THE BEST Main 1609 Write Phone Call The Buckeye Electric Co. Retail Sales and Display Room 320 CUYAHOGA BLDG. Superior Ave. N. E. and Public Square Cent. 703 110 FORMAL DRESS "Honestly, if I were called upon to advise a young man how best to succeed in life I should tell him to wear out two suits of dress clothes every year."-Alfred Henry Lewis. PERCY E. ANDERSON. We make evening clothes as good as they need be, for very little money. Give you fine cloth and go to considerable pains to give you an unimpeachable fit. Unless dress clothes do fit, they're no better than ready- made bad thing to buy, readymade: no individuality, indifferent fit; waste of money nine times out of ten. At the usual prices for. - "fine tailoring" few men can afford to wear out one suit in two years; at our prices one can afford to wear out, if he could, two suits in one year. Evening dress suits, in vicuna, crepe, unfinisht worsted, Venetian, Poole-cloth, etc., to order, $27.50, $32.50, $37.50. Tuxedo or dinner jacket suits, for informal wear, $25, $30, $35. Silk lining $5 extra. Trousers, $7.50, $8.50, $9.50. Waistcoat of white silk and wash fabrics, $5 and $6. Inverness overcoat, for evening wear, $22.50, $25, $30, $33.50. Opera capes for evening wear, $22.50, $25, $30, $35. Raincoat, genuine Priestley "Cravenette," $17.50, $20, $22.50, $25, $28.50, $30. And we make as quickly as you require no emergency too serious for us. THE English Woolen Mills Co. TAILORS AND WOOLEN MERCHANTS Ohio Headquarters and General Executiv Divisions 416 to 422 Superior Ave. N.W., Cleveland INC. III FORD, CARL B. FORD, LOUIS J. GARDNER, FRED GARBERSON, H. W. GAUDIE, J. GOODBODY, THOS. P. GREENE, FRANK H. GRIESS, JR., JUSTIN HALE, EDWIN W. Hall, J. V. HINKLEY, C. W. HOPPER, CHARLES H. HUNT, E. M. HUNGATE, WILSON HUNTLEY, F. P. IGLESTROEM, JOHN Aurora, O. Isle of Pines, Cuba Chicago, Ill. Chicago, Ill. Akron, O. Toledo, O. New York City Bedford, O. Iola, Kans. Chicago, Ill. Chicago, Ill. Unionville, Lake County, O. New York City New York City New York City Massillon, O. INGALLS, F. A. JACKSON, JOHN JEWETT, JOHN E. KETCHAM, FREDERICK H. KING, CLIFFord J. KINGSBURY, F. C. LONERGAN, PIERCE W. KLUMPH, M. P. LADD, GEORGE T. LOOMIS, HARRY W. Lusk, M. W. MAC DONALD, ALBERT MCCORMICK, Douglass Chicago, Ill. Chicago, Ill. Buffalo, N. Y. New York City Ashtabula, O. Columbus, O. Mentor, O. Pittsburg, Pa. Akron, O. Ravenna, O. Pittsburg, Pa. Erie, Pa. Columbus, O. MCDONALD, R. A. MCMAHON, H. R. MALONE, LLOYD S. MARKS, ARTHUR H. MERRIAM, Dr. W. H. MILLER, W. S. MYERS, HARRY E. NICHOLAS, FREDERIC M. Pittsburg, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa. Amherst, O. Akron, O. Abroad Elyria, O. Paris, France Unionville, Lake County, O. II 2 CHAMBERLIN EXPANSION JOINT Metal Weather Strip SPECIFIED BY ALL LEADING ARCHITECTS T fits all styles, sizes and IT conditions of windows and doors-old or new. We make a specialty of equipping single and double casement win- dows and French doors. Chamberlin Metal Weather Strip Company J. J. RAUSCHER, Mgr. Builders' Exchange Chamber of Commerce Building Cleveland, Ohio BOTH PHONES 113 Brinkerhoff FIVE MINUTES FIVE MINUTES NO SMOKING THE SSING ROOMS CLEVELAND LEADER M THE HERMITS IN HAPPY HOLLOW 114 The Steinway Piano Has been continuously without a peer in the musical world WE invite your inspection of the Steinway Miniature Grand (at $800) and the Steinway Vertegrand (at $550). These prices are low for such masterpieces, and cost but little more than the so-called "just as good" pianos The B. Dreher's Sons Co. 502-4 E. Superior Ave. 29 The Arcade The Geo. H. Bowman Company CHINA :: GLASSWARE SILVERWARE :: CUTLERY and HOUSE FURNISHINGS 224-226-228 Euclid Avenue 115 WAGENHORST ENWRIGHT FORD PETTENGILL THE KING in The Hermits in Africa Photos by Hermit Rogers 116 TO THE HERMITS In London men seek the shop windows in Bond street for the latest and best things in clothing. In Cleveland they seek just one shop win- dow on Euclid avenue BENNET & FISH 301-303-305 Euclid Avenue Outfitters to His Royal Highness The Citizen of Cleveland Prince of Good Fellows The Reeves Wood Split Pulley Combines light weight with strength, rigidity and symmetry. It is built true and stays that way. Every standard size car- ried in stock by your HERMIT friends. The Strong, Carlisle & Hammond Co. Manufactured by REEVES PULLEY CO., Columbus, Ind. 117 Old Crow Rye Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. The Standard of Pure Rye Whiskey OLD CROW DID CROW Ye RYE NOTTLED IN BOND W.A.GAINES & ca HB KIRK & CO. BOTTLED IN BOND Sold Only in Bottles Never Sold in Bulk A Straight Hand Made Sour Mash Old Fashioned Pot Still Pure RYE WHISKEY OLD CROW HOLD CROW STAY WAN RYE NOTTLED IN BONE W.A.GAINES & CO HB KIRK & CO. Sold Everywhere 118 Baker Electrics The Aristocrats of Motordom Cleveland Salesrooms Garage and Repair Shops 7100 Euclid Ave. The Saegertown Inn has an individuality of its own. It is not a hotel - it is something different. It is your home with all the care and responsibility resting on other shoulders. THE QUAINTEST, MOST HOMELIKE AND CHEER- FUL LITTLE HOTEL IN THE UNITED STATES FRANK M. FOX, Proprietor 119 ODELL, CLARENCE PETTENGILL, GEO. B. POMEROY, EUGENE C. RAWLINGS, RALPH RICHARDSON, E. M. RICKER, WILLIAM W. ROBBINS, SABIN, JR. SCHмOCK, E. L. SEIGEL, P. R. SKINNER, EDGAR C. SMART, ALLEN R. SMITH, C. H. STARK, A. L. STAIR, J. F. STEESE, CHAS. W. STEWART, SCOTT VAN ORMAN, FRED H. VAUGHN, GUY W. WAGENHORST, J. H. WASEY, LOUIS R. WEYBRECHT, CHAS. C. WIEMAN, WM. WILSON, S. S. WILSON, J. ROBERTS WORTHINGTON, RALPH WORTHINGTOon, George C. Worthington, B. A. • New York City Willoughby, O. New York City Lansing, Mich. New York City New York City Middletown, O. Willoughby, O. New York City St. Louis, Mo. Chicago, Ill. Chicago, Ill. Elyria, O. Lotus Club · Massillon, O. New York City Evansville, Ind. New York City Pittsburg, Pa. Chicago, Ill. Alliance, 'O. Pittsburg, Pa. Willoughby, O. Ampere, N. J. Miami, O.. Elyria, O. Pittsburg, P.a 120 Chianti Wine Shipped by I. L. RUFFINO Florence, Tuscany Ancient, Pure and Reliable HIGHEST AWARDS AT PRINCIPAL EXPOSITIONS Wholesaled in Cleveland by The Weideman Company FERNET-BRANCA Of Fratelli Branca, Milan, Italy Standard Bitters of the World BEST FLAVOR TO COCKTAILS BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Wholesaled in Cleveland by The Weideman Company FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF OUR CUSTOMERS IN CLEVELAND AND ALL OHIO WE MAINTAIN A CLEVELAND OFFICE 913 CITIZENS BUILDING THE MATTHEWS-NORTHROP WORKS FINLEY H. GREENE WESTERN REPRESENTATIVE S. C. CROFFORD CLEVELAND REPRESENTATIVE 121 Our Several Stores Buying as One IS the means by which we bring to our patrons the best of everything at the lowest price possible for good merchandise. We go direct to the factory-to the foun- tain head-where the goods are produced. Go with clearly defined ideas of what we want. Everything has been thought out in advance. As soon as the trend of styles has assumed positiveness, we place extensive orders for our several stores, thus securing the most liberal price concessions and larg- est discounts. We patronize only the most reliable makers-those whose guarantee is a positive assurance of quality excel- lence. Finally, by relying on a tremendous aggregate of sales, rather than large profits on individual items, we are able to sell high grade merchandise at prices no higher than are generally asked for goods of ordinary quality, and often much less. That's why the May Co. grows. "WATCH US GROW" The May Co 122 The Bankers Surety Company 213 Williamson Building Cleveland ARE YOU GOING -TO- EUROPE CRUISES and TOURS AROUND the WORLD All Lines at COLLVERS' D. JAY COLLVER 31 TAYLOR ARCADE OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY CASPER J. MILLER 123 ACT I. THE HERMITS AT HAPPY HOLLOW 1910 124 Scotch Whisky Distillers By Royal Warrants of Appointment and Suppliers to H.M. the King and H.R.H. the Prince of Wales BLACK & WHITE IS ALL RIGHT James Buchanan & Co. Arthur J. Billin, Managing Director 29 Broadway, New York Barton & Guestier ESTABLISHED 1725 BORDEAUX HAUT SAUTERNES 1893 BARTON & GUESTIER BORDEAUX FRANCE Shippers of fine Vintage Clarets, Sauternes and the famous B. & G. Olive Oil Imported in bottles only Guaranteed under the Pure Food Law E. LaMontagne's Sons 45 Beaver St., New York PONTET CANET 1903- BARTON & GUESTHER BORDEAUX FRANCE 125 EVERY MAN WHO DRINKS STRAIGHT WHISKEY THE WADART WITHOUT AREAMACHE GREEN RIVER OWENSBORO CENTUCKY CREEN RIVER DISTILLING CO. DISTAN SERANG DISTRICT KENTUCKY Green River The whiskey without a headache WILL LIVE IN HAPPY HOLLOW EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR "The finest and smoothest that ever percolated down a human throat." Kept Popular by Quality Green River Distilling Company Incorporated Owensboro, Kentucky 126 Insure with the Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. Total Assets $7,431,401.75 Surplus to policy holders $3,514,856.91 ¶ The Henry M. Brooks Co. Cleveland Representatives Cures Indigestion and Seasickness Chew All others are imitations Beeman's (The Original) Pepsin Gum 127 Hermit Club annual dinner March 1910 Drawn by Hermit Arthur D. Brooks MENU COVER FOR MARCH DINNER 128 If you want to be sure of lasting satisfaction in the next suit you order, visit Schleman Bros. High-grade fabrics not only shape better to your figure, and look better at the start, but they hold their shape; wear longer; and show their quality as long as they last. You cannot be sure of satisfactory clothes unless you are sure of the fabrics they are made of. Schleman Bros. Custom Tailors 401-403-405 Schofield Bldg. Cuy. Cent. 2581-W Euclid, cor. East 9th Street P.S.-We carry the celebrated SHACKAMOXON CLOTH WHITE LABEL &COPALE ALE EXTRA BASS ALE GUINNESS STOUT MCMULLEN'S WHITE LABEL PINTS and SPLITS KESSS WHITE LABEL FOREIG EXTRA ss Gate Du 129 Main 786 Twelfth Floor Schofield THE Cent. QUEISSER-BLISS COMPANY Specialists BRICKS FACING and in "NORTHWESTERN" ENAMEL "WINSLOW" Architectural Terra Cotta Ornamental Iron Horn's Waterproofing Compounds DEHYDRATINES-HYDRATITE-SYMENTREX "COVERT" Fireplace Throats and Dampers "ANTISEPTINE" Shingle Stains "BAR-LOCK" Sidewalk, Vault and Skylights If you are going to build, call on us for a book on "TAPESTRY BRICK WORK" or a "BRICK HOUSE" COPYRIGHT CS 1907 PHOEN ANNE EDGE ON LAMINATED ICTORY A BELT HAND KING NOVI For EVERY SERVICE OUR MOTTO No factory in Cleve- land should overlook The Most Complete Line of Belting Found in the World Manufactured by NEW YORK LEATHER BELTING COMPANY 51 Beekman St., New York Carried in Stock by Strong, Carlisle & Hammond Co. CLEVELAND, OHIO 130 Herman A. Harris BUILDER 131 ACT II. THE HERMITS AT HAPPY HOLLOW 1910 132 MOTHER EARTH'S BEST OFFERING "TOP NOTCH" BRAND GRAPE JUICE Absolutely Pure and Unfermented A Delightfully Cool and Refreshing Drink Try a "SPLIT” with your lunch today as an appetizer ARMOUR & COMPANY CHICAGO "BE E sure and secure PROGRESS and IDEAL brands of Cooking Oil, the brands that make the housewife smile, on account of the purity of same and the advantages derived from their use. They are manufactured by the Louisville Cotton Oil Co., Floyd & K. Streets, Louisville, Kentucky, and are sold by all reliable dealers. Call for the squatty can." 133 BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE CO. CRANE & GAYLORD, Sales Agents Second Floor, Rockefeller Bldg. FRED S. CRANE PAUL P. GAYLORD. ¶ The Hollenden Barber Shop Geo. A. Myers, Prop. The largest and best Barber Shop in the City. Fif- teen barbers, two manicurists, and all of the electri- cal and compressed air appliances, local and long distance telephone connection at every chair. Polite and prompt attention guaranteed. We solicit your patronage 134 VAN DYCK QUALITY HAVANA CIGARS The R. & W. Jenkinson Co. Distributors 135 HERMIT MEDITATION SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1909 PROGRAM I The Orchestra will play something-but cheer up-the worst is yet to come. II Mr. John Witt-direct from the Perry Street Theatre-will make a noise like a few songs. III WHEN FATHER WENT TO COLLEGE A Farce in One Act, by C. R. Housum Cast of Characters Mr. Marshall, of Denver, Colo. Billy Marshall, his son, Yale 1910 Ad Jennings, Billy's room-mate "Dub" Hartman Charlie Macklin Alonzo Shanks, a Freshman "News" Heeler Fred Nicholas Douglas Chisholm Bunny Caldwell Jack Pickard Billy Lamprecht Ned Worthington Scene-Billy Marshall's room in Vanderbilt Hall, New Haven. Time-The spring term, 9:30 p.m. IV Mlle. Lloyd Jones -the dainty comedienne-in a cycle of songs and dances. V A FARCICAL MOCK TRIAL entitled WHY THE Z CLUB MOVED By Gardner Abbott and Charley Arter Cast of Undesirable Characters Judge Reuben Hitchcock Bailiff Geo. Washington Peyton, President of Z Club Will Grabbitt, Counsel for Plaintiff Rich in learning but not in cash F. B. Meade, President by occupation Not himself by request Reginald Doolittle, his Counsel by Himself Carl Ford Fred Porter Charley Arter John Witt Frank Marvin Hermits and Near Musicians, Royon, Bliss, Rogers, et al. Time-The Present. Scene-Court of Common Pleas. 136 The only Fire Insurance Company supported by Cleveland Capital Incorporated 1903 The Western Reserve Insurance Company 501-510 Park Building Assets, $479,382.00 Mars E. Wagar, President. Robert E. Gooch, Secretary-Treasurer Eckstein Case John Donaldson K. F. Gill Robert E. Gooch H. H. Hackman DIRECTORS: Parmely Herrick L. E. Holden John A. Kelly Theodor Kundtz R. F. Mackenzie Homer McDaniel Charles Rauch Abraham Stearn Thomas L. Johnson N. O. Stone Andrew S. Upson Mars E. Wagar J. W. Walton Henry W. S. Wood KRUG America's ready appreciation of the high quality of KRUG & CO. PRIVATE CUVÉE CHAMPAGNE is shown by the following remarkable record of yearly importations 1904 (about) 500 cases 1907 1905 5,885 66 1908 16,549 cases 22,652 66 1906 8,546 66 1909 33,303 66 137 The Tire That Won't Rim-Cut Goodyear Straight Side Detachable Tires are guaranteed against rim-cut- ting. No other tire has this guarantee behind it. The outer sides of the tire are straight, permitting the use of a rim with a wide-rounding flange where it holds the tire in place. There are no sharp edges as in the clincher or hook form of tire-nothing to cause rim-cuts. GOOD YEAR are always larger than their rating, although they will fit the rims for which they are rated. Larger tires mean more mileage. They won't come off the rim or creep, though no tire bolts are needed. Note endless tape in base. They are easily re- moved and replaced, and for resiliency are supreme. Forty-four high-class automobile manufacturers have contracted for 216,000 Goodyear Tires for their 1910 cars. The many reasons for their great popularity among motorists and automobile manufacturers is interestingly told in our val uable book "How to Select an Automobile Tire." This volume shows how to keep down tire expense amazingly. Send for it today. It's FREE! TIRES The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. AKRON, Branches and Agencies OHIO in all Principal Cities Hermits look happy in clothes made by D. E. Mathias Designer and Maker of Men's Clothes 407 New England Building CLEVELAND 138 KAMERER & BENES GARFIELD BUILDING Tailors CLEVELAND ALUABLE knowledge is to know one thing thoroughly rather VALU than many things slightly. Our years of specialized effort in shirtmaking have given us intimate and accurate knowledge of all its details. A. SULKA & CO. SHIRTMAKERS 34 WEST 34TH STREET, NEW YORK We have the Shoes Men and Boys want KELLEY'S BOOTERY Schofield BUILDING M ANY people who imagine our prices are high would be agreeably surprised if they would call at our show room. The Bonhard Art Furniture Co. Twenty Sixty Euclid Ave. 139 HERMITS' MEDITATION SATURDAY FEBRUARY FIFTH NINETEEN TEN 1. THE ORCHESTRA WILL BURST INTO MELODY- but be of good cheer-it will soon be over and the entertainment will begin with TWICE. S. W. HUBBARD'S LATEST SUCCESS CHRISTMAS EVE AT GOLDFIELD CAST-OFFS GENTLEMAN JIM, a Square Dealer BUD KELLEY, an Honest Bar-keep PROF. JONES, a Real Piano Player BUCK WILLIAMS KID SAWYER LAZY PETE SKINNY KRAUSS SHORTY CLARKE Miners BILLY CONNELL RUBE CRAWFORD HAPPY SCRAGGS H. J. Welch C. W. Lundorff R. S. Spencer (L. H. Wallace L. T. Jones C. B. Castle R. F. Smith R. A. Curry F. J. Dresser R. M. Brinkerhoff E. S. Zuck JACK BARLOW MONTY SHUPE A. W. Andrews G. B. Higgins Staged under personal supervision of C. A. MAHER PLACE Saloon and Dance Hall, Goldfield TIME-Christmas Eve, 1904 This sad thing being over with we are pleased to announce THREE THE DAINTY DANSOUSE MLLE. CALDWELL in his TIMES. daring imitations of Gertrude Hoffman's barefoot dances. Having stood for this we will pass on to FOURTHLY. H. L. BERKES, WHO WILL RENDER SWEET STRAINS ON HIS CELLO. The audience is especially requested to pre- serve quietness during this number even if it is necessary to go down to the grill room to do so. Next V. DOC KERR WILL TELL US ALL ABOUT THE NEW SHOW THE HERMITS IN ¶ ‡ !? (except the reason for having it). And this Dam thing being finished we will come to the great feature (being the last) of the evening 23. THE MASQUERADE CLUB BY A. A. A. A. AUGUSTUS SIR GEO. BRINTON, Barrister WESTON KENT, Associate Barrister HELEN KENT, His wife PENFIELD, Waiter at Buckhorn Inn, London R. C. Enwright J. W. Pickard, Jr. H. N. Herriman C. A. Maher *!? The name of the new show will be decided on Saturday night and sug- gestions will be welcomed. The scene is laid in the Catskill mountains and the time is the present. Carriages at ten thirty. TAPS 140 THE CONTINENTAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Capital, $1,000,000. Liabilities, $8,287,908. OF NEW YORK Assets, $22,332.787.. Policy Holders' Surplus, $14,044,878. Secured by a net surplus ($13,044,878) exclusively protecting American policy holders, larger than that of any other company. Important advantage of Inspection by experienced men. Prompt attention to adjustments ensured by its large force of traveling men. Seventy-two millions of dollars paid for losses since organiza- tion, and over fifty years of business are guarantees of fair treatment. Every honest loss claimant paid one hundred cents on the dollar in cash without discount. CLEVELAND AGENTS The O. M. Stafford-Goss-Bedell Company Nos. 601-607 Century Building "The Society Wine" Pol Roger & Co. Dry Special Brut Special 1900 On sale at the leading Hotels, Restaurants, Clubs and Wine Merchants ANTHONY OECHS & CO. 51 Warren Street, NEW YORK CITY Sole Agents for the United States 141 ww SALT COMP SALTIES WADSWORTH THE SALT GRANOCRYSTAL TABIFKITCHEN WADSWORTH OHIO., wwww "The Saltiest Salt" Has been sold to the grocery trade for 19 years, and has earned a reputation as "the best table salt on the market." Not an opinion, but hard, solid fact. Investigate and set- tle it to your own satisfaction. The Weideman Co. The Wm. Edwards Co. The H. C. Christy Co. The C. C. Higgins Co. Distributors Quality Webster Made by Y. Pendas & Alvarez Tampa, Florida Sold by The Euclid Smoke Shop A. Labowitch, Mgr. A. Goodman, Dis. 707 Euclid Avenue 142 W. S. GILKEY, President W. A. DALEY, Gen. Manager The W. S. Gilkey Printing Co. 1212 WEST SIXTH STREET CLEVELAND Railroad and Commercial Printers Blank Book Manufacturers The Gillsy Hotel EAST NINTH STREET Medium Price Restaurant in Connection 235 Rooms Try the Gillsy Turkish Baths 143 EXTERIOR OF THE HERMIT CLUB Drawn by Hermit C. S. Schneider 144 Pioneers of the Piano Center Cleveland's Big and Busy Piano House The Muehlhauser Piano Company Two Stores Y. M. C. A. Bldg. 2127 E. 9th St. 922 Prospect Ave. “Canadian Club” Whisky Distilled and Bottled by HIRAM WALKER & SONS, Limited Walkerville, Ont., Canada 145 The Manest Clothes Dryer ONE FIRE { BOILS THE CLOTHES DRIES THE CLOTHES HEATS THE IRONS No modern home complete without one The Manest Hot Air Gas Fur- nace Can be combined with hot water radiators or with coal furnaces. MANUFACTURED THE MANNEN & ESTERLY CO. BY 2241 St. Clair Avenue Both Phones The Scribner & Loehr Company Wholesale and Manufacturing Jewelers 2047 East Ninth St. Cleveland, O. 146 The Webb C. Ball Watch Co. Superior Ave. and West Third St. JEWLERY A complete line-up of Boots and Shoes, Barn-Doors, Roller Skates and Canned Goods Wedding Presents (for Tin Weddings) a Specialty On the Fourth of July we will move to our new store, Euclid Avenue opposite Union Club. Copy by "Ad-Art." S. Y. Z. BALL, Sec'y. Humor by A. D. B. C. Brooks ACCIDENT AND LIABILITY INSURANCE STRONGEST Company. Assets One Hundred Millions. Honest Contracts. Fair Rates. Complete Claim De- partment with immediate service, affording direct dealing. All of this with THE ETNA W. G. WILSON, MANAGER Sixth Floor, Cuyahoga Building 147 ENTRANCE TO THE HERMIT CLUB Drawny Hermit C. S. Schneider 148 MUNTER HUNTER TRADE WARD "NTIMORE TRADE MARK THE HOSPITALITY AND GOOD CHEER OF HOST AND HOSTESS SHOULD INCLUDE HUNTER BALTIMORE RYE The richest product of the best of Maryland's famous distilleries Sold at all first-class cafes and by jobbers WM. LANAHAN & SON, Baltimore, Md. NILES CAR & MFG. COMPANY General Office and Works, NILES, OHIO General Sales Office, 312 Electric Building, CLEVELAND, OHIO The Hermits are all wearing STONE'S SHOES How about you? Get wise! N. O. STONE & CO. 149 Sigfret! Charmene Depilatory The Ideal Hair Remover HAS been used and endorsed by thousands of women, for several years, as the only really sensible and positively harmless Hair Remover ever devised. Removes undesirable hair from any part of the face, neck, arms or body, instantly, and positively will leave no evil after effects. Ask your druggist or write us for a trial package free. The Charmene Chemical Co. 1552 Payne Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 150 "Kant Krack" A NEW collar, especially adapted to automobiling, camping and all outdoor sports. It is linen but waterproofed. MADE BY The Parsons & Parsons Co. Cleveland, Ohio We manufacture the finest Candies, Cakes, Ice Cream and Ices McNally-Doyle The Garfield Savings Bank Founded 1892 Close to the hearts of fifteen thousand people Shotter, Faerber & Co. Insurance 151 The FIRE PLACE IN THE HERMIT CLUB Drawn by Hermit C. S. Schneider 152 Annuities & Insurance Olmsted's S Corporation & Partnership "It is as important to insure Brains and Capital as merchandise and buildings.” We have special and approved forms for this kind of protection, no proof of interest required in settlement. We are also prepared to SIGN YOUR BOND or insure you against FIRE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, BURGLARY or CYCLONES GEO. H. OLMSTED I. P. CHANDLER All Forms of AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE E. B. HAMLIN O. N. OLMSTED C. J. SEABROOK JAMES H. SMART A. L. OPPENHEIMER, President-Manager The Enterprise Electric Construction Co. Engineers - Contractors Supplies 5307 Euclid Avenue CLEVELAND Jerry O. McNaughton Company Tailors to Gentlemen 1001 Citizens Building Both Phones 153 ADMIRALTY POCAHONTAS "THE FUEL WITHOUT A FAULT" 2 Ask your neighbor. He Guaranteed and sold ZETTELMEYER Ale uses it. Exclusively by Jones and Laughlin Steel Company American Iron and Steel Works PITTSBURGH Manufacturers of Open Hearth and Bessemer Steel Bars Structural Shapes, Etc. Cleveland Sales Office ROCKEFELLER BUILDING 154 "MACDIARMIDS" OF DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Mark of Highest Quality in Candies Delicious Sodas Ice Creams Fruit Ices OPEN AFTER THEATRE IS INTENDED FOR Martha Washington Tea Room LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Noon Luncheon-Eleven until Two 2050 East Ninth Street, in the Rose Building POR twenty years past, lake vessel investments have been highly profitable. In time of depression like the present, these securities are bought to best advantage. Let me serve you (broker's commission only) in the pur- chase or sale of good vessel stocks or bonds, or any other high class investment securities. JOHN M. MULROONEY Member Cleveland Stock Exchange 425-427 ROCKEFELLER BUILDING 155 M. W. LAWRENCE KLINE SMILEY BAKER WEDENMEYER CHISHOLM GILL WHITE THE HERMITS IN AFRICA Photos by Hermit Rogers 156 The Hermits in J-M Asbestosland All good Hermits visit J-M Asbestosland, for it is a splendid spot in which to Meditate, Acquire Merit, Grow in Knowledge. "Here's every thing advantageous to life." H. W. JOHNS-MANVILLE CO. 813-815 Superior Ave. N.W. Cleveland, Ohio WALK-OVER SHOES We find some men and women too-who are very exacting about their footwear- but we have never failed to please them with WALK-OVERS. Parents will appreciate our model Children's Department in the East Ninth Street Store. CHISHOLM'S BOOT SHOPS Superior Avenue Opposite City Hall (Three of Them) 2069 East 9th Street Opposite Rose Building 2041 East 4th Street (Sheriff) near Euclid Municipal Bonds Street Railway Bonds Steamship Company Bonds C. E. DENISON & CO. Guardian Building 157 FROG & CROSSING CO LUCAS' PATENT FROGS HIGHEST CROSSINGS QUALITY FROGS CROSSINGS F&C Co SWITCHES FOR STANDS DURABILITY SAFETY SWITCHES SWITCH STANDS STEAM AND ELECTRIC RAILWAYS HOTEL ASTOR Times Square New York -STEARN-&-CO- 240 to 248 Euclid Avenue 158 THE MARTIN-BARRISS COMPANY Importers of Mahogany and all fine Cabinet Woods Manufacturers and dealers in Native Hardwood Lumber. Make a specialty of fine oak floors for the home, the office, the cloister and the hermitage 2048 WEST THIRD STREET MOUNT VERN FIRE RYE Mount Vernon Pure Spe Whiskey Cook & Bernheimer Co WHISKEY The original and only Distillery Bottling Mount Vernon Pure Rye Whiskey Is in square bottles Cook & Bernheimer Co., New York Fur Storage Furs placed in Gammel Storage Vaults are subjected to the most widely indorsed of all processes for thorough and harmless renovation. Experts accredited with exceptional knowledge are in charge, and the highest attainable efficiency is guaranteed. The service insures against FIRE, MOTHS AND THEFT. The R. W. Gammel Co. 522 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 159 TEARE DAWLEY BAKER MCALLISTER BAILEY CALDWELL LAMPRECHT 160 London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co. of Liverpool, England. THE O. M. STAFFORD-GOSS-BEDELL CO. Registered, U.S. Pat. Off, AGENTS Century Building, 414 Superior Avenue N.W. The Genuine Baker's Breakfast Cocoa With the delicious natural flavor and the rich red-brown color characteristic of the high grade cocoa is made only by Drink Little WALTER BAKER & CO., Ltd. Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. Sarge 161 PLAIN DEALER HERMITS IN HAPPY HOLLOW, S OL' MAN TONER: "Say Biff, 1 know why ye advertised to shoe them Hermits hosses free this week!" BIFF: "Why?" TONER: W'y they're all comin' in ottymobiles 162 JAPALAC "WEARS LIKE IRON." THE ORIGINAL STAIN AND VARNISH COMBINED JAP-A-LAC IDDEN YEARS LIKE ALL COLORS THE GURD THE JAP CHAP All the people in Happy Hollow know it's made by Glidden 163 CURSES WE PROFESSIONALS MUST TAKE A BACK SEAT Drawing by Hermit C. N. Landon THEY SAY HE'S A HERMIT WONDERFUL!! WONDERFUL!! THAT EXPLAINS IT. BIRTHDAY BULLETIN Frank B. Meade, a rising young architect and near- musician who celebrates his 57th anniversary today. 164 Gles& Bonnett 210-212-214 Superior Building Manufacturers of High-Grade Custom Shirts Pajamas and Underwear to Measure Importers of Foreign Shirtings-Ask the Hermits Reception Gowns and Delicate Wraps Are made the subject of very special care in our dry cleaning department. If we have done such work for you in the past we are sure of your future orders. If not we ask you to try us and let us prove our claim of the finest work done in Cleveland. The D. O. Summers Cleaning Company 6202-6220 Carnegie Avenue East 311 Erie 184 165 FOR One of the Attractive Family Groups from Good Housekeeping Magazine OR ten years Good Housekeeping Magazine has been drawing Hermits out of their caves by heightening the attractions of the married state. It has won the hearts of 300,000 women whose business in life it is to make the home the real "Happy Hollow." It is a wise, com- forting friend in its editorial work, and a safe, progressive guide in its advertising pages. Applause has been given for its specialties, and there's more com- ing. There are big things ahead. RICHARD H. WALDO, Advertising Manager. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MAGAZINE NEW YORK THE PHELPS PUBLISHING COMPANY SPRINGFIELD, MASS. CHICAGO 166 With the automobile owner rests the whole tire proposition-absolutely-and the thing he is most interested in, is-How Much Tire Mileage He Can Get for His Money! Exactly these reasons and no other have made Diamond TIRES the Everywhere Accepted Standard-both Casings and Tubes- "USERS KNOW" THE DIAMOND RUBBER CO. 1514 EUCLID AVE. IMPORTANT Diamond Inner Tubes are packed in individual sealed boxes. They reach the user in the same perfect condition in which they leave the factory. 167 TALK ABOUT RUNNING THE NEW YORK HIPPO- DROME - IT'S EASY COMPARED TO PUTTING ON A HERMIT SHOW REHEARSALS ALL HOURS DAY AND NIGHT LOOK'S EASY Drawing by Hermit C. N. Landon R. B. Burnside, manager of the New York Hippodrome, who is producing The Hermits at Happy Hollow. 168 Bridge BRIDGE our new High Arch, Hi Heel and High toe shoe. Most stylish and comfortable. The toes are somewhat wider and higher than last season, and that's good. Good shoes for men, $3.50, $4 and $4.50. Boots and Oxfords, Tan, Black and Patent. DORN SHOE "On the Square" WILLIAMSON BUILDING Announcement On or about June 15 we will move from our present location to the Annisfield Building, corner of EAST NINTH ST. and PROSPECT AVE. This new store will be the largest and most com- plete in the country: a full line of Henry F. Miller, Kurtzmann, Ebersole and Bush & Lane Pianos and the Famous Angelus Player Pianos will always be carried in stock The Caldwell Piano Co. 408-410 Superior Street 26-28 The Arcade The One Price-Right Price-Piano Store 169 Ꮼ Ᏼ B EER acts as a tonic, and, for this reason, has received the hearty endorsement of leading medical and scien- tific authorities the world over. Eminent ecclesiasti- cal authorities have long recognized beer as an important factor in the world's campaign fortemperance, and have not hesitated to recommend its use in moderation. Beer has always been regarded not only as a popular beverage pleasing to the taste and refreshing, but as a health giving food, and hence has been very appropriately called "liquid bread." The vast majority of the world's best workers are beer drinkers, and beer drinking nations have long occu- pied the foremost position in the progress of the world. -The American Pure Food Journal. The Best Beer is Made in Cleveland ASK ANY HERMIT AND TRY A CASE 170 ROPER UNDER WEAR Made-to-order Underwear Made in any style to suit individual tastes and ideas and in any fabric - all-linen, all-silk, all-wool, all-cotton or in various combinations of each. Make Underwear in both Gentlemen's and Ladies' Goods Hosiery OPER hosiery is of the highest grade only. Not only in the quality of the yarns used, but in the construc- tion of them as well. All our hose are made in what we call a Slipper Foot Hose, wherein the sole, heel This is especially desirable so much worn. The hose and toe are knit in two thicknesses. in the extremely light weights, that are can be as light as you wish them to be; only, so long as they are knit with heavier foot, wear need not be sacrificed, and this can be accomplished without adding bulkiness to the foot. ¶ Why should you wear hose of the ordinary kind, when for the same cost you can have hose made to meet with your idea? You can have hose that match your suits or your ties. You can have them hand- embroidered with monograms or with your initials, while in the process of being made. Our hose are made in full fashioned goods only, in Thread Silk, Spun Silk, Silk and Linen, Silk Lisle, and Saxony Wool. GEORGE A. ROPER, Steubenville, Ohio 171 HERMIT SHOW COPY Drawing by Hermit C. N. Landon Clarence Vincent Kerr, the eminent playwright, who has written many successful musical comedies, none of which have been produced as yet. 172 North 855 THE OHIO DESK&CHAIR CO. Wm. B. Maxson President S. S. McMillin Treasurer 1027 PROSPECT AVENUE BUSINESS FURNITURE Clark R. W. Matteson, Mgr. 1028 HURON ROAD CLEVELAND, OHIO WIRE ROPE Electric Wires and Cables John A. Roebling's Sons Co. 701-7 St. Clair Ave. N. E. 173 The Ho Hollenden The Hollenden -after the theatre 174 Something to pin your faith to— WILTSHIRE Hams Bacon Lard Put up by The Cleveland Provision Co. Sold by all good markets 175 46 MILES TO SQUE DUNKT Drawing by Hermit C. N. Landon AT LIBERTY. George B. Pettengill, late heavy tragedian with The Her- mits in Africa, will sign with any good musical comedy. A good dresser on and off the stage. 176 Wetzel (Incorporated) Breeches Makers and Tailors GOLFING, HUNTING, SHOOTING SPORTING DRESS OF EVERY KIND Our representative is at the Hollenden one week of each month during the season 2 and 4 EAST FORTY-FOURTH STREET, NEW YORK Buxton Insuring Agency 63 William Street New York N. Y. Furnishing good Insurance at equitable rates 177 TELEPHONE HARRISON 1232 Barrow, Wade, Guthrie & Company CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS CHICAGO ALLEN R. SMART, C. P. A. EDWARD E. GORE, C. P. A. WILLIAM H. ROBERTS, C. P. A. MONADNOCK BUILDING 98 JACKSON BOULEVARD CHICAGO NEW YORK NEW ORLEANS SAN FRANCISCO LONDON, ENG. 178 THE WHEELING & LAKE ERIE RAIL ROAD CO. B. A. WORTHINGTON, Receiver Parlor Car Route ΤΟ CANTON, COSHOCTON ZANESVILLE AND WHEELING, W. VA. Depots ONTARIO FOOT OF HURON ROAD AND NINETY-THIRD STREET R. F. KELLEY, GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT 179 コロロム ​100 TIC e, 口​に ​Drawing by Hermit C. N. Landon WHO'S WHO IN AMERICA. Gardner Abbott, the fog-horn alto, whose rendition of "The Handicap" was a great success in 1887. 180 Bell Phone North 476 The Graham Company TAILORS Successor to The Wieber Company 2073 East Ninth Street Opp. Rose Building CLEVELAND In the Early Times we had Hermits But like the Early Times Sour Mash, Kentucky Whiskey of Today---quite a difference from the old style. Test the Difference. 181 NEALE Bros. & Schryver are equipped to handle any kind of an INSURANCE proposition your business may require. We solicit new ac- counts, and refer you to old customers with pleasure. Main 2825 - Central 1540 701 Park Building Cleveland 182 Studebaker GARFORD AUTOMOBILES will appeal to you because of their luxury easy riding over country roads-quiet Motor and reliability. You can tour for a day or a year over country roads without the usual road trouble. Studebaker Garford engines are mechanically perfect. PRICE Studebaker Garford "40" - $4000 Studebaker Flander's "20" 750 Studebaker E. M. F. "30" 1250 STUDEBAKER ELECTRICS Pleasure and Commercial Studebaker Automobile Co. · OHIO BRANCH, A. R. DAVIS, Manager 19th Street, near Euclid Cleveland, Ohio 183 STAGE DOOR 1 Drawing by Hermit C. N. Landon AS ADVERTISED. The Fashion Plate, Horatio N. Herriman, demonstrating the styles for the coming season. A copy of his book, "How to Dress on $28.00 a Year," free to every lady. 184 Warren Bicknell, Pres. W. E. Davis, Vice Pres. C. S. Thrasher, Sec'y and Treas. The Cleveland Construction Co. 606 Citizens Bldg. Complete Construction of Electric Railroads Electric Light and Central Power Stations Consulting Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Warren Bicknell, Pres. W. E. Davis, Vice Pres. C. S. Thrasher, Sec'y and Treas. The Warren Bicknell Co. 606 Citizens Bldg. Operating Managers of Electric Railroad and Lighting Properties OLD ESTABLISHED Sam Thompson Pure Rye Bottled in Bond The best of fine whiskies 185 CASTANEDA Imported Cigars 10 Sizes None equal. Ask your friends SOLD AT ALL STANDS, CAFES, DRUGGISTS The Weideman Company Importers Pure Whiskey OUR NUMBER 31 THIRTY ONE FINEST PROCURABLE The Weideman Company Cleveland, Ohio Established 1861 186 DEVENKATST No matter what day of the month you deposit INTEREST BEGINS THEN Hermits in Happy Hollow, The New England leads and others follow New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. Boston, Massachusetts Chartered 1835 ¶ The FIRST Company to abolish any penalty in the form of surrender charge, giving the entire three per cent reserve in cash, participating paid up insurance or participating extended term insurance, after the third premium. Edward C. Beach, City Agent H. F. McNUTT, General Agent Citizens Building 187 Drawing by Hermit C. N. Landon MEDICAL NOTES. Dr. Henry L. Sanford, performing one of his painful operations. 188 Looking For Snaps!! "You've often had what you thought was a snap- It's the same old story in buying a hat. It's often the shape, that catches the eye; Some times the price will induce you to buy, But the shape and the price would never tempt me, Unless with these features, I get qual-i-tee." You'll get Quality and Style in our Panama Hats THE DAVIS & SALE COMPANY 743 Euclid Avenue THE CLEVELAND & SANDUSKY BREWING COMPANY General Offices 1113 American Trust Building Both Phones 189 READ CLEVELAND TOWN TOPICS For the News in Society Automobiling Music · Art Books and Drama On sale all News Stands 5c per copy $2.00 per year $1.00 six months postpaid 190 A PRICELESS HABIT Cleansing the teeth with CHRISTIE'S DENTALS TOOTH POWDER OR PASTE CHRISTIE'S DENTINE ELIXIR AND MOUTH WASH General Agents STRONG, COBB & COMPANY Retail Store, 199 Superior Ave. THE CLEVELAND BUILDERS SUPPLY CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO Largest exclusive Builders Supply dealers in the United States 191 HERE'S WHERE I BEAT IT NOT FO MINE JOHNSON JEFF M Drawing by Hermit C. N. Landon HAS CHALLENGED JEFFRIES. Charley Maher, alias the Jersey Skeeter. Clever young lightweight. Biograph rights reserved. 192 Even a Hermit Loves Comfort American Radiators and Ideal Boilers Will keep his cell warm thro' the cold blasts of winter. A PNEUMATIC Water System will keep him cool in summer by fur- nishing his summer home with an ample supply of water for all purposes. Both Supplied by The W. M. Pattison Supply Co. 197 to 221 St. Clair Ave. N. E. Which also handles RAILWAY, MILL and SHOP SUP. PLIES, IRON and STEEL PIPE, VALVES, FITTINGS, HEAVY HARDWARE, ENGINES, BOILERS, MACHINERY, Etc. 193 By the Junior Office Boy of The Cleveland Press HERMIT PRESS new york, may 30, 1910 by golly, i wisht i could werk in new york and live in deer old cleaveland hear anuther yere has cum around and the hermitts are havin anuther show and i am far away in littel old new york, whair i cant see nuthing except the pickchers of the show in The Press, aint it feerce acourse there is sum shows down HOW hear, i get to see one onct in a while, i seen "the gerl with the hooping coff" and "the passing of the 3d flore back" and sum uther nice plays this winter, but you dont see nuthing like the hermitts, there aint no shaips like wally bowler's or jim waggenhorse's in any corus in n. y. STAN- fred porter sent me a letter about the plot, by jiminy that is a fine plot, gene walter and bill shake- spear aint got nuthin hardly on ole dock kerr, i think the dock must be verry modest or he would have a cuppel of drammers running on brodway, i know he could rite rings around sum of the stuff thats pulled hear wel, i see the old stand-bys are on deck, charly maher and gorge pettengil and roj enrite and horrie hairyman and bunny caldwell, gee, that bunch will kid itself into thinkin they are real ackters in 15 or 20 yeres moar i see john peter witt is goin to be a soubret, by golly ide al- most pay my fair to cleaveland to see john peter as a nurse gerl, john mite win a blind policeman in a dark park if there wasent many gerls in town wel, i wisht the hermitts good luck, if they keap on pullin the leg of the cleaveland public thay will soon have more munny than there is in myrun herrick's bank johny 194 Telephone Main 434 The Mulcahy-Nelson Company Makers of High-class Garments for Men. $40 to $55 300-302-304 Schofield Building 195 Drawing by Hermit C. N. Landon STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN Richard S. Spencer, the boy prodigy piano player, creating one of his song successes. Graduate of the Spencerian Busi- ness College. 196 The Superior Dry Cleaning Company Dry Cleaners, Clothes Pressers and Dyers We contract to sponge and press clothes weekly, call and deliver. EXPERTS ON LACE CURTAINS AND DRAPERIES Relining, altering and repairing 1457 East Sixth Street 10621 Euclid Avenue Roland T. Meacham Member Cleveland Stock Exchange Citizens Building 197 Volk's Physical Culture School 737 PROSPECT AVENUE Central 3969-W Electric Cabinet Baths Electric Massage Scientific Massage Boxing and Wrestling Health and Strength Weight Reducing Strictly Private and at your own time 198 KODAK כ teur Photography. SSOCIATE our A name with EVERYTHING in connection with Professional and Ama- EVERYTHING IN THE KODAK AND CAMERA LINE. $1.00 to $100.00. ALSO SOME EXCLUSIVE STYLES. Professional and amateur photographic supplies, drawing materials, artists' materials, scientific and nautical instruments. THE DODD-ROGERS CO. 4th door from Euclid on Bond 199 RAH-RAH-RAH-RAH №199 Drawing by Hermit C. N. Landon MUSIC TAUGHT WHILE YOU WAIT Professor Albert Rees Davis, of the Kalamazoo Correspon- dence School of Music, drilling his class in college yells. 200 THE PARISIAN DRY CLEANING CO. Expert Cleaners, Dyers and Feather Artists Yearly Contract Pressing 24 Taylor Arcade 2420 Cedar Avenue S. E. CLEVELAND, OHIO THE OHIO Architect and BUILDER CLEVELAND, OHIO 201 The New Wade Park Residence District Wade Bros. Wade Bldg. 202 FOR RENT Offices Stores Manufacturing Space Bradley Bros. Realty Company 822 Columbia Building Prospect and East 2nd Sts. 203 e 。 HERMIT SHOW MUSIC 堂 ​Drawing by Hermit C. N. Landon John Zamecnik turning out some of his musical hits. 204 The Jackdaw of Reims uncorking a bottle of POMMERY "Sec" POMMERY "Brut" The Standard for Champagne Quality. Always Uniform and Made Exclusively of the Choicest Grapes Obtainable FRANCIS DRAZ & CO., NEW YORK Sole Agents United States THE TILLOTSON & WOLCOTT COMPANY BONDS GUARDIAN TRUST BUILDING CLEVELAND Fresh Flowers shipped to "HAPPY HOLLOW” on short notice The J. M. Gasser Co. Euclid Avenue GREENSTEIN & CO. TAILORS 258 SUPERIOR AVENUE N. E. 205 1134 UNCLE BIFF:-"THAT OLD LADY CERTAINLY CAN GO SOME!" AUNT CALISTA SAYS:- "RAH! RAH! RAH! I FEEL EZ YOUNG EZ A COLT WHEN I THINK WHAT A HIT WE'VE MADE WITH THE WEEK IN CLEVELAND RAH! RAH! RAH ! GRANDMA LEADER:- "I NEVER SHOWED SO MUCH REAL LACE AS THAT!" EVERETT TRUE:- I WISH SHE'D STUB HER TOE" SAT'S BEAR:- "GR-R-R-R-R-R-R The Week Cleveland ERR 206 Founded A. D. 1710 201st year of active business existence Beginning Its Third Century Sun Insurance Office OF LONDON The oldest insurance company in the world. Furnishes the longest tried indemnity. Represented by The O. M. Stafford-Goss-Bedell Co. Cleveland, Ohio 207 ONE OF I WANT TO BE A CHORUS THE LEAD- ING ROLES PLEASE LADY ANY SMALL PART FOR ME Drawing by Hermit C. N. Landon MANAGER SHOW of WANTED One hundred young ladies to appear in musical comedy. Fred S. Borton, Manager. 208 Fred Epple Decorator and Painter Wall Paper and Paints 10305 Euclid Avenue and 105th CLEVELAND Bell, Doan 2344 Cuy. Central 2547 Cleveland's Acknowledged Leading Feather Cleaning and Dyeing Experts :: :: The P. W. SOBEY DRY CLEANING CO. 10505 Euclid Avenue 8801 Hough Avenue 2381 E. 82nd Street 1900 E. 9th Street 39 The Arcade 209 Travelers Outfitters O Exclusive agents for Mark "Cross" line of Leather Goods. Hand Bags, Purses, Card Cases and Toilet Articles. "Likly" of Rochester, Trunks and Bags, Automobile Necessities. Rogers-Thomas-Dodd Co. OPTICAL AND LEATHER GOODS 2024 East Ninth Street Schofield Building Cleveland's Greatest Leather Store 210 Electric Light Doubles Home Comfort It is clean, healthful, safe, brilliant and yet an economical illuminant, while its use permits the installation of numberless modern devices for lightening labor and heightening the enjoyableness of a home. If your home is not wired for electricity learn about our attractive offer. Call Bell Main 2401 or Cuy- ahoga Central 5860. The Illuminating Company Sales Department, 232 Superior Ave. N. E. 211 Photo by Hermit Rogers ARTHUR J. CALDWELL IN THE HERMITS IN AFRICA 212 THE =JoM TRADE MARK. SHOE JOHNSTON & MURPHY Shoes for the man who appreciates high grade footwear and wants the best. In all leathers, $6 to $12.00. THE POCOCK SHOE CO., 520 Euclid Avenue Compliments of W. J. Garson & Company Tailors New Location 612 Euclid Avenue Clarence Building DeKlyn's Candies and Fine Chocolates are the best Everybody likes good candy, and when you ask for DeKlyn's you get it. Sent everywhere by mail or express. CUSTOM MADE SHIRTS ¶ Our own Shirt Factory is turning out the best fitting shirts to be had anywhere ¶ We'd like to make a sample order for you Browning, King & Company 213 1ST Old Taylor BOTTLED IN BOND AMONGST THE BETTER BEVERAGE BRANDS Old Taylor OCCUPIES THE 1ST POSITION IN THE PUBLIC MARKETS OF AMERICA, AND EXCEPT ONE OTHER BRAND OF WHISKEY IS, WHEN OF BOTTLING AGE, CLOSE TO DOUBLE THE PRICE OF ALL OTHERS. THIS MERITED POSI- TION STAMPS ITS ESTEEM IN THE FAVOR AND CONFIDENCE OF THE HIGHER CLASS PUBLIC. E.H.TAYLOR JR. & SONS INCORPORATED DISTILLERS FRANKFORT, KY. 214 Certified Public Accountants FACTORY ECONOMIES SYSTEMS VA NAU, TANNER & RUSK AUDITS EXAMINATIONS INVESTIGATIONS AMERICAN TRUST BUILDING CLEVELAND Main 494 215 Photo by Hermit Rogers FELIX HUGHES IN THE HERMITS IN AFRICA 216 Very Exclusive LA FLOR DE RADYCA... TRADE MARK GRAN FABRICA DE TABACOS. DE LA VUELTA ABAJO HABANA Mild Havana Cigar Sold by Best Dealers, all Clubs and The Pyle & Allen Co. STORES 726 Euclid Avenue 312 Superior Avenue Euclid and E. 6th St. Hippodrome Bldg. The Hermits at Happy Hollow ¶ Our seamless steel tube is hermetically sealed by our process of electric welding Our customers are happy because they are getting a perfected tubing that is the result of years of experiment and experience Our tube is hollow but our claims for its superi- ority are not THE STANDARD WELDING CO. Electric Welding Pioneers CLEVELAND 217 1893 The Audit Company 1910 of Cleveland UNLESS corporations and firms have Periodical Audits of their accounts, they are likely to find themselves in a hole almost any day because their book- keepers' statements did not show their true financial condition-and it will be no "Happy Hollow." For 17 years the Audit Company of Cleveland has made Periodical Audits, remodelled and installed Factory and Office Systems and conducted Inde- pendent Examinations for Banks and Trust Companies. Its methods are modern. Its fees are reasonable. Its work is accurate. The Audit Company of Cleveland Citizens Building, Cleveland, Ohio 218 Of Individual Wedding-Gifts R HERE is little fear of duplication when you select wedding- gifts at The Rorheimer Brooks Studios Of the hundreds of suitable articles every one is selected for its individual merit Bric-a-Brac Library Lamps Hand-Wrought Jewelry & Hand-Made Furniture The Rorheimer-Brooks Studios Decorators and Furnishers 1931 East Ninth Street, Cleveland 219 Photo by Hermit Rogers FRANK S. BAKER IN THE HERMITS IN AFRICA 220 The George M. Edmondson Co. Photographers in Portraiture New Studio, 2362 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio JAMES G. MOORE HIGH CLASS HABERDASHER 809 EUCLID AVENUE PHONE MAIN 868 Let OTTO & KUB make it Your next Suit or Overcoat Euclid Avenue corner E. 6th St. T NOTICE HIS space is taken by S. N. WATSON, who is too busy making shirts to write copy, but we request our Hermit friends to give him their patronage. S. N. WATSON, Haberdasher 1933 East Sixth St. (old Bond) 221 BPS N Paints and Varnishes for every purpose. We mention two items with exceptional values. A Varnish, Nisoron, that won't mar white under severe usage. A Wall Coating, B. P. S. Flat Wall Finish, that can be washed, dries dull, artistic. The Patterson-Sargent Co. Paints, Varnishes Painters' Supplies 804 Prospect Avenue 222 The purchase of Diamonds in the near future will prove a Profitable Investment, as the predicted ad- vance in prices makes it worth your while to purchase Diamonds, Jew- elry and Silver at the reliable firm of Sigler's Where prices are low and consistent with the fine quality of goods we sell THE SIGLER BROS. CO. Second Floor Garfield Building You can safely rely upon our word in mat- ters pertaining to the correctness of dress for any occasion THE GRIESE BROTHERS CO. HABERDASHERS TWO STORES 223 THE HERMIT CLUB READY TO ESCORT THE LAMBS CLUB AT THE TIME OF THEIR APPEARANCE IN CLEVELAND IN JUNE 1909 224 The Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation, Limited LIABILITY of LONDON, ENG. WM. O. BRUNSKILL, General Agent 337 Superior Ave. N.W. Cleveland, O. Issues all forms of ACCIDENT FIDELITY BONDS BURGLARY The Pioneer of Liability Insurance ASSETS, $5,063,420.35 RESERVE, $3,151,438.36 SURPLUS TO POLICY HOLDERS, $1,911,981.99 Our Policies are Liberal and Free From Technicalities Otis Elevators Standard of the World Local Offices and Factory 701 to 707 St. Clair Avenue N. E. 225 WUEST'S Crushed Fruit Chocolates are different ABE JACOBS A PARTICULAR RESTAURANT for PARTICULAR PEOPLE 811 Vincent Street Compliments of The P. C. O'Brien Company 807-809 Prospect Avenue GROCERS IMPORTERS and WINE MERCHANTS CLEVELAND Wiedemann's the BEER of delicious taste and ROYAL AMBER distinctive flavor BOHEMIAN (light) MUENCHENER (dark) The P. C. O'Brien Co., Distributors 807-809 Prospect Avenue Cleveland 226 Will You Have a Club Cocktail Before Your Dinner? O the quest who dine with you at can offer this polite attention You your home if you have a bottle of the "Club Cocktails." They are home Cocktails. They are on the sideboards of thousands of homes. Are they on yours? It's the proper thing to have. The age of the "Club Cocktails," the pure liquors used, the perfect blending, make them better than you can mix; better than any cocktail served over any bar in the world. Send home a bottle of Manhattan, Mar- tini, Whiskey, Holland or Tom Gin, Vermouth or York, today. by all Fancy Grocers and Dealers. G. F. HEUBLEIN & BRO. For sale 29 Broadway, N. Y. REAL ESTATE Hartford, Conn. RENTALS BONDS The Evarts-Tremaine-Flicker Company Williamson Bldg. INSURANCE Cleveland, Ohio Bell Main 2183 :: Cuyahoga Central 1934 Representing the following Companies: Royal of Liver- erpool, Agricultural of Watertown, Westchester of New York, Northern of England, Capital Fire Insurance Co. of Concord, N. H., Royal Exchange Assurance of London, New Hampshire of Manchester, N. H., Phoenix Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn., Home Insurance Co. of New York, Automobile Floater. General Agents: The Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation (Limited), "Personal Accident," "Health," "Plate Glass," "Burglary," "Fidelity Bond,' "Fidelity Bond," "Liabil- ity," "Steam Boiler." Agents Indiana and Ohio Live Stock Insurance Com- pany of Crawfordsville, Indiana. 227 CRAWFORD BOWLER BALDWIN STEELE IN THE HERMITS IN AFRICA Photos by Hermit Rogers 228 If you have lunched at the Hermit Club you know Oneida Chief Canned Goods Order them for your home Babcock, Hurd & Co. THE EXLINE CO. X CLEVELAND Makers of High Grade Catalogs, Booklets and Stationery 229 A New HANAN Oxford One of the tastiest low cut Shoes for street wear that is produced this season. Exactly like Cut -designed on HANAN'S exclusive lines with short vamp-butterfly tip— large silk ribbon tie-Cuban heel and perforated edges. In parent colt, at In fine calf, at $5.50 $5.00 We also show similar styles in the above shoe, in other makes, at $3.50 and $4.50 HANAN & SONS, 608 Euclid Avenue The Lander-Phillips Dairy Co. 5624 KINSMAN ROAD S. E. AND 513 HIGH AVE. Milk and Cream at wholesale only Our business is supplying Hotels, Restaurants, Ice Cream Makers and Grocers Cuy. Phone Cent. 2958 Bell Phone East 1862 230 Hermit Gilkey in his Interstate Roadster 621 Frankfort Avenue AGENCY-WEDDELL HOUSE GARAGE R. H. Eckenroth SHM Medico-Indemnity Prescriptions FOR CREDIT MEN For Nervousness over Book Accounts For Mercantile Insomnia For Financial Headaches Take Credit-Insurance in the Ocean Company. Take Credit-Insurance in the Ocean Company. Take Credit-Insurance in the Ocean Company. For strengthening your system-of Credits For "Lame Duck" Bites Take Credit-Insurance in the Ocean Company. Take Credit-Insurance in the Ocean Company. For swelling on the left side of the P. & L. a/c. Take Credit-Insurance in the Ocean Company. Ocean Accident & Guarantee Co. H. E. HEDGES, General Agent 1128 Williamson Building 231 1905 The Hermits in Holland Scenario by Frank B. Meade and Albert R. Davis. Book and Lyrics by Leland Ingersoll, Edward H. Cady, Charles P. Hine and Norman C. McLoud. Produced under the direction of Herbert Mathews, assisted by J. W. Mitchell. Note-The characters are named in the Program in the order in which they first speak. Hans Wagner (The landlord's son) C. A. DIELHENN Von Punk's zealous assistant. Johann von Punk A. R. DAVIS Newly elected Burgomaster of Nichtrecht. Fredrika Koldecken HERBERT MATHEWS Not averse to Matrimony. Roland Hoyle C. W. STAGE Specialist in elimination and deduction. Cerise C. A. MAHER Quite fresh from the Boulevards. Ezekiel Kahn C. H. HOPPER Sole proprietor of the Greatest Show on Earth. Claud Fraser (A mellow baritone) F. W. BRAGGINS Very much in love with Gwendolyn. Sandscow G. B. PETTINGILL Professional Strong Man of mixed nationality. Gwendolyn (Heiress of Earlscourt) Prima Donna of Kahn's troupe. Lord Earlscourt (of Earlscourt) . Gwendolyn's uncle and guardian. Papa Boomsterhausen One of Them The village cobbler. H. N. HERRIMAN C. A. OTIS M. W. LAWRENCE S. WOLLE CROXTON The Other J. L. BOTSFORD, Jr. 232 SCORES of new patrons each year who are not at the moment in need of shoes, leave their measurements with us when passing through New York or Chicago, or record them by mail upon special blanks furnished by us, so that they may obtain perfect fitting shoes in a hurry when wanted. By either method you may be sure of perfect shoes and perfect service upon mail or telegraphic orders from anywhere, at any time. Our ready-to-wear shoes, built upon our life-long experience as custom boot-makers, and the only shoes of similar character and quality ever offered ready-to-wear, are sold from SEVEN DOLLars Upward. MARTIN & MARTIN Bootmakers for Men and Women 1 East 35th Street, NEW YORK 183 Michigan Ave., CHICAGO WE make a complete line of safes for protection from fire and the bur- glar, including safes adapted to the needs}of the home. No modern residence is complete without a safe for the silver, important papers, etc. Interiors are designed to suit individual needs. Let us know your wants and we will be glad to submit estimates. The National Safe & Lock Co. Cleveland, Ohio "The Happy Family" CAST-Mrs. Hermit, Mr. Hermit, B. Baby Hermit. TIME-Present. PLACE Hermit Home. SCENE-Breakfast table. Mrs. Hermit-You're very happy this morning. Mr. Hermit-Yes, darling, Life is Rosy. Mrs. Hermit (amazed) But didn't you attend a stag at the Club last night? Mr. Hermit (Laughs) Oh, yes, dear, but every Hermit is a Boraxite now, you know. Mrs. Hermit-What is that? Mr. Hermit-A user of "20 MULE TEAM” BORAX. (B. Baby Hermit is heard laughing off stage). Mrs. Hermit-Hear Baby laughing. We are both Boraxites and have always been. Curtain. The United States Coal Company Miners and Shippers Crow Hollow Bituminous Coal 1206 Citizens Building Cleveland, Ohio 233 D Ο NEWS. HAPPY HOLLOW EDITION THREE IMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT THE CLEVELAND NEWS. 1-ONLY EVENING PAPER IN CLEVELAND WITH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS SERVICE. 2-THE NEWS ISSUES THE ONLY SPORT EXTRA CONTAINING ALL THE GENERAL NEWS IN ADDITION TO TWO EXTRA PAGES OF LIVE SPORTS. 3-ONLY CLEVELAND PAPER WITH FULL MAGAZINE PAGE DAILY.. 234 THE OTIS LITHOGRAPH CO. CLEVELAND NEW YORK Take the Electric Pullman Limited Cars for Akron and Canton Over the A. B. C. Cars leave Public Square, as follows: 7.20 a.m. Arrive Akron, 9.00 a.m. Arrive Canton, 9.55 a.m. 66 9.30 a.m. 7.50 a.m. 66 11.30 a.m. 9.50 a.m. 66 12.50 p.m. 2.30 p.m. 3.25 p.m. 66 1.50 p.m. 3.30 p.m. 66 66 4.20 p.m. 6.50 p.m. 6.00 p.m. 7.00 p.m. 66 66 8.30 p.m. Regular local cars every hour. 235 1906 The Hermits in Spain Libretto by Norman C. McLoud and Maximilian Foster. Lyrics by Norman C. McLoud. Score by Albert Rees Davis, Milton W. Lusk, Richard S. Spencer, J. F. Stair, Arthur C. Rogers, Frank B. Meade, S. W. Croxton, Jr., and Henry L. Sanford. Under the direction of Herbert Mathews, assisted by J. W. Mitchell. Samuel Jenkins-A Yankee Promotor Herr von Heissler Father Mendoza Stella Keyes Mrs. Wilkins The Alcalde ROGER C. ENWRIGHT GEORGE B. PETTENGILL Professor of singing in the convent. FREDRICK S. PORTER Abbot of the Spanish Monastery. S. WOLLE CROXTON, JR. American Stenographer for Jenkins. HERBERT MATHEWS Chaperone for visiting American school girls. CLARENCE A. DIELHENN Most important man in the village. One Third of the Army PHILIP R. LYMAN Eager to be useful. Two Thirds of the Army WM. MCKINLEY DUNCAN Also eager to be useful. Gorgonzola-A Bloodthirsty Bandit. Camembert-A Fierce but Musical Bandit Roquefort CHARLES H. HOPPER ROLAND T. MEACHAM CHARLES W. STAGE A Willowy and Somewhat Sentimental Bandit. Marguerite Spinola Frederick Scoville A Spanish Beauty with a mystery. H. N. HERRIMAN FRED W. BRAGGINS An American Student touring Spain. Seeking to suppress bull-fighting. Alfred Smithers Alfonso XXIII-King of Spain The Anarchist An Engineer ALBERT R. DAVIS CHARLES A. MAHER STERLING W. HUBBARD CHARLES C. CLARK With bad news. Another Engineer GEORGE H. GANSON With more bad news. The Bull BY HIMSELF 236 Phone East 1143 The Geo. B. McMillan Co. General Contractors 1794 East 55th St. Cleveland, Ohio 20th Century Equipment 20 Years Experience The Weber-Kelly Company Railroad, Commercial and Catalog Printers and Blank Book Makers 1279 WEST THIRD ST., CLEVELAND, OHIO PHONE MAIN 1957 We extend a cordial invitation to everyone to an inspection of our plant 237 པ་འ། Don't Take Chances In so important a matter as Fire Insur- ance. INSIST that your broker furnish you with a HARTFORD POLICY THEN if you suffer a loss you are certain to receive a prompt and fair adjustment. For over 100 years the Hartford's reputation for satisfactory settlements has been unparalleled. Total Assets, $23,035,700.61 Losses Paid, Over $133,000,000.00 You can get a Hartford Policy from any Cleveland broker. 238 Surety and Fidelity Bonds Signed by American Surety Company of New York PROTECT RECORD UNSTAINED BY LITIGATION $9,715,602.60 Claims Paid Capital $2,500,000 Surplus 3,421,918.97 M. STANLEY BROWN, Manager for Northern Ohio Garfield Building, Cleveland, Ohio The Clarence H. Collings Co. Mantels Tiles Electroliers 1527 and 1531 Prospect Avenue Cleveland We handle the Highest Grade Quality Cigars manufactured. Our brands are the best known and most popular. THE LOUIS KLEIN CIGAR COMPANY Buy your supplies at The New Sheriff Street Market and it will not cost you so much to live. 239 1907 The Hermits in California Book and Lyrics by Leland Ingersoll and Clarence Vincent Kerr. Score by John Zamecnik, Milton W. Lusk, Henry L. Sanford, Richard S. Spencer, Albert R. Davis and J. Frank Stair. Stage directors, Herbert Mathews and John Mitchell. Tony Marianne Bard Franz Onderdekk Man Man of all-work on the ranch. Just home from an eastern college. CHAS. K. ARTER CLARENCE P. ODELL GEORGE B. PETTENGILL CHAS. W. STAGE Lamb's head gardener and confidential secretary. Buchanan Lamb Who has his own ideas about matrimony. Henry Clay Knott · ALBERT REES DAVIS A representative of the great American Eagle. Montmorency Poore CHARLES A. MAHER Who comes West to study politics. Mr. Romona MORTIMER W. LAWRENCE Mrs. Romona Betty Bard Lamb's niece. A rollicking girl of the prairies. STERLING W. HUBBARD Relics of a glorious past. HORATIO N. HERRIMAN Ben Sheridan FRED W. BRAGGINS · Formerly 1st Lieut., 117th U. S. Cavalry. In love with Betty. Miss Mehitable Storke HERBERT MATHEWS Who is not averse to matrimony. Bruin WILLIAM WIEMAN Tony's Educated Bear. Father Felipe • CLARENCE A. DIELHENN In charge of the Mission. Colonel Carkey-Of the U. S. Cavalry Sierra Bill-The Carnival Photographer One Lung-Or possibly two Captain of the 117th U. S. Cavalry } ROGER C. ENWRIGHT FRANK B. WOLCOTT CAPTAIN ALFRED ALOE 240 Do you enjoy a delicious cup of Coffee? Do you like to get the best for value received? Have you ever tried HIGGINS' COFFEES Golden Stripe Line MASCOT IMPERIAL FANCY GRADE HONEST VALUE If not you have missed something Roasters THE CHARLES C. HIGGINS CO. Importers A COMPLETE AND MODERN PLANT THE J. B. SAVAGE COMPANY PRINTERS AND BLANK BOOK MAKERS Established 1869 CLEVELAND 241 497787 FAM 11900 MADE Good old GUCKENHEIMER Since 1857 Rye Bottled in Bond BOTTLED IN BOND GUCKENHEIMER Boys! I've Known It for 50 Years In all that time it has been the same good old whiskey. Its PureRye Whiskey purity and distinct flavor have DISTILLED & BOTTLED OV A.GUCKENHEIMER & BROS PITTSBURGH USA PENNA never varied "Since 1857" It has been pure whiskey-every drop whiskey." A. GUCKENHEIMER & BROS.. Distillers, Pittsburgh, Pa. Main 765 Central 442-R The Gainer Electric Co. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Construction, Wiring, Repairing of all Electrical Apparatus 80 Public Square 242 THE OSBORN MANUFACTURING CO. CLEVELAND HARDWARE SPECIALTIES BRUSHES & BROOMS FOUNDRY SUPPLIES Pittsburg Plate Glass Company Glass, Mirrors, Paints, Brushes, Varnishes JAMES J. TANYAN, Local Manager Office and Store 1430-34 W. 3rd Street Established 1880 Warehouse 3849-69 Hamilton Ave. Bell Phone Main 990 ADAM WEIL LADIES' HAIR DRESSER AND WIG MAKER All kinds of Hair Work made to order. A large stock of Wigs and Beards always on hand for masquerade and theatrical purposes. Powders, Grease Paints, etc. Manufacturer of the Eau De Capillaire Hair Tonic 647 Euclid Avenue, Republic Building, 3rd Floor CLEVELAND, OHIO Guenther's Art Galleries 1103 EUCLID AVENUE LEADING ART DEALERS Fine Prints Fine Paintings Prices Moderate Artist Framing 243 1908 The Hermits in Dixie Book by Clarence Vincent Kerr. Lyrics by Norman C. McLoud. Music by John S. Zamecnik, Henry L. Sanford, Richard S. Spencer, and Albert Rees Davis. Produced under the direction of A. M. Holbrook. Cumberland Waddle-Major U. S. A. Tom Waddle-His son; a West Point Cadet Ludwig Von Liebig, M. D. ROGER C. ENWRIGHT CLARENCE P. Odell ALBERT REES DAVIS Celebrated German Specialist. Davy Ketch-Rear Admiral U. S. N. Stephen Decatur LOUIS J. FORD FRED W. BRAGGINS Lieutenant U. S. N. In love with Virginia. Jimmy Hickey CHARLES A. MAHER Who runs Old Point Sight-Seeing Auto. Count Boni de la Petit Dejeuner GEORGE B. PETTENGILL Titled dancing master. George Washington Peyton Whose wife takes in washing. Nicodemus-A family pet Dennis Wells--The Express Agent Higgins-Steward at the Club Obadiah Hardscrabble FREDERIC S. PORTER HOWARD CONGER HARRY DONALDSON FREDRIC M. NICHOLAS From "down yonder" in Virginia. Hezekiah-His son WILLIAM J. FLEMING Melissa-His daughter ARTHUR J. Caldwell Bill Binnacle-4 bibulous boatswain MORTIMER W. LAWRENCE Hayfoot Strawfoot Zealous guards. F. R. WALKER SAMUEL T. Nash A. C. STEELE Jim Jimson Mrs. Culpepper Dinwiddie HERBERT MATHEWS A charming widow. Virginia Lee-Her niece HORATIO N. HERRIMAN Polly Nelson-Virginia's friend FRANK S. BAKER 244 Why are the Hermits such cut-ups? Because they drink the classiest whiskies HERMITage Bourbon and HERMITage Rye Bottled in Bond as old as possible and Bottled out of Bond at the Distillery. A curiosity in old whiskey. Hermits of Happy Hollow If you want joy in every swallow, Then drink the Good Old Wine of Fame, Don't forget "HOMMEL'S Champagne”. OUR BRANDS WHITE STAR EXTRA DRY RED STAR (SPARKLING BURGUNDY) Natural Fermented, American Champagnes THE M. HOMMEL WINE CO. SANDUSKY, OHIO 245 1 2 12 10 11 VULCAN AUTO TOOL 8 9 9 Patent Pending Williams' "Vulcan" Auto Tool Convenience, service and wear are assured in this combina- tion. The tools are drop-forged from carefully selected steel, milled and ground to correct sizes of openings, tempered, polished and blued. Correct principles apply to each of 12 features in combination and make it a veritable "half-pound" tool-chest, replacing a dozen ordinary tools. Its usefulness and efficiency extend to all mechanical purposes-a thorough motor boat, electricians', household, etc., etc. tool. They are packed in canvas bags with button flap and become an unusually adaptable hip-pocket companion, 8" length, and ½ lb. weight. Retailed everywhere at $1.00 each. Sold to dealers in not less than one dozen lots. J. H. Williams & Co. Superior Drop-forgings 1. Hammer. 2. Tire Lug Wrench Wrench. 5. Wire Insulation Scraper. Plug Wrench. 8. Alligator Wrench. Screw Drivers. 12. Bottle Opener. Brooklyn, New York 3. Cotter Pin Puller. 4. Gas Tank 6. Air Tank Wrench. 7. Spark 9-10. Cotter Pin Spreader II. 3 Cuyahoga Central 5044 Bell Main 1088 Established 1878 Incorporated 1905 THE CHAFER COMPANY HEATING AND VENTILATING CONTRACTORS Power Piping a Specialty DEALERS IN STEAM FITTING SUPPLIES 431 to 437 Champlain Ave. N.W. Cleveland, Ohio 246 ROBERT H. JENKS, President ARCH. C. KLUMPH, Sec'y and Manager HORACE W. POWER, Vice-president A. B. LAMBERT, Treasurer The Cuyahoga Lumber Company Cleveland, Ohio LUMBER BOXES You can buy CERESOTA FLOUR ANYWHERE and get your money back if you are not satisfied. We think you will want another sack rather than your money back, but we leave that to you. Buy enough to try The Northwestern Consolidated Milling Company Minneapolis, Minnesota THE FANNER MANUFACTURING CO. FOUNDRYMEN AND MANUFACTURERS CHAPLETS, STOVE TRIMMINGS NOVELTIES, GENERAL STAMPING, COPPER FERRULES AND BRASS BEDSTEADS BROOKSIDE PARK Bell North 825-L CLEVELAND, OHIO Cuyahoga Central 5862-W GEO. H. HERRON & Co. 1238 Chester Avenue Vanderwerf Bldg. Painting and Hardwood Finishing Contractors ESTIMATES FURNISHED CLEVELAND, O. 247 1909 The Hermits in Africa • Scenario, Book and Lyrics by W. H. Alburn, Wilbur H. Brooks, Sterling W. Hubbard, Hayward H. Kendall and Clarence V. Kerr. Music by John Zamecnik and Dr. Henry L. Sanford. tion of F. B. Meade, assisted by A. M. Holbrook. The Poor Missionary-Having a hot time Rasuli-A roystering son of the desert Bomboli-Butler to Queen Pansy Carrie Nation-Who has not buried the hatchet Nick Carter-A real detective Old Sleuth-On a gum shoe campaign Hawkshaw With twenty trunks full of disguises Sherlock Holmes · Produced under direc- W. M. DUNCAN FELIX HUGHES FRANK R. WALKER J. H. WAGONHORST HORATIO N. HERRIMAN CHARLES A. MAHER GEO. B. PETTENGILL F. H. VAN ORMAN Who feels lost without dear old Watson. The Thirsty Man Madam Zizzy-The Court Dressmaker Queen Pansy-A Jungle Society Leader Bill-Who adores Teddy and Golf Thursday-Bill's Body Guard Chief Excuse-In love with the princess Princess Pearline-Pansy's only daughter Teddy-Shooting up the Jungle Ananias Custodian of the society records Friday-Teddy's factotum A. C. Steele J. H. WAGONHORST HERBERT MATHEWS MORTIMER W. LAWRENCE CHARLES K. ARTER The King of Beasts-Who has an animal appetite Myrtle Ryan-Bill's private secretary . General Everett True Of the Grays Imperial Treasurer-Of the City of Gold Gold Dust Twins { O. T. WEDENMEYER FRANK S. BAKER ROGER C. ENWRIGHT FRED M. NICHOLAS ED H. WILLIAMS BY HIMSELF .R. F. SMITH CARL B. FORD FRANK R. Walker ARTHUR E. MERKEL ED. H. WILLIAMS 248 Chapin, Trull & Co. Distillers of Pure Fire Copper Molasses Rum No. 33 Broad Street BOSTON Compliments of The Boehmke Company 1792 E. Ninth Street The H. C. Christy Company WHOLESALE GROCERS 616-626 Huron Road Cleveland, Ohio JOHN RAMSAYS PORT ELLEN SLAY MALT WHISK JOHN RAMSAY Distiller .. PORT ELLEN, ISLAY, SCOTLAND SHIPPER OF Straight Scotch Whiskies Old Islay Malt, Unblended, 7 to 8 Years Old, Imported in Glass 249 Sh-Shay! I'd feel a hul lot better if I had stuk to the strate and narroe path. Take my advice and demand Schuster's Euclid Brand wherever you be. The Schuster Company Producers and Importers of everything in the line of Wines, Whiskies, Cordials and Liquors Office, Plant and Cellars, Cleveland Vineyards, Euclid, O. RAINBOW PACKING Strong, Carlisle & Hammond Co., Cleveland or Peerless Rubber Manufacturing Co., 16 Warren Street, New York 250 Dewar's "White Label" Scotch Whisky རྒྱ:༣༽ The Cleveland Gas & Electric Fixture Company Operated by The Tungstolier Company Manufacturers of HIGH-GRADE LIGHTING FIXTURES Sales Rooms 940 Prospect Avenue 251 Advertising Statistics HE HERMITS wish to thank the individuals and firms who patronize the advertisers whose generous support helps to make our shows a success. The following list shows the Hermits who have secured two or more pages of advertising: PAGES 19 W. S. Pollock 18 Wilbur M. Baldwin 11 S. E. Strong 104 G. Ray Ingersoll 8½ G. S. Gardner 84 J. H. Kline 54 J. P. Witt 5 C. C. Coventry, J. R. Kraus, A. H. Bedell 4 F. S. Borton 334 Chas. K. Arter 3½ R. L. Sawyer, H. P. Shupe 34 James M. Hamilton 3 A. J. Kroenke, W. H. Brooks, F. J. Woodworth, C. C. Clark, H. W. Strong, R. L. Fuller 234 S. T. Nash, F. W. King 2½ Colin McAllister 2 A. D. Brooks, E. G. Ernst, H. L. Valentine, J. E. Rogers, A. G. New- comb, W. S. Gilkey, Jno. L. Can- non, F. B. Meade 252 MEDART PATENT PULLEY COMPANY Manufacturers POWER TRANSMITTING APPLIANCES Factory, St. Louis C. A. DIELHENN CO., General Agents 1250 Ontario Street, Cleveland, Ohio WM. KRAUSE & SON Costumes for all occasions Private Theatricals a Specialty 2042 East Fourth Street Opposite Opera House The Acme Foundry Company Makers of Fine Grey Iron Castings Japanning, Galvanizing and Nickel Plating Office, corner Sweeney Ave. and E. 51st St. Our thanks and cordial appreciation of the very liberal patronage from the Hermits, their friends and the public. Harvey L. Reed Tailor for Men who want individuality in their dress 1898 East Sixth Street Opposite the Hollenden 253 THE season is approaching when you will be looking over your fishing tackle kit and replenishing it in preparation for that long anticipated outing. We are headquarters for the following: Bristol & Champion Steel Rods Meek, Talbot, Shakespeare Reels Martin & Shakespeare Lines Reach Base Ball Goods Victor Tennis Rackets Guns, Rifles, Revolvers, Target Pistols, etc. The Davis-Hunt-Collister Co. Ontario and Prospect Avenue :: THE ALUMINUM :: CASTINGS COMPANY Aluminum, Brass and Bronze CASTINGS General Office, Cleveland, Ohio Foundries: Cleveland, Detroit, Buffalo, Syracuse, New Kensington, Pa., Bridgeport, Conn. 254 VICHY CELESTINS POE GOUT AND INDIGESTION Le nom de la Source DANS LA L tsur la Capsule ETARESSEMENT THERMAL VICHY SOURCES DE PROPRIETE DE L'ETAT CES DE L'ETAT CELESTINS NATURAL ALKALINE WATER White Rock WHITE ROC ALWAYS BEFORE. OPENING White Rock LITHIA WATER WHITE ROCK MINERAL SPRING CO NATIONAL WATER CO SUCCESSOR PUBE SMALING HEALTHFUL WAUKESHA WIS,USA The Requisite of a Well Served Dinner CELESTINS 255 ILELL Photo by Hermit Rogers REHEARSAL SCENE THE HERMITS IN AFRICA 256 Remember that McMillin's is Ohio's Only Complete Music Store and located at 2053 East 9th St., opposite Rose Building The old way was picturesque but awkward; the new way practical and handy. They now use Born's Ranges for gas or for coal and cook better as well as quicker and easier. The Born Steel Range Co. Wholesale and Retail Kitchen Appliances 2163-65 East Ninth St. The New Center Phone Central 4832 P. F. LAVIN PURE LIQUORS Direct from U. S. Bond. Drawn from the Wood 2074 East Fourth St. If you want to know about Bessemer Shale Face Brick Ask Frank B. Meade ROBERT L. BECK, Agent 231 The Arcade 257 THE BAR-A-VAN IS FILLING A LONG FELT WANT. KARAVAN KAR-A-VAN COFFEE THAT RICH CREAMY KIND. Six Grades, 20c to 40c the Pound. Acknowledged by connoisseurs to be the highest quality obtainable. Imported, Blended, Roasted and Packed by The Gasser Coffee Company Cleveland Branch, 719 Woodland Avenue, S. E. 258 We are different because With us the day has passed when we were compelled to do all work one way. Improved systems (ex- clusively our own) permit us to do your work your way. Tell us your likes and dislikes and we will give you a result that will please you. The Cleveland Laundry Company 2840 Carnegie Avenue Both Phones Our delivery system includes all of "Greater Cleveland” and its suburbs 259 Drawing by Hermit Donahey 66 HERE'S TO THAT PRINCE OF GOOD FELLOWS-ENWRIGHT" 260 G. L. SCHRYVER & CO. 619 to 625 EUCLID AVE. FINE DRY GOODS, MEN'S FURNISHINGS, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SUITS AND CLOAKS, INFANTS' WEAR AND MILLINERY, WOMEN'S AND CHILD- REN'S FINE FOOTWEAR. ORIENTAL AND DOMESTIC RUGS. All Hermits stop at RESSLER'S CAFE East of 55th Street THE CAXTONCO ENGRAVERS PRINTERS CLEVELAND 5517 EUCLID "THE HOUSE COMPLETE" UNDER ONE ROOF ONE MANAGEMENT PRINTERS PHOTOGRAPHERS ENGRAVERS ARTISTS The Caxton Company 261 WABASH COLLEGE ENTRANCE THE WABASH PITTSBURG TERMINAL RY. H. W. MCMASTER, F. H. SKELDING, Receivers Pittsburg Passenger Station 262 Willoughbeach Park "Shore Line" C. P. & E. R. R. Dancing Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Holiday Evenings, also Saturday and Holiday Afternoons SPECIAL CHICKEN DINNER ON SUNDAYS Base Ball every Sunday and Holiday afternoon at 3 p. m. Dance Hall will be reserved for private parties on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings The ideal place for PICNICS REUNIONS OUTINGS CONVENTIONS ENCAMPMENTS WILLOUGHBEAGH PARK Cleveland Office General Office 14 Public Square Willoughby, Ohio 263 POSTER DESIGN FOR THE HERMITS AT HAPPY HOLLOW BY HERMIT C. N. LANDON 264 All Hermits Sleep in Forest City Brass Beds "The Lock that Locks" Forest City Bedstead Company Cleveland, Ohio "I believe in the doctrine of Fels-Naptha soap and good cheer. I believe in always following carefully the directions in using Fels-Naptha. And I am therefore never in HOT WATER, and come out of all my troubles with clean hands. ANTY DRUDGE My only worry is that all women may not know the merit and worth of Fels-Naptha." -Anty Drudge. POE BROTHERS MEN'S FURNISHERS AND HATTERS Dry Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing, Repairing and Remodeling GARMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 8523 Hough Avenue BOTH PHONES 265 Makers of the famous Orthopedic Shoe for fallen arches, weak ankles, etc. This shoe has been endorsed by the most prominent doctors and surgeons of Cleveland. If you do not have foot comfort-better call in and see us. Tel. North 766-J The Boyd-Bean Company Boot Makers by Hand 2060 Euclid Avenue The Judson Printing Company Bonds Office Stationery Catalogs Main 357 Central 504-W 321 Frankfort Ave. N.W. A Royal Treat is Gilka-Kuemm'el King of After-dinner Cordials BEWARE OF IMITATIONS 266 M THE BROOKS COMPANY MANUFACTURERS THE BROOKS C CLEVELAND @ Have printed the Hermit Programs for six years STATIONERS - PRINTERS AND OFFICE OUTFITTERS 715 SUPERIOR AVENUE N. W. W 267 Index to Advertisers PAGE Acme Foundry Co. Aluminum Castings Co. American Chicle Co., New York American Steel & Wire Co. American Surety Co. Apollinaris Agency Co., New York Armour & Co., Chicago .252 A .253 .126 37 .238 10 .132 Astor Hotel, New York 157 Audit Company Auer, Geo. W. .217 .276 Auto Sales Co. ..276 Auto Shop Co. .276 Babies Dispensary and Hospital Babcock, Hurd & Co. Baker Motor Vehicle Co. .228 .118 294 B Baker, Walter, & Co., Ltd., Boston .160 Ball, Webb C., Watch Co. 146 Bankers Surety Co., The 122 Barger Automobile Co. ..278 Barrow, Wade, Guthrie & Co., Chicago. .177 Batjer & Co., New York .248 Beck, Robert L. ..256 Bennett & Fish .116 Bicknell, Warren, Co. 184 Blood, Jno. H. ...301 Boehmke Company .248 Bond's, C. A. 8 Bonhard Art Furniture Co. .138 268 ALWAYS TRAVEL Via The Lake Shore Electric Railway Between Cleveland, Sandusky, Norwalk and Toledo and intermediate points. Direct to Beach Park, Crystal Beach, Linwood Park, Ruggles Grove, Rye Beach and Cedar Point. See or write agents. BRAND CREAMERY BUTTER THE AR DUNCAN J CLEVELAND O JACO The A. R. Duncan, Jr. Co. Wholesale Dealers Butter---Eggs---Cheese Cuyahoga Central 3207-R L. A. Schippacasse Cafe & Grill 5216 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 269 Bryan Co. BILL POSTERS DISTRIBUTERS BULLETIN WALL PAINTERS MANUGRAPH POSTER MAKERS CONTRACTS PLACED THROUGHOUT USAND CANADA COMMERCIAL SIGN DEPARTMENT Makes Electric, Brass, Glass, Gold, Muslin & Card Signs GENERAL OFFICES BRYAN BLDG. 2120 E. 19th.St. G BE GOOD! JAKE MINTZ is in the house MOTHER'S OATS and MOTHER'S CEREALS are guaranteed to be the purest and best. The grocer refunds the cost if not satisfactory-the supreme quality test. Every package of MOTHER'S brand contains the well-known free fireless cooker coupon. THE GREAT WESTERN CEREAL CO. CHICAGO 270 "PROVED BEST" Shawmut Tires GUARANTEED Made in STANDARD, CLINCHER and QUICK Detachable Types SHAWMUT X-TRA TREAD TIRE GO, BOSTON MASS. NON- SKID QUICK DET BHAWN Shawmut tubes are made particu- larly thick and are admittedly the BEST on the market SUP SUP SUP SUP It gives us pleasure to state that we are agents for the above well known tires. We have a complete stock open to your inspection at any time. The Mau-Sherwood Supply Co. 1616 West Third St. CLEVELAND 271 Born Steel Range Co. Borton & Borton Bowman, Geo. H., Co. Boyd & Dean Co. PAGE .256 3 B .114 • .265 Bradley Bros. .202 Brandt, R. F. .288 Brooks Co. .266 Brooks, Henry M., Co. 54 ... Brown Bros. & Co., New York 56 Browning, King & Co. .212 Bryan Co. 269 Buchanan, James, & Co., New York .124 Buckeye Electric Co. .109 Buick Motor Co. .310 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 133 Buxton Insuring Agency .176 Caldwell Piano Co. .168 • Caxton Co. .260 C Central National Bank 298 Chafer Co. 245 Chamberlin Metal Weather Strip Co... 112 Chandler & Rudd Co. 48 ..... Chapin Trull & Co., Boston .248 Charmene Chemical Co. Chisholm Shoe Co. Christy, H. C., Company City Ice Delivery Co.. Clark, Fred G., Co. .149 .156 .248 .272 64 Cleveland Ball Club Co. 28 Cleveland Builders Supply Co. .190 Cleveland Construction Co. .184 Cleveland Desk Co. .297 Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. .210 Cleveland Electric Supply Co. 70 Cleveland Flush Meter Co. ..286 Cleveland Frog & Crossing Co. 157 272 Drink DISTILLATA Pure Water---Aerated SDCC Distilled and Distributed by The City Ice Delivery Company for the health of the community 5-gal. carboys 40c Cuy. Phone Central 6006-R PICTURE FRAMING 12-gal. bottles 60c THE KORNER & WOOD CO. Bell Phone Main 2979 GEO. M. THOMAS Co. Engineers and Draughtsmens Supplies Blue Printing a Specialty 237 & 241 The Arcade Cleveland, Ohio Agents for Eugene Dietzgen Co. 273 We spare no effort or expense in meeting the most exacting demands. The Universal Dry Cleaning Co. 532 EUCLID AVENUE Main Office and Works: 1218 to 1230 East 71st Street To the Ladies of Cleveland. If you are interested in a fine tailor made suit coat or skirt of any kind, at from ten to twenty-five per cent less than down town prices, our store offers you just such inducements. solicit comparison. HARRY DECKER, 2704-14 West 25th St. The Big Progressive Dry Goods House of the South Side. We The Electra Pure Water Co. KATHAROS VICHY KATHAROS SPARKLING LITHIA Splits, Pints, and Quarts KATHAROS LITHIA 274 Jewelry- The season's exhibit of fine jewelry creations has never before been so extensive.Study and careful selection is revealed in each piece, however small. We aim to uphold the high stand ard of quality we have always maintained. We are thus prepared to offer to our patrons a most varied stock from which a gift selection may be made with positive satisfaction. The prices permit of comparison The Cowell &Hubbard Company 605 Euclid Avenue 275 Cleveland Gas & Electric Fixture Co.. Cleveland Laundry Co. PAGE .250 Cleveland Leader Co. .258 ..113 C • Cleveland News .233 Cleveland, Painsville & Eastern R. R. Co.. ..262 Cleveland Provision Co. .174 Cleveland Press ... .193 Cleveland Savings & Loan Co. 94 Cleveland, Southwestern & Columbus Ry. Co. .292 Cleveland Taxicab Service Co. .292 Cleveland Telephone Co. . 98 Cleveland Town Topics Co. .189 ... Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co. 72 Cleveland & Sandusky Brewing Co. .188 Climax Refining Co. .100 Coffee, W. H., & Co. 50 Coles & Bonnett ..164 Cook & Bernheimer Co., New York. .158 Collings, Clarence H., Co. ..238 ... Collver's Ocean Steamship Agency .122 Continental Insurance Co., New York... .140 Colonial Salt Co. .296 ... Corday & Gross Co. 89 Cowell & Hubbard Co. 274 Crawford Realty Co. Cutler Turkish Bath Co. Cuyahoga Light Co. 93 ..304 68 Cuyahoga Lumber Co. 246 Cuyahoga Telephone Co. 36 Davis Hunt Collister Co. .253 Davis Laundry & Cleaning Co., The. 98 D Davis & Farley 72 Davis & Sale Co. .188 Decker, Harry .273 DeKlyn Co. .212 276 Hupmobile $750 4 cylinders, sliding gears and Bosh magneto, 20 horse power. Everything a big car has except size. Have delivered over 125 1910 models right here in Cleveland. Velie "40" $1800 4 cylinders, sliding gear transmission, triple ignition, brewer. It is common gossip that the 1910 40 horse Velie Automobile is the best buy in America. Central 4582 Call for Demonstrations The Auto Sales Company 1121 Chestnut Ave. North 767 STORAGE REPAIRING The Auto Shop Company 731 Vincent Avenue, CLEVELAND, OHIO Selling Agents THE THOMAS FLYER GARAGE Telephones Main 2393. Central 4504-K We refer to members of the Hermit Club who patronize us BELL MAIN 1647-J GEORGE W. AUER TAILOR 304 TO 308 ROCKEFELLER BUILDING CLEVELAND, OHIO F. Chauvenet's The Red Sparkling Red Cap Burgundy of France Invigorates Permanently 277 Rambler When Mother Goes to Town Does she spend half the day on the road behind a good-natured plodding horse? With the new Ram- bler one of the boys or girls can take her in, leave her to do her shopping and return later in the day. She will come home refreshed instead of wearied. Many women drive the new Rambler. It is so easy to operate and safe to start. There is an air of good taste and refinement about it. It's so noiseless in its motion so dignified in every appointment. With big wheels and tires, long wheel-base and Rambler up- holstering, it's more comfortable than a carriage. You feel as safe as in a low phaeton. With offset crank-shaft and straight- line drive the Rambler never hesitates on the hills or in sand or mud. The Spare Wheel obviates tire trouble. With clean and durable aluminum front floor, with every part protected against dirt, there can be no fear of soiling the most delicate gown. These features are essential in a car for use on country roads. Experience will show that they are not mere talking points. The Rambler Auto. Co. 6504 Euclid Ave., Cor. 65th St. Cleveland, Ohio 278 None better adillas MOTOR CARS Few as good All styles of open and enclosed bodies THE BARGER AUTOMOBILE CO. 1628-30-32 Euclid Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 279 Denison, C. E., & Co. Dewar, John, & Sons, Ltd., New York. PAGE ..156 .250 D Diamond Rubber Co. Dodd-Rogers Co. Dorn Shoe Co. Draz, Francis, & Co., New York Dreher, B., Sons Co. ..166 .198 .168 204 114 Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. Y.. 49 Duncan, A. R., Jr., Co.... 268 Dyer, J. Milton .292 ... Early Times Distillery Co., Paducah, Ky. 180 Eastern Ohio Traction Co. 80 E Edmondson, George M., Co. .220 • Electra Pure Water Co. .273 Electric Storage Battery Co. 16 Elliott-Fisher Co. 76 Employers Liability Association English Woolen Mills Co. .224 110 Enterprise Electric Construction Co. .152 Epple, Fred .208 Erie Ry. Co. 30 Ernst & Ernst 46 Euclid Smoke Shop Evarts-Tremaine-Flicker Co. Exline Co. Fanner Mfg. Co. Fels & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Finlay, H. P., & Co., Limited, New York. Fireman's Fund Insurance Co., Chicago, Ill. 141 226 · ..228 246 ..264 F 276 ..126 Fisk Rubber Co. Foote, D. E., Rubber Co. Forest City Foundry & Mfg. Co.... 80 .284 282 Fownes Brothers & Co., New York. Franklin Sugar Refining Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Fuller Cleaning Co. 96 .104 .. 90 280 GENUINE MASSILLON COAL Best on the Market for Domestic Use Mined and Shipped only by M. A. Hanna & Co. Cleveland, Ohio 281 The Jewett Refrigerator Company Buffalo, New York Builders of Special Refrigerators for Clubs, Hotels and Private Residences X Represented in Cleveland by The W. Bingham Company 282 Because of the PYRAMID GRATE The Pyramid Furnace CLEVELAND OF 1910 is the greatest FUEL SAVER on earth. This wonderful grate is the greatest invention ever embodied in a hot- air furnace. It permits of a ton of slack coal furnishing as much heat as a ton of hard coal. It can be dumped, cleaned of clinkers and replaced without even stooping over. It absolutely prevents waste of fuel. It causes the Pyramid Furnace to make less soot and smoke than any other, which makes it more satisfactory to operate and very easy to clean. Ask us about it. It certainly is wonderful. The Forest City Foundry & Mfg. Co., CLEVELAND, OHIO 283 Gabriel Horn Mfg. Co. Gainer Electric Co. PAGE ..100 241 G Gammel, R. W., Co. Gandolfi, L., & Co., New York. .158 Garfield Savings Bank .120 .150 Garlock Frazee Laundry Co. 34 Garson, W. J., & Co. ..212 Gasser Coffee Co. .257 Gasser, J. M., Co. ..204 General Incandescent Lamp Co. .305 Gilkey, W. S., Printing Co. .142 Gilman, A. S., Printing Co. .200 Gillsy Hotel Co. .142 Glidden Varnish Co. ..162 Good Housekeeping Magazine, New York.. ..165 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co... 137 Graham Co. ..180 Great Western Cereal Co., Chicago ...269 Grebe & Davis 69 Green River Distilling Co. Owensboro, Ky. 125 Greenstein & Co. ..204 Griese Brothers Co. 222 Guckenheimer, A., & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. .241 Guenther's Art Galleries .242 Halle Bros. Co. Hanna, J. A. 12 .148 H Hanna, M. A., Co. ..280 Hannan & McGlade 65 Hanan & Son .229 Hanover Fire Insurance Co., Chicago.. .106 Harris, Herman A. ..130 Hartford Fire Insurance Co. .237 Hartford Rubber Works Co. 94 Hayden Miller & Co. Herron, Geo. H., & Co. "" 78 ..246 284 INSURE YOUR AUTOMOBILES WITH MAXSON & PERDUE 11th FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING AGAINST FIRE, THEFT, COLLISION AND LIABILITY FOR PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE COVER EVERYWHERE AGENCY G&JIRES We have a full and complete line of Autoists Necessities Windshields Tire Covers Raincoats Sparking and Lighting Tire Tools Robes Batteries Cements Gloves Jacks Dusters Goggles Headlights and Tail Lamps Auto Clocks SEND US YOUR OLD TIRES AND TUBES TO BE REPAIRED. WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR REPAIR WORK. D. E. Foote Rubber Co., 1837 Euclid 285 WHITE GASOLINE CARS for 1911 SIZE AND POWER-moderate, therefore most economical to maintain. PRICE-moderate, therefore easy to buy. DESIGN-includes many advanced features not found in any other American car. QUALITY-the only moderate sized car wherein every part is just as well built as in the highest-priced, high-powered cars. DELIVERY-very -very few open dates. First come, first served. THE WHITE COMPANY St. Clair Avenue and 79th Street 286 THE CLEVELAND FLUSH METER A valve used for flushing closets with- out the use of the annoying, noisy and always leaking tanks. The Cleveland Valves will fit any standard equipment and are readily ap- plied to old or new work. On account of their simplicity, dur- ability and economy they are most desir- able. Having installed hundreds in the city during past year we can furnish best of references and invite the trade to inspect our goods. If interested write us for catalog. THE CLEVELAND FLUSH METER CO. 118 NOBLE COURT. Valves displayed at Standard Mfg. Co., Local Agents, 648 & 652 Huron Rd. Nowhere are the styles better presented than in our offerings of Spring Novelties which have the edict of the fashionable world. We await your commands. C. W. Schmidt, Tailor 138 Old Arcade Euclid Level 287 Heublein, G. F., & Bro., Hartford, Conn. Higbee Co. Higgins, Charles C., Co. Hohlfelder Co. ... Hollenden Hotel Hommel, M., Wine Co., Sandusky, O. Horlick's Malted Milk Co., Racine, Wis. Ingalls Shepard Forging Co., Chicago.. Jacobs, Abe • Jenkinson, R. & W., Co. Jewett Refrigerator Co. Johns-Manville, H. W., Co. Jones & Laughlin Steel Co. Judson Printing Co. PAGE .226 ...302 H .240 .264 .173 .244 73 108 .225 .134 J .281 .156 .153 .265 Kamerer & Benes Kelley's Bootery Kirk, H. B., & Co., New York. Klein, Louis, Cigar Co. .138 138 K .117 .238 Knauth, Nachod & Kuhne, New York 88 · Korner & Wood Co. .272 Krause, Wm., & Son .252 Lake Shore Banking & Trust Co.... .186 Lake Shore Electric Ry. Co.... .268 L La Montagne's, E., Sons, New York.. .124 Lanahan, Wm., & Son, Baltimore, Md. .148 Lander Phillips Dairy Co. .229 Lang & Sarstedt 96 Large Distilling Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. .160 .. Lavin, P. F. .256 Lederer Furniture Co. Leisy Brewing Co. Likly & Rockett Trunk Co. Lindner Co. ..301 ... 169 69 26 288 R. F. BRANDT Meats of Quality Poultry Frog Legs Lobsters Green Goods Fish SHERIFF STREET MARKET BRANCH 10010 and 12500 ST. CLAIR AVENUE 289 THE FIRM THAT MADE THE POSTER FAMOUS" Morgan.. LITHO.CO. CLEVELAND, U.S.A. POSTERS, SHOW CARDS STATIONERY, LABELS ETC. 290 New Records Made Day after Day Wouldn't you like to smoke a CIGAR that experienced SMOKERS ask for, come back for and recommend strongly to their friends El Yutan Mild Cigars Sold by all first-class dealers The J. B. Moos Company Distributors 291 PAGE .160 London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co... Lord & Taylor, New York 18 L ... Louisville Cotton Oil Co., Louisville, Ky.. .132 L. S. & M. S. Ry. Co.... 20 Luze, F. O. de, & Co., New York. 57 MacAdams, A. J. ..301 Mac Diarmid Co. 154 Mannen & Esterly Co. 145 Martin Barriss Co. .158 Martin & Martin, Chicago .232 Mathews & Gilbert ... .304 Mathias, D. E. ... .137 May Co. Matthews-Northrup Works Mau-Sherwood Supply Co. Maxson & Purdue McAllister, W. B., Co. McCreary & Furst .120 .270 .284 .121 33 • ..300 McMillan, Geo. B. • .236 McMillin, H. E. .256 McMullin, Thomas, & Co., New York. ..128 McNally-Doyle 150 McNaughton, Jerry O., Co. .152 McNutt, H. F. .186 Meacham, Roland T. .196 Meade, F. B. 2 Medart Patent Pulley Co. .252 ... Melville, Percy F., New York .244 Mintz, Jake ..269 Moehring, Wm. G., & Co. ..265 Mooney Bros. ..311 Moore, James G. .220 Moos, J. B., Co. ..290 Morgan Lithograph Co. .289 Morris Coal Co. 44 292 We have placed in service a line of brand new STEARNS TAXICABS These Cars are the Finest, Most Luxuriously Appointed and Most Expensive Taxicabs in America Telephone numbers are the same as those of the old Citizens Taxi- cab Company. BELL NORTH 907. CUYAHOGA CENTRAL 2081 The Cleveland Taxicab Service Co. Open day and night 1206 Huron Road LOOK FOR THE GRAY TAXICAB J. MILTON DYER ARCHITECT 825 CUYAHOGA BUILDING CLEVELAND 293 "The Best Way to Go" SOUTHWESTERN LINES BETWEEN Cleveland, Elyria, Lorain, Amherst, Grafton, Wellington, Birmingham, Berlin Heights, Norwalk, Berea, Strongsville, Brunswick, Medina, Chippewa Lake, Seville, Creston, Wooster, North Ridgeville, Puritas Springs, Le Roy, Lodi, West Salem, Polk, Nankin, Ashland, Mansfield, Crestline, Galion, Bucyrus. FAST TIME LARGE COMFORTABLE CARS FREQUENT LOCAL AND LIMITED SERVICE Chartered Cars for Special Parties Furnished on Short Notice at Reasonable Rates The Cleveland, Southwestern & Columbus Ry. Co 615 Garfield Building, Cleveland, Ohio Packards MOTOR CARS "ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONE" The Standard Automobile Co. 7100 EUCLID AVE. 294 THE BABIES DISPENSARY AND HOSPITAL CARES FOR BABIES SICK AND WELL Last summer 516 babies died in Cleveland from preventable dis- eases. This death raté CAN and SHOULD be cut in half Will YOU not help in this summer's campaign? 2500 E. 35th Street 295 PAGE Morse Twist Drill & Machinery Co., New Bedford, Mass.. 85 Muehlhauser Piano Co. Mulcahy & Nelson Co. Mulrooney, John M. Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. Myers, George A. 144 M 194 .154 24 .133 National Safe & Lock Co. 232 N National Surety Co. Nau, Tanner & Rusk .304 .214 Neale Bros. & Shryver .181 Nelson, Alfred, Co., New York 66 New York Leather Belting Co. .129 Nicholas, G. S., & Co., New York. .136 North British & Mercantile Ins. Co., Chicago, Ill.. .106 Northern Pacific Ry. Co. 52 Northern Ohio Traction & Light Co.... .234 Northwestern Consolidated Milling Co., The. .246 Norton Company, Worcester, Mass. .105 O'Brien, P. C., Co. .225 Ocean Accident & Guarantee Co. .230 0 Oechs, Anthony, & Co., New York. 140 Ohio Desk & Chair Co. .172 Ohio Rubber Co. 84 Olds Motor Works 92 Olmsted Bros. & Co. .152 Oneida Steel Pulley Co., New York.. 61 Orient Insurance Co. 76 Osborn Manufacturing Co. .242 Otis Elevator Co. .224 Otis & Hough 58 Otis Lithograph Co. .234 Otto & Kub .220 296 "It's better to use Log Cabin Prepared Salt than to wish you had. "" Log Cabin Prepared Salt In the Handy Box for Filling Shaker "Runs Freely in Damp Weather" The Colonial Salt Company Akron, Ohio Equal to the Best Imported La Mega Havana Cigar In 25 Sizes MADE IN TAMPA BEN RICH, Distributer 307 New England Building 297 SECTIONAL BOOKCASES Made in Oak and Mahogany Adjustable Shelves g With Art Glass, Plate Glass or Plain Glass Doors ¶ Noiseless Rolling Doors 9 Artistic and Harmonious Effects are Produced by Grouping the Various Sections, Desks, etc. Send for illus- trated catalog. THE CLEVELAND DESK COMPANY THE SAFEST INVESTMENT REAL estate mortgages have always been looked upon as one of the best forms of investment where safety of the principal is the first consideration. We offer high grade first mortgages on Cleveland real estate. Price on request THE SECURITY MORTGAGE AND INVESTMENT COMPANY F. W. Stecher, President Chas. F. Laughlin, Sec'y and Treas. 219 WILLIAMSON BUILDING 298 The Central National Bank LENTRAL BANK J. J. SULLIVAN, President ROCKEFELLER BUILDING E. W. OGLEBAY, Vice President L. J. CAMERON, Cashier J. C. McHANNAN, Assistant Cashier Capital $1,000,000 Surplus and Profits $708,000 299 PAGE Pacific Coast Borax Co., Chicago 232 Parisian Dry Cleaning Co. ..200 P Parsons & Parsons 150 Patterson-Sargent Co. 221 Pattison, W. M., Supply Co. .192 Pease, F. A., Engineering Co. 62 Peerless Motor Car Co. 4 Peerless Rubber Mfg. Co., New York 249 Perfection Spring Co. 40 Petrequin Paper Co. 81 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. 242 Plain Dealer Publishing Co. 161 Pleasant Valley Wine Co., Rheims, N. Y. 77 Pocock Shoe Co. .212 Poe Brothers .264 Pompeian Mfg. Co. 14 Pyle & Allen Co. .216 Quaker Oats Co., Chicago Queisser-Bliss Co. 74 .129 Q Raimbouville, E., de, New York Rainbow Cottage .254 ..308 R Rambler Automobile Co. .277 Rauch & Lang Carriage Co. 45 Reed, H. L. .252 Reese-Owen Agency Co. 92 Reeves Pulley Co., Columbus, O. .116 Ressler, Fred C. .260 Rich, Ben .296 Roeblings, John A., Sons Co. 172 Rogers-Thomas-Dodd Co. .209 Roper, George A., Steubenville, O. ..170 Rorheimer-Brooks Studios Co. .218 300 The Smith & Fetters Company 735 EUCLID AVENUE FLOWERS Main 2809 Artistic Decorators Central 1866 COLONIAL HOTEL RESTAURANTS Restaurants and Grill are always delightfully cool. An especially desirable place to lunch or dine. Noted for excellence of Cuisine and Service. Will Rounds' Instrumental Quartette before and after Theatre. Popular Sunday Evening Table d'Hote Din- ners, price $1.00. Music. 301 Mac Adams HABERDASHER SHIRT MAKER Two Convenient Stores 1889 E. 6th 31 Colonial Arcade Hollenden Hotel Lederer's furniture of today are the heirlooms of the next generation Lederer Furniture Company "Furniture of Quality" Rose Building 99 YEAR LEASES JNO. H. BLOOD REAL ESTATE OFFICES 12 TO 20 PYTHIAN TEMPLE 915 HURON ROAD MANUFACTURING SPACE BUSINESS RENTALS INVESTMENT PROPERTIES 302 HIGBEE'S Men's Furnishings are prominently featured in this establishment ¶ Our men's section is advantageously located on the main floor and is easy of access from the 13th Street entrance. You do not have to pass through many aisles to reach it—it is a man's store within a big institution, where necessarily there are certain advantages in value. ¶ We carry all the standard lines of men's furnishings, such as collars, shirts, neckwear, hosiery, underwear and all the other accessories necessary to a man's careful dressing. ¶ Below are mentioned some of the well known lines we carry: Arrow Collars, Cluett Shirts, Higbee Shirts, Lewis and Superior Underwear, Lotus Cloth, Negligee Shirts, Onyx Hosiery and a large and extensive showing of Neckwear and Bathrobes. THE HIGBEE COMPANY EUCLID AVENUE 303 Saegertown Inn, Saegertown, Pa. Savage, J. B., Co. • Schiappacasse, L. A. Schmidt, C. W. Schuster Company Schryver, G. L., & Co. PAGE ..118 .240 S .268 .286 .249 .260 Scribner & Loehr Co. 145 .. Schleman Bros. .128 Security, Mortgage & Investment Co. 297 Shaker Heights Improvement Co. Sheriff Street Market & Storage Co. 32 .238 Shotter Faerber Co. ... Sigler Bros. Co. Smith & Fetters .150 ..222 ..300 Studebaker Automobile Co. Sobey, P. W., Co. Society for Savings Standard Automobile Co. Standard Drug Co. Standard Oil Co. Standard Tool Co. Standard Welding Co. Stafford-Goss-Bedell, O. M., Co. Starrett, L. S., Co., Athol, Mass. Stearn Co. Stearns, F. B., Co. Sterling & Welch Co. Stowe Fuller Co. Stone, N. O., Co. ..208 42 .293 86 82 53 .216 .102 • .149 157 .312 90 .182 88 .148 Strauss Bros. Co. 78 Strong Cobb & Co. ..190 Sulka, A., & Co., New York.. ..138 Summers, D. O., Cleaning Co. ..164 Sun Insurance Office, Chicago ..206 Superior Dry Cleaning Co. 196 304 STRAW HATS NOW! WAGEMAN'S QUALITY CLOTHES $3, $4, $5 and $6 EUCLID ABOVE NINTH HERBERT MATHEWS EDWARD G. GILBERT Mathews & Gilbert Owners and Operators of Suburban Real Estate We will allot your property and handle it. Over one million dollars worth of property now being operated by us. Main Offices Williamson Building "We bond more people than any Surety Company in the world." National Surety Company A. F. MONROE, Resident Manager Fidelity and Surety Bonds, Burglary Insurance Both Phones 415 Chamber of Commerce You can cure that Cold Headache and General Languor with CUTLER'S TURKISH BATHS Also all Kidney, Liver and Bowel Troubles, Rheumatism and Lumbago and that tired, weak and without energy feeling. No nauseous doses to ruin your stomach, but Nature's Own Remedy eliminating all poisons from the entire system. The finest Turkish Baths west of New York. Come in today and try one: American Trust Bldg. Public Square-Always Open LADIES' BATHS 2040 E. Fourth-st. near Euclid-av. Open 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. 305 GI BECAUSE- they burn in any position, last longer and give nearly three times the light with the same current are the reasons why you ought to use G. I. Mazda Lamps G:1: GIV MAZDA Write or Phone The General Incandescent Lamp Co. Manufacturers of INCANDESCENT LAMPS FOR ALL CIRCUITS 214-225 Electric Building Cleveland 306 F. M. OSBORNE, President S. H. ROBBINS, Secretary and Treasurer The Youghiogheny & Ohio Coal Co. Producers and Shippers of YOUGHIOGHENY GAS PITTSBURGH STEAM PITTSBURGH No. 8 and AMSTERDAM HOCKING COAL General Offices Western Reserve Building, Cleveland, Ohio PITTSBURGH • BUFFALO CHICAGO • MILWAUKEE ST. PAUL 307 Taylor, E. H., Jr., & Sons, Frankfort, Ky... Telling Bros. Co. Thompson Distilling Co., Pittsburgh. Thomas, Geo. M., Co. Tillotson and Wolcott Company Todd, G. W., & Co., Rochester, N. Y. Union National Bank United States Coal Co. Universal Dry Cleaning Co. Visiting Nurse Assn. Volk, Thomas Von Houten, C. J., & Zoon, Chicago Wabash Pittsburgh Terminal R. R.... Wade Bros. Wadsworth Salt Co., Wadsworth, O. Wagemans, J., Sons Walker, Hiram, & Sons, Ltd., Walkersville, Canada. Weil, Adam Watson, S. N. Way Mitchell Rigdon Co. Weddell House Garage Weber Kelley Co. Weideman Co. ... ... Western Reserve Insurance Co. West Madison Realty Co. Wetzel, New York Wheeling & Lake Erie R. R. Co. White Co., The Whitworth Bros. Co. Wiedemann, Geo., Brewing Co., Newport, Ky. Wilkes & Reid Williams, J. H., & Co., Brooklyn, N. Y: Wilson Distilling Co., New York.. Wilson, W. J. J.. Winton Motor Carriage Co. Worthington Dall Co. Elyria, O. Wuest-Bauman-Hunt Co. Y. & O. Coal Co. ... Zettelmeyer Coal Co. PAGE .213 93 T .184 272 .204 97 6 232 .273 . 197 2283 86 .261 U V .201 W ..141 .304 .144 ..220 . 38 ..236 .230 .185 242 136 60 ..176 ..178 285 ..205 .225 84 .245 .254 .146 41 ..101 ..225 306 Y 153 Z 308 RAINBOW COTTAGE gave 12,323 days of treatment to sick children during the year of 1909 at a cost of $17,025.87. This amount ex- ceeded the income for the year by $2,733.18. Will you not help nurse some sick child back to health? Con- tributions may be sent to the financial secretary, Mrs. Andre T. Chisholm, Mentor, Ohio. 309 IF YOUR advertisement ap- peared in this space it might NOT be read by 100,000 people but it would be appreciated by The Hermits and all their friends 310 BUICK MOTOR COMPANY 1615 EUCLID AVENUE CLEVELAND RAY. M. COLWELL, Manager N&NN 311 Advertising Statistics. The following table shows the amount of advertising which has appeared in the Hermit Year Books for the past six years: Full Page Ads. Half Page Ads. Quarter Page Ads. 1905 44 67 37 1906 64 111 56 1907 92 113 48 1908 111 161 170 1909 140 180 116 1910 122 161 88 Total pages of advertising matter: 1905 1906. 1907__ 1908__ 1909 1910_. | i 88 pages 130 161 "" 218 66 259 66 _225 66 J. B. MOONEY EDGAR J. MOONEY Mooney Bros. CHARLES T. MASTERSON HIGH CLASS TAILORS We make strictly high class apparel for men at prices that are most reason- able, considering the quality and style of our garments, and we respectfully solicit your patronage. SUITINGS $35.00 TO $50.00 Mooney Bros. No. 1876 E. Sixth Street LEADING TAILORS 312 $ Stearns THE ULTIMATE CAR Sturdiness and Power are Distinct Stearns Characteristics The Stearns is a won- derfully sturdy, durable car, built to give perfect service for years. This sturdiness, combined with the great reserve power of the Stearns motor, has won for the car its reputation as a practical, durable machine, placing it far in advance of the aver- age high grade car. 30-60 b. p. touring car, $4,600.00 - It is sturdiness and re- serve power, combined with the luxurious ap- pointments of the car, that place the Stearns owner in an unique posi- tion. He is always mas- ter of the road---his car is always admired, al- ways respected and always given the undis- puted right-of-way. 15-30 h. p. touring car, $3,200.00 The F. B. Stearns Company 30-60 H. P. Model Shaft or Chain Drive (Licensed under Selden Patent) CLEVELAND, OHIO 15-30 H. P. Model Shaft Drive THE WHITE LINE RADIATOR BELONGS TO THE STEARNS S 14 WIS. 8 FEB 56 7 89073124497 b89073124497a 89073124497 b89073124497a 89073124497 B89073124497A 333