STATE THE * OF HISTORICAL FOUNDED 1846 WISCONSIN SOCIETY 1912 CLEVE. CORPORATE THE MERMITS CLEVELAND IN PARIS 드 ​ · I MAX 2-1925 vienoron HASS Take this program home and preserve it. It contains much interesting reading matter... INDEX To Hermit Year Book PAGES Cast 9-11-13-15 Scenes Musical Numbers Orchestra 19 21-23 25 Synopsis Staff Committees 27-29-31 35 37 Officers of Club 67 Members 71 66 Non-resident . 97 Index to Advertisers 291 Please Patronize our Advertisers, and mention this Year Book at Every Opportunity. 2 FRED S. BORTON R. C. ENWRIGHT T. E. BORTON C. N. OSBORNE THE HERMITS WE KNOW Do not hide their money in the Ginger Jar nor do they always buy Good Stuff BUT WHEN THEY WANT Investment Securities Many of them come to us BORTON & BORTON GUARDIAN BUILDING Members Cleveland Stock Exchange 3 SHOTTER, FAERBER & CO. Insurance Of Every Kind Columbia Bldg., Prospect Ave. and East 2d St. 4 READING CLUB Are you a member? All the new books (in late fiction) and all in as large lots as you choose to ask for. Remember, please, you, not we, decide how many. Ours is a Circulating Library, conducted on modern methods. It gives access to the latest and best in fiction as soon as published. The supply of the more popular new books is always liberal so one does not have to wait long to get the story wanted. Every book sent out has a new, glossy, sanitary paper cover a new fresh one each time it is issued. As soon as books become soiled they are put out of commission. Thus, members get new, fresh, absolutely clean books. We invite you to join. Residents of Elyria kindly remember we have established a branch of our Circulating Library with the Misses Williams and Thomas at the Central Book Store, No. 417 Broad St., opposite the Public Square, Elyria. There isn't a library too big nor one too small for us to buy. The Burrows Bros. Company 633-635-637 Euclid Ave. New England Bldg. : 5 Arc de Triomphe de l'Etoile, Paris Photo by Hermit Brooks 6 What is she doing? See that District Nurse. She is going to that house because some one is sick. What will she do there? She will give skilled care to a patient with pneumonia or a painful chronic disease. Will she go away then? No. She will find out what causes ill health in her patient's family. What will she do about what she finds? She will report a rotting floor and clogged drain to the Health Office; an underfed baby, a crippled, child or a tuberculous man to the Visiting Nurse of a Special Dispensary. Will she be satisfied then? No. She will go back again and again to care for her patient and see that the plans for the family are followed. Are there many in the city like her? No. Only 11, though there are 26 District Physicians. Couldn't we have more nurses? Yes, in the twinkling of an eye, if contributions to The Visiting Nurse Association were increased Care MISS ELIZABETH F. BROWN, Financial Secretary 612 St. Clair Avenue 7 THE HERMITS IN PARIS A Musical Comedy in Two Acts and Three Scenes Produced by THE HERMIT CLUB OF CLEVELAND Under the personal direction of R. H. BURNSIDE Book by Clarence Vincent Kerr Lyrics by R. H. Burnside Score by John S. Zamecnik and Milton Lusk OPERA HOUSE May 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, and June 1st, 1912 Copyright 1912 by R. H. Burnside PRESS OF THE BROOKS COMPANY 8 3 Ray Electrics 170 ལལ་་་་ Burr 1343 SEP 2 w.W.-Lib. #55 As 2725 66 4423 1912 THE HERMITS IN PARIS CAST Note-The characters are named in the order in which they first appear Consomme LOUIS J. FORD Manager of The Hotel L'Amerique Jabot GARDNER ABBOTT Fifi Bonbon Who sets the fashions in Paris CARL F. MORSE . Principal model at the Maison Jabot Major Samovar HENRY J. WELCH Aide to Prince Vladimir Colonel Pfeffenhoffen GEORGE B. PETTENGILL Aide to Prince Vladimir Prince Vladimir Who expects to marry an American Heiress WILLIAM WIEMAN Olga Ivanoff R. C. RUDOLF Dancer at the Folies Bergere Cadwallader Skidmore ROGER C. ENWRIGHT Rubber Magnate of Akron, Qhio Anastasia Skidmore HERBERT MATHEWS His better-half with Social Aspirations Louise Willoughby HORATIO N. HERRIMAN Their niece 9 ΙΟ Cleveland Taxicabs AND Touring Cars All of our cars, both Taxicabs and Touring Cars, are equipped with Taximeters. Any car we operate can be hired on either the meter or the hourly rate. THE FINEST EQUIPMENT IN AMERICA We have just completed the substitu- tion of new Cunningham bodies for the old bodies we have been using.. By June 1st, we shall have added. five Seven Passenger Touring Cars to the three we are now operating. They will be equipped with Taximeters. With these changes and additions, we can safely and honestly say that our equip- ment, the largest in Cleveland, is unequal- led in point of quality and completeness, in any city in America. It is our aim to place our service on the same plane of excellence. The Cleveland Taxicab Co. NORTH 907 CENTRAL 1800 Hollenden Hotel. Colonial Hotel. Gillsy Hotel. Cleveland Athletic Club. Halle Bros. STANDS 1618-1624 Walnut Ave. N. E. 1918-1928 East 107th Street. 8500 Lake Avenue, N. W. Penna. R. R. Euclid Station. Cleveland Base Ball Park. II : CAST-Continued 1st Gendarme 2nd Gendarme) M. Tortoise Police Commissionaire of Paris CARL B. CASTLE In search of Dick and Larry CARL B. FORD (ALBERT C. BAILEY Dick Radcliffe FORREST J. DRESSER A Young American Aviator Larry Doyle CHARLES A. MAHER His Mechanician always in trouble Doctor Sprudelwasser JAMES MATHERS A fashionable Specialist Arabella Blotz JAMES G. PEttit From Butte, Montana Mrs. Blotz JOHN P. WITT Her Ma-with a past CARL C. KYHINÉ Jacqueline M. Chatter A Mannequin at the Maison Jabot WILLIAM M. DUNCAN Mr. Skidmore's legal adviser Jean Besoin Elise ARTHUR J. CALDWELL An Apache dancer WALTER S. BOWLER Mrs. Skidmore's maid 12 ANY ONE CAN USE IT NAX CLEANE AEG US PAT OFF CLIMAX WALLPAPER CLIMAX FRESCO CALCIMINE AND LEANER CLEANER M'NFG, COINC CLEVELAND, O.US.A CLIMAX WALL PAPER CLEANER Cleans the Finest to the Cheapest Wall Paper that's made. Sold Everywhere. Remember the name "CLIMAX" 13 CAST-Continued Show Girls DR. FRANKLIN E. CUTLER PHELPS CRUM W. C. SAYLE LORENZ W. DIEHL JOSEPH B. ROOF GEO. M. CARLETON F. C. MERRICK CHAS. R. COUCH Salesgirls EDW. A. LOGAN CARL L. F. WIEBER, JR. WM. M. LEACH HAROLD B. COBB C. P. ZURLINDEN WILLIAM H. WEST HAROLD E. GAINES ROLAND T. McGowAN T. H. NASHI Ponies HALSEY J. TEARE GORDON C. PICKERELL LEE A. WOOLSEY W. H. LAMPRECHT, 2ND W. J. DAWLEY COLIN MCALLISTER A. J. CALDWELL 14 NEW YORK (ENTRAL LINES "Lake Shore Number Six" The Favorite with Cleveland's Business Men TO NEW YORK An all-steel, electric-lighted train for Cleve- land people. All Pullman equipment; buffet-library car, drawing-room and com- partment observation sleeping cars. Dining car, serving dinner and breakfast. Lv. Cleveland Union Station 6:10 P. M. Lv. Cleveland, East 105th St. 6:25 P.M. Ar. New York Grand Central Ter. 9:11 A.M. Railway and Pullman Tickets delivered on phone requests to your hotel, club, office or home, without extra charge. City Ticket Office, Hippodrome Building Telephones: Bell Main 5143 Cuy. Cent. 260 New York Central Lines Lake Shore Ry. --The Water Level Route 15 CAST-Continued Russian Ballet CARL C. KYHNÉ R. C. RUDOLF CLIFFORD U. SADLER LEE A. WOOLSEY Stone Age Dancers R. F. BERWALD L. C. SPIETH H. W. NEWCOMER M. S. KETCHUM Garde Republique LIEUT. R. F. LUDLOW W. H. BROWN PERRY J. DARLING F. H. HOBSON HARRY S. Koehler WARWICK J. HAYES Parisian Johnnies E. L. WORTHINGTON R. P. MILLARD LEWIS MORGAN F. H. GRACE D. K. PAGE RUSSELL K. SADLER KENNETH WHITEHEAD CLYDE E. KWISS French Officers E. L. SCHMOCK ERNEST G. HART OLIVER R. RIELEY EARLE E. WHITE E. L. EDWARDS F. W. HINZ A. M. WORDEN KENNETH INGERSOLL 16 The The food Six Fifty The "Perfect Days" of which Riley sang can never be so fully enjoyed as in a motor car. Automobile touring links the luxury of the city with the health-giving beauty of out- door life as nothing else can do. In the Garford touring models have been incorporated all those qualities that make cross-country riding an unalloyed pleasure. The Garford owner has a confidence in his car that allows him to drink in all the pleasure a day in the open affords, while every line of its design is suggestive of quiet elegance and perfect comfort. Western Reserve Motor Car Co. 6604-18 EUCLID AVENUE CLEVELAND 17 THE HERMITS IN PARIS Costumes designed by Will R. Barnes New York City Costumes made by Max & Mahieu 302 West 36th St. New York City Scenery designed and painted by H. Robert Law Studios 502 West 38th St. Scenery built by New York City T. B. MacDonald Construction Co. 540 West 38th St. New York City Properties made by Edward Seidle, Inc., New York City WIGS BY HEPNER, Inc. BOOTS and SHOES by I. MILLER, Inc. 18 Oakwood-On-The-Lake ROCKY RIVER Offer a combined city and suburban home site with all improvements-less than seven miles from the Public Square Bathing and Boating Privileges The investment feature of a purchase here could not be excelled. MATHEWS & GILBERT 911-912 Williamson Bldg. OWNERS and OPERATORS SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE Manor Park Lakewood's Finest Residence Street All improvements in and paid for at no cost to purchaser. Street 100 feet wide-Lots nearly 300 feet deep. $25.00 and $30.00 per foot. 19 : THE HERMITS IN PARIS SCENES ACT I Rotunda of the Hotel L'Amerique in Paris. Time, Morning. ACT II SCENE 1. Interior of the Maison Jabot in Paris. Time, Afternoon. SCENE 2. Exterior of Mrs. Skidmore's Villa near Paris. Time, Evening. Scenery designed and executed by H. Robert Law, New York City, and built by T. B. MacDonald Construction Co., of N. Y. City. Costumes designed by Will R. Barnes and made by Max and Mahieu, of New York Properties by Edward Seidle. Boots and Shoes by I. Miller. Wigs by Hepner. Show Men Costumes in first act by English Woolen Mills Co. Dancers coached by Cissie Hayden. Assistant Stage Manager, R. M. Dolliver. 20 Oldsmobile ¶ In every city, town and village there are a few people who want the best. They are not necessarily the richest people, but they prefer investing to speculating. ¶ It is not mere pride that makes such people want the best motor car; they believe the best is the cheapest; the most durable and satisfactory investment. ¶ These people buy the output of the OLDS MOTOR WORKS every year and this is the fourteenth year of the OLDSMOBILE. It is also a most prosperous year. Evidently the OLDSMOBILE has a way of "keeping faith" with its purchasers. May we explain some of the reasons why so many people believe this is the best car built, even though it is not the most expensive? THE OLDS OAKLAND CO. 2108 Euclid Ave. OLDSMOBILE and OAKLAND Distributers A. S. Watson Fred C. Wood Milton W. Lusk 21 THE HERMITS IN PARIS • MUSICAL NUMBERS ACT I 1. Opening Chorus-At the Hotel Amerique. . . . . . .Zamecnik 2. Song "Toujour la Politesse" .Zamecnik CONSOMME AND CHORUS 3. Duet Always something doing in Paree...... JABOT, FIFI AND CHORUS .Zamecnik 4. Song "The Girls From the Folies Bergeres". OLGA AND THE PONIES .Zamecnik 5. Trio-"Tips!-Tips!-Tips!" .Zamecnik MR. AND MRS. SKIDMORE-LOUISE AND CHORUS 6. Duet-"What do you think" Zamecnik DICK AND LARRY 7. Song "When you're in love" Zamecnik LOUISE AND CHORUS 8. Song "It's hard to understand the men" .Zamecnik MRS. SKIDMORE AND CHORUS 9. Quartette "A matter we can easily arrange".....Zamecnik LARRY, DICK, COL. AND MAJOR 10. Finale (a) What is all this excitement about (b) We've been sent by the President (c) There's always something doing in Paree...... Zamecnik 22 The Arbor Tea Shop Cleveland's New Tea Room for Afternoon Tea and Cooling Summer Drinks 23 MUSICAL NUMBERS-Continued ACT II-Scene I 1. Opening "When You Visit Paris". .Zamecnik (ENSEMBLE) 2. Song "Dress! Dress! Dress!". Zamecnik 3. Song "The Things I've Heard"... JABOT AND CHORUS MRS. SKIDMORE AND CHORUS 4. Song "If I Met a Nice Little Girl"... LARRY AND THE PONIES Zamecnik ..Zamecnik 5. Duet-True Love Never Dies". DICK AND LOUISE Zamecnik Zamecnik 6. Quartette "Woman, Delightful Woman". JABOT, SAMOVAR, PFEFFEN HOFFEN AND LARRY 7. Song "If You Could Learn to Love Me"...... Milton Lusk FIFI AND MALE CHORUS 8. Ensemble-"He's Not the Prince". Scene II DARK CHANGE TO SCENE II Zamecnik 9. Song "At the Brookside Inn".........Jerome & Schwartz COL. PFEFFEN HOFFEN 10. Duet—“My Aeroplane Maid".. DICK, LOUISE AND CHORUS 11 Ensemble-“The Carnival of Dance”. .Milton Lusk Zamecnik Introducing the Stone Age Dance-Egyptian Dance- Grecian Dance-Russian Ballet Dance--Apache Dance -and Ragtime Dance. Entrance of Cupid and The Dawn of Love!! 12. Finale "When You're in Love". Zamecnik ENSEMBLE 24 BROOKS-MANINCH WILBOR-PARSONS INSURANCE BAD AGENCY ESTABLISHED SIXTY YEARS 25 THE HERMITS IN PARIS ORCHESTRA FRANK B. MEADE, Director EVERETT L. BROWN, Librarian Flute ARCH. C. KLUMPH RALPH DYE First Violin JAMES D. JOHNSTON JOHN L. MILLER, JR. HARRY R. VALENTINE Clarinet DUDLEY S. BLOSSOM JOSEPH C. ROYON EDWARD L. DAVIS JUSTIN GRIESS, JR. B. J. BALLARD W. H. BELDING Second Violin ROBERT L. BOWEN DUDLEY J. HARD Oboc CHARLES W. DAVIS Bassoon JOE NARAVEC, JR. B. T. WRIGHT WM. ROUNDS CHAS. A. COLVIN Cornet L. H. MORGAN EVERETT L. BROWN ALFRED M. FULLER CHAS. E. BURT Viola Horn ALBERT M. HANNAFORD HARRY A. BLISS JOHN D. ALEXANDER ARTHUR C. ROGERS WM. FRENDEMAN Trombone CLAUDE C. FENTON Cello MAURICE P. KLUMPH Traps HARRY DU ROCHER Bass FRANK L. BOYNTON FRANK B. HANNAFORD Tympani RICHARD S. SPENCER Pianists MILTON W. LUSK JOSEPH FEHRENBACH 26 Hermits, in Paris and Everywhere Else, Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS." GREETS YOU. THE Ausford SIX The convincing test of the real value of an automobile-its service day in and day out under all sorts of road and weather conditions is the test that brings out the merits of the Garford Six and has already established its reputation of being in every detail pre-eminent. The Garford is the choice of discriminating buyers, those who appreciate and enjoy the possession of the best that can be produced. The Western Reserve Motor Car Company East 3744 J. P. Mullen, Manager 6604-6618 Euclid Ave. "You Can Judge A Car By Those Who Own It" Princeton 55 27 : THE HERMITS IN PARIS SYNOPSIS It is Paris! It is July! The American season is at its height and the spirit of car- nival is in the air. So come on along and make merry with us. You will not need your Baedecker, for the hotels and shops and villas of The Hermits in Paris are more recent than the most recent editions of the guide books. No matter if you don't speak French. Neither do the principals in the play. They struggle with the Gallic tongue, but Heaven knows they don't speak it. The authors are very good French scholars, having studied and perfected themselves in the phonographic method, but of course it is impossible for them to write their own beautiful accent into the manuscript. Therefore the auditor will have to applaud his own particular school of pronunciation as reflected in the gut- teral Gallicisms of Roger Enwright or the delightful way down East twang of Gardner Abbott's French or the dulcet, limpid, caressing flow of Charles Maher's brogue, which smacks so strongly of the Irish renaissance. Laugh if you will, but remem- ber that this is a musical comedy and we must get laughs at any cost. Indeed it is an axiom of the box office that "laughs are worth twenty-five dollars apiece." So let your mirth have full rein, for who knows-there may be a manager gum shoeing about looking for a play and your hearty laughter will lure him on. But as we said before It is Paris! It is July! And when the curtain rises we get our first glimpse of the Hotel L'Amerique. ACT I It is early morning and M. Consomme, the proprietaire, admonishes his servants to always be polite to the guests for it pays in many ways. The guests arrive from the Bal Bullier and Continued 28 Baker Electrics SHAFT இ DRIVEN Famous Folk Favor The Baker THE HE Baker Electric is universally recognized as the highest develop- ment of the electric vehicle. That's why people of rank and title, abroad and at home, unhesitatingly, choose the Baker. Call, Write or Phone for a Demonstration The Baker Motor Vehicle Company City Sales Dept. 7100 Euclid Avenue : : Cleveland 29 SYNOPSIS-Continued M. Jabot, the dressmaker, and his pretty mannequin, Fifi, bring news of the night's gaiety. The Russian Prince, Vladimir, is a distinguished guest at the hotel, and when his military aids, Major Samovar and Col. Pfeffenhoffen, arrive, they are surprised to find that the Prince has not returned from the ball. He arrives shortly but has celebrated beyond his ability to carry it, and is straightway hustled to his room. The condition of the Prince alarms his aids, for the day is a momentous one in that it carries two very important events for the Russian nobleman: he is to call on the President of France and he is to meet a rich Ameri- can girl to whom he expects to be married. This charming young lady, Louise, arrives with her relatives Mr. and Mrs. Cad- wallader Skidmore of Akron, O., and straightway falls in love with Dick Radcliffe, a young American aviator. This young man, with his mechanician Larry Dooley, have fallen upon evil days and are pursued by a fierce police commissionaire and two gen- darmes. They take refuge in the hotel, and when it is discovered that Radcliffe is the double of Prince Vladimir, Dick consents to take the nobleman's place upon the assurance that Larry and he will be protected by Col. Pfeffenhoffen and Major Samovar. Among the guests at the hotel are Arabella, a recent arrival from Butte, Mont., and her ma, a very melancholy old lady "with a past." Another guest is La Belle Olga of The Folies Bergere, who arrives with eight little dancers after a tour of the capitals of Europe. She is an old sweetheart of Vladimir's and serves to add complications. ACT II. Scene I. Finds us in the dressmaking shop of M. Jabot where great preparation is being made for 'the reception and Carnival of Dance which Mrs. Skidmore is planning in honor of the distin- guished nobleman who is to marry her niece. Dick is masquer- Continued 30 WHITE MOTOR CARS ELECTRICALLY STARTED AND LIGHTED WHITE CARS are equipped with a start- ing system that cranks the motor easily and naturally. There are no valves to leak, no gears to engage, and no explosions in the cylinders while the pistons are stationary. The White starting system is one hundred per cent efficient. Moreover, the lights are oper- ated by the same system that starts the engine. Logical, isn't it. "THE CAR THAT MADE LONG STROKE FAMOUS" The White Company m Factory and General Sales-Offices Saint Clair Avenue Corner East 79th Street Manufacturers of Gasoline Motor Cars, Trucks and Taxicabs 31 SYNOPSIS-Continued ading as the Prince and has fallen deeply in love with Louise. He incurs the displeasure of Fifi and at the close of the scene is denounced by her as an impostor. Mrs. Skidmore is very sus- picious of her spouse and her constant vigilance irritates him. He decides to cure his wife and hits upon a novel plan, but as the best laid plans gang aft aglee he finds himself in very hot water until the tables are suddenly turned in his favor. The lordly airs of Larry, who is now masquerading as a Baron, the shopping of Arabella and the plight of the two old military aids, who are reduced to sore straits by the conduct of the Prince, rounds out the scene. Scene 11. Takes place at the Skidmore Villa during the reception and carnival of dance. The affair at Jabot's is brought to a crisis by the arrival of Mr. Skidmore's lawyer, Mr. Chatter, but the diffi- culty between husband and wife is straightened out. Dick lays aside the uniform of the Prince and wooes Louise for himself alone. The Carnival of Dance with its interesting phantasy, the Dawn of Love, is given and when the real prince sends word that he has married the Queen of the Folies Bergere the lovers are made happy. 32 PNEU D NOUS LES FABRIQUERIONS MIEUX Diamond 크크​크크 ​크크크 ​٢٢٢٢٢ 7777 Diamond Tires They call them "Pneu Diamonds" in Paris, and they deliver Greatest Mileage there in competition with European Tires, just as they do in this country. "The Hermits in Paris" will find a Diamond Service Station at No. 5 Rue Denis- Poisson where they can get "Pneu Diamonds" in all types, all treads and all sizes, but only one quality-the highest. "The Hermits in Cleveland" know that they can get Diamond Tires of all dependable dealers, and at the Diamond store, 2017 Euclid Ave. The Diamond Rubber Co. AKRON, OHIO 33 PETER SCHUYLER and EL PLANCO HAVANA Two of the Best 10c Cigars Generally Sold Pure Whiskey OUR NUMBER 31 THIRTY ONE FINEST PROCURABLE The Weideman Company Cleveland, Ohio Established 1861 34 E. M. F. "30" $1100.00 Flanders "20" $800.00 The A. R. Davis Motor Company 2034-36 Euclid Avenue North 1253 Central 910 Flanders Electrics $2250.00 Flanders Delivery Wagons $800.00 35 THE HERMITS IN PARIS STAFF Business Managers Fred S. Borton General Stage Director R. H. Burnside Musical Director Frank B. Meade J. R. Kraus Stage Managers S. W. Scofield Wm. Wieman Carl Ford Property Masters Guy S. Gardner William Brunskill B. M. Gardner Choristers Albert Rees Davis · Felix Hughes 36 Quality Up; Price Down The Winton Co. guarantees every statement made in WINTON SIX advertising to be true without qualification. WINTON SIX The Winton Six acknowledges no superior in quality at any price. We invite the closest comparison with cars selling at the highest prices, because we are sure of our ground, and be- cause we have confidence in your judgment of plain facts. We do not claim for our cars a mysterious social influence, and charge an extra $2000 for the mystery. What we sell you is an ideal, proved, standard, dependable six-cylinder car, capable of doing more and better work than most cars, and excelled by no other. We can sell this car at $3000, give you the fullest of motor car satisfaction and efficiency, and make a reasonable profit for ourselves. AFTER THE PURCHASE. Best of all is the hand-in-hand relationship we enjoy with the men and women who buy Winton Six cars. Proud of their patronage and eager to have them proud of their Winton Sixes, we hold ourselves responsible for the service these cars deliver to their owners. This means that we maintain a thorough and efficient Service Department, whose duty it is to co-operate heartily with Winton Six owners (without charge) to the end that every single Winton Six in use may prove itself, in every sense and detail, to be the superior, satisfactory, and delightful car we said it was before the sale. CALL OR PHONE FOR DEMONSTRATION The Winton Motor Car Co. 1228 Huron Road 37 THE HERMITS IN PARIS COMMITTEES Music J. C. Royon John S. Zamecnik Frank B. Meade Scenery and Costumes Frank B. Meade Gardner Abbott Jas. H. Donahey A. H. Shotter, Chairman Wilbur M. Baldwin John C. Chandler C. K. Chisholm Harold B. Cobb C. C. Coventry Randall Crawford W. A. Daley P. J. Darling Edw. L. Davis Program Arthur D. Brooks Program Advertising Walter M. Ernst H. B. Gay Frank H. Grace G. R. Ingersoll J. H. Kline M. P. Klumph L. E. Myers W. S. Pollock W. C. Sayle John P. Witt H. R. Valentine, Chairman R. F. Berwald A. D. Brooks C. K. Chisholm Publicity S. W. Hubbard H. H. Kendall Ole May H. P. McIntosh, Jr. C. A. Otis, Jr. E. S. Gilbert C. R. Housum G. M. Rogers H. M. Terrell 38 If your tire blows out to-night- The pleasure of this day will be forever obscured behind the remembrance of the mishap :-: :-: UNLESS your car is equipped with "Standard Universal Rims" WHICH ARE MADE IN Cleveland Sixth City by the "Standard Welding Co." Makers of Most Because Makers of Best Rims. 39 B Berghoff The Berghoff entertains after every performance of "The Hermits in Paris" ALBERT MENJOU PRESIDENT 40 "BLUE DIAMOND" "GREEN DIAMOND" Sinks Floats "DIAMOND CHIP" A Little 'un "WHITE DIAMOND" The Old Standby THEY ARE ALL MADE OUT AT ELYRIA, OHIO, BY THE WORTHINGTON BALL CO. And then there is a new one called the DIAMOND A 4I HERMITS IN PARIS Poster for The Hermits in Paris Drawn by Hermit Donahey 42 CLEVELAND AGENCY Conducted continuously since 1859. Over 2,000 Cleveland Policyholders. Many policies over forty years old. ASK THEM. THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of NEWARK, N. J. Issues MONTHLY INCOME POLICIES Guaranteed payable every month Unaffected by panics and business depression No Taxes No Mis-Investments SURE = REGULAR Write to J. W. PICKARD, Jr. SUPERINTENDENT of AGENCIES New England Building CLEVELAND 43 Photo by Hermit Rogers GARDNER ABBOTT as BILLY PHIBBS in The Hermits at Happy Hollow 44 "AMERICA'S BEST MILK” GOLD CROSS REGUS. UNSWEETENED PAT OFF GOLD CROSS MILK ABSOLUTELY PURE STERILIZED MILK Trade-Marks Redeemed for Valuable Premiums. 57 The Arcade, :-: :-: :-: CLEVELAND "THE SOCIETY WINE” POL ROGER & CO. Dry Special Brut Special 1900 Brut Special 1904 On sale at the leading Hotels, Restaurants, Clubs and Wine Merchants. ANTHONY OECHS & CO. 51 Warren Street, NEW YORK CITY Sole Agents for the United States t 45 HERMITS WHO LIVE ON THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE HORLICK'S MALTED MILK HORLICK m.m MARK WALTED MIL DON'T NEED ΤΟ COOK FORLICKS TRADE m.m. MARK MILK WALTED Even when in Paris with one of Cook's Tours 46 Cable Address ALFREDARE No other house or connection Alfred Nelson Company 261 Fifth Ave., Near 29th Street, NEW YORK English Tailors PRACTICAL Breeches Makers C Riding, Shooting, Hunting, Polo, Racing and Buckskin Breeches and Pigskin Leggings. Scarletts for field and dress. Ladies Riding Breeches. Patterns and Forms for Self-Measurement on Application. Largest and most exclusive assortment of Hand Made Homespuns in America. Our Breeches are acknowledged by expert riders superior to any other make in the country. Gold Medal Paris Exposition. GEORGE KRAMER We are represented in Cleveland three times each season. 47 Photo by Hermit Brooks Hotel Guillaume-le-Conquerant at Dives-sur-Mer - France 48 Steinway Pianos Pianola Pianos Victor Victrolas Recognized Leaders in the World of Music. The B. DREHER'S SONS CO. Truman Bldg. 1028 1030 Euclid Ave. THIS PICTURE SHOWS A BROWNING STANDARD LOCOMOTIVE CRANE used in the erection of a steel building. This is one of the many uses to which these cranes may be put. Handling coal, ashes, cement, brick, ties, sand, gravel, lumber, steel with lifting magnet, excavating, driving piles, etc., is done with a saving of hand labor and time and represents more profit. May we send you a catalog? THE BROWNING ENGINEERING CO. CLEVELAND, O. 49 FELIX HUGHES as LORD ARTHUR BASINGSTOKE in The Hermits at Happy Hollow Photo by Hermit Rogers 50 BELLE VERNON JERSEY MILK EXTRA QUALITY Produced by Jersey Herds, kept in the finest condition. Ask for Extra Quality Jersey Milk. Rich, Delicious, Tuberculin Tested. Bulgarian Lactic Buttermilk It refreshes when you are tired. It rebuilds wasted tissues. It is meat, drink and tonic. It possesses medicinal qualities. Prolongs life. THE Belle Vernon-Mapes Dairy Company 51 INOL SHE WAS BRED KENT CKY Green River Distilang EVERY MAN WHO DRINKS Green River STRAIGHT WHISKEY THE WHISKEY WITHOUT TRADE G.R. S. M. MARK A HEADACHE GREEN RIVER BOTTLED GREEN RIVER BY OWENSBORO DISTILLING CO KENTUCKY 283 GUARANTEED UNDER THE FOOD AND DRUGS ACT. JUNE The Whiskey without a Headache WILL LIVE IN HAPPY HOLLOW Every Day of the Year "The finest and smoothest that ever percolated down a human throat." Kept Popular by Quality GREEN RIVER DISTILLING CO. Incorporated OWENSBORO, KENTUCKY 52 WHEELING & LAKE ERIE RAILROAD B. A. WORTHINGTON, RECEIVER The busy man uses The Wheeling & Lake Erie on his trips between CLEVELAND, CANTON, COSHOCTON, ZANESVILLE and WHEELING The only Line operating Electric Lighted Cafe Parlor Cars Cuisine unsurpassed Pay-For-What-You-Order Everything for your comfort Numerous Trains Fast Service Attentive Employes TAKE TRAINS FROM ONTARIO STREET or 93rd STREET STATIONS R. F. KELLEY, General Passenger Agent 53 CHARLES A. MAHER as SKID DOOLEY ARTHUR J. CALDWELL as MARY in The Hermits at Happy Hollow Photo by Hermit Rogers 54 The Advantages of Buying Pearls at Home- While abroad the temptation to purchase a necklace or other ornament of pearls is often very tempting on account of the apparently low cost. The duty, however, amounting to sixty per cent, always makes the cost as much, if not a great deal more, than if originally bought in America. Absolute assurance of quality is indeed essential, often-times impossible in any of the foreign shops. This can only be obtained here at home, where the merchant and his reputation are recognized and mutual confidence prevails. Pearls for Americans can be bought best in America! Our series pearl necklaces and pearl ornaments at once combine a marked saving in money in addition to the priceless satisfaction of the guarantee of this house. We invite your inspec- tion of our extensive pearl displays. THE COWELL & HUBBARD COMPANY 605 EUCLID AVENUE 55 Washing Clothes in Brittany -France Photo by Hermit Brooks 56 Take Mapi Flake the Whole Wheat TOASTED MADE IN THE MAPL-FLAKE MILLS BATTLE CREEK SYGHERIC FOOD COMPANY Mapl-Flake is made from the whole wheat, cooked and flaked, then run under a hot mist of Maple and Rock Candy Syrup, which gives it a most delicious flavor. We leave the bran coat on the wheat, because it supplies the "rough stuff" for proper digestion and elimination. * * necessary Mapl-Corn Flakes is another flake food surprise. The ordinary Corn Flake is too starchy for easy digestion. On each Mapl- Corn Flake we place as much bran as there is on a kernel of wheat, and thus make it a well balanced food. Flakes TOASTED MAPLFLAKE MILLS BATTLE CREEK Sam Thompson Pure Rye Whiskey Manufactured on the Monongahela River, at West Brownsville, Penna. The oldest brand of whiskey manufactured in Pennsylvania. 57 The Service Secured from an "Electric" Depends Upon the Battery The "Ironclad-Exide" Battery will run an electric vehicle-pleasure or commercial-more miles with less ex- pense, less attention and with greater continuity of service than any other battery made. The "Ironclad-Exide" Battery will not "stall" on a hill nor in starting heavy loads. The "Ironclad-Exide" Battery gives good service in either cold weather or hot. The "Ironclad-Exide" Battery can be recharged at a reason- able cost and keeps in good order with minimum attention. 44 The Ironclad-Exide" the famous "Exide" or "bycap-Eride” Battery is used by 23 prominent electric vehicle makers. No other battery carries such an endorsement. These batteries have been the standard of some of these makers for periods ranging up to eight years. Investigate the "Tronclad-Exide" Battery, and you will insist upon it for your new "Electric" or for renewing your present Battery. Eride" guarantee is plain and straightforward. You will find valuable information in the The Tronclad- Ironclad- Eride" Book. Write the nearest office for a copy. THE ELECTRIC STORAGE BATTERY CO. The oldest and Largest Battery Maker in the Country New York, 1888 PHILADELPHIA 1912 Detroit, Cleveland Office-Citizens Building Boston, Chicago, St. Louis, Atlanta, Denver, San Francisco, Toronto, Portland, Ore., Seattle, Los Angeles "Eride" Depots in Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, St. Louis, Denver, Atlanta and San Francisco 860"Eride" Distributors "Eride" Inspection Corps Ask about the "Exide" Battery for gas car ignition. 58 The F. A. Pease Engineering Company Civil and Consulting Engineers Municipal Improvements Electric Railways Subdivisions 930-931-932-933 WILLIAMSON BUILDING 59 JAMES WAGENHORST as MISS KOOGEN in The Hermits at Happy Hollow Photo by Hermit Rogers * 60 The Cleveland Savings and Loan Company (Hollenden Corner) Interest Paid on Savings Deposits Loans Made to Buy or Build Homes WM. R. CREER, Prest. A. W. ELLENBERGER, Vice Prest. J. C. NICHOLLS, Treas. J. J. SULLIVAN, Secretary All Around the World You will find people ready to cash Our Travelers' Checks. Failure to make satis- factory arrangements of their funds has placed many people in embarrassing situations. Provided with our checks, these experiences are avoided. K. N. & K. Checks are Safe, Convenient and Economical. If you contemplate a trip to any part of the world, send for our booklet "Funds for Travelers." It contains information that is both interesting and valuable. Knauth, Nachod & Kühne, Bankers LEIPZIG, GERMANY. 15 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK 19 VERSAILLES Photo by Hermit Brooks Bassin de Latone and Grand Canal 62 BAKER'S Breakfast Cocoa IS OF UNEQUALED QUALITY For delicious natural flavor, delicate aroma, ab- solute purity and food value, the most important requisites of a good cocoa, it is the standard. Trade-Mark on Every Package 53 Highest Awards in Europe and America Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Registered, Dorchester, Mass. U. S. Pat. Off. Established 1780 UNITED STATES TIRES THE STRONGEST TIRES IN THE WORLD ¶ Have service yielding qualities not possessed by other tires because they are made different from other tires. ¶They are the product of a four-fold method of manu- facture which is unique in tire history. ¶They combine the strongest individual points of four world-famous brands of tires. THE STRENGTH OF FOUR IN EVERY ONE WHY NOT TRY THEM? UNITED STATES TIRE COMPANY NEW YORK DEALERS EVERYWHERE 63 The A. G. Harbaugh Company Lubricants 713 Prospect Street Cleveland 64 FIRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE BONDS To Net 6% Call or Write for Descriptive Circulars. The Harley E. Williams Co. INVESTMENT 1114 Citizens Bldg. BONDS Cleveland, O. WABASH PITTSBURG TERMINAL RAILWAY CO. H. W. McMASTER, Receiver The Short Line between Pittsburg and Chicago Rate $9.00. The only Line running through Reclining Chair Cars, Seats Free. All Trains arrive and depart from the most cen- trally located and finest Station in Pittsburg. R. F. KELLEY, General Passenger Agent 65 BON JOUR GENTLEMENS MAYBE You LIKE TO SEE SOME FUNNY MOVING PICTURES YES? WIE GEHTS GREETINGS DOC ។ I 66 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT FRANK B. MEADE AND JAMES HAMILTON HAVE BANDED TOGETHER TO PRACTICE ARCHITECTURE WITH OFFICES AT 1002 GARFIELD BUILDING HEN HOUSES OUR SPECIALTY We point with pride to some of our satisfied Customers: Northern Ohio Brown Leghorn Club; Home Gardening Association; Cleveland Bar Associa- tion; National Sunday School Union; Early Settlers' Association; Cleveland Cat Club; Cheese Club; Sheriff Street Market; Cleveland Pantorium AWNINGS View of Country Club at East Palestine Designed by Mr. Meade ENDORSED BY THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 67 OFFICERS OF THE HERMIT CLUB FRANK B. MEADE GUY S. GARDNER JOSEPH C. ROYON JOSEPH R. KRAUS House Committee President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Hez. M. Terrell, Chairman. R. Prescott Beardslee Harwood Wilson Entertainment Committee Jos. C. Royon, Chairman Fred S. Porter Dudley J. Hard Arthur D. Brooks E. L. Worthington Guy S. Gardner, Property Master. Everett L. Brown, Music Librarian. Chas. K. Arter, Club Historian. 68 NATIONAL CAR WHEEL COMPANY GENERAL OFFICES: PITTSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA 1 MANUFACTURERS OF CHILLED CAST IRON CAR WHEELS FOR STEAM AND ELECTRIC RAILWAYS, INDUSTRIAL CARS AND LOCOMOTIVES WORKS: PITTSBURG, PA., CLEVELAND, O., ROCHESTER, N. Y., SAYRE, PA., NEW YORK CITY 69 Business founded 1865. Manufacture of these bitters be- gun 1872. C W. Abbott & Co Established 1876 Incorporated 1907. Trade Emblem Copyrighted 1899. ABBOTT'S BITTERS Best for Cocktails. Adds zest and bouquet to Wine, Spirit and Soda beverages. Abbott's Bitters (on the market over 30 years) besides being the best Aromatic flavoring for all mixed drinks, requiring bitters, is also a fine addition to other things, such as GRAPEFRUIT. Use teaspoonful or more to half Grapefruit.-Add sugar to suit. ORANGES, Sliced or Minced. Few dashes to each portion before adding the sugar. A SHERBET. To each pint of Lemonade add teaspoonful before freezing. VANILLA ICE CREAM. Put few dashes in the dish or glass before serving, gives a delightful aroma. ICED TEA. In large glass 1-4 filled with cracked ice, squeeze half lemon, teaspoonful of Abbott's Bitters, fill glass with tea, sweeten to suit. IT WINS FAVOR BY ITS FLAVOR-TRY A BOTTLE AT HOME For Sale at Wine Merchants, Grocers and Druggists. 70 THE MOREHOUSE CO THE CORSET MAKES OR MARS THE GOWN OMEN have come to realize this, and W are more and more exacting as to the model and quality of their corsets. We have a real Cor- set Specialty Shop where not only are offered gar- ments perfect in construc- tion and materials, and with the lines demanded by fashion, but where expert Corsetieres are ready to help find the right corset for each individual figure. All models of the best makes are in our Corset Shop Momart, LaVida, Maxine, American Lady, Warner's, Henderson's and numerous others. If you have not yet found the proper model for your figure, let our Corsetiere help you. 71 MEMBERS OF THE HERMIT CLUB Date of Election 1905 ABBOTT, GARDNER 1905 ALBRIGHT, C. A. *C ARTER, CHARLES K. 1909 AUGUSTUS, A. A. 1300 Schofield Bldg. Albright Coal Co. 1206 Williamson 501 Rockefeller Bldg. A C 1909 BAILEY, ALBERT C. BALDWIN, WILBUR M. C BEARDSLEE, R. P. 1904 BEDELL, A. H. 1907 BERKES, DR. H. A. 1911 BERWALD, R. F. 1904 BIERCE, GEORGE W. C BLISS, HARRY A. C BLOOD, JOHN H. 1908 BLOSSOM, DUDLEY S. 1907 BONNELL, W. F. C BORTON, Fred S. 1904 BORTON, T. E. C BOWLER, WALTER S. C BROOKS, ARTHUR D. 1908 BROWN, EVERETT L. C BROWN, M. STANLEY 1906 1911 BROWN, WILLIAM H. BRUNSKILL, WILLIAM O. 1904 BULGER, WILLIAM 1905 BULKLEY, R. J. 1909 BURNSIDE, R. H. 1911 BURROWS, CHARLES W. 1905 BURT, CHARLES E. 1906 CALDWELL, ARTHUR J. 1908 CANNON, JOHN L. 1911 CARDER, HOWARD A. 1908 CASTLE, Carl B. 1910 CASTO, DR. F. M. 1908 CHANDLER, JOHN C. Grasselli Chemical Co. Citizens Sav. & Trust Co. Petroleum Products Sales Co. Plain Dealer Bldg. 536 Rose Bldg. 913 Williamson Bldg. 2120 E. 105th St. Bliss Supply Co. 1411 Williamson Bldg. The Wm. Bingham Co. Schofield Bldg. Guardian Bldg. Guardian Bldg. Lake Shore Banking & Savings Co. The Brooks Co. 2165 E. 31st St. 902 Garfield Bldg. 706 Rose Bldg. 301 Citizens Bldg. 105th and Quebec Sts. 1015 Garfield Bldg. 712 Times Bldg., New York, N. Y. The Burrows Bros. Co. 1012 New England The Brooks Co. 1030 Williamson Bldg. W. 9th and Mandrake Care W. Bingham Co. 520 Rose Bldg. 1203 Citizens Bldg. B C * Charter 72 T HE printing of any- thing commercial--- used to help sell any product---bears a greater amount of responsibil- ity than the selection of a salesman as a personal repre- sentative--- he sees a compara- tively few and can meet argument. The printed repre- sentative has a broad distribu- tion and is mute---therefore its personality should be even stronger than that of the man. The Penton Press Company CATALOG, COMMERCIAL AND COLOR PRINTERS BINGHAM BUILDING CLEVELAND 73 Date MEMBERS OF THE HERMIT CLUB-Continued of Election 1912 CHAPIN, F. H. 1911 CHISHOLM, C. K. C CHISHOLM, WILSON K. C CLARK, CHARLES C. 1912 CLARK, FRANK H. 1910 COBB, HAROLD B. 1908 COOL, HENRY R. 1904 COVENTRY, C. C. 1904 CRAWFORD, H. J. 1908 CRAWFORD, RANDALL 1907 CRAWFOrd, W. J. Jr. 1904 CREECH, HARRIS 1907 CROXTON, D. T. 1910 CRUM, PHELPS 1910 CURRY, R. A. 1904 CURTISS, C. E. 1905 CURTISS, E. S. 1909 CUTLER, Dr. F. E. C CUTLER, SAM C. 1910 DALEY, W. A. 1911 DARLING, P. J. 1907 1911 DAUTEL, CARL DAVIS, A. R. C DAVIS, ALBERT REES 1906 DAVIS, CHARLES W. 1910 DAVIS, E. L. 1909 DAWLEY, W. J. 1910 DENNY, C. E. 1904 DIELHEIM, C. A. 1904 DINSMORE, R. A. C DONAHEY, J. H. 1910 DRESSER, F. J. C DUNCAN, W. M. C DYER, J. M. 1904 ELLENBERGER, A. W. C ENWRIGHT, R. C. 1909 ERNST, WALTER M. 900 Schofield Bldg. 1146 Euclid Ave. 6407 Euclid Ave. 808 New England 2041 E. 3rd St. 3751 Prospect Ave. S. E. 2344 E. 105th St. Cleveland Tool & Supply Co. 808 Perry Payne. 720 Cuyahoga Bldg. 720 Cuyahoga Bldg. Garfield Sav. Bank Co. Cleveland Furnace Co. 1507 Williamson Bldg. 10403 Euclid Ave. The Bruce-Macbeth Engine Co. Cleveland Trust Co. 936 Rose Bldg. 423 Schofield Bldg. Gilkey Printing Co. Superior Sav. & Trust Co. 312 Citizens Bldg. 2034 Euclid Ave. Perry Payne Bldg. Perry Payne Bldg. Davis, Hunt & Collister Co. 619 Williamson Bldg. L. S. & M. S. Ry. 1250 Ontario St. 812 New England Plain Dealer . 815 Superior Ave. N. W. 808 Perry Payne 825 Cuyahoga 1854 Scranton Rd. N. W. C D Guardian Bldg. E National Carbon Co. 74 The Chandler & Rudd Company .. GROCERS.. SERVE LUNCHEON ALL DAY AT THE DOWN TOWN STORE 234-236 EUCLID AVENUE They also put up Box Lunches at all the stores, for all kinds of outdoor life The Chandler & Rudd Company STORES ON EUCLID AVENUE 3$ 234 EUCLID DOWN-TOWN Main 4260 Central 5771 6000 EUCLID WILLSON East 3260 Princeton 123 10609 EUCLID FAIRMOUNT Doan 3400 Princeton 350 €3 75 HOMMEL'S Naturally fermented in the bottle CHAMPAGNES Distinctly American BRANDS WHITE STAR (Special Dry) RED STAR (A Sparkling Burgundy) EXTRA DRY IDEAL BRUT (Specially Selected Cuvee) At all better Wine Merchants, Clubs, Hotels and Cafes for one-half the price of the imported ** -:- We are also producers of PURE WINES and VERMOUTH PALING HOMMEL AITE STA WHITE STAR TRADE MARK SPECIAL DRY M.HOMMEL QUALITE SUPERIEURE The M. Hommel Wine Co. SANDUSKY, OHIO Sandor 76 Hermits in Shaker Heights The Shaker Heights Improvement Co. WILL HELP YOU FIND A CAVE Light Roomy Airy Beautiful Ask E. Warner White, Pres. T. W. Larwood, Secy. T. E. Borton, Treas. 77 F HUSH RUBE NOTHINGS IS IS IT FREE? O NOT SO MUCH 800 FRANCS FOR TODAY ONLY - THANK YOU EVER FREE ~ II 78 The O. M. Stafford-Goss-Bedell Company GENERAL INSURANCE PLAIN DEALER BUILDING, SUPERIOR AVE. AND E. 6th ST. 79 MEMBERS OF THE HERMIT CLUB-Continued Date of Election 1908 FEHRENBACH, JOSEPH 1904 FENTON, A. W. 1906 FLEMING, W. J. 1907 FORD, LOUIS J. C FOSTER, J. H. 1904 FULLER, C. W. 1904 GAGE, BENJAMIN A. 1905 GANSON, GEORGE H. 1911 GARDNER, B. M. 1905 GARDNER, GUY S. 1908 GAY, H. B. 1911 GILBERT, E. S. 1908 GILCHRIST, ALBERT J. C GILCHRIST, J. A. C GILCHRIST, J. D. 1905 GILKEY, WILLIAM S. 1905 GILL, PAUL S. 1911 GRACE, FRANK H. 1906 GROVER, M. B. 1905 GUNDRY, J. M. 1905 1910 HAMLIN, E. B. 1905 HAMILTON, J. M. HANNA, H. M., JR. HANNAFORD, A. M. 1912 HARBAUGH, F. C. 1908 1907 HARD, DUDLEY J. C HARRIS, HERMAN A. HARTLEY, S. W. 1908 C HASBROUCK, N. B. 1911 HENDERSON, J. R. C HERRIMAN, H. N. 1910 HIGGINS, GROVER 1908 HOUSUN, CHARLES R. 1905 HOWE, F. C. 1904 HUBBARD, STERLING W. 1905 HUGHES, FELIX Ohio Rubber Co. 508 Century Bldg. Bourne Fuller Co. 2121 E. 2nd St. 3152 E. 61st St. 532 Society for Savings 1018 Rockefeller Bldg. 509 Cuyahoga Bldg. 1010 Williamson Bldg. The Housum Grace Co. 1219 Citizens Bldg. 911 Williamson Bldg. Rockefeller Bldg. Columbia Bldg. Garfield Sav. Bank Co. The Brooks Co. Gill Lumber Co. 842 E. 79th St. 917 Schofield Bldg. Lake Shore Banking & Savings Co. 412 Williamson Bldg. 1002 Garfield Bldg. M. A. Hanna & Co. 426 Huron Rd. 913 Prospect Ave. 8 St. Clair Ave. N. W. 5001 Lexington Ave. Standard Welding Co. 720 Cuyahoga Bldg. 411 Electric Bldg. 862 Rockefeller Bldg. 1300 Schofield Bldg. 2269 Coventry Rd. 929 Garfield Bldg. Rogers, Brown & Co. Clarence Bldg. F G H 80 wwwwww LIQUOR TIE PISCAND wwwwwwww D.O.M Bénédictine Beware of Counterfeits the best after-dinner Cordial. DELBECK CHAMPAGNE VIN BRUT 1906 Cuvee Exceptionelle NOILLY PRAT & CO. DRY FRENCH VERMOUTH Unequalled for Cocktails 81 I FORGED LABELS FOR GORDON GIN (THIS IS NOT A JOKE) 82 BROWN BROTHERS & CO. 4th & Chestnut Streets Philadelphia, Pa. 59 Wall Street New York 60 State Street Boston, Mass. INTERNATIONAL CHEQUES and LETTERS OF CREDIT for Travelers, available everywhere Can be obtained from your own Bank at home. Special facilities in London for forwarding your mail to meet you on arrival, as you are traveling from place to place. INVESTMENT SECURITIES Statistics and specially prepared lists furnished on application BROWN, SHIPLEY & COMPANY, LONDON Head Office: Founders Court, Lothbury, E. C. Office for Travelers: 123 Pall Mall, S. W. 83 Date of Election MEMBERS OF THE HERMIT CLUB-Continued 1910 INGERSOLL, G. R. C INGERSOL, LELAND 1904 JACKSON, WARD B. 1904 JACKSON, JOHN 1904 JOHNSTON, JAS. D. 1911 JONES, ARTHUR 1905 KENDALL, HAYWARD 1906 KERR, CLARENCE V. 1905 KILFOYL, JOHN F. 1910 KING, HARRY W. C KLINE, JOSEPH H. 1906 KLUMPH, A. C. 1906 KRAUS, J. R. 1911 KRIDLER, GEO. M. 1910 KROENKE, A. J. 1911 KURTZ, DR. H. B. 1908 LAMPREcht, W. H., 2ND 1910 LANDON, C. N. 1910 LAUGHLIN, CHARLES F. 1904 LAUNDON, M. H. 1909 LOOMIS, HARRY E. 1910 LUNDOFF, CLEMENT W. 1905 LUSK, MILTON W. 1909 MCALLISTER, COLIN C MCALLISTER, W. B. 1908 MCGREARY, ROBERT G. 1908 MCINTOSH, HENRY P., JR. C MCDONALD, C. A. 1910 MCGOWAN, ROLAND T. 1904 MCLOUD, NORMAN C. 1910 MCVEY, CHARLES Y. C MAHER, CHAS. A. 1908 MARVIN, FRANK R. 1907 MASON, EDWIN L. L. S. & M. S. Ry. 504 Garfield Bldg. 1014 W. 11th St. 1014 W. 11th St. 1913 E. 86th St. W. M. Pattison Supply Co. Kendall Coal Mining Co. Lennox Bldg. 511 Cuyahoga Bldg. Lake Shore Banking & Trust Co. The B. W. Housum Co. Cuyahoga Lumber Co. First Nat'l Bank. L. S. & M. S. Ry. P. O. Box 386 1002 Rose Bldg. National Refining Co. 1429 Schofield Bldg. 219 Williamson Bldg. 720 Cuyahoga Bldg. Hippodrome Bldg. Crowell & Sherman Co. Olds Mobile Co. The W. B. McAllister Co. The W. B. McAllister Co. Colonial Hotel Guardian Sav. & Trust Co. 301 Electric Bldg. Interstate Drug Co. 1006 Auditorium Bldg. Cuy. Tel. Co. Nat. Car Wheel Co. 718 Williamson Bldg. Cleveland Trust Co. J K L M 84 When the Hermits were in Holland, our Deposits were $2,200,000.00 Today they are $4,400,000.00 The Hermits have been going some and so have we IMPORTING AILOR The W. H. Coffee Company TAILORS... HIPPODROME BLDG. 85 Date of Election MEMBERS OF THE HERMIT CLUB-Continued C MATHERS, JAMES 1904 MATHEWS, HERBERT 1912 MAY, OLE C MEADE, FRANK B. 1905 1911 1905 MERKEL, ARTHUR E. MERRICK, F. C. MILLER, JOHN L., JR. 1904 MORGAN, A. H. MULLEN, J. P. 1911 C MURCH, MAYNARD H. MURRAY, W. P. 1905 1911 1907 MYERS, L. E. NASH, RICHARD P. C NASH, SAM T. 1910 NASH, THOMAS H. 1904 NASH, WILLIAM F. 1910 NEWCOMB, A. G. 1905 NEWCOMB, R. B. 1904 NEWCOMER, FRANK C. 1911 NEWCOMER, HARRY W. 1904 NICHOLS, A. B. 1908 OTIS, ARTHUR H. 1904 OTIS, CHARLES A., Jr., 1904 PAINE, CHARLES A. 1908 PALMER, W. P. 1905 PERKINS, R. G. 1905 PETTEE, H. F. 1904 PHILPOTT, Wм. B. C PICKARD, John W., Jr. 1905 POLLOCK, W. S. C PORTER, FRED S. 1909 1905 POWER, CHARLES A. PRESCOTT, ORVILLE W. 1904 RANNEY, RUFUS P. 1905 RICHARDS, FRANK B. Society for Savings 912 Williamson Bldg. Cleveland Leader 1005 Garfield Bldg. 404 Century Bldg. A. S. Gilman Ptg. Co. The J. B. Moos Co. Morgan Lithograph Co. Studebaker Auto Co. 806 Hippodrome Bldg. Pickands, Mather & Co. 907 Williamson Bldg. Cleveland Provision Co. Cleveland Provision Co. Cleveland Provision Co. Cleveland Provision Co. 818 Society for Savings 818 Society for Savings 1300 Schofield Bldg. 1300 Schofield Bldg. 36 Commercial Bank Bldg. Otis Elevator Co. Otis & Hough Superior Savings & Trust Co. Western Reserve Bldg. Western Reserve Med. School 3152 E. 61st St. Standard Oil Co. 808 New England Bldg. The Weideman Co. 1016 Citizens Bldg. Martien Electric Co. Saginaw Bay Co. 1016 Citizens Bldg. 617 Perry Payne Bldg. M N 0 P R 86 You'd Better Do It To-day 2 LO {EXTRA FINE lbs FRANKLI GRANULATED 31/ EXTRA FINE lbs SUGAR FRANKLIN EXTRA FINE GRANULATED SUC Ibs. Sta 2 FRANKL SUPERIOR EXTRA FINE lbs. NKLIN FRUIT POWDE SUGA 1 Ib ULATED •Standard of Pu REFINED FOR FRANKLI FRANKLIN SUGAR REFINING PHILADELPHIA POWDERED SUGAR Standard of Purity. REFINED FOR FRANKLIN SUGAR REFINING CO. PHILADELPHIA. GAR rd of Purity FINED FOR ANKLIN REFINING CO. LADELPHIA. Instruct the maid, or better yet-phone your grocer right now and tell him to be sure next time to send you FRANKLIN SUGAR IN SEALED CARTONS You know the advan- tage of getting this perfect sugar in per- fect condition. You know the convenience and cleanliness and the real economy. But what good will this knowledge do you un- less you act on it. Act while you think of it- now. A KIND FOR EVERY USE GRANULATED-In 2-pound and 5-pound cartons POWDERED-In 1-pound cartons lined with wax paper. Positively airtight FRUIT POWDERED-In 2-pound cartons for fruits, desserts, and general table use Full weight of sugar guaranteed by us The Franklin Sugar Refining Co., Phila. 87 THE EXLINE CO. X CLEVELAND YOUR CATALOG REPRESENTS YOUR PRODUCT MORE ORE people, perhaps, than you have any idea of, believe that the man who has the most attractive catalog makes the best goods. It isn't always so, but as long as many people think so you've got to meet the fact. LET US HELP YOU DO JUSTICE TO YOUR GOODS IN YOUR PRINTED MATTER We'll be glad to make suggestions and help you plan a catalog. Just write or phone. THE EXLINE COMPANY 113 ST. CLAIR AVENUE CLEVELAND, OHIO 88 Incorporated 1849. Society for Savings in the City of Cleveland. Individual Deposits $54,961,144.74 Undivided Profits Surplus Fund 616, 109.60 3,500,000.00 NINETY-FIVE THOUSAND ONE HUN- DRED FIFTY OPEN ACCOUNTS 89 f П ㄷㄷ ​0 MOULIN XXXX BE THEY SCANDALOUS? ROUGE O LA LA YOU WILL BE ASHAMED TO LOOK AT THEM TWICE O GOODY III 90 A PRICELESS HABIT CLEANSING THE TEETH WITH CHRISTIE'S DENTALS TOOTH POWDER OR PASTE CHRISTIE'S DENTINE ELIXIR AND MOUTH WASH GENERAL AGENTS STRONG, COBB & COMPANY RETAIL STORE, 199 SUPERIOR AVENUE You Can't Get It out of your system—the lime you drink in lake water. It produces the marks of age. Drink DISTILLATA It keeps you young and healthy. That's a fact! 1 THE CITY ICE DELIVERY CO. Producers and Distributors 91 Date of Election MEMBERS OF THE HERMIT CLUB-Continued 1906 RIELEY, OLIVER R. C ROBBINS, L. S. C ROGERS, ARTHUR C. 1910 ROGERS, G. M. 1907 ROGERS, J. E. 1911 ROSE, B. H. 1905 ROYON, Jos. C. 1907 RUNYON, WALTER C., JR. 1905 RUST, JOHN F. SCHNEIDER, CHAS. S. 1909 SAWYER, L. P. 1911 SAYLE, W. C. C C 1910 1904 1905 SCOFIELD, S. W. SEMON, PAUL O. SHACKleton, Dr. W. E. SHERWIN, GEORGE N. C SHERWOOD, CHARLES F. 1910 SHOTTER ARTHUR H. C SMITH, ARTHUR M. 1910 SMITH, F. J. 1905 SMYTHE, A. B. 1910 SNIDER, HARRY M. 1911 SOMERS, CHARLES W. 1905 C 1904 SPENCER, RICHARD S. STAGE, CHARLES W. STAMP, CHARLES E. 1904 STOCKWELL, JOHN N., Jr. C STRONG, HERBERT W. STRONG, SAM E. 1905 1904 TERRELL, H. M. 1906 THOMPSON, CHARLES E. 1908 VALENTINE, HARRY R. 1905 WALKER, F. R. 1906 WALLACE, ROBERT B. 221 Society for Savings 2471 W. 41st St. S. W. 1200 B. of L. E. Bldg. Plain Dealer 1936 E. 6th St. N. E. 748 Rockefeller Bldg. 1507 Williamson 1316 Citizens Bldg. 904 Citizens Bldg. R 714 B. of L. E. Bldg. S 2102 E. 100th St. 1105 Schofield Bldg. 1400 Schofield Bldg. 1406 W. 9th St. 310 Osborn Bldg. First National Bank 1616 W. 3rd St. Columbia Bldg. 719 Citizens 1114 Auditorium Bldg. Cleveland Trust Co. 911 Swetland Bldg. 521 Cuyahoga Bldg. 2127 E. 105th St. 1011 Society for Savings 801 New England Bldg. 506 Williamson Bldg. Strong, Carlisle, Hammond Co. Strong-Cobb Co. Electric Welding Product Co. 713 Garfield Bldg. T 217 The Arcade V W 1900 Euclid Ave. American Ship Building Co. 92 No-Rim-Cut Tires 10% Oversize one year ago. That means that this army of men who know, have proved that these tires cut their tire bills in two. They make rim-cutting im- possible. They avoid the blow-outs due to over- loading, because of their GOODYEA The sale of Goodyear tires has reached the million mark. That means that these tires have been tested out, probably, on 200,000 cars. And 127 leading makers of cars have contracted for them this year. The re- sult is this: No-Rim-Cut tires our patented type- now far outsell any other make of tire. In two years the demand has multiplied by six. It is three times larger than AMOON ONIO oversize. Yet they now cost no more than other standard tires. Every motorist who makes the test is bound to adopt these tires. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co AKRON, O. Cleveland Branch, 1735 Euclid Ave. Perfection Springs are used on the best Motor Cars built in this Country The Perfection Spring Company Cleveland Ohio 93 Braided Whip Cord GARDEN HOSE With ordinary care will last THREE OR FOUR SEASONS IT IS WORTH TRYING For Sale By Cleveland Tool & Supply Co. 1515-19 Columbus Rd. 94 PERLY And "Good Individual Tailoring at the Price of Non-Individual Readymade" Evening dress suits to order $32.50 Of good material, fashionably designed, per- fectly fitted, and very well made. Silk lined, $32.50-about half that other good tailors begin at. Of finer materials at $37.50 and $42.50-still much under other tailors and no higher than ready made. Tuxedo or Dinner Jacket Suits to order, $30, $35, $40 -silk lined. Inverness Overcoats and Opera Capes to order, $22.50, $25, $30, $35. Dress Waistcoats of white silk or wash fabrics, $5, $6. All clothes made by us prest and kept in repair for one year free of charge. English Woolen Mills Co Tailors and Woolen Merchants INC 416 to 422 Superior Avenue, N. W Gould Storage Batteries For Economy and Best Service ¶ Gould Storage Batteries have maintained their clean lead by making good where others have unfailingly failed to produce promised results. Familiarize yourself with the facts about battery perform- ances, and if you haven't already done so, you surely will come to Gould as the one battery for maximum out- put per charge and for best value per dollar invested. We stand ready to refer you to any number of users who will back our claims of high capacity, high economy and long life. Send for a copy of our book "Care of Storage Batteries." Gould Storage Battery Co. American Trust Bldg., Cleveland. 95 I- Date of Election MEMBERS OF THE HERMIT CLUB-Continued 1904 WASSER, GEORGE N. 1908 WAYCOTT, ALBERT 1908 WELCH, HENRY J. 1910 WHITE, PHILIP T. 1904 WHITE, WALTER C. C WHITING, WILLIAM B. -1904 WILBUR, R. A. 1911 WILSON, F. H. 1908 WILSON, HARWOOD 1908 WITT, JOHN P. C WOLCOTT, F. B. C WOODWORTH, F. J. 1912 WORDEN, A. M. 1909 WORTHINGTON, E. L. 1904 WRIGHT, C. C. 1906 ZAMECNIK, JOHN S. 1102 New England Bldg. Crosby Ave. and Nickel Plate Ry. Care Sterling & Welch Co. Cleveland Trust Co. 842 E. 79th St. 808 Perry Payne Bldg. 1018 Rockefeller Bldg. L. S. & M. S. Ry. 1314 Rockefeller Bldg. Lake Shore Electric Ry. Guardian Bldg. First National Bank 812 Citizens Bldg. Guardian Bldg. 1515 Columbus Rd. N. W. 1430 W. 84th St. W Z 96 BELLE OF NELSON THE WHISKEY THAT MADE KENTUCKY FAMOUS G MELLWOOD AMERICA'S MOST POPULAR WHISKEY 97 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS Date of Election 1910 ADE, GEORGE 1906 ANDERSON, J. SCOTT 1907 BAKER, F. S. C BATES, A. C. 1904 BATES, Geo. D. 1908 BEEBE, R. W. 1911 BONNELL, Wm. W. 1904 BOTSFORD, J. L., JR. 1907 BOWMAN, W. P. 1905 BOYNTON, A. J. 1908 BOYNTON, FRANK L. 1904 BRAGGINS, F. W. 1904 BRUNER, C. T. C CADY, EDW. H. 1905 CALL, D. W. 1908 CAMPBELL, E. T. 1908 CARLE, RICHARD 1905 CARTER, Chas. E. 1909 COLE, HOWARD E. 1908 CONDIT, E. A. 1906 CONNELL, FRANK 1911 CONNELLY, E. K. 1905 CURTISS, J. S. 1908 DAY, WM. L. 1909 DUR, JACQUES 1910 ELY, R. W. 1907 EPPLEY, E. C. 1908 EVANS, WM. KENDALL 1907 FORD, C. B. 1909 GARBERSON, HARRY W. 1908 GARDNER, FRED 1907 GOODBODY, THOS. P. 1909 GOUDIE, J. 1911 GRAHAM, C. J. 1905 GREENE, FRANK H. 1909 GREENE, Wm. E. 1908 GRIESS, JUSTIN, JR. C HALE, EDWIN W. 1905 HALL, G. A. Brook, Ind. New York, N. Y. Boston, Mass. New York, N. Y. Akron, Ohio Akron, Ohio Youngstown, Ohio Ashland, Mass. New York City Elyria, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Columbus, Ohio Akron, Ohio Toledo, Ohio Milwaukee, Wis. Chicago, Ill. Erie, Pa. Yokohama, Japan Pittsburg, Pa. Erie, Pa. Pittsburgh, Pa. Erie, Pa. Cleveland, Ohio Oklahoma City, Okla. Germantown, Pa. Lima, Ohio Dayton, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Chicago, Ill. Chicago, Ill. Detroit, Mich. Pittsburgh, Pa. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Bedford, Ohio Iola, Kans. Boston, Mass. 98 TRADE MARK TRADE MARK TRADE MARK THE CHARM OF HOSPITALITY is greatly augmented when the character, quality, and gen- eral excellence of your dispensation are beyond all doubt or question hence, when you offer your good friend HUNTER WHISKEY it signifies a desire to give "the best to your guest"? Sold at all first-class cafes and by jobbers. WM. LANAHAN & SON, Baltimore, Md. C. F. LAUGHLIN REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MORTGAGES WILLIAMSON BUILDING EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS OF INCOME PROPERTIES 99 THE W. B. MCALLISTER CO. BUILDERS 2165 EAST 31st STREET CLEVELAND 100 I have known many, Liked a few, But there is only one "Saegertown Ginger Ale" ΙΟΙ IS HERE WHERE WE LAUGH? MAKE A HURRY 8 NOW MESSIEURS VAIT RIGHT HERE ON ZIS SPOT IV 102 TRADE MARK NORTON REGISTERED The Hermit Who Should Stay Away From Paris The Hermits have found the "Norton" the most popular and most efficient grinding wheel in Dixie, Africa and Cleveland, and they'll find the same is true in Paris. If there is a "hermitage" in Cleveland where grinding wheels are used that has not tried Alundum or Crystolon, there is a Hermit who should stay home from Paris, for his business needs him. The Cleveland Tool and Supply Co. want to know if you are the one NORTON COMPANY Worcester, Mass. 103 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS-Continued Date of Election 1911 HAMMAR, HARRY C. 1904 HOPPER, CHAS. H. C HUNGATE, WILSON 1906 HUNT, E. M. 1906 HUNTLEY, F. P. 1908 INGALLS, F. A. 1908 IGLESTROEM, JOHN 1905 JEWETT, JOHN E. 1905 KETCHUM, F. H. 1908 KINGSBURY, F. C. 1907 KLUMPH, M. P. 1908 LADD, GEO. F. 1904 MCCORMICK, DOUGLAS 1907 MACDONALD, ALBERT 1908 MCDONALD, R. A. 1906 MCMAHON, H. R. 1907 MARKS, ARTHUR H. 1907 MILLER, W. S. 1911 MOREHOUSE, MAX 1904 MYERS, H. E. 1904 NICHOLAS, F. M. 1907 ODELL, C. P. C PETTENGILL, G. B. 1908 PORTER, R. L. 1907 RAWLINGS, RALPH 1910 REEVE, H. S. 1906 RICHARDSON, E. M. 1905 RICKERr, W. W. 1907 ROBBINS, SABIN, JR. 1908 SCHMOCK, E. L. 1906 SIEGLE, P. R. 1905 SKINNER, E. C. 1905 SMART, A. R. 1908 SMITH, C. H. 1905 STARK, A. L. 1908 STEESE, Chas. W., Jr. 1905 TAGGART, F. F. 1911 TURNER, L. H. 1908 VAN ORMAN, FRED H. 1907 VAUGHAN, GUY Painesville, Ohio Unionville, Ohio New York, N. Y. Trenton, N. J. New York, N. Y. Chicago, Ill. Massillon, Ohio Buffalo, N. Y. East Orange, N. J. Columbus, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Pittsburgh, Pa. Columbus, Ohio Albany, N. Y. Pittsburgh, Pa. Pittsburgh, Pa. Akron, Ohio Elyria, Ohio Columbus, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio New York, N. Y. Willoughby, Ohio Pittsburgh, Pa. Lansing, Mich. Newport, N. Y. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Middletown, Ohio Willoughby, Ohio Colorado Springs, Colo. Cleveland, Ohio Chicago, Ill. E. Cleveland, Ohio Elyria, Ohio Massillon, Ohio Massillon, Ohio Pittsburgh, Pa. Evansville, Ind. New York, N. Y. 104 B. G. TREMAINE, Prest. F. B. EVARTS, V. Prest. P. W. FLICKER, Secy. & Treas. TELEPHONES Bell, Main 2183 Cuy., Central 1934 The Evarts-Tremaine-Flicker Co. FIDELITY and SURETY BONDS FIRE, LIFE AND CASUALTY INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE WILLIAMSON BLDG. CLEVELAND, O. G. A. BENTZ & CO. 612 EUCLID AVENUE CLARENCE BUILDING TAILORS Makers of Good Clothes FOR MEN 105 Stack MEN'S CLOTHES FIFTH FLOOR SWETLAND BUILDING Why are Columbia Multiple Ignition Batteries like the Hermits? Because they are Hot Sparkers. COLUMBIA MVLTIPLE BATTERY FOR MOTOR IGNITION 350 National Carbon Co. Cleveland, Ohio. NATIONAL CARBON CO CLEVELAND FOR ALL SYSTEMS OF IGNITION 106 GREAT WESTERN EXTRA DRY CHAMPAGNE GREATWESTERN Great Western MENNA 1873 EXTRA DRY FIRST PRIZE HeasantValley WindGee, Rheums R The only American Champagne ever awarded a Gold Medal at Foreign Expositions: PARIS EXPOSITION, 1867, France PARIS EXPOSITION, 1889, France PARIS EXPOSITION, 1900, France VIENNA EXPOSITION, 1873, Austria EXPOSITION, 1897, BRUXELLES Belgium BRUXELLES Belgium EXPOSITION, 1910, PLEASANT VALLEY WINE CO. OLDEST AND LARGEST CHAMPAGNE PRODUCERS IN AMERICA RHEIMS, NEW YORK 107 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS-Continued Date of Election 1907 WAGENHORST, J. H. 1912 VIALL, PHILLIP O. 1904 WAITE, GEO. S. 1908 WASEY, Louis R. 1912 WELLMAN, MARSHALL 1908 WEYBRECHT, CHAS. C. 1911 WHITMER, HUBERT K. 1904 WIEMAN, WM. 1907 WILSON, J. ROBERTS 1910 WOOD, W. L. 1908 WORTHINGTON, B. A. 1905 WORTHINGTON, GEO. Akron, Ohio Painesville, Ohio North Ridgeville, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Willoughby, Ohio Columbus, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Pittsburg, Pa. Ampere, N. J. Ithaca, N. Y. Euclid Heights, Ohio Elyria, Ohio JUNIOR MEMBERS 1912 CARLETON, GEO. M. 1912 HOBSON, F. H. 1912 INGERSOLL, KENNETH Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio 1912 1912 KYHNE, CARL C. 1912 LEACH, Wм. M. 1912 ROOF, Jos. B. SADLER, RUSSEL K. 1912 TEARE, HALSEY J. 1912 WIEBER, CARL L., JR. Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio 1912 WOOLSEY, S. A. Cleveland, Ohio 1912 ZURLINDEN, CYRIL P. Cleveland, Ohio 108 LL CONTINUOUS JOINT Over 50,000 miles WEBER JOINT in use Rolled from Best Quality Steel WOLHAUPTER JOINT The Rail Joint Company GENERAL OFFICES: 185 Madison Avenue, New York City Makers of Base-Supported Rail Joints for Standard and Special Rail Sections, also Girder, Step or Compromise, Frog and Switch, and Insulated Rail Joints, protected by Patents. Highest Awards-Paris, 1900; Buffalo, 1901; St. Louis, 1904. Catalogs at Agencies: Boston, Mass., India Bldg. Denver, Colo., Equitable Bldg. Pittsburgh, Pa., Oliver Bldg. Troy, N. Y., Burden Avenue Chicago, Ill., Railway Exchange Bldg. Portland, Ore., Wilcox Bldg. St. Louis, Mo., Commonwealth Trust Bldg. Montreal, Canada, Board of Trade Bldg. London, E. C., Eng., 36 New Broad St. 109 The Hermit Club In Memoriam Wyman, H. W. Wellman, Chas. H. Rogers, A. L. Morgan, T. R. Prior, L. W. Reeves, F. H. Lawrence. M. W. Bradley, Geo. I. Teare, Wm. H. Bolton, Kenneth C. Canfield, B. K. King, C. J. Hinkley, C. W. ΙΙΟ C. L. POSTON, WM. HARPER, President Sec'y & Treas. T. R. BIDDLE, Vice President The Morris-Poston Coal Co. Miners and Shippers of Pittsburg Number Eight Coal Daily Capacity 2,000 tons General Offices, CLEVELAND, O. Mines located at DUNGLEN, O. IF YOU WANT TO BE SURE OF LASTING SATISFACTION IN THE NEXT SUIT YOU ORDER, VISIT Schleman Bros. High-grade fabrics not only shape better to your figure and look better at the start, but they hold their shape; wear longer; and show their quality as long as they last. You cannot be sure of satisfactory CUSTOM TAILORS cloths unless you are sure of the 401-403-405 SCHOFIELD BLDG. EUCLID, COR. EAST 9TH ST. CUYAHOGA, CENTRAL 2581 W fabrics they are made of. P. S. We carry the celebrated SHACKAMOXON CLOTH III This blue & gold banner label is your guaran- tee of a quality, flavor and purity that has been famous Since 1857 Recognized every- where as The Standard Rye Whiskey of America. Guckenheimer comes in quart, pint, and half pint bottles. LIMER This little green stamp is the Government's guarantee that the whiskey is abso- BOTTLED IN BOND GUCKENHEIMER Pure Rye biskey DISTILLED & BOTTLED BY A.GUCKENHEIMER & BROS PITTSBURGH U.S.A. PENNA lutely pure, per- fectly aged and is full measure. Since 1857 The Government's Standard of Purity. A. Guckenheimer & Bros. Distillers, Pittsburg Since 1857 In the Early Times we had Hermits But like the Early Times Sour Mash, Kentucky Whiskey of Today---quite a difference from the old style. Test the difference. 112 FELS-NAPTHA soap will do splendid work quickly. The wash is completed without boiling or steaming, and very little rubbing. Garments are not worn out, nor is their fibre destroyed by chemicals or by boiling. No fuel is needed. There arises no poisonous suds-steam vapor to breathe. It does more work, does better work, and does it more easily. Harms neither clothing, paints nor hands. THE J. M. GASSER COMPANY ... FLORISTS... SWETLAND BLDG. 1006 EUCLID AVE. No use talking It pays to be well-dressed. You'll find no better tailors than OTTO & KUB EUCLID FRONT COLONIAL ARCADE BLDG. The Hermits at home who want the best in Wines and Liquors, will find that they get the best values in Schuster's "Euclid Brand" Wines, Whiskies, Brandies, Cordials and Fancy Liqueurs. Made in Cleveland-no duty, ocean-freight or other expenses. You pay for nothing but the value of the goods. If your dealer will not furnish, phone or write THE SCHUSTER COMPANY 2214-16-18 E. Fourth St. CLEVELAND 113 MOVING VAN IN FRENCH STINGED ک V 114 ORIGINAL BUDWEISER Bir Budweiser Lager Soazer Hopfen? Bester Geste C&Conrad & Co. Anheuser Busch Brewing Art Michalg Anheuser Busch Budweiser Beer Is a friend of mine The Wm. Edwards Co. Distributors 115 THE HERMITS' MEDITATION SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1911 1. The Orchestra will play something to get everybody in the proper state of gloom necessary to witness this performance. 2. A Pianologue a. The First Spasm will be Blue Dandruff Waltzes. Minuet C. Stars and Stripes Forever. and if the audience insists b. d. Narcissus.. By the Club Cut-up Johan Strauss Padrewski John Philip Sousa Everybody get calm and listen to a . Ethelbert Nevin 3. Lecture on Modern Art of the Extreme Impressionistic School. By F. R. Walker Illustrated by a Loan Exhibit. Those remaining will be treated to some 4. Songs and Monologue. By John Witt The act that made Dave Warfield jealous. And now, one of the greatest crimes of the century 5. The Third Degree... ..By Clay M. Greene Loaned to the Hermit Club by the Lambs Club. Captain of Detectives.. The Suspect..... Policeman on Duty Scene-Office of Chief of Detectives. C. K. Arter .C. A. Maher .J. H. Kline We will bet this was a good act in New York INTERMISSION-To give the Orchestra another chance. All cheered up now 6. Mr. Albert Rees Davis.. . By Himself A hot number-nothing like it ever seen at the Star 7. The Girl with the Goo-Goo Eyes. This act has been stopped by the police wherever it has appeared. Rufe Ranney will sit in the front row and represent the police department. 8. R. A. Curry in Illustrated Songs "The Grizzly Bear." "Stop-Stop-Stop-Stop." "Mr. Wright You're Wrong." And now the BIG SCREAM 9. The Clinic. CAST Dr. Sandy Carver……. Dr. R. Perkins Killem. Rachel the Trained Nurse The Patient.... By S. W. Hubbard Mr. R. C. Enwright .Mr. A. R. Davis Mr. John Witt . Mr. Carl Ford Hospital Attendants, Ambulance Corps, Assistants, etc. Scene-Operating room in the Carver Medical Institute. Time-Whenever you like. The survivors may now witness some 10. Moving Pictures-Rich, Rare and Racy This is a scandalous act, so do not bring the children. ALL OVER-WAS IT NOT A GOOD SHOW? 116 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. GLASS MIRRORS PAINTS VARNISHES BRUSHES 1430-34 W. 3rd STREET THE J. N. HAHN CO. Manufacturer of CORRUGATED PAPER BOXES ETOR AHN LO CORRUGATED 117 THE CLEVELAND & EASTERN TRACTION CO. THE CLEVELAND, YOUNGSTOWN & EASTERN RAILWAY CO. THE SCENIC LINES FAST AND FREQUENT SERVICE TO POINTS OF INTEREST Passenger, Mail and Express Service SPECIAL CARS PARTY RATES 701 ELECTRIC BUILDING CLEVELAND Golden Wedding PURE RYE WHISKEY BOTTLED IN BOND Distilled by JOS. S. FINCH & CO. Pittsburgh, Pa. 118 Drink Little Sarge A Soda Fountain in Your Home We are prepared to deliver to any home in Cleveland any of the following Beverages that have proven so popular at our stores : Ginger Ale Orange Phosphate Lemon Phosphate Root Beer They are identical with the goods served at our fountains and make a delicious table drink-the kind that have made The Standard famous-put up in a case of two dozen bottles at $2.00, half of which will be refunded when empty bottles and case are returned, making the net cost just $1.00 for 24 bottles delivered. Order a case by phone at our Wholesale Department or at any of our eight stores. Standard Drug Company Bell Phone Main 1825 Cor. East 9th and Bolivar Rd. Cuy. Phone Erie 10 10,000 TYPEWRITERS UNDERWOOD Have been sold to the Western Union Telegraph Co. Largest Typewriter Sale in History. "The Machine You Will Eventually Buy." UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO., Inc. 822 Huron Road. CLEVELAND, O. 119 SPRING MEDITATION OF THE HERMITS 1. March-Winter APRIL 22nd, 1911 As soon as Winter is over we will have 2. The Suicide.. . Orchestra Messrs. Enwright, Caldwell and Semon A cheerful little sketch borrowed from the Lambs Club. 3. Songs 4. Orchestra F. J. Dresser (a) Ballet Music from La Source, (No. 2). .. Delibes Edw. German (b) Nell Gwyn Dance, No. 3 INTERMISSION-Free Beer (A nominal charge of ten cents per mug for service) 5. Overture-Pique Dame . Suppe ORCHESTRA 6. Ouch! A five minute talk by Bill Brown, incidentally displaying the spring style in whiskers. 7. Hermits Illustrated A novel skit, written by Al Davis and illustrated by Donahey. (You may see yourself as others see you.) 8. Hermits in Happy Hollow Orchestra The last show music, now playing professionally as The Girl I Love LAST NIGHT OF THE ARCHITECTS' EXHIBITION I 20 FERNET-BRANCA Of Fratelli Branca, Milan, Italy Standard Bitters of the World BEST FLAVOR}TO COCKTAILS BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Wholesaled in Cleveland by The Weideman Company NEW JERSEY FIDELITY & PLATE GLASS INSURANCE COMPANY NEWARK, NEW JERSEY SHOTTER, FAERBER & CO. REPRESENTED BY 826 COLUMBIA BLDG. ¶ PLATE GLASS BURGLARY ACCIDENT X There are brooms and brooms The best are from Paris (Illinois) BLU J is the famous broom made from finest selected stock Demand it from your merchant THE WEIDEMAN CO. Distributors א 121 A MOVEZ ALONG ABER I VILL MAKE ZE ARREST OF ५०० IS IT NOT? I WISH I WAS BACK IN THAT DEAR HERMIT CLUB Тими VI 111 DRAWN BY UNKNOWN ARTIST 122 ECLIPSE THE ELECTRODIPE & ENG ENGRAVING LEVELAND CO TELEPHONE CUYAHOGA SERVICE IS ONE HUNDRED PER CENT EFFICIENCY THE CUYAHOGA TELEPHONE COMPANY ELECTRIC BUILDING, 644 PROSPECT AVE. (Taylor Arcade is opposite) 123 = HIGH & DRY GIN THE BEST LONDON DRY GIN MADE AND BOTTLED IN LONDON BY BOOTHS DISTILLERY, LTD. ESTABLISHED 1740 PURVEYORS, BY ROYAL WARRANT OF APPOINTMENT, TO HIS MAJESTY KING GEORGE V. SITE LABEL Tren Mc MULLEN'S WHITE LABEL GUINNESS BASS AND ALE STOUT WHITE LABEL Romas & Macklem MESS FOREIGN EXTRA PINTS AND SPLITS Gate Dub 124 FOR HOME SITES IN EAST CLEVELAND AND SHAKER HEIGHTS MAYFIELD HEIGHTS SEE The Berwald-Stewart Company 913 Williamson Bldg. Mellow as Moonlight CASCADE PURE WHISKY CEO.A.DICKEL &CO CASCADE Old Fashn DISTILLERY Sour Mash TENNESSEE WHISKY SERA DICKELAS CASCADE CISVILLER HISKY Original bottling has old gold label GeoA.Dickel & Co.Distillers Nashville Tenn. CEO.A.DICKEL &CO CASCADE DISTILLERY Old Fashn 00:00-00 Sour Mash TENNESSEE WHISKY 125 THE HERMITS' MEDITATION NOVEMBER 18th, 1911 1. Meade's Melifluous Murderers With MEADE Do what pleases you most 2. Alfy's Rehearsal .Hermit Hubbard Scene-Club Rooms of the Light Brigade, London Time-The present CAST Major Coates Capt. Larry O'Reilly Lieut. Alfy Lieut. Ferdy Lieut. Harry Peters 3. Josh Wise Hermit Ford Hermit Donaldson Hermit Herriman Hermit Valentine Hermit Dresser Hermit Somebody Blame them not. Hubbard stung 'em. A graduate of the Spencerian School of Expression Rowdyism will not be countenanced 4. The Same Bunch-Sans Meade Sounds better since its fixed 5. Least, But Not Last AN INCIDENT AT RENO You are entitled to two guesses The following have promised to attend: Billy Jordan Robt. Fitzsimmons. and Thos. Sharkey The following: The White Man's Hope Will attend to the following: The Bacon Snatcher Jas. J. Corbet T. Kilbane JIM HAMILTON ..Hermit Wagenhorst Hermit Porter There will also be present attendants, seconds, bacon, champagne, et al., all in charge of Director of Public Safety, Hermit Stage. (Opportunity will be afforded to all members of the Colonial Club to retire immediately after the foregoing.) DON'T GO HOME-IT'S EARLY 126 LOZIER SIX CYLINDERS-$5,000 The Choice of "Men Who Know" LOZIER BRANCH, 6402 Euclid Avenue Main 2483 Central 4515 W WM. O. BRUNSKILL Insurance.. 301 CITIZENS BUILDING BUSH & LAVIN TAILORS Distinctive Clothes $30.00 and Upward PUBLIC SQUARE AND ONTARIO ST. SECOND FLOOR PARK BLDG. The Thomas Coughlin Co. GENERAL INSURANCE 614 WILLIAMSON BLDG. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE SURETY BONDS FIRE and LIABILITY RELIABLE COMPANIES PROMPT SETTLEMENTS 127 Photo by Hermit Rogers JOHN WITT as KATRINA in The Hermits at Happy Hollow 128 PURE RYE WHISKEY Mount Vernon Pure Rye Whiskey Berries in Minded as Bears Cook & Bernbeimer Co ane Pony guarantees by the Rannis Dishing do The original and only Distillery Bottling Mount Vernon Pure Rye Whiskey Is in square bottles Cook & Bernheimer Co., New York PURE OLD KENTUCKY LEAF MELLOWED BY NATURE'S PROCESS BULL DOG CUT PLUG 10c FOR THE TIDY TIN WITH THE RED DOG ASK THE WEIDEMAN COMPANY KLONDIKE ALUMINUM PAINT FOR HIGHEST CLASS SILVERING & DECORATIVE WORK ON ANY SURFACE BAER BROTHERS KLONDIKE L GOLD PAINT FOR HIGHEST CLASS GILDING CORARYE WORK ON ANY SURFA BAER BROTHERS KLONDIKE Liquid Gold or Silver The newest and best for gilding and re-silvering. A child can apply same, and make a perfect finish = Manufactured by BAER BROTHERS, NEW YORK BOUVIER ORIGINAL BUCHU GIN FOR THE KIDNEYS AND BLADDER 129 "Famous for Fine Foods' We supply most everything eaten in the HERMIT CLUB from Soup to Nuts. 99 Largest Hotel and Club Supply House in Ohio. Dealers in Meats, Game, Poultry, Fish, Seafood, Rare Vegetables and Groceries :-: :-: :-: :-: We Ship Everywhere BRANDT'S Sheriff St. Market Cleveland 130 Do You Know We Sold over 1,000,000 Gal- lons of Oil for Cooking Purposes Alone During the Year 1911 ? Why Did We Sell It? Because of its Superiority Over Lard and Other Fats. Try it and Be Convinced. LOUISVILLE COTTON OIL CO- INCORPORATED PROGRESS COOKING OIL OFFICE & REFINERY FLOYD&K STREET LOUISVILLE REFINERS LOUISVILLE COTTON OIL CO. Office and Refinery Floyd & K Sts., INCORPORATED LOUISVILLE, KY. Cable Address Cottonoil, Louisville London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co. of Liverpool, England THE O. M. STAFFORD-GOSS-BEDELL CO.. AGENTS Plain Dealer Building 131 NUTTY STUFF AT THE HERMIT CLUB SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16th, 1911 PRELIMINARY ROUND "THE POWER OF THE PRESS" A Bluff-In One Act By Hermit Housumever LOCAL TALENT Dave Stevens, reporter on "The Cleveland Muckraker". Hermit Abbott, The Siren Stuyvesant St. John, Senator from New York.... Hermit Rogers, Buster Brown . Hermit Crum, Excuse Me Van Rensselaer St. John, his son.. Tom Burkinghart, Senator from Iowa. Hermit Gilkey, The Man from Home Hildegarde Burkinghart St. John, his daughter.. Hermit Hamilton, Sis Hopkins Patrolman Mike Gilhooley, one of Chief Kohler's Finest. Hermit Enwright, Three Weeks Scene-Residence of Garrett St. John on Euclid RUNNER-UP Avenue, Ohio INSTRUMENTAL TRIAL A Sad Thing-In One Exposure Fiddle Dog House Pianny Mr. Miller Mr. Berkes Mr. Valentine Scene-Rocky River Bridge at Midnight Time-During The Strike SEMI-FINALS UNCLE JOSHUA'S CHRISTMAS PARTY A Tone Poem-Fortunely in One Act By Hermit A. C. Klump-The Deep Sea Going Hack Uncle Joshua Simkins Mr. Fred Nicholas, A Gentleman of Leisure Aunt Leviny Simkins, his wife . Mr. Albert Rees Davis, The Traveling Salesman Billy Simkins, their son Mr. Rowland Curry, Bright Eyes Dr. Clarence V. Kerr, The Medicine Man Deacon Hardpenny. Ezra Hoskins, The Village Fiddler.. Zeke Snodgrass, his partner. Village Boys. Village Girls Mr. Dick Spencer, Way Down East Mr. Joseph Royon, The Piper Mr. John Rust, The Pink Lady Mr. Frank Grace, The Girl I Love Mr. Arthur Caldwell Mr. Wm. Lamprecht, 2nd Base Mutt and Jeff Mr. Ted Mason, The Chorus Lady Scene Living Room, Old New England Homestead Time-Christmas Eve FINALE-Impromptu Exhibitions by Intoxicated Members Also the Orchestra Whenever Necessary 132 O Fun! Recreation! AND HEALTHFUL EXERCISE FOR YOUR BOY! The very latest Sensation in Boys' Sports is the PUSHMOBILE! SAFE! SPEEDY! EXCITING! Pushmobile Races and Contests will be the rage this summer in Cleveland. For early delivery, place your order NOW with nearest Dealer in Children's Vehicles. Other Vehicles for Girls and Boys, too. Tricycles, Velocipedes, Toy Garden Barrows, Express Wagons, Hand Cars, Automobiles and Sulkies. All manufactured in Cleveland by The Kirk-Latty Mfg. Co. See our CLEVELAND PUSHMOBILE used by HERMITS IN PARIS. 133 Photo by Hermit Rogers CARL FORD as APPAMATOX BOGGS in The Hermits at Happy Hollow 134 SECTIONAL BOOKCASES Made in Oak and Mahogany Adjustable Shelves ¶ With Art Glass, Plate Glass or Plain Glass Doors 9 Noiseless Rolling Doors Artistic and Harmonious Effects are Pro- duced by Grouping the Various Sections, Desks, etc. Send for illustrated catalog. THE CLEVELAND DESK COMPANY Our equipment for illustrated Catalog Printing is unsurpassed and our product the best The J. B. Savage Co. 1395 E. 3rd St. Cleveland Established Forty-Three Years 135 : THE STANDARD TOOL CO. Manufacturers of Twist Drills, Reamers, Milling Cutters, Taps, Chucks and Special Tools of the Best Quality. Tools bearing the Shield Brand are in constant use everywhere where econom- ical efficiency is required. CLEVELAND, NEW YORK SALESROOM, CHICAGO SALESROOM, General Offices and Factory · 94 Reade Street 552 W. Washington Blvd. 136 THE HIGGINS-BABCOCK-HURD COMPANY Wholesale Grocers Importers, Packers and Jobbers of Food Products The BURT OLNEY CANNING CO'S PRODUCTS CANNED VEGETABLES CANNED FRUIT . THE HIGGINS-BABCOCK-HURD CO. Distributers 137 Photo by Hermit Rogers J. H. KLINE as a Polo Boy in The Hermits at Happy Hollow 138 The Hermits Are Going Some So Are Davis & Farley! Why don't you give them your Insurance and Surety Bonds? Address Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Cleveland Telephones: Main 233, Central 1574 We have good markets for the Securities named below: STOCKS Northern Ohio Trac. & L. Co. Lake Shore Elec. Ry. Co. Wash. Balt. & Annapolis Rd. Co. Cleve. S. W. & Col. Ry. Co. Cleveland Railway Co. Great Lakes Towing Co. National Refining Co. Diamond Rubber Co. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Cleve. & Sandusky Brew. Co. Kansas City Brew. Co. Cities Service Co. BONDS Cuyahoga Tel. Co. 5s, 1919 United States Tel. Co. 5s, 1919 Aurora, Elgin & Chi. 1st. 5s, 1941 Stark Electric R. R. City Ice Delivery 5s, 1928 6s, 1920 Dow Chemical Co. 6s, 1925 Upson Nut Co. 6s, 1937 N. O. T. & L. Con. 5s, 1919 Cleve. & Sand. Brew. 6s, 1930 Wash. Balt. & A. R. R. 5s, 1941 Cleve. & S. W. Trac. 5s, 1923 Lake Shore Elec. Gen. 5s, 1933 Columbia Gas & Elec. 5s, 1927 Grasselli Chemical Co. City Ice Delivery Co. Kansas City Brewg. Western Ohio Ry. 6s, 1930 5s, 1921 Members Cleveland Stock Exchange 606 Hippodrome Bldg. Phones: Main 2012, Cent. 470 American Ship Bldg. Co. W. S. SNYDER & CO., Bankers & Brokers 139 EMERY C. PRIOR as a Show Girl in The Hermits at Happy Hollow Photo by Hermit Rogers 140 DUBONNET The Genuine Dubonnet is always clear as a Real Ruby Imitations are Always Cloudy and Muddy This is a fac-simile of THE BOTTLE of the only genuine DUBONNET DUBONNEY VERY COLE FRANCE Dubonnet wine 18 OF ALCOMo STHET CREAT FRENCH APPETIZER GUBONNET 7 Que Mornay PARE IBEWARE IMITATIONS. THE GREAT FRENCH APPETIZER Made in Paris since 1846 Imported in the United States for more than 20 years Beware of Spurious Imitations YORK Annual Sales 12,000,000 Bottles The Weideman Company, Distributors for Cleveland, Ohio. THE BEST PULLEY! THE BEST SERVICE!! Is what you get when you order "THE REEVES" Wood Split Pulley. High Quality and Quick Delivery is our hobby. Short rim segments, every segment hot glued and doubly nailed; the arms set edgewise to the load, ex- tended through, built up in alternate layers of the rim and nailed and glued; absolutely clear, straight-grained stock, skilled workmanship and rigid inspection from start to finish make "THE REEVES" Wood Split Pulley THE BEST ON EARTH. THE STRONG, CARLISLE & HAMMOND CO. Keep every standard size of Pulley. from 3 to 60 inches, in stock and make immediate delivery. A great combination-"The Best Pulley," "The Best Delivery," "The Best Treatment." REEVES PULLEY CO., Columbus, Indiana. Cleveland Agents-THE STRONG, CARLISLE & HAMMOND COMPANY. 141 ERNST AND ERNST CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS IMPARTIAL AUDITS PRACTICAL SYSTEMS BANK EXAMINATIONS CLEVELAND CINCINNATI NEW YORK CHICAGO 142 UCKEYE LAMPS FIRST ECAUSE UCKEYE LAMPS LAST The Buckeye Electric Works of GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. CLEVELAND 143 ORCHESTER-PROGRAMM HERMITS IN ALT-WIEN 6. JANUAR 1912 1. March... 2. La Tosca.. a. Secret Woe 3. Vocal b. Secret Greeting c. Anathema .Hermits in Vienna HERMIT LUNDOFF, with Orchestra . Puccini R. Wagner 4. Ein Albumblatt. 5. Schoener Mai.. 6. Songs. 7. Baron Trenk... . Johann Strauss .by Hermit Lundoff . Felix Albini The Exhibition of Original Cartoons and Illustrations by Hermits Donahey and Landon will continue for one week. No-Treat Rule in force among Members Tonight 144 "I am the Little Hermit." I travel from CLEVELAND to PITTSBURGH seven times every day on the trains of the ERIE RAILROAD Entering Pittsburgh over the picturesque Pittsburgh & Lake Erie R. R., along the banks of the historical old Ohio River. From the car windows I see many steam boats, pretty villages, mountains and valleys. I always pass through Youngstown on my journey over the ERIE RAILROAD My agent requests that you send him a postal with your address for a large colored map of the United States. It is sent free of charge. His address is No. 825 Garfield Building. J. D. BROWN CLEVELAND, O. 145 GEORGE SMILEY as a Milkmaid in The Hermits at Happy Hollow Photo by Hermit Rogers 146 Compliments of The Cleveland Ball Club U. S. LEAGUE LUNA BALL GROUNDS ADMISSION 25 to 50 CENTS. SCORE CARDS FREE. CLEVELAND'S COMPLETE PIANO HOUSE PIANOS PLAYER PIANOS VICTROLAS THE CALDWELL PIANO CO. E. 9th Street Prospect Avenue Huron Road I. Greenstein John F. Schnitker GREENSTEIN & CO. TAILORS 258 Superior Ave., N. E. Louis B. Kramer CLEVELAND G. J. NIKOLAS & CO. MAKERS OF HIGH GRADE LACQUERS CHICAGO, ILL. 147 GOODRICH TIRES BEST IN THE LONG RUN TRADE MARK 148 The Artcraft Company are producers of advertising and business literature- makers of com- plete catalogs. Their art, engraving and print shops occupy the 6th & 7th floors of the Vulcan Building, Cleveland. Main 4900 THE EXCHANGE CLEVELAND The Builders Exchange Permanent Exhibit of Building Materials Headquarters for Information on all Matters Pertaining to Construction Third Floor Chamber of Commerce Building Visitors Welcome Main Four Thousand 149 The Annual Pilgrimage of the Hermit Club ITINERARY. Jan. 27, 1912........Cleveland. 29, 30, 66 66 31, 31, Feb. 1, 2, 66 3, Hermit Theater Town Hall Skating Rink -Jones' Barn Berea.. Grafton.. Lafayette (Mat.) Medina (Eve.). Smith's Garage Wellington... Oberlin*. Elyria*. ..Cold Storage Warehouse *It was deemed advisable to cancel these dates in order that the artists might be sure to reach their homes by Sunday. The roads are reported in very bad condition. PROGRAM January 27, 1911. THE HERMITS' PILGRIMAGE The First Stage of the Pilgrimage THE HERMIT MINSTRELS Pullman Car Porters Gardner Abbott Colin McAllister Fred Nicholas Harry Donaldson Opening Chorus INTERLOCUTOR F. S. Porter Hermit Chefs John Witt Sterling Hubbard Louis Ford C. E. Lundoff MINSTRELS H. N. Herriman F. J. Dresser Hermit Orchestra, Frank B. Meade, MUSICAL NUMBERS Tenor Solo and Chorus (Night and Day). Baritone Solo and Chorus (Let the Sunshine in) Bass Solo (Perfect Day) Song and Dance (Mail for the Hermit Club).. Director Company Herriman Dresser Lundoff Maher Abbot (sung by author) Company Topical Song (Aint it Funny What a Difference a Little Grease Paint Makes) Hermit Hymn (by Albert R. Davis) The Second Stage of the Pilgrimage "THE MUSIC MERCHANT" A Comedy Sketch in One Act By F. S. Porter Scene-Interior of Music Store. Time-Spring Morning CAST Herr Bald, Proprietor of Music Store.. Vera Bright, His Clerk "Grouchy" Phelan, Customer Justus Black, Customer Abel Bowman, Customer Officer Sargent, Policeman .A. R. Davis R. S. Spencer R. C. Enwright C. A. Maher John Miller .H. C. Donaldson Introducing Carl Castle Hammerstein's Comedy Four Herriman, Donaldson, Dresser, Lundoff THE END OF THE PILGRIMAGE Eat, Drink and be Merry For Tomorrow We Sleep. 150 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OVER $6,000,000.00 AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK OVER THIRTEEN MILLIONS PAID IN CLAIMS LARGEST AND STRONGEST BONDING COMPANY Cleveland Branch: Garfield Bldg. M. Stanley-Brown, Manager. To The Hermits in Paris GREETING H. W. JOHNS-MANVILLE CO. POE BROTHERS 8523 Hough Avenue Men's Furnishers, Hatters and Tailors DRY CLEANING BURT A. MILLER General Agent Southwestern Surety Insurance Company 507 Century Building Main 1329 Res. Marlo 305 J 151 HERMIT CLUM B Drawn by Hermit Walker NO PASSENGERS' ALLOWED ON THIS WAGON TO NIGHT Menu Cover for Annual Dinner 1911 152 THE CLEVELAND REALTY IMPROVEMENT COMPANY C. L. Douglass, Pres. S. H. Hutchinson, V. P. and Treas. A. W. Henry, Secy. The Bingham & Douglass Co. GENERAL INSURANCE THE CUYAHOGA Bell Main 134 TELEPHONES: Cuyahoga Cent. 5858 Cleveland, O. Longer's LIKE THE HERMITS ARE GREAT ON THE PARISIAN STUFF MODELS ARRIVING DAILY AT 17-19 COLONIAL ARCADE The Wm. Downie Co. PAINTERS DECORATORS 153 HIS MOST EXCEL- LENT MAJESTY King William the Fourth V. O. P. SCOTCH WHISKY F. O. DE LUZE & CO. SOLE AGENTS NEW YORK 154 RUBBER- ALL YOU WANT The Ohio Rubber Company 725-727 St. Clair Ave., N. W. Bell Phone Main 3395 Cuyahoga 5329 THE W. S. GILKEY PRINTING CO. RAILROAD PRINTERS www 1212 West Sixth Street, Cleveland 155 R. F. SMITH as FLEURETTE DeMENTHE Photo by Hermit Rogers in The Hermits at Happy Hollow 156 The 'Manest' Family Clothes Dryer is ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. There are no COMBUSTIBLE PARTS in its makeup. The Simplest, Safest, Most Durable and Economical dryer made. :-: :-: THE MANNEN & ESTERLY CO. 2241 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland The Geo. Worthington Co. HARDWARE Electric Fixtures and Supplies Sporting Goods and Gymnasium Outfits Harness and Horse Clothing 802 to 832 ST. CLAIR AVE., N. W. Established 1829 157 : LADIES' NIGHT AT THE HERMIT CLUB MARCH 2nd, 1912 DAFFY DILLS 1. "THE" ORCHESTRA After the deafening applause has subsided, we will have a 2. SONG "Perfect Day". Cello obligato by Hermit Lundoff by Hermit Berkes Could a man be arrested for killing a deer in Ohio? Not if Arthur Shotter. 3. PIANOLOGUE .by Hermit Lusk Should Charlie Maher the following sketch, would it give Harry Bliss to see Roland Curry favor with the ladies? No, but it would give Charles A. Paine. 4. SKETCH "The Third Degree". Captain of Detectives The Suspect Policeman on Duty .by Clay M. Greene Scene-Office of Chief of Detectives Hermit Arter Hermit Maher Hermit Kline 5. A HAIR-RAISING Herr Hermit Herriman Hitting the high Harmonies Would Henry Welch if Bart Tucker away? No, but it would make Sam Nash his teeth. 6. "THE" ORCHESTRA After the deafening applause has subsided, we will have 7. FRED PORTER'S LATEST MASTERPIECE Herr Bald Vera Bright Grouchy Phelan Justus Black Abel Bowman Officer Sargent "THE MUSIC MERCHANT" Second appearance in America CAST .Hermit Davis Hermit Spencer Hermit Enwright . Hermit Maher . Hermit Miller Hermit Donaldson Introducing the Quaggy Quartette Lundoff, Donaldson, Dresser, Herriman Scene Interior of Music Shop. Time-Spring Morning 158 BY ROYAL WARRANT OF APPOINTMENT TO HIS MAJESTY KING EDWARD VIL "BLACK AND WHITE" THE STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE IN Scotch Whiskies JAMES BUCHANAN & COMPANY 29 Broadway, New York ARTHUR J. BILLIN, Managing Director Lang & Sarstedt Painters and Interior Finishers PAINT SUPPLIES, Etc. 1529 Prospect Avenue Both Phones. 159 E. H. TAYLOR JR. & SONS INC. DISTILLERS-F S-FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY. A SMILE ON THE TAYLOR FACE OF EARTH THE EAR BOTTLED IN BOND There is no such care observed in the manufacture of any other whiskey in or out of America as is observed in the manu- facture of OLD TAYLOR It is manufactured at a greater cost than is any other whiskey. It is the leading beverage whiskey of America. It is in a class by itself. Further praise would be- "To paint the lily-To gild refined gold." E. H. Taylor Jr. & Sons, Incorporated 160 MEADVILLE RYE "PURYO" A Pure Rye Whiskey distilled from choice rye and malt -no corn. Exceptional medicinal value BOTTLED IN BOND 1507 1203 100) MEADVILLE Try a bottle and note the richness and flavor. If too strong, use less whiskey or more water PURE RYE WHISKEY MAWICE PENNSYLVANIA DISTR FAOVILLE, Under U. S. Government Supervision Dewar's White Label" Scotch Whisky 161 CARL CASTLE as HY. LOW in The Hermits at Happy Hollow Photo by Hermit Rogers 162 my Conservative Investments Government Bonds Municipal Bonds Railroad Bonds Traction Bonds Industrial Bonds yielding from 2 to 6 per cent. Members of the Cleveland Stock Exchange Hayden, Miller & Company Investment Bonds Citizens Bldg. Cleveland Nau, Rusk & Swearingen Certified Public Accountants NEW YORK 50 Church Street CLEVELAND American Trust Building 163 ANNUAL DINNER A 1212 Menu Cover for Annual Dinner, 1912 Drawn by Hermit Brooks 164 The Nicola, Stone & Myers Co. LUMBER Have a Little MOORE OLD POSSUM HOLLOW PURE RYE WHISKEY Sold Everywhere THE THOS. MOORE DISTILLERY CO. McKEESPORT, PA. CHAPIN, TRULL & CO. DISTILLERS OF Pure Fire Copper Molasses Rum No. 33 Broad Street BOSTON WHITE TOP A true CHAMPAGNE and the EQUAL OF ANY ON THE MARKET White Top Champagne Co. Hammondsport, N. Y. 165 = Homes of F. W. Reindel and D. C. Griese Showing type of Landscape work done by W. H. TEMBLETT Landscape Architect and Forrester 163 Hower Ave., E. C. "Canadian Club" Whisky Distilled and Bottled by HIRAM WALKER & SONS, Limited Walkerville, Ont., Canada 166 THESE MAKERS OF ELECTRICS PAY EXTRA TO SAVE YOU TIRE TROUBLE ARGO CENTURY BABCOCK CHURCH-FIELD BAILEY CLARK BAKER COLONIAL BORLAND DAYTON BROCK DETROIT FRITCHLE GRINNELL RAUCH & LANG STANDARD HUPP-YEATES STUDEBAKER KIMBALL WAVERLEY OHIO PHIPPS ¶ In order to give an easy-riding Electric Pleasure Car, with tires that are free from trouble, all leading manufacturers who build 95 per cent of all American-made Electrics, are now putting Motz Cushion Tires on their Cars as standard equipment. ¶ They do this, even though they must pay $50 to $125 more per set for Motz Cushion Tires than for pneumatic, semi-solid or truck tires. Yet Motz Tire equipment, in most cases, adds nothing to the price you pay for your Electric. Simply advise any of these makers that you want Motz Cushion Tires on your Electric and you will get them. And you will have tires that last, on an average, five times as long as the most costly pneumatics. Motz Cushion Tires are guaranteed for 10,000 miles-two years. Pneumatic tires average less than 3,000. ¶ If you have an Electric equipped with pneumatic or solid tires, you can easily change to Motz Cushion Tires and multiply many fold the pleasure, comfort and safety of motoring. Motz Cushion Tires fit any Standard Clincher, Universal Quick Detachable or Demountable Rim. Write today for our booklet H. Please men- tion make and model of your car. D The amazing resiliency of this tire is produced by means of double, notched treads, undercut sides, slantwise bridges and secret processed rubber. A-Shows double, notched treads. B-Shows undercut sides. C-Shows slantwise bridges. D-Shows absorbing means when passing over an obstruction. (1771) The Motz Tire & Rubber Co. Factories and Executive Offices: AKRON, OHIO Cleveland Branch: 2352 Euclid Avenue We also manufacture Demountable Solid and Cushion Tires for Commercial Cars. MOTZ CUSHION TIRES 167 = Lamprecht, Wolsey, Nash, Caldwell, Mason, Dawley, Conley in The Hermits at Happy Hollow Photo by Hermit Rogers 168 Main 765 Central 442-R The Gainer Electric Co. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Construction, Wiring, Repairing of all Electrical Apparatus 80 Public Square Main 1905 Standard Cycle Repair Co. VULCANIZING A SPECIALTY 722 Frankfort Ave., N. W. CLEVELAND, OHIO 169 0 Photo by Hermit Rogers Cutler Falls Crum Prior Warren Gardner in The Hermits at Happy Hollow 170 Why are the Hermits such cut-ups? Because they drink the classiest whiskies HERMITage Bourbon and HERMITage Rye Bottled in Bond as old as possible and Bottled out of Bond at the Distillery. A curiosity in old whiskey H. F. WALKER 2298 E. 93rd St. Mason Contractor All Kinds of Masonry-Particularly a Builder of Fine Residences 171 A NIGHT IN PARIS THEN A COLD BATH IN A ROOM LIKE THIS The Schneider Plumbing Co. 2024 EUCLID AVENUE WHITE SHOES Cannot be made Clean and White unless the dirt is removed, rubbing it in or covering makes the shoe gray. Mason's White Dressing BEFORE કમ TO RENOVATE AND CLEAN WE CANVAS, BICCAIN AND SUE DE SHOES *00% AFTER A Renovator FOR White Shoes MASON'S WHITE DRESSING JAS S. MASON CO 134-140 N Pront St PHILADELPHIA PA Is the ONLY Dressing that removes the dirt. It is an absolute cleaner and "it doesn't rub off." For Buckskin, Canvas and 10c. Cravenette, at all dealers 25c. 172 See America NOW! THIS summer gratify that innate desire to see some of the beauties and wonders of Your Own Country. START in by visiting first, America's only Geyser- land-that storehouse of phenomena: YELLOWSTONE PARK SEASON JUNE 15 TO SEPT. 15. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY Only line to Gardiner Gateway, official entrance. Then continue your trip through the scenic and fertile Northwest to the North Pacific Coast and Puget Sound, the "Mediterranean of America." LOW FARES SPECIAL REDUCTIONS ON CERTAIN DATES Write for Illustrated Booklet and full infor- mation. Enclose 6 cents in stamps for "Through Wonderland," most beautiful book on Yellowstone Park ever published. Address A. M. CLELAND, GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT, ST. PAUL, MINN. ORTHER PACIFIC YELLOW ST ARK LINE STONE PARK PANAMA PACIFIC EXPOSITION, SAN FRANCISCO, 1915 173 The Hermits' Annual Dinner MARCH 30th, 1912 TOASTS TOASTMASTER-One who prefers to be unknown for family reasons 1. Gentlemen, be seated. Salute your partners in crime 2. FLAG RAISING The Hermit flag, designed by C. K. A., will be flung to the breeze for the first time. Patriotic music by the Hominy Quartette, and when enthusiasm has reached its highest pitch, all break out into the Hermit Hymn led by Bro. Davis and ren- dered by the entire club, en masse. 3. During the spoon vittles the T. M. will introduce PARSON RUTHLESS P. RANNEY On HOW I ESCAPED FROM MATTEAWAN Don't let him escape this time. 4. If the T. M. hurries, we may be able to listen to Physical Director ALBERT C. BAILEY of the Y. W. C. A. on the subject of INDOOR SPORTS. All those not shouting "Louder" will be put out. 5. During the next lull, if there is one, REV. JAMES MATHERS, LL. D., will deliver his annual plea for temperance. ONLY ONE DRINK AT A TIME Those who do not care to listen may sing. 6. INTERMISSION, during which DR. WALTER S. BOWLER will try to spell Esquimau. 7. The T. M., with the aid of a megaphone, will now try to present JUDGE JOHN N. STOCKWELL, A Monarch of the Old Regime, on WHY I AM A SUFFRA- GENT, OR ANYTHING TO GET VOTES. Any glass broken during this speech will be cheerfully paid for by John M. Gundry. 8. The prince of good fellers, MR. PAUL S. GILL, will expose many Card Tricks and Gamblers' Secrets, illus- trated by 1001 methods of stacking the deck in use by Mr. Gill. All fruit taken from the table will be charged extra. 9. AWARDING OF PRIZES to winning contestants, impromptu speeches and songs all at once, after which the party will break up (everything). 174 1527-1531 PROSPECT AVENUE SIXTH CITY The Clarence H. Collings Co. The fireplace is an altar for sacrifice for refuge for love. Make, therefore, this altar the most beautiful place in your home. TILES, MANTELS, BRASSES FINE MARBLES ELECTRIC FIXTURES and BRONZES North 512 * QUALITY * Central 4855 "Paris is a neat town" But there are more pretty girls in Cleveland. Clean clothes are their adornment. Phone us to put your name on our calling list. THE FULLER CLEANING CO. 7606 Carnegie Avenue East 2946 Princeton 110 175 e. Photo by Hermit Rogers WAGENHORST-BEEBE-WITT in The Hermits at Happy Hollow 176 Improve Your Car with a GLOBE Box Twenty-seven Sizes to choose from. For Sale in Cleveland at Bailey Co. May Co. Collister & Sayle M. & M. Co. Penna Rubber & Supply Co. Cray Bros. Lockwood-Luetkemeyer-Henry Co. Made here in the "Sixth City" by The Globe Machine & Stamping Co. THE KING OF WINES The F. Chauvenet Burgundy Sparkling and Still 177 THE HERMIT Patron of Music and the Fine Arts- Worshiper at the shrine of beauty And exponent of all that is most worthy and desirable-finds that when it comes to Flowers, his desires are best satisfied at THE JONES RUSSELL CO. FLOWERS Euclid Point Bldg. Euclid at Huron. F-J-L MINT-LAX GUM A DINNER DIGEST As a gum it excels in purity-in quality and in the charm of its lingering, fascinating Mint Flavor. F-J-L Mint-Lax is more than a gum-each stick contains a single drop of mild emollient laxative, which aids the digestion, stimulates the liver and assists nature. Mint-Lax recommends itself to refined tastes. By the Package 5c. Sold also by the Box May be had at Drug, Confectionery and Cigar Stores. 178 L.C.Smith & Bros. SMITH & BROS. TYPEWE NO5 LCSMITH & BROS TYPEWRITER CO. NO5 MADE IN SYRACUSE, NY. U.S L. C. SMITH & BROS. TYPEWRITER BALL BEARING LONG WEARING An example of the highest refinement of mechanical skill. Every practical device and convenience is inbuilt-not added. Ball bearings permit close adjustments. All operations controlled from the keyboard. Write for Free Book. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. 640 Prospect Ave., S. E., CLEVELAND, OHIO. る​。 179 C. W. LUNDOFF as JEREMIAH BUGLEWOOD in The Hermits at Happy Hollow Photo by Hermit Rogers 180 THE HILL CLUTCH CO. PRINCIPAL PRODUCTS Hill Friction Clutches Hill Collar Oiling Bearings Turned Steel Shafting Rope Drives Pulleys And complete Power Transmission Machinery Equipments Foundry and Special Machine Work OFFICERS J.. B. Perkins Presiden H. D. Campbell Vice-President Thos. L. Johnson Secretary Geo. D. Cowley Treasurer Hunter Morrison Sales Manager H. J. Smith Chief Engineer J. F. Mollen Purchasing Agent CLUTCH THE HILL CLUTCH COMPANY CLEVELAND, OHIO 181 Cleveland Interesting Facts About Our City "Sixth City Cleveland-Sixth City was forty-third city in 1850. At that time New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston and St. Louis were all among the first ten cities, so that everybody has had more than fifty years to get acquainted with their bigness. Cleveland was but a lusty child, and lots of people who dwell in outer darkness are still inclined to pat us on the head, not realiz- ing how high they would have to reach to do it. Cleveland— Sixth city is fifth city in manufacturing, and it is because we have all the great advantages for manufacturing that we have grown. And how we have grown in manufacturing! Even in the ten years from 1900 to 1910, Uncle Sam's census shows that the value of our manufactured products increased 116%; that the payroll of Cleveland factories increased 112%; and that the cap- ital invested in manufacturing in Cleveland increased in that short period of ten years, 144%, being thus nearly two and a half times as great as in 1900. And this growth was not due to any one industry, like the automobile industry in Detroit. There is a reason for all this. It means that the conditions for manufacturing are right in Cleveland. It means bigger growth in the future. Cleveland, it is believed, has more different kinds of industries for its size than any other city, and that is another reason for Cleveland's prosperity. While Pittsburgh and Youngs- town have been in the dumps because of the slump in the steel trade, Cleveland, bolstered up by its garment industries, its auto- mobile industries, and scores of other prosperous trades, has gone serenely on its onward and upward way without knowing that there is any industrial depression. Cleveland's products range from great steam ships to little tacks; from great cranes to complexion creams; from Standard. oil to women's clothing; from flavoring extracts to automobile trucks; from toys to telescopes. When you awake in the morning you throw back the Cleve- land blankets and rise from a Cleveland mattress which rests on the Cleveland bed springs in your Cleveland bed. After putting on your Mentor underwear and Cleveland shirt and Cleveland suit of clothes and Cleveland shoes, you eat your Cleveland ham or bacon which has been cooked on a Cleveland stove with Cleveland cooking utensils; you light a Cleveland cigar and proceed out upon your Cleveland stone pavement to your Cleveland automobile, or take the street car which is made Continued 182 The Hydraulic Pressed Steel Company Cleveland The Van Dorn Iron Works Co. Metallic Furniture Department STEEL Roll Top and Flat Top Desks, Filing Devices, Vault Fixtures, Lockers Vertical Files, Shelving, Chairs, Doors, Omnibuses, Etc., Etc. E. L. FISHER A. M. ALLYN E. G. FISHER Pres. & Gen. Mgr. V. Pres. & Treas. Secretary The Fisher & Wilson Co. MANUFACTURERS OF White Pine Lumber Drop and Heading Machine FORGINGS Steam Hammer Forgings. Foundry Chaplets. The Champion Machine & Forging Co. CLEVELAND, O.--"Sixth City" 183 CS GOLD STAL GOLD SEAL Special Dry Tabora Wine Company GOLD SEAL CHAMPAGNE BEST AMERICAN CHAMPAGNE EQUAL TO THE IMPORTED FERMENTED IN THE BOTTLE SOLD EVERYWHERE Urbana Wine Co. URBANA, N. Y. THE HARSHAW FULLER & GOODWIN CO. CLEVELAND NEW YORK 184 Next time you buy auto oil Buy BULL-DOG BRAND CLIMAX NON-CARBON AUTO OIL "DOG-ON GOOD OILS" It's cheaper to take the carbon out of the OIL than to take it out of the ENGINE. It's no trouble to get Climax Non-Carbon Auto Oil. Just phone or write "Rich" and have Climax Non-Carbon Auto Oil delivered to your garage. Barrels, half-barrels or ten- gallon cans. THE CLIMAX REFINING COMPANY 1231-2 Williamson Bldg. CLEVELAND 185 leveland Interesting Facts About Our City Stash City in Cleveland also. If it is raining you put on Cleveland rubbers and raise a Cleveland umbrella. The button which you press when you want to get off the street car rings the bell with the aid of a Cleveland dry battery, and when you get to your office your telephone bell works the same way. You sit down to a Cleveland desk in a Cleveland chair, which may be made of steel or wood. Your But why follow you all through the business hours? wife in the meantime, unless she is too busy with her Cleveland sewing machine, refreshes her complexion with Cleveland mas- sage cream and Cleveland toilet water, gets into her Cleveland electric coupe and goes down town to buy Cleveland millinery and Cleveland suits and cloaks and Cleveland sweater-coats, and perhaps a bit of Cleveland jewelry, and for the small boy Cleve- land blouses and Cleveland rompers; she may stop at a Cleveland soda fountain to buy Cleveland soft drinks flavored with Cleve- land fruit juices. Her packages she takes home in Cleveland paper boxes. The children at home are playing with Cleveland dolls or Cleveland velocipedes and wagons, or they are away at school sitting at Cleveland desks and chewing Cleveland gum until teacher orders it out. When you are ready to go home, you sign your letters with a Cleveland fountain pen, buy a few Cleveland paints and var- nish stains to brighten up the house with the aid of Cleveland brushes, and Cleveland chemical compounds to discourage the insect pests from your garden and trees; you water the lawn with a Cleveland hose, and tinker around with Cleveland tools. In the evening you pass through streets brilliantly lighted by Cleveland arc lamps burning Cleveland carbons, to the theatre which is lighted by Cleveland mazda incandescent lamps; you may sit on Cleveland seats, and perhaps afterward you have a little glass of Cleveland beer. When you go traveling you probably ride on Cleveland boats, or at least the train is running on Cleveland wheels or held to- gether by Cleveland malleable castings; slung over your shoulder is a fine pair of Cleveland binoculars, unless you have them in your Cleveland traveling bag. You are sure to cross Cleveland bridges, even in the ends of the earth. We have not mentioned the steel frame, the axles and other Continued 186 The Acme Foundry Company Makers of Fine Grey Iron Castings Japanning, Galvanizing and Nickel Plating OFFICE, CORNER SWEENEY AVENUE AND E. 51st STREET E. E. TEARE Potter, Teare & Co. Wholesale-Retail Lumber 1918 Carter Road F. P. POTTER Cleveland, Ohio 187 Cleveland Interesting Facts About Our City Stath City forgings, the ball bearings, the bolts and nuts, the grease cups, the hardware of all kinds, which constitute the bone and sinew of your automobile, all of which were made in Cleveland; and we refer only in passing to the screws and tacks you use, the wire and wire nails, and button-hooks, and horse-shoes, and wire fences, and hosts of other things that are a part of your daily life. Perhaps you cannot yourself use the cranes and hoists, the rudder frames and crank shafts for war vessels, the lathes and planes and drill presses and automatic screw machines which help to make the things you do use, nor do you recognize the castings which we produce in such quantities; and perhaps you never see the pig-iron. In a very large measure, Cleveland lights the world's streets and factories and stores and homes, rings the world's bells, nails together the world's houses and screws together the world's furniture and tacks the world's carpets, fences the world's farms and gardens, paints the world's houses inside and out, to say nothing of putting the finishing coats on the world's automobiles, carriages and furniture, furnishes the metal for the world's harnesses and saddlery, furnishes the world's chewing gum (in fact, Cleveland's chewing gum factories are said to have more men, women and children working for them than any other in- stitutions in the world); besides, Cleveland cooks a very con- siderable part of the world's meals, and protects with fashionable outer garments a very large proportion of American women. And still we have not mentioned the awnings, tents and sails, the brass ware, the bridges, the many kinds of chemicals, the marine motors, the plows, the printing presses, the twist drills, and the scores of other things of which either the most or the best are made in Cleveland. If all the Cleveland product of the American Steel & Wire Company were drawn out into telephone and telegraph wire, the amount of it made every day would more than go completely around the earth. There is reason to believe that Cleveland makes more auto- mobile parts than any other city in America. Cleveland makes more dry batteries than all the rest of the world together. The headquarters and some of the principal plants of the Continued 188 STEARNS The Hermits at Play Mr. Frank B. Meade driving his Stearns-Knight Toy Tonneau Runabout For recreation, the Hermits are Automobilists. And they know good cars. Read on the opposite page what one of them thinks of his car it's a Stearns-Knight. — OUR DEMONSTRATOR IS ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. THE F. B. STEARNS CO. 12963 Euclid Ave. CLEVELAND 189 STEARNS Telephone Main 1256 1001-1005 Garfield Bldg. Frank B. Meade & James Hamilton Architects Cleveland 4-26-12 Mr. Frank L. Alcott Jr., The Stearns Co., Cleveland. My Dear Mr. Alcott: When the Stearns-Knight car was delivered to me, last November, I promised you I would let you know how it pleased me, and this morning my desk calendar brought the matter to my attention. The service that the car has given me is splendid, and I feel perfectly free in so going on record. The Knight type of motor has more than fulfilled all the claims of silence, power, simplicity and ease of action that are made for it. I really believe, that the Silent Knight type of engine will, in a few years, be used as commonly in this country as in Europe. I wish you and your company all the success you deserve, and I want to thank you at this time, for the courteous attention you have given me during the time I have driven Stearns cars. Sincerely yours, PBurad 190 Your Front Door Gives the first impression of your home. A Corbin Unit Lock Set creates a favorable feeling and indicates comfort and good taste within. Burglar-proof and time-proof. Or- nament in all schools of art. We sell it. THE W. BINGHAM CO. 748-750 Superior Ave., N. W. K62 E 191 Cleveland Interesting Facts About Our City Shah City largest paint manufacturing institution in the world (The Sher- win-Williams Company) are located in Cleveland. The largest varnish manufacturing plant in the world (owned by The Glidden Varnish Company) is located in Cleve- land. And these are not by any means the only paint and varnish manufacturers in Cleveland. Cleveland is the headquarters of the principal producers of incandescent electric lamps, and in Cleveland are made a large proportion of the incandescent lamps made in America. We make are lamps, too, and the arc lamp was first produced in Cleveland. Cleveland is the headquarters of the American Shipbuilding Company, which produces a greater tonnage of steel steam vessels than are launched in any other port in this hemisphere. Cleveland men operate 80% of the great fleet which carries the iron and coal and other bulk freight of the lakes, taking through the Detroit river every year a tonnage greater than the total tonnage of New York, London and Liverpool combined. The equipment for unloading and handling the iron-ore which comes down the lakes was practically all devised and made by Cleveland inventors and manufacturers. This machinery is an object of wonder and admiration to engineers all over the world. A cargo of more than 10,000 tons has been unloaded in less than four hours. The Panama Canal will owe a great deal to Cleveland ma- chinery. Now if you need more facts to bolster up your pride in Cleveland, to convince you or to enable you to convince some- body else that Cleveland is growing, we must resort once more to cold, hard figures. Number of street car passengers 134% increase in ten years 148% increase in ten years 147% increase in ten years Iron-ore receipts, Cleveland district. 124% increase in ten years Sale of postage stamps Mileage of paved streets New buildings Miles of sewers Postoffice pieces handled ..263% increase in ten years 120% increase in ten years .117% increase in ten years 1 192 THE PYRAMID AIR FOREST CITY CLEVELAND ONES 1910 AIR BLAST The Pyramid Furnace will burn any kind of fuel but is especially adapted for the con- sumption of the cheaper grades of soft coal. With a ton of Slack Coal THE PYRAMID will furnish almost as much heat as the ordi- nary furnace with a ton of hard coal at the usual ratio in cost of about one to three in favor of the slack coal. NO DUST, NO DIRT, NO GASES to impair the health and convenience of the user. We want every dealer to have our catalog, illustrating and de- scribing this wonderful furnace. Write for it today. Made in Full Size Which is the Best Insurance of Long Life in a Furnace THE FOREST CITY FOY. & MFG. CO., Cleveland, OHHO THE A. S. GILMAN PRINTING CO. Catalog Makers Railroad Printers St. Clair Avenue and West Third Street CLEVELAND 76 C. P. Zurlinden H. E. Gaines Walter S. Bowler C. P. Zurlinden in The Hermits at Happy Hollow Photo by Hermit Rogers 194 LOWEST TO ALL POINTS C&B $8 PM LINE STEAMERS DAILY STE TV UP BUFFALO THEI #REFFEr- FARE $250 DAILY BETWEEN CLEVELAND AND BUFFALO On "City of Erie" on the Palatial Twin "City of Buffalo" Lve. Cleveland 8:00 P. M. Arr. Buffalo 6:30 A. M. Flyers of the Lakes CENTRAL STANDARD TIME Lve. Buffalo 8:00 P. M. Arr. Cleveland 6:30 A. M. $3.00 Every Saturday Night to BUFFALO or NIAGARA FALLS and return. New Steamer now building for 1913 will be the largest on inland waters in the world. Tickets, Berths and all Information at City Ticket Office. 201 Euclid Ave., Williamson Bldg., or Dock, 1290 W. 11th St. Phone Main 1401. The Cleveland and Buffalo Transit Co. WHEN a Hermit or WHEN a friend needs help in things electrical- whether it be a cell to be wired, a little repair job, or new lamps to replace old ones, he can be sure of prompt attention by calling Main 4051. THE MARTIEN ELECTRIC Co. Electric Construction 402-3-4 Cuyahoga Bldg. 195 DRILLS AND REAMERS C Made By The Morse Twist Drill & Machine Company New Bedford, Mass. For Sale By The Strong, Carlisle & Hammond Company 336-344 Frankfort Ave. N. W., Cleveland 196 Wedding Gifts PR THE HE collection of exclusive art objects in our Studios offers many suggestions for the careful Gift Buyer. We have aimed that every piece should reflect the high standard of our work. To do this we have given the greatest care to our selection, buying each article not because of its intrinsic value alone, but for the reason that it possesses some distinctive decorative charm. The range of values is wide and will attract the giver of simple, inexpensive gifts as well as those who appreciate the rare colorings and form of our more expensive wares. The Public is cordially invited to visit our Studios, and need feel no obligation to purchase. The Rorheimer - Brooks StudioS Decorators and Furnishers 1931 East Ninth Street Cleveland 197 Courtyard of the Grand Hotel de l'Univers Tours, France Photo by Hermit Brooks 198 Safety and Six Per Cent. on Cleveland Investments Six per cent. bonds secured by Cleveland Real Estate or issued by corporations in the Cleve- land district are of the same class as those issued in other communities at a lower rate. Invest- ments at home pay Clevelanders best. FURTHER FACTS ON REQUEST The Tillotson & Wolcott Company GUARDIAN BUILDING You will always know your exact weight if have a you Fairbanks Bathroom Scale We have scales for every re- quirement and the name "Fairbanks" means correct weights. Fairbanks, Morse & Co. 1354 West 9th Street CLEVELAND, O. ROGER ENWRIGHT AS "TEDDY" IN AFRICA REMINISCENCES OF OLD TIME SHOWS Drawn by Hermit Ole May 200 The Halle Bros. Eo. GREBE & DAVIS Proprietors "Raths-Keller" 2046-2054 East 4th Street The Euclid Stag Buffet 742 Euclid Avenue 201 What is the matter with this child? She is under treatment for Tuberculosis of the Spine. What would happen if she did not have that treatment? She would become a hunchback. What is Rainbow Cottage doing for her? Giving her fresh air, good food and the most skilled medical and surgical treatment. Why does she look so comfortable in spite of her position? Because the frame on which she lies takes the pressure from the diseased spot in the spine and gives her relief. Why is she so smiling? She is watching for the teacher to come to her bed- side for her daily lessons. This is only one of many kinds of cases at Rainbow Cottage. Will you help some crippled child? Contributions may be sent to The Rainbow Cottage Office 402 New England Bldg. 202 CHAMBERLIN Metal Weather Strip KEEPS OUT COLD, SOOT, DUST AND DIRT. SAVES FUEL, PREVENTS DRAUGHTS. The CHAMBERLIN system is installed by our own skilled workmen and is always guaranteed by us. Estimate of cost and full infor- mation furnished by any branches. of our Specified by all Leading Architects. J. J. RAUSCHER, Manager Builders' Exchange, Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Main 4000 CLEVELAND Cent. 1575 MILT LUSK AS "PADEREWSKI" IN HOLLAND M REMINISCENCES OF OLD TIME SHOWS Drawn by Hermit Ole May 204 VICTROLA XVI. $200.00 If you haven't a Victrola In your home, you don't know what you are missing. May we demonstrate? $15.00 to $400.00 All Styles All Finishes THE ECLIPSE MUSICAL CO. 1130 EUCLID AVE. Athletic Club Building. STOCKS BONDS T. H. TOWELL, Prest. INVESTMENTS ROLAND T. MEACHAM Member Cleveland Stock Exchange Citizens Building, Cleveland I make a specialty of Bonds and Stocks of all Public Utility Companies. Such Companies supply a necessity, Heat and Light, and consequently their earnings continue approximately normal in times of business depression. I handle all securities on a strictly commission basis, subject to the rules of The Cleveland Stock Exchange. GARDNER ABBOTT " AS BILLY PHIBBS" IN HAPPY HOLLOW OVE Meg REMINISCENCES OF OLD TIME SHOWS Drawn by Hermit Ole May · 206 COVENTRY SUBDIVISION THE ONE PLACE TO BUILD YOUR NEW HOME Shaker Lakes, 400 feet above Lake Erie. The James J. Hinde Realty Co. 512 Hippodrome Main 1800 Cent. 1366 Organized in 1848 Assets $53,000,000. OLMSTED BROS. & CO. STATE AGENTS National Life Insurance Co. Montpelier, Vt. Geo. H. Olmsted O. N. Olmsted E. B. Hamlin ANNUITIES Corporation and Monthly Income Insurance I 207 SION IN PARIS TOO Main 1800 230 Cent. 1960 THE CLEVELAND LEADER 000. THE CLEVELAND LEADER 208 Made from the Best Grade of Cocoanut Oil HOSPITAL 29 NOW 5 Cents 20 NOW 5 Cents کو CARBOLIC OIL SOAP NO ANIMAL FATS IN HOSPITAL CARBOLIC SOAP The Central Soap Mfg. Co. Wm. L. Meyer WITH The H. Leopold Furniture Co. CK ARTER AS "THURSDAY" IN AFRICA REMINISCENCES OF OLD TIME SHOWS Drawn by Hermit Ole May 210 Bowman's Display of Fine Goods ¶The remodeling of our store--the shifting of many departments-has given much addi- tional space for the display of new goods. ¶You'll always find the largest and choicest assortment of Dinnerware, China, Cut Glass, Rock Crystal, Silverware, Electric Lamps and Bric-a-Brac at "BOWMAN'S." The Geo. H. Bowman Company 222-224-226 Euclid Avenue Standard Be thankful you live in an age that affords the comfort of STANDARD Fixtures of quality and sanitary plumbing. Why not remodel that old bath room? The proper in- stallation of PLUMBING is our business. Twenty years experience. The Cleveland Sanitation Company Plumbing and Heating Contractors 6519 Euclid Avenue Cleveland HERBERT MATTHEWS AS "MISS MEHITABLE STORKE" IN CALIFORNIA THE MAY REMINISCENCES OF OLD TIME SHOWS Drawn by Hermit Ole May 212 OLD FARM WHISKEY! One of the things of life that is ever good-ev -ever welcome. A smooth, Pennsylvania Rye made of selected grain and pure mountain water by the best processes known. Bottled in bond. Good, wholesome, satisfying. You will find it at your favorite bar or cafe. Remember-it hits the spot. WEST OVERTON DISTILLING CO., SCOTTDALE, PA. Kornman's Cafe EUCLID AVE & E 6TH ST CLEVELAND, O KORNMAN'S CAFE THE FINEST CAFE IN THE MIDDLE WEST 213 It is not necessary for Hermit Members to go to Paris in search for the best grades of paper for their stationery, catalogues and general work, for the best is in Cleveland. INVESTIGATE, specify our brands, and you will BE SATISFIED The Petrequin Paper Company 1236-1250 West 3rd St. 214 From the BEST Hotel in New York And run by the BEST People- CUY. CENTRAL 4132 W RENZ MOTOR CAR CO. Largest Garage in the City LIVERY CARS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Repairing, Storing and Supplies 6410-14 Detroit Ave. ASTIC STARCH GREAT INVENTION AREQUIRES NO COOKING. MAKES COLLARS AND CUFFS STIFF AND NICE ALAS WHEN FIRST BOUGHT NEW PREPARED FOR LAUNDRY PURPOSES ONLY One Pound of this Starch will of any other Starch. HUBINGER MANUFACTURED ONLY BY HAVEN,CONN: KEOKUK, IOWA RIDGE 856 CLEVELAND, 0. ELASTIC STARCH The Original and Only Reliable. Also POP'S CORN STARCH The Best for Pies, Cakes, Puddings, Etc. TIGER BRAND LUMP STARCH Bulk and Packages. Ask for these Brands Swans Down (Prepared) Cake Flour "Not Self-Rising" Ask your Grocer for a Package. He Sells It. Pre-eminently the Best of Its Class. Sold Everywhere SWANS DOWN (small) Sells Every Day, Everywhere Awarded Grand Prize, World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904 Enclose 2c stamp and we will send FREE a copy of "CAKE SECRETS," a 36 Page Booklet containing many recipes for cake baking and much valuable information for the housewife. Address, IGLEHEART BROTHERS, In writing give name and street address of your grocer. flux SWANS DOWN PREPARED CAKE FLOUR GLEHEART BROTHERS EVANSVILLE, IND., Dept. 14 H O Ends 0 ACT C.A.MAHER AS "SKID DOOLEY" IN HAPPY HOLLOW 14 REMINISCENCES OF OLD TIME SHOWS Drawn by Hermit Ole May 216 HEADQUARTERS TROPHIES PRIZES 1114 EUCLID AVENUE The Webb C. Ball Co. CLEVELAND Motor Accessories Co. 6521 Euclid Avenue W. A. HARSHAW, Manager High Grade Automobile Supplies The BEST of EVERYTHING for EVERYBODY that drives a MOTOR CAR. EAST END BRANCH Kelly Springfield Tires and Tubes MADE TO MAKE GOOD BELL PHONE EAST 3614 G. B. PETTENGILL AS "HEISSLER" IN SPAIN De Ma REMINISCENCES OF OLD TIME SHOWS Drawn by Hermit Ole May 218 NEW Y YORK NEW YORK EATHER AND LEATHER BELTING CO LE BELTING TEXTILE you more than CHICAGO Strong, Carlisle & Hammond Co. of Cleveland, Ohio Who carry a large stock of our famous Belting in which Quality Belting worth get your money's will tell you more about it in a few minutes than we could in ten times this space. New York Leather Belting Co. NEW YORK Phone North 518 D. E. Mathias Designer and Maker of Men's Clothes CHICAGO 401-403 Cleveland Athletic Club Building CLEVELAND 219 ال = KAR-A-VAN EL PERCO COFFEE "A Liquid Delight That's Always Made Right" ESPECIALLY PREPARED FOR PERCOLATORS The Original and Only Perfect Percolating Coffee Buy KAR-A-VAN EL PERCO from your grocer. Make coffee according to directions governing the use of your Percolator and you can always serve the most delicious coffee it has ever been your privilege to drink. Packed in One Pound Tin Cans Only and Guaranteed 100 Per Cent Pure. The Gasser Coffee Company Cleveland Branch, - 719 Woodland Avenue, S. E. 220 20 CELESTINS VICHY Natural Alkaline Bottled at the Springs Water ASK YOUR PHYSICIAN CHY La Capule Le nom de la Source est sar ETABLISSEMENT THERMAL VICHY PROPRIETE DE L'ETAT SOURCESEG CELESTINS Not Genuine without the word CELESTINS CHARGED WITH SNAP AND NUTRITION Bass Islands Golden Catawba UNFERMENTED GRAPE JUICE Latawba BASS ISLANDS GRAPE JUICE There are many brands of Grape Juice offered, but there is only one that stands head and shoulder above all the others; that's Bass Islands Catawba that comes in the style bottle shown in cut. It's so different- beautiful, golden color, clear and sparkling, del- icate flavor and bouquet and THAT SNAPPY TART put there by nature. And it's Absolutely Pure Ask your Dealer THE BASS ISLANDS VINEYARDS CO. SANDUSKY, OHIO. 221 Cleveland Men Who Have Become Notorious F. B. MEADE Franklin Bartholomew Meade was born in 1840 in the house standing at what is now known as the corner of Orange Street and 3rd Place S. E. A stranger passing this quaint old home, which has fallen into shameful disrepair, may see a small bronze plate, placed there by some of the old residents, reading, "Birth- place of F. B. Meade. He done the city good." After graduating from the public schools in 1865 he earned money selling newspapers during 1866 and 1867, his stand being the southeast corner of the Public Square. Many of our old- est citizens remember the chubby, sturdy little boy, with the laughing eyes and curly, golden hair, crying in his sweet childish voice: "Oh sir, please buy my poipers." He earned enough in these two years to pay his way through The Boston Technical School of Applied Science, from whence he graduated as an architect in 1882. While in Boston he designed and planned what is now known as the Boston Bean and which has become since almost a national necessity. Owing to the fact that he had absolutely no legal pro- tection at that time he never made a cent out of this great work, and poverty urging him, he went west in 1883. In 1887 we find him in Chicago just starting to work at his chosen profession. In 1890 as captain of a company of national guards he was given a gold medal by the S. P. C. A. of Michigan for his bravery during the Teamsters' Strike. His words, uttered as he and his gallant men were expecting an attack from a dozen or more in- furiated strikers are known to every school boy in the country, Continued 222 MANUFACTURERS AND All Corporations Entitled to Credit Should be Interested in Our Methods for Placing :-: COMMERCIAL PAPER Details Gladly Given Upon Application JNO. W. MOORE SIXTH FLOOR PARK BLDG. CLEVELAND THE CLUB COCKTAILS The Club TRADE MARK MANHATTAN Cocktails Prepared& Bottled by G.Bleublein Horo NEW YORK HARTFORD LONDON TEED UNDER THE NATIONALPUR 1707 DRUCS ACT, APPROVED JUNC Will You Have a COCKTAIL Before Your Dinner? You can offer this polite attention to the guest who dines with you at your home if you have a bottle of the CLUB COCKTAILS. They are home Cocktails. They are on the sideboards of thousands of homes. ¶Are they on yours? It's the proper thing to have. The age of the Club Cocktails, the pure liquors used, the perfect blending, make them better than you can mix; once serve them and you will make a reputation as a Cocktail mixer, and your guests will wonder how you learned the art. ¶Thousands are doing it. Why not you? For Sale by all Fancy Grocers and Dealers G. F. Heublein & Bro. HARTFORD NEW YORK LONDON 223 Cleveland Men Who Have Become Notorious F. B. MEADE (Continued) and we all feel a glow of pride in him as we hear in imagination, his voice, crying to his soldiers: "Wait 'til you see the whites of their eyes, then run.” With the money which he received for leaving Chicago he started in business in Cleveland in 1892 and up to 1903 he de- signed many public buildings, hotels, office buildings, residences, etc. Had any of these been accepted there is no doubt but that Cleveland would be a much more beautiful city, today. In 1904 he founded the Hermit Club and his acquaintance in Cleveland being slight, drew up the plans for it himself. Since then he has done very little in architecture as his time is virtu- ally all taken up by his violin and the production of the Hermit Club Plays. He not only paints all of the scenery, designs all the cos- tumes, rehearses the dancers and actors, but leads the orchestra. Mr. Meade, or "Frankie" as he is called by his friends, is by nature very quiet, retiring, modest and rather bashful. He is a brilliant after-dinner speaker and is very fond of animals, of which he has a great many. As an architect his bet- ter known works are the Old Market House, the Union Depot and the Cuyahoga River. So pure, so fall'n! How dare to think Of the first common kindred link? 224 Hale & Kilburn Company Manufacturers of Allsteel Car Interiors, Steel Car Seats, Steel Building Trim, Steel Automobile Bodies, Etc., Etc. 30 Church Street - - New York LIMALENE A WATER SOFTENER & CLEANSER For Toilet and Domestic Use It Is a Pure Chemical Product Containing no free alkali, and can be used for toilet purposes with absolute safety; suitable for bathroom, kitchen and laundry. Superior to Borax as a water softener; cheaper by one-third in price and goes twice as far. A soap aid and a soap saver. Water softened with Climalene needs only one- half the usual amount of soap. Try A pinch in the wash bowl. A tablespoonful in the bath. A teaspoonful in the dish pan. Two tablespoonfuls in the wash boiler. Climalene is put up in twelve ounce packages 10c THREE PACKAGES 25c 225 HIGHEST QUALITY FROG CROSSINGS SWITCHES AND SWITCH STANDS · HIGHEST DURABILITY FOR STEAM AND ELECTRIC RAILWAYS CLEVELAND Bell, North 825 L FROG & CROSSING CO. CLEVELAND, O. Cuyahoga, Central 5862 W Geo. H. Herron & Co. Painting and Hardwood Finishing Contractors Estimates Furnished 1238 Chester Ave., Vanderwerf Bldg. CLEVELAND, O. Compliments of The Chas. Boldt Co. Cincinnati, Ohio OWENS AUTOMATIC MACHINE MADE BOTTLES 226 ACCIDENT AND LIABILITY INSURANCE Strongest Company Honest Contracts Assets 104 Millions Fair Rates Complete Claim Department with immediate service, affording direct dealing. All of this with THE ETNA FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS W. G. WILSON, MANAGER ÆTNA FLOOR, CUYAHOGA BLDG. Reese-Owen-Clark Agency Nine Twelve Society for Savings Suretyship and Insurance GENERAL AGENTS FIDELITY & DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND LONDON GUARANTEE & ACCIDENT Main 1350 COMPANY, LIMITED TELEPHONES Central 1484 H. N. HERRIMAN AS BETTY BARD" IN CALIFORNIA Mu REMINISCENCES OF OLD TIME SHOWS Drawn by Hermit Ole May 228 Wiltshire Breakfast Bacon In Glass We are now putting up Wiltshire Breakfast Bacon in Glass. When you move to the country, this summer, you will find Wiltshire Bacon put up in this way most convenient. Put up by THE CLEVELAND PROVISION CO. Independent Packers SIXTH CITY ESTABLISHED 1878 Telephones: Bell, Main 1088 Cuy., Central 5044 INCORPORATED 1905 The Chafer Company Heating and Ventilating Contractors Cleveland, Ohio ļ ARTHUR CALDWELL AS MELISSA" " IN DIXIE SHE MAY REMINISCENCES OF OLD TIME SHOWS Drawn by Hermit Ole May 230 Buffalo Copper & Brass Rolling Mill BUFFALO, NEW YORK Manufacturers of Sheet Copper Brass in Sheets Brass Wire Roll Copper Copper Tubes Brass in Rolls Brass Rod Brass Tubes Angles Copper Bottoms Channels Etc. Flats and Circles We carry a large stock of Sheet Copper for quick shipment Branch Offices: NEW YORK, 1216 Flat Iron Bldg. PHILADELPHIA, 708-9 Arcade Bldg. BOSTON, 141 Milk Street. THIS SPACE RESERVED 231 THE HERMITS IN PARIS FOUND SAMIEST IDEAL GRAN CRYSTAL The SALTIEST SALT THE MADE BY THE WADSWORTH SALT WADSWORTH.OHIO. GUARANTEED BY THE W UNDER THE FOOD AND DAN SALT COMPART S ACT JUNE 36.1906 BEST IN TABLE SALT A PURE RYE WHISKEY FLEISCHMANN'S EASTERN RYE WHISKEY THE FLEISCHMANN CO. 34th Street and 11th Ave. NEW YORK CITY Compliments of a Friend 232 The Aluminum Castings Co. GENERAL OFFICES CLEVELAND, OHIO Aluminum, Brass and Bronze Castings PLANTS DETROIT CLEVELAND BUFFALO SYRACUSE NEW KENSINGTON, PA. FAIRFIELD, CONN. MANITOWOC, WIS. "It's better to use Log Cabin Prepared Salt than to wish you had" * Log Cabin Prepared Salt In the Handy Box for Filling Shaker "Runs Freely in Damp Weather" The Colonial Salt Company Akron, Ohio A.R. DAVIS AS "HENRY CLAY KNOTT" CALIFORNIA い ​REMINISCENCES OF OLD TIME SHOWS Drawn by Hermit Ole May 234 The Korner & Wood Circulating Library is equipped to supply you with new fiction as it is pub- lished-the book you want when you want it. 737 Euclid Avenue. THE WADSWORTH-ADELSON CO. TILERS OF QUALITY LATEST CREATIONS IN FIREPLACES CLEVELAND CUY. TEL. Cent. 4225-W BELL TEL. North 1183-J JOS. N. PIERSON Dealer and Shipper in Live and Dressed Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Etc. SQUABS A SPECIALTY 2332-34 Woodland Ave. CLEVELAND, O. PREXY MEADE AT REHEARSAL GOSH, BOYS IT'S HOT! REMINISCENCES OF OLD TIME SHOWS Drawn by Hermit Ole May 236 Write for our list. Tenth Floor Steel Electros Electrotyping BONDS MUNICIPAL CORPORATION C. E. DENISON & CO. Guardian Bldg., CLEVELAND, O. Between the Acts Opera House Buffet B. H. FITZGERALD, Prop. 2015 E. 4th Street Entrance from Lobby and E. 4th St. We handle only the best brands of everything MOSS & MAGUIRE TAILORS Hippodrome Bldg. Bell Main 4352 Central Electrotype Foundry Nickeltyping Engraving Vulcan Bldg., 113 St. Clair Ave. M. J. Hoynes, Prop. 237 ANGOSTURA BITTERS Celebrated Appetizer of Exquisite Flavor DR. SIEGERT'S THE ONLY GENUINE Beware of Substitutes Originated 1824 Buy Gilka Kümmel The delightful Cordial that stimulates digestion and pleases the palate Beware of Imitations Phone, Bell Eddy 1890 L G. F. DALTON, Jr. Mason and Plastering Contractor 11214 Primrose Avenue 238 CRAWFORD REALTY COMPANY Bell, North 114 Warden & Leese Central 3551 PLUMBING, HEATING, GAS FITTING, SEWERAGE 1905 Prospect Ave. S. E. CLEVELAND Silent Motor Oil Manufactured by The Middle States Oil Co. Cleveland Addressograph Company Addresses 3000 Pieces of Mail Matter Per Hour Home Office, Chicago, Ill. Branch Office, 312 Garfield Building CLEVELAND, OHIO 239 Garden of Royal Bath Hotel, Bournemouth, England Photo by Hermit Brooks 240 The Ambler Realty Co. 44 THE ARCADE EAST END HOMES A SPECIALTY NILES CARS TRUCKS NILES CAR & MFG. CO. NILES, OHIO, and 312 ELECTRIC BUILDING, CLEVELAND We handle the Highest Grade Quality Cigars manufactured. Our brands are the best known and most popular. THE LOUIS KLEIN CIGAR COMPANY AVON BEACH PARK ON LAKE ERIE Where the Better Class hold their Outings Chicken Dinners our Specialty. F. J. ROTH, Prop. BEACH PARK CO. Cuy. Phone 236 Cleve. Phone Cuy. 3207 R Long Dist. 241 Sheep Fair at Woodstock, England Photo by Hermit Brooks 242 Jerry O. McNaughton Company TAILORS TO GENTLEMEN 1001 Citizens Bldg. Soapine The Leading Soap Powder For 33 Years THE PUREST and Best See that a WHALE is on the package Established 1827 KENDALL MFG. CO. There are reasons why every HERMIT should ask for and drink ARMOUR'S GRAPE JUICE It is made from rich ripe grapes at their factory in Westfield, N. Y. AND EVERY ORDER HELPS A BROTHER HERMIT WHO REPRESENTS ARMOUR'S MAIN 4000 CENTRAL 1575 The Foote & Davies Co. Screens and Metal Weather Strips 3rd Floor Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 243 = A HERMIT IN PARIS 66 And WHEN YOU COME TO CLEVELAND. READ THE NEWS" 244 THE DRIVING PARK REALTY COMPANY JAMES YOUNG CONTRACTOR High Grade Residence Work OFFICE and MILL 1959 E. 105th St. Both Phones CLEVELAND, OHIO Residence 2120 E. 106th St. Telephone Central 6763 R. IRVING W. GREENBERG GLASS for BUILDINGS Office and Warehouse 1265 W. 6th St. CLEVELAND, O. SOUTAR & BROWN Mason and Cut Stone Contractors 1476 East 114th Place Doan 2493 J 245 The Bristol Channel at Lynton, England Photo by Hermit Brooks 246 WUEST'S CRUSHED FRUIT CHOCOLATES CASTER OLDEST CASTER M IN THE & LARGEST FACTURERS FOUNDRY CASTERS FOR WORLD EVERY PURPOSE "Sec AND POMMERY BUC "Brut THE STANDARD FOR CHAMPAGNE QUALITY. MADE OF CHOICEST GRAPES EXCLUSIVELY FRANCIS DRAZ & CO., Sole Agents United States, 24 Hudson St., New York TAILOR C. W. Schmidt 138 Arcade Cleveland 247 Harbor at Lynton, England Photo by Hermit Brooks 248 DAVID HENDERSON, Sr. DAVID HENDERSON, Jr. Doan 682-L Eddy 1744-L David Henderson & Son 2265 E. 100th St., S. E. Carpenters and General Contractors .. Jobbing Cook's Imperial Extra Dry An American Champagne of Established Quality AMERICAN WINE CO. ST. LOUIS, MO. 249 IN DEALER HERMITS IN RARIS Den 250 The Mar Adams Co. HABERDASHERS AND Motor Apparel Shop 3 STORES 31-33 Colonial Arcade. 1889 E. 6th Street. Hollenden Hotel, Arcade Entrance. All Hermits Sleep in Forest City Brass Beds "The Lock that Locks" Forest City Bedstead Company Cleveland, Ohio 251 Porlock Weir, England Photo by Hermit Brooks 252 TELEPHONE MAIN 434 The Mulcahy-Nelson Company Makers of High-class Garments for Men $40.00 to $55.00 300-302-304 SCHOFIELD BUILDING PAPER BAG COOKERY NO FUSS. NO MUSS. NO SMELL. CONTINENTAL Cookery Bags are the Best. Ask for them. On sale at stores of THE CHANDLER & RUDD CO., and THE CLEVELAND PROVISION CO. CONTINENTAL PAPER BAG COMPANY Cleveland Agency, 1281 W. 9th Street U. S. P. ZIPP'S FLAVORING EXTRACTS They are made from the formula of the United States Pharmacopoeia and conform to all Pure Food Laws. They are prepared from the choicest material and not marketed until fully matured. Made by THE ZIPP MANUFACTURING COMPANY CLEVELAND, OHIO 253 Red Lion Inn at Henley, England Photo by Hermit Brooks 254 The P. O. Viall Lumber Co., Ltd. Port Daniel, East, P. Q. Manufacturers and Shippers of Spruce, Pine, Birch and Cedar Lumber BALTIMORE COPPER SMELTING & ROLLING COMPANY BALTIMORE, MARYLAND Manufacturers of COPPER IN Sheets, Bottoms, Plates, Rolls and Anodes 255 EVERY dollar's worth of merchandise we sell you has to carry with it a full dollar's worth of confidence and good will. The satisfaction that you buy here is our satisfaction and yours. It is on just such profit that we have built up this store's enviable repu- tation. The merchandise that we sell you is our surest and strongest bid for your continued pat- ronage. The May Co THE ONELLY CO. Building Lots in "Beach Grove" Allotment MAIN OFFICE 120-121-122 Williamson Bldg. Ground Floor The Canton Malleable Iron Co. CANTON, OHIO K Manufacturers of Malleable Castings and Saddlery Hardware 256 THE Scribner & Loehr Co. Wholesale and Manufacturing JEWELERS 2047 E. 9th St. Cleveland, O. Main 2809 Let us give you original and artistic ideas on coming events; weddings, receptions, parties, etc. R Cent. 1866 The Smith and Fetters Co. 735 Euclid Bell Phone, Main 263 Member Cleveland Stock Exchange JOS. SCHAUWEKER Stocks, Bonds and Loans 1435 Schofield Building His Only Rival Edison Mazda Lamp Bell Main 278 Cuy. Cent. 5921W CLEVELAND, O. Agents for Mazda Lamps The Electric Wiring Company Electric Light and Power Wiring and Repairs 401-403 Columbia Bldg. 257 The Thames at Henley Photo by Hermit Brooks 258 For Rent Offices Stores Manufacturing Space Bradley Bros. Realty Company 822 Columbia Building Prospect and East 2nd St. 259 Extra Flexible AMERICORE RUBBER COVEREDW FOR INTERIOR WIRING سله AMERICAN IRE ROPE A New Standard A New Wire American Steel & Wire Company 260 an French Lick Springs Is all year round resort, famed for its healing waters and the out of door attractions of its climate and scenery. The thousand acres of natural park, walks, drives, golf and other outdoor amusements are charm- ing any season. Hotel is modern in every respect, affording accommoda- tions for 700 guests, with home comforts; all sleeping apartments are outside rooms, light and airy. A stay of two or four weeks will prove very beneficial. FRENCH LICK SPRINGS WATERS possess medicinal properties unequalled for the treatment of stomach, liver, bowel and kidney diseases. PLUTO CONCENTRATED SPRING WATER is recommended by Physicians everywhere and sold at all Drug Stores in half pint and quart bottles, costing 15c and 35c. Write for booklet giving full information concerning the hotel, waters, etc. French Lick Springs Hotel Co. T. O. TAGGERT, Manager THOMAS TAGGERT, Pres. French Lick, Indiana On the Monon and Southern Railways = 261 Wilson Scott Gilkey Jones Waycott Thompson Chisholm Kline Denney Hermits at French Lick Springs Photo by Hermit Harris Smith Bedell 262 Hippodrome Inn Cleveland. Hippodrome Inn Hippodrome Building Euclid Avenue ITS Unique Arrangement, Its Invit- ing Hospitality and the perfection of its service will give Cleveland a new conception of progressive restau- rant management. OPEN DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY SERVING Luncheon at Noon Day Dinner at Six Supper After the Play MUSIC FROM 6 TO 8:30-9:30 To 12 263 The Thames River Photo by Hermit Brooks เก 264 "World's Largest Piano House" KNABE PIANOS Grands, Uprights and Players SOLD ONLY BY W. F. FREDERICK PIANO CO. 1612 EUCLID AVE. Entire Building M A AT Best Coal Lowest Prices I N CENTRAL 2146 84 WE GUARANTEE OUR COAL THE ZETTELMEYER COAL CO. 265 Polarine FOR MOTOR CAR AND MOTOR BOAT LUBRICATION ZERO TEMPERATURE STANDARD OIL COMPANY For Automobile Lubrication Use Polarine Polarine leaves practically no carbon deposit; its lub- ricating and cushioning qualities are unsurpassed; it "stands up" under any speed and pressure. In short, Polarine is the best automobile oil for any make of car; and the best gasoline is Red Crown gasoline. Polarine is sold in handy, flat, sealed cans; also in barrels and half barrels. Ask your dealer, or write direct. The Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati. 266 1893 The Audit Company Cleveland 1912 For nineteen years The Audit Company of Cleveland has made a specialty of study- ing the individual needs of business houses and originating or improving cost and other systems, thus saving time and money as well as increasing efficiency. A prominent feature of our service is that we absolutely guarantee the strictest privacy concerning all matters entrusted to our care. No information is ever imparted to anyone, either outside of this company or in it, by our officials having the work in charge. We conduct every branch of General and Bank Auditing. The Audit Company of Cleveland Citizens Building, CLEVELAND 267 Rothenberg, Bavaria Photo by Hermit Brooks 268 OTIS AND HOUGH CUYAHOGA BUILDING CLEVELAND Dealers in Municipal, Railway, Public Service, Corporation BONDS We have published a book, "Bonds and How To Buy Them", which is of great practical value and should be read by every investor. On request we will promptly furnish a copy free of charge to any address. MEMBERS NEW YORK, CLEVELAND, CHICAGO, COLUMBUS STOCK EXCHANGES, CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. Telephones: Columbus Erie 146 Main 3788 BRANCH OFFICES Colorado Springs Denver, Colo. 269 Albert Rees Davis GENERAL INSURANCE Perry Payne Building CLEVELAND FIRE COMPANIES REPRESENTED:- National Fire Insurance Company Insurance Company of North America Michigan Commercial Insurance Company Old Colony Insurance Company New Brunswick Fire Insurance Company North British & Mercantile Insurance Co. Calumet Insurance Company Citizens Fire Insurance Company Potomac Fire Insurance Company Sun Insurance Office (Underwriters Agency) Firemen's Insurance Co. (Underwriters Agency) Prussian National Insurance Company ALSO The Best Automobile Contract on the Market 270 THE ART ENGRAVING & ELECTROTYPING Co. ARTISTS DESIGNERS ENGRAVERS ELECTROTYPERS THE ART ENGRAVING SELECTROTYPING G ARTISTS ENGRAVERS ELECTROTYPERS RELIABLE PRINTING PLATES PROSPECT BUILDING 1104 PRO ECT AVENUE OPERATING DAY AND NIGHT THE NORTHERN OHIO TRACTION & LIGHT CO. SCHEDULE OF LIMITED CARS ON THE A. B. C. Canton, Akron, Massillon, Canal Dover & New Philadelphia Electric Lines IN EFFECT SEPT. 11, 1911 NORTH BOUND A. M. A. M. A.M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. New Philadelphia.. .lv. 7.00 3 00 Canal Dover.. 7 12. 3 12 Strasburg 7 24 3 24 Beech City 7 31 3 31 Harmon Junction. 7 40 3 40 Massillon 8 05 4 05 Canton Public Square.. .lv. 7 35 8 35 12 35 4 35 5 35 Akron.. .lv. 7 30 8 30 9 30 12 30 1 30 4 30 5 30 6 30 Cuyahoga Falls. 7 43 8 43 9 43 12 43 1 43 4 43 5 43 6 43 Silver Lake Junction. 7 46 8 46 9 46 12 46 1 46 4 46 5 46 646 Cleveland Public Square arr. 9 10 10 10 11 10 2 10 3 10 6 10 7 10 8 10 SOUTH BOUND Cleveland Public Square .lv. A. M. A. M. A. M. 7 20 7 50 9 50 A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. PM. P. M. P. M. 10 50 12 50 1 50 2 50 4 20 6 50 8 20 Silver Lake Junction.. 8 44 9 14 11 14 12 14 2 14 3 14 4 14 5 44 8 14 9 44 Cuyahoga Falls 8 47 9 17 11 17 12 17 2 17 3 17 4 17 5 47 8 17 9 47 Akron arr. 9 00 9 30 11 30 12 30 2 30 3 30 4 30 6 00 8 30 10 00 Canton Public Square....arr. 10 00 1 30 3 30 7 00 11 00 Massillon 10 25 Harmon Junction. 10 45 Beech City. 10 53 Strasburg 11 00 Canal Dover. 11 15 New Philadelphia. ..arr. 11 25 7 25 7 45 7 53 8 00 8 15 8 25 271 Society Automobile Drama Music Art Read Cleveland Town Topics On Sale all News Stands Saturday 5 Cents Per Copy $2.00 Per Year 272 New Records Made Day after Day Wouldn't you like to smoke a CIGAR that experienced SMOKERS ask for, come back for and recommend strongly to their friends El Yutan Mild Cigars Sold by all first-class dealers The J. B. Moos Company Distributors 273 Photo by Hermit Brooks Alt-Nurenberg 由 ​ 274 Overheard In Paris FIRST HERMIT:-"They tell me there is a fellow called Charvet here in Paris who turns out some nifty shirts." SECOND HERMIT:-"No matter what part of the world I happen to be in, I send my order back to Cleveland. Bennet & Fish operate quite a custom shirt factory. The other fellow would have to overwork his accellerator to beat them at shirt making." The entire fourth floor of our building is devoted to our custom shirt factory-Prices $3 to $18. 301 303-305 - Euclid Ave. Bennet & Fish GAMMEL'S NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR FURS REPAIRED and REMODELED We Store Furs The R. W. Gammel Co. 522 Euclid Avenue, CLEVELAND 275 F. M. OSBORNE, Pres. S. H. ROBBINS, Sec. & Treas. The Youghiogheny and Ohio Coal Co. Producers and Shippers of Youghiogheny Gas Pittsburgh Steam Pittsburgh No. 8 and Amsterdam Hocking Coal General Offices Western Reserve Bldg., Cleveland, O. Pittsburgh Buffalo Chicago Milwaukee St. Paul 276 DO YOUR FEET HURT? Foot troubles are caused by ill fitting shoes. We make stylish shoes by hand that need no "breaking in". Our shoes are endorsed by thousands of people who are wearing them why do you suffer? - - The Boyd Dean Co. SCIENTIFIC BOOT MAKERS 2060 EUCLID AVENUE MUSICAL MENU Counterpoints on the half-note String Beans Con Sourdine Rare Violins Soup Pickled Beats Au Natural Baked Scales Contra Bass Fried Sol- e Bow-Frogs with Rosin Sauce Prime Cello Ribs Rolls au Tambour Tutti Frutti Pie a la Breve Haendel's Lager Potpourri Sharp Cheese The Ball Music Store 25 TAYLOR ARCADE A Hard Winter TEACHES THE ADVANTAGE OF BUILDING IN THE SUMMER. SPLENDID BUILDING WEATHER NOW. The Geo. A. Rutherford Co. BUILDING CONTRACTORS 2160 East 18th Street 277 The Cleveland, Painesville and Eastern Railroad Company 11 LIMITED TRAINS In addition to the hourly service be- tween Cleveland, Willoughby, Mentor, Painesville, Fairport, Perry, Madison, Geneva and Ashtabula. If you expect to take a vacation for a day, week or for a month, write for a booklet "Where to Go"---and you will surely find a place to suit you. Now is the time to book your pic- nic day at Willoughbeach Park, Shore Line, Ċ. P. & E. R. R. General Offices, Willoughby, Ohio 278 MARMON "The Easiest Riding Car In The World" International Champion Marmon specifications show many reasons why this car is well worth its price. You But there are more than specifications to consider. cannot compare cars on that basis alone. Back of every feature of the Marmon is an unequaled system of manu- facture based on the success of sixty years experience. And in the point of efficient, capable, luxurious and economical service, the Marmon shows its true value. Investigate through asking for our literature or, if you choose ask for our representative to call on you and make good our claims. Made on one chassis-a body type for every requirement. Touring Car $2,750 JOSEPH H. GREENWALD 6504 EUCLID AVE. Distributor for Northern Ohio East 2580 279 Doge's Palace, Venice Photo by Hermit Brooks 280 The Cuyahoga Lumber Co. ARCH C. KLUMPH, Pres. and Mgr. Lumber of all Kinds Boxes and Crates 1948 CARTER RD. IN DEKLYNS CANDIES AND CHOCOLATES Only Hermit Quality Sold Which means "THE BEST" IN PARIS the women admire the millinery and garments, but the men look to America for their clothing. In Cleveland "MILLER CLOTHES" are made. A new plan was inaugurated recently by this clothing manufacturer which gives the men of Cleveland an opportunity to get their clothing at factory prices, at their "outlet" store 413 Euclid Avenue. The middleman's profit of $10 is thereby eliminated. Suits $15 and $20. MILLER CLOTHING CO. 413 EUCLID AVE. Factory cor. W. 6th and St. Clair Born's Ranges and Kitchen Appliances Have made good in the kitchens of the Clubs, Hotels and Cafes of Cleveland where they receive the hardest kind of use. We offer the same substantial construction in a range of suitable size for your home. Coal, Interchangeable, Combination, or made to order. Explain your requirements. THE BORN STEEL RANGE CO. Manufacturers, Wholesale, Retail Gas, 2163 E. Ninth St. 281 FISCAL TRUSTEES L. H. Kittredge, Chairman A. R. Horr, (Clev. Trust Co.) Treas. Geo. A. Schneider, Secretary Elroy M. Avery Thos. L. Johnson Homer McDaniel Frank A. Scott The Maternity Hospital Founded 1891 Cleveland, Ohio Mr. A. H. Shotter, City. May 11th, 1912. Dear Sir: Have you ever stopped to think how far a dollar will go toward caring for a little round eyed baby? of us. A dollar isn't much-or even five or ten with some Maternity Hospital, upon endorsement of the Chamber of Commerce, is raising $50,000 in order to facilitate a philanthropic work. New buildings, more modern equipment, will help bring hundreds of more babies into the world under an environment as ideal as that of your own home. Maternity Hospital has been doing this splendid work for twenty years. The only non-sectarian hospital in Cleveland where two hundred and twenty-two babies in 1911 first viewed the world and cooed a greeting. More than half of these cases were charity or part pay. Whether your contribution be Five or Ten Dollars, or only One, in any case, please enclose some amount in the stamped envelope and help these luckless little tots. Please. Respectfully yours, L. H. Kittredge, Chairman Fiscal Trustees. GEO. A. SCHNEIDER, Secretary Fiscal Trustees. 282 E.G. ERNST 100 ED B.G. HEISER 000 ERNST HEISER 8TH FLOOR, VULCAN BLDG. COMPANY 113 ST. CLAIR AVE., N.E. COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES WE PHOTOGRAPH ANYTHING ANYWHERE ANYTIME Phone Main 344 TRY US THE BEER OF CLEVELAND Leisy's Special Brew "Specially Made for a Critical Trade" ORDER A CASE 283 The Mills, Carleton Co. LUMBER 1886 Carter Rd. Cleveland, O. 20 Mule Team Bors Is well known to all of you as the world's greatest cleanser and most harmless anti- septic. It cleans things clean. You may not be so familiar, however, with 20 Mule Team Borax Soap Chips, which con- tain 25% of pure borax and work wonders in the laundry and kitchen. They are sanitary, convenient and economical. 284 PEERLESS MAZDA LAMPS THE LAMP of STRENGTH REDUCE the cost of Electric Light- ing over one-half. This lamp gives twice as much light for the same current con- sumption as the old style carbon lamps. COST ALL THAT THE NAME IMPLIES 25 Watt 20 C. P. .50c 40 66 32 66 .55c 60 66 51 66 100 66 84 66 .75c $1.10 WE ARE SALES AGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS Ask us to give you the benefit of our experience in planning electric light installations ARTISTIC FIXTURES AND SHADES The Enterprise Electric Construction & Fixture Company (A. L. OPPENHEIMER) CONTRACTORS :: SUPPLIES :: FIXTURES The Vickers Bldg., BELL East 29 6509-6511 Euclid Ave. CUY. Princeton 29 285 Photo by Hermit Brooks Venice 286 THE OSBORN MANUFACTURING CO. CLEVELAND HARDWARE SPECIALTIES BRUSHES & BROOMS FOUNDRY SUPPLIES The Rowland A. Curry Co. General Building Contractors 10403 Euclid Ave. Kamerer & Benes Tailors CLEVELAND Wm. Krause & Son COSTUMES For all Occasions Private Theatricals a Specialty 2042 E. Fourth St. Opp. Opera House 287 THE ROGERS CO. Cleveland Agents for Cross Leather Goods and Likly of Rochester Trunks 1008 Euclid Ave. The Dodd-Rogers Co. KODACS 1926 East 26th St. 288 2 IDEAL BOILER AMERICAN 00÷00 RADIATOR GO American Radiators AND Ideal Boilers Are recognized by the leading Arch- itects as being the best. The Hermits also know a good thing. Look into this when arrang- ing the heating for your new home. SOLD BY THE W. M. Pattison Supply Co. 197 to 211 St. Clair Ave., N. E. 289 STAN- By the Junior Office Boy of THE CLEVELAND PRESS PRESS so the hermitts are going to parris thats a fine place for a hermitt to go if parris wouldent cure him of being a hermitt, i dont supose nuth- ing in this world ever would but at that, them cleaveland hermitts aint got much to get cured of, there aint nuthing very hermitty about them exept their name a feller wrote me about the peace they are going to play, it must be very comikel, all about a rubber man from akron that has a dauter witch is going to marry a dook, but she dont, becos the dook gits a sozzle on and a nice yung feller pretends he is the dook aud cops the dame i think the guy that sent me the letter about the show must be horasho harryman's press agint, he dident tell me the name of nobody else in the show horry is going to play the part of the beutiful louise, heroine of the play, witch starts out to marry the dook of latimer, or sum sutch a name like that, and gets a real guy insted and i betcha horry is there with the bells on when it comes to dollin up and lookin the part, horry has got valeska suratt and eva tangway tied to a tree well, good luck to the hermitts, with a few more shows they ought to be able to buy the holenden and use it for a club house n. y. 1912 johny 290 OUR QUALITY. THE HERMITS Recognize the Quality of The Brooks Company's Printing LOOK AT THIS PROGRAM 291 THE HERMITS IN PARIS ADVERTISERS' INDEX Abbott, C. W. & Co., Baltimore. PAGE 69 Acme Foundry Co. Addressograph Co. Alco Cleveland Motor Co. 186 A 238 320 Aluminum Castings Co. Ambler Realty Co. American Steel & Wire Co. American Surety Co. American Wine Co., St. Louis.. Apollinaris Agency Co., New York. Arbor Tea Shop Armstrong Cork Co., Pittsburgh. Art Engraving & Electrotyping Co. Artcraft Co. 232 240 259 150 248 26 22 231 270 148 Astor Hotel, New York. 214 Audit Company 266 Avon Beach Park 240 Babies Dispensary and Hospital .300-301 Baer Bros., New York 128 Baker Motor Vehicle Co. B 28 Baker, Walter, & Co., Ltd., Boston. 62 Ball, Webb C., Co. 216 Ball Music Co. 276 Baltimore Copper Smelting Co. 254 Barger Automobile Co. 302 Barnes, Will R., New York 17 Bass Islands Vineyard Co., Sandusky. 220 Belle Vernon-Mapes Dairy Co. 50 Belt & Terminal Realty Co. 310 Bennet & Fish 274 Bentz, G. A., & Co. 104 Berghoff 39 Berwald Stewart Co. 124 Bingham & Douglass Co. 152 Bingham, W., Co. 190 Blood, Jno. H. 311 Boldt, Chas., Co., Cincinnati.. 225 N. O. STONE & CO. FOOTWEAR FOR EVERY WANT Quality and Prices from Medium to Highest 312 to 318 EUCLID AVE. 292 SOTICED IN CLO FITZGERALD ANMADE POT SILL BOTTLED IN BOND POT STILL WHISKEY ARE Y LD FITZGERA RYE MED IN SMALL TUBS B CHERBST. RT KENTUCKY PURE POT STILL WH Rye or Bourbon Old Fitzgerald Old Judge RYE AND BOURBON BOURBON Jun NO MADE POT STILL BOTTLED IN BOND THE PURE POT STILL Whiskies DJUDGE Hand Made Sour Mash MATURED BY NATURAL HEAT U. S. Reg. Distillery No. 11, 7th District, Frankfort, Kentucky S. C. HERBST IMPORTING CO. Sole Controllers Milwaukee, Wis. 8 YEARS in Wood Before Bottling in Bond OLD SOUR POT STILL BOURBON WHISKEY JUDGE DISTILLERY CA BANKFORT, KENTUCKY PURE POT STILL WHE Bourbon The Wm. Edwards Company Cleveland, Ohio DISTRIBUTORS 293 Bond Inn PAGE 305 Born Steel Range Co. Borton & Borton Boyd & Dean Co. Brandt, R. F. 280 B 2 Bowman, Geo. H., Co. Bouvier Specialty Co., Louisville, Ky. Bradley Bros. Realty Co. Brooks Co. Brooks-McAninch-Wilbor-Parsons Co. 210 128 276 258 129 290 24 Browning Engineering Co. Brown, C. R. Brown Bros. & Co., New York Brunskill, W. O. 48 334 82 126 Buchanan, James, & Co., New York. 158 Buckeye Electric Co. 142 Buffalo Copper & Brass Rolling Mills. 230 Builders' Exchange Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Burrows Bros. 148 320 4 Bush & Lavin 126 Caldwell Piano Co. Canton Malleable Iron Co., Canton.. 146 255 C Central Electrotype Foundry 236 Central Soap Mfg. Co. 208 Chafer Co. 228 Chamberlin Metal Weather Strip Co. 202 Chandler & Rudd Co. 74 Chapin Trull & Co., Boston 164 Champion Machine & Forging Co. 182 Climalene Chemical Co., Canton 224 Chisholm Boot Shop 314 City Ice Delivery Co. 90 Clark, R. D. Cleveland Desk Co. Cleveland Electrical Supply Co. Cleveland Frog & Crossing Co. Cleveland Face Brick Ass'n Cleveland Leader Co. Cleveland News Cleveland, Painesville & Eastern R. R. Co. Cleveland Plain Dealer 318 134 325 225 294-295 207 243 277 249 MCNALLY - DOYLE CATERERS and CONFECTIONERS of OUALITY 294 "WHEN YOU BUILD, USE BRICK" Brick Education Every man has a HOME of some kind even a Hermit. There are some things every home builder should know about BRICK. The leading dealers in Brick in Cleveland have united to educate the people about Brick. These Brick Men realize that it is going to take dynamite to wake up some people and get them out of the rut, but they are willing to furnish the dynamite. The dynamite has been prepared in small, palatable doses, and it will be sent free, on application, to those who would like to know why Brick is the Best and Most Economical Build- ing Material in the World Don't be a Doubter. The impression that the Brick house costs a great deal more than a frame house of the same plan is out of date. Cleveland Brick Men are prepared to prove that when insurance, painting and repairs are taken into account the Brick house is cheaper than wood. The Cleveland Face Brick Ass'n, Cleveland, Ohio Organized for the purpose of Advertising, Developing, and Promoting the Increased Use of Face Brick. 295 "WHEN YOU BUILD, USE BRICK" Here's the Dynamite: The Cleveland Face Brick Association will send a copy of the following publications, without cost, to all who want to be convinced that Brick is the best building material: "The Beauty of a Brick House" "Maintenance of a Brick House" "Brick House Safe From Fire" "The Choice-Frame or Brick" "A Revolution in Building Materials" The following publications have been prepared at great cost but will be sent to prospective build- ers for the nominal charge of 50 cents, and they are worth ten times the amount: "100 Types of $3,000 Brick Bungalows" "A House of Brick for $4,000" "A House of Brick for $10,000" Each of these publications contains designs, sketches and floor plans that will be of practical value to every home owner or prospective builder. Architects, as well as those who would build a home for themselves, will find much valuable information in each of these publications. Send for them. ROBERT L. BECK, The Arcade HYDRAULIC-PRESS BRICK CO. THE CLEVELAND BUILDERS' SUPPLY CO. Hippodrome Bldg. Schofield Bldg. THE QUEISSER-BLISS CO. THE CUYAHOGA BUILDERS' SUPPLY CO. Schofield Bldg. Schofield Bldg. THE STOWE-FULLER CO. Rockefeller Bldg. The Cleveland Face Brick Ass'n, Cleveland, Ohio Schofield Building 296 The Strong, Carlisle & Hammond Co. Supplies Tools and Machinery Strong Steam Specialties, Frankfort Furnaces, Randall Graphite, MAC-IT Set Screws 336 FRANKFORT AVENUE Cleveland 297 Cleveland Provision Co. Cleveland Press Cleveland Realty Improvement Co. PAGE 228 289 152 Cleveland Sanitation Co. Cleveland Savings & Loan Co. Cleveland Taxicab Co. Cleveland Tool & Supply Co. Cleveland Town Topics Co. Cleveland Twist Drill Co. Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co. Cleveland & Eastern Traction Co. Climax Cleaner Co. Climax Refining Co. Coffee, W. H., & Co. Colonial Salt Co., Akron Collings, Clarence H., Co. Continental Paper Bag Co. Connelly Co. Cook & Bernheimer Co., New York Coughlin, Thos., Co. Cowell & Hubbard Co. Crawford Realty Co. 210 60 10 93 271 318 194 117 12 184 84 232 174 252 255 128 126 54 238 286 280 122 C Curry, Rowland A., Co. Cuyahoga Lumber Co. Cuyahoga Telephone Co. Dalton, G. F. Davis Hunt Collister Co. Davis & Farley 237 324 D 138 Davis, A. R., Motor Co. 34 Davis, Albert Rees 269 DeKlyn Co. 280 Denison, C. E., & Co 236 Detroit Roofing Tile Co., Detroit, Mich. 335 Dewar, John, & Sons, Ltd., New York. 160 Diamond Rubber Co. 32 Dickel, Geo. A., Nashville, Tenn. 124 Dodd-Rogers Co. Dorn Shoe Co. Downie, Wm., & Co. Draz, Francis, & Co., New York Dreher, B., Sons Co. FOR That toy for the "kid' That prize for the game- That novelty that you can't get elsewhere- 287 298-312 152 246 48 Try the Stearn Store ·STEARN-&-CO- 240 to 248 Euclid Ave. 298 Made-to-Order Shoes $5, $6 and $7 Base Ball Shoes $2.45 Bicycle Shoes $2.85 Street Boots $3 to $6 Basket Ball Shoes $1.95 Gym Shoes "Ground Gripper" Shoes and Oxfords for Men $6 DORN SHOE "ON THE SQUARE" Cuyahoga Bldg. Chat Attractive Appearance The quality of our work in the art of DRY CLEANING AND DYEING is noticeable wherever you go. To demonstrate we solicit your The D. O.. Summers Cleaning Co. 6202-6220 Carnegie Avenue S. E. order. Phones: East 3023 Princeton 184 All Hermits stop at RESSLER'S CAFE 5517 Euclid East of 55th Street Bell, Doan 244-J SPECIAL MILL WORK JOHN RIGGS BUILDER AND JOBBER Special Interior Work Office and Store Fixtures 1561 E. 118th St. Cleveland, O. 299 PAGE Driving Park Realty Co. Dunbar, William, Co. Duncan, A. R., Jr., Co. Early Times Distillery Co., Paducah, Ky. Eckenroth Sales Co. Eclipse Electrotype & Engraving Co. Eclipse Musical Co. Edwards, Wm., Co. Electric Storage Battery Co. Electric Wiring Co. English Woolen Mills Co. Enterprise Electric Construction Co. Epple, Fred Erie Ry. Co. Ernst & Ernst Ernst-Heiser Co. Evarts-Tremaine-Flicker Co. Exline Co. 244 328 D 334 111 328 E 122 204 114 57 256 94 284 309 144 141 282 104 87 Fairbanks, Morse & Co. 198 Fels & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 112 F Finch, Jos. S., & Co., Pittsburgh. 117 Finlay, H. P., & Co., Limited, New York.. 176 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. 322 Fisher & Wilson Co. 182 F-J-L, Mint-Lax Gum Co. 177 Fleischman Co., New York Foote, D. E., Rubber Co. 231 330 Foote & Davies Co. 242 Forest City Foundry & Mfg. Co. 192 Forest City Ball & Amusement Co. 146 Franklin Sugar Refining Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 86 Frederick, W. F., Piano Co. 264 French Lick Springs Hotel Co., French Lick, Ind. 260 Fuller Cleaning Co. 174 Gainer Electric Co. 168 Gammel, R. W., Co. 274 G 120 Garford Co. 16 219 Gandolfi, L., & Co., New York Gasser Coffee Co. The MacDiarmid's CATERERS Yes-catering every minute to the wishes of our candy-loving customers. We Solicit any suggestions or criticisms that improve our Candies or our Service. Three MacDiarmid's Candy Stores IN CLEVELAND 300 ELEVATION OF PROPOSED BABIES' HOSPITAL (To be Erected in Memory of Dr. Edward F. Cushing) 301 Giving HIS penny- Won't you give YOURS? THE BABIES BANKING HOUSE To build and endow The Babies' Hospital Where the sick babies who now die at home without the proper care can be made well. ¶ Where the diseases of little children about which the world is now so ignorant may be studied and cures discovered. Where physicians, nurses and nursery maids may learn to care for babies. If everyone helps with big gifts or small, Cleveland will have its Babies' Hospital in 1913. THE BABIES' DISPENSARY and HOSPITAL 2500 East 35th St. 302 A A A A Custom Quality SHOES FOR MEN The Kelley Bootery Co. 2018 EAST NINTH STREET Schofield Building Cadillac Motor Cars Nothing Better Built The Barger Automobile Co. 1628-32 Euclid Ave. 303 PAGE Gasser, J. M., Co. Gilkey, W. S., Printing Co. Gill & Gardner, Trustees Gilman, A. S., Printing Co, Globe Machine & Stamping Co. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Goodrich, B. F., Co. 112 154 G 307 192 176 92 147 Gould Storage Battery Co. 94 Gourd, Henry E., New York 80 Graham Co. 303 Grebe & Davis 200 Green River Distilling Co., Owensboro, Ky. 51 Greenstein & Co. 146 Greenwald, Joseph H. 278 Greenberg, I. W., 244 Guckenheimer, A., & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. 111 Hahn, J. N., Co. 116 Hale & Kilburn Co., New York 224 H Halle Bros. Co. 200 Hanan & Son Harris, Herman A. Harshaw, Fuller & Goodwin 317 319 183 Hill & Hart Hippodrome Inn Harbaugh, A. G., Co. Hayden, Miller & Co. Herner, New York Herron, Geo. H., & Co. Henderson, David, & Son Heublein, G. F., & Bro., Hartford, Conn. Higgins-Babcock-Hurd Co. Hill Clutch Co. Hinde, James J., Realty Co. Hohlfelder, F., Co. Hollenden Hotel Hommel, M., Wine Co., Sandusky, O. Horlick's Malted Milk Co., Racine, Wis. 63 162 17 225 Herbst, S. C., Importing Co., Milwaukee, Wis. 292 248 222 136 180 324 206 262 250 313 75 45 214 56 182 Hubinger, J. C., Bros. Co., New Haven, Conn. Hygienic Food Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Hydraulic Pressed Steel THE GRAHAM COMPANY TAILORS Successor to The Wieber Company 2073 E. Ninth St., opp. Rose Bldg. CLEVELAND BELL PHONE NORTH 476 304 THE SUPERIOR VALUE OF THE Mason & Hamlin MASON & HAMLIN PIANOS is based on a superior method of con- struction, by which a beauty and per- manency of tone quality is secured, surpassing anything ever before ob- tained, or possible under any other system of construction. Scientists, musicians and the cultured generally declare that the Mason & Hamlin is the greatest piano the world has ever seen. Uprights $550.00 and up. Grands $800.00 and up. The J. T. Wamelink & Sons Piano Co. 53 Years in Business New Higbee Bldg. Mooney Bros. Leading Tailors WE BEG to announce our removal to Nos. WE 200 to 206 Schofield Building [Second Floor], and are prepared to show you all the new cloths for Spring and Summer wear. Our gar- ments, as in the past, shall be made up strictly first-class in every particular. Our prices for suit- ings range from $35.00 to $60.00. Nos. 200 to 206 SCHOFIELD BLDG. 305 PAGE Igleheart Bros., Evansville, Ind.. 214 Johns-Manville, H. W., Co. Jones Russell Co. 150 177 J Kamerer & Benes 286 Kelley Bootery Co. 302 K Kendall Mfg. Co. 242 Koblitz Plumbing & Heating Co. 306 Korner & Wood Co. 234 Kornman, Wm. 212 Kirk, H. B., & Co., New York. 230 Kirk Latty Mfg. Co. 132 Klein, Louis, Cigar Co. 240 Knauth, Nachod & Kuhne, New York.. 60 Krause, Wm., & Son 286 La Montagne's, E., Sons, New York 81 Lake Shore Banking & Trust Co.... 84 Lake Shore Electric Ry. Co..... L 330 Lanahan, Wm., & Son, Baltimore, Md. Lang & Sarstedt Langer's 98 158 152 Large Distilling Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Laughlin, C. F. 118 98 Law, H. Robert, Studios, New York. Lederer Furniture Co. Leisy Brewing Co. 17 312 282 Leopold, Henry, Furniture Co. 208 London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. 130 L. S. & M. S. Ry. Co.... 14 Louisville Cotton Oil Co., Louisville, Ky.. 130 Lovell & Buffington Tobacco Co., Covington, Ky. 128 Lozier Motor Co. 126 Luze, F. O. de, & Co., New York.. 153 MacAdams Co. 250 Mac Diarmid's 297 MacDonald, T. B., Construction Co., New York. M 17 Mannen & Esterly Co. 156 Martien Electric Co. "And when I drink I drink with Billy" AT The Bond Inn 194 East 6th St., opposite The Hollenden. BILL LOMNITZ, Prop. 306 The Hermits in Paris Would be apt to see the latest in fashionable tailoring, but of course they don't have to go so far to see and obtain such clothes. Some of the best dressed men in Cleveland, men who know all the little niceties of properly tailored clothes, are find- ing perfect satisfaction in the clean-cut appearance and style of "advanced tailoring". You will like McLachlan clothes, and McLachlan prices, too. my W. J. McLachlan 33-35 Taylor Arcade "Advanced Tailoring for the Man and Woman who Knows." Have a Shower In your bathroom. You will get more comfort and pleasure out of it than you can imagine. But have the right kind put in right by right mechanics. We have put shower baths in many fine homes and would be glad to estimate on the cost of plac- ing one in yours. The Koblitz Plumbing and Heating Co. 1305 Prospect 5315 Lorain 307 GARDNER & GILL Gill & Gardner We need your help All Hermits please respond promptly and frequently 308 Whether you go to Paris Canada, the seashore, or the mountains, we can issue a tour- ist policy which will insure your baggage against fire anywhere. MAXSON & PERDUE GUARDIAN BLDG. Walker & Weeks Architects 1900 Euclid Ave. 309 PAGE Martin, J. B., Importation Co., New York 140 Mason, J. S. & Co. 171 M Maternity Home 281 Mathews & Gilbert 18 Mathias, D. E. 218 Max & Mahieu, New York 17 Maxson & Purdue 308 May Co. 255 McAllister, W. B., Co. 99 McGlade, James 332 McKay, J. M. 312 McLachlan, W J. 306 McMillin, H. E., & Son Co. 312 McMullin, Thomas H., & Co., New York. 123 McNally-Doyle 293 McNaughton, Jerry O., Co. 242 Meacham, Roland T. 204 Meade & Hamilton 66 Meadville, Pa. Distilling Co. 160 Melville, Percy F., New York 170 Merkle Wiley Broom Co., Paris, Ill. 120 Middle States Oil Co. 238 Miller, Burt A. 150 Miller Clothing Co. 280 Miller, I., Inc., New York 17 Mills, Carleton Co. Moehring, Wm. G., & Co., New York. 283 237 Mohawk Condensed Milk Co., New York Mooney Bros. Moore, James G. Moore, Jno. W. Moore, Thos., Distilling Co., McKeesport, Pa. Moos, J. B., Co. Morehouse Co. 44 304 315 222 164 272 70 Morris Poston Coal Co. Morse Twist Drill & Machinery Co., New Bedford, Mass. 110 195 Moss & McGuire Motor Accessories Co. Motz Tire & Rubber Co. Mouat-Squires Co. Mulcahy & Nelson Co. Mulrooney, John M. 236 216 166 316 252 334 Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. 42 Bell Doan 2344 Fred Cople Decorator and Painter Wall Paper and Paint Store 10305 Euclid Ave. and 105th Princeton 792 CLEVELAND 310 The Belt & Terminal Realty Company 830 Society for Savings Bldg. Factory Sites on the best "Belt Line" in America. 311 PAGE 60 National Car Wheel Co. National Carbon Co. National Distributing Co., Cincinnati National Safe & Lock Co. au, Rusk & Swearingen Nelson, Alfred, Co., New York New Jersey Fidelity & Plate Glass Insurance Co. New York Leather Belting Co., New York.. Nicholas, G. S., & Co., New York Nicola, Stone & Myers 105 N 96 334 162 46 120 218 123 164 Nikolas, G. J., & Co., Chicago Niles Car & Mfg. Co. Norton Company, Worcester, Mass. Northern Ohio Traction & Light Co. Northern Pacific Ry. Co. 146 240 102 270 172 Oechs, Anthony, & Co., New York 44 Ohio Rubber Co. 154 Olds Oakland Co. 0 20 Olmsted Bros. & Co. 206 Olney, Burt, Canning Co., Oneida, N. Y. 136 Opera House Buffet 236 Osborn Manufacturing Co. 286 Otis & Hough 268 Otto & Kub Pacific Coast Borax Co., Chicago Pattison, W. M., Supply Co. Pease, F. A., Engineering Co. Peerless Motor Car Co. Perfection Spring Co.. 112 283 288 P 58 336 92 Pleasant Valley Wine Co., Rheims, N. Y. Petrequin Paper Co. Penton Press Co. Pierson, J. N. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. Poe Brothers Pocock-Wolfram Potter Teare & Co. Rail Joint Co., New York Raimbouville, E., de, New York Rainbow Cottage FOR RENT STORES, LOFTS, LIGHT and HEAVY MANUFACTURING SPACE JNO. H. BLOOD REAL ESTATE 813 WILLIAMSON BLD'G 213 72 234 116 106 150 321 186 108 220 R 201 BUSINESS PROPERTIES FACTORY PLANTS, 99 YR. LEASES FOR SALE 312 "GROUND GRIPPER SHOES FOR MEN AND WOMEN 99 Great for Walking Ladies Like Them Men Demand Them Sure Foot Comfort Ladies Shoes $5.00 and $5.50 Men's Shoes $6.00 The J. K. DORN SHOE CO., 2517 Woodland Avenue "Ground Gripper" Shoes and Oxfords for Men $6.00 at DORN SHOE CO. "On the Square" Cuyahoga Bldg. All work done on the most approved plan and on reasonable terms. 1425 E. Ninth St. JOHN M. McKAY Sanitary Plumbing Practical Plumber and Lead Burner Telephone 1459 CLEVELAND, O. Remember that McMillin's is Ohio's Only Complete Music Store and located at 2053 East 9th St., opposite Rose Building "It came from Lederer's” means "GOOD Furniture” You will find both prices and quality to your liking The Lederer Furniture Co. East Ninth, Near Euclid. 313 The Hollenden -after the theatre 314 The CHISHOLM BOOT SHOPS The current fashions in Foot-wear, as worn by the right people abroad and in the principal cities of the states, are shown in our shops in the dependable quality of WALK OVER FOOTWEAR 1874 to 1912 You are as cordially invited to come to view our displays as to come to purchase. You will have the personal, interested attention of an ex- pert fitter, who will help you secure the right size, in the right last for you to wear. prices range from $3.50 to $7.00. The CHISHOLM BOOT SHOPS 322 SUPERIOR Avenue 1140-1146 EUCLID Avenue 2041 E. FOURTH Street Our Athletic Club Building 315 Rauch & Lang Carriage Co. Reese-Owen-Clark Agency Co. Reeves Pulley Co., Columbus, Ind. Renz Motor Car Co. Ressler, Fred C. Riggs, John Rogers Co. Rorheimer-Brooks Studios Rutherford, Geo. A., & Co. Ruy Suarez & Co., New York PAGE 8 226 R 140 214 298 298 287 196 276 234 Saegertown Mineral Springs, Saegertown, Pa. 100 Sauters Coal Co. Savage, J. B., Co. Schauweker, Jos. Schleman Bros. 335 S 134 256 110 Schmidt, C. W. 246 Schuster Company 112 Schneider Plumbing Co. 171 Scribner & Loehr Co. 256 Seidle, Edward, Inc., New York 17 Shaker Heights Improvement Co. 76 Shotter Faerber Co. 3 Smith & Fetters 256 Smith, C. H. 242 Society for Savings 88 Soutar & Brown 244 Stack Co. Stafford-Goss-Bedell, O. M., Co. 105 78 Standard Cycle Repair Co. 168 Standard Drug Co. 118 Standard Electric Car Co. 326 Standard Oil Co. 265 Standard Tool Co. 135 Stearn Co. 297 Stearns, F. B., Co. 188-189 Smith, L. C., & Bros. Typewriter Co. 178 Snyder, W. S., & Co. 138 Stone, N. O., Co. 291 Strong, Cobb & Co. 90 Strong Carlisle & Hammond 296 Summers, D. O., Cleaning Co. 298 PHONE MAIN 868 JAMES G. MOORE HIGH CLASS HABERDASHER 809 EUCLID AVENUE 316 The Mouat Vapor Heating System The Heating System De Luxe-with modified heat control at each radiator The main feature of the MoUAT Vapor Heat- ing System is the ability to control the heat to suit weather conditions. Each radiator is equipped with a fractional valve and may be kept partially or entirely heated as required. Shaded portions of the radiators show the parts heated at the various positions of the fractional valves. The Mouat-Squires Company 1246-1254 W. 4th St. Cleveland, Ohio 317 PAGE Taylor, E. H., Jr., & Sons, Frankfort, Ky 159 Temblett, W. H. 165 T Thompson Distilling Co., Pittsburgh 56 Tillotson and Wolcott Company 198 Timendorfer, J., Co. 332 Urbana Wine Co., Urbana, N. Y. 183 Underwood Typewriter Co. 118 U United States Tire Co., New York 62 Universal Castor & Fdy. Co., New York. 246 Van Dorn Iron Works 182 Viall, P. O., Lumber Co., Port Daniel, Canada.. 254 V Visiting Nurse Assn. 6 Wabash Pittsburgh Terminal R. R. 64 Wadsworth-Adelson Co. 234 W Wadsworth Salt Co., Wadsworth, O. 231 Walker, H. F. 170 Walker, Hiram, & Sons, Ltd., Walkersville, Canada. 165 Walker & Weeks 308 Wamelink, J. T., & Sons Piano Co. 304 Warden & Leese 238 Weideman Co. 33 Western Reserve Motor Car Co. 26 West Overton Distilling Co., Scottdale, Pa. 212 Wheeling & Lake Erie R. R. Co. *52 White Co., The 30 White Top Champagne Co., Hammondsport, Pa. 164 Wilson, W. G. 226 Winton Motor Car Co. 36 Williams, Harley E., Co. 64 Woman Suffrage Party 331 Worthington Ball Co., Elyria, O. 40 Worthington, Geo., Co. 156 Wuest-Bauman-Hunt Co. 246 237 244 275 Y Wupperman, J. W., New York Young, James Y. & O. Coal Co. Zettelmeyer Coal Co. Zipp Mfg. Co. 264 252 Let us initiate you into the luxury of wearing Hanan Shoes---the shoes that exemp- lify the smartest custom style, and give perfect ease and comfort from the first. Hanan & Son 608 Euclid Ave. Z 318 LARK'S OFFEE Co "THE BEST IN TOWN" AT Clark's Lunch Room 1954 East 6th St. THE QUALITY EAT SHOP Drills Reamers Sockets High Speed Tools 1874 These Pictures Tell the Story Arbors Mills Mandrels Counter- bores 1912 The CLEVELAND Twist Drill Co. NEW YORK CLEVELAND CHICAGO 319 Herman A. Harris BUILDER 320 ALCO CARS Now Represented in Cleveland The Alco Cleveland Motor Co. have the pleasure of show- ing the expectional people of Cleveland an exceptional car. In the Alco you cannot conceive the comfort and easy riding qualities until you have rode in it. The Alco is built like a Locomotive and rides like a Pullman coach. Alco cars are made in both four and six cylinders and all types of bodies. A demonstration will convince the most critical. Alco Cleveland Motor Co. Phone East 637 6506 Euclid Ave. A NEW ONE Burroughs Calculating Machine $150 We have 85 styles of different bookkeeping machines, hand and electrically operated. Prices from $175 to $900 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. F. S. CRANE, Manager ROCKEFELLER BUILDING 321 CLEVELAND THE ADVERTISING STATISTICS HE HERMITS wish to thank the individuals and firms who are advertising in this program and request that their friends patronize the advertisers whose generous support helps to make our shows a success. The following list shows the Hermits who have secured two or more pages of advertising: PAGES 334 W. S. Pollock 16½ F. B. Meade 1134 G. R. Ingersoll 104 A. H. Shotter 7½ A. J. Kroenke 634 C. L. F. Wieber, Jr., F. J. Woodworth 6½ F. H. Grace 54 C. C. Coventry, W. M. Ernst 4 A. D. Brooks, Guy S. Gardner, S. E. Strong 3½ W. A. Daley, J. H. Kline, S. T. Nash, A. G. Newcomb 34 C. K. Arter, M. P. Klumph, S. W. Scofield 3 H. W. Strong, H. M. Terrell 234 W. M. Baldwin, R. C. Enright 24 R. F. Berwald, H. R. Valentine 2 A. J. Caldwell, J. L. Cannon, C. K. Chisholm, L. P. Sawyer. THE SIGN OF SHOE EXCELLENCE THE Joll TRADE MARK. SHOE Sole Agents POCOCK-WOLFRAM The Store of Famous Shoes STORES: 520 Euclid Avenue-Shoes for the Entire Family. 824 Superior Avenue-Men's Shoes Only. 322 "Firestone restong Tires and Demountable Rims ON are Masters of all roads, at all seasons, in every climate. The inbuilt extra mile- age of every "Firestone" Tire; the clinging security of Firestone Non-Skid Tires; the non-delay, ease assurance of "Firestone" Quick Detachable Demountable Rims -combine to make them unchallenged leaders by right of accomplishment. Ten years, without an off-season is the record of their quality construction. A factory made three times larger within the past year, tells the story of their popularity. THE FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER CO., Akron, Ohio "America's Largest Exclusive Tire and Rim Makers" 1918-22 Euclid Ave., Cleveland. The Service-Wise Specify Firestone Equipment and get Most Miles Per Dollar 323 Some Busy Hermits דום ARTHUR H. SHOTTER Chairman of the Program Advertising Committee Drawn by Hermit Donahey 324 GĦADVILIO When you think of hats, think of us STRAW HATS $2.00 to $5.00 PANAMA'S $5.00 to $15.00 2020 East 9th St. Schofield Bldg. Hill & Hart 318 Superior Ave. Opp. City Hall EXCLUSIVE HATTERS THE DAVIS - HUNT - COLLISTER COMPANY Headquarters for Yale Builder's Hardware CORNER ONTARIO and PROSPECT 325 Dear Mr. Hermit and Friends: Cleveland, Ohio Here and Now, 1912 Whether in Paris or Cleveland, YOU WANT TO BE COOL IN HOT WEATHER. On hot, boiling days, whether in bed-room, in the parlor, at meal time, during any illness, or again in an office, you can have a constant refreshing breeze. USE A PORTABLE ELECTRIC FAN. You can buy an electric fan and run it all summer for a price that is but a TRIFLE in comparison with a trip to the seashore or the mountains. Besides this, nature's breezes are fitful, while the breeze of an electric fan can be regulated as you will. No matter what your taste or purse, we can suit you. We have 8 in., 12 in. and 16 in. fans, for alternating or direct current, desk or oscillating, single or Gyro. Why wait another day. Every hot day brings a rush of orders. Get your order in NOW, and have a cooling breeze ALL SUMMER LONG. Yours truly, The Cleveland Electrical Supply Co. 724-726 PROSPECT AVE. Tel. Main 4277, Erie 220 Prompt Service 326 1913 ANNOUNCEMENT THE Standard Electrique Everywhere acclaimed most advanced in construction. Most eye pleasing in body design. Most exclusive in interior appointment. Most efficient in efficiency. Most comfortable in riding ability. Most reasonable in cost. The one Electrique that has promoted the standard of high quality and retarded the trend toward high purchase price. :-: $1885 Call or 'Phone East 3744 for a Demonstration. The Western Reserve Motor Car Co. 6604 Euclid Ave. 327 Some Busy Hermits HARRY R. VALENTINE Chairman of the Publicity Committee Drawn by Hermit Donahey 328 William Dunbar & Co. BUILDERS 507-11 CHAMPLAIN AVE. OFFICE AND STORE FIXTURES, STORE FRONTS HARDWOOD INTERIORS AND SPECIAL MILL WORK Main 2705 Eckenroth Sales Co. Haynes Cars Wilcox Trux Expert Garage Service Livery in Connection Touring Cars Limousines B Cent. 2705 Taxicabs and Trucks for Hire. 620 Frankfort Ave. 329 Some Busy Hermits GUY S. GARDNER Perpetual Property Master Drawn by Hermit Donahey 330 Oldest and most Complete Automobile Supply House in Cleveland Service and Price our Motto. D. E. Foote Rubber Co. 1901-1903-1905 Euclid Ave. Some Things Worth Remembering WE HAVE- The Ideal Service from Cleveland -TO- Lorain, Sandusky, Norwalk, Fremont and Toledo. Six through limited trains daily from Cleveland to Detroit. Two through limited trains daily from Cleveland to Fostoria, Findlay and Lima. Double-head limiteds everywhere, every two hours, "half-past the odd hour." Beach Park DON'T FORGET Crystal Beach IDEAL SUMMER RESORTS Cedar Point The Lake Shore Electric Ry. Co. INTERURBAN STATION, PUBLIC SQUARE 331 The "HEATHEN CHINEE” DONAHEY IN THE CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER EQUAL SUFFRAGE GRANTED VOTE FOR THE EQUAL SUFFRAGE AMENDMENT at the Special Election this Summer WOMAN SUFFRAGE PARTY Headquarters 1264 Euclid Ave. 332 MAIN 2182 PHONES CENTRAL 7990 The J. Timendorfer Company REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS INVESTMENTS MAIN 4665 Garfield Bldg. CLEVELAND, OHIO JAMES MCGLADE 1907 E. Ninth Street Cor. Chestnut Avenue CLEVELAND, CENTRAL 2046 OHIO 333 Some Busy Hermits ARTHUR D. BROOKS Ye Program Editor Drawn by Hermit Donahey 334 C. R. BROWN HIGH GRADE HATS 1937-45 East Sixth Street CLEVELAND THE A. R. DUNCAN, Jr. CO. Wholesale Dealers Butter Eggs Cheese We Manufacture "Fireproof Safes' 99 and "Burglar-Proof Safes" In any Style or Size The National Safe & Lock Co. Works Office: 2341 E. 69th St. Salesroom: 2135 E. 9th St. Y. M. C. A. Building ON THE JOB AGAIN MULROONEY ROCKEFELLER BUILDING INVESTMENT SECURITIES VESSEL STOCKS ESPECIALLY MEMBERS CLEVELAND STOCK EXCHANGE 335 Detroit Roofing Tile Co. DETROIT, MICH. ART IN TILE ROOFS MANUFACTURERS OF EVERY PATTERN, COLOR AND SHADE KNOWN AGENCIES IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES CATALOGUE AND SAMPLES ON REQUEST COAL THE KIND THAT PRODUCES HEAT The Sauters Coal Company 514 Williamson Bldg. CLEVELAND, OHIO 336 Peerless 1913 Many Hermits in and out of Paris travel in Peerless Motor Cars. In any setting the distinction of this superb vehicle is equally marked. Its charm is as quickly recognized on the Bois de Boulogne as it is in the streets of Cleveland, where it greatly outnumbers other cars of similiar grade or pretension. The 1913 models in three six cylin- der sizes-38-Six", "48-Six" and "60-Six" are ready for immediate deliv- ery. Examine them at our Showrooms. THE PEERLESS MOTOR CAR CO. EAST 93rd STREET AND QUINCY AVENUE "60-SIX" SEVEN-PASSENGER TOURING MR, if not H 1 4 mm. FEB 56 89073124232 B89073124232A 89073124232 B89073124232A 89073124232 b89073124232a 356