498 COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSITE CU50726714 580.6 lo8;v.9 A limnological recon Botany Reading P580,6 BUTLEP I o8 Columbia University 9 in the City of New York LIBRARY DIDAS MEN SIGILL MBIAE NOVIEBORACT COLLEGIT A10 C UNIVERSITY OF IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY | VOLUME IX 1920-1921 Cine i Seijo Pennel UNIVERSITY OF IOWA 1921 . APR 1 2 1323 CONTENTS VOLUME IX A limnological No. 1. BIRGE, E. A. and JUDAY, CHANCEY. reconnaissance of West Okoboji. No. 2. STONER, DAYTON. Nesting habits of the hermit thrush in northern Michigan. No. 3. TROWBRIDGE, A. C. The erosional history of the drift- less area. No. 4. LINDSEY, A. W. The Hesperioidea of America north of Mexico. > No. 5. CLARK, A. H., RATHBUN, MARY J., BOONE, PEARL L., SHOEMAKER, C. R., CLARK, H. L. Reports on the Crinoids, Ophiurans, Brachyura, Tanidacea and Iso- poda, Amphipods, and Echinoidea of the Barbados- Antigua expedition of 1918. UNIVERSITY OF IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY PROFESSOR CHARLES CLEVELAND NUTTING, M. A., Editor Continuation of Bulletin from the Laboratories of Natural History of the State University of Iowa VOLUME IX NUMBER 1 A LIMNOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE OF WEST OKOBOJI by E. A. BIRGE and CHANCEY JUDAY PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, IOWA CITY 1 1 1 1 1 A LIMNOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE OF WEST OKOBOJI E. A. BIRGE and CHANCEY JUDAY I-SITUATION, AREA, VOLUME Lake Okoboji lies in Dickinson county close to the north- ern boundary of Iowa; it is situated in T. 99 N; R. 36 and 37 W. Its approximate position is lat. 43.35° N; long. 95.13° W. The region adjacent to the lake is thickly studded with other lakes and lakelets. Two lakes of considerable size- East Okoboji and Spirit lakes—are connected with it. Be- sides these there are ten or more bodies of water, which are large enough to bear names, and smaller ponds and pondlets by the score. None of these bodies of water, except Okoboji lake, has any considerable depth. East Okoboji lake reaches a maximum depth of about 8 m. (26 ft.), but most of its area is less than 3 m. (10 ft.) deep. Spirit lake has a maximum depth of 7.6 m. (25 ft.), but much of the area is between 6 m. and 7.5 m (20 ft., 25 ft.) deep. Oko- boji lake has a maximum depth of more than 40 m. (132 ft.)and therefore differs widely from its two neighbors both in physical and biological characters. The following paper records the results of a limnological reconnaissance of the lake, July 28-August 2, 1919. The reconnaissance was made as part of the coöperative work done by the United States Bureau of Fisheries in connec- tion with the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey. The present report is issued with the permission of the Bureau. The study was carried on at the Iowa Lake- side Laboratory, to which the authors are indebted for much help and many courtesies. 1 Dr. Tilton ('16 p. 96) reports a depth of 135 feet. But as nothing is said re- garding the calibration of his line, the maximum may still better stand at that found by the regular survey. a 4 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY * The region about lake Okoboji and the lake itself was surveyed by the civil engineering department of Iowa State College through its summer surveying camp. The camp was held there from 1905 to 1912, and the topography of the region and the hydrography of the larger lakes were surveyed. In 1913 a pamphlet was published by the Col- lege (Ford '13) giving the methods employed, together with maps showing the results. Among the maps are a topo- graphical map of the region on a scale of 1 in. to 5100 ſt., and a map giving the soundings in Okoboji lake on a scale of 1 in. to 2500 ft. The College also kindly furnished us with a blue print map of the lake, scale 1 in. to 1000 ft., which was used in all measurements. This map was repro- duced in the Iowa report on lakes and lake beds on a scale of about 1 in. to 2030 ft. In this report about one page of description is given to the lake and its area is stated as 3788 acres (Iowa '16, p. 56, map No. 18)* The area thus given is accepted in this paper. The small scale map of the lake gives all of the sound- ings, numbering 732, or about 48 per sq. km. The large scale map gives a selection of these, numbering 261. The soundings were taken from a motor boat which was kept constantly in motion. Its position at the moment of sound- ing was signalled to two observers on shore who kept the boat constantly in sight with transits. By this method the position of the boat could hardly have been determined with minute accuracy, especially in the deeper water, and the maps give no dot or other similar indication of the precise position of the soundings. It is known that the small area which contains the deepest soundings lies somewhat to the west of the place indicated on the map. Under these con- ditions no attempt was made to plat the soundings omitted on the large scale map. In drawing the contours for the hydrography a 20-foot interval was used, since there are not enough soundings along the shores to warrant the use of a 10-foot interval. The areas included in the several contours were measured with the planimeter, with the following result: f * Note: Appended to this article as Plate I. A LIMNOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE 5 66 66 66 66 TABLE 1-AREA OF OKOBOJI LAKE-ACRES (From map, scale 1 m.=1,000 ft.) Area at surface--- _3788 acres 20 feet -2750 40 _1629 60 973 80 326 100 114 120 9 132 0 60 66 66 66 60 . Note: The surface area is taken from the report of the state high- way commission, 1916, p. 56. The contour map and the measurements show that the main slope of the bottom of the lake is fairly uniform to the depth of 80 ft., but that below this depth the slopes are decidedly steeper. In fact, the form of the basin is such as to lead the observer to expect a maximum depth of about 90 ft. or 100 ft. Instead of this, however, a small area ex- tends to a depth of 132 ft., or 30 ft. to 40 ft. more than would be expected. From the data thus secured a hypsographic curve of the lake was platted and from this were derived the areas cor- responding to 5 m., 10 m., etc. From these data there were computed the area, volumes, etc., of the lake in metric units, as shown in the following table. The same data computed in cubic yards, etc., directly from the areas of the 20-ft. levels give substantially the same results. TABLE 2-OKOBOJI LAKE–GENERAL FEATURES Length, 8.79 km; 5.46 mi. Greatest breadth, 4.57 km; 2.84 mi. Direction of main axis, north and south. Area, 1535 ha; 3788 a. Greatest depth, 40.2 m; 132 ft. Mean depth, 12.3 m; 40.4 ft. Volume, 188,340,000 cu. m; 246,340,000 cu. yds. Length of shore line, 29.3 km; 18.2 mi. Shore development, 2.13. Volume development, 0.92. Mean slope of bottom, 1° 34'; 2.74%. NOTES: The mean depth is found by dividing the volume by the area of the surface. The volume of the several strata are computed H B 3 upper surface of the stratum, B is the area of the lower surface and H the vertical distance between the surfaces—in this case 5 meters. from the formula (A+B+v AB), in which A is the area of the 6 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY By shore development is meant the ratio of the periphery of the water to the circumference of a circle of equal area. The mean slope is computed from the formula S= 4216 +1, +1, +13 +In-1 +121 H A 2 n 1' In this formula S=mean slope; 1,, I, etc.=length of contour lines from surface to bottom; n=number of such contours; H=maximum depth; A=area of the lake. (See Juday '14, p. 123). TABLE 3-DETAILS OF OKOBOJI LAKE Volume Area Area between Depth || Ha. Per cent|| Stratum || contours meters of total || meters Ha. 0 1535 100.0 0-5 330 5 1205 78.5 5-10 402 10 803 52.3 10-15 274 15 529 34.5 15-20 214 20 315 20.5 20-25 198 25 117 7.60 25-30 67 30 49.9 3.25 30-35 35.3 35 14.6 0.95 35-40.2 14.6 Cubic meters 68,310,000 49,900,000 33,100,000 20,880,000 10,360,000 4,020,000 1,520,000 250,000 Per cent of total 36.3 26.5 17.6 11.1 5.5 2.1 0.8 0.1 40 0 0 188,370,000 The volume development is the ratio of the volume of a lake to that of a cone of equal base and height. If the lake were a tank with vertical sides the volume development would be three. Since in this case the volume development is less than 1.00, the volume of the lake is smaller than that of a cone of equal base and altitude. This condition is rarely found in lakes, especially in lakes of considerable depth, and it constitutes the main peculiar- ity of the basin of lake Okoboji. In most lakes there is a steep slope on the sides below the level to which the work of the waves extends and a nearly flat bottom. In such a lake the volume exceeds that of the cone with which it may be compared. In order that this condition may be better appreciated a comparison is made between Okoboji lake and lake Geneva, Wisconsin-a lake of somewhat larger area but not much exceeding Okoboji in depth. The area of lake Geneva is 2210 ha.; its maximum depth is 43.3 meters; its mean depth is 19.7 m; and its volume development 1.41. The instructive comparisons are those of percentage of volume and area at certain depths. A LIMNOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE 7 per cent per cent TABLE 4-COMPARISON OF OKOBOJI AND GENEVA LAKES. See Fig. 1. Depth, Area at depth; Volume below depth; meters Okoboji Geneva Okoboji Geneva 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 5 78.5 80.0 64.7 77.1 52.3 68.5 37.9 58.3 15 34.5 61.0 20.1 41.8 20 20.5 50.7 8.9 27.6 25 7.6 39.0 3.1 16.2 3.25 29.3 0.9 7.6 35 0.95 14.1 0.1 2.2 0.00 2.7 0.0 0.2 43.3 0.0 10 30 40 ome% 10 20 Jo 50 60 70 80 90 100% 5 10 10 6 15 15 20 20 25 25 JO 30 35 ایه Fig. 1. Percentile hypsographic curves of lake Okoboji (0) and Geneva lake (G). These curves show the area of the lake basin at any depth, as a percentage of the area of the surface. See Table 4. The difference between the lakes is striking. The area of the basin of Okoboji lake is reduced to one-half that of the surface just below 10 meters; in Geneva lake the same reduction is found below 20 meters, and this in spite of the fact that the areas of the two lakes at 5 meters are an al- 8 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY most equal per cent of the surface. Half of the volume of Okoboji lake is found above the depth of about 7.5 m., while the same volume lies at the depth of 12.5 m. in lake Geneva. Seventy-five per cent of the volume of lake Okoboji lies above the level of 13.8 m., while in lake Geneva the same level lies about 7 m. deeper, at 21 m. The small volume of the deeper water in Okoboji lake has an important bearing on the temperature of the lower water, and so on the mean temperature and on the quantity of heat absorbed by the lake during the open season. In computing the quantity of heat taken in by the lake, it is necessary to know one more physical constant, viz., the reduced thickness of the strata, or the thickness of any given stratum of water if its area is made equal to that of the surface. The mean depth is the reduced thickness of the entire lake, i. e., it is equal to the depth of a vertical sided tank necessary to hold all the water of the lake, if its area is equal to that of the lake's surface. It is convenient for various purposes of computation to select strata as thin as one meter, especially near the surface and in the thermo- cline. The volume of such thin strata cannot be computed accurately from the soundings, nor is such accuracy need- ful. The percentile areas at 0 m., 5 m., etc., are platted on coördinate paper and connected by a smooth curve. Then the percentages indicated at the middle of each meter of depth will give the reduced thickness of that stratum in centimeters. From the same curve the reduced thickness of any other stratum can also be derived. A LIMNOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE 9 TABLE 5-REDUCED THICKNESS OF THE SEVERAL STRATA OF OKOBOJI LAKE STATED TO THE NEAREST CENTIMETER Depth m. 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 RT. cm. 98 94 89 84 80 445 Depth m. 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40.2 RT. cm. 67 26 10 1.6 75 70 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 65 60 55 325 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 51 46 43 40 37 217 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 33 30 27 24 21 135 In order to appreciate more fully the peculiarities of the basin of lake Okoboji, the reduced thickness of its several strata may be compared with those of lake Geneva, Wis. TABLE 6REDUCED THICKNESS OF THE SEVERAL 5 m. STRATA OF LAKE OKOBOJI AND LAKE GENEVA, STATED IN CENTIMETERS Depth m. 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-bottom Okoboji 445 325 217 135 67 26 10 1.6 (40.2 m.) Geneva 451 370 325 280 225 170 106 43 (43.3 m.) Total 12.266 19.70 It will be seen that the upper 5 m., of the two lakes have nearly the same reduced thickness and therefore an equal relative volume; but that the relative volume of the lower strata is much greater in lake Geneva. The 15-20 m. stra- tum of Geneva has a relative thickness more than twice as 10 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY great as that of Okoboji; the 20-25 m. stratum is more than three times as thick; the thickness of the 25-30 m. stratum is five times, and that of the 30-35 m. stratum ten times as great as are the corresponding figures for Okoboji. The effect of this difference on temperatures is that the lower water of Okoboji lake has a higher temperature and a less quantity of heat than would be the case in the lake basin of ordinary form. II–TEMPERATURES TABLE 7-TEMPERATURE OBSERVATIONS ON OKOBOJI LAKE, 1919 Depth, meters I vii 29 II vii 30 8.45 a III vii 31 10.45 4.00 p 0 25.0 24.7 24.6 A CON |||| 24.0 24.4 24.6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 24.2 23.8 12 18.0 23.7 23.2 20.4 18.2 15.6 14.1 23.1 22.3 21.0 16.6 15.6 14.7 13.8 14.8 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 34 12.9 12.5 12.1 11.2* 12.1 11.2 11.0 10.8 * 23.5 m. Series No. 1 was taken in the mouth of Miller's Bay. Series No. II near the deepest water, which could not be placed on that day. Series No. III in deepest water found. In the evening of July 29 the hot weather was broken by squalls with rain and the wind shifted to the north, return- ing to south on July 30 and 31. The weather continued cool and the surface temperature fell, while that at 5 m. and 10 m. rose. The computations are based on the observations of A LIMNOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE 11 July 30, supplemented by those of July 31 for depths below 20 m. JULY 30, 1919 TABLE 8-TEMPERATURE OF OKOBOJI LAKE Depth, meters Temperature 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40.2_ 24.6° 23.9° 18.8° 13.1° 11.6° 11.1° 10.9° 10.8° Mean 21.00 From the observations in table 7, a temperature curve may be platted, as shown in Fig. 2; and from such a curve the mean temperature of each one-meter stratum may easily be derived. The figure shows a normal curve, with a strongly marked thermocline, beginning at 11 m., and end- ing at 15 m. There was a fall of 4.4° between 12 m., and 13 m., and only 1.9' between 13 m., and 15 m. The total fall between 11 m. and 15 m. is 7.6°. In the observation on the 29th there was a decline of 9.1° in the same distance. Such variations are of constant occurrence in a lake; and if the thermocline of lake Okoboji is defined as the zone within which the temperature falls as much as 1.0° per meter, it will be found to vary from 4 m. to 6 m. in thick- ness. The irregularity shown at 14 m. to 16 m., on the 30th should not influence us to limit the zone to 3 m. or extend it to 5 m. for this occasion. The mean temperature in table 8 is computed as follows: The mean temperature of the several 5 m. strata is multi- plied by the per cent of volume of that stratum, as shown in table 3. The sum of these products gives the mean tem- perature of the lake as 20.996', or, as stated, about 21.0'. This is an exceptionally high mean temperature for a lake of the area and depth of Okoboji. It is due to the high tem- perature and small volume of the lower water; and the first of these causes is itself largely due to the second. 12 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY We may state therefore that the mid-summer tempera- ture of Okoboji lake in 1919 was close to 21° C. Quantity of Heat. From the data thus stated it is pos- sible to compute the quantity of heat represented by this rise of temperature to 21°. If this gain is to be stated there must be a starting point from which the gain may be com- puted. This obviously is not zero, as no lake has so low a temperature. As stated in another paper (Birge '15, p. 170), there are two methods of stating the gains of heat. One is the annual heat budget, which takes as its starting point the mean temperature of the water immediately after the time of freezing, or, less accurately, at any time during the ice-period. The other is the summer heat-income, which starts from the temperature of 4°C.—that of the maximum density of water. For reasons stated in the paper referred to, the conclusions to be drawn from either of these methods are much the same. In all cases the gains between the win- ter temperature and 4° must be discussed apart from those above 4°. In the case of Okoboji lake we are limited to the summer heat-income, since the winter temperatures are still unknown. The gains of heat are stated in gram calories per square centimeter of the surface of the lake. A rise of 1° in a stratum 100 cm. thick represents a gain of 100 cal. per sq. cm. of surface. The formula for computing the summer heat-income is (T-4) · RT; in which T is the mean temperature of any stratum and RT the reduced thickness of the stratum stated in centimeters. If the lake is considered as a unit, RT is the mean depth. In this case the mean temperature is 21.0 and the mean depth 12.3 m., or more exactly 1227 cm. The summer heat-income is therefore (21-4): 1227=20849 cal., or approximately 21,000 cal. per square centimeter of the surface. The value of the summer heat-income will vary slightly with the stratum used in the computation. If the computa- tion is made by 5 m. strata the result is the same as that from the mean temperature, as the following table shows: A LIMNOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE 13 RT cm. TABLE 9—SUMMER HEAT-INCOME, OKOBOJI LAKE Depth, meters T-4 Calories Percent 0-5 20.6 445 9167 44.0 5-10 19.9 325 6468 31.0 10-15 14.8 217 3242 15.4 15-20 9.1 135 1228 5.9 20-25 7.6 67 509 2.4 25-30 7.1 26 185 0.9 30-35 6.9 10 69 0.3 35-40 6.8 1.6 11 0.1 20849 100.0 This result, as well as that of the preceding table, gives the number of calories in a volume of water whose base is 1 sq. cm., and whose total height is equal to the mean depth of the lake. If the computation is made by single meters in the upper water, the result is somewhat larger, as the following table of the upper 20 meters shows: TABLE 10—SUMMER HEAT-INCOME BY SINGLE METERS 0 m.-20 m. T-4 RT cm. Calories 98 94 89 84 80 75 9162 70 Depth meter 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 6468 20.7 20.7 20.6 20.5 20.4 20.3 20.2 20.0 19.6 19.2 18.7 17.6 14.8 12.0 11.0 10.2 9.4 9.0 8.6 8.3 65 60 55 51 46 43 40 37 33 2029 1946 1833 1722 1632 1522 1414 1300 1176 1056 954 810 636 480 407 337 282 243 206 174 3287 30 27 24 21 1242 In table 10 the calories in the 10 m.-15 m. stratum and in the 15 m.-20 m. stratum are greater when computed by single meters than when the mean of the five temperatures 14 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 100 000 alo RT O Tempo 400 20 000 JO 1000 JO 10 70 00 12 10 90 18 e 2000 100 20 C col 10 20 20 16 sol : Fig. 2. Temperature, summer heat-income, and reduced thickness of Okoboji lake. The curve RT gives at any point the reduced thickness in centimeters (p. 8) of a stratum one meter thick whose center is at that point. The curve cal. gives the summer heat-income per meter of depth corresponding to the temperature curve. It is given in calories per square_centimeter of the surface. It is derived from the two other curves by the formula (T-4): RT. See p. 12. is multiplied by the sum of the five RT's. The reason is obvious: The temperatures in the upper part of the stratum are above the mean and are multiplied by the larger num- bers representing the reduced thickness. The temperatures in the lower part of the stratum, which are as much below the mean as the others are above it, are multiplied by the smaller RT. The result is to make the sum of the calories greater in the 10 m.-15 m. stratum by as much as 75; in the others the difference is small since the change of tem- perature is not so great. The larger amount is the more accurate, since it gives proper weight to smaller units of thickness, but in general the difference is not worth noting. In each case the summer heat-income of Okoboji lake would be stated as about 21,000 cal. in 1919. The more accurate total is convenient to use in discussing the distribution of heat. Employing single meters to 20 m. and 5 m. intervals below that depth, it is 20,933 cal. A LIMNOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE 15 The Distribution of Heat. Each square centimeter of the surface of lake Okoboji absorbs 20,933 cal. out of the heat delivered to it by the sun after the water has reached 4°; and this heat is distributed through the water of the lake in a manner shown by the temperature curve in Fig 2. The length of the warming period is not known from observa- tion, but probably this lake, like lake Mendota, reaches the temperature of 4* about April 15 and continues to gain heat in the average year until August 15, although very little is gained after August 1. The sun should deliver about as much heat at Okoboji as at lake Mendota, since their lati- tude is practically the same and Okoboji is about 5.8° far- ther west. We may therefore assume that Okoboji lake, like Mendota, receives about 60,000 cal. per sq. cm, of sur- face during the period when the summer heat-income is gained, or about 54,000 cal. to August 1. If the lake, there- fore, gains about 21,000 cal., it lays up about one-third of its total receipts of heat and about 40% of its receipts to August 1. The remainder is partly reflected; it is partly used in evaporation, and much of it is returned to the air during the night and whenever the temperature of the air falls. It is possible to follow the distribution of the heat re- ceived by the surface through the water of the lake, as is shown by the following table: 16 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY TABLE 11-DISTRIBUTION IN DEPTH OF SUMMER HEAT-IN- COME STATED IN CALORIES PER SQUARE CENTI- METER OF THE SURFACE OF THE LAKE Depth meters Calories 20933 18904 2 16958 15125 13403 11771 10249 7 8835 7535 6359 10 5303 11 4349 12 3539 13 2903 14 2423 15 2016 16 1679 17 1397 18 1154 19 948 20 774 25 265 30 80 35 11 40.2 0 CORO OCTA CONO It must be noted that this table and the account of the heat exchanges of the lake in general take no account of the heat which passes through the water and goes into the mud of the lake. It is obvious, for example, that if the bottom water at the deepest part of the lake stands at a tempera- ture above 10° for months, no small quantity of heat must pass through it into the mud; and this heat must ultimately be supplied from the surface. At less depths the passage of heat into the bottom mud or sand must be even more rapid since the temperature of the water is higher. The number of 21,000 cal. does not represent the total heat which passes through the water of the lake, but that which remains in the water. Nothing is known about the mud temperature of Okoboji lake, or indeed of any lake, except Mendota; and information is far from complete regarding that. Perhaps 10% is a fair estimate of the addition which should be made if the heat of the mud is to be accounted for. This statement is not made with any idea of making A LIMNOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE 17 further use of so rough an estimate, but that the table may not seem to imply that no heat whatever passes the 40.2 m. level. For certain purposes it is necessary to state the amount of heat at each level in terms of the area at the depth in question rather than in those of the surface. The number of calories, for instance, passing through each square centi- meter of the lake at the depth of 10 m. is equal to the num- ber of calories given in table 11 divided by the per cent of the surface area which is found at 10 m., as is shown in table 3. The following table gives the result: TABLE 12–CALORIES PER SQUARE CENTIMETER AT CER- TAIN DEPTHS STATED IN TERMS A-of the surface of the lake B-of the area at the depth in question Depth Area % Cal. A. Cal. B. 100.0 20933 20933 78.5 11771 15000 10 52.3 5303 10140 15 34.5 2016 5840 20 20.5 774 3780 25 7.60 265 3490 3.25 80 2460 35 0.95 11 1160 S M Touro 30 From tables 11 and 12 it appears that nearly one-half of the heat-income remains in the upper five meters of the lake; that more than half of the remainder is left between 5 m. and 10 m.; that more than 90% is found above 15 m.; and that little more than 1% of the income is delivered into the water which lies below 25 m. On the other hand, table 12, B shows that there is a very considerable amount of heat delivered to each square centi- meter of the several 5 m. planes of the lake. At the depth of 30 m., for instance, there are found only 80 cal. per sq. om., out of the 21,000 cal. which passed each sq. cm. of the surface. But through each sq. cm. of the 30 m. plane there passed 2460 cal. If that part of the lake below 30 m. be considered as a lake by itself, its area (table 3) is 49.6 ha.; its volume 18 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 1,770,000 cu. m.; its maximum depth 10.2 m.; and its mean depth {} is 357 cm Its mean temperature is nearly 10.9°, so that T-4 nearly equals 6.9°; and this temperature multiplied by the mean depth equals 2463 cal., or substan- tially the result shown in table 12 for the heat-income. The Transportation of Heat. All of the heat accumulated by the lake comes from its surface. Even that which is brought in by ground water enters ordinarily at the sur- face or very close to it and in a lake so large as Okoboji the contribution of heat from the ground water—which is plus or minus, according to the time of year—is so small as to be negligible. The temperature of the water in the well at the Lakeside Laboratory was 11.3 on July 30. There are two agents by which the heat of the summer heat-income may be conveyed from the surface to the deep- er water of the lake. It may be (a) delivered directly by the sun to the deeper strata of water, since the water is not opaque; or (b) it may be conveyed by the action of the wind, causing waves and currents by which the water warmed at the surface of the lake is carried downward and mingled with the colder water. It will be seen that in a lake of the type of Okoboji the latter method is by far the more important. It will be well to assume at first that the distribution of heat is wholly due to wind and later to estimate the contri- bution of the sun to this task. So long as the temperature of the water is below 4° there is no trouble in conveying the warmed surface water down- ward, for it becomes heavier as it warms and it consequent- ly sinks. The excess weight is very small and unless aided by wind the downward movement and consequent mixture would be slow. But wind is not lacking in early spring and even a light breeze is efficient in causing mixture of the water if gravity aids it. But when the temperature of the surface water passes 4 it becomes lighter as it warms and apart from the action of the wind it would remain floating on the colder and there- A LIMNOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE 19 fore heavier water below. The wind causes both waves and currents; the former efficient in mixing the surface strata; the currents piling up the warmer water on the leeward side of the lake, mixing it with the colder water below it and in spring even setting the whole mass of water in the lake into a sort of rotation. Thus the warmer and lighter water is forced downward and mixed with the lower and colder strata and heat is thereby conveyed from the surface into the lake for a greater or less distance. Such an operation clearly involves work against gravitation. We shall see that direct insolation is confined to the upper water and that it is quite inappreciable below the depth of ten meters. The bottom water therefore, which at thirty- five to forty meters may have the temperature of 10.8°, owes all heat above 4' to the action of the wind. How much work is involved in such warming? The process has not been done at once, but in numerous stages, and the net amount of work may be represented by the amount of en- trgy necessary to push down through water at its maximum density a stratum of water of the smaller density possessed by water at 10.8*. If the density of water at 4° is taken as 1.000,000, that of water at 10.8° is 0.99652; one liter has lost by warming 348 mg. in weight. For each liter there- fore of warmed water carried from the surface to the 35 m.-40 m. stratum a weight of 348 mg. must be moved a mean distance of 37.5 meters. If the volume of the stratum is known, the amount of work can easily be computed. There is, however, a more convenient method of computa- tion. Since the heat is expressed in calories per square centimeter of the surface the work needed to distribute it is best expressed in the same way. Then the volume of a stratum is represented by its reduced thickness stated in centimeters, which is equivalent to the weight in grams of a column of water whose base is a square centimeter and whose height is the reduced thickness of the stratum. The formula for computing the work is RT.Dm.(1.000,000-D) in which RT is the reduced thickness of the stratum stated in centimeters and therefore equal to the weight in grams 20 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY of a column whose base is one square centimeter. Dm is the distance in centimeters from the surface to the middle of the stratum, and (1.000,000-D) is the loss of weight as a decimal fraction of unity. In Okoboji lake the values are in the example taken RT of 35 m.-40m.=1.6 cm. (table 5) Dm=3750 cm. (1-D)=0.000,348 The result is 2.088; that is, the transport of the warmed water from the surface to the 35m.-40 m. stratum calls for 2.088 gram-centimeters of work per square centimeter of the lake. In this computation no account is taken of the viscosity of the water as a hindrance to mixture. In this way the work needed by each stratum may be computed. The value of RT.Dm would be computed once for all for each stratum of the lake likely to be needed; it is called in later tables the factor for that stratum. In gen- eral we compute it by single meters to 20 m. and by 5 m. intervals below that depth. The value of (1-D) is taken ( from a table. (See Birge '16, p. 391). In this way is computed the value of the direct work as shown by the following table: TABLE 13–OKOBOJI LAKE. DIRECT AND DISTRIBUTED WORK, JULY 30, 1919 F G H E Gcm. 13.96 40.18 62.83 82.32 100.04 113.30 124.22 130.78 131.58 129.46 A B С D Stratum Temp. Factor 1-D 299.37 0-1 24.7 49 2853 1-2 24.7 141 2853 2-3 24.6 222 2827 3-4 24.5 294 2802 4-5 24.4 360 2777 5-6 24.3 412 2752 6-7 24.2 455 2727 7-8 24.0 488 2677 8-9 23.6 510 2579 9-10 23.2 522 2483 10-15 18.8 2679 1581 15-20 13.1 2332 0611 20-25 11.6 1475 0431 25-30 11.1 715 0378 30-35 10.9 325 0358 35-40.2 10.8 60 0348 971.68 246.41 218.91 192.97 167.60 145.79 124.50 105.67 86.41 69.91 53.35 629.34 422.90 143.99 63.57 27.03 11.64 2.09 441.84 132.22 38.44 8.41 2.78 0.96 0.14 1599.93 1596.47 Notes: 1. In Col. C, two ciphers 00 are omitted at the right of A LIMNOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE 21 each number. In Col. D, 0.00 is omitted at the left of each number; the significant figures only being employed in each case. 2. Multiplication is done by Crelle's tables, using three significant figures. The difference in the total of direct and distributed work is due to omitting some of the final figures in multiplying. 3. The direct work in the 10 m.-15 m. and 15 m.-20 m. strata is the sum of the work of the single meters, as is the case in the strata above. It is therefore not exactly the product of the numbers in Cols. C and D. 4. Col. C, Factor, gives the product RT. Dm for each stratum. Col. D, 1-D, gives the significant figures showing the loss of density. 1.000,000_D. Col. E gives the amount of work per square centimeter of surface of the lake, necessary to raise the stratum from 4° to the temperature stated by mixture of warm water from the surface. Jo 100 150 200 250 Vio 10 10 15 15 20 ME G Fig. 3. Curves showing the direct work, the distributed work, and the effect of direct insolation. See pp. 19-26. The curves extend to the depth of 20 meters. The entire area enclosed by the curve of distributed work, ABDEH, is equal to that of the direct work, AGGH. The area, ACDB, gives the direct effect of the sun, and the area, ACDEH, that of the wind. The table shows that about 1600 g. cm. of work per sq. cm. of surface of the lake were needed to distribute 21,000 cal. per sq. cm. through the water of the lake. The upper and warmer strata of the lake required most of this work. The deeper strata needed very little. The reasons for this are found partly in the small volume of the lower strata, partly in their lower temperature, and partly in the fact 22 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY that the loss of density per degree is much less at lower temperatures than at higher ones. A full statement of this fact and its results may be found in Birge '10, pp. 989-1004. Table 13, Col. E shows the work done in behalf of each stratum or the work needed to carry the warmed water down from the surface and put it in place. Most of the work therefore is done outside of the stratum which is to be warmed. In the case of the 5 m.-10 m. stratum two-thirds of the 629 g. cm. would be needed to bring the warmed water to the top of the stratum and one-third to distribute it through the stratum. In a similar way each upper stra- tum has its share of the work for all of those below it. It is possible, by a somewhat tedious computation to ascertain the amount of work done in each stratum. The method and details of this computation are shown in Birge '16, p. 354. The results for Okoboji lake are given in table 13, columns G and H, and show the distributed work. It appears that 971 g. cm., or nearly two-thirds of the whole work are done in the upper 5 m. This amount of work is needed to carry to a depth of 5 m. the heat which goes to the strata below 5 m., and to distribute through the 0 m.- 5 m. stratum the heat which remains there. Similarly, 442 g. cm. of work are done in the 5 m.-10 m. stratum. The Rôle of the Sun. In this discussion of the distribution of heat it has been assumed that all warming below the surface is done by mixture; that the warmed water is taken from the surface and distributed by the wind. This assump- tion is, of course, incorrect as it implies that the water is opaque to the sun's radiation. It is necessary therefore to ascertain what aid the sun may give in the distribution of heat. From data so small in quantity as those available for lake Okoboji this question can be answered very imperfectly. In- deed, the data can tell us only the possible maximum con- tribution of the sun to the work of distributing heat. Observations were made on July 29 with the pyrlimni- meter, an instrument for measuring the penetration of solar radiation into the water of the lake and its absorption by the water. It consists essentially of 20 small thermal A LIMNOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE 23 per cent couples which can be alternately exposed to the sun and covered. The electric current caused by the sun during ex- posure is measured by a d'Arsonval galvanometer. The swing of the galvanometer is directly proportional to the heat energy in the solar radiation. If, therefore, the ther- mal couples are exposed first at a depth of one meter below the surface and then at a depth of two meters, the ratio of the two readings will give the rate at which the stratum of water transmits the solar radiation incident on its upper surface. Readings were made in Okoboji lake to the depth of four meters with the result shown in the following table: TABLE 14-OKOBOJI LAKE. READINGS OF PYRLIMNIMETER, 11.10-11.27 LOCAL TIME. SKY CLEAR. TRANSPAR- ENCY OF WATER BY SECCHI'S DISC, 3.1 m. Depth, cm. Divisions Cal. Per cent Depth Transmission, of air Air 219.0 1.53 100.0 50 48.5 0.34 22.0 100 33.5 0.23 15.3 100-200 54 200 18.0 0.13 8.2 200-300 54 300 9.5 0.067 4.4 300-400 400 5.0 0.035 2.3 Notes: The column marked divisions gives the swing of the galva- nometer when the thermal couples are exposed to the sun. The column marked Cal. gives the value of these readings in calories per square centimeter per minute. The fourth column shows the value of the readings in the water as a percentage of the readings in the air. The last column shows the rate at which a stratum of water one meter thick transmits the solar radiation incident on its upper surface. It appears that under the conditions of the observation about 15.3% of the solar radiation reaching the surface of the lake was present at the depth of 100 cm. Nearly 85% therefore was either lost or absorbed before reaching that depth. Such a result is a common one in lakes. The radia- tion at 100 cm. rarely exceeds 20% of the total radiation and often falls far below 15%. In absolutely pure water some 43% may remain at that depth. But the stains al- ways dissolved in lake water and the particles of organic and inorganic matter suspended in it rapidly cut off the radiation. It appears also that below the depth of one meter, about 53%-54% of the energy which reaches the surface of each 53 24 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY . one-meter stratum is transmitted to the surface of the next one-meter stratum. Stated in terms of absorption, about 46%-47% of the energy of the solar radiation present at any depth below one meter is absorbed in passing through a stratum of that water one meter thick. Thus it appears . that only a small fraction of the solar radiation penetrates the lake to the depth of one meter and that this small amount is very rapidly absorbed. If we assume that the conditions present at the time of observation are average ones, we may compute the general rôle of the sun in distributing heat. For this purpose we estimate as before that the sun delivers to the lake 60,000 cal. cm.” during the warming season. We take from the pyrlimnimeter reading that 22% of this reaches a depth of 50 cm.; that 15% penetrates to the depth of 100 cm.; and that the transmission below 100 cm. is 54% per meter. The result is then as follows: TABLE 15HEAT DELIVERED TO THE SURFACE OF THE LAKE DURING THE WARMING SEASON AND THE AMOUNT DELIVERED TO VARIOUS DEPTHS BY DIRECT INSOLATION. STATED IN CALORIES PER SQUARE CENTIMETER OF HORIZONTAL SURFACE Depth Cal. Air 60,000 50 cm. 13,200 100 9,000 200 4,860 300 2,620 400 1,440 500 760 600 410 700 220 800 120 900 65 1000 66 35 Table 15 shows in a very striking way how the direct in- fluence of the sun is confined to the surface strata. At the depth of 5 m., for instance, there would be directly delivered only 760 cal. during the entire warming season of four months, or only about 6 cal. per day. The total is less than may be delivered to the surface in a day. At the same rate of transmission only 35 cal. would reach the depth of 10 m. A LIMNOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE 25 in four months, or about as much as may reach the surface in twenty minutes at noon. It is obvious that this computation is not based on average conditions, since on the one hand the reading was made near noon, when the sun was at a high altitude, and on the other hand it was far from the zenith and the path of its rays through each meter of depth would be more than 100 cm. It is quite possible to determine the energy present at 100 cm. and the rate of transmission if the sun were vertical ; and it is also possible from this new curve to determine the same data for the mean conditions during the warming period. The computation has been made with the follow- ing result: Energy at 100 cm. Transmission Observed, July 29 15.3% 53%-54% Vertical sun 16.0% 56%-57% Mean sun, (Apl. 15-Aug. 15) 14.2% 50%-51% It would be possible to use the computed mean sun in the following work instead of the observed data. But the dif- ference is not great, and the result is at best only a rough approximation. The value of the mean sun is based on five years of observation at Madison, Wis., in the same latitude as Okoboji. Effect of Direct Insolation. We may now go on to com- pute the direct effect of the sun on the distribution of heat. We have as data (1) the downward movement of heat amounting to 20,933 cal. cm.? at the surface (table 11); (2) the amount of work needed to distribute this heat (table 13, G); (3) the heat directly contributed by the sun to various depths (table 15). The following table gives the result: 26 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY TABLE 16–CONTRIBUTION OF THE SUN TO THE DISTRIBU- TION OF HEAT Depth cm. 0 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Cal. 20933 20300 19800 19600 17400 16300 15000 14100 13100 12100 Sun 20933 13200 9000 4860 2620 1410 760 410 220 120 Per cent 100.0 65.0 45.5 26.1 15.1 8.6 5.1 2.9 1.7 1.0 Note: The calories which pass through each square centimeter are stated in terms of the area at that depth, in the column headed Cal. The direct radiation which reaches the lake bottom, say between 100 cm. and 200 cm. depth, is not available for warming the deeper water. The contribution of the sun must therefore be measured as a fraction of the energy passing through each sq. cm. of the depth in question and not in terms of the surface of the lake. It appears, therefore, that the sun may contribute 9000 cal. of the 19,800 cal. which pass through each square centi- meter of the one-meter level ; that it can contribute only 760 cal. at five meters of the 15,000 cal. which pass that level; and that at eight meters only one per cent of the heat comes directly from the sun. This is the maximum possible contribution if the observa- tions represent average conditions, as they doubtless do approximately. The results assume that none of the heat due to direct insolation is lost; that for instance all of the 9000 cal. delivered by the sun during the warming season to the depth of one meter are part of the summer heat-in- come, none being lost to the lake by cooling at night or dur- ing cool periods. This assumption is manifestly far too favorable to the sun, but at present we have no data on which to correct it accurately. The data of table 16 may be applied to Fig. 3 and a curve drawn through the points thus determined. Then the area, ABDEH, represents the total work done in distributing the heat to the depth of 25 m.; the area, ACDB, represents the contribution of the direct insolation to the work of distribut- ing heat on the assumption that no sun-placed heat is lost; and the area, ACDEH, represents the contribution of the A LIMNOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE 27 wind on the same assumption. The areas may be measured with a planimeter, with the following result: TABLE 17–CONTRIBUTION OF SUN AND WIND TO DISTRIB- UTING HEAT ON THE ASSUMPTION THAT NO SUN-PLACED HEAT IS LOST Depth Per cent of work Sun Wind Total 20.3 79.7 0 m.-5 m. 31.6 68.4 5 m.-10 m. 3.8 96.2 0 m.-l m. 66.3 33.7 1 m.-5 m. 20.0 80.0 Below 1 m. 12.1 87.9 Below 5 m. 2.6 97.4 It thus appears that the maximum possible contribution of the sun to the distribution of heat is about 20%. Of this about 95% is in the upper 5 m. of the lake. The sun con- tributed only about 2.6% to the distribution of heat below five meters, and practically nothing below ten meters. The actual contribution of the sun is less than this. If we assume that the percentage of sun-placed heat lost is the same as the average loss, the figure of 20% will be reduced to 7%-8%, since only about one-third of the sun's radia- tion is absorbed by the lake. This is certainly too low an estimate of the sun as heat placed at depths of 2 m. or 3 m., or even at 1 m. would be lost far less easily than that in the upper centimeters of the water. Perhaps no better estimate can be made at present than to assume that the contribu- tions of the sun below 1 m. is a fair amount and that direct insolation is responsible for 10%-12% of the work of dis- tributing heat and that the wind furnishes 88%-90%. With such estimates we must leave the subject at present. Future studies will be able to furnish greater accuracy, but no result is likely to show that the wind furnishes much below 80% or much above 90% of the work needed in the distribution of the summer heat-income through the water of lake Okoboji. III-OTHER TEMPERATURE OBSERVATIONS ON OKOBOJI LAKE The point has been emphasized that the small volume of the lower water of Okoboji lake gives rise to exceptionally 28 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY high temperatures near the bottom. In 1919 the bottom temperature at 34 m. was 10.8* and was probably 10.7° or 10.6° at 40 m. This must be an exceptionally low tempera- ture for the lake since lakes in the same general region had unusually low bottom temperatures in 1919. This situation was due to a period of hot calm weather in June, which heat- ed the surface stratum of the lakes and thereby checked the distribution of heat to the lower water. The bottom tem- perature of lake Mendota on August 1 at 23.5 m. was 9.5°, the lowest recorded; and that of Green lake was 4.9° at 72 m., the only temperature below 5.0° found by the Wisconsin survey in this lake. That of lake Geneva was 7.0°, a low temperature, but not the lowest on record. The general temperature, however, of the water below 10 m. was the lowest recorded. Temperature observations on lake Okoboji were made by Professor John L. Tilton, of Simpson College in 1915 and 1916 (Tilton '16, '17). The record of August 5, 1915, showed a temperature of 15.5°C. (59.8°F.) at a depth of about 35 m. (115 ft.). On the same date the surface tem- perature was 20.0°C. (68°F.). On July 13 the temperature at 35 m. was 15.0'C. and at about 41 m. (135 ft.) 14.7°C. These observations were made with a minimum thermo- meter weighted and sunk into place. In 1916 Professor Tilton took readings in June and July. On July 18 he found a temperature of 13.1°C. at 32 m. This series was read with a Leeds and Northrop electrical re- sistance thermometer. This instrument became disabled and on July 26 readings were made with the minimum thermo- meter, showing a temperature of 15.6° at a depth of 27 m.; the reading at this depth on July 18 was 13.3'. The attention of the authors of the present paper was called to Okoboji lake by this work of Professor Tilton. The readings at first seemed incredible. Nothing in our pre- vious experience warranted the idea that a lake could have a midsummer temperature greater than 15° at a depth of 40 m., or even a temperature approximating 15°. Lake Geneva, the nearest parallel in depth, had shown in 18 sea- sons a mean bottom temperature of 8.0° with a minimum . A LIMNOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE 29 of 5.6° and a maximum of 10.0°. The temperature of Oko- boji was therefore nearly twice as high as the mean of lake Geneva. The maximum gain of Geneva above 4' was 6', or about one-half that of Okoboji. There is no reason to doubt that Dr. Tilton's observations show the general character of the lake's temperature. He corrected his minimum thermometer for pressure, which at 135 ft. would have caused a rise of 0.24°C. This correction is not made in the figures given above. The temperature of the lower water of all lakes in this region was exceptionally high in 1915, in most cases at a maximum. This was due to the low temperature of the air during May, June, and July, which favored the distribution of heat. The air temperatures at Madison were as follows: Mean 1915 1916 May 14.2° 11.1° 14.0° June 19.6° 16.5° 16.5 July 22.4° 20.0° 26.5 There is only one year on record in which the tempera- ture of May was lower than in 1915. June was the coldest on record in both 1915 and 1916, and July, 1915, was the coldest since 1891. May, 1916, was practically at the mean, while July was much above the mean. Under these con- ditions we should expect to find unusually high bottom tem- peratures in lakes during both years. This condition was present in the Wisconsin lakes. Lake Geneva had a bottom temperature of 9.8° in August, 1915. This is the highest on record except in 1917 when it rose to 10.0°. In that year the temperature of May and June was the same as in 1915, and the first half of July was also cold. There is therefore no reason why the records from Oko- boji lake in 1915 and 1916 should not be accepted as show- ing the general situation. On the other hand it does not seem probable that they are exactly accurate. The readings of 1915 near the bot- tom are as follows: 100 ft. 60.0°F. 110 56.5°F. 115 59.8'F. 30 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 21 m. Here is apparently a drop of nearly 2.0°C. in about three meters followed by a rise of about 1.8°C. in 1.5 m. Such changes at this depth are highly improbable and lead one to query whether the thermometer functioned accurately. If the 110-ft. reading is to be taken as correct, the bottom temperature is 13.6°; if we take the 115-ft. reading it is 15.5°. It may be added that the amount of the oxygen found by us in the lower water forbids the idea of a pos- sible rise of the bottom temperature due to fermentation. (See p. 42). The observations of July 26, 1916, are open to the same criticism. The readings on that date show the following: 18 m. 17.6° 19 m. 16.8° 20 m. 18.6° 17.1° 22 m. 16.5° Such irregularities are unprecedented. It is not easy to see how a temperature of 18.6° could be reached at 20 m. with much lower temperatures at 19 m. and 21 m. Another though somewhat similar query arises regard- ing the 1916 series. There is no objection to accepting 13.1° as a correct reading at 32 m. on July 18 and 13.3° at 27 m. on the same day. These readings were made with the Leeds-Northrop instrument. But if these are correct it is hard to see how we can accept the readings by the minimum thermometer on July 26. This gives a tempera- ture of 15.6° at 27 m. or a rise at that depth of 2.3° in eight days. These These days were bright hot days with little wind, according to weather records at Madison. In this case the criticism is not based on the idea that the temperature reported is impossibly high; on the con- trary it seems quite within the possible limits. The diffi- culty is to see how so great gains of heat could have been made in the week available for them. The thermocline was well established on July 18 and therefore conditions would be as unfavorable as possible for the distribution of heat to the lower water. Still fur- ther the record of the minimum thermometer on July 26 A LIMNOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE 31 shows large gains at all depths as compared with July 18. The total gains to the depth of 25 m. amount to nearly 2600 cal. per sq. cm. of surface, or more than 300 cal. per day. This sum must be considerably more than half the heat de- livered by the sun, which at Madison averaged 460 cal. for the days in question. A gain of this magnitude in July seems impossible. Such gains are not infrequently made in April when the temperature of the water is low, so that distribution of heat is easy and when it is also above that of the air so that losses from the surface are at a minimum. In July the mean daily gain of lake Mendota is 69 cal. and in July, 1915, it was 97 cal. It seems clear therefore that the apparent rise of temperature between July 18 and July 26 can not be a real one. It is possible, since the volume of the bottom water is so small, that it may be displaced by wind in such a way as to cause this apparent rise, or the apparent fall between June 28 and July 18. (Tilton '17, p. 39). If so, these oscillations of temperature are excep- tionally great and are themselves worth study. The alternative conclusions can not be avoided, either that Okoboji lake is exceptional to a wholly unprecedented degree, or that the readings of the minimum thermometer need further correction. It is best therefore to defer de- tailed discussion of them until a careful study has been made of the heat exchanges of the lake. In reaching this conclusion we ought not to fail to recognize the great serv- ice done to limnology by Dr. Tilton's observations. He recorded for the first time the bottom temperatures in a deep lake whose basin is of such form as to give rise to very high temperatures at the bottom. He thus showed where exceptional opportunity lay for the study of the ef- fect of the form of the basin on the temperature of lakes and perhaps in other respects. We may be pardoned an illustration of the influence of Dr. Tilton's records. There is in Wisconsin a small body of water, Rock lake, whose dimensions are: Area, 496 ha.; maximum depth, 20.4 m.; mean depth, 6.1 m.; volume devel- opment, 0.90. (Juday '14, p. 34, map VII). It is therefore almost a morphometric copy of Okoboji lake on a small 32 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY scale. This lake had been sounded by this Survey but no temperature readings had ever been made in it. It was visited in August, 1918 in consequence of the work of Dr. Tilton and its bottom temperature was found to be 20.0°, while that of Mendota (a much larger lake) at the same time and depth was 13.0'. No reading approaching 20' had ever been made before at such a depth in any Wisconsin lake. It is plain that in this case also the form of the lake basin profoundly influences temperature. It may be added that in 1919 the bottom temperature, like that of Okoboji, was exceptionally low—13.1°. IV. COMPARISONS OF TEMPERATURES IN LAKES OKOBOJI AND GENEVA While the bottom temperature of lake Geneva in 1919 was not as low as it has been on other years, the mean temper- ature is the lowest recorded-14.2°, as compared with a 16-year mean of 16.5°. The next lowest temperature was 15.4° in 1897, so that in 1919 the water was 1.2 colder than in any other August on record. The low record of 1919 was due to the temperature of the water below 10 m. since the epilimnion was by no means exceptionally cold on Au- gust 30, and earlier in the month it must have been quite up to the average. The most conspicuous difference was in the 10 m.-15 m. stratum which was 5.2° below the mean of 18 years. The thermocline showed a drop of 10.0° in three meters, from 21.0° at 9 m. to 11.0° at 12 m. This is a remarkable decline considering the direction and force of the wind which was from the northwest on August 30. This would tend to spread rather than to condense the iso- therms at the place of observation. The thin epilimnion is no doubt an inheritance from the hot weather in June and to this is due the low temperature of the 10 m.-15 m. stratum. The summer heat-income of Geneva as measured by the observations on August 30 is as follows: A LIMNOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE 33 TABLE 18–TEMPERATURE AND SUMMER HEAT-INCOME OF LAKE GENEVA, WIS., AUGUST 30, 1919 Depth Temp. Cal. RT 0-5 21.3 7802 5-10 20.1 5957 10-15 11.9 2568 15-20 9.4 1512 20-25 8.7 1058 25-30 8.0 680 30-35 7.4 360 35-40 7.1 121 40-43 7.0 12 14.18 20070 If the heat budgets of lakes are to be fairly compared there must be some common adjustment of the temperature of the epilimnion. This is rapidly affected by the tempera- ture of the air and the relative volume of the epilimnion is so great that its temperature has a large influence in de- termining the heat budget. In Okoboji lake in 1919 more than 75% of the summer heat-income was in the epilimnion and in lake Geneva nearly 70% was in the same stratum. If therefore a lake is visited at the close of a hot period the temperature of its epilimnion will be found to be high, and both the mean temperature and the summer heat-income will be correspondingly large; while a week later after sev- eral days of cool weather the epilimnion may have lost con- siderable heat. This is the case in the two lakes under con- sideration. The surface of lake Okoboji was at 24.7', while that of Geneva was only 21.4°, and the difference in the 0 m.-5 m. stratum amounted to nearly 1400 cal. in favor of Okoboji, due wholly to a difference in temperature which was itself largely due to the different dates on which the lakes were visited. On the other hand, the temperature of thermocline and hypolimnion in such lakes as these ordi- narily changes very little between the last week of July and the first of September. Our observations on Wisconsin lakes show that under similar conditions there is but little difference in the mid- summer temperature of the epilimnia of lakes in the same general region, whatever the size of the lake or the thick- ness of the stratum. Differences are especially small when 34 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY lakes of the same order of size or depth are compared. In order therefore to eliminate so far as possible differences in temperature due to weather condition of short period and to employ temperatures which show the effects of the sea- son as a whole, we have been accustomed to assume a mid- summer temperature of the epilimnion at the average max- imum ordinarily reached. This for our lakes is 23°, so that T-4=19º. This temperature may ordinarily be assumed without any necessity of modifying the lower part of the temperature curve to fit the change in the upper part. The effect of this assumption in Okoboji and Geneva lakes may be seen from the following table, in which tem- peratures and calories below 10 m. remain as observed, but the epilimnion is given a temperature of 23°. This reduces the budget of Okoboji and raises that of Geneva. TABLE 19—SUMMER HEAT-INCOME OF OKOBOJI AND GENE- VA LAKES COMPARED WITH EPILIMNION AT 23° Okoboji Geneva Depth, T-4 RT Cal. T-4 RT Cal. meters 0-5 19.0 445 8455 19.0 451 8569 5-10 19.0 325 6175 17.5 370 6475 10-15 14.8 217 3212 7.9 325 2568 15-20 9.1 135 1228 5.4 280 1512 20-25 7.6 509 4.7 225 1058 25-30 7.1 26 185 4.0 170 680 30-35 6.9 10 69 3.4 106 360 35-40 6.8 1.6 11 3.1 39 121 40- 3.0 4 12 67 Total 19844 1970 21355 Under these conditions the heat budget of Geneva is about 1500 cal. larger than that of Okoboji, and most of the excess is in the lower water. The budget of Geneva below 15 m. is about 3740 cal. and that of Okoboji is 2000 cal. The larger volume of the lower water more than makes up for the lower temperatures of lake Geneva. In the 10 m.-15 m. stratum the reverse is true; here Okoboji has nearly 550 cal. more than Geneva. T-4 is nearly twice as great, and this more than compensates for the smaller value of RT. The table therefore shows very clearly the effect of the volume of the lower water on heat gains. The temperature A LIMNOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE 35 of the water in the lake of greater volume is lower but the total quantity of heat is greater. The same point may be further illustrated by consider- ing the temperatures reported by Dr. Tilton for Okoboji in 1916 and comparing these with maximum temperatures for Geneva. TABLE 20—COMPARISON OF LAKE OKOBOJI AND GENEVA AT HIGH TEMPERATURES OF THE WATER. Okoboji Geneva July 26, 1916 Sept. 8, 1899 Observed | Epi. at 23° Observed | Epi. at 23° Depth, || Temp. Cal. | Temp. Cal. Temp. Cal. Temp. Cal. meters 0-5 26.5 10012 23.0 8455 23.7 8885 23.0 8569 5-10 24.7 6728 23.0 6175 23.7 7289 23.0 7030 10-15 18.6 3163 18.6 3163 22.5 6012 22.2 5915 15-20 17.2 1782 17.2 1782 15.4 3192 15.4 3192 20-25 16.2 817 16.2 817 12.0 1800 12.0 1800 25-30 15.4 296 15.4 296 10.2 1054 10.2 1054 30-35 15.2 112 15.2 112 9.2 551 9.2 551 35-40 15.0 15.0 17 8.6 179 8.6 179 40-43 8.3 17 8.3 17 17 22927 20817 28979 28307 Compare first the budgets of Okoboji lake in 1919 (Table 19) and 1916. They are approximately 21,000 and 23,000 respectively—a difference of 2000 cal. If the temperature of the epilimnion is reduced to 23° they are 19,800 cal. and 20,800 cal., respectively—a difference of 1000 cal. in favor of 1916. Yet in that year the temperature of the water below 15 m. averaged more than four degrees higher than in 1919; but as the total reduced thickness of the lake below 15 m. is only 240 cm. this rise in temperature represents an income of only about 1,000 cal. cm.? of the surface. In lake Geneva we find a summer heat-income of about 29,000 cal., in 1899, or, placing the temperature of the epi- limnion at 23', an income of 28,300 cal. Thus Geneva may gain from 6,000 cal. to 7,000 cal. more than has been found in Okoboji, assuming the correctness of Dr. Tilton's record of 1916. Lake Geneva has been visited for so many seasons that we can hardly expect to find in its temperature a much 36 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY larger range of variations than has already been shown. We may therefore infer that the summer heat-income may range from about 20,000 cal. to 29,000 cal., or that with the epilimnion at the standard temperature of 23° the range will be from 21,000 cal. to 28,000 cal. Another 1000 cal. may be added to the maximum if we impose the warmest observed epilimnion on the warmest observed temperature for the lower water. In the case of Okoboji the limits are not thus known. Temperatures of 1919 are probably close to the minimum for the lower water, and therefore no heat-income is likely to be lower than 19,000 cal. to 20,000 cal, with the epilim- nion at 23°. But the volume of the lower water is so small that its temperature has very little influence on the heat- income; and the same fact also brings it about that but little work is needed to raise the temperature of the lower water much above the minimum. In 1916 weather conditions were such as to favor a very high temperature. Yet the total heat-income (Table 20) was only 2000 cal. above that of 1919 at observed temperatures. A temperature much above that of 26.5° for the upper five meters is hardly to be expected; a mean gain of one degree at all depths of the water below 10 m. means only 460 cal. total gains, and one degree in the hypolimnion below 15 m. means only about 240 cal. Under such conditions we can hardly expect the maximum heat-income to rise much above 24,000 cal.-25,000 cal. The latter figures would involve a mean temperature of the hypolimnion close to 20°, or more than 4° above that of 1916. Even such extreme temperatures do not seem excluded from possibility—at least not by the amount of work in- volved in the distribution of heat at such high tempera- tures. The distribution of heat in Okoboji in 1916 when the bottom water reached 15° required 1981 g. cm.; the dis- tribution of heat in Geneva in 1899 demanded 2752 g. cm. or nearly 800 g. cm. more than that of Okoboji. It would thus seem possible for the wind to do more work on Oko- boji and under favorable circumstances raise the tempera- ture of the lower water above 15°. If we assume that the A LIMNOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE 37 . supply of heat and of wind were such as to add 4 to the temperature of each stratum below 10 m. (the temperature 0 m.-10 m. remaining as in the 1916 series), the work would rise only to 2561 g. cm.—an amount which would seem within the limits of the capacity of Okoboji. Under these conditions the summer heat-income would be only 24,690 cal., a small gain over 1916 or 1550 cal. for 581 g. cm. of work. Apparently, therefore a summer heat-income of about 24,500 cal. is a maximum for lake Okoboji. This in- come would involve a mean temperature of 24° for the water of the lake, and this would imply a mean temperature of about 20° for water in the 15 m.-40 m. region of the lake. The distributing agencies seem theoretically able to effect this. But it would require a rare conjunction of delivery of heat and efficiency of distribution to secure results much greater than those recorded in 1916. Systematic study of the lake, therefore, is required to show whether temperatures even higher than those of 1916 are attainable in lake Okoboji. Such speculations as that just given have very little value, but they may be per- missible in the case of a lake so exceptional as Okoboji. The possibilities of life in the lower water of such a lake are profoundly influenced by these exceptional possibilities of temperature, and the lake therefore offers chances for unusual problems in the ecology of the plankton as well as similar problems in the physics and chemistry of lakes. a V. DISSOLVED GASES West Okoboji lake belongs to the temperate type in which there are two circulation periods and two stratification periods each year; these periods correspond in general to the four seasons of the year. The water is in complete circulation for a time in the spring and again in the autumn, but it is in a state of stratification in summer and in win- ter. During the periods of complete circulation the tem- perature of the water is substantially uniform from surface to bottom and the dissolved substances are practically the same at all depths; but during stratification the water of the upper and lower strata show important thermal and 38 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY chemical differences which become more marked as the period of stratification advances. The differences which were found about the middle of the summer period of strati- fication in West Okoboji lake are shown in tables 7 and 21 (pp. 10 and 44). Samples of water from the different depths of the lake were obtained by means of a water bottle and the carbon dioxide and dissolved oxygen were determined for the dif- ferent strata. The former was determined by the Seyler method, using phenolphthalein and methyl orange as indi- cators for the titrations with standard acid and alkali. The Winkler method was used for the determination of the dis- solved oxygen. (For descriptions of these methods see Birge and Juday, '11, pp. 13-23). CARBON DIOXIDE Carbon dioxide is usually present in lake waters in three different states; that is, as fixed, half-bound, and free car- bon dioxide. The quantity of fixed and half-bound is de- pendent upon the amount of the substances present with which this gas is usually combined, chiefly calcium and mag- nesium. The fixed carbon dioxide is that portion which is held in a close chemical union, most generally with calcium and magnesium, and forms the carbonates of these sub- stances. The half-bound is held in a rather loose combina- tion by the carbonates, converting them into bicarbonates. In addition to these a lake water may hold in solution a certain amount of carbon dioxide in an uncombined state and this constitutes the free carbon dioxide. From the bio- logical standpoint the half-bound and free carbon dioxide are the most important since they constitute the sources from which the aquatic chlorophyllaceous organisms obtain their carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. No portion of the fixed carbon dioxide is directly available for photosynthesis, but indirectly the quantity of it is a very important factor because the amount of half-bound carbon dioxide is depend- ent upon the quantity of carbonates present in the water. In a water that gives a neutral or acid reaction with phe- nolphthalein it is assumed that the quantity of half-bound carbon dioxide is equal to that of the fixed. A LIMNOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE 39 Fixed carbon dioxide. Table 21 shows that the quantity of fixed carbon dioxide in West Okoboji lake amounted to 38.58 cc. per liter of water from the surface to a depth of 14 m. Below this depth the amount was somewhat larger, ranging from 39.59 cc. at 15 m. to 41.20 cc. at 33 m, the bottom. At the close of the vernal period of circulation the quan- tity of fixed carbon dioxide is substantially the same at all depths; but soon after the water becomes stratified in early summer there is an appreciable difference between the epi- limnion and the hypolimnion. There is a decrease of the fixed carbon dioxide in the upper water, due in part to the rise in the temperature of the water which tends to make the carbonates less soluble, and in part to the fact that the chlorophyllaceous organisms of this stratum draw upon the half-bound carbon dioxide. This process gives the water an alkaline reaction and thus tends to precipitate the car- bonates, more especially the calcium carbonate. The sub- merged aquatic plants growing in the shallow water, such as Chara, also remove a considerable amount of calcareous material from the upper water. The water of the hypolimnion soon comes to have a dis- tinctly acid reaction, which is due to the free carbon di- oxide that is liberated in the decomposition of organic mat- ter in this region and in the respiration of the various organisms that inhabit this stratum. Thus any carbonates that are precipitated in the upper water and sink into this region will be redissolved; at the bottom where the water contains the largest amount of free carbon dioxide the fixed carbon dioxide is largest in amount because this acid water dissolves some of the calcareous material in the bottom mud. As the summer period of stratification advances the differ- ence in the fixed carbon dioxide content of the upper and lower water becomes more marked, the maximum differ- ence being found a short time before the autumnal overturn takes place. Half-bound carbon dioxide. When the water of a lake is neutral or acid in reaction to phenolphthalein the half- bound carbon dioxide is regarded as equal in amount to the 40 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY fixed carbon dioxide; but in waters which give an alkaline reaction the quantity of the latter is greater than that of the former. The excess of the latter is equivalent to the amount of free carbon dioxide that would be required to give the water a neutral reaction; in table 21 the deficiency is indicated by a minus sign in the column showing the free carbon dioxide. Free carbon dioxide. The epilimnion is preëminently the zone of photosynthesis and where the chlophyl-bearing or- ganisms are abundant a rather large supply of carbon di- oxide is required for this process. The demand thus be- comes larger than the supply of free carbon dioxide and the organisms draw upon the supply of half-bound carbon di- oxide. Since this leaves an excess of normal carbonates the water has an alkaline reaction and the degree of alkalinity depends upon the amount of half-bound carbon dioxide that has been used. It has been found that more than 80% of the half-bound carbon dioxide may be thus utilized. As a result of the activities of the chlorophyl-bearing or- ganisms the epilimnion of Okoboji lake was distinctly alka- line at the time of these observations. (See table 21, p. 44). This alkalinity was equivalent to 4.28 cc. of free car- bon dioxide; that is, it would have required 4.28 cc. of this gas per liter to make this water neutral. The water at a a depth of 5 m. showed the same degree of alkalinity as that at the surface; but at 10 m. it was distinctly less alkaline and became neutral at 13 m. The water of the hypolimnion gave a distinctly acid re- action; a maximum of 1.72 cc. of free carbon dioxide per liter was noted at 33 m. This is the usual condition in lakes of this type. Much decomposition takes place in this stra- tum which furnishes a constant supply of free carbon di- oxide and an additional amount is derived from the respira- tion of the organisms that inhabit this region. Since the water of the hypolimnion is cut off from the air during the stratification period and since this gas diffuses very slowly through water, there is very little loss of free carbon dioxide during such periods. As a result the lower water soon gives an acid reaction, even when it is distinctly alkaline A LIMNOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE 41 at the time of stratification, and the free carbon dioxide shows an appreciable increase in quantity as the season advances; the largest amount is found at the bottom just before the overturn takes place. DISSOLVED OXYGEN During the vernal and autumnal periods of circulation this gas is also substantially uniform in its distribution from surface to bottom; the largest amount is found at the close of the latter period because oxygen is more soluble in cold than in warm water. With the rise in the temperature of the water in the spring there is a corresponding decrease in the amount of oxygen but the water remains nearly or quite saturated with this gas as long as the vernal cirula- tion continues. When stratification becomes established in early summer, however, it is soon followed by appreciable differences in the quantity of oxygen in the different strata. The temperature of the epilimnion continues to rise until the summer maximum is reached which means a decreased capacity for dissolved oxygen. Decomposition and respira- tion also tend to decrease the supply of this gas but the water of this stratum is kept in circulation by the wind and thus freely exposed to the air which tends to keep the supply near the saturation point. Another source of supply is the oxygen liberated in this stratum during the process of pho- tosynthesis. In general, then, the quantity of oxygen in the epilimnion does not fall very far below the saturation point during the summer period of stratification and, under favorable conditions, the stratum may even become super- saturated. On July 31, 1919, the dissolved oxygen in the epilimnion of West Okoboji lake amounted to 5.80 cc. per liter at the surface and 5.40 cc. at a depth of 10 m. While these quan- tities represent an abundant supply of this gas, neverthe- less they are both well below the point of saturation, the former being 95.5% and the latter only 86.6% of the amount required for saturation. This indicates that the water of the epilimnion was being depleted of its supply of oxygen through decomposition and respiration faster than it was 42 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY receiving this gas from the air and from the photosynthetic activities of the chlorophyl-bearing organisms. The hypolimnion remains practically uniform in tempera- ture after the formation of this stratum so that its capacity for oxygen is scarcely affected during the summer. On the other hand, however, it is cut off from contact with the air by the epilimnion and conditions are not favorable for photosynthesis at that depth; it is thus deprived of the two main sources from which a supply of oxygen can be obtained and any decrease during the summer remains as a deficiency until the autumnal overturn takes place. Decomposition and the respiration of the organisms which occupy this stratum contribute to the decrease of the oxygen supply and the extent of this decrease depends upon the volume of the hypolimnion and upon the abundance of decomposable ma- terial and living organisms; if the volume is relatively small and these two processes are fairly vigorous there will be a marked decrease in the supply of oxygen as the summer advances and a portion, or even practically all, of this stratum may be deprived of its dissolved oxygen. It will be noted in table 21 that the hypolimnion of Oko- boji lake possessed a relatively small amount of dissolved oxygen at the time of these observations; the amount varied from 2.23 cc. per liter at 15 m. to 0.86 cc. at a depth of 33 m. At 18 m., however, the amount was a little more than half a cubic centimeter larger than at 15 m. Such differences have been noted in other lakes but the cause of the phe- nomenon has not yet been definitely ascertained. Stated in percentages the quantity of oxygen varied from 36.5 % of saturation at 18 m. to only 10.9% at 33 m. With such a marked decline in the dissolved oxygen at this stage of the summer stratification period it is safe to predict that this gas all disappeared from the lower portion of the hypolim- nion, at least, before the time of the autumnal overturn. In the mesolimnion, or thermocline, the quantity of oxy- gen declined from that of the epilimnion above to that of the hypolimnion below; that is, from 5.40 cc. per liter of water at 10 m. to 2.40 cc. at 13 m., while there was a fur- A LIMNOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE 43 ther decline to 2.23 cc. at 15 m. Thus the greater part of the decrease took place in the upper half of the mesolim- nion. The last item in table 21 shows the results obtained on water from the well of the Lakeside Laboratory. This water had a temperature of 11.3°. It will be noted that there was an abundance of free carbon dioxide, about seven times as much as was noted in the lake water at a depth of It also contained almost two and a half times as much fixed carbon dioxide as the surface water of the lake. There was a fairly large supply of dissolved oxygen in this well water; the result shown in the table is undoubtedly too high since, in obtaining the samples, the water was ex- posed to the air as it was being pumped into the bottles. A set of observations on the dissolved gases of lake Men- dota was made on August 6, 1919, and the results are shown in table 22. The epilimnion of lake Mendota showed the same degree of alkalinity as that of West Okoboji lake, but the lower water of the former had a distinctly larger amount of free carbon dioxide. The epilimnion of lake Men- dota possessed a smaller amount of fixed carbon dioxide than West Okoboji lake, averaging about 5 cc. per liter less, but the difference in the hypolimnion was not so marked. The amount found at the bottom, 22 m., in the former lake was the same as that at 15 m. and 20 m. in the latter, while that at 15 m. and 18 m, in lake Mendota was the same as that in the upper water of West Okoboji lake. Both lakes belong to the "hard water" group, with the water of West Okoboji lake carrying a somewhat larger quantity of car- bonates in solution. A slightly larger amount of oxygen was found in the upper water of lake Mendota but there was a distinctly smaller amount in the hypolimnion than in West Okoboji lake. 44 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Cc. per TABLE 21–Observations on the dissolved gases of Okoboji lake, July 31, 1919. In the column for free carbon dioxide the minus sign indicates that the water gave an alkaline re- action and the plus sign that it gave an acid reaction with phenolphthalein. Depth, Carbon dioxide, Oxygen meters cc. per liter. Free Fixed Per cent liter. of saturation 0 4.28 38.52 5.80 95.5 5 4.28 38.52 5.42 88.8 10 3.21 38.52 5.40 86.6 12 1.07 38.52 3.46 53.5 13 Neut. 38.52 2.40 36.0 14 + 0.86 38.52 2.32 32.3 15 + 0.86 39.59 2.23 30.7 2.75 36.5 20 + 1.29 39.59 1.75 22.8 25 0.90 11.5 30 0.90 11.5 33 + 1.72 41.20 0.86 10.9 - 18 Well +11.18 94.16 2.55 32.7 Cc. per TABLE 22—Observations on the dissolved gases of lake Mendota on August 6, 1919. In the column for free carbon dioxide the minus sign indicates that the water was alkaline and the plus sign that it was acid to phenolphthalein. Depth, Carbon dioxide, Oxygen meters cc. per liter. Free Fixed Per cent liter. of saturation 0 4.28 33.70 6.16 100.7 8 4.28 33.70 5.21 83.5 10 + 0.86 38.00 1.40 19.5 13 + 0.86 38.00 0.64 8.2 15 + 1.92 38.52 0.52 6.5 18 + 2.58 38.52 0.20 2.4 22 + 2.58 39.59 0.10 1.2 VI. THE PLANKTON The small floating and free swimming organisms that constitute what is known as the plankton may be divided into two groups, namely, (a) those which are large enough to be easily obtained with the regular plankton net and (b) those which are so small that they readily pass through the A LIMNOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE 45 meshes of the finest bolting cloth. The former constitutes what is known as the net plankton and the latter the nanno- plankton. Strictly speaking the latter term has been applied only to organisms whose maximum diameter does not ex- ceed 25 M., but it is such a convenient term that it is pro- р posed to extend its meaning to include all of the forms that escape through the meshes of the net. Methods. The net plankton was obtained by means of a closing net whose coefficient has been determined as 1.2; that is, about 83% of the column of water through which it is drawn passes through the net and is strained. The ma- terial was transferred from the plankton bucket to vials and preserved in alcohol. In the subsequent enumeration the volume of the catch and preservative was reduced to 10 cc.; after shaking thoroughly 2 cc. were removed with a piston pipette and the crustacea and rotifers contained therein were counted. The number thus obtained multiplied by 5 gives the total number of the various organisms in the catch. When only a few individuals of the larger crustacea were present the total was ascertained by direct count. The Protozoa and algae were enumerated by placing a cubic centimeter of the material in a Sedgwick-Rafter cell and then counting the various forms in the usual manner with a compound microscope. The dry weight and organic matter of the net plankton were also obtained. For these determinations a net haul was made from surface to bottom (0-32 m.). This catch was concentrated on a small piece of bolting cloth; the ma- terial was then carefully removed from the cloth with a knife blade and transferred to a small platinum crucible. Considerable care is necessary at this stage to prevent loss of material. A drop or two of chloroform kills the organ- isms and prevents putrefaction while the material is dry. ing. The air dried material is then placed in a drying oven at 60° for 24 hours and then in a desiccator for 24 hours. The dry weight of the catch is obtained by means of a sensi- tive assayer's balance. The material is then ignited in an electric furnace until the ash appears white, after which the weight of the ash is ascertained. 46 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Samples of water for a study of the nannoplankton were obtained from the various depths by means of a water bottle. These minute organisms were removed from the water with an electric centrifuge which has a speed of 3,600 revolutions per minute. The sedimentation was con- tinued for about six minutes and the material from the bottom of the tube with one cubic centimeter of water was transferred to a Sedgwick-Rafter counting cell and the var- ious organisms were enumerated. These organisms should be counted in the living state since experiments have shown that some of them are destroyed by the various preserving agents. It is necessary, therefore, to count this material as soon as possible after securing the samples. It has been found practical to obtain the dry weight and organic matter in the nannoplankton also. A sufficient amount for this purpose is usually obtained from 90 cc. to 120 cc. of water. With the standard centrifuge 30 cc. of water are centrifuged at each run and the material from three or four runs is concentrated in one tube from which it can be removed after a final centrifuging with one cubic centimeter of water and transferred to a small platinum crucible. A drop of chloroform is added and the water is allowed to evaporate. Beyond this point the procedure is the same as that described above for the net plankton. A certain amount of organic matter is dissolved in the water and this is not removed with the centrifuge; it is necessary, therefore, to run a blank for this by determining the amount of loss on ignition for one cubic centimeter of centrifuged water. THE NET PLANKTON In order to ascertain the vertical distribution of the var- ious planktonts, catches were made with the closing net from each 5 m. stratum of the lake. The organisms in the different strata have been enumerated and the results of these enumerations are shown in table 23. The figures given in this table indicate the number of individuals or colonies per cubic meter of water. Phytoplankton. As might be expected the phytoplankton was confined chiefly to the upper 10 m., or the epilimnion, A LIMNOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE 47 since the supply of light upon which it is dependent for carrying on photosynthesis is most favorable in this region. Only four forms of green and blue-green algae were found in the material, namely, Anabaena, Gloiotrichia, Micro- cystis, and Staurastrum. They were present in relatively small numbers so that these forms constituted a relatively small portion of the total net plankton. Four genera of diatoms were present with Stephanodiscus as the most abundant; the maximum number of this form was found in the 5 m.-10 m. stratum. Ceratium was the most abundant protozoan and it ap- peared only in relatively small numbers. A few specimens of Dinobryon and a heliozoan were found in the 0 m.-5 m. stratum while Vorticella was noted in the 5 m.-10 m. stratum. The catches contained only a small number of rotifers and they were confined principally to the epilimnion. They were uniformly distributed in this stratum. The copepods were relatively the most abundant forms and, with the exception of Canthocamptus, they were fairly uniform in their distribution from surface to bottom. As a whole they furnished the greater part of the material obtained in each catch. Diaptomus was more abundant than Cyclops and furnished the major portion of the cope- pod material. Two species of Diaptomus were present, namely, D. clavipes and D. siciloides. Adults of D. clavipes constituted about 4% of the total number of Diaptomi, but the immature individuals of this species composed about two-thirds of the total. These im- mature specimens contained a rather large supply of re- serve food in the form of oil globules and these gave a yel- lowish tint to the whole plankton catch. Cyclops was most abundant in the upper 10 m. and below 25 m., with very few individuals between these two depths. The copepod nauplii also showed a similar vertical distri- bution; they were much more numerous above 10 m. and below 25 m. than in the intermediate strata. The Cladocera were represented by specimens of Bosmina, Diaphanosoma and three species of Daphnia. A few indi- 48 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY viduals of Bosmina were found in the 5 m.-10 m. stratum while a somewhat larger number of Diaphanosoma was noted in the upper 10 m. Of the three species of Daphnia the most abundant was D. retrocurva which reached 17,000 individuals per cubic meter in the upper 5 m. Only about a quarter of these were adults. About a third as many were found in the 5 m.-10 m. stratum and the number was rela- tively small in the deeper strata. This corresponds to the usual distribution of this form, which is confined chiefly to the epilimnion. Daphnia pulex prefers the cool water of the hypolimnion and it was most abundant in that stratum of West Okoboji lake. The maximum number was found in the 25 m.-30 m. catch. A few specimens of Daphnia longispina var. hyalina were noted in two catches, namely, those from the 10 m.-15 m. and the 30 m.-32 m. strata. This form is usually distributed throughout the entire depth of a lake, but in this instance it appeared only in the meso- limnion and in the lower part of the hypolimnion. The catch which covered the entire depth of the lake (0-32 m.) yielded 211.7 mg. of dry net plankton per cubic meter of water, of which 91.3% (193.2 mg.) was organic matter. The average weight of the individuals belonging to the more abundant forms of crustacea was ascertained. For this purpose specimens were sorted out under a dissecting microscope and these were transferred to small platinum dishes. They were then dried, weighed, and ignited as described above. The results are given in table 24. Six different forms of crustacea were weighed. Immature individuals of Diaptomus clavipes were substantially the same in size as the adults of Diaptomus siciloides so that it was impossible to separate the two and obtain weights of each. The adults of D. clavipes gave a larger dry weight and also a larger amount of organic matter for each indi- vidual than any of the other crustacea. The average was almost three times as large as that for immature D. clavipes and adult D. siciloides and about 40% larger than Daphnia pulex and Daphnia longispina var. hyalina. Cyclops aver- aged somewhat larger than the immature D. clavipes and A LIMNOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE 49 adult D. siciloides and had a much higher percentage of ash. a Immediately following the catch which was used to de- termine the weight of the total net plankton a second haul from surface to bottom was made and the material was preserved for purposes of enumeration. A computation based on the results of this enumeration and on the average weights of the different crustacea indicates that these six forms of crustacea furnished about 69% of the dry organic matter in the total net plankton, of which about 56% was derived from the two species of Diaptomus. TABLE 23—Results of the enumerations of the net plankton catches from West Okoboji lake, August 1, 1919. The figures indicate the number of individuals per cubic meter of water for the different strata. The following abbreviations have been used: Cladocera-B=Bosmina, D.h.=Daphnia longispina var. hyalina, D.p.=Daphnia pulex, D.r.=Daphnia retrocurva, Di=Diaphanosoma; Copepoda—Ca=Canthocamptus, C=Cyclops, D=Diaptomus, N-nau- plii; Rotifera--A. c.=Anuraea cochlearis, C=Conochilus, P=Poly- arthra; Protozoa-C=Ceratium, D=Dinobryon, H=Heliozoan, V=Vorticella; green and blue-green algae-An=Anabaena, G=Gloio. trachia, M=Microcystis, S=Staurastrum; diatoms-A=Asterionella, F=Fragilaria, M=Melosira, S=Stephanodiscus. D.p. D.p. Depth, Cladocera Copepoda Rotifera Protozoa Green and Diatoms meters blue-green algae 0-5 D.r. 17,000C 6,300/A.c. 3901C 31,200 An124,800A 23,400|| С 130 D 7,800 G 11,000 F 15,600] Di 650 D 11,600 P 390 H 7,800/M 46,800/M 15,600 N 10,700 S 140,400 5-10 B 130 Ca 390/A.c. 260 C 15,600 An 31,200 F 23,400) 1301C 4,600 C 130/V 26016 2,000 S 156,000 D.r. 6,000 D 4,700 P 650 M 70,200 Di 780N 16,500) S 7,800 10-15 D.h. 1301C 650 An 7,800/F 7,8001 650 D 10,000C 130 M 7,800 S 31,200 D.r. 520N 4,300 15-20 D.r. 1301C 2601 D 9,000 P 130 M 23,400 S 23,4001 N 1,170) 20-25 D.p. 9101C 260 D.r. 130|D 8,500 An 7,800/S 7,800 N 1,170 25-30 D.p. 1,700C 1,600 D.r. 390/D 6,5001 C 7,800/M 7,8001S 7,8001 N 13,700 30-32 D.h. 3001C 4,000 600/D 10,000 N 10,000 A.C. 3001 An 3,100 S 3,100 D.p. 50 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY TABLE 24—The dry weight, organic matter, and ash of the worms and various crustacea are shown in this table. Number Dry Ash One individual Remarks (weighed/ weight in mg. Mg. Per Dry Organic cent. weight matter in mg in mg. 70 1.61 10.115 7.14 0.023 0.0213 Adult 400 3.22 0.09 3.000.00805 0.00782 Diaptomus clavipes Diaptomus siciloides and imma- ture D. clavipes Cyclops |Daphnia | pulex |Daphnia longispinal var.hyalina |Daphnia retrocurva Oligochaeta 95 100 0.905 |0.09 110.000.009531 0.00858 |Mainly adult 1.97 10.39 120.000.0197 | 0.0158 Mainly adult 75 1.395 0.265|19.0010.0186 0.01506 Adult 250 1.43 10.26 18.180.00572 0.00468 |Mainly young 180 34.79 11.67 4.8010.19328 0.184 |Mixed sizes THE NANNOPLANKTON A relatively small number of forms was present in the nannoplankton material, but two were found in consider- able numbers. (See Table 25). The ciliated Protozoa were represented by Halteria and Vorticella; a comparatively small number of each was found in the epilimnion while the former was also found in the material from a depth of 33 m. Some specimens of Cryptomonas were noted in the samples from 10 m. and 30 m. as well as Pandorina at 10 m. Minute flagellated monads were distributed throughout the depth of the lake, but they were much more abundant in the epilimnion than in the other strata. Only two forms of algae were noted, namely, Aphano- capsa and Oocystis. A small number of the latter was found in the surface sample. The Aphanocapsa consisted of small colonies of minute cells, 25 to 100 in number, em- bedded in a gelatinous matrix. It seems to have a wide dis- tribution since it appears in the nannoplankton of all of the lakes of this country on which observations have been made. It was found at all depths, but was most abundant in the A LIMNOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE 51 upper strata. Attention may be called to the fact here that this form has also been found in the lower water of much deeper lakes, such, for example, as Seneca lake, New York, which has a maximum depth of 188.4 m. (618 ft.). TABLE 25—— Analysis of the nannoplankton. The figures given in this table indicate the number of individuals per liter of water. The following abbreviations have been used: Protozoa, C=Cryptomonas, H=Halteria, M=Monas, P=Pandorina, V=Vorticella; Algae, A=Aphanocapsa, O=Oocystis. Depth, Protozoa Algae meters 0 H 5,200 A 859,100 M 156,200 0 5,200 V 5,200 10 C 10,400 H 5,200 A 781,000 M 234,300 P 5,200 20 M 10,400 A 781,000 30 C 5,200 A 390,500 M 5,200 33 H 5,200 A 390,500 M 15,600 For obtaining the weight of the nannoplankton a com- posite sample was prepared by mixing equal volumes of water from each 5 m. level of the lake. The dry organic m. matter in the material obtained from this sample amounted to 333.0 mg. per cubic meter of water. This amount plus that in the net plankton (193.2 mg.) gives 526.2 mg. per cubic meter of water for the total plankton; approximately 63% of this total is derived from the nannoplankton and 37% from the net plankton. This sum multiplied by the maximum depth of the lake, that is, 40.2, gives 21,153 mg., or 21.1 grams, per square meter of surface in the deepest water. Assuming that this plankton material was uniformly dis- tributed over the whole lake, then the average per square meter of surface for the entire lake may be obtained by multiplying the sum of the net plankton and nannoplankton by the mean depth, namely, 12.3 (See table 2). This gives 6,472 mg., or about 6.5 grams per square meter of surface. Again assuming a uniform distribution, the dry organic 52 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY matter in the total plankton of the entire lake may be cal- culated from the volume given in table 2; this amounts to 98,520 kg. which is equivalent to about 108 tons. Expressed in terms of a unit area this is 64.5 kg. per hectare, or 57.5 pounds per acre. In the living state this material would weigh about ten times as much, since various experiments have shown that about 90% of the live weight of these organisms consists of water. This represents a small amount of organic matter per unit of area but these figures indicate only the standing crop at this particular time of the year. Both production and destruction of this material are taking place at all seasons of the year and the quantity of organic matter found at a particular time is the resultant of these two processes. Some of the forms reproduce much more rapidly than others and also reproduction is much more vigorous at certain seasons so that there is considerable variation in the quantity of this material at different seasons. The more minute organisms serve as food for the larger ones, such as the crustacea, and these in turn are eaten by the fish and , other aquatic organisms; some forms of the crustacea, in fact, prey upon others. Thus the whole problem is a very complex one so that it would be extremely difficult to ascer- tain, even roughly, the total annual production of plankton. A comparison with results that have been obtained on lake Mendota will serve to show the relative plankton pro- ductiveness of the two lakes. Table 26 gives the amount of net and nannoplankton found in this lake during the last week in July and the first week in August both in 1915 and 1916. The figures represent the average amount of organic matter for these two weeks in both years and they indicate the quantity in milligrams per cubic meter of water. It will be noted that the organic matter in the net plankton of lake Mendota in 1915 was substantially the same as that of West Okoboji in 1919, but that it was very much smaller in the former in 1916. On the other hand the nannoplank- ton of lake Mendota was about five times as great in both years as that of West Okoboji lake. The last column of the table shows that the total plankton was more than three A LIMNOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE 53 times as great in the former lake as in the latter. On the assumption that the amounts in this table represent a fair average per cubic meter of water for the whole lake, a com- putation based on these figures gives an average of 222.2 kg. per hectare of surface for lake Mendota in 1915, or 198 pounds per acre. The quantity in 1916 was about 6% less than this amount. This is nearly four times as much as was found in West Okoboji lake in 1919. The quantity of total plankton has been determined for only a few of the Wisconsin lakes, but, of those on which determinations have been made so far, only one falls as low as West Okoboji lake. The total plankton of Devil's lake, Wisconsin, on August 27, 1919, amounted to 500 mg. of dry organic mat- ter per cubic meter of water, or about 2% less than that of West Okoboji lake. This result for Devil's lake means a much smaller amount per unit of area since it is a much shallower lake; that is, it represents only 44.5 kg. per hec- tare, or approximately 40 pounds per acre. On the basis of these results both of these lakes must be classed as plankton poor. TABLE 26—This table gives the number of milligrams of organic matter per cubic meter of water in the net plankton and in the nannoplankton of lake Mendota and of Okoboji lake in the years indicated. The quantities given for the for- mer lake are the averages of the last week in July and the first week in August each year, while those for the latter lake were obtained in observations made on July 31, 1919. Lake Year Net Nannoplankton Total Mendota 1915 195.7 1,634.3 1,830.0 | Mendota 1916 96.5 1,630.6 1,727.1 West Okoboji 1919 193.2 526.2 BOTTOM FAUNA Some samples of mud were obtained from the bottom in the deeper water by means of an Ekman dredge. This material was sifted through a fine meshed net for the pur- pose of ascertaining the number and variety of the macro- scopic fauna of the bottom. The time that could be devoted to this work was very brief so that hauls were made at only two different depths, namely, 21 m. and 33 m. The results obtained from the samples are shown in table 27; they give 333.0 54 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY only a very fragmentary idea of the bottom fauna since they are limited to two depths and since they were made at a time when the insect larvae are at their minimum in va- riety and number. A proper study of the bottom popula- tion would require hundreds of observations; these should cover all depths, from the shoreline to the deepest water in various parts of the lake, as well as all seasons of the year. Such a study would involve the expenditure of much time and labor but the results would undoubtedly amply justify the undertaking. Only three groups of bottom dwellers were found in any abundance. The Chironomus larva apparently belongs to the tentans group and all of the specimens were either full grown or nearly so, varying in length from 21 mm. to 25 mm. Protenthes was not noted at 21 m. but a few were found at 33 m.; these specimens were substantially full grown larvae also. The Oligochaeta included representa- tives of Limnodrilus and Tubifex. In addition to these some ostracods and nematodes were noted at both depths. The chironomids were more abundant at 21 m. than at 33 m. while the reverse was true of the Oligochaeta. The weight of the forms shown in table 27 were deter- mined and the amount of organic matter per square meter of bottom is indicated in the table in grams. The Oligo- chaeta varied greatly in size so that it was necessary to pick out and weigh all of the specimens in a single haul of the dredge in order to get an average. While the total number of individuals was much larger at 33 m. than at 21 m., the reverse was true on the basis of the amount of dry organic material; the larger number of Oligochaeta at the former depth did not compensate for the larger bulk of the chironomids at the latter depth. Stated in larger units this bottom fauna yielded 109.6 kg. of dry organic matter per hectare, or 97.6 pounds per acre, at 21 m., and 65.1 kg. per hectare, or 58.0 pounds per acre, at 33 m. The latter figure is substantially the same as the average yield of the total plankton. (See p. 51). These figures, like those for the total plankton, do not represent the annual production, but they indicate the number of A LIMNOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE 55 bottom dwellers present at a particular time and the amount of organic matter in them. The annual production involves the yearly turn-over in the bottom population, and this ques- tion includes such problems as the number of broods of insect larvae annually, the rate of reproduction of the Oli- gochaeta, and the extent of the depletion of this entire population each year by being consumed as food and by other causes. TABLE 27-Observations on the bottom fauna of Okoboji lake, July 30 and 31, 1919. The first column for each depth shows the number of individuals per square meter of bottom and the second column gives the number of grams of dry organic matter per square meter. Twenty-one Meters Thirty-three Meters Number Organic Matter Number Organic Matter | Chironomus 1,110 9.49 355 3.03 | Protenthes 266 0.88 Oligochaeta I 7,992 | 1.47 14,120 2.60 Total 10.96 6.51 56 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY PAPERS CITED Birge, '10. An unregarded factor in lake temperatures. E. A. Birge. Trans. Wis. Acad. Sciences, Arts, and Letters, Vol. XVI. pp. 989-1004; 2 pl. Madison, 1910. Birge, '15. The heat budgets of American and European lakes. E. A. Birge. Trans. Wis. Acad. Sciences, Arts, and Letters, Vol. XVIII, pp. 166-213; 3 figs. Madison, 1915. Birge, '16. The work of the wind in warming a lake. E. A. Birge. Trans. Wis. Acad. Sciences, Arts, and Letters, Vol. XVIII, pp. 341-391; 10 pl. Madison, 1916. Birge and Juday, '11. The inland lakes of Wisconsin; the dissolved gases of the water. E. A. Birge and Chancey Juday. Bull. Wis. Geol. Survey, No. XXII, pp. i-xx, 1-259; 142 figs. Madison, 1911. Ford, '13. A topographical survey of the Spirit and Okoboji lakes region. H. C. Ford. Bull. Iowa State Coll. Vol. XI, No. 6, pp. 1-38; 21 cuts, 4 maps. Ames, 1913. Iowa, ’16. Report of the state highway commission on the Iowa lakes and lake beds. 1 vol. text, pp. 1-250, 109 figs; 1 vol. of 72 maps. Published by State. Des Moines, 1916. Juday, '14. The inland lakes of Wisconsin: hydrography and morpho- metry. Chancey Juday. Bull. Wis. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey, No. XXVII, pp. i-xv, 1-137; 37 maps. Madison, 1914. Tilton, '16. Records of oscillations in lake level and records of lake temperatures and of meteorology secured at the Macbride Lakeside Laboratory, Lake Okoboji, Iowa, July, 1915. John L. Tilton. Proc. Iowa Acad. Science, Vol. XXIII, 1916, pp. 91-102; 4 figs. Tilton, '17. Second record of oscillations in lake level with record of lake temperatures and meteorology secured at the Mac- bride Lakeside Laboratory, Lake Okoboji, Iowa, July, 1916. John L. Tilton. Proc. Iowa Acad. Science, Vol. XXIV, 1917, pp. 34-41; 4 figs. Cut Gite of the Preelden FIRST SERIES No. 38 DECEMBER 1, 1920 UNIVERSITY OF IOWA STUDIES Botany Ds8o. STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY VOLUME IX NUMBER 2 NESTING HABITS OF THE HERMIT THRUSH IN NORTHERN MICHIGAN by DAYTON STONER PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, IOWA CITY, Issued semi-monthly throughout the year. Entered at the post office at Iowa City, Iowa, as second class matter. Acceptance for mailing at special rates of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized on July 3, 1918. UNIVERSITY OF IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Professor CHARLES CLEVELAND NUTTING, M. A., Editor Continuation of Bulletin from the Laboratories of Natural History of the State University of Iowa VOLUME IX NUMBER 2 NESTING HABITS OF THE HERMIT THRUSH IN NORTHERN MICHIGAN by DAYTON STONER, PH. D. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, IOWA CITY THE NESTING HABITS OF THE HERMIT THRUSH Hylocichla guttata pallasi (Cab.) IN NORTHERN MICHIGAN By DAYTON STONER INTRODUCTION The data which serve as a basis for this paper were obtained at the University of Michigan Biological Station on Douglas Lake while the writer was a member of the station staff. Ob- servations were made during the latter part of July and the first few days of August, 1919. In addition to the writer's own observations and notes, the assistance of the members of the class in ornithology was requisitioned. Several other members of the camp also very kindly rendered service in various ways. To all of these obligation is gratefully acknowledged. The Douglas Lake region lies in the extreme northern part of the southern peninsula of Michigan about seventeen miles from Lake Huron on the east, the Straits of Mackinac on the north and Lake Michigan on the west. The soil is exceedingly sandy. The topography is strongly rolling and was formerly covered by hardwoods and conifers but large areas have been cut over and burned over so that little of the original forest now remains. There are numerous lakes in the region of Doug- las Lake which is about two hundred feet above sea level and some two and one-half miles wide by four miles long; its great- est depth is about ninety feet. Its shores are variable as to height and slope but are everywhere wooded. Near the Biological Station camp on the east side of the lake where the following observations were made, the shores are low and gradually receding with a long, clean, sandy beach. Con- ifers, maples, birches and aspens, mostly second growth, are found though not in abundance. Blueberry bushes and brake fern make up the characteristic smaller vegetation. Naturally such situations afford unusual inducements for nesting birds of various species. Here song sparrows, oven- birds, slate-colored juncos, towhees, red-eyed vireos, cedar wax- (3) 4 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY wings and many others find suitable sites for homes and the rearing of their young. The hermit thrush is one of the com- moner summer birds of the region and several nests were dis- covered during the course of the eight weeks' summer session beginning June 30. Although numerous papers have been written concerning the nesting behavior of the hermit thush, the observations made by Norman McClintock in the Huron Mountains forty miles northwest of Marquette, Michigan, are the most complete and detailed of any that the writer has seen. However, the obser- vations herein recorded are, in some respects, somwhat at var- iance with those of McClintock and additional data are also included in this paper. The particular nest here discussed was accidentally discov- ered on July 5 by one of the members of the ornithology class but it was not under more than casual observation until July 25 when a blind was first put into position for the observers. The nest itself was built on the ground in a partly shaded area about twenty yards from the lake shore and the same distance from the mess tent which was visited three times a day by thirty-nine people. It was partially hidden among the blue- berry bushes and brake fern and was composed almost entirely of pine needles with a few dead twigs at the top and on the out- side for support. The observation blind of faded, olive-green canvas was erected on two T-poles. It was about forty inches in height by twenty inches in width by thirty-eight inches in length and was placed thirty inches from the nest. Observation of the birds and nest was made possible through a slit about six inches long in the canvas and through a round hole two inches in diameter. En- trance to the blind was gained on the side away from the nest and it was left in position continuously from the time it was erected until August 8, when the birds left their home. During the process of setting up the blind the female hermit thrush few away thus exposing the five eggs; as soon as the canvas was in place the observer left. The next morning the writer visited the blind but remained only long enough to make sure that the female was incubating. During the following night a heavy 1 McClintock, Norman, A Hermit Thrush Study, Auk, XXVII, 1910, 409-418. NESTING HABITS OF HERMIT THRUSH 5 wind disarranged the blind and while it was being repaired and readjusted on the morning of the 27th the female remained on the nest apparently little excited by the procedure. The female remained constantly on duty until 6:00 P. M. on July 30 when she was flushed, and four nestlings, not more than twenty-four hours old, were disclosed. The fifth egg proved to be addled but remained in the nest during the entire subsequent brooding period. BROODING So far as our observations are concerned all the brooding was done by the female. When the young were first hatched the fe- male seldom left them for long intervals, but toward the close of our period of observation the time spent by the adult on or at the nest was much reduced. However, it seemed that both parents were near and ready to swoop down to recover a voided excreta sac. During the first part of the brooding the female would often rise slightly in the nest and look down at the youngsters solicitously. This occurred oftener on warm days and was probably for the purpose of giving the nestlings air. Some- times when in this attitude the female would peck none too gently the heads and eyelids of the nestlings. At times, while brooding, the female reached down into the bottom of the nest with her bill and shaking her head rapidly up and down or from side to side appeared to be loosening the packed-down materials. As the young grew larger the female did not sit on them but hovered over them, clinging with her feet to the sides of the nest. During the last two days of our observations she remained on its edge seldom attempting to brood the nestlings. In brooding the female always rested with her head toward the blind. The male was much more nervous and noisy in his actions than the female. Although he took no part in the brooding he was particularly active in securing food for the young birds. Usually he left almost immediately after delivering the food, often touching the blind with the tips of his wings in his hasty departure. 6 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY FOOD AND FEEDING HABITS Perhaps the most interesting part of the entire study was concerned with the food and feeding habits. Probably the larger share of all the food fed to the young was gleaned within a few yards of the nest. On the writer's appearance near the blind at 7:30 A. M. of July 31 the male from a near by tree gave a sharp call, and three minutes later a rustling in the leaves on the side of the nest away from the blind betrayed his approach. The brood- ing female turned her head upward and backward and accepted a bit of food from him. It was impossible to identify this food for the male inserted his bill well down into the wide open mouth of the female. This was the first and, with two excep- tions, the only time that one adult bird was observed to feed the other. The following tables, chronologically arranged, will serve to show the principal details regarding the feeding of the young by the parents as well as to give data on nest sanitation. A word of explanation concerning the characters and abbrevia- tions employed in the tables may be opportune ai this poiut. Lepid. larva indicates a lepidopterous larva of some kind. Acridid refers to any of the several species of short-horned grasshoppers which formed a substantial part of the diet of the young Gryllid refers to whatever species of cricket may have been served as food. Ad. refers to one of the adults, sex undetermined. Juv. refers to one of the nestlings. ? inserted in the “Kind of food” column indicates that the food which was brought could not be determined either from lack of ability to see it sufficiently or to properly identify it. A blank space in any colmn indicates that such part of the observation was not made. The usual signs ô (male) and % (female) are used freely. NESTING HABITS OF HERMIT THRUSH 7 Time of feeding Kind of food Table 1-July 31 Remarks Disposition of excreta Remarks 7:49 A. M. ? 8 feeds 2 juvs. 8:04 A. M. Lepid. larva feeds 1 juv. None 8:09 A. M. ? ô gives food to Deposited in Picked up and swal- brooding 9 nest lowed by who feeds 1 juv. 4:10 P. M. Lepid. lar- . divides larva None va 142" long between 2 juvs. 4:12 P. M. Acridiid feeds 1 juv. By 2 juvs. Received directly; swallowed by 4:35 P. M. ? Ô feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. Received directly; swallowed by ő 4:50 P. M. Larva part- feeds 2 juvs. By 1 juv. Received directly; ly crushed swallowed by 0 4:52 P. M. ? ô feeds 1 juv. None 4:58 P. M. Cutworm $ feeds 3 juvs. None 5:08 P. M. 3 Acridiids Ô feeds 3 juvs. None 5:17 P. M. Ô feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. 5:18 P. M. feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. General Remarks un Tablo I Observations were made between the hours of 7:00 and 9:30 A. M. and 4:00 and 5:22 P. M., a total period of four homs and fifty-two minutes, during which the young were fed twelve times. At 8:39 A. M. the brooding female partly arose from the nest and picked up an excreta sac which had been deposited by one of the young. While in most cases the parent was on the look- out at the time the excreta sac was voided, this was not invar- iably true. After feeding a nestling the parent bird sometimes waited for from several seconds to a minute at the edge of the nest to see if the excreta sac would be voided. Whenever it was expelled the adult ordinarily immediately swallowed it before it fell. As near as could be ascertained this excreta sac was swallowed by the parent at the nest until about noon on August 3, when the adult was first seen to carry the sac away. The excreta sac was not always voided by a nestling immedi- ately after it had been fed as is indicated in numerous instances in the tables. Usually when the young voided the excrement both the head and the vent were raised, although on some oc- casions the head was lowered in this act. The excrement ap- 8 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY peared to be contained within this gelatinous sac during the entire time that the young were in the nest. Time of feeding Kind of food TABLE II-August 1 Remarks Disposition of excreta Remarks 9:06 A. M. 2 Lepid. larvae 9:26 A. M. 9:35 A. M. 9:46 A. M. Acridiids o feeds both to By same Act occurred imme- 1 juv. juv. diately after being fed. Swallowed by 우 ​Ô feeds 2 juvs. By 1 juv. Swallowed by ô feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. Swallowed by ô feeds 4 juvs. By 1 juv. Swallowed by ô ; leaves at once & feeds ? juvs. By 1 juv. 9:52 A. M. ? 9:58 A. M. 3 Acridiid feeds 2 juvs. By 1 juv. nymphs 10:14 A. M. Lepid. lar- ô feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. Swallowed by ô ; va 2" long leaves at once 11:14 A. M. Acridiid $ feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. 11:15 A. M. Acridiid ô feeds 1 juv. By 2 juvs. Received and swal- lowed by Ô 11:16 A. M. Hairy Le- feeds 1 juv. pid. larva General Remarks on Table II Observations were made on this date only between the hours of 9:00 and 11:18 A. M. during which period the young were fed ten times. From what the writer saw on this and subsequent occasions he is led to the belief that the parent birds, both of whom fed the young and removed the excreta, exercised very little choice or discrimination in selecting a certain nestling to receive what- ever food was brought. One nestling might receive food two or three times in succession, while another might have to go hungry for as many visits. During the first days of feeding the nestlings both parents announced their arrival in the vicinity by a low trill or chirp. Invariably upon hearing this note the mouths of all the young- sters were opened widely. The female ordinarily alighted about five feet from the nest, surveyed the situation for an in- stant, then ran toward the waiting young. The male usually arrived at or very near the nest with a considerable flutter of wings. The hairy lepidopterous larva fed at 11:36 was an unusual NESTING HABITS OF HERMIT THRUSH 9 morsel for the nestlings; during the entire time that the birds were under observation a hairy caterpillar was not again offered. The larva which was brought to the young by the male at 10:14 was offered to one nestling who made a vigorous but un- successful attempt to swallow it. The parent seeing the dilem- ma of the youngster took it from his throat and ran the larva slowly and carefully through his own mandibles, in this way crushing it; he then fed it to a different nestling who also at- tempted the impossible. After removing the larva from his throat and crushing it still further and in the same manner as before the parent offered the now sadly bedraggled larva to the original recipient who succeeded in his efforts at swallowing it. The entire performance lasted about three minutes. As again illustrating the fact that the young void the excre- ment at other times than immediately after being fed the fol- lowing excerpt from the writer's notes of this date may be quoted: “At 9:19, after the female had been brooding for several minutes, she arose in the nest and took a bit of excre- ment from one of the nestlings." The hour between 10:14 and 11:14 when the young were not fed was occupied partly by the female in brooding although she did not return to the nest until 10:28 at which time she brought no food. 10 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Time of feeding TABLE III- August 2 Kind of Remarks Disposition food of excreta Remarks 7:06 A. M. ? feeds 1 juv. 7:18 A. M. Larva feeds both ? and juv. 7:25 A. M. ? Ô feeds both o and juv. 8:08 A. M. Insect feeds 1 juv. 8:09 A. M. Larva ő feeds 1 juv. 8:21 A. M. Larva feeds 1 juv. 8:24 A. M. Larva Ô feeds 1 juv. 8:26 A. M. Larva & feeds 1 juv. 8:42 A. M. Larva 9 feeds 1 juv. 8:50 A. M. Larva ő feeds 1 juv. 9:02 A. M. Larva feeds 2 juvs. 9:30 A M.. ? feeds 2 juvs. 10:01 A. M. Insect ô feeds 3 juvs. By 1 juv. 10:31 A. M. Insect Ô feeds 2 juvs. By 1 juv. 10:40 A. M. Gryllid & ô feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. Acridiid 10:41 A. M. ? 9 feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. Swallowed by ! 11:12 A. M. Larva ő feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. Swallowed by ő 11:27 A. M. ? q feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. Swallowed by Ö feeds 3 juvs. 11:34 A. M. Acridiid ? feeds 2 juvs. By 1 juv. Swallowed by a 11:57 A. M. ? Ô feeds 1 juv. 12:01 P. M. Lepid lar. & feeds 1 juv. va 2:03 P. M. ? Ô feeds 2 juvs. By 2 juvs. Swallca ed by ô 2:12 P. M. ? feeds 2 juvs. Ry 2 juvs. Swallowed by ô 2:23 P. M. Lepid. larva ð feeds 1 juv. None 2:28 P. M. ? Ô feeds 1 juv. None 2:29 P. M. ? ô feeds 3 juvs. None 3:15 P. M. Leg of 9 feeds 1 juv. None Acridiid 3:23 P. M. Fragment of Acridiid . feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. Swallowed by ! 3:25 P. M. ? 8 feeds 1 juv. None 3:35 P. M. ? 9 feeds 1 juv. None 3:46 P. M. Ô feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. Swallowed by 4:21 P. M. Lepid. larva : feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. Swallowed by 4:39 P. M. ? ô feeds 2 juvs. By 1 juv. Swallowed by G 4:45 P. M. Moth o feeds 2 juvs. None 4:52 P. M. Gryllid & feeds 1 juv. None 5:06 P. M. Insect feeds 1 juv. None 5:16 P. M. Green Le- & feeds 1 juv. None pid. larva { General Remarks on Table III On this date observations were made between 9:00 A. M. and 12:01 P. M. and between 2:00 and 5:18 P. M. during which period thirty-eight feedings were administered. NESTING HABITS OF HERMIT THRUSH 11 The insect fed to the nestling at 8:08 was secured by the fe- male not more than a foot from the nest. She left her brooding only long enough to capture the insect and to feed it to the nestling then resumed her place on the nest. At 11:34 both parents appeared at the nest with food at about the same time, an unusual occurrence. At 11:52 A. M. and again at 3:02 P. M. one of the nestlings defecated without having been fed. The excreta sac was taken from the vent of the nestling and swallowed by the brooding female on both occasions. At 4:50 the female picked and ate blueberries near the nest but offered none to the nestlings. At no time during our obser- vations were the young offered berries or fruit. 12 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Time of feeding TABLE IV-August 3 Kind of Remarks Disposition food of excreta Remarks M. 9:12 A. ? ô feeds 2 juvs. 9:17 A. M. I feeds 2 juvs. By 1 juv. Swallowed by 9:35 A. M. Lepid. larva o feeds 2 juvs. By 1 juv. Swallowed by ô & 2 Acri. diids 9:43 A. M. 2 Gryllids Ĉ feeds 2 juvs. None 9:54 A. M. 1 Gryllid Ô feeds 1 juv. None 9:56 A. M. 1 Gryllid feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. Swallɔwed by $ 9:57 A. M. Spider Ô feeds 1 juv. None 10:14 A. M. 2 Gryllids ő feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. Swallowed by ô 10:15 A. M. 2 Gryllids feeds 1 juv. By 2 juvs. Swallowed by ? 10:27 A. M. 1 Gryllid & Ô feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. Swallowed by ô as 1 Acridiid he flew away 10:42 A. M. Lepid. larva ô feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. Swallowed by ô & Gryllid (not the one fed) 10:43 A. M. ? 9 feeds 1 jur. None 10:50 A. M. Gryllid ô feeds 1 juv. None 10:54 A. M. 1 Acridiid 7 feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. flies away with & 1 Gryllid both insects (not the excrement in bill at same tin:e one fed) 3:10 P. M. Insect feeds 1 juv. None 3:28 P. M. Insect o feeds 1 juv. 3:42 P. M. 3 insects feeds 4 juvs. 3:45 P. M. Insect 9 feeds 1 juv. 3:58 P. M. ? ô feeds 1 juv. None 4:08 P. M. Several o feeds 2 juvs. insects 4:11 P. M. Larva feeds 3 juvs. Excreta swallowed bs 4:22 P. M. ? ô feeds 2 juvs. 4:30 P. M. ? & feeds 2 juvs. (not the ones just fed) 4:35 P. M. ? feeds 1 juv. 4:52 P. M. Insect feeds 3 juvs. 4:59 P. M. ? ô feeds 1 juv. General Remarks on Table IV The observations on this date covered the time between 8:55 and 11:00 A. M. and 3:05 and 5:06 P. M. during which twenty- six feedings were administered. The male usually announced his arrival by a low trill and as soon as the brooding female heard it she left the nest. Al- most immediately after feeding the young he flew away again. This behavior was fairly constant throughout our observations. The foregoing table shows a greater variety of food brought to the nestlings than heretofore. NESTING HABITS OF HERMIT THRUSH 13 At 9:57 both parents were at the nest with food. At 4:58 the female after having been absent for four minutes returned without food. Apparently the young defecate only when one of the parent birds is at the nest. TABLE V-August 4 Kind of Remarks Disposition food of excreta Time of feeding Remarks 7:25 A. M. ? & feeds 4 juvs. By 1 juv. 7:31 A. M. Lepid. larva | feeds 4 juvs. 7:34 A. M. ? ô feeds 1 juv. 7:50 A. M. Lepid. larva o feeds 2 juvs. By 2 juvs. Swallowed by ô 8:02 A. M. ? $ feeds 1 juv. picks bit of excrement from bottom of nest and swallows it 8:16 A. M. Lepid. larva ô feeds 1 juv. (leaves at once). 8:26 A. M. Green lepid. larva o feeds 2 juvs. By 1 juv. & flies away with it 8:32 A. M. ? Ô feeds 3 juvs. (leaves at once) 8:40 A. M. Ô feeds 2 juvs. (leaves at once) 8:43 A. M. ? & feeds 3 juvs. 8:46 A. M. Larva Ô feeds juv. (leaves at once) 8:50 A. M. ? 8 feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv Removed by 8:51 A. .M ? o feeds 2 juvs. 8:52 A. M. ő feeds 1 juv. 9:07 A. M. Larva Ô feeds 3 juvs. 9:09 A. M. ? feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. Swallowed by ! 9:16 A. M. ? Ô feeds 2 juvs. None 9:32 A. M. ? 0 feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. Swallowed by ! 9:42 A. M. 0 feeds 3 juvs. 9:45 A. M. Green lepid. ô feeds 1 juv. larva (leaves at once) 10:03 A. M. Insect feeds 2 juvs. By 1 juv. Swallowed by ! 10:06 A. M. Gryllid ő feeds 2 juvs. By 1 juv. ô flies away with ex- crement in bill 10:18 A. M. Green lepid. ô feeds 2 juvs. larva 10:25 A. M. Green lepid. & feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. Alies away with ex- larva crement in bill 10:48 A. M. Green lepid. & feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. Swallowed by ! larva 10:55 A. M. ? 9 feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. Swallowed by 3:12 P. M. ő feeds 1 juv. 14 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 3:20 P. M. Insect 3:31 P. M. Insect 3:34 P. M. ? 3:48 P. M. ? 4:02 P. M. 4:03 P. M. 4:08 P. M. Ad. feeds 3 juvs. (leaves at once) 8 feeds 1 juv. By same Swallowed by ô juv. as fed feeds 1 juv. (leaves at once) Ad. feeds 1 By 1 juv. Ad. leaves with ex- juv. crement in bill Ô feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. Swallowed by ô 9 feeds 1 juv. ô feeds 1 juv. Ly 1 juv. Ô flies away with ex- crement in bill 4 feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. Swallowed by $ Ô feeds 2 juvs. Ad. feeds 1 juv. feeds 1 juv. ô feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. & flies away with ex- crement in bill 4:35 P. M. 4:41 P. M. 5:52 P. M. 5:53 P. M. 5:55 P. M. ? General Remarks on Table V The observations on this date were made between 7:05 and 11:05 A. M. and between 3:00 and 6:02 P. M. during which pe- riod the young were fed thirty-nine times. As before, the male usually announced his arrival at or near the nest by a low trill. Under the caption “excreta sac removed by ô” the observer was not sure whether the excreta was swallowed or simply re- moved. In some cases the adults flew away with the excreta sac in the bill. Whether it was subsequently swallowed was not ascertained. The nestling fed at 9:09 was one of the three that had been fed by the male at 9:07. It still seemed that the parents used little selection or discrimination in feeding the young. At 9:16 the nestling first fed was the one that had been neglected at the two preceding feedings. At 3:25 both parents were away from the nest and the nest- lings were apparently suffering from the heat. Neither adult was at the nest between 4:43 and 5:52, an unusually long absence. NESTING HABITS OF HERMIT THRUSH 15 TABLE VI–August 5 Kind of Remarks Disposition food of excreta Time of feeding Remarks 9:40 A. M. ; ? 9 feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. Swallowed by 9:45 A. M. ô feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. Swallowed by ô (leaves at once) 9:50 A. M. ? 9 feeds 1 juv. 9:55 A. M. ? feeds 1 juv. 10:02 A. M. Larva Ô feeds 1 juv. (leaves at once) 10:10 A. M. ? feeds 1 juv. (leaves at once) 10:14 A. M. Insect Ô feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. Ô leaves with excre- ment in bill 10:16 A. M. Gryllids Ô feeds 2 juvs. 6 picks up excrement from bot- tom of nest and flies away 10:27 A. M. ? feeds 1 juv. & flies away with excrement in bill 11:14 A. M. Gryllids ô feeds 1 juv. (leaves at once) 11:16 A. M. Insect o feeds 1 juv. 11:18 A. M. Green larva 9 feeds 1 juv. (flies away at 11:19) 11:22 A. M. Gryllid feeds 1 juv. 11:24 A. M. ? Ô feeds 1 juv. 11:25 A. M. ? feeds 1 juv. 2:02 P. M. Gray Lepid. ô feeds 1 juv. larva (leaves at once) 2:07 P. M. ? ô feeds 1 juv. (leaves at once) 2:17 P. M. 3 Gryllids O feeds 3 juvs. 1 juv. deposits pellet of excre- ment in nest; seized by who flies away at once 2:22 P. M. 1 Gryllid feeds 1 juv. By one juv.—not the one fed- swallowed by 2:41 P. M. 1 Gryllid Ô feeds 1 juv. (leaves at once) 2:51 P. M. 1 Gryllid & Ô feeds 2 juvs. Ô received pellet of excrement 1 Acridiid and flew away 2:57 P. M. Gryllid feeds 1 juv. $ waits a few seconds for pellet of excrement and flies away 3:05 P. M. Gryllid feeds 1 juv. 3:17 P. M. 1 Gryllid & O feeds 3 juvs. ! receives pellet of excrement 2 Acridiids from 1 juv. and flies away 3:30 P. M. ? feeds 1 juv. 9 swallows pellet of excrement and flies away 3:31 P. M. ? ô feeds 1 juv. Ô swallows pellet of excrement and flies away 4:00 P. M. Green lepid. ô feeds 1 juv. Ô swallows pellet of excrement larva and Aies away 16 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY General Remarks on Table VI Observations were made on this date between 9:30 and 11:30 A. M. and between 2:00 and 4:02 P. M. during which time the young received twenty-seven feedings. The nestlings appeared more active than at any previous date, moving about in the nest, scratching their heads and eyes with their feet and pecking at their own plumage as if dressing and preening it. At 10:35 the female, after an absence of eight minutes, ar- rived at the nest without food but remained for only three min- utes; this time she occupied in pulling and pushing the nest materials about as if to make the home more tidy. At 11:27 the observer noted the female chasing a grasshop- per near the nest; she was unsuccessful in her attempts to catch the insect. Again at 3:57 P. M. the female arrived without food; upon her arrival all the mouths opened as usual and the adult pecked the inside of the mouth of one nestling as if to make him be- lieve he were being fed. The ruse seemed to have the effect of quieting the youngster. Time of feeding TABLE VII–August 6 Kind of Remarks Disposition food of excreta Remarks 3:11 P. M. ? 3:23 P.M. Insect 9 feeds 1 juv. ô feeds 1 juv. ô receives pellet of excrement and flies away & feeds 2 juvs. None ô feeds 1 juv. o feeds 3 juvs & feeds 1 juv. 3:48 P. M. 3:51 P. M. 4:10 P. M. 4:55 P. M. Larva Insect Insects Insect General Remarks on Table VII Observations were conducted only between the hours of 3:05 and 5:06 P. M. during which time the young received six feed- ings. The adults remained away from their brood a great deal of the time, and the number of feedings was somewhat reduced, averaging but three per hour. The nestlings were now so large as to occupy almost the en- NESTING HABITS OF HERMIT THRUSH 17 tire space within the nest, leaving little room for the parent who often sat at the edge looking at her brood. The young birds were well feathered and appeared more alert to outside dis- turbances than before. They flapped their wings from time to time in an apparent attempt to leave the nest and pulled and tugged at their plumage as if to clean it. At 3:47 the female returned without food, remained but a moment, then flew away. Again at 4:32 the female returned without food and remained sitting on the edge of the nest look- ing at the nestlings. TABLE VIII-August 7 Time of Kind of Remarks Disposition Remarks feeding food of excreta ? 7:25 A. M. Ad. feeds 1 Ad, leaves after picking up ex- juv. crement 8:00 A. M. ? Ad. feeds 3 Ad. flies away at once with ex- juvs. crement in bill 8:07 A. M. ? Ad. feeds 2 Ad. waits in vain 2 minutes for juvs. juv. to defecate-flies away 8:17 A. M. ? Ad. feeds 1 Ad. flies away with excrement juv. 8:22 A. M. ? Ad. feeds 1 Ad. flies away with excrement juv, 8:24 A. M. ? Ad. feeds 1 Ad. flies away with excrement juv. 8:26 A. M. Acridiid Ad. feeds Ad. flies away with excrement same juv. as at 8:17 8:31 A. M. ? Ad. feeds 1 juv. 8:40 A. M. ? Ad. feeds 1 juv. 8:57 A. M. Ad. feeds same juv, as at 8:40 10:24 A. M. ? Ad. feeds 1 None juv. 10:30 A. M. Larva o feeds 3 juvs. By 1 juv. 9 flies away with it 10:37 A. M. Black insect & feeds 1 juv. By i juv. $ flies away with it & Acridiid 10:40 A. M. Acridiid Ad. feeds 1 juv. 3:50 P. M. Ô feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. Ô flies away with it 3:55 P. M. ő feeds 1 juv. By 1 juv. Ô flies away with it 3:57 P. M. Larvae feeds 3 juvs. Not until $ swallows it 4:01 4:30 P. M. ? Ô feeds ! juv. 18 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY General Remarks on Table VIII Observations were conducted between the hours of 7:20 and 11:00.A M. and between 3:00 and 5:00 P. M. during which period eighteen feedings were administered and excreta sacs were voided twenty-one times. The nestlings appeared even more restless than on the pre- ceding day. They were continually shifting their positions, preening their feathers, trying their wings and pecking the side of the nest or one another, The adults absented themselves for considerable periods of time. Neither parent visited the young between 3:00 and 3:30 P. M. at which time the male returned without food and re- mained at the edge of the nest for twelve minutes. At 9:16 one of the adult birds suddenly swooped down from a nearby perch, picked up a voided excreta sac and carried it away; again at 9:24 and 9:38 this performance was repeated. At 9:46 the female returned cautiously, obtained a voided ex- creta sac and flew away. Excreta sacs were removed by the adults also at the following hours: 10:07, at which time two sacs were voided by different birds, 10:15, 3:45, 4:04 and 4:44. At none of these times were the adults on the nest but appar- ently they were on watch near by. Food was not brought on any of these visits which were apparently solely for the re- moval of the excreta sacs. At 8:43 a chipmunk appeared near the blind and immediately upon discovering it the female dashed at the rodent from a near by log. She followed the intruder with much pecking and flapping of wings until he sought the friendly refuge of the mess tent a few yards away. OBSERVATIONS ON AUGUST 8 On August 8 observations were begun at 7:00 A. M. when both parents were absent from the nest. While the writer was at- tempting to lift up one of the young birds in his hands it es- caped, and, at the same time, two of the other nestlings with much squawking, fluttered off through the ferns and bushes amid the excited cries of the parents in the low branches of trees a few feet away. In its effort to repel the intruder one of the adult birds flapped him on the head with its wings. Dur- NESTING HABITS OF HERMIT THRUSH 19 ing all this excitement one nestling remained on the nest, but at 7:03 it too left, half flying, half running through the blue- berry bushes. The young were by this time well scattered and the adult birds called every few seconds for over an hour, the nestlings answering at intervals. At 7:07 the female returned to the nest which now contained only the addled egg and three excreta sacs with one of which she immediately flew away. At 7:10 she returned for another sac and a minute later she flew back for a third sac which she carried away. She did not seem excited at the absence of the nestlings and apparently was preparing the nest for further use. The female visited the nest again for moment at 7:13 and at 7:48 she returned, pecked two or three times in the bottom, walked across it and flew away, returning once more at 7:53 when the same performance was noted. At 8:10 one of the adults with food in its bill alighted on a low limb of a birch tree near by; every few seconds it called to the young. Fifteen minutes later an adult bird carrying food was again observed in the vicinity. It uttered an unbroken series of low clucks and after a moment flew to the ground where one of the young was calling and probably fed it, for not a sound was heard from this spot for more than a minute. Although the family was now dispersed the adults seemed to be as active as ever in feeding the nestlings and not much time was lost in idleness once the disturbance of the morning had abated. The nest and vicinity were again inspected in the evening but no trace of the adults or young was discovered; only the addled egg remained. Our observations were thus brought to a rather sudden and untimely end. However, it seems certain that in another twenty-four hours the young would have left the nest of their own accord instead of in the rather unsum- mary and irregular manner herein described. Although nothing was seen of the young thrushes subsequent to this episode it is likely that they remained in the vicinity for a time or at least until they could fly well. Concerning the habits of this species after deserting the nest Audubon re- 20 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY marks. “The young run after the parents, on the ground, for several days after they leave the nest." Similar and corrobor- ative observations have since been made on this point although the writer was unable to follow up this phase of the study to his own satisfaction. Date TABLE IX-TABULAR SUMMARY No. hrs. observation No. times food was brought to young July 31 August 1 August 2 August 3 August 4 4 hrs. 52 min. 2 hrs 18 min. 8 hrs. 18 min. 4 hrs. 6 min. 7 hrs. 2 min. 12, ô 6, ? 6 10, ô 4, 오 ​6 38, Ø 20, 018 26, ô 15, p 11 39, Ô 21, 15 sex undetermin- ed on 3 occasions 27, ô 11, Ø 16 6, 6 2, 9 4 18, Ô 3, 3 sex undetermin- ed on 12 occasions August 5 August 6 August 7 4 hrs. 2 min. 2 hrs. 1 min. 5 hrs. 40 min. Total 38 hrs. 29 min. 176 GENERAL SURIMARY 1. Observations on the young in the nest were conducted over a period of thirty-eight hours and twenty-nine minutes between July 31 and August 8. During this time 176 feedings were administered. 2. Brooding was carried on only by the female. 3. At no time during our observations were the young in- dulged with a vegetarian diet, although the adults were seen to eat blueberries on at least two occasions. The food of the nestlings was entirely of insects either in the larval or adult stage. 4. On many occasions the parent bird fed more than one nestling. At no time was feeding by regurgitation observed. 5. At no time during our observation was the male hermit thrush heard to sing, although the familiar high-pitched call very like that of the cedar waxwing was given often. 6. The nestlings did not always void the excreta sac immedi- ately after being fed, sometimes not for several minutes or even longer after the act of feeding occurred. 7. During approximately the first half of the nestling period the adults swallowed the excreta sac. During the latter half of 2 Audubon, John James, American Ornithological Biography, I, 1831, 303. NESTING HABITS OF HERMIT THRUSH 21 the period the sac was usually, although not invariably, carried away. The female was seen to swallow an excreta sac at the nest on August 7. 8. Toward the close of the nestling period the adults re- mained away from the nest for considerable intervals. Some- times the adults returned to the nest without food and only for the purpose of carrying away the voided excreta sacs. 9. The male and female each had their own particular mode of approach to the nest, the female usually alighting a few feet from it and running quietly up to the young while the male usually alighted almost immediately at the nest with food. He was more nervous and noisy in his actions than the female. | Obtainable from the University Librarian: Price $ 40 kepimos om je w FIRST SERIES No. 40 JANUARY 1, 1921 DEC 141920 UNIVERSITY OF IOWA STUDIES STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY VOLUME IX NUMBER 3 THE EROSIONAL HISTORY OF THE DRIFTLESS AREA But 2 by ARTHUR C. TROWBRIDGE 115800% To 8 03 PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, IOWA CITY Issued semi-monthly throughout the year. Entered at the post office at Iowa City Iowa, as second class matter. Acceptance for mailing at special rates of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October 2, 1917, authorized on July 3, 1918. TV UNIVERSITY OF IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY PROFESSOR CHARLES CLEVELAND NUTTING, M. A., Editor Continuation of Bulletin from the Laboratories of Natural History of the State University of Iowa VOLUME IX NUMBER 3 THE EROSIONAL HISTORY OF THE DRIFTLESS AREA by ARTHUR C. TROWBRIDGE PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, IOWA CITY 1 1 1 PART I MULTIPLE EROSION CYCLES IN PRINCIPLE # 2 CONTENTS - - Page INTRODUCTORY SKETCH - 7 MORE THAN ONE CYCLE OF EROSION 9 Theoretic Considerations 9 Evidences of More than One Cycle 12 Interrupted Profile 12 Stream Terraces 13 Intrenched Meanders 15 Associated Sets of Straight and Crooked Streams 19 Antecedent Streams 21 Windgaps 24 Even-crested Summit Areas 26 In Regions of Folded Strata 27 In Regions of Horizontal or Nearly Horizontal Strata 28 In Regions of Igneous Rocks 30 Intermediate Plains 31 Fluvial Deposits on Uplands 33 Combinations 34 MORE THAN TWO CYCLES 37 THE DETERMINATION OF DIASTROPHIC EVENTS 39 The Number of Movements 39 The Nature of Movements 40 Uniform Uplift 40 Uplift with Tilting 40 Uplift with Warping 41 Uplift with Faulting 43 Subsidence 44 The Amount of Movement 44 THE DETERMINATION OF DATES 45 The Ages of Old Erosion Surfaces 45 The Dates of Movement 47 The Duration of Geologic Time 48 CONCLUSION OF PART I - 49 - - || 4 PART I MULTIPLE EROSION CYCLES IN PRINCIPLE INTRODUCTORY SKETCH First steps in the interpretation of the erosional histories of regions were taken when (1) the processes of land de- gradation by streams were worked out, (2) the limits of change were recognized, and (3) the stages of reduction, expressed in the terms youth, maturity, and old age were described. Second steps were taken by Dutton? who conceived that the Arizona plateau had been degraded to low levels and then had been uplifted in such a way as to start new cycles of erosion. Following the lead of Dutton but bringing to bear upon their studies critical and analytical methods Willis", Hayes and Campbell, Davis and others wrote his- tories of parts of the Appalachian mountains, not only pre- senting and explaining evidences of more than one cycle of erosion, but working out evidences of more than two cycles, describing the degree of completeness of reduction reached in each cycle, giving the geologic dates of each event in the erosional history of the region, interpreting the number, character and dates of uplift, etc. But, by its very thoroughness and accuracy, this work has led un- fortunately to confusion. Later the principles so well used in the Appalachian region were applied, with little con- sideration, to regions where their application was doubt- ful. Complex series of events were thus assigned to regions whose histories were simple, and there came to be more raised peneplains in literature than in the field. The care- 1. Dutton, C. E., “Tertiary History of the Grand Canyon District," U. S. Gcol. Surr., Monograph No. 2, 1882. 2. Willis, Bailey, The Northern Appalachians, Physiography of United States, 1895, pp. 169-202. 3. Hayes, Willard C., and Campbell, M. R., “Geomorphology of the Southern Appa- lachians," Nat'l Geog. Mag., Vol. VI (1894), pp. 63-126. Davis, W. M.. "Rivers and Valleys of Pennsylvania," Nat'l Geog. Mag., Vol. I (1889), pp. 183-253. 7 8 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY lessness of physiographic interpretation during this time was followed by a period of reaction ushered in by the criticism of Tarrl who seems to have been the first to sound a note of warning and present the idea that not all flattish surfaces above streams are old peneplains. But now Tarr's argument in turn seems to have been carried beyond the point intended by its author, for many geologists having convinced themselves and others that some physiographic features which have been described as raised peneplains are not old erosion surfaces, have pro- ceeded to the extreme conclusion that there are no such things as raised peneplains and consider no evidence either in favor of or against the peneplain theory in working out the histories of regions in the field. The conclusion that because some upland flats are not old peneplains there is no such thing as raised peneplains is as unwarranted and as great detriment in the search for truth as was the con- clusion of the older physiographers that because some up- land surfaces were old peneplains, all such surfaces could be identically interpreted. The extreme reaction against the peneplain theory seems to be giving way at present to a revival of interest in the subject, as shown in the spirited discussion among Umple- by”, Atwood", Blackwelder', and Rich”, all of whom assume the existence of a raised peneplain and differ among them- selves only in regard to the age of the plain. R. T. Cham- berlin' also clearly believes in the peneplain theory, as evi- denced in one of his latest productions. Physiographers seem still to be about evenly divided into two groups, the mem- bers of one of which disregard the peneplain theory er- 1 1. Tarr. Ralph S., “The Peneplain," Am. Geol. Vol. XXI (1898). pp. 351-371. 2. Umpleby, Joseph B., "An Old Erosion Surface in Idaho- Its Age and Value as a Datum Plane," Jour. Gool., Vol. XX, No. 2, pp. 139-147; “An Old Erosjon Surface in Eastern Utah Its Age and Value in Time Determination,' Abstract, Wash. cad. Sei. Jour., Vol. 2, pp. 109-110, 1912; "The Old Erosion Surface in Idaho," Jour. Geol., Vol. XXI. pp. 221 et seq, 1913. 3. Atwood, Wallace W., "The Physiographie Conditions at Butte, Montana and Bingham Canyon, Utah When the Copper Ores in These Districts were Enriched," Econ. Geol., Vol. XI, pr. 687-740, 1916 ; "Physiographic Conditions and Copper En- richment." Econ. Geol., Vol. XII, pp. 545-517, 1917. 4. Blackwelder, E.. "Physiographic Conditions and Copper Enrichment," Econ. Geol., Vol. XII, pp. 511-515, 1917. 5. Rich, John L., "An Old Erosion Surface in Idaho: Is it Eocene," Econ. Geol., Vol. XIII, No. 2, March, 1918. 6. Chamberlin, R. T., “The Building of the Colorado Rockies," Jour. Geol., Vol. XXVII, pp. 145-251. 1 EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 9 tirely in field work, while those of the other group believe that raised peneplains exist, but are doing little construct- ive thinking or writing in substantiation of the theory itself. It now seems appropriate to bring together all the methods which have been used in the interpretation of ero- sional histories, to analyze each method, to discuss its uses and abuses, and to attempt to assign to each its proper value. These are the purposes of this paper. Both in the analysis of the principles and in the con- struction of the paper, the writer has been greatly assisted by Professors R. D. Salisbury, M. M. Leighton, and Leroy Patton, of whom all were so kind as to read the first draft and to make helpful suggestions for incorporation in the final paper. MORE THAN ONE CYCLE OF EROSION Theoretic Considerations The rate of land degradation by streams has been esti- mated at 1 foot in 9000 years, under conditions which ex- ist in the United States'. If the average altitude of the land today be taken as 2300 feet it would take more than 20,000,000 years for streams to reduce the land to sea level. But the process of degradation becomes slower as the lands are reduced. This progressively decreasing rate of re- duction carried through from youth to the ideal base- levelled condition would involve an amount of time approaching infinity. Indeed, it seems doubtful if geologic time has been as long as a complete cycle of erosion would be. But, though it be uncertain that lands were ever re- duced to base level, they have been reduced to low levels; that is, perfect baselevel plains are probably not formed, but peneplains may be. There is no theoretic reason for believing that extensive areas have not been peneplained again and again. If the history of land surfaces were merely a matter of formation and subsequent degradation, most lands should to-day be in the condition of peneplains. The fact that 1. Water Supply Paper No. 234, U. S. Geological Survey, pp. 78-83. 10 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 1 high lands exist demonstrates that there are forces which give lands high altitudes and that these forces, on the average, at least balance the processes of degradation. These renewing forces are diastrophic. There is not perfect agreement among geologists con- cerning some of the phases of diastrophism, but the prin- ciples involved in land formation are fairly well agreed up- on. Lands are due to lithospheric contraction. As the lithosphere shrinks, the ocean basins settle more than the continental platforms, the capacity of the ocean basins in- creases, the water withdraws from the continental plat- forms, and lands are increased in area or height or both. If lands have been reduced to low levels and the lithosphere shrinks, these lands are left higher by the withdrawal of the sea and a new cycle of erosion is inaugurated. If diastrophism were a continuous process, land would be reduced slowly if general degradation exceeded uplift, it would remain at a generally constant level if degradation and uplift were equal, and it would become slowly higher if uplift took place more rapidly than degradation. The height of land would depend upon a balance between dias- trophic uplift and degradation by all agents of which run- ning water is chief. Pronounced diastrophism manifests itself periodically rather than continuously. Degradation goes on uninter- ruptedly between periods of diastrophism, but sooner or later the uplift comes, degradation is renewed and new cycles of crosion are inaugurated. The relative duration of erosion cycles and diastrophic periods now becomes important. If the diastrophic period is longer than the erosional cycle, land is totally destroyed and then formed again. If the periodic uplifts come so frequently and the land is uplifted each time so high that the land added by each uplift is not entirely destroyed be- fore the next uplift, the history is one of land increase, partial degradation, further increase, partial degradation, and so on. Neither the cycle of erosion nor the diastrophic period is of determinate duration, and therefore there can be no invariable rule in their relative valucs, but a study EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 11 of geologic history leads to the conclusion that the complete erosion cycle is in most cases at least longer than the dias- trophic period. This being the case most cycles of erosion are interrupted by uplift and few if any cycles of erosion have been complete. Doubtless there have been cases in which lands have been so reduced by all the agencies at work on their surfaces and by deposition in the sea that the sea spread over them, but probably there has never been a time when whole continents have been so destroyed. In any case the present paper deals only with those surfaces which have not been reduced to the condition of sub- mergence. The question now arises as to what stage of degradation is reached by the average surface before the cycle is in- terrupted. Tarrl has argued that because there are few if any low level plains to-day which have been developed by streams, there never have been any and that pleneplains have never existed. This conclusion is hardly warranted, for the present day may be one closely following an uplift. The writer would agree that probably no continent-wide and perfectly flat erosional plains have been developed in the past, but he cannot agree that smaller areas have not been brought to an earlier stage of reduction which might be defined by the term peneplain. It seems unavoidable to suppose that erosion cycles might be interrupted either in youth, maturity, or old age. But interruption in old age should theoretically be most common, for degradation takes place most rapidly in youth and maturity, and is much slower in old age. Land is reduced rather quickly to the peneplain stage but further reduction to complete base level is almost infinitely slow. That is, in a complete cycle the stage of old age would be longer than youth and maturity. If a region rcached old age in the first cycle and has gone only to maturity of the second, some of the characteristics of the first cycle will have held over into the second, and the history should be ascertainable. If on the other hand, a region is in youth of the first cycle when the interruption 1. Tarr, R. S., “The Peneplain," Am. Geol., Vol. 21, pp. 351-370. 12 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 1 1 occurs, and it is in youth of the second cycle at the time of observation, it would be almost impossible to determine that it had entered upon a second cycle. It would be still more difficult to interpret the history of a region in which a cycle of erosion had gone so nearly to completeness that all evi- dences of a former cycle had been obliterated. Indeed, satisfactory determination seems to be almost limited to cases where each cycle of erosion is less nearly complete than those which preceded. . 1 Evidences of More Than One Cycle of Erosion Several different physiographic features have been used as criteria for more than one cycle of erosion in the history of land surfaces. If their relative values are to be fixed, it is necessary that each of these features be analyzed. Interrupted Profile Streams which have reached grade, normally have con- cave profiles with progressively decreasing gradients from source to debouchure. (abc Fig. 1). If such a profile be 1 Fig. 1. A diagram in explanation of interi upted profile due to rejuvenation of a stream. abc is the profile of the stream in old age of the first cycle when sea level was cd. abe is the profile after sea level has taken the position ef and the rejuve- nated stream has worked headward to be. developed in old age of a first cycle of erosion and if the region then be uplifted so that a steep bordering slope is formed, rejuvenating the stream, degradation will be re- newed first near the mouth of the stream, where a new valley and a new profile will be developed. As this new valley, with its profile, is extended headward, there will come a time when there is a double or interrupted profile (abe Fig. 1) in which the upper portion was made in the EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 13 first cycle and the lower portion in the second cycle of erosion. There are, however, distinct limitations to the use of in- terrupted profiles as criteria of rejuvenated streams. Any stream which flows across resistant to non-resistant rock, and which has not yet brought the resistant rock to grade, may develop an interrupted profile in a single cycle of erosion. (Fig. 2). If a relatively flat surface emerged Soft Rock Hard Rock Soft Rock Fig. 2. Diagram showing how interrupted profile abc may be developed in a single cycle of erosion with reference to sea level cd, due to inequalities in the hardness of the rock formations. from the sea and came to stand distinctly above its sur- roundings, as in the case of a plateau, water would run down the gently sloping summit surface and down the steep bordering slope and would acquire an interrupted profile which would last until the lower portion of the stream had worked headward to the very source of drainage. Any region therefore having unequally resistant rock or any flattish surface bordered by a distinct descent, may have streams with interrupted profiles. In the abstract, interrupted profiles in the streams of a region merely suggest that the region may be in the second cycle; they do not furnish strong evidence, much less proof, of a second cycle. They amount to strong evidence, only after all other possible interpretations have been eliminated by careful study in the field. Stream Terraces The uplift of a surface in which a stream has previously reduced its bed to grade and developed a valley flat causes the stream to intrench itself in the flood plain and form 14 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY terraces. (Fig. 3). Terraces so formed involve more than one cycle of erosion. However, stream terraces are formed in a single cycle of erosion (1) by unequal widening at the levels of un- . equally resistant horizontal strata, (2) by the partial re- moval of glacial or fluvio-glacial fills in valleys, (3) by the o ! 1 - - - C I ☺ B - - - B. Fig. 3. Diagram showing how stream terraces may be formed by uplift of the sur- face after a stream has developed a valley fat. The profile abcdfgh is the cross sec- tion of the valley after grade level AA has been reached. By uplift a new level was established at BB, the rejuvenated stream cut the new valley cef, and terraces bc and fg were formed. 1 recession of falls through temporarily graded valley bot- toms, (4) by the removal of dams, such as landslides, lava flows, sand dunes, etc., (5) by renewed erosion of a valley flat, due to increased volume in a pirate stream, (6) by the intrenchment of graded valley bottoms as a stream acquires greater length and more and longer tributaries and comes to drain a larger area, and increases in volume, (7) by a graded stream receiving less load from its head as gradients are lowered, and intrenching itself, (8) by a stream picking up much fine material from its flood plain and dropping less coarse material in its place, (9) by the shifting of meander belts down stream, etc. These are common pro- cesses and all the events in the history of many stream ter- races take place in a single erosion cycle. From the above, it is clear that terraces along the streams of a region can seldom be used as adequate evidence of more than one cycle of erosion. On the other hand, if stream terraces can be analyzed and all possibilities can be elimi- nated except the one involving more than one cycle of ero- sion, they might be considered to be more than merely sug- gestive of a second cycle, especially if there are other evi- dences which corroborate the conclusion. 1 F EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 15 Intrenched Meanders Meandering streams in young valleys have long been used as evidence of second cycles of erosion in regions. By some they have been used as proof, even in regions which afford practically no other evidence of more than one cycle of erosion'. As commonly interpreted, the history of in- trenched meanders is somewhat as follows: (1) in a first cycle of erosion a stream reaches grade, becomes sluggish, and develops a broad valley flat and broad meanders; (2) the surface is uplifted relative to sea, the stream is re- juvenated, and intrenches itself without changing its mean- dering course. The value of intrenched meanders as evidences of more than one cycle depends upon the definition of meanders, and the accuracy with which they may be distinguished from other crooks in streams. During all stages of their history all streams are more or less crooked. The first water which flows over a newly formed land surface concentrates in crooked courses, (1) where there are original depressions irregularly distributed, (2) where unequally resistant materials are not arranged in orderly fashion, or (3) where there are differences in the amount of water supply. If in this stage the streams are flowing over a low, almost flat surface, they are easily deflected and curves are developed which are identical in principle with meanders developed on valley flats by streams at grade. In this first stage of its history such a stream is said to be consequent and its curves might be called consequent crooks. Continuing their histories, such streams lengthen by headward erosion, their heads being extended up the steepest slopes, through the least resistant material, and toward the greatest water supply. Inasmuch as these determining conditions are irregularly distributed on most surfaces, this stage of stream adjustment involves the development of a second set of crooks which are also consequent. As the cycle of valley development and the cycle of land reduction continue, a third stage is reached in which stream piracy takes place, Fourth Gannett, Henry, “Physiographic Types," Folio No. 1, U. S. Geol. Surv. map and page 2. 16 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 9 1 streams are diverted and beheaded, drainage is reversed in direction, and still other crooks are developed. During any one of these first stages in stream adjustment, streams may reach temporary grade, on the upstream sides of resistant rock or upstream from glacial dams, blocking lava flows, landslides, or artificial dams, and develop meanders. Finally, when the stream has developed its valley to old age, has large tributaries and large volume, and has reached a still later stage of adjustment, the stream is sluggish, is likely to be depositing, is easily turned from side to side, and stream meanders, as the term is commonly applied, are formed. The crooks developed in the first three stages as outlined above, may be formed and intrenched in a single cycle of erosion. It would require an uplift and a second cycle of erosion for the intrenchment of the meanders de- veloped in the fourth stage. If meanders be defined as the curves acquired by a stream in the late stages of valley de- velopment, intrenched meanders would be proof of a second cycle of erosion. But a difficulty lies in distinguishing such meanders from crooks developed during earlier stages. The writer does not see any means of distinguishing crooks developed in youth on a flat surface (Fig. 4, AA and BB) nor meanders formed on temporary flood plains up- stream from obstructions, from meanders developed in old age (Fig. 4 DD and EE). It seems even difficult, and in (. many cases impossible to distinguish the meanders of old age from ordinary crooks due to topography, irregularities of resistance, or stream piracy (Fig. 4 CC). It has been said that meanders differ from other crooks, (1) in being more symmetrical, (2) in being so arranged that every portion of the stream course is a part of two meanders, and (3) in having a ratio of distance across the necks of meanders to distance around the meanders of about 1 to 7. A study of the courses of the Missouri and Sioux rivers on the Elk Point, S. D. topographic sheet, the Mis- souri and Platte rivers on the Leavenworth, Kas, sheet, Mis- sissippi river on the Baton Rouge, La. sheet, Missouri river on the Marshall, Mo. sheet, the Wabash, White and Patoka river's on the Princeton, Ind. sheet, the Wabash and Little EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 17 r. suora که Fig. 4. A series of plats of stream courses of different histories. AA is a part of the course of Maple river taken from the Casselton, No. Dak. topo- graphic sheet. It has a consequent course in youth of its first cycle. Curves devel- oped on low, flat land. BB Rock river, Waterloo, Wis. sheet. A consequent stream on the surface of glacial drift. CC Deerfield river, Wilmington, Vt. sheet. A stream in harmony with rock hardness and topography. DD Platte river, Leavenworth, Kas, sheet. Meanders developed in old age. EE Big Sioux river, Elkpoint, So. Dak. sheet. Meanders developed in old age. 18 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 1 1 Wabash rivers on the New Haven, Ills. sheet, and Nemaha river on the Falls City, Nebr. sheet, all of which are streams with meanders formed in old age, shows that these three characteristics of meanders are more imaginary than real. Few if any distinguishable differences between the mean- ders of old age and crooks made in other ways are brought out by the comparison of the meandering streams referred to with typical crooked streams not in old age, such as Red and Buffalo rivers on the Fargo, N. D. sheet, Otter creek on the Brandon, Vt. sheet, Deerfield river on the Wilming- ton, Vt. sheet, Des Moines river on the Boone, Iowa sheet, San Joaquin river on the Westley, Cal. sheet, Tuolumne river on the Westport, Cal. sheet, Canadian river on the Brilliant, N. M. sheet, Stanislaus river on the Ripon, Cal. sheet. There being no distinguishable differences between the meandering streams referred to above and ordinary streams which have never reached old age, it follows that it is impossible to tell from the maps, after a study of the curves themselves, whether intrenched meanders of the second cycle of erosion or ordinary crooks of the first cycle are illustrated in the Brazos river on the Palo Pinto, Texas sheet, Monongahela river on the Brownsville, Pa. sheet, Canondoquinet creek on the Harrisburg, Pa. sheet, Grant and Platte rivers on the Lancaster, Wis. sheet, and Osage river on the Tuscumbia and Forsyth, Mo. (Fig. 5) sheets. Intrenched meanders might, however, in some cases at least, be distinguished from consequent crooks by the pres- ence of outer valley walls. If the meander belt is located within outer valley walls and the stream is intrenched, the curves would seem to have been inherited from the mean- ders of an old age stage of valley development in a pre- vious cycle. With this exception, which would rarely apply except in the early stages of a second cycle following a cycle which was interrupted before the valley walls became indistinct, intrenched meanders as evidence of more than one cycle in the erosional history of a surface would seem to have little if any value. Only in combination with other and more decisive evidences would they rise in other cases above the rank of mere suggestion. EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 19 Associated Sets of Straight and Crooked Streams Although it seems impossible to distinguish intrenched meanders from other stream curves by a study of the curves themselves, comparison of a stream and its own tributaries will, in some cases at least, determine whether or not a Fig. 5. A plat of the course of White river taken from the Forsyth, Missouri top- agraphic map. The stream flows in a young valley, and its course has been inter- preted to be a series of intrenched meanders. Reference to Figure 4 brings out the danger in such interpretations. So far as the curves themselves are concerned, they might not be intrenched meanders, as that term is commonly applied, and the surface might have suffered only one cycle of erosion. crooked stream is in its second cycle. When a stream is old it meanders and has only a few tributaries which also meander. After rejuvenation, many other tributaries are developed, which do not meander. The early stages of a second cycle then would exhibit two sets of streams, one of which includes only a few large, conspicuously crooked streams, and the other set a large number of small, relative- ly straight streams. If all the streams of a region were formed in the same cycle under the same conditions, they should all show the same general character and degree of crookedness. If one set is curved and the other set straight, both cannot have been developed in the same cycle. (Fig. 6) ( It seems, therefore, that this association of one set of streams which meander and a second set the members of which are conspicuously more nearly straight affords strong evidence that the surface on which the two sets are thus associated is not in its first cycle of erosion. 20 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Fig. 6. A plat of the drainage of the Pittsburg Quadrangle. There are two distinct sets of streams, one including the large and most crooked streams, and the other the smaller and straighter ones. The large streams have a sort of curve different from that of the small ones. It seems that the large streams must have been developed to something like their present sizes and must have had their present courses before the small streams were started. The interpretation seems warranted that the courses of the large streams were established in old age of the first cycle of erosion and the small streams in the second cycle. EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 21 Antecedent Streams The value of antecedent streams as evidences of more than one cycle of erosion in a region depends upon the definition of the term antecedent. The term was originally applied by Powell' to streams which hold previously estab- lished courses as their beds are warped, folded, or faulted. The streams were supposed to degrade their beds as rapidly as the beds were warped up. Such a history does not necessarily involve more than one cycle of erosion, except in the places where up-warping occurs. Later the definition of antecedent streams was greatly broadened by Davis, Willis, and Hayes and Campbell, who applied the term to the Potomac, Susquehanna and other rivers of the Appalachian mountains. This whole region was folded and then peneplained, the rivers acquired their present courses on the peneplain, and then uplift of the whole surface took place and the streams intrenched them- selves in their old courses. According to this definition antecedent streams are those which develop courses inde- pendent of rock structures in old age of an erosion cycle and hold those courses after uplift. Such streams are im- portant evidences of more than one cycle. In a folded region, such as the Appalachian mountains at the end of the Paleozoic era, streams adjust their courses in several distinct stages during the first cycle of erosion. In stage I, the main streams flow parallel with the strike of the strata in the axes of the synclines and the tributaries flow down the limbs of the anticlines parallel with the dip and at right angles to the main streams. In this first stage the slope of the land controls the courses of the streams. In stage II, those streams acquire an advantage, which first penetrate resistant layers and come to flow on non-resist- ant layers parallel with the strike. In this stage the main drainage lines shift to the limbs or axes of the anticlines. (Fig. 7). Now it is the resistance of the rock and the rock structures which control the courses of the streams. Finally when old age has been reached and all or most of the rocks 1. Powell. J. W., "Explorations of the Colorado River of the West and Its Tribu- taries," p. 163. 1875. 22 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY have been reduced to grade, those streams which flow the shortest distance to the sea will have higher gradients than others and will therefore gradually absorb these other streams. The result is a drainage system in which the main streams flow the shortest distances to the sea irres- Fig. 7. Diagram to illustrate the change from Stage I to Stage II of stream ad- justment in regions of folded strata. (After Davis). . pective of rock structure or hardness, and even the tribu- taries flow into the mains by the shortest routes (Stage III, Fig 8). Near the divides where the streams are not at grade, tributaries may still be flowing parallel with the strike, controlled by the structure. In this third and final stage of adjustment the courses of the streams are again controlled by the topography, but the topography is not the same as it was in the first stage. Roughly, Stage I would correspond with youth of the cycle of erosion, Stage II with maturity, and Stage III with old age. If a region in which the streams have gone through the three stages of adjustment, be uplifted relative to the sea and the streams hold their courses during and after uplift, the streams in the second cycle would be antecedent accord- ing to the more recent use of the term. In a region of fold- EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 23 ed strata during maturity, streams which have courses parallel or oblique to the dip and flow the shortest distance to the sea, afford good evidence that the region has suffered more than one cycle of erosion. BMW Fig. 3. Diagram illustrating Stage III of stream adjustment. (After Davis). In case a region under investigation is not one of folded structures, the same general methods as outlined above may be applied. The stages of adjustment can be worked out and the corresponding stage of reduction. If the stage of reduction and stage of adjustment do not harmonize, the stream courses furnish evidence of more than one cycle of erosion. It must be recognized that by extremes in slope streams might work headward through hard rocks and that by ex- tremes in non-resistance, they might extend headward through topographic elevations so as to flow through water- gaps, all in the first cycle. It is not probable, however, that anything but the smaller streams of a region would in this 24 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY way develop courses which would appear to be out of har- mony with rock resistance and existing topography in a single cycle of erosion. Another case of antecedent streams involves superim- position. Streams which develop courses on newly formed surfaces, such as lava plains, emerging sea bottoms, or sur- faces of glacial drift, may cut through superficial deposits and become superimposed upon previously existing, irregu- lar, buried surfaces. Such streams may have courses en- tirely out of harmony with the resistance, structure and topography of the old surfaces. Superimposed streams are antecedent but they do not indicate that the youngest sur- face degraded has been reduced in more than one cycle of erosion. From the foregoing, it is seen that certain antecedent streams are significant of more than one cycle of erosion. If the main streams of a region show evidence of having reached a late stage of stream adjustment but if they are not in a late stage of erosion in the present cycle, they offer valuable and almost indisputable evidence of more than one cycle. The Susquehanna river shown in Fig. 9 practically proves that the region in which it has its course is not in its first cycle of erosion, if local warping under the stream and superimposition can be eliminated. Windgaps It has long been the prevalent opinion that most, if not all, windgaps are the result of diversions by piracy of streams flowing in narrows or watergaps across hard ridges, leaving the watergaps without water. If this is the origin of windgaps, they have some value as evidences of more than one cycle of erosion in the region in which they are found. Let a region of folded strata go to old age of a cycle of erosion and let the streams attain a final stage of adjustment following the shortest routes to the sea parallel or oblique with the dip of the strata. After uplift of the surface, new streams will be started which will adjust parallel with the strike on the less resistant formations. These streams under the new conditions will have the ad- EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 25 vantage of the antecedent streams oblique to the strike and will behead the antecedent streams. This leaves windgaps where the antecedent streams flowed across hard forma- SUSOLEHANNA 121131 ragile Fig. 9. Part of the Harrisburg, Pa. topographic nap, showing the antecedent course of the Susque- hanna river. Such a relation between stream course, topography, and rock structure proves that the surface has suffered more than one cycle of erosion. tions, provided these streams intrenched themselves in their old courses before piracy took place. In regions of folded strata there is possibility of piracy and the formation of windgaps in the first cycle of erosion. In passing from Stage I to Stage II of adjustment the main streams are diverted from courses on the synclines to cours- es on the limbs or axes of the anticlines, giving rise to drainage systems some portions of which are parallel with 26 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY the strike and other portions parallel with the dip. This stage is reached before the streams have reached their depth limits, and piracy may occur. Indeed, the change from Stage I to Stage II is not accomplished without piracy. In such cases streams parallel with the strike have the ad- vantage of streams flowing across the strike and windgaps are formed which might be indistinguishable from those due to piracy in the second cycle. Windgaps are not conspicuous in regions of horizontal strata nor in regions of massive rock, a fact which prac- tically limits the application of windgaps to regions of fold- ed or tilted strata. Another limitation in the use of windgaps as criteria for more than one cycle of erosion has recently been emphasized by Miller' who explains that windgaps may be formed by two streams working headward from opposite sides of the same divide, developing a permanent divide between their heads and forming a col. Such a col could hardly be dis- tinguished from gaps which had once been occupied by streams and then abandoned. A study of the relative sizes and gradients of the streams on either side of the divide might aid in determining the histories of such gaps. So difficult is it to distinguish wind gaps resulting from piracy in the second cycle from those developed during or- dinary adjustment or in the establishment of permanent divides in the first cycle that it is doubtful if they would ever, even under the most favorable circumstances afford important evidence of more than one cycle, taken alone. Even-crested Summit Areas Perhaps the fact that the uppermost surfaces of some regions approximate planeness and that the summit divides all come up to a nearly uniform level, has been more gen- crally used as a criterion of more than one cycle of erosion than has any other evidence. But the principle has been abused. Various terms have been used in connection with this point, such as "even-crested hogbacks," "even-crested ridges," "upland plains," "accordant summit levels," "even- 1. Miller, A. M., “Windgaps," Science, Vol. 42 (1915), pp. 571-573. EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 27 crested divides," "even-crested uplands," and "even-crested skylines.” The term “even-crested summit areas” seems to include every phase of the subject and to exclude inter- mediate plains, which might be included under some of the other terms and which constitutes a separate point. Study of the principles involved in the formation of topographies in which the highest elevations are flat-topped and have about the same altitude, shows that such even- crested summit areas constitute better evidence of more than one cycle if the rocks involved are folded or tilted or massive, than if they are horizontal or nearly horizontal strata. In Regions of Folded Strata: A plain which bevels fold- ed strata might be interpreted as recording the following events: (1) the folding of the strata, forming a topography of high relief with anticlinal ridges and synclinal troughs; (2) erosion of the surface until a large part is brought to grade, leaving the surface relatively flat; (3) uplift of the land relative to sea, renewed degradation by streams and the relatively rapid removal of the non-resistant materials, leaving the outcrops of the harder formations as ridges or hogbacks, the tops of which are remnants of the peneplain developed in the first cycle. It seems difficult to the writer to assign any other history than that outlined above to topographies illustrating even- crested summit areas in regions of folded strata. Other possible interpretations may be mentioned. Tarri has ob- jected to the idea that the more or less even-crested ridges of the Appalachian region represent an ancient peneplain and points out (1) that they are by no means of a common level and (2) that elevations made of about equally resist- ant rock, starting with their summits above timberline, would be eroded rapidly and about equally to timberline, and then acquire more or less uniform levels, all in a single erosional cycle. It should be noted that these even-crests are not at timberline. Other investigators” have proven, 1. Tarr, R. S.. Am. Geol., Vol. 21, pp. 351-370. 2. Davis. W. M., Am. Jour. Sci. 1889, Vol. 37, p. 430 ; Willis, Bailey, Physiography of the United States, pr. 169-202 ; Hayes and Campbell, Nat'l Geoy. Mag., Vol. 6, pp. 65-126. 28 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 1 by the application of a combination of other evidences, that the Appalachian mountains have been eroded in more than one cycle and that at the accordant summits of the ridges there are remnants of a surface formed in a cycle previous to the present one. It has also been argued that mountain ridges can main- tain only a certain elevation because the surrounding area is not able to support the greater pressure which would operate if the ridges were higher. This is a part of the theory of isostasy. No discussion of this theory is in place here. It need only be said that the structure of the rocks in most areas where there are accordant summit levels is such as to prove that the elevations were once much higher than they now are and that they have been reduced by streams. It is also possible to assume, until proven otherwise, that accordant summit levels in a folded region are remnants of a plain of marine denudation. The criteria for distinguish- ing remnants of such a plain and remnants of a true pene- plain are clear. If the sea cut its way on the land for any considerable distance, portions of the wave-cut terrace would become sites of marine deposition and when the sea- denuded plain became land, it would be covered with marine sediments, which of course might be removed later. Also the border of an old plain of marine denudation would be a shoreline and erosion remnants on its surface would have the contour of islands. It has never been proven that plains of wide extent are made by this method, especially if the plain be inland, and no even-crested summit areas have ever been proven to be remnants of plains of marine de- nudation. It should not be said that even-crested summit areas in regions of folded strata considered alone, prove more than one cycle of erosion, but they afford strong corroborative evidence to that effect. In Regions of horizontal or nearly horizontal strata: Ac- cordant summit levels, where strata are horizontal or near- ly so, afford possibilities of interpretation not applicable in EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 29 regions of folded strata. In a previous article by the writeri an upland plain in northwestern Illinois was conceived to be (1) an original marine plain of deposition; (2) a marine plain of erosion; (3) a structural plain; or (4) a true pene- plain. Only in case such upland plains can be proven to be true peneplains do they constitute proof of more than one cycle in the erosional history of a region. For the de- tailed discussion of the characterizing features of plains formed in the four ways outlined above, readers are re- ferred to the article cited. A plain of marine deposition should be parallel with the rock strata and should not have on its surface deposits of any sort younger than the marine formations which underlie it. A plain of marine erosion should be bordered by higher land and separated from this land by a shoreline. It should bevel the edges of rock for- mations; its surface should contain marine deposits young- er than the formations which the plain bevels and any rem- nants which stand above it should be isle-like. A structural plain would be located on a resistant formation and would be parallel with the dip of that formation. If upland flats are remnants of a true peneplain, the surface represented by them when reconstructed should not, except in unusual cases, be parallel with rock structure, should be more or less uneven, have dendritic erosion remnants above it, and have fluvial deposits on its surface. There might be cases in which it would be impossible to determine the correct one of these four origins of upland plains, but if they be studied carefully enough and over sufficiently wide areas, correct interpretation should be possible. Recently, Martinº has expressed the opinion that features of the topography of the Driftless Area of Wisconsin, which have been most generally interpreted as even-crested sum- mit areas representing an old peneplain, can better be ex- plained by assuming that the topography is due to the un- equal erosion in a single cycle of series of unequally resist- ant rock formations having a slight monoclinal dip. After defining a cuesta as “an upland with a short steep descent, 1. Trowbridge, A. C., Jour. Geol., Vol. 21, pp. 731-738. 2. Martin. Lawrence, Bull. No. 36, Wis. Geol. and Nat'l Hist. Surv., pp. 63-70. 30 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY or escarpment, on one side and a long, gentle slope on the other," and stating that "the gentle slope usually corres- ponds to the inclination or dip of slightly inclined sediment- ary rocks!,” he contends that the upland plains in the Drift- less Area are simply the gently sloping surfaces of cuestas. If this is the correct interpretation of such upland surfaces, (1) the slope of any individual patch of summit area should correspond in direction and amount with the dip of the rock formations, (2) each upland area should be formed by resistant rocks, and (3) the altitude of the summit of any given cuesta should depend upon the resistance of the rocks forming it and the length of time it had been exposed to erosion after the removal by streams of all overlying rock formations. Any considerable areas of summit flats now poorly drained and forming broad divides between present streams would hardly be formed in this way in a single cycle of erosion. If individual summit areas were found to bevel the edges of layers or formations, if these areas are large and far from present streams, if some of the rock forma- tions bevelled by the surfaces are non-resistant, and es- pecially if a surface reconstructed by filling the lowlands to the summit areas is found to have a uniform slope in direc- tion and amount, if this slope be uniformly greater or less than the dip of the beds, and if irregularities in rock struc- ture and rock resistance do not influence this surface, the even-crested summit areas co:ild hardly be considered to be merely a series of cuestas. In Regions of Igneous Rocks: If massive igneous rocks solidified below the surface of the lithosphere be eroded in such a way as to leave flat-topped and accordant elevations, it seems that at least two cycles must have been involved in the history of the topography, except in cases where the massive rock had a flat surface to begin with. In the nor- mal case it would require a cycle of erosion to remove over- lying rocks and flatten the surface of the igneous rocks, and 1 I 1. Op. Cit., p. 42. EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 31 a second cycle to degrade some of the land further and leave the previous surface represented by the flat summit areas. It seems that accordant summit levels would be as strong evidence of more than one cycle in regions of massive igne- ous rocks as in regions of folded strata. Extrusive lava sheets and intruded sills might form flat- topped hills, when eroded, without offering more than a bare suggestion of more than one cycle of erosion. In any case there is an unanswerable question as to how flat upland surfaces must be and how nearly to a common level their remnants must come before weight is given to them as evidences of more than one cycle of erosion. Even in the regions which have suffered more than one cycle there are several causes of irregularity in the topography of the upland plain. In the first place most peneplains at the close of the first cycles are not flat. A total relief of several hundred feet would not be incompatible with the term peneplain, provided large portions of the surface had been brought to grade. Secondly, the surface might be warped, folded, tilted, or faulted as it is uplifted. Finally, erosion might roughen the upland surface after rejuvena- tion of the streams, without entirely destroying its former characters. The larger and flatter summit areas are, and the more nearly accordant they are, the more definitely can the term "even-crested summit areas" be applied to them, and the more certainly can the erosional histories of regions be read from them. The failure of accordance in the up- lands of a region could under no circumstances be taken as a proof that the region had not been eroded in more than one cycle. Even-crested summit areas should be used as evidence of more than one cycle of erosion only after complete and care- ful study. Intermediate Plains The term intermediate plain has not been used before as an evidence of more than one cycle, but the principle in- volved has been used extensively and to good advantage, without previously having been named. In the present con- 32 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY nection an intermediate plain may be defined as one having a position intermediate between the summits of the high- est elevations and the bottoms of the deepest valleys (Fig. 10). Or intermediate plains might be defined as plains Fig. 10. Diagrammatic section illustrating an ideal intermediate plain. above which stand erosion remnants and below which are valleys. The erosional history of such a region as is shown in Fig. 10, would seem to involve two cycles of erosion and to be somewhat as follows: (1) the formation of a land surface at levels at or above the present summits, (2) the reduction of the region and the formation of a peneplain, (3) the uplift of the region, rejuvenating the streams, and (4) the development of the valleys. This sort of topography seems to be and is strong evidence of more than one cycle of erosion, although it hardly amounts to proof. Plains having similar relations to erosion remnants and valleys might be structural. It is conceivable that streams might cut through soft surficial material, to a thick, hard formation of rock, then find further degradation retarded to such an extent that by processes of widening, the soft material might be removed over wide areas before the hard formation is cut through, leaving only a few remnants above the level of the top of the resistant formation. The surface in this stage might resemble a peneplain. Finally, the streams might sink themselves below the hard forma- tion and develop valleys at levels below the structural plain. However, it seems difficult to conceive that, even under the most favorable circumstances, intermediate plains of wide extent could be formed in this way. Rock terraces might be so formed, but hardly plains which spread across divides from valley to valley. Such structural plains, also, should be parallel with rock structure and everywhere located on rocks more resistant than their surroundings. EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 33 If a Intermediate plains might be remnants of a plain of marine erosion, but the erosion remnants above it should be isle-like and its surface should contain marine deposits. Obviously no intermediate plain of great extent could be an original marine plain of deposition. Neither is it clear that the remnants of an intermediate plain could be the sur- face of a series of cuestas formed in a single cycle. rough topography were developed by streams and then the lowlands were filled, but not to the level of the summit areas, by glacial material or lava flows having a flat sur- face, streams might so dissect the glacial or volcanic fill as to leave remnants of an intermediate plain which would not record more than one cycle of erosion, in the usual sense at least. Fluvial Deposits on Uplands Where stream deposits are found occupying topographic positions distinctly above present stream beds, whether they lie on summit areas or areas of intermediate plain, on divides or on slopes above drainage, there is evidence that streams which once deposited, ceased depositing and began to degrade. As old streams most commonly aggrade and young streams degrade their beds, there is suggestion in such relations of deposits to stream beds, that the streams were once old and deposited and became young again, carv- ing out the valleys below the levels of the deposits. That is, such a relationship suggests that the land was uplifted after some portions at least had been brought to grade and that more than one erosion cycle was involved in the history of the topography in which such relationship exists. In case of upland or intermediate plains due to structure, streams flowing from soft material to the hard rock which forms the plain may be held at temporary grade on the soft material while degradation of the hard rock is in progress, and might deposit on the upstream side of the hard rock. Later in the same erosion cycle, when the hard formation has been cut through, the streams might cut down, leaving the deposits on the structural plain. It is hardly conceiv- able, however, that deposits which have had such histories would be found widely spread over upland surfaces. 34 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY . It is possible for a stream not at grade to deposit, to shift its course slightly, and to sink its channel deeper, leaving its deposits in small areas as pockets or patches on upper slopes. Small patches of fluvial gravel or sand found on slopes above present drainage might be explained in this way, but thick fluvial deposits spread widely over upland flats could not be so explained. The application of this point is also limited by the diffi- culty in . distinguishing fluvial deposits from marine or eolian or glacial or lacustrine deposits, especially after long exposure. Undoubted fluvial deposits spread widely over upland sur- faces would disprove that those surfaces represent plains of marine deposition or of marine erosion or are merely the tops of cuestas. They would almost or quite disprove the structural hypothesis for the origin of the upland plain on which they lie. Therefore, they constitute strong evidence of more than one cycle of erosion. 1 Combinations If the analysis of each of the evidences of more than one cycle of erosion has been followed up to this point, it is clear that no one of these evidences, in the abstract and taken alone, can be said to prove more than one cycle in the erosional history of a region. However, the study of concrete cases of individual points may yield such proof. Some of the evidences usually assigned merely suggest more than one cycle of erosion if taken abstractly, but become strong evidence when properly restricted by the elimination of other possible interpretations. Others are strong evi- dence in the abstract, and amount to proof if properly ap- plied and limited. The relative values of these evidences are summed up in the accompanying table. Interrupted profile and stream terraces could hardly amount to more than a suggestion of more than one cycle of erosion unless all other possible interpretations had been eliminated by careful study in the field. So nearly impossible is it to distinguish the meanders of old age from other crooks in streams that intrenched mean- EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 35 ders afford no more than a suggestion of more than one cycle. Associated sets of straight and crooked streams, on the other hand, are strong evidence of more than one cycle. TABLE SHOWING THE RELATIVE VALUES OF THE VARIOUS EVIDENCES OF MORE THAN ONE CYCLE OF EROSION IN REGIONS Proof Strong Evidence X? X? Mere Suggestion X X X No. Name 1 Interrupted Profile 2 Stream Terraces 3 Intrenched Meanders 4 Associated Sets of Straight and Crooked Streams 5 Antecedent Streams 6 Windgaps 7 Even-crested Summit Areas 8 Intermediate Plains 9 Fluvial Deposits on Uplands X? X X X? X X X X? X X X? X? Those antecedent streams which can be proven to have gone to the final stage of stream adjustment and are not now in adjustment prove more than one cycle of erosion; any ante- cedent stream, except one in which warping has followed establishment of the stream course or one which is due to superimposition, is strong evidence of more than one cycle. Windgaps made by the abandonment of watergaps in the changing of streams from antecedent to adjusted courses form strong evidence and other windgaps merely suggest more than one cycle. Especially even-crested summit areas in regions of folded strata, are good evidences of more than cne cycle of erosion, but from these ideal conditions the value deteriorates almost to zero in regions of horizontal strata or where accordance of summit areas is more im- aginary than real. It is believed that carefully investigated intermediate plains may prove more than one cycle and that any intermediate plain of wide extent is strong evi- dence. Fluvial deposits either on intermediate plains or on summit areas might prove more than one cycle under cer- tain conditions and would be valuable evidence in any case. It is to be noted that most of the abstract evidences have more weight in regions of folded strata than where strata are horizontal. 36 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY But the investigator must depend upon certain combina- tions of the various evidences, rather than upon single points, if he is to prove or disprove that given regions have suffered more than one cycle of erosion. It is unlikely that a surface which has been peneplained and then uplifted relative to the sea would show only one of the evidences of having had such a history. The sequence of events which involves two erosion cycles, and which gives rise to one of these lines of evidence, may give rise to all. If a region shows only one of these evidences the value of that one should be discounted because none of the others is shown. On the other hand a combination of several of these evi- dences in a region furnishes a progression toward definite conclusions which is geometrical rather than arithmetical. Referring again to the table above, Nos. 5, 8 and 9, all found together in a region, even without special analysis, would come near to proving more than one erosion cycle in the history of the surface, and if properly analyzed the com- bination might prove such a history beyond the possibility of a doubt. Similarly, proof might be obtained through the combinations of Nos. 4, 7 and 9; or Nos. 5, 6 and 8; or Nos. 4, 5 and 7; or perhaps by a combination of 8 and 9, or 5 and 7. Combinations of 4 and 8, 7 and 9, 4 and 6, or 1, 4 and 7 might under certain topographic conditions af- ford strong evidence or even proof. Even Nos. 1 and 2 combined might under certain circumstances be strong evidence of more than one cycle. It therefore seems clear that by distinguishing these various features in the topographies of regions, by the proper analysis of their possibilities and limitations under existing conditions, and by certain combinations, it is pos- sible to determine that (1) regions have certainly suffered more than one cycle of erosion, or that (2) they have prob- ably suffered more than one cycle, or that (3) they have possibly suffered more than one cycle. If careful study of a topography reveals no one of these evidences, or if it re- veals only one or two whose origin after analysis is found not to involve more than one cycle, it could be concluded that (4) the surface has probably not been eroded in more EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 37 than one cycle. There would be cases where it would be entirely impossible to demonstrate that (5) the surface had certainly not been eroded in more than one cycle. If the deposits laid in a near-by sea during the erosional history of a land surface are available for study, evidence of more than one cycle of erosion on the land might be found in them. If a series of formations graded upward from conglomerate at the base through sandstone, shale, and limestone to another conglomerate, it would seem that the lower series including coarse, medium, and fine materi- als would correspond respectively with youth, maturity and old age of an erosion cycle on the land and that the upper conglomerate would record an uplift of the land and the inauguration of a youthful stage of a second cycle. However, such gradations in marine sediments might be due to gradually changing climates, changing depth of water without affecting land and sea relations, or slightly migrating shorelines which do not materially effect the height of land relative to sea. Alternation of sediments might be used to good advantage in some cases to check the topographic evidences of erosion cycles. For instance, the Cretaceous and Tertiary deposits of the Atlantic Coastal Plain should and do, at least rough- ly, check in this way the erosional history of the Appala- chian mountains as stated by Willis, Hayes and Campbell, and Davis. Similarly it is believed that the Tertiary and Quaternary deposits of the Gulf Coastal Plain of Texas will help in interpreting the erosional history of the Cordillera. MORE THAN TWO CYCLES When it has been demonstrated that the erosional history of a given surface has involved more than one cycle, the question of the number of cycles arises. Theoretically the number of erosion cycles in a region is limited only by the length of time during which the surface has been subjected to fluvial processes and the frequency of positive diastrophic movements during that time. So far as geologic time and the frequency of land-forming diastrophic movements may be conjectured, there is no known limit to the number of 38 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 1 cycles which might have effected a topography. Such regions as the Piedmont Plateau or portions of the Lauren- tian Shield, which are thought to have been land since the beginning of the Cambrain period, have probably been peneplained and uplifted many times, although the detec- tion of so large a number of cycles would be extremely difficult, if not impossible. On the other extreme, surfaces fashioned by the Wisconsin ice sheet have probably nowhere been eroded in more than one cycle, so short has been the time since the retreat of the ice. The number of cycles of erosion which has affected 'a given region is to be determined by the number of sets of evidences of more than one cycle. For instance, in the Appalachian mountains, even-crested summit areas, ante- cedent streams, windgaps, intrenched meanders, associated sets of straight and crooked streams, intermediate plains and fluvial deposits on uplands, all are in evidence, and the combination proves more than one cycle of erosion in the history of the region. Obviously, even-crested summit areas which are the remnants of an old peneplain, and an inter- mediate plain representing an old peneplain, cannot belong to the same set of evidences if they both occur in the same region. Most of the antecedent streams and some of the windgaps of the Appalachian region belong with the set of evidences represented by the even-crested summit areas, and most of the intrenched meanders and associated sets of straight and crooked streams, and all of the fluvial deposits are clearly correlated with the intermediate plain. There seem to be two sets of intrenched meanders and two sets of antecedent streams, one set of each related to the upper plain and the other set to the intermediate plain. Thus, the older set of evidences includes even-crested summit areas, antecedent streams, windgaps and intrenched meanders, and the younger set consists of intermediate plain, fluvial deposits on divides, intrenched meanders, associated sets of straight and crooked streams, antecedent streams and wind- gaps. Each of these sets includes the proper combination of evidences to prove more than one cycle, hence it is con- cluded that the region is now in its third cycle, the first set EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 39 of evidences being proof of the first cycle, the second set proving that there was a second cycle carried to a late stage. The evidence of the beginning of the third and present cycle is found in the fact that the second set of evidences is related to a surface distinctly above the present streams. There are certain terrace-like features between the summit areas and the intermediate plain which suggest an additional cycle between the first and second, but as these benches have been proven to be structural and as there are no other evidences in the set, it is concluded that the mountains are in the third, rather than the fourth cycle. The method of procedure then, in determining the number of distinguishable cycles which have been involved in the erosional history of a region is as follows: (1) Determine how many of the evidences of more than one cycle of ero- sion the topography exhibits; (2) sort these evidences into the proper number of sets; (3) conclude that the total num- ber of distinguishable cycles is the number of sets of evi- dences plus one. The degree of certainty with which the number of cycles is determined depends upon the certainty with which the various sets of evidences record the in- dividual cycles. THE DETERMINATION OF DIASTROPHIC EVENTS Because diastrophism is involved in the formation and renewal of lands, the interpretation of the history of land surfaces includes also the diastrophic history. The Number of Movements In regions in which the land surfaces were originally formed by diastrophism the number of positive diastrophic movements is the same as the number of cycles of erosion. For instance, the Appalachian mountains were formed first by folding; this is movement No. 1. Movement No. 2 in- terrupted the first erosion cycle and inaugurated the second cycle; movement No. 3 started the third cycle. The region has suffered parts of three erosion cycles and there have been three upward diastrophic movements. Some surfaces, such as those formed by glaciation, by 40 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY lava flows, or by the draining of lakes, have no genetic rela- tion with diastrophism. On such surfaces the number of diastrophic movements is one less than the total number of cycles. The Nature of Movements Not only the number but the nature of diastrophic move- ments should be determinable in an interpretation of the erosional history of a region. There are several possible cases : (1) uniform uplift of the whole surface; (2) uplift with tilting; (3) uplift with warping; (4) uplift with fault- ing; (5) subsidence of the surface, with the four possible phases as outlined for uplift. Uniform Uplift: If a peneplain were formed and then uplifted uniformly, there would be a change in altitude but not in attitude. If the general slope of an old erosion sur- face, be its remnants on the summits or at intermediate levels in a topography, is approximately the same in direc- tion and amount as the slopes of other graded erosional sur- faces in the region, the inference would be that the uplift had been uniform. The difficulty with this point lies in the fact that no old erosion surface is perfectly flat, and it is difficult to determine whether consecutive graded surfaces are parallel. Also a graded plain might be uplifted uniform- ly and yet not be parallel with a younger peneplain if the streams had higher or lower gradients at the close of the second cycle than at the close of the first. However, if a peneplain represented by even-crested sum- mit areas is practically parallel with an intermediate plain, and with present valley flats on which streams are at grade, the conclusion would be warranted that both the uplift which inaugurated the second cycle and the uplift starting the third cycle were practically uniform. Uplift with Tilting: If a raised and partly dissected surface which was once a peneplain has a generally uni- form slope throughout a given region, but is not parallel with an intermediate peneplain or with graded streams be- low it, either because its angle or direction of slope is dif- ferent, the conditions suggest that the uplift which in- EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 41 augurated the dissection of the upper plain was accom- panied by tilting. If an upland peneplain and an inter- mediate peneplain are essentially parallel, but are not parallel with an existing and undissected peneplain, the up- lift which started the second cycle was probably uniform and the movement starting the third cycle was a tilting movement. The best evidence of tilting in the renewal of lands by diastrophism is a lack of parallelism between uni- formly-sloping, consecutive, graded, erosion surfaces. As in most rules, there are limitations in the application of this one. Lack of parallelism between consecutive ero- sion surfaces, provided it is a matter of amount rather than direction of slope, may be due to difference in the gradients of final grades of the drainage system under different con- ditions at different times. At the close of a first cycle the streams may have been small and carrying heavy loads, with resulting high gradients and a relatively steeply slop- ing peneplain. The uplift may have been uniform, but in the second cycle larger streams carrying lighter loads may have developed gradients lower than those of the first cycle, and the two erosion surfaces would diverge upstream. By Ву the reversal of the sequence, two peneplains might be caused to converge upstream, without tilting. Even differences in the direction of slope of two pene- plains in a region might be obtained without tilting, if con- ditions of structure, proximity to the sea or climate were so changed, during uplift, as to cause reversal or diversion of drainage in the second cycle. It is probable that these exceptions might lead to con- clusions that tilting has taken place where it has not in some cases, and that tilting has not taken place where it has in others. Perhaps only the more pronounced cases of tilting can be distinguished by this method. Uplift with Warping: Warping during uplift of a plane erosion surface would result in an irregular obliquity be- tween this surface and lower peneplains. The two erosion surfaces would converge and diverge in many directions and at many angles. In a region where such obliquity ex- ists between a summit plain and an intermediate plain, but 42 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY with the intermediate plain parallel with an undissected peneplain or with graded streams, the first recorded move- ment seems to have involved warping and the second up- lift was uniform. If the upper plain and the intermediate plain are parallel, but with irregular obliquity related to present graded streams, the first movement was uniform and the second one was accompanied by warping. This method of interpretation lacks much of being de- cisive. In the first place the warping or folding of an ero- sion surface destroys accordance of levels and makes it ex- tremely difficult to decide whether the surface was once smooth and has been warped, or whether it was never smooth. In the latter case there would be little evidence that there has ever been more than one erosion cycle. The warping of a surface is likely to destroy evidence that there has been any moveemnt at all. There would have to be some evidence beyond the accordance of levels to prove that the surface actually was a peneplain. However, such evidence might consist in fluvial deposits on remnants of the warped surface, or in antecedent streams cutting across the folds of the surface. Another difficulty with the interpretation of warping movements grows out of the fact that no erosion surfaces are altogether flat and that there is therefore an irregular obliquity between two consecutive surfaces whether warp- ing has taken place or not. However, departures from parallelism due to erosional irregularities in the surface would show themselves in topographic details and those due to warping would be more general; that is, they would be differences between averages rather than between speci- fic points. Careful study of the valleys cut in the old ero- sion surface during the next cycle should also aid in de- termining whether the irregular lack of parallelism is due to warping or to erosional irregularities. If the valleys vary in depth or width or stage of development from point to point warping could be called in to explain such variations. After all probably the best evidence of warping of pene- plains is found when it is determined that the individual EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 43 peneplain reconstructed varies in altitude above sea, that it has on its surface stream deposits distributed without reference to the variations in altitude, that the variations are due to flexures rather than to erosional irregularities, and that streams have antecedent courses at right angles or oblique to the flexures. Warping may have occurred in regions where there is no evidence of movement of any kind. There may also be suggestions of warping where uplift was uniform. There are doubtless regions, however, such as the Appalachian mountains, where warping movements have taken place and where, by application of the principles outlined above, ruch movements can be proven to have taken place. These prin- ciples, therefore, are usable, but their use is attended with difficulty and may result in uncertainty. Uplift with Faulting: One of the best known illustra- : tions of a cycle of erosion having been interrupted by faulting is found in the mountains and valleys of eastern California. Here an ancient erosion surface which is characterized by mid-Tertiary stream gravels which lie on the remnants of the old surface in many places, slopes up from low levels on the west flanks of the Sierras and reaches altitudes of more than 14,000 feet at the crest of the range where it is broken by the great fault whose scarp forms the east slope of the mountains. East of this line the surface seems to be buried under the late Tertiary and Pleistocene sediments of Owens Valley below altitudes of 2,000 feet. The surface and its gravel deposits appear again in the Inyo mountains east of Owens Valley, reaching altitudes close to 10,000 feet, where the surface is broken by another fault on the east side of these mountains. The evidence of faulting in this case is a series of tilted blocks, each one of the series being sharply set-off from the adjacent one by a fault scarp. It seems that cases of uplift with faulting could be cer- tainly interpreted only where the old erosion surface is dis- tinguishable in spite of great relief within short distances, where the separate blocks are distinct and where differences 44 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY in altitude of the surface are too abrupt to be accounted for on the basis of warping. Subsidence: It is a quibble whether or not the sub- sidence of a surface starts a new cycle of erosion. How- ever, the study of the erosion cycles in a region may yield evidence of subsidence. If it can be proven that all the graded streams of a region have their beds at levels far above beds which they previously occupied, it seems most likely that the surface of the region has subsided. If the establishment of grades below previous grades indicates up- lift, the establishment of new flood plains above previous erosional surfaces is an equally strong indication of sub- sidence. If uplift raises a previously graded surface above grade, subsidence lowers valley bottoms below the level of grade. This principle seems to be illustrated in the upper Mis- sissippi valley region, where the Mississippi river and its main tributaries are at grade 100 feet or more above the bedrock beneath. The fills in this region consist of glacial and fluvio-glacial drift. It seems likely that the surface subsided after the deep valleys were cut. Another possible interpretation is that the streams were not so heavily loaded before the filling as now, or were larger then than now, and consequently were able to reduce their valleys to a lower depth limit in relation to the Gulf of Mexico than is possible now. By the application of the principles outlined above for uplift, it might be determined whether subsidence was uni- form or was accompanied by tilting, warping or faulting. The Amount of Movement The interpretation of erosional histories furnishes some basis for determination of the amount of each diastrophic movement. Streams which have reached their depth limits in a first cycle of erosion may degrade their beds below these old graded levels in the second cycle by approximatc- ly the amount of the uplift which rejuvenated them. The difference in altitude between two consecutive graded sur- faces, therefore, is roughly the measure of the amount of the uplift which interrupted the one cycle and started the EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 45 other. In a region in which there is a summit peneplain at 2,000 feet, an intermediate peneplain at 1,000 feet and graded flats at 500 feet, it could be inferred that there had been an uplift of approximately 1,000 feet, and a second one of about 500 feet. This method of interpretation seems simple enough but its application to field conditions involves possibilities of error. Differences in altitude between remnants of con- secutive graded plains vary from point to point in any region, (1) if uplift was accompanied by tilting, warping, or faulting, (2) if either surface was irregular, (3) if final grades differed because of changes in volume or load of the streams. These being common conditions, it seems pos- sible to get accurate figures on the amount of uplift for individual districts only, and even this is subject to error. For whole regions, only approximate averages are possible. THE DETERMINATION OF DATES The complete history of a surface involves dates as well as events and sequences. Various criteria have been used for the determination of the geologic dates of the various events in the histories of land surfaces. Some of these criteria are readily applicable and accurate if properly ap- plied. Others are not so valuable. The problem involves the ages of old erosion surfaces, the dates of diastrophic movements, the duration of time involved in erosion cycles, etc. The Age of Old Erosion Surfaces It has been customary in designating the ages of raised peneplains to refer to the date at which the plain was com- pleted and still intact rather than the whole time during which it was in process of formation. For instance, the Kittatinney peneplain in the northern Appalachians is re- ferred to as the Cretaceous plain, not because its formation was accomplished during the Cretaceous period only, but because it was believed to have been completed during that period. The cycle during which it was formed was prob- ably inaugurated long before the Cretaceous. Although this departs in a way from the usage of time terms in rela- 46 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY tion to rock formations, with this statement, the writer con- siders it best to continue the custom. Various methods may be used in determining the periods or epochs to which certain raised peneplains belong, the method used depending upon the conditions existing in the region under investigation. Some of these methods are here mentioned: (1) Any graded erosion surface is younger than the youngest formation which it cuts, and (2) younger than any structure it bevels. The youngest system forming the oldest peneplain surface in the Appa- lachian mountains is the Pennsylvanian, and the folds and faults across which the surface is developed took place in the Permian. The peneplain is therefore not only post- Pennsylvanian, but is post-Permian. (3) An old erosion surface is younger than any formation of which there are distinguishable fragments or fossils in fluvial deposits on the surface. This is illustrated in the Driftless Area where stream gravels containing chert pebbles and fossils of Niagaran age lie on divides where the uppermost rock is pre-Niagaran; the divides must be remnants of a surface which is at least younger than mid-Silurian. (4) Pene- plains are contemporaneous with fluvial deposits which lie on them, (5) contemporaneous with or older than other terrestrial deposits lying on them, and (6) older than marine formations lying on them. Peneplains are (7) old- er than valleys which have been cut below them. An old peneplain is (8) younger than rocks forming erosion rem- nants above the plain and (9) older than deposits in valleys below it. A peneplain is (10) younger than any adjacent peneplain which stands at a higher level and (11) older than any lower adjacent graded plain. In the case where subsidence has taken place and streams have been caused to develop grades at levels higher than was possible before subsidence occurred, points (10) and (11) would be re- versed. The higher of two graded surfaces in this case would be the younger. The lower one would be buried and would only in the rarest case be distinguishable. (12) If an erosion surface has been uplifted by tilting, warping, folding or faulting, and there are deposits which have not EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 47 been disturbed, the surface is older than those deposits. (13) A less accurate method has been used in determining the ages of old erosion surfaces. It has been concluded that a given peneplain is Cretaceous because it is known to be post-Triassic, and because its formation is assumed to have required all the Jurassic, Comanchean, and Cretaceous periods. Or it might be stated that a peneplain is of Eocene age because Pliocene deposits lie in valleys below it and it would have taken the Oligocene and Miocene periods to cut the valleys. The inaccuracy in such criteria is due to the varying rates of degradation, by streams under varying conditions and to a general lack of knowledge of the dura- tion of the various geologic periods. Not all of the above-mentioned means of determining the ages of raised peneplains are likely to be applicable in any one region, but it seems that among so large a number of possible criteria, enough would be usable to lead to con- clusions giving at least the approximate age of an old ero- sion surface. Once the age of an upland plain is established it may be- come a valuable horizon marker by which the ages of associated topographies and deposits and structures may be determined. If a peneplain known to be of mid-Eocene age is uplifted uniformly and partly dissected, all topogra- phies and deposits which lie above it are early Eocene or pre-Eocene and all topographies and deposits lying strati- graphically below it are late Eocene or post-Eocene. Simi- larly, structures which the plain bevels are pre-Eocene and structures in which the surface of the plain itself is in- volved are late Eocene or post-Eocene. The extreme care with which all these points should be used and the difficulties in the way of accurate interpreta- tion are emphasized in the discussion among Umpleby, At- wood, Blackwelder and Rich, references to which were giv- en on page 8. The Dates of Movement The dates of diastrophic movements in the erosional his- tories of surfaces can be determined in a general way at 48 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY least from the ages of the different erosional surfaces. For instance, if it has been proven that an upland peneplain in a given district is Cretaceous in age and there is an inter- mediate plain below it which is Eocene, it is a short and simple step to the conclusion that the uplift of the upper plain took place at or near the close of the Cretaceous period. But if two consecutive erosion surfaces are more widely different in age, as late Cretaceous and early Pleis- tocene, the uplift of the Cretaceous plain may have taken place at any time between the two periods; that is at the end of the Cretaceous, or during or at the end of the Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene or Pliocene. In such cases as the last the student is likely to fall back on an estimate of the amount of time it must have taken to produce the second plain after the uplift of the first. If it seems that it would have required the Miocene and Pli- ocene periods to produce the lower plain, it might be as- sumed that the uplift took place at the end of the Oligocene, but this assumption would not be without possibility of serious error. If the conclusion was reached that the up- lift of the older plain did take place at the close of the Oligocene, this plain would probably thereafter be called the Oligocene rather than the Cretaceous plain, for the period name given it would be that designating the latest period at which the plain is believed to have been intact. The conclusion arrived at is that the dates of diastrophic, movement can be told in a general way from the ages of consecutive erosion surfaces, but that the closer together the surfaces are in age the more accurately can the date of the diastrophism be determined. Duration of Geologic Time A rough estimate of the duration of certain geologic periods might be made if the ages of consecutive erosion surfaces and the dates of uplift are known. For instance, iſ an upland plain with remnants at an average altitude of 2,000 feet is of Miocene age and is known to have been up- lifted at the end of the Miocene period, and if in the same district there is an intermediate plain of early Pleistocene EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 49 age at an average altitude of 1,000 feet, the conclusion is warranted that the land was degraded 1,000 feet during the Pliocene period. If it be assumed that all this degradation took place at a rate which is average for all lands through all times and that this average rate is 1 foot in 9,000 years, the duration of the Pliocene period would be estimated at 9,000,000 years. The estimate, of course, would be subject to large error in each of the two points of the assumption. However, this method of estimating the duration of geologic time, duly considered and qualified, might be as accurate as estimates based on the rate of accumulation of sediments, the rate of increase of salinity in the sea, the rate of life evolution, or the rate of radio-active changes. CONCLUSION From the foregoing discussions it seems clear that there are many rules for determination of the various events in the erosional histories of regions, that all of them are open to exception and some of them to serious and frequent ex- ceptions, that the full interpretation of erosional history is attended with great difficulty, that such interpretation is safe only after wide areas have been studied closely, and with all criteria and limitations in mind, but that on the whole fairly accurate conclusions may be drawn by the stu- dent of diligence, persistence and analytic mind. 1 1 PART II MESOZOIC AND CENOZOIC HISTORY OF THE DRIFTLESS AREA CONTENTS Page 56 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ROCK FORMATIONS 57 STRUCTURE 58 60 THE STAGE OF EROSION EVIDENCES OF MORE THAN ONE CYCLE OF EROSION Even-crested Summit Areas (the Dodgeville Plain) 60 60 69 - 79 84 95 97 The Cuesta-single Cycle Theory The Peneplain Theory Intermediate Plain (the Lancaster Plain) Antecedent Streams Mississippi River - Other Streams Intrenched Meanders Associated Sets of Crooked and Straight Streams Stream Terraces - Upland Fluvial Deposits (High Level Gravels) Conclusion 104 105 108 109 111 113 115 THE NUMBER OF EROSION CYCLES THE HISTORY OF DIASTROPHISM 116 THE DATES OF EVENTS 120 121 - - The Age of the Dodgeville Plain The Age of the Lancaster Plain SUMMARY OF EVENTS - 123 125 PART II MESOZOIC AND CENOZOIC HISTORY OF THE DRIFTLESS AREA In Part I the various principles involved in the erosional histories of regions were outlined and each principle was analyzed, without special reference to any given region. In Part II it seems possible to summarize and emphasize the principles discussed in Part I and at the same time to contribute something to the history of a region in which much work has been done, on which much has been written, but concerning which there has been some difference of opinion. All who have worked in the Driftless Area within recent years have noticed that many of the divides within small districts are roughly accordant in level. Most students of the region have concluded that the even-topped divides are remnants of raised peneplains and that more than one cycle was involved in the erosional history of the surface'. There 1. Bain, H. F., "Zinc and Lead Deposits of Northwestern Illinois," Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., No. 246, pp. 13-16. Calvin, Samuel, "Geology of Allamakee County." la. Geol. Surr., Vol. IV, pp. 41-44. Grant, U. S. and Burchard, E. F., Lancaster-Mineral Point Folio, U. S. Geol, Surv., pp. 1 and 2. Hershey, 0. H., "The Physiographic Development of the Upper Mississippi Valley," Am. Geol., Vol. 20, pp. 246-268. Howell, J. V.. "The Occurrence and Origin of the Iron Ores of Iron Hill, near Waukon, Iowa,” la. Geol. Surv., Vol. XXV, pp. 54-62. Hughes. U. B., "A Correlation of the Peneplains of the Driftless Area," Proc. la. Acad. Sci., Vol. 23, pp. 125-132. Leonard, A. G., "Geology of Clayton County," la. Geol. Surv., Vol. XVI, pp. 220-233. MacClintock, Paul, The Wisconsin River Valley Below Prairie du Sac, Unpublished paper. Salisbury, R. D., “Preglacial Gravels on the Quartzite Range near Baraboo, Wiscon- sin," Jour. Geol., Vol. III, pp. 655-667. Salisbury, R. D. and Atwood, W. W.. "The Geography of the Region about Devils Lake and the Dalles of Wisconsin," Bull. No. 5. Wis. Geol, and Nat'l Surv., pp. 60-64. Shaw, E. W. and Trowbridge, A. C., "Galena-Elizabeth Folio," U. S. Geol. Surv., pp. 9 and 10. Shipton, W. D., "The Geology of the Sparta Quadrangle, Wisconsin," Master's Thesis, Univ. of Iowa, unpublished. Trowbridge, A. C., “Some Partly Dissected Plains in Jo Daviess County, Illinois," Jour. Geol., Vol. XXI, pp. 731-742. "Preliminary Report on Geological Work in Northeastern Iowa,” Proc. of the la. Acad. Sci., Vol. 21, pp. 205-209. Physiographic Studies in the Driftless Area," Abstract, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 26. p. 76. “The History of Devil's Lake, Wisconsin," Jour. Grol., Vol. XXV, pp. 344-372. Trowbridge, A. C. and Shaw, E. W., "Geology and Geography of the Galena and Elizabeth Quadrangles," Bull. No. 26. II. Geol. Svrv., pp. 126-146. Williams, A. J., "Physiographic Studies in and around Dubuque, Iowa," Master's Thesis, University of Iowa, unpublished. 55 > 56 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY has, however, been disagreement concerning the number of cycles, and the dates of historical events. Recently, doubt has been expressed that these upland surfaces represent old peneplains, and the belief advanced that all the features of the topography have been formed in a single erosional cycle'. Most of the papers so far published on this sub- ' ject are the results of work done in small and isolated dis- tricts within the general region. Therefore it is not strange that agreement has not been reached, and that some of the conclusions are incorrect. The writer has seen all of the Driftless Area which lies in Iowa and Illinois and much of that which lies in Wisconsin and Minnesota, and it now seems possible to bring together material from which ac- curate conclusions may be drawn. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The writer wishes to acknowledge, with appreciation, the assistance of several scores of students in the Universities of Iowa and Chicago, who have used the Driftless Area as a field of instruction under his direction in the ten years during which he was actively engaged in teaching and re- search work there. Special mention is made of A. J. Wil- . liams, Jesse V. Howell, W. D. Shipton, Urban B. Hughes, Leroy Patton and Paul MacClintock, each of whom has prepared a report on the general geology of some assigned portion of the Driftless area, following detailed field work. Most of these reports have constituted Master's or Doctor's theses. Not all have been published. Mr. Williams and Mr. Howell did their work in the Iowa portion of the region, Mr. Shipton in the Sparta quadrangle of Wisconsin, Mr. Hughes in the Richland Center quadrangle of Wiscon- sin, Mr. Patton chiefly in the southeastern counties of Min- nesota, and Mr. MacClintock along the lower Wisconsin river valley. In all the work special attention was given to stratigraphy and structure and to their relations with physiographic forms. The results have been freely drawn upon in the preparation of Part II of this paper. Thanks are also due to R. D. Salisbury, W. C. Alden and 1. Martin, Lawrence, Wis. Geol. and Nat'l Hist. Surv., Bull, 36, pp. 55-70. EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 57 Frank Leverett, who spent several days in northeastern Iowa with Mr. Williams and the writer in 1915, going over some of their data and listening with interest to some of their interpretations. For these interpretations, however, the writer assumes full responsibility. The previous work of Grant and Burchard in the Lan- caster and Mineral Point quadrangles, resulting in Folio No. 145 of the U. S. Geological Survey, were particularly useful. Finally to R. D. Salisbury, M. M. Leighton and Leroy Patton, thanks are offered for thorough criticism of the manuscript of Part II as well as Part I of this paper. ROCK FORMATIONS The rock formations of the Driftless Area range from Huronian to Silurian in age. Hard pre-Cambrian quartzite and igneous rocks outcrop in various places in Wisconsin, as at Baraboo, Wausau, Necedah, and Black River Falls and appear to underlie Paleozoic sediments throughout the area. The Paleozoic group consists of Cambrian, Ordovi- cian, and Silurian formations, the names, thicknesses and relative resistance of which are shown in the accompany- ing table. The Decorah shale is variable in thickness but TABLE SHOWING THE ROCK FORMATION OF THE DRIFTLESS AREA Kind of Rock Thickness Resistance in feet to erosion 200 Resistant 0-80 Nonresistant System Formation Niagaran Silurian Alexandrian Maquoketa Galena Decorah Ordovician Platteville St. Peter Prairie du Chien Cherty dolomite Thin-bedded limestone Shale Cherty dolomite Shale Limestone Sandstone Cherty dolomite 100-200 Nonresistant 240 Resistant 0-30 Nonresistant 80 Resistant 20-300 Nonresistant 0-300 Resistant Cambrian St. Croix (Potsdam) 1000 Nonresistant Sandstone, lime- stone, shale and dolomite Quartzite, dolomite, slate, various igneous rocks Pre- Cambrian 5000+ Resistant 58 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY thin in all places, and, lying as it does between two resist- ant formations, does not affect topography greatly. So far as their effect on topography is concerned the Platteville and Galena formations are a unit. The Alexandrian for- mation varies in thickness and resistance and affects topo- graphy in such a way as to be inseparable from the Niaga- ran formation in some places, and from the Maquoketa in others. There is an unconformity between the St. Peter and Prairie du Chien formations, which causes both to vary in thickness, but the sum of their thicknesses is nowhere far from 300 feet'. The Cambrian formations are all weak but vary slightly in resistance. Devonian and Pennsylva- nian formations were perhaps deposited over part or all of the region, but, if so, they have been eroded away. The erosional history of the present surface started with the final withdrawal of the Paleozoic seas and continued through the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras. STRUCTURE Although in most of the Driftless Area the strata dip in a general southwesterly direction, there is a northeast- southwest axis crossing the Mississippi river between La Crosse, Wisconsin, and Winona, Minnesota, and passing north of Sparta, north of which the beds dip northwesterly. In other words, the structure is that of a low anticline with its axis near the north edge of the region, plunging to the southwest, with a long limb to the south and a relatively shorter limb, so far as the Driftless Area is concerned, to the north. Most of the work on which this paper is based has been done south of the crest of the arch and the relation- ships between topographic forms and structure are con- sequently best known there. However, Mr. Patton and the writer worked in the axial area and to some extent north of the axis in Minnesota and Wisconsin in 1917. The average direction of dip of the formations south of Winona and Sparta, as determined by twenty-eight compu- tations is S. 26° W., and the average amount 14.6 feet per 1. Trowbridge, A, C., Ia. Acad. Sci., Vol. XXIV, pp. 177-182. EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 59 mile. Four computations in the area north of the arch show an average dip there of N. 35° W. in direction and 6.9 feet per mile in amount. wbusou con ciore Slover Pant Wobusha SUS Winona Sporto Lacrosse Minnesota Wisconsin Viroove 1000 Portage Minnesota low lowo Conong Richiond Center Woukon Wisconsin Race 000 Modison 700 800 Lancaster 500 Plotter M:8850 ppi River 900 300 Dubuque Wisconsin Illinois Coler TOWO Frosport Baile Vatan Anoncool Fig. 11. Sketch map of the Driftless Area and its environs showing structure con- tours on the contact between Prairie du Chien and Jordan formations. Structural contour interval equals 100 feet. Horizontal scale 1/500,000. Contours are broken where courses are conjectural. 60 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 1 Both the south-dipping and the north-dipping monoclines and to an extent also the nearly horizontal structures of the axial area are interrupted in many places by low anti- clines and shallow synclines. The whole composite struc- ture of the Driftless Area might be said to be a low anti- clinorium, plunging southwestward. For additional details see Fig. 11. THE STAGE OF EROSION In the present cycle of erosion the general surface of the Driftless Area is in late youth or early maturity, although small portions exhibit a later stage of development. The valley of the Mississippi and the valleys of its larger tribu- taries, such as the Wisconsin, La Crosse, and Upper Iowa rivers, appear to be mature, but if the thick deposits in them were removed the valleys would have a much more youthful appearance. Most of the valleys in the area are young. There are considerable areas of unreduced flattish land on the highest divides and still greater areas at lower altitudes well above the valley bottoms. It is these unre- duced upland surfaces which form the chief. physiographic problems of the region and which at the same time give the investigator his best clue to the history of the surface. Along the main drainage lines there are narrow graded valley flats which are valuable for comparison with the up- land flats. The topography has a relief of over 600 feet within short distances, and before the valleys were partially filled the relief was over 800 feet. EVIDENCES OF MORE THAN ONE CYCLE OF EROSION Of the several lines of evidence for more than one cycle of erosion which have been used in determining the erosion- al histories of various surfaces and which were discussed in Part I, the Driftless Area shows seven, in different de- grees of perfection and significance. Even-Crested Summit Areas (the Dodgeville Plain) In most portions of the Driftless Area the highest divides are noticeably flat on their summits. These flat surfaces EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 61 forming the summit areas are the sites of cities, towns, villages, farms, wagon roads and railroads. In the Baraboo district of Wisconsin there is an area more than two square miles in extent so nearly flat that the drainage on its sur- face is poor, and no spot is 10 feet higher or lower than the general elevation of 1400 feet. In the southern portion of the Sparta Quadrangle, Wisconsin, there is much flat land at about 1335 feet A. T., more than 500 feet above main drainage lines, on which are located the villages of New- berg Corners, Middle Ridge and Portland (Fig. 12). Here, Fig. 12. View of the summit plain in the south portion of the Sparta Quadrangle. in an area of 5 miles square there are approximately 7,000 acres of land under cultivation, supporting a prosperous population of 4,500, all on flat-topped divides. From the south edge of the Sparta Quadrangle a “ridge road” fol- lows a continuous divide for more than 50 miles, passing through the towns of Cashton, Rewey, Westby, Viroqua, Seneca and Eastman, and leaves the crest of the ridge only about a mile from the bluff of the Mississippi and two miles from Prairie du Chien. In this distance the crest of the divide has a relief of less than 100 feet, and the width of the nearly even crest varies from a few feet to a half mile 62 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY or more. From the main ridge tongues of flat land project out between tributary streams on both sides. In the southern portion of the Richland Center quad- rangle in Wisconsin the summits of many of the divides are nearly flat and noticeably accordant in their levels. These divides are spurs and outliers of a wide, continuous area of gently rolling land known as Military Ridge, ex- tending east and west in the northern part of the Lancaster and Mineral Point quadrangles. Military Ridge is unbroken from Bradtville to Blue Mounds, a distance of over 60 miles. On or near its summit, Bradtville, Patch Grove, Mount Hope, Mount Ida, Fennimore, Preston, Montfort, Cobb, Ed- mund, Dodgeville and Mount Horeb are located. Connect- ing these towns are good high roads, whose grades are low and on which bridges are noticeably few in number. From Fennimore to Blue Mounds, the ridge is utilized for the road bed of a branch of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway In the north half of the Galena and Elizabeth quad- rangles in Illinois, the highest surfaces are the tops of isolated mounds or short dendritic ridges which include only very small patches of flat land, but which have accord- ant levels at about 1150 feet A. T. In the south part of these two quadrangles there are many long, continuous, dendritic, flat-topped ridges whose summit areas are the sites of homes, farms and ridgeroads. These ridges have an average altitude around 1,000 feet. At about this alti- tude there are thousands of acres of excellent farm land. In the north part of these quadrangles the summit levels are 450 feet above the beds of the main streams, and in the south part they are 350 feet above drainage. There are no extensive summit levels in Iowa, although upland plains exist. Between Waukon and Church and ex- tending west from Waukon toward Decorah, east through Elon, and southeast to Rossville, there are dendritic stream divides whose summits are much more nearly flat than the surrounding surface, and are the sites of villages, main roads and farms. The maximum relief of this surface is less than 100 feet (1200-1300). Upland flats are also known M EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 63 at Monona, Luana and Watson in the southeastern part of the Waukon quadrangle, at National, Garnovillo, Upde- Graff, Colesburg, an area east of Graham, Luxemburg and other points in the Elkader quadrangle, and at or near Holy Cross, Sherrill, Rickardsville, Bankston, Balltown, and Tivoli in the lowa portion of the Lancaster quadrangle. In the extreme southern part of the Driftless Area in the Iowa portion of the Galena quadrangle there are consider- able areas of flat land on high divides, which are used for upland farms and roads. Flat summit areas with accordant levels are not extensive in Minnesota. They are best developed in the western parts of Winona and Houston counties. In Winona county a strikingly flat plain of about 15 square miles in area lies between Utica and St. Charles and to the south from there. It is approximately 1300 feet above sea level. Near Spring Grove, Houston county, at an elevation of approximately 1325 feet, the summit plain is represented by extensive prairie-like uplands, spurs of which ramify from the main area. Similar conditions occur also in the neighborhood of Caledonia. From the foregoing descriptions, the significant facts concerning the topography of the summit surfaces in the Driftless Area may be summarized as follows: (1) There are many divides whose summits are noticeably even. (2) Some of these areas of upland flat are long and broad. (3) The various areas of upland flat have such slight irregular- ity in comparison with the rest of the topography that they are favorable sites for farming. (4) If the elevations of isolated summit areas in a given district be compared, they are found to be strikingly accordant, though not identical. (5) Accordant summit levels are known in practically all portions of the Driftless Area. (6) The districts where the summit plains occur are close enough together to war- rant correlation from one district to another; from Bara- boo, through the Richland Center and Mineral Point quad- rangles to Jo Daviess County, Illinois; from Baraboo to Sparta ; from Sparta through Viroqua and Prairie du Chien to Iowa; from Dodgeville via Bradtville to National, Iowa; 64 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY from Iowa into Winona and Houston counties in Minnesota ; from the Minnesota line in Iowa to Dubuque; from the Ga- lena quadrangle in Illinois to the area south of Dubuque in Iowa. (7) If the several summit areas of a district be pro- jected until they meet, a surface is constructed which has a relief of something less than 200 feet. (8) If the con- structed summit plains of the several districts of the Drift- less Area, as explained in (7) be projected across inter- vening areas where summit flats are wanting until they meet, an almost reliefless, gently south-sloping plain results which covers practically the whole Driftless Area. Because the surface so reconstructed is well represented at Dodge- ville, because there is at Dodgeville a large area of upland flat, and because, from Dodgeville the flat may be traced with certainty in all directions, this uppermost plain, re- Niggaro 41 Maouokela Potteville-Galang Prairis . 3t Eroid otsdant Combr Fig. 13. An idealized north-south section in the Driftless Area, showing the gen- eral relation of the Dodgeville plain to the rock formations. The upland surfaces are found in large areas on the resistant Prairie du Chien, Platteville, Galena, and Niagara formations, but are wanting on the relatively nonresistant Cambrian sandstones, St. Peter sandstone and Maquoketa shałe. constructed by projecting the upland flats until they meet, is hereafter called the Dodgeville plain. Topography and rock structures are so intimately and fundamentally related that it is always unsafe to draw im- portant conclusions from analysis of topography before these relations are understood. It is therefore necessary . that a careful study be made of the rock formations on which the Dodgeville plain lies, the structure of these for- mations, and the relative attitudes of plain and formations, before interpretation of the Dodgeville plain is attempted. Failure to give due weight to these relationships, seems to be responsible for certain errors of the past. The Dodgeville plain is underlain by different rock for- mations at different places. In the Baraboo district of Wis- > EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 65 The uppermost straight line represents the Fig. 14. An accurate topographic profile and structure section taken in a curved line from the Barabou district to Jo Daviess County, Illinois, crossing the Baraboo, Denzer, Richland Center, Mineral Point, and Eliza beth topographic atlas sheets. reconstructed Dodgeville plain. (After U. B. Hughes). consin it lies on Huronian quart- zite and in the Sparta district on the Prairie du Chien and St. Peter formations. Military Ridge and its spurs are capped by Galena dolomite, as are also the upland divides around Waukon in Iowa. South of Turkey river in Iowa, and south of Lancaster in Wisconsin and Illinois, the plain lies on Nia- gara dolomite. In southeastern Minnesota it lies for the most part on the Platteville formation but it places cuts across to St. Peter. In a general way the Dodgeville plain bevels the south-dipping forma- tions, lying on progressively young- er beds from north to south. Either because of a decrease in the slope of the plain north of the Iowa line, because of a change in the direc- tion of slope, or because the plain has been very slightly warped since its formation, its remnants are not greatly higher in Minnesota than in Iowa, and its stratigraphic posi- tion is somewhat but not much lower in Minnesota than farther south. It also bevels the crest of the arch. No remnants of the plain have been observed north of the axis and therefore it cannot be definitely stated that the north- dipping beds are also bevelled by it, although such is probably the case. It is noticeable, however, that only the more resistant forma- tions are found capping the high- est divides where these divides are flat-topped and accordant in their 66 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY levels. Wide areas of the plain lie on the Prairie du Chien, Galena, Platteville and Niagara formations respectively. The St. Peter sandstone underlies patches of the plain in very small areas only, and the Maquoketa formation is not known to form summit flats at all. In traveling from north to south three distinct belts are crossed, in each of which there are large upland remnants of the Dodgeville plain and between which there is none. (Figs. 13 and 14) Assuming that the Dodgeville plain is a geometrical plane, it is possible to ascertain its dip and strike if the relative positions and altitudes of three points on the plane forming a triangle are known. If the elevations of a cer- tain stratigraphic horizon under the three points on the plain can be ascertained it is also a simple matter to com- pute the dip and strike of the strata and get the relative directions and amounts of dip of plain and strata (Fig. 15). Plain 1300 А Stratum 1240' E D Plain 12504 Stratum 1000: Plain 1200 B stratum 1100 Fig. 15. Diagram showing how the dip and strike of a plain and of a stratum can be determined if the positions and altitudes of three points are known. A, B, and C are three points on the surface plain at 1300, 1200, and 1250 feet respectively. On the line AB there is a point D at which the altitude is the same as at C, 1250'. The line CD is the strike of the plain. The direction of dip is obtained by constructing line EB at right angles to (1) through B. Reading the direction of EB the dip is found to be S 14° E. From E to B the surface falls 50'. Scaling EB the amount of din of the plane is found to be 4.4' per mile. Knowing the elevations of a stratigraphic horizon under points A, B, and C to be 1240, 1100, and 1000 feet respectively, locating the 1100' point on AC at F, BF becomes the strike of the strata, the dip CG is S 37° W, and the amount of dip is 7' per mile. The results of 13 such computations, based on points south of the axis of the arch are given in the following table. EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 67 TABLE OF RESULTS OF COMPUTATIONS OF DIP AND STRIKE OF DODGEVILLE PLAIN AND ROCK STRATA General Location Location of Points Direction of Dip of Plain Amount of Dip of Plain Direction of Dip of Strata Amount of Dip of Strata South part of Sparta Quadrangle Wisconsin N 57°W 5.3' S 59°W 14' Whole Sparta Quadrangle Wisconsin A-C Sec. 20 Leon Twp. B-C Sec. 8 Portland Twp. C-NC Sec. 21 Washington Twp. A-Castle Rock B-Middleridge C-SC Sec. 18 Jefferson Twp. A-Fennimore B-Dodgeville C-712 mi. S. of Wyoming N 43°W 2.6' S 38°W 10.7' Lancaster, Mineral Point and Richland Center Quad- rangles, Wis. N 20°W 9.4 S 13°W 14.2' Elizabeth Quadrangle, Illinois S 14°W 7.3' S 28°W 34.4' S 56°E 10.9' S 49°E 8.4' Northern Iowa, Waukon Quadrangle Iowa- Wisconsin S 76°E 1.2 S 40°W 17.1' S 20°E 2.9' S 22°W 9.1' Wisconsin- Iowa- Illinois Wisconsin- Iowa A-Wc Sec 19 Thompson Twp. B-Sw Sec. 31 Woodbine Twp. C-Nc Sec. 33 Stockton Twp. A-Waukon B-Church C-Rossville A-Church B-Updegraff C-Mt. Ida A-Sparta B-Waukon C-Stockton A-Sparta B-Waukon C-Dodgeville A-Waukon B-Mineral Point C-Stockton A-Sparta B-Bankston C-Stockton A-Waukon B-Updegraff C-Stockton A-Waukon B-Dodgeville C-Bankston A-Denzer B-Waukon C-Updegraff S 4°E 1.8' S 20°W 9.5' S 21°W 9.6' S 18°W 8.3' Iowa- Wisconsin- Illinois Wisconsin- Iowa- Illinois Iowa- Illinois S 51°E 3.5' S 37°W 12.8' S 86°E 3.2 S 32°W 16.4' Iowa- Wisconsin S 1°E 1.8' S 19°W 12.9' Wisconsin Iowa S 29°W 2.2' S 12°W 10.8' 68 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY These computations bring out certain facts. The plain constructed by connecting areas of summit plains across intervening areas is by no means a geometrical plane, for it dips in different directions and by different amounts in different places. In small districts, widely differing re- sults can be obtained by taking different sets of points as bases for computation. Local irregularities obscure the general slope. If the results of all the available computa- tions are considered, the average slope of the plain is in the direction S 75º E to an amount of 4.7 feet per mile. If the local estimates be eliminated and only those which in- volve long distances be included, the effect of local irregular- ities is minimized and the general slope of the plain is found to be S 23° E, 3.3 feet to the mile. The direction and amount of dip of the strata are much more nearly constant and average S 28° W and 14.2 feet per mile recpectively. Nowhere are the plain and the strata parallel. The angle between their respective average directions of dip is 51° and the strata dip more than three times as steeply as the plain slopes. Even in small districts where upland plains are broad and cover a considerable distance in directions at right angles to the strike of the strata, the slope of the plain and the beds are not parallel. The lack of parallelism between the Dodgeville plain and the strata which under- lie it is expressed in the fact that progressively younger beds are bevelled by the plain from north to south on the south limb of the arch. As outlined in Part I such a plain as the Dodgeville plain is open to several possible interpretations: It might be the original marine plain of deposition, a plain of marine ero- sion, or a structural plain on a single hard stratum. The apparent accordance of levels might be due to the erosion in a single cycle of a surface underlain by gently south- dipping and unequally resistant formations, developing a series of somewhat even-topped cuestas whose summits were never parts of a plain now dissected. Or, the Dodge- ville plain might be a true peneplain. The Dodgeville plain cannot be the sea bottom uncovered by the withdrawal of the Paleozoic sea, for it is known that EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 69 Niagara dolomite was deposited in this sea over the whole region, and the plain is directly underlain by Huronian rocks at Baraboo, the Prairie du Chien formation at Sparta, the Galena formation at Church and Waukon and on Mili- tary Ridge. From these portions of the surface younger rocks must have been eroded. Also there are monadnocks standing above the level of this surface at several places, for instance, Sauk Point in the Baraboo district, Blue Mounds at the east end of Military Ridge, and Sherrill and Sinsinawa Mounds farther south. Neither is the Dodgeville plain the result of marine de- nudation. The erosion remnants above it are not isle-like, nor is it bordered anywhere by shore features. A still more significant fact is that marine deposits, younger than the rock formations across the edges of which the plain is de- veloped, are wholly wanting on the summit surfaces of the region, although other deposits have been preserved there. It is also extremely doubtful if such broad wave-cut terraces have ever been developed anywhere, especially far in the interiors of continents. The theory that the Dodgeville plain was formed on the surface of a single especially hard formation is untenable for the reasons that the plain lies on different formations at different places, that not all the formations are resist- ant, and that the plain slopes southward at a considerably lower angle than the angle of dip of the rock formations. The idea that the Dodgeville plain consists of a series of unrelated structural plains is incoroprated in the theory that the plain is a series of cuesta tops, and this theory is next to be considered. The Cuesta-Single Cycle Theory Of the first four possible interpretations outlined above, the idea which has been advanced that the Dodgeville plain, as described on previous pages, does not exist and never did exist, but consists merely of a series of unrelated cuestas, is more probable than any of those thus far considered, and is to be accepted or rejected only after the most careful study of the field conditions. A possible source of confusion 70 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY should be eliminated at once by the statement that what- ever has been the history of the upland surfaces they do constitute cuestas. Martin' has defined a cuesta as “an up- land with a short, steep descent, or escarpment, on one side, and a long, gentle slope on the other.” The three belts containing areas of summit flats answer the definition perfectly, and they are cuestas. The problem remains, however, as to whether their more or less even crests, re- lated as they are to rock structures, could have been de- veloped in a single cycle of erosion. As Martin points out in describing cuestas, "the gentle slope usually corresponds to the inclination or dip of slightly-inclined sedimentary rocks and one resistant layer, as of limestone, may deter- mine the whole dip slope." Following this definition and description the character- istics of cuestas which have had a history involving only one erosion cycle are illustrated in Fig. 16. . Crnogora otev Galong Prairie du chien Croix Potsdam). Fig. 16. Diagram illustrating the topography of the Drift'ess Area as it s'ru'd be if the summit areas are the back slopes of normal cuestas deve og ed in a sing'e cycle of erosion. There are several points which seem to favor the theory that the upland surfaces included in the Dodgeville plain are merely the tops of cuestas, developed, together with the rest of the topography, in a single cycle of erosion. (1) The belts in which the upland surfaces are considerable are cuestas. (2) The upland surfaces are practically confined in their distribution to the areas of outcrop of resistant rock formations. (3) There are three resistant formations and there are three conspicuous belts containing upland surfaces south of the anticlinal axis. (4) In individual dis- tricts, and in the region as a whole, the upland surfaces have a general southerly slope and the strata dip generally south. However, these arguments are superficial, for their 1. Martin, Lawrence, Wis. Geol. and Nat'l Hist. Survey, Bull, 36, p. 42. 1 EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 71 features can be explained as well on the basis of more than one cycle as on the basis of a single cycle. There are also several points now to be brought out by a more careful study of topography, especially in its relations with struc- ture, which cannot be explained on the cuesta-single cycle theory and are in keeping with the multiple cycle theory. (1) The south slopes of the upland surfaces are not parallel with the strata as is normal for cuestas. Compare figures 1 and 4. The south slopes of the Dodgeville plain correspond with the dip of the strata neither in direction nor in amount, as shown in the preceding table (p.). (2) Those portions of the Dodgeville plain which lie on a single rock formation bevel the layers of that forma- tion. Within the bounds of the Sparta quadrangle, the summit of the Prairie du Chien cuesta lies on 35 feet of Prairie du Chien dolomite at Castle Rock, and on constant- ly increasing thicknesses to the south, until 229 feet of the formation appear below the cuesta top in the southwest corner of the quadrangle. In the Galena and Elizabeth quadrangles in Illinois the surface of the Niagara cuesta cuts from a stratigraphic position 60 feet above the base of the Niagara formation at the north border of the quad- rangles to a position 170 feet above the base at the south edge. Likewise the summit of the Galena-Platteville cuesta lies 80 feet above the base of the Platteville limestone near its northern edge in the Richland Center quadrangle and 300 feet above this horizon on one of the south spurs of Military Ridge. This bevelling of different beds in forma- tions by individual cuesta tops is also illustrated between Church and Rossville, and between Updegraff and Monona in Iowa, and at many other localities within the Driftless Area. (3) In some places at least, two belts of cuesta tops which are roughly parallel with the strike of the strata, are connected by long, continuous, more or less broad summit divides which are roughly parallel with the dip. Such a divide is that connecting the Prairie du Chien cuesta in the south portion of the Sparta quadrangle with the Galena 72 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY + Vertical scale: 1 inch equa's 100 feet. A cross-section and profile from the Prairie du Chien cuesta ne ar Cashton, Wisconsin, along the crest of the Mississippi-Kickapoo divide, The horizontal distance is 50 miles. to the Galena cuesta two miles northeast of Prairie du Chien. Fig. 17. cuesta east of Prairie du Chien. This divide includes much flat land on its summit. Its sum- mit area has a relief of less than 100 feet, and yet it bevels the edges of the Prairie du Chien, St. Peter, Platteville, Decorah, and Galena forma- tions. In its extent of over 50 miles its surface falls from 1300 feet at its north end, to 1200 feet near Prairie du Chien, although a stratigraphic horizon which has an altitude of 1200 feet in the Sparta quadrangle is found at 620 feet at the south terminus of the divide. So independent are the surface and the strata that the change from one formation to another is not expressed in the surface. (Fig. 17) It would be impossible to explain the de- tails of such a ridge on the basis of a single cycle of erosion. (4). In areas where the sum- mit plains are broad and flat, and such conditions exist in many places in the Driftless Area, it is difficult to conceive a way by which the material from above was removed to make the flats, under the theory that there has been but one cycle of erosion. In the Sparta quadrangle, 200 feet of Niagara dolomite, 100 feet of Maquoketa shale, 320 feet of Galena dolomite and Platte- Prairie du Chien (mopszed) TONAS ::: Peter Plotte ville DUO 05 EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 73 ville limestone, 100 feet of St. Peter sandstone, and many feet of Prairie du Chien dolomite have been removed in such a way as to leave thousands of acres of flat land on the divides, 500 feet above present drainage. The three dolomites are cherty and resistant to mechanical wear, al- though much of the rock is soluble in water. The sandstone and shale are non-resistant physically, but resistant , chemically. These same rock formations, in varying amounts, have been removed in making all of the many upland flats of the Driftless Area. On few of these flat surfaces is there any concentration of residual materials such as chert fragments, save those which have been round- ed by stream action, although such residual materials are not entirely lacking everywhere. It seems that the removal of the rocks from positions above the flat upland surfaces must have been accomplished by some agent which was capable of removing products of disintegration and of de- composition, even the coarse material. If these surfaces have always been divides, and this must have been the case if there has been no rejuvenation of streams, all of the originally overlying material could not have been removed by streams, for on many of the flats there are now no streams nor stream channels. It is not conceivable that wind degraded the tops of the divides to make flat summits; the region has not been glaciated; waves and currents have been eliminated. It cannot be that solution by ground water has been the method of degradation of these sur- faces, for much of the material such as shale, the sand- stone, and the chert in the dolomite are practically in- soluble. Even if it be conceived that the shale and sand- stone constituents were removed by the wind and the soluble portions of all the rocks were dissolved and carried away by ground water, there would be left many feet of residual chert. (5) It has been made clear that the Dodgeville plain, constructed by joining the various patches of summit plain in each of the three cuestas and the summits of the cuestas across intervening areas, is by no means perfectly flat. But, it is difficult to explain even the rough accordance of summit levels in individual districts and the general slope 74 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY of the plain southward, on the assumption that the upland surfaces are merely parts of unrelated cuestas. Estimat- ing that erosion started when the whole region was covered by 1000 feet of strata now gone, and knowing the amount and direction of dip of the strata and the elevation of the various portions of the summit plain, it is possible to es- timate what was the original altitude of the surface and to what altitude the upland surface was reduced at any given locality. The dip of the strata is so slight that the altitude of the original surface may be obtained by adding the thickness of the strata removed to the present altitude of the surface, without appreciable error. The results of a series of such computations for a series of localities from north to south and including each of the three cuestas south of the structural axis are tabulated as follows: . 1 TABLE SHOWING THE RELATION OF THE ORIGINAL SURFACE OF THE DRIFT- LESS AREA TO THE SURFACE OF THE DODGEVILLE PLAIN Locality Original Thickness of Total thick- Altitude altitude various form- ness of rocks of present of surface. atiens re- removed in upland moved in feet. feet. surface. First Series—Sparta-Lancaster Quadrangle Castle Rock 200-Niagara north part 100-Maquoketa Sparta 2220 240-Galena 885 1335 Quadrangle 80-Platteville 100-St. Peter 165-Prairie du Chien Near Portland 200-Niagara south part 100-Maquoketa Sparta 2130 240-Galena 760 1370 Quadrangle 80-Platteville 100-St. Peter 40-Prairie du Chien Near Mt. Hope, 200-Niagara north part 100-Maquoketa Lancaster 1600 90-Galena 390 1210 Quarangle Near Richards- ville, Iowa, south part 1260 130-Niagara 130 1130 Lancaster Quadrangle Second Series—Richland Center, Mineral Point, Elizabeth Quadrangles Near Highland, 200-Niagara south part 100-Maquoketa Richland Center 1693 163-Galena 463 1230 Quadrangle ! 1 3 EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 75 1200 1190 1205 1130 1040 1250 Near Montford, 200-Niagara north part 100-Maquoketa Mineral Point 1610 110-Galena 410 Quadrangle Near Platte Mds. west central 200-Niagara part Mineral 1440 50-Maquoketa 250 Point Quadrangle Four miles south of Shullsburg, south part 1375 17C-Niagara 170 Mineral Point Quadrangle Near Erie School, north part Eliza- 1260 130-Niagara 130 beth Quadrangle Terrapin Ridge, south part Eliza- 1135 95-Niagara 95 beth Quadrangle Third Series—Waukon Elkader Quadrangle in Iowa Near Church, 200-Niagara north part 100-Maquoketa Waukon 1766 216-Galena 516 Quadrangle Near Monona, 200-Niagara south part 100-Maquoketa Waukon 1555 45-Galena 345 Quadrangle Near Updegraff, central part Elkader 1200 10-Niagara 10 Quadrangle Fourth Series—Baraboo, Richland Center, Lancaster Quadrangle Gibraltar Rock, 200-Niagara central part 100-Maquoketa Baraboo 1870 240-Galena 620 Quadrangle 80-Platteville Six miles south 200-Niagara of Hillsdale, 100-Maquoketa southern part 1815 240-Galena 545 Richland Center 5-Platteville Quadrangle Near Preston, 200-Niagara northeast part 100-Maquoketa Lancaster 1610 140-Galena 1210 1190 1250 1270 1170 440 Quadrangle Three miles east of Bankston, Iowa, southeast 1290 140-Niagara 140 part Lancaster Quadrangle 1150 76 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 1 Original Surface These tables show that the original surface was much steeper than the present Dodgeville plain; that the am- ounts of material removed from the divides decrease by a regular progres- sion to the south; that different pro- portions of resist- ant and non-resist- ant rocks have been removed in different places; and that there is a certain definite or- der in the rela- tions of original altitudes, amount of rock removed, and present alti- tudes, irrespective of the relative thickness of resist- ant and non-resist- ant formations re- moved (Fig. 18). It seems improb- able that degrada- tion of the tops of divides would take place in so orderly a fashion unless the streams re- duced the general surface to grade. Plain Fig. 18. Diagram to scale illustrating the orderly way in which erosion h as progressed in the formation of the accordant summit levels. - Dodgeville EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 77 (6) In a region where so much erosion has taken place it would seem that the relative hardness of the resistant formations would express itself in topography if there had been but one cycle. The most resistant of the three should stand the highest, and the least resistant the lowest. But the general southward slope of the Dodgeville plain is un- interrupted by differences in rock hardness, although it is doubtless true that local resistant rocks have influenced local irregularities in its surface. (Compare Fig. 16 with Figs. 13 and 14) (7). If the upland surfaces in the Driftless Area are en- tirely structural it would seem likely that the local anti- clines and synclines which interrupt the general monoclinal dip would cause undulations in the surface of the Dodge- ville plain. In the Galena and Elizabeth quadrangles, where a portion of this plain is well known and where the anti- clines and synclines have been carefully mapped, there is no apparent relation between the altitude of the upland surfaces and the folds. The plain bevels the local folds without any expression of the structure in the topography, It is true that there are a few high parts of the upland plain which correspond roughly with anticlines, such as at Waukon, but there are also many high places where there are no anticlines, many high places over synclines, and many low places on anticlines. No general effect of local structure can be observed in the topography of the plain. The higher portions of the upland plain are to be inter- preted as resistant portions of the rocks or as original inter-stream areas, not as arched structures. (8) It is abnormal for the divides of a surface to be lowered greatly before evidences of old age in adjacent valleys appear. During youth of the normal cycle of ero- sion the main work of the streams is in the development of valleys and the dissection of the original surface. Maturity is ushered in when the upper flat approaches thorough dis- section and lasts until lower flats are formed and come to constitute an appreciable portion of the surface. Most of the work of lowering the original divides is accomplished 78 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY after the old age of the valleys has been reached. Another principle in the normal erosional cycle is that divides are not degraded much, before permanent divides have been established, that is, before valleys have reached their width and length limits, that is, before the valleys have ap- proached or reached old age. Now the summit divides in the Driftless Area are known to have been degraded by amounts varying from 10 feet to 885 feet (see the fourth column from the left in the above tables), and yet the val- leys show few signs of old age, and few of the divides are permanent. If the present surface was formed in a single cycle of erosion, this cycle was not normal. (9) Assuming that but one cycle has been involved in the erosion of the surface of the Driftless Area, recon- structing the original surface by projecting the Niagara and older formations over portions where they do not now exist, and getting the altitudes of the lowest points reached by streams beneath the present valley fills; it is found that the streams at La Crosse must have reduced their beds from about 2200 feet A. T. to 600 feet in order to reach grade; and the streams in the south portion of the Drift- less Area in the vicinity of Dubuque, could have become graded by cutting from approximately 1300 feet to 300 feet. The Mississippi and its tributaries should have reached grade at Dubuque after cutting through 1000 feet of rock of varying hardness long before they brought their beds to grade at La Crosse, where they had to cut through 1600 feet of the same rock, and the topography around Dubuque should now be in a distinctly later stage of development than that in the neighborhood of La Crosse. But the op- posite is true. Due to the relative non-resistance of the - Cambrian sandstone on which the streams have their courses at present in the north part of the area, there is a greater area of lowland there than farther south, and the topography around La Crosse has an appearance of greater age than the surface near Dubuque. (10) In advance of complete description and interpreta- tion it should be made clear here that there are in many places on the Dodgeville plain considerable areas of gravel EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 79 which have undoubtedly been deposited there by streams which could not carry their loads all the way to the sea. These deposits are known near Devil's Lake, Cashton and Seneca in Wisconsin, and near Church, Elon and Waukon in Iowa, as well as at numerous other places within and south of the Driftless Area. This fact is not mentioned by Martin. It seems to the writer to be a fatal objection to the single cycle theory. The conclusion now has been reached that the Dodgeville plain is not an original plain of marine deposition, nor a plain of marine erosion, nor a simple structural plain. The theory that the plain consists merely of three cuestas whose summits were developed in the present cycle of erosion is untenable. The Peneplain Theory It remains to test the fifth possible interpretation. Some of the points in favor of the theory that the plain is an ancient peneplain dissected by erosion in subsequent cycles have been touched upon indirectly in the analysis of the cuesta theory. However, for the sake of definiteness and completeness they are listed below. (1) The plain includes many upland surfaces so large and so nearly flat that some effective agent of transporta- tion, such as streams, must have operated there in order to remove the large amount of material which originally ex- isted at higher levels. (2) The plain has a slope of about 3 to 5 feet per mile in a general southeasterly direction. Its slope is notably different both in direction and amount from the dip of the strata. (3) The general southerly slope of the plain is obscured locally by irregularities such as old erosional surfaces show. Even locally the slopes of the plain are not parallel with rock structures. (4) The plain bevels the edges of rock formations irrespective of their hardness. (5) In the formation of the plain, thicknesses of rock have been removed, which decrease regularly from north to south, bearing evidence that some sort of a grade was established where the tops of the cuestas now are. (6) The existence of certain continuous north-south ridges 80 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY same. connecting the cucstas, such as the divide from Cashton to Prairie du Chien, described above (Fig. 17), seem to sug- gest that there was once a plain on non-resistant, as well as resistant material. These connecting ridges are ap- parently remnants of an upland surface once continuous across inter-cuesta areas. (7) If the Dodgeville plain is an old peneplain there is no necessity for conceiving that the divides have been reduced by hundreds of feet in a cycle of erosion in which the streams have scarcely reached grade. (8) There are distinct erosion remnants standing on the plain, far from present drainage lines. In some cases these remnants consist of material which is more resistant than that outcropping on the adjacent plain. In other cases the rock of the remnant and the rock of the plain are the There seems to be no reason why these divides should have been reduced in such a way as to leave rem- nants above their general flat surfaces, unless the streams reached grade at or near the levels of these surfaces. (9) The presence of stream deposits at many places on the plain not only appears as a fatal objection to the single cycle theory, but it seems practically to demonstrate that the Dodgeville plain is a raised peneplain. (10) Both Creta- ceous sediments west of the Driftless Area and Tertiary deposits to the south must have been derived at least partly from erosion in the Driftless Area and both bear evidence that the land of their sources was low and approaching the peneplain stage. (11) The fact that Tertiary deposits of the great Mississippi embayment, extending north toward the Driftless Area, lie in a gently sloping plain which, if projected, would coincide with the Dodgeville plain, is dis- tinctly in favor of the peneplain theory. (12) As will be explained more fully within the next few pages, there are lense-shaped bodies of the softer formations underlying the Dodgeville plain in two or three places, which show that the surface over them was brought to grade. (13) In addition there are within the Driftless Area other strong evidences of more than one cycle of erosion, yet to be described, which in combination with the even-crested summit areas increase the value of these upland flats as evidences and the com- EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 81 bination demonstrates that the surface has been eroded in more than one cycle. Objections which might be advanced to the peneplain theory have been expressed by Martin'. Each objection is now to be considered. (1) Doubt is expressed if the various areas of upland surface making up the plain are large enough, flat enough, close enough together, and sufficiently accordant in their levels to warrant the conclusion that they are the remnants of a once continuous peneplain. As was brought out in Part I, there is no definite degree of flatness which a sur- face must assume before it can be called a peneplain. Also there are various ways in which such a surface may be made irregular in the second cycle. It is not believed that the Dodgeville plain was degraded to such extremes that the surface was altogether flat. There were doubtless many gently sloping valley walls as well as valley flats. Not all the tributary streams far from the main drainage lines had low gradients. And the facts remain that there are some upland surfaces which are essentially flat; that the upland areas are large enough and numerous enough to furnish thousands of acres of farm land which is notably flat; that the highest recorded slope on the plain is less than 11 feet per mile and the average slope less than 4 feet per mile; and that the Dodgeville plain includes more and larger areas of flat land and is represented by more nearly accord- ant levels than the Kittatinny peneplain of the Appalachian mountains, the Tertiary peneplain of Idaho or the Miocene peneplain of the Sierra Nevadas. (2) Martin gives some consideration to the time in- volved in the erosion of the area and concludes that, al- though there has been sufficient time since the late Paleozoic for the formation of a peneplain, there has also been time for the destruction of such a plain. The writer does not see that the time involved furnishes points either in favor of or against the peneplain or cuesta theory. So far as the duration of time is concerned, several peneplains could have been formed and destroyed during the Mesozoic and Ceno- 1. Martin, Lawrence, Bull. No. 36, Wis. Geol. and Natl Hist. Surv., pp. 64-68. 82 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY zoic eras. There is, however, no indication in this that some relatively recent peneplain, such an one completed in late Tertiary, could not to-day be represented by remnants. (3) Believing that sediments must have been derived from the surface of the Driftless Area in the formation of the Dodgeville plain, and not certainly finding such sedi- ments in the Devonian and Carboniferous rock adjacent to the Area, Martin objects to the peneplain theory. Clearly he is laboring under a misconception as to the age of the. plain. Whether or not it is an old peneplain, its surface is much younger than the Paleozoic. All of the Paleozoic for- mations, including the Devonian and Carboniferous are known to be bevelled by the Dodgeville plain south and west of the Driftless Area. Most of those who have previously interpreted it as a peneplain have assigned it to the Creta- ceous and the writer will later in the paper present evidence for the late Tertiary age of the plain. Most likely then the sand, silt, and clay derived in the formation of the Dodge- ville plain were carried westward into the Cretaceous sea, or most likely southward into the Tertiary embayment. Indeed, both the Cretaceous and Tertiary systems contain materials which must have been derived from erosion in the Driftless and adjacent areas during these periods, and there is evidence that peneplanation was in progress. Thus by reference of the Dodgeville plain to its proper geological period Martin's point of objection to the peneplain theory is converted into an additional argument in favor of that theory. (4) It is true, as pointed out by Martin, that the Devo- nian and Carboniferous rocks lie on surfaces of less relief than that of the Driftless Area, and that this does not show that the peneplain of the Driftless Area is projected to lie beneath these sediments. However, it is not to be con- sidered in any way as an objection to the peneplain theory. The plain is clearly much younger than any Paleozoic sys- tem. If the Cretaceous or Tertiary sediments could be proven to lie on a projection of the Dodgeville plain, strong evidence would be offered that it is a peneplain. The Creta- ceous rocks of Minnesota are bevelled by the plain and EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 83 therefore do rot lie on its projection. Salisbury has pre- sented evidence that the plain does slope down beneath the Tertiary deposits of the lower Mississippi valley and that those deposits lie on a plain similar to and continuous with the Dodgeville plain in the Driftless Area. This point af- fords strong evidence in favor of the peneplain theory. (5) Martin concludes his objections to the peneplain theory by stating that there are no wedge-shaped bodies of non-resistant rock overlying the south-dipping resistant layers, as there should have been when the Dodgeville pene- plain was undissected. He agrees, however, that these wedges could have been removed by the rejuvenated streams. Their absence, therefore, is no objection to the peneplain theory, but is in harmony with the cuesta, as well as with the peneplain theory. As a matter of fact, but apparently unknown to Martin, there are just such wedges of St. Peter sandstone north of the Platteville-Galena cuesta in Wisconsin, and Maquoketa shale north of the Niagara cuesta in Iowa. Fig. 5 affords an illustration of the St. Peter wedges. Other illustrations are found in the south part of the Richland Center quad- rangle, where ever-increasing thicknesses of St. Peter cap the north-south divides to the foot of the Platteville cuesta, where the full thickness of the St. Peter is represented. In Iowa the south rim of the valley of Turkey river, south of Osterdock, is underlain by a few feet of Maquoketa shale which dips south with the Galena dolomite below. Along a road which follows a flat-topped divide southward, the Maquoketa gradually thickens until its full thickness is found at the foot of the Niagara escarpment. Martin says: "They (the wedge-shaped bodies) would furnish excellent evidence of previous baselevelling, but no such remnants are known to exist." Now that such lenses of non-resistant material have been discovered, this point is transferred from the unfavorable to the favorable column for the pene- plain theory. In conclusion it may be said that the summit areas in 1. Salisbury, R. D., Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 3, pp. 183-186, Jour. Geol., Vol. III, pp. 655-667. 84 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY the Driftless Area, after analysis, seem almost certainly to be remnants of a peneplain uplifted since its formation and now almost entirely destroyed by the rejuvenated streams. And yet demonstration of the multiple cycle theory does not rest on this evidence alone. It remains to be seen whether there are other indications of more than one cycle and whether there is a combination of evidence which actually proves the case. Intermediate Plain (the Lancaster plain) At many places in the Driftless Area there are isolated areas and more or less continuous surfaces, sharply set off from the remnants of the Dodgeville plain, but forming divides several hundred feet above drainage. Though similar in most respects to the summit surfaces, these flat- topped but lower divides occupy a position intermediate between the remnants of the Dodgeville plain and the val- ley bottoms. If the tops of these intermediate divides were projected across the valleys and across the areas where remnants of the Dodgeville plain exist, a plain similar to the Dodgeville plain would be formed, having a general altitude approximately 200 feet lower than the Dodgeville plain. This is the more conspicuous of the two upland plains, and is the one about which most has been written. Various names have been applied to this plain by differ- ent writers. It is Hershey's' plain No. 1. Grant and Bur- chard named it the Lancaster Plain. The writer3 called it the Galena Plain in Jo Daviess County, Illinois. In Iowa it has been called the Lower Plain or Plain No. II. Ship- ton called it the Sparta Plain and Hughese assigned to it the name Limeridge Plain. The surface is as well developed in the neighborhood of Lancaster, Wisconsin, as anywhere, and therefore the name assigned by Grant and Burchard is retained for this plain. 1. Hershey, 0. H., 1m. Geol.. Vol. 20, pp. 246-268. 2. Grant, U. S. and Burchard, E. F., Lancaster-Mineral Point Folio, U. S. Geol. Suri'.. p. 2. 3. Trowbridge, A. C., Jour. Grol., Vol. 21, pp. 739-741. 4. Howell, J. V., Iowa Geol. Suri'.. Vol. 25, pp. 59-60. 5. Shipton, W. D., Geology of the Sparta Quadrangle, unpublished thesis in library of University of Iowa, p. 57. 6. Hughes, 'U. B., Geology of the Richland Center Quadrangle, manuscript in prep- aration. EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 85 Portions of the Lancaster Plain are known in the north- ern part of the Sparta quadrangle at an average altitude of 1100 feet; in the Baraboo district at 1200 feet; in the northern and central portions of the Richland Center quad- rangle on divides sloping southward from 1200 to 1100 feet; in the central and southern portions of the Lancaster and Mineral Point quadrangles at levels varying from 1100 to 1000 feet; in the northern and central portions of the Gale- na and Elizabeth quadrangles, Illinois, sloping southward from 1000 feet to 900 feet; in southeastern Minnesota at al- titudes of about 1200 feet; and in northeastern Iowa from the Minnesota line at an altitude of 1100 feet to Dubuque, where it lies at and around 900 feet altitude. The best general view of the surface may be obtained from the Mississippi river between Bellevue, Iowa, and La Crosse. Along this whole extent of river the immediate rim of the Mississippi valley appears to be almost a horizontal line ex- cept where broken by tributary valleys. Nowhere does the Dodgeville plain come to the edge of the bluff, although, near Turkey river and Prairie du Chien, remnants of the higher plain are close enough to be visible from the river and appear as monadnocks standing above the plain which forms the rim of the valley. On the whole, the Lancaster plain is represented by up- land surfaces which are more numerous, larger, closer to- gether, and more nearly continuous than the summit areas which constitute the remnants of the Dodgeville plain. In the Sparta quadrangle, the Lancaster plain is represented by a series of narrow divides above which stand con- spicuous remnants of the Dodgeville plain such as Castle Rock and Balls Bluff. In the Baraboo district por- tions of the lower plain include the general flat crest of the North quartzite range at Ableman and at the Lower Narrows, broad, poorly drained divides between north flow- ing and south flowing, streams on the south range, and flat benches on the south range, such as the one at 1200 feet 2 miles northeast of Denzer. Just north of the Wisconsin river the plain is best shown on the crests of north-south divides, such as the divides between Pine, Bear, Narrows, 86 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY and Honey Creeks, on which are located the main roads of the district, hundreds of prosperous farms, and the villages of Limeridge, Sandusky, and Loreto. Wide areas of the plain are found at or near Blake Prairie, Diamond Grove, Rockville, Hurricane, Lancaster, (Fig. 19), Liberty Ridge, Roger BN CHICAGO ANCASTER R 957 cek Areen pigeon Ed की Thulicane Fig. 19. A portion of the Lancaster topographic map showing the ex- tent and distribution of the Lancaster plain in its type loca.ity. Jamestown, and Cornelia in the Lancaster quadrangle, and near Livingston, Rewey, Belmont, Cuba, and Fayette in the Mineral Point quadrangle. In these two quadrangles the surfaces representing the Lancaster plain are long and broad, and are utilized extensively for various sorts of human activity. Most of the surfaces are north-south divides or east-west projections of north-south divides. In the Elizabeth quadrangle in Illinois there are large areas of this intermediate plain, the most conspicuous of which are south of Apple River and northwest of Stock- ton, (Figs. 20 and 21), where there are surfaces 1x112 miles EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 87 School Sumn Mesyu School Gle Bone Millvili Rusb Certies School 161 yhd Sat R S Fig. 20. A portion of the Elizabeth topographic map where the Lancaster plain is exceptional.y well represented. Fig. 21. View of the Lancaster plain in Jo Daviess County, north of Stockton, Illi- nois. The elevaticns in the distance are the mounds" which are monadnocks on the plain. Below the general surface, there are val eys more than 200 feet deep. 88 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY in extent. These surfaces have maximum relief of less than 10 feet and are poorly drained. Above them stand con- spicuous monadnocks, and below them are abrupt valleys more than 100 feet in depth. The Lancaster plain is rep- resented in the Galena quadrangle by the divides between Sinsinawa and Galena rivers, used as the site of the Hazel Green Pike road, and the divide between Galena River and Smallpox Creek. The tops of these divides consist of flat surfaces or gentle slopes. They average 900 feet above sea, 300 feet above present drainage, and 150 feet below the tops of the mounds which stand conspicuously upon them. In Iowa most of the tops of the divides within eight or ten miles of the Mississippi River are to be correlated with the Lancaster plain; for instance, the divides between Upper Iowa River and the Minnesota line, between Clear Creek and Village Creek, Village Creek and Paint Creek, Paint Creek and Yellow River, Yellow River and Bloody Run, Bloody Run and Sny Magill Creek, the divides north and south of Yellow River, etc. (Figs. 22 and 26). The plain the gorges below it, as seen near Waukon Fig. 22. View of the Lancaster plain an Junction, Iowa. is also represented in the vicinity of Dubuque. The Lan- caster plain in the Minnesota portion of the Driftless Area EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 89 forms gently rolling intermediate surfaces, so extensive and so nearly flat as to be known locally as "prairies." Areas representing the plain here are known south of Preston and in other portions of Fillmore county, in Houston county south of Root river near Caledonia, in nearly all parts of Winona county and in the southeastern portion of Wabasha county. Though the areas are most extensive away from the Mississippi river, representatives of it are known right to the edge of the river gorge. As in the case of the Dodgeville plain, the Lancaster plain lies on different rock formations at different places. North of the Prairie du Chien cuesta in Wisconsin it lies on the Cambrian sandstone, in Minnesota on Platteville, St. Peter and Prairie du Chien, south of the Prairie du Chien cuesta on the Prairie du Chien and St. Peter formations, south of the Platteville-Galena cuesta on the Galena and Maquoketa formations. In general, the farther north a portion of the plain is the older the formation, and the low- er the part of the formation on which it lies. Progressively younger rocks are bevelled by the plain toward the south. The Lancaster plain slopes in a general southerly direc- tion at an angle less than the angle of dip of the strata. The details in the relations of the plain and the structure south of the anticlinal axis are shown in the table on page 90. The computations, the results of which appear in the table, show that there is a marked parallelism of plain and strata in several of the individual districts, such as the Richland Center, Sparta and Mineral Point quadrangles, but that in other districts and where greater distances are involved, this parallelism fails. It is notable that all the local estimates show the intermediate surface sloping in directions west of south, which is the direction of dip of the strata and that those estimates including more widely separated points on the plain show a general slope east of south. Considering only the local districts the plain appears to have an average slope of 10.9 feet per mile in the direc- tion S 17°W and the strata dip S 28°W at an angle of 16.6 feet per mile. Over the larger areas the average direction 90 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY TABLE OF RESULTS OF COMPUTATION OF DIP AND STRIKE OF LANCASTER PLAIN AND ROCK STRATA General Location Location of Points Direction of dip of plain Amount of dip of plain ; ft. per mi. Direction of dip of strata Imount of lip of strata ; ft. per mi. S 25°W 7.6 S 15°W 7.6 S 80°W 12.5 S 59°W 14. S 26°W 8.9 S 29°W 34. S 9°W 7.3 S 9°W 9.1 S 46°W 27.2 S 13°W 13.9 Nortir part A-Limeridge Richland Center B-3 12 miles Quadrangle south Loreta C-212 miles N.E. Richland Center North part A-1 mile south Sparta of Castle Rock Quadrangle B-Center Sec. 3 Burns Twp. C-W. C. Sec. 23 Burns Twp. Lancaster A-Blake Prairie Quadrangle B-Lancaster C-Near Jamestown Mineral Point A-Rewey Quadrangle B-Cuba C-Fayette Galena A-S. Sec. 24 Quadrangle Vinegar Hill Twp. B-Galena C-N. E. Sec. 23 Galena Twp. Elizabeth A-Foot of Quadrangle Hudson Mound B-Warren C-C Sec. 9 Rush Twp. Waukon A-412 mi. W. of Quadrangle New Albin in Iowa B-3 mi. S. E. of Lansing C-3 mi. S. E. of Watson Iowa- A-Near New Albin Wisconsin B-Near Watson C-Near Bloomington Wisconsin- A-Near Sparta Jowa- B-Near New Albin Illinois C-Near Stockton Wisconsin- A-Near Sparta Iowa. B-Near Bloomington C-Near New Albin Wisconsin- A-Near Denzer Iowa B-Near Bloomington C-Near New Albin Wisconsin- A-Near Loreta Jowa- B-Near Watson Illinois C-Near Stockton S 8°W 8. S 20°W 9.8 S 77°E 5.1 S 51°W 27.6 S 42°E 2.1 S 22°W 15. N 89°E 3.1 S 7°W 9.4 S 82°E 4. S 9.4 S 16°W 2.8 S 11°W 11. S 1°E 3. S 19°W 11.6 EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 91 of slope of the plain is S 40'E and the average amount of slope 3 feet per mile, while the corresponding figures for the strata are S 12°W and 11.3 feet. Including the results of all the estimates, both local and general, the plain slopes S 11°E to an amount of 7.6 feet to the mile and the strata dip S. 20°W, 14.4 feet per mile. The plain and the strata fail of parallelism by 31° in direction and 6.8 feet per mile in dip. In the literature of the subject the Lancaster plain and the Dodgeville plain have in some cases been confused; in- deed there has been some doubt expressed that they are really distinct. In his criticisms of the peneplain theory to explain the accordant divides of the Driftless Area, Mar- tin' assumes two cases: (1) that there are four upland plains, one for each cuesta, and (2) that there is but one upland plain. He does not consider the problem of two up- land plains and appears to believe that all the upland sur- faces form a single plain, if indeed they may be said to form plains at all. This confusion doubtless grows out of the fact that there are places where the summit plain only is found and places where only the intermediate plain oc- curs. In such latter places the Lancaster plain could easily be mistaken for a summit plain. There are also some local- ities within the Driftless Area in which both plains occur and where they appear to grade into each other. And yet the summit plain and the intermediate plains are distinct. The evidences are as follows: (1) In most portions of the Driftless Area, as between Waukon and the Mississippi river (Fig. 23), and in the district south of Turkey river in Iowa, in the Galena and Elizabeth quad- rangles in Illinois, in the northern and central portions of the Lancaster and Mineral Point quadrangles, in the Rich- land Center quadrangle, in the Baraboo district and in the Sparta quadrangle in Wisconsin, and in Minnesota both plains are found and in most of these places the lower plain is so sharply set off from the upper one that the two can be distinctly seen in any general view. (2) Even in districts where intermediate levels seem to grade into sum- 1. Martin, Lawrence, Bull. No. 36, Wis. Geol. and Natl Hist. Surv., pp. 66-67. 92 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY mit levels, careful inspection brings out distinct differences in altitude between the two plains. For instance, the Lan- caster plain around Lancaster, seems, on casual observa- tion, to grade into the Dodgeville plain on the summit of Fig. 23. View east of Waukon, Iowa, showing both the Dodgeville and Lancaster plains. The picture was taken from the Dodgeville plain which shows in the fore- ground and forms the skyline. The general topography which forms the rims of the valleys in the middle distance is the Lancaster plain. Military Ridge. Grant and Burchard' included Military Ridge and the area around Dodgeville with the Lancaster plain. However, there are many views obtainable in which Military Ridge stands distinctly above the intermediate le and carefully drawn profiles show the two plains to be distinct” (Fig. 24). (3) Where both plains are repre- sented in the same locality, they lie at different strati- graphic horizons, either within the same formation or in different formations, although in practically all cases both lie on resistant rock. (4) If the Lancaster plain be project- ed from districts where the Dodgeville plain is missing into areas where the Dodgeville plain occurs it is found to lie distinctly below the Dodgeville plain. Similarly the Dodge- 1. Grant, U. S. and Burchard, E. F., Lancaster-Mineral Point Folio, U. S. Geol. Surv., p. 2. 2. Hughes, U. B., Proc. la. Acad. Sci., Vol. 23, p. 131. EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 93 ville plain projected from cuesta to cuesta, lies on the average 200 feet higher than the Lancaster plain in the inter-cuesta areas. (See Figs. 14 and 23). (5) Where both plains are found together the change from one to the other takes place either along lines parallel with or oblique to the strike. (6) There are many places along the main south-flowing streams, for instance, along the Mississippi ro نم Fig. 24. A profile from Mt. Ida on the Dodgeville Prairie south across a portion of the Lancaster plain. The profile makes it clear that two plains are represented. (After U. B. Hughes). river, where upland surfaces representing the Lancaster plain can be traced continuously from an inter-cuesta area across a cuesta, on the summits of which the Dodgeville plain is represented, to connect definitely with the Lancas- ter plain in another inter-cuesta area (Fig. 25). There are lines along which the Lancaster plain is unbroken by rem- nants of the Dodgeville plain for the whole north-south ex- tent of the Driftless Area. (7) If it be assumed that the Lancaster plain in an area south of a Dodgeville cuesta is merely the projection of the Dodgeville plain down the dip of the strata, so that the two plains together form the gentle southerly slopes of normal cuestas (Fig. 16), three points located so as to include both plains, should show a surficial slope parallel with stratigraphic dips. That this assumption is not true is shown by the table on page 95, in which both plains are represented in each computation. Nowhere do the slopes of the surface and the dips of the strata coincide. 94 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY UIQIY MON buisuon Mississippi Riser Lovel huoy sad.com Cambrian Loverene Limestona Lopun uomo JubangsW 420W Yoed could Prairie du chien Dolomito H Obviously the Lancaster plain is not an original marine plain of deposition, neither was it formed by marine denudation. Lying as it does here at one stratigraphic horizon and there at another, it cannot be a simple structural plain. Because the Lancaster plain is represented by many broad, flattish, intermediate sur- faces close enough together to warrant correlation ; because it is distinct from the Dodgeville plain; because it has a general southerly slope; because its slope is not parallel with the under- lying strata; because the plain bevels the edges of the strata ; be- cause its surface has about the degree of irregularity and slope which a peneplain should have; because it is not confined to cuesta belts but has a wide distribution in the inter-cuesta areas the Lan- caster plain seems even more surely to be a true peneplain than is the Dodgeville plain. It cannot be held to be a series of unrelated cuestas. The Lancaster plain, therefore, is believed to be a true peneplain, younger than the Dodgeville plain, uplifted since its formation, and now approach- ing thorongh dissection in the present cycle of erosion. For an additional illustration of the feat- ures on which this belief is based. see Fig. 26. It should not be understood that this surface was uo hay Sandstone Fig. 25. A topographic profile and geologic structure section, drawn along the west rim of the valley of the Mississippi river from New Albin to Plottaville Limestong Bellevue. The horizontal distance is 150 miles. The vertical scale is exaggerated. St Peter Sandyland Banqueกร์" Ordovician O 2 Galena Ostomito daly horny 國 ​Maouent Shala 17 yod Silurian Nogard Dolomite 며 ​ono neng BOAIE EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 95 COMPUTATIONS SHOWING THE RELATION BETWEEN THE SLOPE OF A PLAIN MADE BY THE COMBINATION OF THE DODGEVILLE AND LANCASTER PLAINS AND THE DIP OF THE STRATA General Location Location of Points Direction of s'ope of plain in ft. per mi. Amount of slope of plain Direction of dip of strata Amount of dip of strata Jin ft. per mi. Lancaster Quadrangle Denzer- Sparta-Rich- land Center Quadrangles Waukon Quadrangle in Iowa A-Fennimore (Dodge- ville plain) B-Blake Prairie S 16°W 15. S 27°W 22.8 (Lancaster plain) C-Rockville (Lan- caster plain) A-Denzer (Dodge- ville plain) B-Sparta (Dodge- S 41°W 40. S 28°W 14. ville plain) C-Loreta (Lan- caster plain) A-Church (Dodge- ville plain) B-342 mi.S. E. of Lan- S 76°E 20.6 S 27°W 20. sing (Lancaster plain) C-3 mi. S. E. of Wat- son (Lancaster plain) A-Near Graham, Iowa (Dodgeville plain) B-Lancaster, Wisconsin (Lancaster plain) N 78°E 5.2 S 6°W 8. C-Stockton, Illinois (Lancaster plain) Iowa- Wisconsin- Illinois flat before its upliſt and dissection. Many remnants of the higher surfaces stood above it, and even its general lowland topography lacked much of being perfectly flat, as is true of all peneplains. The Lancaster plain even considered alone, bears strong evidence in favor of the plural cycle theory. And there is corroborative evidence of other sorts which adds still fur- ther to the strength of the case thus far developed. Antecedent Streams The antecedency of streams and the nature and value of the evidence it bears on the erosional history of a region were discussed in Part I, pp. 21-24. Streams may become antecedent (1) by local warping of the strata and surface of a region after the course of the streams have been estab- 96 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY ! (Pho- A panoramic view locking up the Mississippi river toward Lansing, Iowa, and showing the flood plain and both valley walls. Note the even skyline on both sides extending into the distance. This is the Lancaster plain which definite y beve's formations of unequal resistance. tographed by Professor W. H. Norton). Fig. 26. lished, if the diastro- phic warping takes place so slowly that the streams can de- grade the up-warped areas as fast as they are uplifted, and thus hold their courses as conditions change, or (2) by the uniiorm uplift of a surface which has been re- duced to grade and on which the streams have reached a final stage of adjustment, flowing by the most direct routes to the sea, provided again the streams hold their courses during and after uplift. By study of the Driftless Area it be- comes reasonably cer- tain that the tilting and slight warping which the strata have undergone antedated the establishment of the courses of the present streams, for all the structures are bevelled by the Dodge- ville and Lancaster plains. Either the streams of the Drift- less Area are in har- mony with conditions EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 97 of slope, resistance, and structure and with the stage of early maturity, or they are antecedent and have courses now which they acquired in some late stage of a previous cycle. If the streams are merely consequent it would seem that the surface of the Driftless Area is in its first erosional cycle. If they are antecedent they furnish valuable evidences of more than one cycle in the erosional history of the region. In case there has been but one cycle of erosion all the streams should be consequent; if there has been more than one cycle the larger streams are likely to be antecedent, having developed their courses in the first cycle and held them into the second, and the many tributary streams should have been developed in the present cycle and be con- sequent. The problem then involves especially the major streams. Mississippi River Study of the present course of the Mississippi river shows certain anomolies in its relations to original topography and structure, which are significant. These anomolies can be made most clear by a study of the various stages of adjust- ment which major streams should have in the normal ero- sional cycle under conditions existing in the Driftless Area, and by comparison of the course of the Mississippi river with these various stages, considering the present mature condition of the region. As has been stated in previous pages, the strata south from La Crosse and Sparta dip in an average direction S 26°W to an average amount of 14.6 feet to the mile. But north of Winona along the Mississippi a dip in the opposite direction is recorded by conformable stratigraphic contacts which decline appreciably from Winona to Minneapolis. The average dip of the strata north of the arch, which seems to run through Galesburgh, Winona, and St. Charles, determined by taking the averages of four computations by means of the three point method is found to be N 35° W 9.3 feet per mile. The highest portion of the original surface, therefore, must have been near Winona and the surface must have sloped down to the north and 98 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY to the south from the divide. In the knowledge that the formation of this arch antedated the establishment of the present course of the Mississippi river and that the various rock formations do not thin out appreciably in approach- ing the crest of the arch, it is possible to reconstruct the original surface for a line following the present course of the Mississippi river. This surface is found to lie at 960 feet at Bellevue, 1030 feet at Dubuque, 1520 feet at Prairie du Chien, 1850 feet at Lansing, 2000 feet at La Crosse, 1870 feet at Winona, and 1410 feet at Minneapolis. A section showing this original surface and the attitude of the strata beneath it for the whole length of the Mississippi river from Minneapolis to Bellevue is shown in Fig. 27. MINNEAPOLIS WNONI LACROSSE LANSINO PRAIRIE OU CHIEN DUBUQUE NIAGARA MAQUORETA GALENA PLATTEVILLE ST. PETER PRAIRIE OU THIEN POTSDAM (ST. CRO) Fig. 27. A section showing the original surface of the Driftless Area and the struc- ture of the strata along a line now followed by the Mississippi river. The total horizontal distance is approximately 250 miles. Vertical scale: 1 inch equals 360 feet. Such a surface would be eroded by streams which would exhibit different stages of adjustment in different stages of the erosion cycle. In the first stage of adjustment streams would form, flowing south and north from the crest of the arch. From the main streams, tributaries would develop which would curve headward up the slope of the plain toward the divide from either side. As all the streams in this first stage were flowing on the Niagara dolomite there were only slight differences in resistance, and the courses of the streams would be determined primarily by the topographic slopes which were in turn determined by the structure. The gen- EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 99 f 3 eral northerly and southerly slopes from the axis of the arch were not steep, but are believed to have been steep enough to control the general courses of the streams. The details of the courses might be influenced by the minor structures such as anticlines, synclines, accentuations of the monocline, faults, joints, etc., by local irregularities in the surface, or by slight differences in resistance. The con- ditions during this first stage of adjustment are illustrated in Fig. 28. 1 NIAGARA EMAQUINE TASTE GALENA PLATTEVILL ST. PETER PRAIRIE BUCHIEN POTSDAM (ST. CROW) Fig. 28. Block diagram illustrating the drainage conditions in the Driftless Area, as they should have been in the initial stage of stream adjustment. As the main streams on the two limbs of the arch cut downward they would, somewhere in their courses, pene- trate the resistant Niagara dolomite and reach the relative- ly non-resistant Maquoketa shale. On this soft formation the main streams would develop broad valleys and would send out tributaries (Fig. 29). When maturity of the erosion cycle was reached and the inter-valley divides had been made narrow, the south-flow- ing main stream, having greater volume, or a higher gradi- ent, or flowing on less resistant material than the stream on the opposite side of the arch, might work headward through the main divide and steal water by reversion of the main stream flowing in the opposite direction. (Fig. 30). In this case it seems that the pirate stream would work headward down the course already established by the 100 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY reversed stream, that is, in a line roughly parallel with the dip of the strata and with the original slope of the surface. Finally when old age has been reached and the main Fig. 29. Block diagram showing the drainage conditions in Stage II of stream ad- justment. Fig. 30. Block diagram illustrating Stage III of stream adjustment, in case the south-flowing stream has the advantage of the north-flowing one. streams have been reduced to grade throughout their courses, and not before that stream which has the shortest route to the sea would capture all the drainage and would adopt a course, which for the first time would be indepen- dent of structure and original slope and dependent upon the slopes of the graded plain. Some of the tributary streams, of which there would be few, might still be depen- dent upon structure (Fig. 31). 0 EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 101 ih Fig. 31. Block diagram showing the courses of the streams in a final stage of stream adjustment in a first cyc.e of ercsicn. Now the prcscnt course of the Mississippi river in early maturity of the present cycle of valley development is al- most exactly what would be expected if it were determined by two streams flowing in opposite directions from the crest of the arch, the south-flowing stream having captured the north-flowing one, as outlined above (Fig. 32). North Fig. 32. Block diagram showing roughly the course of the Mississippi river in its relations to structure. The river is antecedent in the same sense that the Susque- hanna river in the Appalachians is antecedent. of the axis of the arch, between Minneapolis and La Crosse, the river flows in the general direction, S 51°E, which is an angle of 164° with the average direction of dip of the strata. The river not only does not flow in the direction of the dip but it does not flow parallel with the strike. Its average direction lacks but 16° of being opposite to the dip and to 102 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY the slope of the original surface. The original surface had the theoretical altitude of 1410 feet at Minneapolis, 1870 feet at Winona and 2000 feet at La Crosse, and the present river flows from Minneapolis, past Winona, to La Crosse. South of the axis of the arch and the main divide on the original surface, where the strata have an average dip in the direction S 26°W, which also must have been the aver- age direction of slope of the original surface, the river follows a curved course from La Crosse to Bellevue in the general direction S 18°E, forming an angle of 44° with the dip of the strata and the slope of the original surface. On neither side of the arch is there any evidence that the minor curves of the river really are controlled by minor structural features such as anticlines and synclines. It should also be borne in mind that the Mississippi river, by taking a course more nearly directly south at some point south of St. Paul, would have flowed around the southwest end of the plunging anticline, avoiding the crest of the arch and the high portion of the original surface entirely. Such a course also would have been little if any longer to Dubuque than the course which was actually established. There is a further indication that the Mississippi river has had such a history as outlined above in the fact that certain of the larger streams north of the axis of the anti- cline, for instance, Whitewater river, join the master stream with an acute angle down-stream. This suggests that the Mississippi river was flowing in the opposite direction while Whitewater river was being developed, and that its direction of flow was later reversed. This lack of harmony between rock structures and original slopes on the one hand and the present course of the Mississippi river on the other, cannot be explained on the basis of the ordinary superimposition. Such an inter- pretation could be correct only in case some post-Paleozoic formation on which the stream could have established its present course, had been deposited over the strata of the dis- trict, after they were deformed, so as to let the stream down on the stratigraphic structures and topographies as EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 103 the covering formation was penetrated. No such covering formation is known to have existed in the Driftless Area; and it seems extremely unlikely that a deposit so thick did exist and has been so thoroughly removed that no remnants of it are left. There are a few patches of stream gravel on the uplands, which some have considered to be Creta- ceous and others Tertiary in age, but these deposits are local in their distribution and are believed by no one to have covered the entire Driftless Area. Certainly they did not cover it to such depths as to mask the present struc- tures. Neither is the glacial drift competent to cause such superposition, for there are considerable areas on both sides of the Mississippi which are driftless. Furthermore, the drift must have had a thickness of more than 600 feet at Minneapolis to have carried the river over the crest of the arch at La Crosse. Because the Mississippi river is generally independent of structure, because it flows for 135 miles in a direction which is up the slope of the original surface, because it cuts across the axis of a fold whose dips are considerable, because the surface of the Driftless Area is in maturity and shows no signs of old age, and because the river has not been super- imposed, the Mississippi river is believed to be antecedent and to record more than one cycle in the erosional history of the surface. The relations between the course of the Mississippi river and the Dodgeville and Lancaster plains north of La Crosse are not definitely ascertainable. On the south limb of the anticline, however, the general course of the river comes within 5° of being parallel in direction with the Dodgeville plain and within 6 of parallelism with the Lancaster plain. It seems likely therefore, that the river established its pres- cnt course in old age of the cycle of erosion in which the Dodgeville peneplain was formed and held that course without great change during the dissection of the Dodge- ville. plain and the formation of the Lancaster plain and while the Lancaster plain was being uplified and eroded. الی۔ 104 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY It is not known that this holds in detail for that part of the river north of La Crosse. 1 1 Other Streams All the smaller tributary streams of the Driftless Area appear to have been formed in the present cycle of erosion, be it the first, second or third cycle which the Area has ex- perienced. It would seem likely, however, that if the Mississippi river existed in a previous cycle, some of its larger tributaries, such as the Wisconsin, La Crosse, Upper Iowa, Turkey, Root and Whitewater rivers might have established their courses at the same time and have held their courses to the present. Within the Driftless Area, Wisconsin river flows from Prairue du Sac to the Mississippi in a general direction S 73°W, which is at an angle of 47° with the general dip of the strata and what must have been the slope of the original surface. The whole course of the river in this distance is on Potsdam sandstone, but before it had cut quite so deeply it must have flowed from the soft sandstone, across the re- sistant Prairie du Chien dolomite, instead of remaining on the soft sandstone as it could have done by developing a course more nearly parallel with the strike of the strata. As Wisconsin river is not adjusted to the structure the con- clusion seems reasonable that it probably developed a course in harmony with conditions which existed in old age of a previous cycle and held that course during rejuvenation. In the sense in which Willis, Davis, and Hayes and Camp- bell used the term in connection with certain rivers of the Appalachians, Wisconsin river is, then, probably antecedent and an evidence of more than one cycle of erosion. The direction of dip of the strata in the neighborhood of La Crosse river near the crest of the arch is not known accurately, and it is not known whether the river, which flows S 56°W is parallel with or oblique to the axis of the anticline. It may, therefore, be antecedent or consequent. The courses of the streams in Iowa doubtless have been influenced by glacial drift which extends eastward almost or quite to their points of junction with the Mississippi; EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 105 and the problem of their antecedency is therefore obscured. Upper Iowa river has a course N 46°E from Decorah to its mouth, which fails of parallelism with the dip by 142°. In- deed the river flows for 35 miles in a direction which must have been up an original slope of 10 or 15 feet per mile. If glaciation had nothing to do with the establishment of this course Upper Iowa river is probably antecedent. Turkey river below Elkader flows in the general direction S 66°E. As this makes an angle of only 2° with the strike of the strata, Turkey river may be considered to be adjusted in harmony with its development within a single cycle. In Minnesota, Root river has a course out of harmony with the structure and the slopes of the theoretic original sur- face. It flows in a general direction which is up a strati- graphic dip of 4 feet per mile, although by taking a more southerly course it could have flowed around the end of the plunging anticline. Although Whitewater river north of the axis of the arch, as stated on p. 102, flows in a direction which is in harmony with structure and original slope, it joins the Mississippi with an acute angle down- stream, suggesting the possibility that its course was estab- lished according to original slope and maintained after re- versal of the master stream. Thus, while there is little suggestion of antecedency for the Whitewater river itself, its course taken in connection with the course of its main, adds strength to the belief that the establishment of the present course of the upper Mississippi involved a case of piracy of a magnitude which could hardly have taken place all within the present cycle of erosion. In Illinois, Sinsinawa Creek, Galena River, Smallpox Creek, Apple River and Plum River are so nearly parallel with the dip that their histories probably do not date back of the present erosional cycle. Intrenched Meanders If the erosional history of the Driftless Area has involved more than one cycle of erosion it seems that some of the streams at least should have developed meanders in old age of a cycle and intrenched their meanders in the later cycle 106 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY t following uplift. The difficulty in distinguishing intrenched meanders from curves made in oiher ways not involving more than one cycle of erosion is brought out in Part I, as are also other limitations and possibilities in the applica- tion of intrenched meanders to interpretations of the ero- sional histories of regions. The two major streams of the Driftless Area, the Mis- sissippi and Wisconsin rivers, show no intrenched mean- ders, in spite of the fact that they seem to have had a history which would have developed such features. Both streams have flood plains several times the widths of the rivers and the details of their present courses are what would be expected under these conditions; but their curves are not intrenched. Except for their details, the general courses of these rivers are quite remarkably straight. If the streams were at grade on the Dodgeville plain and de- veloped meanders there they must have straightened their courses as they cut down toward the Lancaster plain. Either the Lancaster peneplain was not sufficiently flat- tened for the development of conspicuous meanders or meanders were formed in this second cycle and cut off again after uplift of the Lancaster plain. It is not unreasonable to suppose that such streams would straighten themselves after rejuvenation ; indeed, it is not clear that a stream could maintain the meanders developed in one cycle much past maturity of the following cycle. Therefore, the absence of intrenched meanders in these major streams is not thought to argue strongly against the idea that the Drift- less Area has suffered more than one cycle of erosion. On the other hand the curves of these streams have nothing to offer in favor of this idea. Conditions are somewhat different in the cases of smaller streams. Upper Iowa, Yellow, Turkey, and little Maquoketa rivers in Iowa are quite crooked and spurs from the valley walls project into the curves. But a large part of the courses of these streams lie in an area which has been glaciated, and the curves may have been developed on the surface of the drift and superimposed on the bedrock. But EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 107 on the east side of the Mississippi river in Wisconsin and Illinois, where the area has never been glaciated and where there is no other known cause for exceptionally crooked streams, Trempeleau, Black, Kickapoo, Grant, Platte, Little Platte, Pecatonica, Galena, and Apple rivers all have dis- tinctly crooked courses where the area has never been glaciated and where there is no other known cause for ex- ceptionally crooked streams (Fig. 33). Kummel' studied Fig. 33. A map showing a portion of the course of Galena river near Benton, Wisconsin. The curves may constitute intrenched meanders. (After Martin). the Galena, Platte, Grant, and Pecatonica rivers, described their meandering courses and their mature valleys, and concluded that they could not have been developed in a single cycle, either by superposition or by inequalities in resistance of rock. He concluded that they are true in- trenched meanders significant of more than one cycle of erosion. His argument is convincing but hardly conclusive. There are so many ways in which curves might be developed and so difficult is it to distinguish curves made in differ- 1. Kummel, H. B., "Some meandering rivers of Wisconsin,” Science, New Series, Vol. I (1895), pp. 714-716. 108 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY ent ways, that the writer believes that these intrenched curving streams, considered alone without reference to re- lations between mains and tributaries, might have acquired these curves without having experienced more than one cycle. On the other hand it is believed that these intrenched curves bear as much evidence in favor of the plural cycle theory as intrenched meanders ever afford. Associated Sets of Crooked and Straight Streams But if the crooked courses of these streams within the Driftless Area have been developed in a single cycle their tributaries must have had the same histories as the mains and should have courses as crooked as the courses of the mains. Neither in the case of the above-mentioned streams in the Driftless Area of Wisconsin and Illinois nor of those in the slightly glaciated portion of Iowa do the mains and the tributaries have comparable natures and 'degrees of crookedness. The fact that the tributaries are less crooked than their mains in Iowa is not significant, for it is possible that the main streams developed their course in the drift and that the tributaries were developed under different conditions after superimposition had been accomplished. In the cases of those streams in areas which were not even slightly glaciated, however, and in which the tributaries are straight and the mains are notably curved, a suggestion is offered that the histories of the main streams and of the tributaries have not all been worked out in a single cycle. It would seem likely that the mains developed meanders when they were at grade in maturity or old age of a previ- ous cycle of valley development and that either the tributar-· ies had not reached grade and therebore did not meander be- fore the first cycle was interrupted, or the tributaries did not exist at the close of the first cycle and have developed their straight courses entirely under conditions of higher gradient in the present cycle. There is a marked difference in degree of crookedness be- tween tributaries and mains in practically all of the drain- age systems intermediate in size between the largest and EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 109 the smallest, as illustrated in Fig. 34. This fact is of some value as evidence in favor of the idea that more than one cycle was involved in the erosional history of the Driftless Fig. 34. A plat of part of the course of Grant river and its trib- utaries. The fact that the tributaries are not nearly so crooked as the main stream suggests that the curves of the river were developed in the last stages of a previous cycle and that the tributaries were mainly or wholly developed in the present cycle. Area. This evidence is chiefly corroborative, however, and is not conclusive considered alone. Stream Terraces The Driftless Area abounds in stream terraces of vari- ous sorts, but none of them is significant as an evidence of more than one cycle of erosion. At many points throughout the area there are projections or benches along the valley walls, whose tops are more or less flat, whose outer faces are steep, and to which the term terraces might be applied. These features are well known 110 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY in Jo Daviess County, Illinois', in the Sparta district and along the Wisconsin river in Wisconsin, and in many of the valleys of Iowa, notably in the valley of Village Creek. These terraces are formed by resistant layers of rock at various stratigraphic horizons, as for instance, certain re- sistant sandstone layers in the Potsdam formation, the Mendota limestone member, the cherty member of the Ga- lena formation, and the calcareous beds in the upper Ma- quoketa. They are purely structural, occur at different levels, cannot be correlated with either the Dodgeville or the Lancaster plain, and cannot be used as evidence of more than one cycle of erosion in the Driftless Area. In several of the main tributaries of the Wisconsin river, notably in the valley of the Kickapoo river and the valley of Pine creek, there are distinct and almost continuous ter- races which slope gently downstream. They consist of non- resistant rock, and bevel the layers of the Potsdam sand- stone. The valleys have a double appearance, there being a narrow, rock-bound valley within a much wider, older one. These terraces are also due indirectly to structure. The Wisconsin river flows west and south with a gradient considerably less than the slope of the strata in that direc- tion, so that its bed is on progressively younger strata to- wards its mouth. Although it has now penetrated the re- sistant Prairie du Chien formation where it joins the Mis- sissippi, there was a time when its lower course was in this resistant formation and its upper course and its tributaries were on the Cambrian sandstone. Under these conditions the degradation was so much slower on the Prairie du Chien formation than was possible upstream on the sandstone that a temporary grade was established and maintained on the sandstone. There the main and tributary streams developed broad, open valleys with flat bottoms. When the resistant dolomite at the mouth of the river was finally cut through the sandstone beneath it was excavated rapidly and the streams above the resistant rock were allowed to intrench 1. Trowbridge. A. C. and Shaw, E. W., Bull. No. 26, III. Geol. Surv., pp. 144-5. 2. Martin, Lawrence, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 28, pp. 148-149. 3. MacClintock, Paul, The Wisconsin River between Prairie du Sac and Prairie du Chien, manuscript so far unpublished. EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 111 themselves. The renewed activity was felt last in the tribu- tary valleys and the terraces have therefore been eroded least there, so that they are now most conspicuous in val- leys tributary to the main streams rather than in the main valley itself. There are coarse stream-laid gravels on some of these terraces, as for instance in the valley of Pine Creek southwest of Richland Center, and in the valley of Honey Creek near Plain. It is clear that these terraces also are not significant in connection with the erosional history of the general surface of the Driftless Area. Flat-topped terraces, consisting of alluvial and lacustrine materials are found abundantly in nearly all the larger tributary valleys to the Mississippi and Wisconsin rivers. The origin of these terraces has been worked out and found to be due to a partial filling of the Mississippi and Wiscon- sin river valleys by fluvio-glacial material at the time of the Wisconsin ice invasion, the consequent ponding of the tributaries, and the re-excavation of the fill in the mains and the tributaries after the retreat of the Wisconsin glacier. The origin of these terraces too has little to do with the general erosional history of the Driftless Area as a whole. Although there are many terraces in the Driftless Area, it is concluded that none of them bears evidence of more than one cycle of erosion in the region. Upland Fluvial Deposits (high level gravels) One of the best evidences that there have been more than one cycle of erosion in the Driftless Area is found in the fact that stream deposits exist on some of the summit sur- faces of the Area. These deposits have been known for a long time and have usually been referred to as "high-level yravels." As the term implies, these deposits occupy the highest portion of the topography and consist almost en- tirely of gravel. 1. Trowbridge, A. C. and Shaw, E. W., Bull. No. 26, Ill. Geol. Surv., pp. 145-152. 2. Strong, Moses, Geol. Wis., Vol. IV, 1875-79, p. 88. Winchell, N. H., Geol. and Nat'l Hist, Surv. Minn.. Vol. I, 1884, pp. 305-310; 353-356. Chamberlin. T. C. and Salisbury, R. D., Sixth Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1884- 8), p. 273. Salisbury, R. D., Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 3, 1892, pp. 183-186; Jour. Geol., Vol. III, 1895, pp. 655-667. 112 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY So far they have been found at Seneca, Wisconsin, on the flat summit of the south quartzite range near Devil's Lake, Wisconsin, on the summit plain in the south portion of the Sparta quadrangle north of Cashton in Wisconsin, in the Tomah quadrangle, Wisconsin, at Iron Hill near Waukon, near Church, and near Elon in Iowa, and in various portions of the Driftless Area in Minnesota. In all these places the gravel is thick enough to form a measurable deposit and at Senaca and Waukon the thickness is as great as 35 feet. The deposit occupies summit positions in the topography, which position represents the Dodgeville plain in each case. In addition to these localities where the gravel is in place, there are many places in Iowa and Illinois and probably in Wis- consin and Minnesota, where scattered pebbles which have been derived from the deposit are found at all levels. How- cver, there is no place known where the gravel lies in its original position at levels below the Dodgeville plain. At Devil's Lake they are associated with potholes in the sum- mit surface. It is not believed that these patches of gravel are remnants of a formation which once covered the entire Driftless Area, but that the gravels were deposited only along stream courses. There can be no doubt that these gravels are of fluvial origin. The pebbles range in size from a small fraction of one inch to three or four inches in diameter. The smaller ones are rounded and highly polished and seem to have been carried far, or at least to have undergone transportation for a long time. The large ones are more irregular and some of them seem hardly to have been transported at all. At Seneca, Waukon and Elon, the gravel deposits are dis- tributed in crescent shaped areas resembling the curves of streams. The writer has broken hundreds of the pebbles and has yet to find one composed of anything but silica. Most of them are chert, but some are white quartz, some are almost black, and some have the color and appearance of jasper and chalcedony. They are known to include nothing which could not have been derived from the pre-Cambrian and Paleozoic formations which originally covered the Driftless EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 113 Area. At Waukon, Elon, Seneca, and at some points in Minnesota, the gravel is firmly cemented with iron, so that a conglomerate exceedingly resistant to erosion is formed. Some of the pebbles contain fossils which are of Ordo- vician and Niagaran age. Some of the pebbles and fossils collected from the Sparta quadrangle are shown in Fig. 35. The conclusion seems unavoidable that streams were once nearly at grade on the Dodgeville plain; that they deposited extensively in their beds, and that deposition ceased as the dissection of the summit plain was inaugurated by uplift. The coarse texture of the fluvial deposit, their apparently local origin, and their association at Devil's Lake with potholes all suggest that they were not deposited by the largest and oldest streams of the time, but rather by second- ary streams whose gradients were still appreciable and whose sources were not far distant, and yet by streams which have long since ceased to exist. Presumably the larger streams deposited also, but the material probably consisted of sand and silt rather than of gravel, and these non-resistant deposits have been entirely removed or mingled with the upland soils so thoroughly as to be indis- tinguishable. The gravel was probably deposited on those portions of the Dodgeville plain which were somewhat above the lower valley bottoms, and by subsequent erosion they have come to stand as the very highest points because of their superior resistance. Whatever may have been their detailed origin and dis- tribution these fluvial gravels, occurring at widely separated points on the Dodgeville plain, hundreds of feet above pres- ent drainage, go far to prove that the surface of the Drift- less Area has not been formed by erosion in a single cycle. Certainly there is no provision in the cuesta single cycle theory for the occurrence of these deposits on the Dodge- ville plain. Conclusion As was brought out in Part I, the most satisfactory proof of more than one cycle of erosion is to be found in certain combinations of evidences. A combination amounting to . 114 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Q G Fig. 35. Pebbles and fossils from the summit fluvial deposits in the south portion of the Sparta Quadrangle. (After Shipton). EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 115 proof exists in the Driftless Area. It is impossible that a surface could have been developed in a single cycle of ero- sion, which has (1) even-crested summit areas which, after analysis, represent a peneplain, (2) an intermediate plain which can be interpreted only as a partial peneplain, (3) antecedent streams which could have developed their pres- ent courses only in old age of an erosion cycle, (4) in- trenched meanders for which no other explanation than that they record more than one cycle have been worked out, (5) associated sets of crooked and straight streams which are valuable corroborative evidence of plural cycles, and (6) undoubted fluvial deposits widely distributed on flat sur- faces far above present drainage. THE NUMBER OF EROSIONAL CYCLES The next question which confronts the interpreter of the erosional history of the Driftless Area has to do with the number of cycles of erosion which have been involved in the formation of the surface. The question can be answered when it has been determined how many distinct sets of evidences of more than one cycle are included among the five evidences outlined above. In the first place, there is no way to ascertain how many cycles, if any, intervened between the time of withdrawal of the last Paleozoic sea and the cycle in which the Dodge- ville plain was formed. There may have been time for several cycles of erosion between these dates. But of any such cycles all evidence was obliterated in the making of the Dodgeville plain. If it be assumed that the cycle which was inaugurated by the final withdrawal of the sea was the same cycle as that in old age of which the Dodgeville plain resulted, there would be no way to prove the assump- tion to be incorrect. Considering the evidences of more than one cycle of ero- sion it is clear that the Dodgeville plain and the Lancaster plain could not have been formed in the same cycle. From foregoing discussions it is clear that the antecedent streams and upland fluvial deposits go with the Dodgeville plain, and the intrenched meanders and associated sets of crooked 116 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY and straight streams with the Lancaster plain. Even- crested summit areas, antecedent streams and fluvial de- posits on divides constitute evidence of one ancient cycle, and an intermediate plain which is a partial peneplain, in- trenched meanders and associated sets of crooked and straight streams afford evidence of another one. Below the intermediate plain the streams in their deeply excavated valleys show that a third cycle is involved. It is believed that the surface of the Driftless Area has been eroded in at least three cycles, the first known one being represented to-day by the Dodgeville plain, the second one by the Lancaster plain, and the third one by the pres- ent valleys below the Lancaster plain. These cycles are. . called the Dodgeville cycle, the Lancaster cycle and the present cycle respectively. THE HISTORY OF DIASTROPHISM The first recorded diastrophic event involved in the ero- sional history of the Driftless Area caused the warping of the strata to form the anticline with its axis crossing the Mississippi river at or near La Crosse, and with its south and north dipping limbs, together with the gentle and local anticlines and synclines on the limbs of the larger fold. This movement may or may not have accompanied or caused the final withdrawal of the Paleozoic seas. an uplift of the surface with warping. After the initial movement and the establishment of the land surface, after the streams had reached grade and de- veloped the Dodgeville plain, an uplift occurred which in- terrupted the Dodgeville cycle and inaugurated the Lan- caster cycle. Although the Dodgeville plain is not perfect- ly parallel with the Lancaster plain nor with the present flood plain of the Mississippi river, this uplift was not ac- companied by marked warping or tilting. The local irregu- larities of the Dodgeville and Lancaster plains are clearly due to erosion rather than to diastrophism and are neglect- ed in the following estimates. The relative directions and amounts of slope of the Dodgeville plain, the Lancaster EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 117 plain, and the graded plain of the Mississippi river, south of La Crosse, are shown in the accompanying table. TABLE SHOWING THE RELATIVE DIRECTIONS AND AMOUNTS OF SLOPE OF THE DODGEVILLE PLAIN, THE LANCASTER PLAIN, AND THE MISSISSIPPI FLOOD PLAIN Plain Dodgeville Plain Lancaster Plain Mississippi Flood Plain Average direction of slope S 23°E S 40°E S 18°E Average amount of slope 3.3 feet per mile 3 feet per mile 4 inches per mile The difference in direction of slope of the Dodgeville and Lancaster surfaces is not great, considering the possibilities of error in estimating averages, and could be due to differ- ences in direction of drainage during the respective cycles. Consequently, they cannot be said to record warping or tilting of the Dodgeville surface during uplift. The amounts of slope of the Dodgeville and Lancaster plains are almost identical, which seems to prove that there was no notable tilting of the Dodgeville surface before the formation of the Lancaster plain. The second diastrophic movement recorded in the features of the surface was then one of nearly uniform uplift. The amount of this uplift can be ascertained at least roughly by the average difference in altitude between the Dodgeville plain and the Lancaster plain. On the average these two plains are 235 feet apart vertically in the. Bara- boo district, 265 feet in the Sparta quadrangle, 148 feet in the Richland Center quadrangle, 175 feet in the Lancaster and Mineral Point quadrangles, 218 feet in Jo Daviess County, Illinois, 117 feet in the Waukon quadrangle, 190 feet in the Elkader quadrangle, 125 feet in southeastern Minnesota. As the average of these figures is 184 feet, the second recorded diastrophic movement was an uplift of about that amount. The Lancaster cycle was interrupted by a third uplift which was the greatest of all the movements which affected the Driftless Area. Streams which had developed graded flats on the Lancaster plain during the Lancaster cycle were able in the following cycle to cut to the levels of the bottoms of the rock valleys below the later fluvio-glacial fills. The 118 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY average depth of the valleys cut during this cycle is ap- proximately the amount of the uplift which closed the Lan- caster cycle. The following table gives details of the depths of valleys cut during this cycle. TABLE SHOWING DEPTHS OF VALLEYS WHICH MEASURE THE AMOUNT OF THE UPLIFT WHICH INTERRUPTED THE LANCASTER CYCLE Valley Altitude of Lancaster plain (feet) Altitude of rock bottom of valley (feet) Depths of Valley below the Lancaster plain and amount of uplift (feet) 1100 1200 600 570 500 630 860 490 370 La Crosse River near Sparta Devils Lake Gap Galena River near its mouth Upper Iowa River near its mouth Mississippi River at La Crosse Mississippi River at Prairie du Chien Mississippi River at Dubuque 1150 530 620 1100 470 630 1100 473 627 880 279 601 Considering the fact that not all the wells, the records of which were used for the altitudes of the bedrock beneath the surfaces of the fills, are in the middles of the valleys and the probability that not all the streams had reached grade when the filling began, the depths of these valleys are quite remarkably uniform. This average depth, ap- proximately 600 feet, seems to be a fair estimate of the amount of uplift. If the streams were not at grade when degradation ceased and aggradation began the amount of uplift may be considered to have been more than this. Of the two uplifts which have occurred since the land surface of the Driftless Area was established the second one was three times as great as the first. From the table showing the relations between the two upland plains and the bottoms of the present Mississippi Valley, (p. 117), the inference might be drawn that the up- lift which interrupted the Lancaster cycle was accompanied by tilting, for the Lancaster plain and the present Missis- sippi flood plain are not parallel. However, the nature of this uplift is to be obtained by comparison of the Lancaster EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 119 plain not with the present flood plain, but with the rock bottom of the valley beneath the present river level. The streams rejuvenated by the uplift of the Lancaster plain continued to cut downward until the rock bottoms of the present valley were reached. The present flood plains of the streams were established later, under different condi- tions. Although it is impossible to determine the exact slope of the surface represented by the buried bock bottoms of the valleys, it is shown in the last table that the depths of the valleys cut during the post-Lancaster cycle and con- sequently the amount of uplift which inaugurated that cycle are notably uniform. This suggests that the pene- plain which would have been developed if this cycle had gone to a late stage would have been roughly parallel with the Lancaster plain. This being the case the uplift of the Lancaster plain is more likely to have been uniform than accompanied by tilting. The rather low altitudes of the parallel Dodgeville and Lancaster plains in Minnesota suggests the possibility that the movement which interrupted the Lancaster cycle was accompanied by warping in that state. On the other hand, a slightly decreased slope in old age of each of the two cycles or a slight change in the direction of slope of the two plains would explain the slight discrepancy equally well. There seems to be no escape from the conclusion that there has been still another period of diastrophism in the Driftless Area, this time a subsidence rather than an eleva- tion of the surface. The evidence of subsidence is found in the fact that the Mississippi river and its main tributaries are now at grade at levels on the average 180 feet above levels to which they were formerly able to reduce their beds. It is not believed that this fact is to be explained on the supposition that the present grade is merely temporary and controlled by some obstruction such as the rock ledge at Rock Island or the rapids at Keokuk. These obstructions are far from sufficient to explain the difference in grade levels now and as they were, for the Mississippi river to- day has a gradient of less than 6 inches per mile from La Crosse to the Gulf, including the rapids. It is believed, 120 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY therefore, that the last diastrophic movement in the history of the Driftless Area was a subsidence of about 150 to 200 feet and that it took place sometime before, during, or just after the partial filling of the valleys by fluvio-glacial debris. If it be assumed that this subsidence was accompanied by tilting, so that the south portion of the Driftless Area subsided more than the north portion, the apparent parallel- ism of the Dodgeville plain, the Lancaster plain, and the rock-bottomed valleys, and the more gentle slope of the present Mississippi flood plain would be explained. This assumption is rendered unnecessary, however, if it be con- sidered that the present Mississippi has a sufficiently great- a er volume and lighter load than all previously existing streams, to allow it to develop and maintain a gradient one- tenth as steep as any preceding gradient. The conclusion is reached, therefore, that at least four different diastrophic movements affected the Driftless Area, namely, (1) uplift with warping and tilting which initiated the land surface; (2) a nearly uniform uplift of about 180 feet interrupting the Dodgeville cycle; (3) a nearly uni- form uplift of 600 feet or more which started the excavation of the deep valleys; and (4) a subsidence, perhaps accom- panied by tilting, which raised the level of grade to that of the present Mississippi river. THE DATES OF EVENTS The whole history presented in this paper is limited in time between the Niagaran epoch on the one side and the Wisconsin epoch on the other. The sequence of events has already been worked out. The accuracy with which the dates of these events can be stated depends upon the ac- curacy with which the ages of the upland plains can be de- termined. There has been disagreement concerning the ages of these plains and perhaps the final conclusion will have to await further work, but strong evidence now at hand leads to the conclusions here presented. EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 121 The Age of the Dodgeville Plain There is no known way to determine the age of the Dodgeville plain by a study confined to the Driftless Area. The most promising method lies in the attempt to determine the age of the high level gravels which are contemporane- ous with the plain. In 1882 Winchell' discovered silts and sands and clays of undoubted Chetaceous age in southeast- ern Minnesota, and in the same district he found a gravel deposit later found to be similar in some respects to the hige-level gravel of the Driftless Area. Because the gravels were associated with the Cretaceous deposits Winchell tentatively assigned a Cretaceous age to them. In 1895, after study of the Tertiary gravels of the Gulf Coast and of Arkansas and southern Illinois, and after seeing the gravel deposits of the Driftless Area at Seneca and Devil's Lake, Salisbury2 concluded that the gravels were not older than Cretaceous nor younger than Lafayette, and was in- clined to believe that they are late Tertiary in age. For unstated reasons most recent writers have followed Win- chell and tentatively assigned a Cretaceous age to the high- level gravels and the plain on which they lie. Perhaps the reason is that marine Cretaceous rocks in western Iowa and Minnesota lie on a base of slight relief and bevel the same southwest dipping formations as occur in the Drift- less Area. After having spent part of a field season in southeastern Minnesota, assisted by Professor Leroy Patton, the writer is strongly inclined to favor the Tertiary age of the plain, for the following reasons: (1) The gravels of the Driftless Area are dissimilar from the rocks which carry Cretaceous fossils in Minnesota and from certain deposits of stratified gravels in Minnesota believed to be related to or derived from the Cretaceous rocks. Near New Ulm, Brown County, there is an exposure of stratified high-level gravels inter- bedded with sand and clay. The surface rock at this place is regarded as Cretaceous. The stratified deposit itself may be Cretaceous but might easily have been locally derived 1. 2. Winchell, N. H., Geol. and Nat'l Hist. Surv. Minn., Vol. I, pp. 309-310; 353-356. Salisbury. R. D., Jour, Geol., Vol. III, pp. 655-667. 122 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY from the Cretaceous. The latter seems quite probable for the reason that the Cretaceous deposits in this district con- tain pieces of gravel similar to the high-level gravel and also chalky particles which appear in the stratified deposits. The latter particles, however, could not have stood much transportation and are of themselves a strong argument for the local derivation of the high-level gravels. Other material derived from the Cretaceous in the earlier stages of the dis- section of the Cretaceous surface might have become wide- spread as stream gravels on the old surface of the pene- plain. (2) It should be noted that although Winchell may have been correct in his conjecture that certain gravels des- cribed by him were locally derived from Cretaceous de- posits, it does not follow as a corollary that the time of derivation was Cretaceous and that therefore any surface upon which these gravels lie is Cretaceous. In Winchell's report he distinctly states his belief that the gravels which he here describes were placed in position “by drift forces." Whether he meant that they were Cretaceous deposits re- worked during the Pleistocene period by a glacier is not clear. Certainly they are not glacial, but undoubtedly they were derived from the Cretaceous deposits revealed by post- Cretaceous streams. Winchell seems to have believed that at least some of the gravel deposits in Minnesota were of post-Cretaceous age. The writer believes that the high- level gravels of the Driftless Area, nowhere associated with sands, silts, or clays, are post-Cretaceous, though perhaps derived partly from Cretaceous formations containing gravel layers or levels. (3) Winchell's conclusions were with regard to local and isolated cases only and had no ref- erence to gravel deposits of similar nature found in local- ities not suggesting a local derivation. (4) The Dodgeville plain constituting a stratigraphic base for the gravel has never been traced and found to underlie Cretaceous rocks but on the contrary its altitude in Minnesota is such as to cause it to bevel the Cretaceous. (5) The gravels extend far beyond any known Cretaceous and occur extensively where there is not the slightest indication of Cretaceous age. Winchell, N. H., Geol. and Nat'l Hist. Surv. Minn., Vol. I, p. 309. 1 1. EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 123 (6) The gravels of the Driftless Area are strikingly similar to the Tertiary gravels of the Gulf region. (7). There are numerous patches of similar deposits south of the glaciated area and beneath the drift which seem to connect the gravel formation of the Driftless Area with the Tertiary deposits of the Gulf Coast. (8) The Dodgeville plain on which the gravels lie slopes south toward the Tertiary deposits rather than west toward the Cretaceous. (9) Salisbury's inter- pretation has been in print for a quarter of a century and all new discoveries seem to corroborate his tentative conclu- sions. (10) All patches of gravel between the Driftless Area and known Tertiary deposits occupy summit areas in the top- ography. (11) If the base of the Tertiary deposits were projected north it would coincide roughly with the Dodge- ville plain. (12) The base of the Tertiary deposits is in itself a peneplain. (13) The Tertiary gravels are known to lie on a raised peneplain in the southern Appalachians and elsewhere. These facts seem to the writer almost con- clusive of the Tertiary age of the Dodgeville plain. Whether the plain is Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, or Pliocene in age cannot be determined, for the precise age of the Tertiary gravels on the Gulf Coast is in doubt. It is believed, how- ever, to be late rather than early or middle Tertiary. The Age of the Lancaster Plain The Lancaster plain is clearly younger than the Dodge- ville plain and is probably therefore late Tertiary or Pleis- tocene in age. It has been generally understood that the great uplift in the interior of the United States came at the close of the Tertiary, in the epoch known by some as the Ozarkian. Because the greatest movement which affected the Driftless Area uplifted and started the dissection of the Lancaster plain this plain has been most generally referred to the late Tertiary. The writer is not certain that the Lancaster plain is not Tertiary in age, but he wishes to present some evidences that it was not completed and uplifted before the first ice invasion. The work of the writer during several years, and the work of A. J. Williains has shown that there is old Williams, A. J., Manuscript so far unpublished. 1. 124 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY drift extending eastward beyond the mapped border of Kansan drift on the west side of the Driftless Area in Iowa, almost and in many places quite to the Mississippi river. There is also at least one area of this upland drift in Illi- nois'. Whereas the Kansan drift within the mapped area lies at all levels of the bedrock topography from the tops of the highest hills to the bottoms of the deepest valleys, this drift beyond the Kansan border, with the exception of a tongue of supposedly Kansan drift near McGregor, is found most abundantly on the Lancaster plain, sparingly on the slopes above the Lancaster plain, and still more sparingly on the Dodgeville plain. Of the several hundred isolated remnants of this drift which are now known, not a single patch is in place in the valleys below the Lancaster plain. If this drift were Kansan and deposited after the deep val- leys were cut, it would seem difficult to explain why it would all have been removed from the valleys and valley benches so that the drift now extends farther east on the narrow divides than in the broad, open, terraced valleys. Still more difficult would it be to explain, if the deposition of this drift took place after the valleys were cut, how a glacier thick enough to fill valleys 600 feet and more deep so as to spread over the divides could have advanced, deposited this drift and retreated without so having changed the profiles of the valleys or so having modified the divides or so having marked the rock surfaces as to have left some trace on the surface below the Lancaster plain. When it is recalled that almost wherever known this oldest Pleistocene drift lies on high divides or benches above valleys believed to have been cut after the deposition of the drift, as in New Jersey, Montana'', and the San Juan mountains of Colorado', there is nothing new nor radical in the supposition that in the Driftless Area also, it antedated in its deposition the for- mation of the deep valleys. This upland drift has the ap- pearance of great age but perhaps not of greater age than 1. Trowbridge, A. C. and Shaw, E. W., Bull. III. Geol. Surv.. No. 26. p. 87. 2. Salisbury, R. D., Inn. Rept. State Geologist of New Jersey for 1893, pp. 73-123, especially p. 87. 3. Alden. W. C. and Stebinger, Eugene, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 24, pp. 529-572. 4. Atwood, W. W. and Mather, K. F., Jour. Geol., Vol. 20, pp. 385-409. EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 125 the Kansan drift, where it is thin. Where either drift is thin, it has been brought to its limits of weathering. There is then some evidence, which seems to the writer to be strongly indicative, if not conclusive, that this drift, in a district which has been called driftless, is pre-Kansan in age, and that it was deposited while the Lancaster plain was still intact and before the deep valleys were formed. Otherwise, why should there be no patches of the drift in the valleys? And why should the valleys show not the slightest indication of having been glacially worn? The Kansan drift seems clearly enough to have been deposited after the valleys were formed. The above evidence seems to justify the interpretation, at least as a working hypothesis, that the Lancaster plain was intact at the time of the pre-Kansan ice invasion, but that it was uplifted and partly dissected before the Kansan epoch. Leverett objects to this interpretation and cites the presence of pre-Kansan drift in the bottoms of deep rock-bound valleys in Wisconsin and southeastern Iowa. So far as the writer has been able to investigate the evidence, he finds it inconclusive. The writer's interpretation is strengthened by E. W. Shawº, whose recent work in the Ozark district seems to show that the main uplift and the main development of the Mississippi valley there took place during the early Pleistocene, rather than at the close of the Tertiary as was previously supposed. Accepting the above interpretations of the ages of the Dodgeville and Lancaster plains, at least as probabilities, the probable dates of diastrophic events and erosion cycles are easily determined and are stated in the following sum- mary of events. SUMMARY OF EVENTS The first step in the history of the surface of the Drift- less Area was the final emergence of the surface from the sea and the formation of an anticline with its axis running through La Crosse and its south limb forming a great 1. 2. Personal communications and oral discussions in the field. Personal communications to the writer. 126 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY monoclinorium which extends far beyond the boundaries of the Driftless Area to the south and southwest. This move- ment left the surface high above the level of grade, with a stream divide on the axis of the fold. This event took place after the Niagaran epoch of the Silurian period and prob- ably after the Pennsylvanian period, but before the Creta- ceous. The date may be set roughly at the close of the . Paleozoic era. Following its initiation, the surface was eroded in one or more cycles and was brought to the condition of a plain with a relief of less than 200 feet, the Dodgeville plain. The cycle was not complete, but a stage at least as late as early old age was reached. The divide at La Crosse was probably obliterated before the close of this cycle. The stage in the history of the region was probably brought to an end at some time during or at the close of the Tertiary period. Probably in late Tertiary time the gravel-strewn Dodge- ville plain was uplifted almost uniformly to the amount of approximately 180 feet. The uplift mentioned in the last paragraph inaugurated a new cycle of erosion known as the Lancaster cycle, which continued probably until the advance of the pre-Kansan glacier in the earliest part of Pleistocene period, by which time a second peneplain, the Lancaster plain, had been formed. Neither was this cycle of erosion complete. How- ever, the surface at this time was much more nearly flat than the present surface. The surface doubtless lacked something of having gone so far in its stage of reduction as was the case during the Dodgeville cycle. The Lancaster erosion cycle was interrupted most likely at some time soon after the retreat of the pre-Kansan glacier in the early Pleistocene, by a diastrophic uplift with- out tilting or warping, amounting to 600 feet or more. This movement raised the Lancaster plain to levels high above grade and inaugurated a third cycle of erosion. The details of the post-Nebraskan, pre-Wisconsin history of the Driftless Area are not known, but the history seems to have been one of erosion interrupted locally and tem- EROSIONAL HISTORY OF DRIFTLESS AREA 127 porarily by the deposition of at least two bodies of glacial drift on the borders of the area. Deep valleys appear to have been cut before the advance of the Kansan glacier and the deposition of a thin body of Kansan drift on the west border. The valleys of Pecatonica and Apple' rivers had been cut to depths below their present bottoms by the time of the Illinoian (?) ice invasion from the east. Some time before or during or immediately after the Wisconsin glacial epoch, when the valley trains were de- posited in the Mississippi and Wisconsin valleys, there ap- pears to have occurred a subsidence of the surface amount- ing to about 180 feet and perhaps accompanied by a tilting of all older graded surfaces slightly to the south. The sub- sidence rendered it impossible for the Mississippi and its tributaries to cut back to their original levels. If tilting occurred the gentler slope of the present flood plain as com- pared with all previous gradients is explained. After the withdrawal of the Wisconsin glacier the Mis- sissippi river and its tributaries began to excavate their valleys by the removal of the fluvio-glacial debris but they reached grade 30 or 40 feet below the original top of the deposit and 180 feet on the average above its bottom. Hav- ing reached grade, the streams have all developed valley flats in the soft material deposited by waters during the Wisconsin epoch. 1. Trowbridgc, A. C. and Shaw, L. W., Bull. III. Geol. Surv. No. 26, pp. 95-99. Obtainable from the University Librarian: Price $1.00 ut 1 2 FIRST SERIES NO. 43 FEBRUARY 15, 1921 UNIVERSITY OF IOWA STUDIES Botany RP I 5806 Los 94 STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY VOLUME IX NUMBER THE HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA NORTH OF MEXICO by ARTHUR WARD LINDSEY PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, IOWA CITY Isted monthly throughout the year. Entered at the post office at Towa City, Iowa, as second class matter. "Acceptance for mailing at special rates of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized on July 3, 1918. ТИПТІК mo PLATE I 1. 2. 3. 4. Atrytonopsis python Edw., Hesperia centaureae Ramb., Xenophanes tryxus Cr., Hesperia ericeforum Boisd., Chioides zilpa Butl, under surface Hesperia ericetorum Boisd., Hesperia philetas Edw., o Eantis thraso Hbn., Pamphila nevada Scud, 9. under surface Melanthes brunnea H.-S., ( Pamphila comma, race colorado Sand.. !, under surface Pamphila viridis Edw., , under surface Pamphila comma, race oregonia Edw.4, ander surface 9. 10. 11. 12 13. UNIVERSITY OF IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY PROFESSOR CHARLES CLEVELAND NUTTING, M.A., Editor CONTINUATION OF BULLETIN FROM THE LABORATORIES OF NATURAL HISTORY OF THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA VOLUME IX NUMBER 4 THE HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA NORTH OF MEXICO A GENERIC REVISION AND SYNOPSIS OF THE SPECIES by ARTHUR WARD LINDSEY, PH.D. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, IOWA CITY THE HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA NORTH OF MEXICO Since the time of the early writers who were satisfied to place their skippers in the two genera, Pamphila and Hesperia, the classification of these insects has been in a more or less chaotic state. The two old genera can readily be subdivided, but the structures of the skippers which are useful in their classification are of a peculiarly unstable character and have therefore proven a stumbling block to those who have attempted such subdivision. This is due to the fact that very few of our species are struc- turally identical, as a result of which one division has led to another until we have reached the deplorable state where, to be consistent, we must either lump extensively or split still more finely, with most lepidopterists in favor of the former. In the following pages I have attempted to rearrange our species and reorganize our genera to eliminate the confusion which has at- tended the group in North America, while bearing in mind both the convenience of the classification and the opinions of the learned authors of many genera for which I have been unable to see any necessity. Undoubtedly I have erred in some points, especially in the case of the numerous species found in the south- west which belong to genera more typical of the Central Ameri- can fauna, but I believe that the examination of a more complete collection of exotic species will clear up many obscure points for which I have been able to offer only a tentative solution. In the course of my work I have had occasion to ask informa- tion of Prof. H. F. Wickham, Dr. J. McDunnough, and Dr. Henry Skinner. Dr. Skinner has also supplied me with a num- ber of specimens which I could not otherwise obtain, and Prof. Wickham has lent a number of books from his private library. Dr. Barnes of Decatur, Ill., has very generously allowed me the freedom of his fine collection and library, and also supplied me with many specimens for study. Mr. R. A. Leussler of Omaha . (3) 4 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY has given me specimens of several species which I had been un- able to secure, and Mr. Nathan Banks has kindly examined the collection at Cambridge for certain material and furnished transcripts of several necessary descriptions not in my posses- sion. Mr. Gerhard of the Field Museum made it possible for me to spend several profitable hours in the examination of the Strecker collection in that institution. To all of these men I wish to express my gratitude for their valuable assistance. > The first step toward a rational classification of the skippers was made by Scudder in 1874 1 when he proposed the division of the family, as he regarded it, into two tribes, the Hesperides and Astyci. These represented approximately the genera Thymele and Pamphila of Fabricius' classification in Illiger's Magazine in 1807. Scudder based his tribes on the secondary sexual char- acters of the males and characters found in the early stages. This paper was followed in 1878 by Mabille's work on the Hesperiidae in the Brussels museum.? Mabille adopted the tribes proposed by Scudder but subdivided them into several minor groups each. Scudder later expressed his approval of these divisions for the Hesperidi but reserved his judgment of the Astyci. Many of Mabille's groups are not represented in our fauna; the others have been the subject of very little dispute. In the same year there appeared a paper by Burmeister * in which the family is divided into four tribes. I am familiar with this paper only through the remarks of Scudder in the Butter- fles of New England, but these are quite sufficient to show that none but historic interest attaches to the rather remarkable ar- rangement proposed. A year after this Speyer produced a brief work 5 in Germany wherein we find the first suggestion of the systematic importance of the position of vein five of the primaries. This suggestion furnished the necessary complement to Scudder's foundation for the major subdivisions of the skippers, which are still in use. Nothing further of importance was done in the systematic 1 Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Hist. I, 195, 1874. ? Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. XXI, 12, 1878. 3 Butt. New Eng. II, 1372, 18. * Desc. Phys. Rep. Arg., Lep. 245, 1878. o Stett. ent. Zeit. XL, 477, 1879. HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 5 6 2 study of these insects until 1893, when Watson published his “Proposed Classification of the Hesperiidae," which is prac- tically the classification now in use. Watson divided the family into three subfamilies, the Pyrrhopyginae, Hesperiinae and Pamphilinae, equivalent to the Pyrrhopygini of Mabille and the two tribes of Scudder. He further subdivided the Hesperiinae into two groups and the Pamphilinae into three. Group C of the Pamphilinae is wholly oriental and African. The others correspond to the similar divisions of Scudder in part. As Wat- son was working on the collection in the British Museum where Megathymus was placed in the Heterocera, he merely mentioned the genus to indicate that if placed in the Hesperiidae it would form an additional subfamily. At this time Godman and Salvin had been publishing for six years parts of the three volumes on Rhopalocera of the Biologia Centrali-Americana. The first signature on the skippers ap- peared a few months before Watson's revision, but the work was not completed until 1901. The subfamilies are those of Watson and the Hesperiinae are divided as in his classification, but the Pamphilinae, worked up by Godman after Salvin's death, are divided into eight groups. These are not wholly acceptable, but they suggest an improvement over the two groups of other writ- The chief systematic interest of the Biologia lies in the number of genera described, the excellent plates, and the great value of the work for specific identifications. But one other paper, Mabille's monumental “Famille Hes- peridae, "? has been written on the Hesperioid fauna of the world since the earliest times. In this work Mabille uses the same arrangement as that of Watson, excepting the establish- ment of the subfamily Ismeninae to take the place of Watson's Group C of the Pamphilinae, and the definite placing of Me- gathymus in the subfamily Megathyminae. There remains to be mentioned Dyar's “Review of the Hes- periidae of the United States." 8 This brief paper is the only one ever published on the skippers of this country, and in spite of omissions and commissions of an unusual nature it has filled a ers. "18 • Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, 3-132, pl. I-III, Gener& Insectorum XVII, 1903-4. * Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc. XIII, 111-141, 1905. 6 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY great need of systematic lepidopterists. It was intended, as the name implies, merely as a synopsis of the genera and species and follows the “Famille Hesperidae" with comparatively few changes. These works are the foundation of our present system of class- ification. Many others with a wider range have contributed to our knowledge of the skippers but in none of these is any work of importance on the gross classification attempted. 1 It will be noted in the preceding sketch of the history of the skippers that they have been treated as the family Hesperiidae, equivalent to the several families of butterfles with which they have been associated. This position is the only one to which they have been widely assigned, though a number of writers have given them superfamily rank. E. Reuter carries this a step further and proposes a distinct suborder under the name Grypo- cera, equivalent to the Rhopalocera and Heterocera, while Spuler does likewise, but applies the name Netrocera.10 This re- opens the question of suborders, for if we accept Comstock's Frenatae and Jugatae the two older groups can no longer occupy this rank and must be either reduced or discarded. I regard them as natural groups though I am inclined to agree with Com- stock's subdivision. The Rhopalocera and Heterocera may con- veniently be designated as series. In this arrangement I cannot accept Reuter's Grypocera as indicative of the true relations of the skippers, but the name is still given some use in Europe. There are many points, however, in which the skippers show more primitive development or peculiar uniform specialization which distinguish them from the true butterflies, and the most natural arrangement appears to be that of Comstock 11 in which they are made a superfamily equivalent to the butterflies proper, According to our present nomenclature this superfamily should be known as the Hesperioidea. The following synopsis indicates the foundation of this classification for the suborder Frenatae. Frenatae Series HETEROCERA. Antennae rarely clavate. When clavate usually more or less pectinate or ciliate. Hind tibiae usual- . 1 . Act. Soc. Faun. Flor. Fenn. XXII. 19 Spuler, Die Schmetterlinge Europas I, 70, 1908. 11 Manual 364, 1895. HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 7 ly with two pairs of spurs; front legs normal. Frenulum present in many families. Venation of primaries general- ized or characteristically specialized. Pupa loose in cocoon, earthen cell or plant tissues. Superfamilies Sphingoidea, Saturnioidea, Bombycoidea and Tineoidea. Series RHOPALOCERA. Antennae usually strongly clavate; nev- er pectinate or ciliate. Superfamily HESPERIOIDEA: Pupa suspended in a slight . Cocoon. Hind tibiae rarely with less than two pairs of spurs; front legs normal. Frenulum absent. Primaries with twelve veins, all free. (All five branches of radius present and from cell according to Comstock's system.) Superfamily PAPILIONOIDEA: Pupa naked, usually suspend- ed from silken attachments and specialized for conceal- ment. Hind tibiae with only the terminal pair of spurs; front legs in higher families greatly reduced. Frenulum absent. Primaries with less than twelve veins or with some stalked. In the Hesperioidea we have two families, the Hesperiidae and Megathymidae. The second includes only the genera Megathy- mus and Aegiale, and is equivalent to the subfamily of other writers. The first includes all other skippers. The Megathymi- dae are very closely related to the Pamphilinae, and some stu- dents regard them as a highly specialized branch from the same parent stock. The fact that the boring habit of the larvae is apparently acquired lends color to this opinion, but I cannot regard the small head as a necessary accompaniment of the bor- ing habit. Rather than assume an elaborate process of evolution for the reduction of such a specialization as the large head, I regard the Megathymidae as a line separated from the parent stock of the Pamphilinae before the increase in size of the head, and proceeding by parallel development to a point of higher specialization of similar structures. The three subfamilies of Hesperiidae are easily distinguished, apparently natural groups. The only question regarding them is that of relative position, and the present arrangement of the Hesperiinae between the Pamphilinae and Papilionoidea is favor- ed by most of the evidence, though in the structure of the imago 8 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY CU they are more primitive than the Pamphilinae. The close rela- tionship of the Pyrrhopyginae with the Hesperiinae and of the Megathymidae with the Pamphilinae leads to their being placed at the beginning and end of the superfamily respectively. The result is a linear series which is not entirely satisfactory, but since no linear series can represent true phylogenetic relations this must be accepted as the best possible, and it does, at least, correctly indicate the general relations of the several major divisions. The separation of genera has been the most troublesome phase of the study of skippers since Hübner's classification was first amplified. I have come to the conclusion that the intermediate position of the group, together with the apparently transitional state of many of the structures, is accompanied by a greater blending of forms than has been recognized in the past, and that the normal genus may present a wide variation of structure, provided that a transition between the extremes be present in the included species. This is nicely illustrated by Thanaos, Hesperia and Poanes (sensu B. & McD., Check List). In Thanaos we have a group of insects of very similar habitus which no one has ever divided, but within the genus are to be found differences in structure which have been made to separate three genera in other cases. The neuration, shape of the wings, palpi and sec- ondary sexual characters very nearly run the gamut of variation found in Group B of the Hesperiinae. Hesperia is similar but shows an even greater range of variation in the antennal club, shape of the wings, and in the palpi. In fact this variation is so great as to occasion some doubt of its unity, but it is impossible to divide the genus without separating some species whose rela- tionship is apparent. The matter of secondary sexual characters as a basis for the separation of genera is the greatest bugbear of systematists in this family. Godman and Salvin and Mabille have contributed abundantly to the confusion of genera so based, and in many cases these genera cannot be separated by other means. As far as I am aware the only definite stand taken upon the question is that expressed by Watson in his revision.* He says: “With * Since writing this I have found a quotation from Dr. P. L. Sclater by Col. 0. Swinhoo in defense of genera based on secondary sexual characters (Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (VII), III, 108, 1899). # HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 9 ور 6 regard to the vexed question of the generic importance of male secondary sexual characters, the conclusion which has been forced upon me is that, in any particular genus in which male secondary sexual characters are found, the particular male char- acter (be it costal fold, discal stigma, or tuft of hairs) may be either present or absent in different species of that same genus, but is never replaced by a character of different structure.' This seems by far the most satisfactory, attitude to adopt, though it is necessary to understand that in cases such as Thanaos and Hesperia two or three such characters may be pres- ent or absent in various combinations in the several species. In my work, rather than carry the splitting of genera further, I have unhesitatingly followed Watson's conclusion. This has re- sulted in the dropping of a number of familiar genera, but I think that once we are accustomed to the change it will render our classification more convenient and more useful, as well as more natural. Some change is demanded for the sake of con- sistency, and since our genera have already been carried beyond the point of usefulness, “lumping” is the only desirable change. The structures of systematic value in the Hesperioidea are found in all parts of the body. The size of the head serves to distinguish the two families, and its appendages, the palpi and antennae, offer a means of separating many genera. The palpi vary in length and position and the relative size of the second and third joints is useful, but it is necessary to look at all of these things in a general way. For example, in Pholisora as here treated we find great variation in the vestiture of the palpi and in the relative length of the third joint, but throughout the genus long palpi with smooth deep scaly vestiture, an oblique second joint and a porrect third joint with long scales are pres- ent. Thanaos has palpi of a similar form but with shaggy vesti- ture. The third joint in some genera is long, slender and ver- tical. The antennae have a characteristic slender tip which has been aptly termed the apiculus. This varies from the tiny point found in Pamphila to the long one of Goniurus, and has been entirely lost in some genera. This modification has apparently taken place by two distinct lines of evolution, first the loss of the apiculus by gradual reduction and second by the thickening and a 10 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY fusion of the structure with the club. The first has apparently taken place in the Pamphilinae and the second in the Hesper- iinae. The relation of the length of the apiculus to the thickness of the club has been used extensively to separate certain genera of the Pamphilinae but I find that its value is limited. It is variable in most species, and only where extremely short or ex- tremely long is this variation negligible. In such species as verna the apiculus is sometimes longer and sometimes shorter than the thickness of the club and is always difficult to measure with satisfactory accuracy. The length of the entire antennae measured in proportion to some other part of the insect is useful to distinguish a few genera of our fauna. The legs offer three important characters, viz., the presence or absence of the epiphysis on the front tibiae, the presence or ab- sence of spines on the mid tibiae and to a certain extent their form, and the number of pairs of spurs on the hind tibiae. The epiphysis does not concern us in a study of the North American fauna and the spurs on the hind tibiae characterize only one genus, but the spinulation of the mid tibiae is useful in several cases and in spite of some evidence to the contrary, I believe that it is a good character, at least to the extent used in this paper. The wings vary greatly in shape, sometimes in a striking way, as in Eantis, Systasea and Goniurus. In certain others, as Atry- tonopsis, they have a distinctive form which is less useful because less pronounced in the female and difficult to characterize. The neuration is of comparatively little use beyond a few conspicuous features, for it is impossible to pick a reasonably long series of related species without finding some transition in all of the salient features. In spite of this I have made use of the position of vein 11 of the primaries to separate Chiomara from Thanaos, but in this case there seem to be other grounds, and the one vein furnishes a convenient and apparently reliable corollary. The distance between the bases of veins 6 and 7 of the primaries of Pholisora is greater than in most other genera. The relation of vein 5 to 4 and 6 in the primaries distinguishes the Megathy- midae and most Pamphilinae from the other skippers, and helps to separate some genera. The position of veins 2 and 3 of the primaries is another character which must be used with caution, for these veins vary in closely related species and can be depend- HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 11 ed upon only in extreme cases. The neuration of the second- aries is scarcely worthy of notice, though some exotic genera are characterized by the presence of vein 5, which is usually absent or very weak. The abdomen is of little service, though it aids in distinguish- ing the genera of group A of the Pamphilinae from certan Hes- periinae in that it projects beyond the secondaries in the former and scarcely reaches their anal angle in the latter. The male secondary sexual characters in the Hesperiinae con- sist of the costal fold on the primaries, tuft (always proximal in our species) on the hind tibiae, tuft on the upper surface of the secondaries and the two lobes found at the base of the abdo- men on its ventral surface in Hesperia. In the Pamphilinae the only form found in the North American fauna is the brand or stigma on the disk of the primaries. While I agree with Wat- son's treatment of these characters I believe that the great dif- ference in form between some of the stigmata indicates suffi- ciently different development of the species possessing them to warrant their generic separation. Fortunately in our fauna this character can be supplemented by others. It is necessary to guard agains splitting on this basis, for many stigmata which are superficially different may easily be seen to follow in their fundamental structure a single type. The genitalia, especially of the males, are of great value in making specific determinations, and similarity of genitalia often affords an index of generic relationship. I have found several apparent contradictions to the latter statement, and am there- fore inclined to use it very cautiously until more is known about the skippers, but still I hesitate to include in the same genus species whose genitalia are of widely different forms. In attempting to work out the phylogeny of our existing speces I have come to the conclusion that the subfamily Ismeni- nae, made up entirely of old world species, represents the most primitive existing form. The entire subfamily is characterized by the upturned, appressed second joint of the palpi, very sim- ilar to that of the Hesperiinae of group A, and the long, porrect third joint which is unique. The antennae have a short shaft and a long, moderately thick club with a long apiculus which 12 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY is never sharply recurved. The hind tibiae of the males are provided with a tuft attached at the proximal end and lying along the upper edge of the joint in a groove formed of strong scales. Vein five of the primaries is intermediate between veins four and six. From these structures we may assume that the immediate ancestors of the skippers had antennae enlarged at some distance proximad of the distal end, leaving the terminal portion siender, and that vein five of the primaries in these insects had not yet formed a definite connection with either of the adjacent veins. From such forms evolution has proceeded with the permanent reflection of the apiculus by either a curve or a sharp bend. (I can construe the reflexed club of the Pyr- rhopyginae only as a further development of the Hesperiid an- tenna, though this does not seem a satisfactory explanation). In addition the apiculus has been reduced as already mentioned and various slight specializations have taken place. The wings of the Hesperiinae have changed only in the variably complete loss of vein five of the secondaries and the lengthening of the cell in group A, while in the Pamphilinae vein five of the pri- maries, has formed a definite connection with the median stem (English system; cubitus of Comstock and Needham), as also is the case with the Megathymidae. Following these lines I have drawn up the following diagram which I believe will indicate better than a written discussion the relations and phylogeny of the genera used in this work. The arrangement undoubtedly has its faults, but I believe that it corrects a number of features of former arrangements which were more or less unnatural. In the main it adheres to the order of genera which has been in common use. Superfamily HESPERIOIDEA Antennae clavate, in a few genera with the club very slender. Club usually with a slender tip called the apiculus. Palpi variable, usually relatively large and thick, upturned to porrect. Head wide, eyes large and far apart, lashed. Insertion of an- tennae near eyes. Body stout, slender in a few genera. Wings relatively smaller than in the Papilionoidea and with very strong venation in most genera. Primaries with twelve veins, all free; cell open or weakly closed. One anal. Secondaries with eight HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 13 -Pyrrhopyginae Group A -Phocides -Polygonus -Nascus -Proteides -Epargyreus -Goniurus -Chioides -Codatractus - Telegonus -Achalarus -Cecropterus Thorybes -Cabares Phoedinus -Cogia -Plestia HESPERIINAE HESPERIIDAE Group B -Timochares Grais -Thanaos Chiomara -Melanthes -Xenophanes -Eantis -Systasea -Pholisora -Hesperia -Carterocephalus -Butleria -Ancyloxypha -Oarisma -Adopaea -Copaeodes PAMPHILINAE Q- -Chaerephon -Pamphila Hylephila Atalopedes Augiades -Polites -Catia -Poanes -Atrytone -Atrytonopsis -Oligoria -Lerema -Mastor -Amblyscirtes -Epiphyes -Lerodea Thespieus -Calpodes -Prenes -MEGATHYMIDAE 14 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY or nine veins, five usually absent; cell open. Two anals. Front legs normal, tibiae usually with the epiphysis present (in all North American genera). Middle legs with one pair of spurs on the tibiae and with or without spines. Hind legs with two pairs of spurs, or with only the distal pair in some genera. The two families are based on the following characters: Family HESPERIIDAE: Head nearly as wide to wider than thorax. Hind tibiae usually with two pairs of spurs. Pal- pi moderate to large. Larvae external plant feeders. Family MEGATHYMIDAE: Head narrower than thorax. Hind tibiae with one pair of spurs. Palpi rather small. Larvae borers in plant stems. Imagines larger than most Hesperiidae, heavy bodied and strong of flight. Family HESPERIIDAE Characters of the superfamily, distinguished from the Me- gathymidae as shown in the preceding synopsis. The North American species fall into three subfamilies which may be sep- arated by the following key, which also deals with the groups into which the subfamilies are divided. Key to subfamilies and groups 1. Club of antennae large, entirely reflexed.... .PYRRHOPYGINAE Club variable, never entirely reflexed. 2 2. Vein 5 of primaries not curved at base, usually about inter- mediate between 4 and 6. Mid tibiae without spines HESPERIINAE 3 Vein 5 curved at base, arising nearer to 4, or with the mid tibiae spined..... .PAMPHILINAE 4 3. Cell of primaries more than two-thirds as long as wing or antennae with a slender reflexed or recurved apiclus ... Group A Cell two-thirds or less. Club curved, blunt or fusiform, but never with a slender apiculus.... ..Group B 4. Vein 5 intermediate, straight. Club blunt. Palpi porrect ..Group A Vein 5 curved at base, nearer to 4. Palpi not porrect. Group B of authors.. ..5 HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 15 5. Third joint of palpi long slender and vertical. Antennae short with the club blunt... Group B Third joint small or antennae with a slender apiculus ..Group C Cell of primaries two-thirds as long as wing, usually with a recurrent vein or a vestige of it.... Group D Subfamily PYRRHOPYGINAE This subfamily includes a large number of South and Central American species of which only one, araxes, occurs within our territory. The large antennal club, bent back along the shaft or recurved, is typical of all the species. In other respects their structure agrees to a great extent with that found in group A of the Hesperiinae. The cell of the primaries is apically pro- duced with the discocellulars outwardly concave, and is about two-thirds as long as the wing. The discocellulars are weak, but clearly traceable. Vein 5 is approximately intermediate in the primaries, and absent in the secondaries, though found in a few exotic genera. Araxes has been included in the genus Pyrrhopyge by all writ- ers with whose works I am familiar, but the difference in habitus and the form of the secondaries have led me to remove it. Wat- son's diagnosis of his genus Microceris (P. Z. S. 1893, 15) dif- fers in only a few points from the structures of araxes, but the type, variicolor, judging by the original description and figure, is not at all closely related. I am therefore basing a new genus on the points of difference between araxes and Watson's de- scription of Microceris. Genus APYRROTHRIX gen. nov. Similar to Pyrrhopyge. Differs from that genus in the more gently curved costa and more prominent apex of the primaries and the form of the secondaries. In Pyrrhopyge these appear to be longer through the cell than along the inner margin, and the outer margin is even or slightly concave between veins 2 and 7. The abdomen usually equals or surpasses the anal angle of the secondaries. In araxes the secondaries are broad and full, and surpass the abdomen. The outer margin is deeply crenu- late, produced between veins 2 and 4 in the male and conspicu- 16 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY A 6 ously so in the female. According to Watson veins 7 and 8 of the primaries of variicolor are short stalked, while in araxes they are free. Watson's figure of the neuration of his genus differs in a few points in the secondaries also, and on the whole the relationship seems to be rather with the typical species of Pyrr- hopyge than with araxes. Fig.1. Type: Erycides araxes Hew. 1. APYRROTHRIX ARAXES Erycides araxes Hewitson, Desc. Hesp. 2, 1867. Pyrrhopyga cyrillus Plötz, Stett. ent. Zeit, xl, 529, 1879. Biologia Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 252, pl. 73, ff 14, 15, 16, 1893. Holland, butterfly Book 319, pl. XLV, f. 9, 1898. Fig. 1. Apyrrothrix a. Club of antenna. b. Mexico. I have two bred specimens Neuration from southern Arizona which are very close to araxes but the typical form is not known to occur north of the boundary. Qrares Hew. la. race ARIZONAE Pyrrhopyge araxes, form arizonae G. & 8., Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. 1, 253, 1893. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 201, pl. x, 1911. Dark marks on under surface of secondaries not well defined, suffused with ochreous. Outer margin of ochreous area diffuse. Arizonae occurs in Arizona in August and September. Subfamily HESPERIINAE Structure very diverse but always showing the characters mentioned in the key. Antennae varying in length, club flat- tened oval to extremely long and slender, with the distal half or less reflexed or recurved. Palpi with the second joint closely appressed and the third minute to long, large and porrect. Neu- ration fairly constant. Branches of radius variable in position. Vein 5 straight and about intermediate between 4 and 6, 2 varia- ble. Secondaries with position of 7 variable and vein 5 absent to weakly tubular at its outer end (Thanaos, some specimens), > HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 17 usually marked by a fold. Mid tibiae without spines. Two pairs of spurs present on the hind tibiae in our genera. Sec- ondary sexual characters of the males: costal fold, tibial tuft, tuft on secondaries, and basal lobes on under surface of abdo- men. GROUP A Group A is more widely represented in South and Central America, and a number of our species are merely strays from more southern localities. The genera have been very incon- sistently treated in the past, and I am lumping a few of them which show a complete lack of constant structural differences with the exception of the costal fold. Several such as Cecrop- terus and Thorybes are very closely related but because of the very distinct form of the male genitalia I am retaining them, based on such characters as will serve for their separation. The group is distinguished by the length of the cell and the form of the antennal club. . Key to the genera 1. L. D. C. of primaries very long and curved..... .Phocides L. D. C. normal.. .2 2. Apiculus of antennae longer than rest of club, straight and sharply bent at base. .Nascus Apiculus otherwise... .3 3. Primaries with a tubular, or at least well marked, recurrent vein in cell.... .4 Recurrent vein scarcely traceable or absent. .9 4. Antennae with a distinct, slender, reflexed apiculus......5 Antennal club fusiform, more or less elongate; arcuate or with a well rounded bend at middle... .7 5. Secondaries tailed... Goniurus Secondaries not tailed... .6 6. Apiculus sharply bent; primaries apically produced .Proteides Apiculus recurved ; apex of primaries moderate.. E pargyreus 7. Recurrent vein nearer vein 4 than vein 3..... .8 Recurrent vein nearer 3... ..Chioides 18 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY ..13 12 8. Outer margin of secondaries slightly crenulate. .Codatractus Outer margin even. .Telegonus 9. Club of antennae large, fusiform.. .Plestia Club more slender, with a distinct apiculus.. ..10 10. Apiculus much shorter than rest of club, bent at about a right angle...... ..11 Apiculus about as long as rest of club, usually sharply re- flexed or recurved.. 11. Secondaries lobed....... Polygonus Secondaries broadly rounded or merely produced at anal angle 12. with a tuft of scales on upper surface of hind wings; palpi moderate... ....Cogia No tuft. Palpi exceeding front by about length of head ..Phoedinus 13. Vein la of secondaries about two-thirds as long as 1b. Pri- maries with a broad yellow band.. ..Cecropterus Vein la longer. Primaries with spots or a broken yellow band 14 14. Outer margin of secondaries broadly rounded; of primaries slightly and almost evenly convex. .Thorybes Outer margin of secondaries more or less produced and angled at 1b; of primaries slightly sinuate....... Achalarus Outer margin of secondaries with a slight truncate lobe between veins 3 and 4...... ... Cabares Genus PHOCIDES Hübner Phocides Hbn., Verz. bek. Schmett. 103, 1820. Type Papilio palemon Cr. Erycides Hbn., Verz. bek. Schmett. 110, 1820. Type Papilio pygmalion Cr. Dysenius Scudder, Syst. Rev. 46 (67), 1872. Type Erycides albicilla H. S. Palpi oblique, vestiture smooth, deep and scaly; third joint small. Antennae with club rather long, moderately thick; api- culus not more than one-half as long as rest of club, very slender and abruptly bent. Primaries shaped as in Goniurus, with a HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 19 costal fold in the male. Cell over two-thirds as long as wing. Vein 5 nearer to 6 than to 4; L. D. C. long and strongly curved. Vein 3 near end of cell and 2 well toward base of wing. Re- current vein faint, at base of vein 4. Secondaries produced toward anal angle with outer margin sharply bent at lb but not lobed. Outer margin only slightly irregular. Phocides is easily rec- ognized by the general habitus of the species when once seen. Fig. 2. The action of former writers in combining these three genera was undoubtedly correct, though some slight differences of structure exist between the species occurring in our country. Key to the species Primaries immaculate, black. Primaries with a red spot above... Primaries with hyaline white spots.... ..C Fig. 2. Phocides ba- tabano Lucas. Neuration ..batabano ..lilea urania b. Bu wa ... 1. PHOCIDES BATABANO Eudamus batabano Lucas, Sagra, Hist. Cuba, VII, 624, 1857. Erycides mancinus H.-S., Corr.-Blatt Regensb. XVI, 143, 1862. Erycides okeechobee Worthington, Papilio 1, 133, 1881. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 199, pl. x, 1911. Florida, March and April. TET ed தர் 22 2. PHOCIDES LILEA Erycides lilea Reakirt, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1866, 339. Erycides albicilla H. S., Corr-Blatt Regensb. XXIII, 169, 1869. Erycides socius Butl. & Druce, Cist. Ent. 1, 112, 1872. Dysenius oruentus Seud., Syst. Rev. 46(67), 1872. Erycides sanguinea Scud., Syst. Rev. 47(68), 1872. Erycides decolor Mab., Bull. Soc. Ent. France 1880, XLVI. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 296, pl. 76, ff. 23, 24, 1893. , Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 199, 1911. The only specimen which I have seen bears the label “Colima, Mex.” Skinner lists a Texas record by Capt. Pope in the Mex- ican Boundary Survey. ܘܠܗ je Till 3. PHOCIDES URANIA Erycides urania Westw. & Hew., Gen. Diurn. Lep. 510, pl. 79, f. 1, 1852. Erycides texana Scud., Syst. Rev. 47(68), 1872. ene Tithi 20 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Skinner, Ent. News 1, 23, 1890, and 11, 101, pl. 1, 1891. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 198, 1911. Texas, Arizona and southward. Genus NASCUS Watson Nascus Watson, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, 28, Type Pa- pilio phocus Cr. Watson characterized this genus as follows: “Antennae : club rather robust, bent into a hook, terminal portion very slender and rather longer than rest of club. Palpi upturned, third joint almost concealed. Fore wing: outer margin very much longer than inner margin, the apex being very conspicu- ously produced; cell more than two- thirds the length of costa; male with Fig. 3. Nascus hesus Westw. a. Club of antenna. b. Outline of a costal fold; discocellulars very primary oblique, the lower one slightly the longer; vein 3 shortly before end of cell; vein 2 close to base of wing. Hind wing anally produced, and with an inconspicuous tooth at vein 1b; vein 7 close to end of cell; discocellulars and vein 5 barely traceable; vein 3 immediately before the end of the cell; vein 2 considerably nearer to end of cell than to base of wing. Hind tibiae with a long fringe of coarse hairs and with two pairs of spurs." In our fauna the very long apiculus sepa- rates this genus from all others. Fig. 3. ♡ 1. NASCUS HESUS Telegonus hesus Westw. & Hew., Gen. Diurn. Lep. II, pl. 78, f. 5, 1852. 9 Papilio nicias Fab., Mant. Ins. II, 86, 1787. 9 Eudamus etias Hew., Desc. Hesp. 13, 1867. Aaron, Ent. News 1, 25, 1890 and 11, 101, pl. 1, 1891. Eudamus euribates Skinner (not Cramer) Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 191, pl. x, 1911. Mexico to Brazil; Skinner includes Texas, following Aaron, presumably. I have compared Cramer's, Westwood and Hewitson's and Skinner's figures, and find that the two latter agree very well, but that, even allowing for the poor quality of Cramer's figure, they can hardly be euribates Cramer. I have no data on the occurrence of the species in this country. HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 21 Fab. a. Club of antenna. b. Genus POLYGONUS Hübner Polygonus Hbn., Samml. exot. Schmett. 11, t. 144, 1822-6. Type Polygonus lividus Hbn. Acolastus Scud., Syst. Rev. 50, 1872. Type Hesperia savigny . Latr. Nennius Kirby, Wytsman's Hübner 105, 1902. New name for Polygonus and Acolastus. Second joint of palpi appressed, densely scaled; third porrect, small. Reflexed apiculus abruptly constricted, about one-half as long as rest of club. Head slightly wider than thorax. Primaries narrow, costa evenly curved, inner margin nearly straight and outer sharply curved oppo- site cell; no fold in male. Cell three- quarters as long as wing; vein 5 about fig. 4. Polygonus amyntas equidistant between 4 and 6; spur vein Neuration of primary scarcely traceable, nearer to 3. Second- aries broadly rounded, lobed at anal angle. Fig. 4. According to Scudder (Hist. Sk. 253) Polygonus was pre- occupied by Polygona in the Mollusca. Acolastus was preoccu- pied in the Coleoptera, a fact which was overlooked for many years, and Kirby offered Nennius to replace it. According to the current international rules of zoological nomenclature a dif- ference of one letter is sufficient to validate a generic name, so Polygonus cannot be regarded as preoccupied, and therefore must be retained for amyntas. 1. POLYGONUS AMYNTAS Papilio amyntas Fab., Syst. Ent. 533, 1775. Polygonus lividus Hbn., Samml. exot. Schmett. 11, t. 144, 1822-26. Hesperia savigny, Latr., Enc. Meth. 1x, 741, 1823. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 200, pl. x, 1911. The typical form is very dark. It occurs in Florida in Aug. and Sept. la. race ARIZONENSIS Erycides amyntas arizonensis Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 209, pl. x, 1911. The western race of amyntas is paler than the typical form, both above and below, and the pale transverse bands of the sec- ondaries are faintly visible on the upper surface. Texas and Arizona, September. 22 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Genus PROTEIDES Hübner Proteides Hbn., Verz. bek. Schmett. 104, 1820. Type Papilio idas Cr. Dicranaspes Mab., Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxi, 24, 1878. Type Papilio idas Cramer. Proteides is very close to Epargyreus, and I think that with a large series of the tropical species the two genera will be found to be scarcely worthy of separation. In our fauna, however, the sharply constricted and reflexed apiculus and the narrow, apic- ally produced primaries of Proteides are very distinctive. The male has no costal fold. Fig. 5. 1. PROTEIDES IDAS Papilio idas Cramer, Pap. Exot. III, 118, p. CCLX, A, B, 1779-80. Papilio mercurius Fab., Mant. Ins. II, 86, 1787. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 301, pl. 77, f. 5, gen., 1893. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 194, 1911. Occurs in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. I have no further data. Genus EPARGYREUS Hübner Epargyreus Hübner, Verz. bek. Schmett. 105, 1820. Type Pa- pilio tityrus Fab. Second joint of palpi closely appressed, densely clothed with scales in which the small third joint is almost concealed. An- tennae about one-half as long as the primaries, club more or less sharply curved at the middle. Head not quite as wide as thorax. Primaries elong- ate, rather narrow; outer and inner margins about equal in length, outer slightly more oblique but otherwise similar to Goniurus. Costal fold pres- ent. Cell three-quarters as long as wing; vein 5 slightly nearer to 4 than to 6. Recurrent vein nearer to vein 3. Vein 1 strongly sinuate. Secon- Fig. 5. &. Club of antenna of E. daries rounded, lobed at anal angle. zestos Geyer. b. Club of antenna of P. idas Cramer. c. Neuration Fig. 5. of E. tityrus Fab. The primaries are longer and nar- rower in exadeus than in zestos and tityrus, and the apiculus of A HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 23 the antennae shows a tendency to be more slender and more sharply bent. This has led me to the conclusion stated under Proteides that the two genera are possibly not distinct. Key to the species 1. Under surface of secondaries with a silky white patch... .2 No silky white on secondaires...... .aestos 2. Spots of primaries deep yellow and usually broadly contiguous.tityrus Spots small and widely separated, or if larger, very pale yellow.exadeus 1. EPARGYREUS ZESTOS Proteides zestos Geyer, Zutr. exot. Schmett. 1v, 9, t. 106, ff. 615, 616, 1832. Eudamus oberon Worthington, Papilio I, 132, 1881. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 193, 1911. Florida, August and September. 2. EPARGYREUS TITYRUS Papilio tityrus Fab., Syst. Ent. 532, 1775. Papilio clarus Cramer, Pap. Exot. I, 66, pl. XLI, E, F, 1775. Holland, Butterfly Book 323, pl. XLIII, f. 5, 1898. Smyth, Ent. News XIX, 191, pl. x, 1908. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 192, 1911. Ranges throughout the United States and into southern Can- ada and South America. June to August. ab. OBLITERATUS Epargyreus tityrus obliteratus Scudder, Butt. New Eng. II, 1402, 1889. Only three small, rounded spots in place of the discal band, and only one small preapical spot. Silver on under surface of secondaries more exten- sive than usual. 3. EPARGYREUS EXADEUS Papilio ezadeus Cramer, Pap. Exot. III, 118, pl. CCLX, C, 1779-80. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 299, pl. 77, f. 1, gen., 1893. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 194, pl. x, 1911. Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, March. Genus GONIURUS Hübner Goniurus Hübner, Verz. bek. Schmett. 104, 1820. Type Papilio simplicius Stoll. Eudamus Swainson, Zool. Ill. (2), II, 48, 1831-2. Type Papilio proteus Linn. ? Polythrix Watson, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, 19. Type Eudamus metallescens Mabille. 24 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Second joint of palpi closely appressed, third porrect, small. Antennae a little over one-half as long as primaries, club slender, apiculus shorter and distinctly more slender than remainder. Primaries broad and short; outer margin evenly rounded to slightly sinuate, about as long as inner; costa evenly rounded, rela- tively short, without fold in one species. Cell two-thirds as long as wing; vein 5 slightly nearer to 4 than to 6. Secondaries with anal angle produced into a long tail ; outer margin slightly excavated op- posite cell and before tail, some- times slightly crenulate. Fig. 6. The above description is taken from simplicius and eurycles. Pro- teus has a longer cell as shown in the figure and both proteus and Fig. 6. Goniurus. a. Palpus of sim- dorantes have relatively shorter plicius Stoll. b. Club of antennae of simplicius Stoll. c. Neuration of pro- antennae. It may prove desirable to use Eudamus for these two species, but without knowing more of the related Central Amer- ican fauna I cannot make a satisfactory decision on this point. Of the other three North American species which I here remove from Goniurus I feel that albofasciatus and zilpa warrant the establishment of a new genus, and that the relationship of alceus to melon, in spite of its tailed secondaries, is too close to be dis- regarded. Key to the species 1. Upper surface with shining green hairs.... · proteus Without green hairs.... ..2 2. Fringes checkered; spots not united to form a straight band..dorantes Fringes not checkered; band usually present...... 1.3 3. Band always present; no costal fold in male; outer margin of primar. ies slightly sinuate..... ... curycles Band sometimes broken or even absent; male with fold; outer margin slightly convex. ... simplicius 1. GONIURUS PROTEUS Papilio proteus Linn., Syst. Nat. I, 484, 1758. Scudder, Butt . New Eng., 11, 1386, 1889. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. 11, 277, pl. 75, f. 5, gen., 1893. teus Linn HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 25 Holland, Butterfly Book 321, pl. XLV, f. 6, 1898. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 194, 1911. Florida and Georgia, August to October. Arizona and Texas, June and July. Dr. Skinner gives the range as New York to the Gulf and southward through Mexico and Central America. 2. GONIURUS DORANTES Papilio dorantes Stoll, Pap. Exot., Supp., 172, pl. XXXIX, f. 9, 1790. Eudamus amisus Hew., Desc. Hesp. 5, 1867. Eudamus protillus H.-S., Corr.-Blatt Regensb. XXIII, 171, 1869. Biol. Cent. Am., Rhop. II, 278, pl. 75, f. 7, î gen., 1893. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 197, 1911. Southern California, Mexico. 2a. race RAUTERBERGI Eudamus protillus var. rauterbergi Skinner, Ent. News vi, 113, 1895. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 197, 1911. Skinner says that this form is “smaller and very much darker than protillus; the fringes are far less marked, and the tails lack the admixture of light hairs." Texas, Arizona and southward; July and September. 3. GONIURUS SIMPLICIUS Papilio simplicius Stoll, Pap. Exot., Supp., 171, pl. XXXIX, f. 6, 1790. Biol. Cent.-Am. Rhop. II, 270, pl. 75, f. 1, g gen., 1893. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 196, 1911. Some females can scarcely be told from eurycles, but usually the obsolescence of the hyaline marks of the primaries and the slightly different shape of the wings enable one to recognize the species. The males are readily identified by the costal fold. Texas, March and October. 4. GONIURUS EURYCLES Hesperia eurycles Latr., Enc. Meth. ix, 730, 1823. Skinner, Ent. News XII, 171, 1901. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 197, pl. x, 1911. I have eurycles from Guatemala, taken in April, and from Colombia taken in November, but aside from Dr. Skinner's note in the Entomological News I have seen no records of its occur rence north of Mexico. Genus CHIOIDES gen. nov. Palpi large, porrect; second joint deeply scaled, third strong, 26 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY conspicuous. Antennae less than one-half as long as primaries, club relatively smaller and thicker than in Goniurus, and more broadly curved, with the apiculus less distinct. Primaries with the apex subtruncate, outer margin concave below apex. Cell about three-fourths as long as wing; recurrent vein nearer to vein 3 than to vein 4; bases of 3 and 4 much farther apart than M. D. C. and L. D. C. combined. Costal fold present in our species. Fig. 7. Type: Eudamus albofasciatus Hewitson. Catillus, a Central American species, and albofasciatus are very closely related, and agree in the form of the male genitalia. Zilpa differs somewhat in the form of the wings and the male genitalia, but on the whole it is apparently related to the other species, and with them distinct from Goniurus. The difference is scarcely greater than between proteus and simplicius. 1. CHIOIDES ALBOFASCIATUS Eudamus albofasciatus Hew., Desc. Hesp. 3, 1867. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 280, pl. 75, f. 11, ở gen., 1893. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 197, 1911. Texas, March. Arizona, July and September. Distinguished from zilpa by the long narrow white band on the under surface of the secondaries. 2. CHIQIDES ZILPA (Plate I, Fig. 5) Goniurus zilpa Butler, Lep. Exot. 109, t. XL, f. 2, 1872. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 279, pl. 75, f 8, ở gen., 1893. Patagonia Mts., Arizona, May. Kerrville, Tex., September. Genus CODATRACTUS nom. nov. Heteropia Mabille, Le Nat. 1889, 68. Type Heteropia imitatrix Mab. Preoccupied in sponges by Heteropia Carter, Ann. &Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), XVIII, 47, 1886. Structure in general similar to Chioides but with veins 3 and 4 of the primaries not so far apart at their bases as the combined length of the two discocellulars and the recurrent vein nearer to 4 than to 3. The an- Fig. 7. a. Detail of neuration end of celi of tennal club is fusiform, more or less primaries. c. Club of antenna. e. Palpus. Codatractus alceus Hew: sharply bent near the middle but with b. Detail of neuration, end of cell of primary. d. Club of antenna. the distal portion not differentiated. HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 27 Outer margin of primaries slightly sinuate; no costal fold in male of melon; I have not seen a male of alcaeus. Fig. 7. To place such a strongly tailed species as alcaeus with a species in which the secondaries are merely angled is radical, but a study of related Central American species has led me to believe that in this case, at least, it is justified. Alcaeus agrees with melon very closely in structure, and the male genitalia of the two species are very similar. 1. CODATRACTUS ALCAEUS Eudamus alcaeus Hew., Desc. Hesp. 3, 1867. Skinner, Ent. News XII, 171, 1901. My only specimen is a female from Mexico, and I have seen no others. The reference to the Entomological News is the only record of its occurrence in the United States with which I am familiar. 2. CODATRACTUS MELON Heteropia melon Godman & Salvin, Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 297, pl. LXXVI, g. 26, 27, 1893. The typical form of melon is not known to occur north of Mexico. 2a. race ARIZONENSIS Heteropia melon var. arizonensis Skinner, Ent. News XVI, 232, 1905. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 186, pl. x, 1911. Baboquivari Mts., Ariz., July. Differs from true melon in the whiter marginal area of the secondaries below. Genus TELEGONUS Hübner Telegonus Hübner, Verz. bek. Schmett. 104, 1820, Type Papilio anaphus Cramer. Palpi oblique, third joint distinct. Antennae with a long slender tapering club, not sharply bent but curved at the middle. Primaries broad, outer margin equal to inner; costa slightly curved, without a fold in the male; outer margin very slightly sinuate. Secondaries produced and angled at 1b; outer margin straight from vein 7 to the anal angle. Cell of primaries about two-thirds as long as wing, discocellulars very oblique; vein 5 slightly nearer to vein 4 than to vein 6; recurrent vein near 4; vein 2 over one-half as far from base of wing as from 3. 28 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY > 1. TELEGONUS HAHNELI Aethilla hahneli Staud., Exot. Tagf. I, 291, 11, pl. 98, 1888. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 306, pl. 77, ff. 13, 14, 1893. Skinner, Ent. News XII, 171, 1901. Staudinger's figure does not agree at all with that of Godman and Salvin, which represents the species recorded from North America. Since the latter authors state, however, that they had specimens from Dr. Staudinger himself, the best thing that we can do is retain the name in its present usage until the types can be examined. Arizona (Skinner). I have a specimen from Dr. Skinner labelled “Jamaica.” Be- yond his record in the Entomological News I have no knowledge of the occurrence of the species within our country. Genus PLESTIA Mabille Plestia Mab., Le Nat. (2), 11, 146, 1888. Type Plestia staudin- geri Mab. Palpi porrect, exceeding front by length of head; second joint with shaggy vestiture of scales and hair, third conical, moderately large. An- tennae with the club fusiform and pointed, almost as long as the shaft. Primaries trigonate, outer margin bent opposite cell; costal fold present Fig. 8. Plestia dorus Edw. a. in male. Cell over two-thirds as long Club of antenna. c. Neuration of wings as wing, recurrent vein absent. Vein 5 nearer 6 than 4. Secondaries trigonate, prominently lobed at anal angle. Legs and under surface of thorax very hairy. Fig. 8. 1. PLESTIA DORUS Eudamus dorus Edwards, Papilio II, 140, 1882. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 290, pl. 76, ff. 8, 9, 1893. Holland, Butterfly Book, 322, pl. xlv, f. 11, 1898. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 187, 1911. Arizona, May, June and July. New Mexico, May. Genus ACH ALARUS Scudder Achalarus Scudder, Syst. Rev. 50 (71), 1872. Type Papilio lycidas, Abbot and Smith. HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 29 Murgaria Watson, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, 37. Type Telegonus albociliatus Mabille. Palpi porrect; second joint closely and roughly scaled; third small, almost concealed in vestiture of second. Antennae about one-half as long as primaries; club slender, tapering gradually into the reflexed tip, which is not quite as long as the rest of the club. Primaries moderately broad; costa slightly rounded, with or without the fold in the male; outer margin slightly sinuate in the male, more evenly rounded in the female; cell slightly over two-thirds as long as wing; spur vein very faintly indicated, near vein 4; 5 slightly nearer to 4. Secondaries angled at lb in the male, more rounded in the female. In epigona this char- acter is very variable, some specimens having the angle acute and others obtuse. Vein 5 is not present, as stated by Watson (P. Z. S. 1893, 34) but is indicated by a slight fold. Although it seems very radical to combine these genera, a careful consideration of their structures has failed to disclose any basis for their separation. Epigona, formerly placed in Phoe- dinus, is obviously congeneric with albociliatus, and hence un- der the old arrangement would fall into Murgaria, while both dffer from lycidas only in the absence of the costal fold in the males. Some specimens of the white fringed species have the anal angles of the secondaries much more acute than in lycidas, and therefore look much different, but as I have stated, this character is very variable. The male genitalia are similar and of a peculiar form. Key to the species 1. Primaries with yellow spots.... ..lycidas Primaries with or without white spots. .2 2. Primaries with well defined whitish hyaline spots.... .epigona Primaries with an obscure dark band, rarely with a few white spots ..albociliatus 1. ACH ALARUS LYCIDAS Papilio lycidas Abbot and Smith, Lep. Ins. Ga. I, 39, pl. 20, 1797. Proteides lyciades Geyer, Zutr. ex. Schmett. iv, 10, ff. 621, 622, 1832. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 188, 1911. New York and Pennsylvania, August, and south to the gulf, where it is taken in May and June. 30 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 2. ACHALARUS EPIGONA Myscelus epigona H.-S., Corr.-Blatt Regensb. XXIII, 167, 1869. Eudamus epigena Butler, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1870, 493. Eudamus orestes Edw., (Lintner Ms.), Cat. Diurn. Lep. N. A. 58, 1877. Biol. Cent. Am., Rhop. II, 332, pl. 80, ff. 9-11, 1893. Arizona, June and August. 3. ACHALARUS ALBOCILIATUS Telegonus albociliatus Mab., Pet. Nouv. Ent. 11, 162, 1877. Eudamus coyote Skinner, Can. Ent. xxiv, 164, 1892. Texas and Arizona. We have been confusing two species under this name, but at present I am unable to correct the error with certainty. Genus CECROPTERUS Herrich-Schäffer Cecrops Hbn., Zutr. Exot. Schmett. t. 32, ff. 183, 184, 1818. Type Cecrops zares Hbn. Preoccupied in Crustacea. Cecropterus H.-S., Corr.-Blatt Regensb. XXIII, 131, 1869. For Cecrops Hbn. Rhabdoides Scud., Butt. New Eng. III, p. 1854, 1889. Type Eudamus cellus Boisd. & Lec. Palpi larger than in Achalarus; second joint oblique, roughly scaled; third porrect, moderate, not concealed by vestiture of second. Antennae about one-half as long as primaries; club slender, tapering, bent near middle, with the apiculus scarcely more slender than the basal portion. Pri- maries similar to Achalarus 8 and Thorybes; cell slightly over two-thirds as long as wing; recurrent vein faint but indicated at base of vein 4; 5 slight- Fig. 9. Cecrop. ly nearer to 4 than to 6; discocellulars less oblique than in Achalarus, more as in Thorybes; costal fold a. Club of an- not present in male. Outer margin of secondaries rounded, apex broadly rounded ; Vein la about two- of secondary thirds as long as 1b. Fig. 9. Cellus resembles Thorybes very closely in most of its struc- tures, but I hardly think that the species belongs there. I do not see anything to separate it from the genus Cecropterus, however, and so am placing it for the present with the other species whose banded primaries give them a close superficial resemblance. Pseudocell us appears to be closer to Achalarus but I have not had material for dissection and so prefer to leave it with cell us. terus cellus Bd. and Lec. tenna. b. De- tail of neura- tion; anal area HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 31 1. CECROPTERUS CELLUS Eudamus cellus Bd. & Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. t. 73, 1833. Cecrops festus Geyer, Zutr. exot. Schmett. V, 21, ff. 907, 908, 1837 Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. 11, 331, pl. 80, f. 8, ở gen., 1894. Holland, Butterfly Book 326, pl. XLV, f. 12, 1898. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 189, 1911. Pennsylvania, July. Virginia and West Virginia, May and June. Texas and Arizona, April and August. 2. CECROPTERUS PSEUDOCELLUS Achalarus pseudocellus Coolidge and Clemence, Ent. News XXII, 3, 1911. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 190, 1911. Arizona, June to September inclusive. This species is smaller and darker than cellus, lacks the terminal pale area on the under surface of the secondaries and has a pale ring at the base of the antennal club. I have examined a long series in the Barnes collection without finding any specimen in which the pale ring could not be seen. Genus THORYBES Scudder Thorybes Scud., Syst. Rev. 50 (71), 1872. Type Papilio bathyl- lus A. & S. Lintneria Butler, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, 1877, 57. Type Papilio daunus Cramer. Cocceius G. & S., Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 336, 1900. Type Eudamus pylades Scud. Palpi with the second joint appressed, densely scaled; third small, porrect, partly concealed by scales of second. Club of an- tennae moderate, tapering into a slender apiculus which is slightly shorter than the rest of the club. In specimens the apiculus varies from sharply reflexed to slightly re- curved. Primaries rather short and broad with the costa and outer margin convex; cell slightly over two-thirds as long as wing; recurrent vein barely indicated near vein 4; 5 equidistant between 4 and 6; 2 Fig. 10. &. Club of an. tenna of Cogia hippalus nearer base of wing than to 3. Secondar- Edw. b. Neuration of Thorybes Pylades Scud. ies broadly rounded, length along vein 6 c. Truncate lobe on out- er margin of secondary about equal to or greater than along 1b; of Cabares potrillo Lucas 32 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 1 anal angle sometimes very slightly prominent. Costal fold pres- ent in pylades and drusius but not in the other species. Fig. 10. In establishing Cocceius Godman and Salvin state that it dif- fers from Thorybes in the presence of the costal fold and that this indicates that its relationship is rather with Achalarus. It is related in many more points, however, to Thorybes, and the costal fold does not seem adequate to separate the two groups as genera. The male gentalia of the species are similar. Key to the species 1. Fringes of secondaries white, at least in middle of outer margin. drusius Fringes not white.. .2 2. Under surface of secondaries transversely strigate.. .3 Under surface not strigate..... .4 3. Hyaline spots moderate to small, without dark outlines; ground color dark .mexican Hyaline spots large with dark outlines; ground color pale........ .mericanus, race nevada 4. Spots usually large, extending from vein to vein; palpi usually pale below ....bathyllus Spots usually small; palpi usually concolorous with body below. . pylades Spots absent.. . . Pylades, ab. immaculata 1. THORYBES DRUSIUS Eudamus drusius Edw., Can. Ent. xv, 211, 1883. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 336, 1894. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 185, pl. x, 1911. Arizona, June, July and August. Western Nebraska, Leussler. 2. THORYBES PYLADES Eudamus bathyllus Harris (not A. & S.), Ins. Inj. Veg. 3rd ed., 312, 1862. Eudamus pylades Scud., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. XIII, 207, 1870. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 336, pl. 80, f. 23, 1894. Holland, Butterfly Book 324, pl. XLVIII, f. 6, 1898. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 176, 1911. Occurs throughout the United States and most of Canada. In Florida and Texas it has been taken as early as April and as late as October; far. ther north it flies from May to August. ab. IMMACULATA Eudamus pylades immaculata Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 177, 1911. This is a rather uncommon form in which the hyaline spots of the pri- maries are entirely absent. HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 33 3. THORYBES DAUNUS Papilio daunus Cramer, Pap. Exot. II, 44, pl. axxvi, F, 1777. Papilio bathyllus Abbot & Smith, Lep. Ins. Ga. I, 43, pl. XXII, 1797. Holland, Butterfly Book 325, pl. XLVIII, f. 5, 1898. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 178, 1911. Some females of pylades and bathyllus are difficult to sepa- rate but as a rule the size of the spots and color of the palpi in this species are characteristic. The males of this and the fol- lowing species are easily separated from the others by the absence of the costal fold. Florida north and west to Pennsylvania, Iowa, Nebraska and Texas. I have seen southern specimens dated May and August, while farther north the species occurs from June to September. 4. THORYBES MEXICANA Eudamus mexicana H.-S., Corr.-Blatt Regensb. XXIII, 198, 1869. Eudamus ananius Plötz, Stett. ent. Zeit. XLIII, 99, 1882. Biologia Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 334, pl. 80, ff. 15, 16, 17, 1894. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 180, 1911. Specimens in the Barnes collection which agree with those in the British museum are similar to pylades above but faintly strigate w, and rather darker than normal specimens of pylades. Arizona, June and July. Colorado, July. 4a. race NEVADA Thorybes nevada Scud., Syst. Rev. 50 (71), 1872. Eudamus aemilea Skinner, Ent. News iv, 64, 1893. Holland, Butterfly Book 325, pl. XLVI, f. 39, 1898 (type). Wright, Butt. W. Coast 254, pl. XXXII, f. 478, 1905. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 182, 1911. Ground color rather pale, with a fine terminal line and margins of spots darker. Spots large. Strigation of under surface usually heavy. California and Oregon, June and July. 8000 ft. Genus CABARES Godman & Salvin Cabares G. & S., Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 337, 1894. Type Thanaos potrillo Lucas. "Antennae with a gradually tapering club, curved in the middle into a crook. Palpi porrect, the third joint rather prominent. Primaries with the cell more than two-thirds the length of the costa, the second, third, and fourth subcostal seg. ments subequal; lower discocellular rather shorter than the middle, the two forming an oblique line at a large acute angle to 34 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY the axis of the wing; third median segment less than half the second, and rather shorter than the first; a curved recurrent nervule starts from the end of the cell. Secondaries with the discocellulars very slender; third median segment very short; second subcostal segment also short. Primaries short, slight- ly truncate at the tip; no costal fold in the male; second- aries with a projection in the middle of the outer margin from the end of the median nervure. Hind tibiae with two pairs of spurs. “Type Thanaos potrillo Lucas." (Original description). ) This appears to be a good genus, and the one species which occurs in our fauna can easily be placed by the peculiar lobe on the outer margin of the secondaries. Fig. 10. 1. CABARES POTRILLO Thanaos potrillo Lucas, Sagra's Hist. Cuba VII, 641, 1857. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 337, pl. 80, ff. 24, 25, 26, 1894. The species is occasionally taken in Texas. Genus COGIA Butler Cogia Butler, Trans. Ent. Soc. London 1870, 508. Type Cogia hassan Butler. Palpi porrect; second joint heavily clothed with scales; third small but not concealed. Antennae about one-half as long as primaries; club moderately thick, tapering into the short, re- flexed apiculus. This is about half as long as the rest of the club and is usually bent at about a right angle. Shape of wings similar to Thorybes but costa of primaries less strongly curved and secondaries a little more produced anally. Cell of primaries about two-thirds as long as wing; vein 5 intermediate between 4 and 6; recurrent vein faintly indicated, nearer to 4 than to 3. Primaries of male without costal fold but secondaries with a short tuft of scales lying in the fold along vein 1b near the base of the wing. Fig. 10. Key to the species 1. Fringes fuscous. Fringes white. ..hippalus 2. Subapical spots indistinct; those between veins 2 and 4 usually lack- ing; color dark.... ......calchas Subapical spots clear; those between 2 and 4 usually present; color pale fuscous... ....outis 2 HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 35 1. COGIA CALCHAS Eudamus calchas H.-S., Corr.-Blatt Regensb XXIII, 188, 1869. Spathilepia terranea Butler, Lep. Exot. 111, t. XL, f. 8, 1872. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. 11, 340, pl. 81, f. 6, § gen., 1894. Texas, October. Most specimens can be distinguished from outis by the dark color and limited maculation. 2. COGIA OUTIS Eudamus outis Skinner, Ent. News V, 332, 1894. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 184, pl. x, 1911. Texas, August. Ground color pale fuscous, as in hippalus. The primaries usually have the two hyaline spots between veins 2 and 4 but I have seen specimens in which these were lacking or greatly reduced. 3. COGIA HIPPALUS Eudamus hippalus Edw., Papilio II, 27, 1882. Hesperia gila Plötz, Stett. ent. Zeit. XLVII, 91, 1886. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 340, pl. 80, ff. 29-31, 1894. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 184, 1911. Southern Arizona and New Mexico, June, July and August. Genus PHOEDINUS Godman & Salvin Phoedinus G. & S., Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 335, 1894. Type Eudamus caicus H.-S. I was inclined for a time to unite this genus with Cogia, dis- regarding the tufted secondaries, but the large palpi with their conspicuous third joint serve to distinguish it so easily that it seems better to retain it. The spur vein is very faintly indicated near vein 4. There are no secondary sexual structures in the male. 1. PHOEDINUS MYSIE Thorybes mysie Dyar, Jn. N. Y. Ent. Soc. XII, 40, 1904. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 181, 1911. This species is not represented in the Barnes or Strecker collections, and I have seen nothing which answers the description. Apparently it is a Phoedinus with fuscous fringes and more spots on the primaries than caicus. It was described from the Patagonia Mts., Arizona. 2. PHOEDINUS CAICUS Eudamus caicus H.-S., Corr.-Blatt Regensb. XXIII, 188, 1869. Eudamus schaefferi Plötz, Stett. ent. Zeit. XLIII, 99, 1882. Eudamus moschus Edw., Papilio 11, 141, 1882. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 335, pl. 80, ff. 18-20, 1894. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 183, 1911. 36 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY The fringes of the secondaries of this species are pure white, save at the apex and anal angle. Arizona, July and August. GROUP B The second group of the subfamily Hesperiinae is distin- guished from group A by the short cell of the primaries, the form of the antennal club, and the palpi. The cell is never over two-thirds as long as the wing, and is usually a little less; the antennal club is ovate or fusiform, usually somewhat flattened and more or less curved, but never bent as in most of the genera of group A and never with a distinct apiculus; the palpi are porrect or oblique, either large or with hairy vestiture or both. The only similar palpi in group A are found in the genus Plestia. The genera of this group appear to be very poorly defined, owing to the structural variation of the species. If we split to the extent reached by some lepidopterists we can make a genus for practically every species, so the opposite course seems ad- visable, and I have therefore lumped a number of familiar genera to group species which appear to be related. This has resulted, especially in Pholisora, in the association of species which can easily be separated by structural differences, but in all cases these characters show a transition through the several species which causes me to regard them as unreliable for the separation of genera. Key to the genera 1. Secondaries irregular, excavated opposite end of cell and before anal angle; not trigonate. Vein 2 of primaries near- er base of cell than to vein 3. ....Systasea Not such insects.... .2 2. Club of antennae long, slender, not distinctly flattened, and scarcely exceeding twice the diameter of the shaft... 3 Club thicker in at least one direction... .4 3. Primaries slightly excavated below apex; humeral angle prominent, rounded..... ...Eantis Apex rectangular; humeral angle normal...... Xenophanes 4. Palpi large; third joint conspicuous; vestiture not roughly hairy .Pholisora Palpi moderate to large; third joint not conspicuous or ves- titure hairy.. .5 HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 37 . 5. Club of antennae elongate-ovate, flattened, blunt; species largely white or checkered........ ...Hesperia Club more or less fusiform and pointed. ...6 6. Outer margin of primaries evenly rounded or nearly so...7 Apex of primaries subtruncate or rectangular.... ...8 7. Vein 11 of primaries arising just beyond middle of cell and reaching costa before end of cell....... ...Chiomara Vein 11 arising at or beyond outer third of cell and ending in costa beyond end of cell... Thanaos 8. Anal angle of primaries broadly rounded; outer and inner marging about equal..... ... Melanthes Anal angle sharply rounded; outer margin distinctly shorter than inner.... ...9 9. Cell narrow, about equal to distance between cell and costa .Grais Cell normal, much wider than this distance. ....Timochares • . Genus HESPERIA Fabricius Hesperia Fab., Ent. Syst. m, (1), 258, 1793. Type Papilio malvae Linn. Pyrgus Hbn., Verz. bek. Schmett. 109, 1820. Type Papilio syrichtus Fab. Heliopetes Billberg, Enum. Ins, 81, 1820. Type Papilio arsalte . Linn. Syrichtus Boisd., Icones 230, 1833. Type Papilio proto Esp. Scelothrix Ramb. Cat. Lep. Andal. I, 63, 1858. Type Papilio carthami Hbn. Leucoscirtes Scud., Syst. Rev. 52 (73), 1872. Type Syrichtus ericetorum Boisd. Muschampia Tutt, Brit. Butterflies, 1, 218, 1906. Type Papilio proto Esp. Sloperia Tutt, Brit. Butterflies 1, 218, 1906. Type Hesperia poggei Led. Powellia Tutt, Brit. Butterflies 1, 218, 1906. Type Papilio sao Berg. Favria Tutt, Brit. Butterflies 1, 218, 1906. Type, Hesperia cri- brellum Eversman. Bremeria Tutt, Brit. Butterflies I, 296, 1906. Type Syrichtus bieti Obth. 38 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Palpi porrect; second joint with shaggy vestiture in some species, smooth in others, and of mixed scales and hair. Anten- nae slightly less than one-half as long as primaries; club elongate oval, flattened, blunt. Costa of primaries more or less flattened; outer margin rounded, sometimes evenly and sometimes more strongly toward the apex. Cell less than two-thirds as long as wing; vein 5 slightly nearer to 6 than to 4; position of 2 and 3 very variable. Secondaries broadly rounded with a slight in- dication of an anal lobe, to sub-trigonate with the outer margin Fig. 11. Hesperia. Antennal clubs: a. nivella, b. cricetorum, c. and d. tessellata, two views, e. syrichtus, f. macaira, g. Neuration of tessellata, h. Outer margin of secondary of syrichtus, i. Outer margin of secondary of nivella, j. Costal margin and apex of pri. mary of nivella, k. same of syrichtur, 1. Detail of neuration, pos- terior margin of cell of centaureae, m. Same of nivella slightly wavy. Secondary sexual characters of males the costal fold, tibial tuft, and abdominal lobes; one or more of these characters may be absent. Fig. 11. The North American species have hitherto been placed in three genera, based chiefly on secondary sexual characters. Barnes and McDunnough made a step in advance by avoiding these characters in their contributions 1, pp. 121-2, where they re- mark: “A better means of separation of Pyrgus [including syrichtus, montivaga and philetas) from Hesperia (Scelothrix) than that given by Dyar, and one that would include both sexes appears to be found in the palpi; in Pyrgus they are only slightly upturned and the clothing under a strong lens is seen to be rather even and composed largely of scales with a few hairs HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 39 of equal length intermingled; in Hesperia the palpi are strongly upturned and very heavily and roughly clothed underneath with long hairs, the scales being confined to the lateral basal portion." It is quite true that this furnishes a good basis for the sep- aration of our species, and the general habitus of each group is also distinctive, but I have unidentified species of the genus from South America which have the habitus of Hesperia (sensu B. & McD.) and the palpi of Pyrgus. It seems that the only conclusion which will give a well founded classification is to adopt the genus Hesperia of many European writers. I cannot expect unanimous approval of the sinking of Helio- petes, but after examining all of the species carefully and com- paring them with those of Hesperia I am unable to point out any structure which does not find either its counterpart or a similar tendency in the latter genus. The pattern of Hesperia is easily traceable in ericetorum and domicella, both above and below; in nivella, laviana and macaira the under surface is puzzling, but the brown pattern may easily be a modification of a superficial vestiture such as that found in syrichtus, while the black marks are so scanty as to afford no comparison. Key to the species 1. Upper surface of primaries with a broad white discal band or mostly white .8 Band narrow and macular or not evident.. ..2 2. Spots of primaries subquadrate, well separated. ...3 Spots crowded, slender; with an additional row of spots beyond cell..6 3. Primaries with a triangular white spot in the angle of vein 2 and the cell ... This spot absent. .centaureae 4. Male with fold; subterminal spots on under surface of secondaries deeply crescentic in most specimens, even when reduced in size. . ruralis Male without fold; subterminal spots never deeply crescentic, usually poorly defined.... ....5 5. Under surface of secondaries without distinct contrasts, whitish; mark- ings of upper surface usually reduced; a pale, glossy species. . scriptura Under surface with contrasting markings; upper surface with macula- tion rarely reduced; darker species..... ...xanthus, macdunnoughi 6. Under surface of secondaries with two small submarginal lunules be- tween veins 4 and 6........ ....7 These vague, fused with a marginal white patch or with each other ..tessellata .....4 40 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 7. Under surface of secondaries very pale, without sharp contrasts. philetas Maculation of under surface contrasting; under surface often powe dered with brown scales.... .syrichtus 8. Basal third of wings dark. .9 This area not more than slightly dark shaded... .10 9. Secondaries with a subterminal esries of large white crescents ericeteorum These crescents much reduced.... ..domicella 10. Cell of secondaries below clear white. . nivella Cell more or less brown.... ..11 11. Secondaries with broad smooth brown shades below..... .12 With a definite yellowish brown pattern, no broad shades. .ericetorum 12. Inside of outer shade oblique, almost straight.., ..laviana Inside of outer shade curved with outer margin of wing...... macaira 1. HESPERIA CENTAUREAE (Plate I, Figure 2) Hesperia centaureae Rambur, Faun. Ent. Andal. 11, 315, pl. 8, f. 10, 1840. Hesperia wyandot Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 11, 21, pl. 5, f. 4, 1863. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. 11, 1542, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book 327, pl. XLVII, f. 13, 1898. N. Europe; Labrador, June and July. Ontario, Canada, May, July. New Jersey and Virginia, April and May. North Carolina, April. Colo- rado, August, 13000 ft. Male with costal fold and tibial tuft. 2. HESPERIA RURALIS Syrichtus ruralis Boisd., Ann. Soc. Ent. France (2), *, 311, 1852. Syrichtus caespitalis Boisd., op. cit., p. 312. Hesperia ricara Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. iv, 203, pl. I, f. 2, 1865. Syrichtus petreius Edw., Trang. Am. Ent. Soc. III, 215, 1871. Holland, Butterfly Book 328, pl. XLVII, f. 14, 1898. Wright, Butterflies of the West Coast No. 458, pl. XXXI, 1905. Oberthür, Etudesde Lep. Comp. VI, 339, pl. cxXXVII, ff. 1204, 1205, 1212, 1912 (types of caespitalis and ruralis). Western North America from Texas to Alberta, April to July. A smaller, darker species than the preceding. Male with fold and tuft. HESPERIA XANTHUS Pyrgus xanthus Edw., Field and Forest II, 142, 1878. Holland, Butterfly Book 328, pl. XLVII, 15, 1898. Colorado, July. Xanthus very closely resembles ruralis but most speci. mens have the subterminal maculation of the secondaries poorly defined and reduced as noted in the key, and the males lack the costal fold. 4. HESPERIA MACDUNNOUGHI Syrichtus macdunnoughi Oberthür, Etudes ix, (2), 86, pl. CCLXIV, f. 2205, 1913. B. & McD., Contributions mi, (2), 122, pl. x, f. 14, 1916. HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 41 There are five specimens from Arizona in the Barnes collection under this name. Four I am unable to distinguish from xanthus; the remaining one has the secondaries pale below, as in soriptura. 5. HESPERIA SCRIPTURA Syrichtus scriptura Boisd. Ann. Soc. Ent. France, (2), x, 312, 1852. Holland, Butterfly Book 328, pl. XLVII, f. 12, 1898. Wright, Butt. W. Coast 251, pl. XXXI, 459, 1905. Oberthür, Etudes de Lep. Comp. vi, 339, pl. CXXXVII, p. 1206, 1207, 1912 (type f. 1206). New Mexico, California, Colorado, April to June. This species is read. ily distinguished by the color of the under surface, its glossy appearance, and as a rule by the reduction of the maculation of the secondaries. As in the two preceding, the male has the tibial tuft but no costal fold. 6. HESPERIA SYRICHTUS Papilio syrichtus Fab., Syst. Ent. 534, 1775. Pyrgus montivagus Reakirt, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1866, 334. Skinner, Ent. News XVII, 277, pl. XII, 1906. Texas and Florida, June and July. I have seen the type of montivagus in the Strecker collection and it is syrichtus, not tessellata as treated by many writers. I have a long series from Florida in which the under surface of the secondaries has a heavy superficial vestiture of brown scales in both sexes. Male with both costal fold and tibial tuft. 7. HESPERIA PHILETAS (Plate I, Fig. 7) Pyrgus philetas Edw., Papilio I, 46, 1881. Arizona and Texas, June to October. 8. HESPERIA TESSELLATA Hesperia tessellata Scud., Syst. Rev. 52, (73), 1872. Syricthus communis Grote, Can. Ent. IV, 69, 1872. H. montivaga Scud., (not Reakirt) Butt. New Eng. 11, 1536, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book 327, pl. XLVII, f. 18, 1898. Wright, Butt. W. Coast 250, pl. XXXI, 457, 1905. Occurs from coast to coast and from the Gulf to northern Canada, April to October. 8a. Race OCCIDENTALIS Pyrgus occidentalis Skinner, Ent. News XVII, 96, 1906. Skinner, Ent. News XVII, 277, pl. XII, 1906. California, Arizona and Texas. This form is scarcely worthy of a name. but may be regarded as a pale southwestern geographical race. I have not looked for differences in the genitalia. 42 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 9. HESPERIA DOMICELLA Syrichtus domicella Erichson, Schomb., Reise. n. Guiana III, 604, 1848. Pyrgus nearchus Edw., Papilio 11, 26, 1882. Holland, Butterfly Book 327, pl. XLVII, f. 19, 1898. Arizona, August and September. This and the four following species, formerly placed in Heliopetes, have both the costal fold and tibial tuft in the males. 10. HESPERIA ERICETORUM (Plate I, Fig. 48, 69) Syrichtus ericetorum Boisd., Ann. Soc. Ent. France (2) x, 313, 1852. Syrichtus alba Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vi, 206, 1866. Wright, Butt. W. Coast 250 pl. XXXI, f. 456, 1905. Oberthür, Etudes de Lep. Comp. VI, 339, pl. cxXXVII, f. 1210, 1912 (type). California, April to August. Arizona, July. 11. HESPERIA MACAIRA Pyrgus macaira Reakirt, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1866, 334. Syrichtus oceanus Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. III, 213, 1871. Leuoochitonea locutia Hew., Exot. Butt., Leuch. t. 2, ff. 19, 20, 1875. Brownsville, Texas; June. 12. HESPERIA LAVIANA Leucochitonea laviana Hew., Desc. Hesp. 48, 1868. Leucochitonea pastor Felder, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien XIX, 476, 1869. Pyrgus leca Butler, Trans. Ent. Soc. London 1870, 510. Texas, June and July. 13. HESPERIA NIVELLA Leucoscirtes nivea Scud. (not niveus Cr.), Syst. Rev. 52 (73), 1872. Leucoscirtes nivella Mab., Bull. Soc. Ent. Belg. XXVII, LV, 1883. Leucochitonea orbigera Mab., Le Nat. x, 242, 1888. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 446, pl. 90, ff. 22-24, 1897. Brownsville, Texas; June. 7 Genus SYSTASEA Butler Systasea Butler, Edw., Can. Ent. ix, 120, 1877. Type, Leucoch- itonea pulverulenta Folder. Celotes G. & S., Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 452, 1899. Type Pholisora nessus Edw. Palpi porrect, moderate; second joint slightly hairy; third slightly drooping in dried specimens. Antennae about one-half as long as primaries; club moderate, curved, fusiform, rather blunt. Primaries with a costal fold in the male; costa slightly curved; outer margin curved, with a shallow excavation before HIMIT 43 HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA LA anal angle; inner margin slightly concave, scarcely longer than outer; U. D. C. short, M. D. C. and L. D. C. about equal. Vein 2 twice as far from 3 as from base of cell. Secondaries very irregular with emargina- tions opposite cell and before anal angle. As a rule the antennal club of nessus is slightly larger in proportion to the shaft than that of pulverulenta but it varies in each species. In spite of the difference in appearance of the two species I can find nothing to warrant placing them in different genera. It may be that tropical species exist which will fill in the gap between them. Fig. 12. Key to the species Terminal portion of wings with brown dashes..... Fig. 12. Neuration of Systasea pulverulenta .. nessus Feld This area without dashes. pulverulenta NII, E $11 1. SYSTASEA NESSUS Pholisora nessus Edw., Can. Ent. ix, 192, 1877. Spilothyrus notabilis Strecker, Lep. Rhop. 131, 1878. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 452, pl. 91, ff. 27, 28, 29, 1899. Holland, Butterfly Book 329, pl. XLVII, f. 17, 1898. Texas and Arizona, April to August. 2. SYSTASEA PULVERULENTA Leucochitonea pulverulenta Feld., Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien XIX, 478, 1869. Hesperia zampa Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. v, 207, 1876. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. 11, 413, pl. 87, ff. 24, 25, 1895. Holland, Butterfly Book 329, pl. XLVI, f. 1, 1898. Arizona, July and August. Texas, April and October. , la Genus PHOLISORA Scudder Pholisora Scud., Syst. Rev. 51, (72), 1872. Type Papilio catul- lus Fab. Staphylus G. & S., Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop, I1, 429, 1896. Type Helias ascalaphus Staud. Bolla Mabille, Gen. Ins. XVII, 72, 1903. Type -- pullata Mab. Hesperopsis Dyar, Jn. N. Y. Ent. Soc. XII, 118, 1905. Type Thanaos alpheus Edw. The species grouped in this genus offer a troublesome problem ins 9 44 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY in generic distinctions. Bolla was separated from Pholisora by Mabille on the basis of the more pointed club of the antennae. Dyar associates Hesperopsis in his description with Hesperia instead of Pholisora and calls attention to the long palpi, es- pecially the long third joint, and the absence of the costal fold. I have bleached and mounted structures of alpheus, libya, catul- lus, ceos and hayhurstii and have found the following things to be true: In alpheus the third joint of the palpi is about three- fifths as long as the second and both are slender; the vestiture of the third joint makes it appear about twice as long as it really Fig. 13. Pholisora. Palpi: &. alpheus, b. libya, c. catullus, d. ceos, e. hay- hurstii. Antennal clubs: f. libya, g. catullus, h. ceos, i, hayhurstii, j. Neur ation of hayhurstii, k. and 1. Outer margins of wings of ceos and catullus is. Libya, associated with alpheus, has the third joint relative- ly shorter, both second and third thicker, the vestiture of the third similar and that of the second deeper. The entire ap- pendage looks more like the palpus of catullus than alpheus. The eleventh vein of the primaries of alpheus arises well before the middle of the cell, while in all of the other species it arises near the middle, usually slightly beyond. Ceos differs from catullus in the relatively longer third palpal point and thicker second, and in the short vestiture of the third. In the shape of the wings it is intermediate between catullus and hayhurstü and farthest removed from alpheus. The antennal club is thickest in alpheus and most slender in ceos, but if the same aspect be com- pared the species are seen to differ but slightly. From this it HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 45 appears that there is no closer bond between alpheus and libya than between libya and catullus, while ceos varies in the opposite direction from catullus but in the structure of the palpi shows some affinity with the first two species. For these reasons I prefer to regard the group as one genus with a wide range of structural variation. In this sense Pholisora may be character- ized as follows: Palpi exceeding the front by the length of the head or more; second joint oblique, rather long, with moderate scaly vestiture; third porrect, slender, long. Antennae about one-half as long as primaries; club more or less tapered and blunt. Wings rounded; secondaries with or without a slight indention in the outer margin at the end of the cell and sometimes with a slight lobe at the anal angle. Neuration variable; vein 11 of primaries never much beyond middle of cell and vein 2 about the same distance from base of cell and vein 3; U. D. C. long, over half the length of M. D. C. Male with or without costal fold, never with tibial tuft. Fig. 13. Key to the species 1. Primaries with a transverse series of dark dashes... ..alpheus Primaries without dark dashes... .2 2. Secondaries with white spots below.. .3 Secondaries immaculate..... .4 3. Under surface pale, yellowish; upper surface of primaries with trans- verse row of spots complete.... .....lena Under surface usually less pale and with numerous white spots when upper surface is heavily spotted; possibly not distinct from the pre- ceding .. ....libya 4. Head and palpi ochreous... Head and palpi dark, concolorous with body. .5 5. Upper surface of an even shade... .6 With faint, dark, transverse bands.. .7 6. Undersurface brownish black... ..catullus Under surface grayish glaucous... .ceos .mejicanus 7. Primaries with hyaline subapical spots.. .hayhurstii No such spots..... ..brennus * 1. PHOLISORA ALPHEUS Thanaos alpheus Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. V, 206, 1876. Pholisora oricus Edw., Can. Ent. xi, 51, 1879. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 442, pl. 90, f. 15, 1897. Holland, Butterfly Book 331, pl. xlv, f. 2, 1898. 46 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Wright, Butt. W. Coast 235, pl. xxx, f. 407, 1905. Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado, March to July. PHOLISORA LIBYA Heteropterus libya Scud., Bull. Geol. Surv. Terr., iv, 258, 1878. Holland, Butterfly Book 331, pl. XLVIII, f. 14, 1898. Wright, Butt. W. Coast 234, pl. xxx, f. 406, 1905. California, June and October. Utah, July. Arizona, April. 3. PHOLISORA LENA Ancyloxypha lena Edw., Can. Ent. XIV, 5, 1882. There is one specimen in the Barnes collection which appears to be lena and is possibly a good species. It is rather pale in color, but this may be due to fading. On the upper surface resembles a heavily maculate speci- men of libya while below it has only a few spots. Libya, when heavily spotted above, is also well marked below. The one specimen is from Miles City, Montana, the type locality. 4. PHOLISORA CATULLUS Hesperia catullus Fab., Ent. Syst. III, (1), 348, 1793. Scud., Butt. New Eng. 11, 1519, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book, 330, pl. xLv, f. 4, 1898. Wright, Butt. W. Coast 234, pl. xxx, f. 403, 1905. United States and Southern Canada, April to October. 5. PHOLISORA MEJICANUS Nisoniades mejicanus Reakirt, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 334, 1866. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. 11, 441, pl. 90, ff. 11, 12, 1897. Las Vegas, N. M. The upper surface is practically the same as catullus but the glaucous gray appearance of the lower surface is unmistakable. 6. PHOLISORA CEOS Pholisora ceos Edwards, Papilio II, 140, 1882. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 432, pl. 89, ff. 7, 8, 1896. Arizona, July. 7. PHOLISORA HAYHURSTII Hesperia hayhurstii Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. in, 22, 1870. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. III, p. 1857, 1889. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 433, pl. 89, f. 16, gen., 1896. Holland, Butterfly Book, 331, pl. XLVIII, f. 16, 1898. Florida, north and west to Minnesota and Texas, March to October. Some specimens have merely a trace of the subapical spots. HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 47 8. PHOLISORA BRENNUS Nisoniades brennus G. & S., Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 434, pl. 89, f. 23, gen., 1896. (Mabille in litt.). Skinner, Ent. News XII, 171, 1901. I do not know this species. It is said to occur in our country along the Mexican border. Genus EANTIS Boisduval Eantis Boisd., Spec. Gen. pl. 13, f. 6, 1836. Type Urbanus vetus thraso Hübner. Palpi porrect; second joint rath- er large, densely and smoothly scaled; third small, distinct. Ant- ennae about one-half as long as pri- maries; club extremely slender and long, the tip curved. Costa of pri- maries rounded in basal half and al- most straight to apex; outer margin excavated below apex, thence well rounded to anal angle; cell about three-fifths as long as wing; vein 5 intermediate between 4 and 6. Sec- Fig. 14. Eantis thraso Hbn. a. Club of antennae. b. Neuration ondaries roughly quadrate; costa and inner margin curved, outer bent to an obtuse angle between 3 and 4 and produced between 6 and 7. Fig. 14. 1. EANTIS THRASO (Plate I, Fig. 8) Urbanus vetus thraso Hbn., Samml. exot. Schmett, I, t. 151 ff. 1-4, 1807-16. Hesperia tamenund Edw., Trang. Am. Ent. Soc. III, 215, 1871. Biologia Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 405, pl. 87, f. 7, 3 gen., 1895. Texas, May and July. Genus XENOPHANES Godman & Salvin Xenophanes G. & S., Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 387, 1895. Type Papilio tryxus Cramer. Palpi oblique; third joint moderate, Fig. 15. Xenophanes tryxus Cramer. &. Club of antenna. b. Outline of wings 48 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY conical, not concealed. Club of antennae very slender, curved. Costa of primaries slightly curved ; apex rectangular; inner margin nearly straight, outer slightly convex between apex and vein 2, thence nearly straight to anal angle. Costal fold absent. . Cell less than two-thirds as long as wing; vein 5 intermediate; 2 slightly nearer to base of wing than to 3. Secondaries broadly rounded; inner margin nearly straight, anal angle sub-rectangu- lar; outer margin slightly concave between veins 4 and 6 and very slightly between 1b and 2. Vein 5 present, very weak; 2 about as near to base of wing as to 3. Fig. 15 1. XENOPHANES TRYXUS (Plate I, Fig. 3) Papilio tryxus Cramer, Pap. Exot. iv, 87, pl. cccxxxiv, G, H, 1781. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 387, pl. 85, f. 18, ở gen., 1895. Brownsville, Texas, July. The species is easy to recognize in our fauna by the many hyaline spots in the discal area of both wings. DO) Geneus MELANTHES Mabille Melanthes Mab., Gen. Ins. XVII, 80, 1904. Type Nisoniades brunnea H.-S. In general structure this genus is close to Than- aos but the secondaries are relatively a little larger the outer margin of the primaries longer and more oblique, the apex more produced and rectangular and the anal angle more broadly rounded. The antennae are moderate and the club fusiform, sharply pointed and evenly curved. Fig. 16. 16. Fig. Melan. 1. MELANTHES BRUNNEA (Plate I, Fig. 10) . thes brunnea H.- S. a. Club of an. Nisoniades brunnea H.-S., Corr.-Blatt. Regensb. XVIII, 172, tenna. b. Outline 1864. of wings Skinner, Ent. News Xiv, 110, 1903. I have this species from Cuba but Dr. Skinner's record, Sugar Loaf Key, Fla., is the only one which has reached me concerning its occurrence in the United States. The even brown shade of the wings, with a few hyaline points on the primaries, is characteristic. Genus CHIOMARA Godman & Salvin Chiomara G. & S., Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 453, 1899. Type. . Achlyodes mithrax Möschler. Similar to Thanaos; outer margin of primaries only two-thirds HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 49 7, LTH as long as inner, strongly curved; vein 11 arising just beyond middle of cell and reaching costa before end of cell. Mabe with tibial tuft but no costal fold. Fig. 17. Gesta appears to belong in Thanaos ; the figure of the genitalia in the Biologia is distinctly of the Thanaos type. TEA nd 6 mm create 1. CHIOMARA ASYCHIS Papilio asychis Cramer, Pap. Exot. IV, 87, pl. Fig. 17. Chiomara asychia CCCXXXIV, E, F, 1781. Cramer. Neuration of primary Pyrgus georgina Reakirt, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1868, 88 (fide G. & 8.). Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 453, pl. 91, ff. 1, 2, 3, 1899; p. 741, 1901. Texas, Arizona, October. I have one specimen from Corumba, Brazil, taken in March. 3. 7731 រដzz to The tle lama and I 1 tarrak ed. The fistic 16. Genus THANAOS Boisduval Thanaos Boisd., Icones 240, 1832-3. Type Hesperia juvenalis Fab. Scudder and Burgess, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. xm, 282-306, pl. 1870. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XL, 195-221, 1914. Palpi large, exceeding front by about length of head; vesti- ture shaggy; third joint stout and roughly scaled. Antennae moderate; club fusiform, cury- ed. Costa of primaries slightly convex, flattened along fold; out- er margin in most species evenly rounded, in some more strongly curved opposite cell; relative width of primaries variable. Cell scarcely two-thirds as long as wing; vein 5 intermediate, 7 to 11 in the distal third of the cell, 11 ending beyond end of cell U. D. C. less than half as long Fig. 18. Thanao8. a. Neuration of juven- as M. D. C. Secondaries vari. alis, b. Outer margins of wings of funeralis ITIN, 6 $ Laat Ka na ty bras S Tv 1 able in size and shape, broad out- ro-thin 50 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY ......5 er margin rounded to wavy; costal fold present except in gesta. Hind tibiae of male with tufts in a few species. Fig. 18. A key to the species of Thanaos based on superficial characters is of comparatively little use, for the species are closely related and there are few which do not intergrade with others. The fol- Rowing key is based on fairly typical specimens, but in a long series I have found many which could not be definitely placed by it, so I have thought it wise to speak a word of caution re- garding its use. The genitalia of the males offer the ultimate means of determination, and since they can usually be examined fairly well by brushing away the scales from the tip of the abdomen and using a hand lens or binocular, their use in class- ification of the species should be practiced. Key to the species 1. Fringes of hind wings white.. 13 Fringes never white.... ..2 2. Primaries without distinct hyaline spots, sometimes with one or two clouded spots next to costa. .3 Primaries with at least a subapical row of hyaline spots (or with very dark wings, terentius Ở )....... 3. Expanse under thirty mm; ớ with tibial tuft; apex of primaries rather sharply angled.. ...icelus Expanse usually over thirty mm; no tuft in male; apex of primaries more obtuse and outer margin more rounded...... 4 4. Gray powdering heavier toward apex of primaries; distribution gen- eral .. .....brizo Primaries usually evenly powdered with gray scales; inner part of median band usually obsolete or broken; Southwestern and Californian species... ...burgessi, lacustra Powdering scant or absent; dark marks of primaries united to form broad bands; under surface without distinct spots; with tuft but no fold; southwestern species.... ...gesta 5. Under surface of secondaries with two pale subapical spots, or at least a trace of them... 6 No subapical spots.... .7 6. Gray vestiture mostly of fine hairs.. propertius Gray vestiture scaly..... ..juvenalis 7. Hyaline spots large, at least a trace of one in end of cell; dark mark. ings of primaries contrasting ( ), or spots lacking; primaries with little or no gray vestiture ( )..... .horatius Spots small, color very dark, or gray powdering conspicuous.........8 8. Very dark, sometimes with a brownish patch at end of cell; macula- tion obscure; î with tibial tuft...... ..terentius Tuft absent; marks more or less contrasting. 9 الرمز الاول ال) for ار) 5 7 12 13 10 ایم الم 15 PLATE II MALE GENITALIA OF THANAOS The figures are mere ourlines of the claspers viewed from the outside, omitting spines and other vestiture. The right and left drawings of each figure are the right and left claspers, respectively, 1. Thanacs icelus Lint. 2. Thanaos brizo Bd. & Lec. 3. Thanaos burgessi Skinner. 4. Thanaos lacustra Wright. Thanaos persius Scudder. 6. Than: aus martialis Scudder. 7. Thanaos juvenalis Fab. 8. Thanaos propertius Scud. & Bul. 9. Thanaos horatius Seud. & Burg. 10. Thanaos terentius Seud. & Burg 11. Thanaos pacuvius Lint. Thanaos scudderi Skinner. 13. Than: aos clitus Edw. 14. Thanaos tristis Boisd. 15. Thanaos funeralis Scud. & Burg. 12 5 HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 51 ܨܐ. 9. Dark marks conspicuous, secondaries checkered; fresh specimens with à purplish lustre.... martialis Not such insects...... .10 10. Larger, marks more or less obscured toward base of primaries.... ... persius, pernigra Usually smaller, marks more evenly distinct over entire wing.... 11. Fringes usually evenly colored... .12 Fringes pale tipped; western form... · persius, race afranius 12. Secondaries with pale spots below clear cut. .. lucilius Spots absent or diffuse; western species... ..callidus 13. Tufts of dark scales in base of white fringe all along outer margin ...scudderi, pacuvius Rarely with a suggestion of such tufts. ..14 14. Primaries narrower than normal; Ŝ with tibial tuft. .funeralis Primaries normal, no tuft.... . tristis, clitus Under surface of secondaries with some white inside of fringe.... tristis, var. tatius 1. THANAOS ICELUS Nisoniades icelus Scudder & Burgess, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. XIII, 288, 1870. Lintner, 23rd Ann. Rep. N. Y. St. Cab. Hist. 162, pl. 7, ff. 5, 6, 1872. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. II, 1507, 889. Holland, Butterfly Book 333, pl. XLVIII, 17, 1898. Arizona, Colorado, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and southern Canada; May to July. Athabaska and Mackenzie, June (Cary). North Carolina, April (Brimley & Sherman). 2. THANAOS BRIZO Thanaos brizo, Boisd. & Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. pl. 66, 1833. Scudder, Butt. New Eng., II, 1500, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book 332, pl. xlv, f. 7, 1898. Atlantic coast to Rocky Mountains, Gulf to Southern Canada; April to July. Eastern specimens of this species are easy to identify, but it is difficult to separate burgessi, lacustra and brizo when all are from the same locality. 2a. race SOMNUS Nisoniades somnus Lintner, Papilio 1, 73, 1881. Florida, February and April. This is merely a very dark form of brizo. 3. THANAOS BURGESSI Thanaos burgessi Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XL, 203, 1914. Arizona and New Mexico; March, April and August. 4. THANAOS LACUSTRA Nisoniades lacustra Wright, Butt. W. Coast 253, pl. XXXII, 480, 1905. California, June. This is not a form of brizo, as has been stated, but is 52 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY more nearly related to burgessi, though the genitalia differ enough to war. rant regarding it as a distinct species. 5. THANAOS GESTA Thanaos gesta H.-S., Corr.-Blatt Regensb. XVII, 142, 1863. Thanaos invisus Butler & Druce, Cist. Ent. 1, 114, 1872. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 455, pl. xci, ff. 7, 8, 9, 1899. Nisoniades llano Dodge, Can. Ent. Xxxv, 78, 1903. Texas and Arizona; July. 6. THANAOS PERSIUS Nisoniades persius Scudder, Proc. Ess. Inst. III, 170, 1863. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. 11, 1468, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book 334, pl. XLVIII, f. 1, 1898. The typical form has an expanse of about thirty-five millimeters and is dark and obscurely marked, especially on the basal half of the wings. It occurs throughout the United States and north into Alaska; May to August. 6a. race PERNIGRA Thanaos pernigra Grinnell, Ent. News XVI, 34, 1905. California, July. A very dark Pacific Coast race. 6b. race AFRANIUS Nisoniades afranius Lintner, 30th Rep. N. Y. Mus. Nat. Hist. 175, 1877. California, Utah, Colorado, Arizona; May, July and August. Afranius does not exceed thirty millimeters and is rather distinctly marked and gray powdered; the fringes are pale, sometimes almost white, at their tips. 6c. race LUCILIUS Nisoniades lucilius Scudder & Burgess, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. XIII, 287, 1870. Lint., 23rd Rep. N. Y. St. Cab. Nat. Hist. 164, pl. 7, ff. 1, 2, 1872. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. II, 1458, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book 333, pl. XLVIII, f. 10, 1898. Northeastern United States and southeastern Canada, April and May. Dr. W. T. M. Forbes has kindly identified slides of genitalia in my possession as lucilius, which he regards as a species. I am unable to agree with this and follow Skinner in placing it as a race of persius, though a careful study of the early stages may show it to be distinct. It is usually smaller than persius and more distinctly marked. > 7. THANAOS CALLIDUS Thanaos callidus Grinnell, Ent. News xv, 114, 1904. McDunnough, Ent. News XXVIII, 232, 1917. After an eventful and troublesome career callidus has at last been run down by Dr. McDunnough. It proves to be a good species, treated as lilius Dyar by Skinner in his “Studies in the Genus Thanaos.' The two 1 HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 53 names may apply to the same thing, but in that case callidus has priority. The genitalia resemble those of pacuvius. California, June and July, 8. THANAOS MARTIALIS Nisoniades martialis Scudder, Trans. Chi. Acad. Sci. 1, 335, 1869. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. 11, 1493, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book, 335, pl. XLVIII, f. 4, 1898. New York, west to Colorado and north into Canada; May, July, August. Dr. Forbes tells me that eastern specimens of this species have a brassy lustre, but all which I have seen from the middle west were decidedly pur- plish. The unusually bright, contrasting pattern is the most reliable char- acteristic. ab. AUSONIUS Nisoniades ausonius Lint., 23rd Rep. N. Y. St. Cab. Nat. Hist. 166, pl. 7, ff, 11, 12, 1872. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. II, 1498, 1889. Ausonius lacks the subapical hyaline spots and has the transverse series of dark dashes unusually prominent. It was described from a single speci. men taken at Center, N. Y., on May 12, 1871, and has never been taken since. 9. THANAOS JUVENALIS Hesperia juvenalis Fab., Ent. Syst. III, (1), 339, 1793. Nisoniades juvenis Hbn., Verz. bek. Schmett. 108, 1820. Nisoniades costalis Westw. & Hew., Gen. Diurn. Lep. II, 519, pl. 79, 1852. Nisoniades ennius Scud. & Burg., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. XIII, 296, f. 9, 1870. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. 11, 1476, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book 335, pl. XLVIII, f. 11, 1898. Wright, Butt. W. Coast 252, pl. XXXII, 462, 469 g (not $ tristis), 1905. Atlantic coast to Rockies, Gulf to Northern Canada; May to August. f. 3, 10. THANAOS PROPERTIUS Nisoniades propertius Scud. & Burg., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. XII, 298, f. 11, 1870. Nisoniades tibullus Scud. & Burg., op. cit., p. 299, f. 12. Wright, Butt. W. Coast 252, pl. XXXII, f. 463, 1905. Texas, Arizona, California and north into Canada; June, July and Au- gust. The abundance of hairy gray vestiture in specimens which have not been badly rubbed is very characteristic. 10a. race BOREALIS Thanaos propertius, var. borealis Cary, Proc. U. 8. N. M. XXXI, 455, 1906. Type one male from North Nahanni River, Mackenzie, June 4, 1904. Ap- parently this is a dark race with the pale maculation greatly reduced. 54 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 11. THANAOS HORATIUS Nisoniades horatius Scud. & Burg., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. XIII, 301 f. 13, 1870. Nisoniades virgilius Scud. & Burg., op. cit. p. 302, f. 14. Nisoniades petronius Lint., Papilio I, 70, 1881. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. II, 1486, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book 336, pl. XLVIII, f. 15, 1898. Florida and Texas, north to Colorado and Minnesota; May, July, Au- gust, October. The females are conspicuously marked but the males resem. ble juvenalis closely. 12. THANAOS TERENTIUS Nisoniades terentius Scud. & Burg., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. XIII, 292, f. 6, 1870. Nisoniades ovidius Scud. & Burg., op. cit. 295, f. 8. Nisoniades naevius Lintner, Papilio I, 69, 1881. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. II, 1490, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book 336, pl. XLVIII, f. 3, 1898. Florida, April, May and July. South Carolina, May. Mississippi, Au- gust. The very dark, even color of this species is easy to recognize, and as a rule the brown patch on the primaries is conspicuous. 13. THANAOS PACUVIUS Nisoniades pacuvius Lint., 30th Rep. N. Y. Mus. Nat. Hist. 172, 1878. Holland, Butterfly Book 336, pl. XLVIII, f. 9, 1898. California, Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado; March, May, June and August. 14. THANAOS SCUDDERI Thanaos scudderi Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XL, 215, 1914. Thanaos paouvius G. & S. (not Lintner), Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 458, pl. 91, ff. 16, 17, 1899. Texas and Arizona, July and August. I am unable to separate this species from pacuvius except by the structure of the male genitalia. Skin- ner points out a slight difference in the hyaline spots. > 15. THANAOS CLITUS Thanaos clitus Edw., Papilio II, 180, 1882. Thanaos maestus G. & S., Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 457, t. 91, f. 18, § gen., 1899. Holland, Butterfly Book 336, pl. xlv, f. 8, 1898. Arizona, May to August; California and Colorado. 16. THANAOS TRISTIS Thanaos tristis Boisd., Ann. Soc. Ent. France (2), x, 311, 1852. Oberthür, Etudes ix, (1), pl. ccxl, f. 2081, 1913, figure of type. California, June and August. Arizona. HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 55 form TATIUS Thanaos tatius Edw., Papilio II, 179, 1882. Arizona, April, June, July, September. 17. THANAOS FUNERALIS Nisoniades funeralis Scud. & Burg., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. XIII, 293, f. 7, 1870. Holland, Butterfly Book 336, pl. XLVIII, f. 12, 1898. Wright, Butt. W. Coast 253, pl. XXXII, f. 468 and 464 (not clitus), 1905. California, June. Arizona, Texas and Colorado, June and July. March in the far south. The rather narrow primaries, of a dull, brownish color, and the broad secondaries are unlike the other species of the genus. The two following species cannot be fixed at present to any known form: 18. TA ANAOS PLAUTUS Nisoniades plautus Scud. & Burg., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. XIII, 304, f. 16, 1870. Described from Florida. The figure of the genitalia has some points of similarity with the genitalia of juvenalis. 19. THANAOS LILIUS Thanaos lilius Dyar, Proc. U. 8. N. M. XXVII, 788, 1904. Dyar states (Jn. N. Y. Ent. Soc. XIII, 122) that the genitalia of lilius are similar to those of tibullus (=propertius), while Skinner's description of them in his "Studies" suggests those of callidus, which was not correctly fixed at the time when his paper was written. Apparently lilius will fall before one of these two species, but an examination of the genitalia of the type will be necessary to settle the matter. I am greatly indebted to Dr. McDunnough for his notes on these species, for all data which I am able to give here are based on his researches. Genus TIMOCHARES Godman & Salvin Timochares G. & S., Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 417, 1896. Type Leucochitonea trifasciata Hew. Palpi moderately large, much as in Thanaos, with a hairy second joint and a stout, conical third joint. Antennae less than one-half as long as primaries; club moderate, fusiform, curved. Costa of primaries convex, with a long fold in the male; apex rectangular, subtruncate; outer margin rounded from vein 6 to anal angle. Secondaries trigonate; inner margin about as long as wing measured through cell; outer margin 56 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY wavy. Neuration practically as in T. juvenalis. T. funeralis is structurally very close to this genus, but the apex of the pri- maries is never distinctly subtruncate and the anal angle is much more broadly rounded. 1. TIMOCHARES RUPTIFASCIATUS Antigonus ruptifasciatus Plötz, Jahrb. Nass. Ver. XXXVII, 27, 1884. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 418, pl. 88, pp. 1, 2, 1896. I have seen one male from Brownsville, Texas, in the Barnes collection. Genus GRAIS Godman & Salvin Grais G. & S., Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 381, 1894. Type An- astrus stigmaticus Mab. The structure of this genus is very similar to that of the pre- ceding, but the cell of the primaries is of almost equal width throughout, and is approximately equal to the distance between cell and costa. The male has neither costal fold nor tibial tuft. 1. GRAIS STIGMATICUS Anastrus stigmaticus Mab., Bull. Soc. Ent. Belg. XXVI, LIV, 1883. Antigonus fumosus Plötz, Jahrb. Nass. Ver. XXXVII, 26, 1884. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. 11, 381, pl. 84, ff. 24, 25, 26, 1894. Kerrville, Texas; September. Subfamily PAMPHILINAE Palpi usually upturned; in a few genera porrect. Antennae very variable in length; club usually short and stout with a very slender apiculus but sometimes longer; apiculus sometimes thick or absent. Primaries more or less trigonate; secondaries tri- gonate to rounded and lobed. Neuration as in the Hesperiinae but with the L. D. C. usually tubular and vein 5 curved toward the base in the primaries, arising nearer to 4 than to 6. Front tibiae usually with the epiphysis; middle tibiae usually with conspicuous spines; hind tibiae usually with two pairs of spurs and never with a tuft. In the species of group A the spinula- tion of the mid tibiae furnishes a convenient means for separat- ing the insects from the Hesperiinae. Males often with stigma on primaries. The loss of the apiculus in the Pamphilinae seems to have been brought about by its gradual reduction, a process of evolution which is nicely illustrated by the transition from Oligoria to HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 57 Chaerephon in Group B. I regard this as furnishing the phylo- genetic basis for the separation of Group A from the Hesper- iinae, which makes it necessary to explain their resemblance by parallel or convergent evolution. In place of the two groups into which the Pamphilinae have commonly been divided I believe that a modification of the sys- tem used in the Biologia will be of greater convenience. I have therefore divided our fauna into four groups which are char- acterized as follows: Group A. Palpi porrect. Vein 5 of primaries straight, in- termediate between 4 and 6; cell less than two-thirds as long as wing. Club of antennae blunt. Carterocephalus and Butleria. Group B. Palpi upturned; third joint long and slender. An- tennae short; club blunt. Vein 5 of primaries curved slightly toward 4 at base. Cell less than two-thirds as long as wing. Ancyloxypha, Oarisma, Adopaea and Copaeodes. Group C. Palpi appressed or oblique; third joint moderate or small, long in Amblyscirtes. Antennae with a slender api- culus in most genera. Vein 5 of primaries curved at base, us- ually arising much nearer to 4 than to 6. Cell less than two- thirds as long as wing. All North American genera not includ- ed in A, B and D. Group D. Palpi closely appressed, smoothly and deeply scaled; third joint small. Club of antennae stout, with a fine, abruptly constricted apiculus. Vein 5 arising much nearer to 4; cell about two-thirds as long as wing and with at least a rudi- ment of a recurrent vein. Thespieus, Calpodes and Prenes. GROUP A Key to the genera Hind tibiae with one pair of spurs.. Hind tibiae with two pairs of spurs.... Carterocephalus .Butleria Genus CARTEROCEPHALUS Lederer Carterocephalus Led., Verh, z.-b. Ges. Wien 11, 26, 49, 1852. Type: Papilio palaemon Pallas. Second joint of palpi oblique, loosely clothed with long hairs; third slender, moderately long, enveloped by hairs of second. Antennae less than one-half as long as primaries; club large, 58 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY elongate ovate, flattened on its posterior surface, blunt. Pri. maries trigonate with the outer margin rounded, rather narrow. Vein 5 intermediate between 4 and 6; L. D. C. not tubular, faint. Secondaries rounded; apex prominent and anal angle slightly produced. Hind tibiae with one pair of spurs; mid- dle tibiae spined. Males with- out secondary sexual struc- tures. Fig. 19. 1. CARTEROCEPHALUS PALAEMON Papilio palaemon Pallas, Reise 1, 471, 1771. Papilio paniscus Fab., Syst. Ent. Fig. 19. Butleria pirus Edw. 8. Club of antenna, b. Hind tibia, c. Neneration, d. 531, 1775. Hind tibia of Carterocephalus palaemon Papilio brontes Denn. & Schiff. Pallas Wien Verz. 160, 1776. Hesperia mandan Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. II, 20, pl. v, f. 1, 1863. Hesperia mesapano Scud., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. XI, 383, 1868. Cyclopides skada Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. III, 196, 1870. Stereoptes skada Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. III, 214, 1871. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. II, 1569, 1889. Elwes & Edwards, Rev. Or. Hesp. 167, 1897. Holland, Butterfly Book 342, XLVII, f. 1, 1898. Canada, Mountains of New England and Rocky Mountains; June. Cal. ifornia, Montana. Europe and Asia. Fort Providence, Mackenzie, July (Cary). Yukon Territory (Winn). Genus BUTLERIA Kirby Butleria Kirby, Syn. Cat. 624, 1871. Type Carterocephalus exornatus Felder. Dalla Mab., Gen. Ins. XVII, 107, 1904. Type Cyclopides eryonas Hew. Very similar in structure to Carterocephalus but with two pairs of spurs on the hind tibiae. Fig. 19. Butleria was first characterized by Watson (P. Z. S. 1893, 79) but according to Mabille his description does not fit the geno- type. Mabille in turn characterized the genus to correspond with the typical species in vol. xvii of the Genera Insectorum, HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 59 page 106, at the same time dividing it and naming one part Dalla. Such differences as he mentions between the two seem to be slight and transitional through the series of species in- cluded, and I therefore sink Dalla. The description of Dalla does not apply to our species as well as Mabille's diagnosis of Butleria, so if the genera be separated again there is a possi- bility that Butleria, and not Dalla will still be applicable in our region. Key to the species Under surface of secondaries immaculate..., With a number of small pale spots.... With a few large spots..... .. pirus microsticta ..polingi 1. BUTLERIA PIRUS Pholisora pirus Edw., Field and Forest II, 119, 1878. Colorado, Utah, Arizona; June, July. 2. BUTLERIA MICROSTICTA Butleria microsticta G. & 8., Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 464, pl. 92, ff, 1, 2, 3, 1900. I have seen no specimens; the species is said to occur near the Mexican border. 3. BUTLERIA POLINGI Pyrgus polingi Barnes, Can. Ent. XXXII, 44, 1900. Arizona, June and July. GROUP B Key to the genera 1. Wings broadly rounded... .Ancyloxypha Wings more or less trigonate.. 2 All wings trigonate; male without stigma; club of antennae about as long as shaft..... ..Qarisma Males with stigma; secondaries, at least, rounded; club not as long as shaft... 3 3. Secondaries rounded, primaries trigonate; club small ....Copaeodes Outer margin of primaries more oblique and rounded; club large, relatively long.. ...Adopaea 60 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Genus ANCYLOXYPHA Felder Ancyloxypha Feld., Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien XII, 477, 1862. Type Hesperia numitor Fab. Palpi upturned; second joint normal, deeply scaled; third slender, pointed, almost as long as second. Antennae much less than one-half as long as primar- ies; club blunt, moderately large. Costa of primaries rounded at base, less so in outer half; outer margin broadly rounded, cell slightly less than three-fifths as long as wing; vein 5 nearer to 4 than to 6; 2 and 3 near end of cell. Secondaries rather long through cell, rounded; outer margin slightly emarginate be- Fig. 20. Ancyloxypha numitor Fab. a. outer line shows limit of vestiture, c. Pal out stigma. Fig. 20. Club of antenna, 6. Section of palpus; tween veins 4 and 6. Male with- pus, d. Neuration 1. ANCY LOXYPHA NUMITOR Hesperia numitor Fab., Ent. Syst. III, (1), 324, 1793. Thymelicus puer Hbn., Verz. bek. Schmett. 113, 1820. Heteropterus marginatus Harris, Ins. Inj. Veg., 3rd ed., 308, 1862. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. II, 1558, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book 345, pl. XLVII, f. 2, 1898. Atlantic coast west to Texas, north into Canada; May to August. The disk of the primaries is black below, while that of the following species is ruddy fulvous. ab. LONGLEYI Ancyloxypha longleyi French, Can. Ent. XXIX, 80, 1897. Described from Illinois. A form in which the primaries are glossy black above. 2. ANCYLOXYPHA ARENE Heteropterus arene Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. III, 214, 1871. Copaeodes myrtis Edw., Papilio 11, 26, 1882. Apaustus leporina Plötz, Stett. Ent. Zeit. XLV, 166, 1884, (fide G. & S.). Holland, Butterfly Book 346, pl. XLVII, f. 11, 1898. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 472, pl. 92, ff. 35-38, 1900. Arizona, August. Differs from numitor in the absence of black from the under surface of the primaries. HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 61 Genus OARISMA Scudder Oarisma Scudder, Syst. Rev. 54, (75), 1872. Type Hesperia powesheik Parker. Paradopaea G. & S., Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 469, footnote, 1900. Palpi as in Ancyloxypha. Anten- nae much less than one-half as long as primaries; club enlongate obovoid, blunt, as long or nearly as long as shaft. Costa of primaries straight ex- cept at base and apex; outer margin curved only opposite cell ; entire wing trigonate; cell about three-fifths as long as wing; vein 5 near 4 at base; 3 near end of cell ; 2 about as far from 3 as from base of wing, variable. Sec- ondaries trigonate, all margins slight- ly rounded and anal angle very slightly lobed. Male without stigma. Fig. 21. Fig. 21. Qarisma garita Reakirt: a. Club of antenna, d. Neuration. Key to the species Jopaeodes aurantiaca Hew. b. Club of antenna, c. Palpus 1. Under surface of secondaries with white veins on a dark ground before vein lb.... . powesheik Veins not much paler than ground color. .2 2. Upper surface bright yellow-fulvous.... ....edwardsi Upper surface fuscous, variably powdered with yellow-fulvous..garita 1. QARISMA GARITA Hesperia garita Reakirt, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vi, 150, 1866. Thymelicus hylax Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. III, 274, 1871. Paradopaea calega G. & S., Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, pl. 92, ff. 26-29, 1900. Paradopaea garita G. & S., Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, pl. 92, ff. 23-24, 1900. Oarisma powesheik G. & S., (not Parker) Biol. Cent. Am., Rhop. II, 469, 1900. Holland, Butterfly Book 343, pl. XLVII, f. 3, 1898. Wright, Butt. W. Coast pl. xxx, f. 408, 1905 (not lena Edw.) Manitoba, Montana, Colorado, Idaho, Arizona; July. Calega G. & S. looks in the figure as if it might be a good species but in the text the authors refer it to garita. They also erroneously refer their figures of garita to powesheik. 2. OARISMA EDWARDSI Thymelicus edwardsi Barnes, Can. Ent. XXIX, 42, 1897. 62 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Paradopaea garita G. & S. (not Reakirt) Biol. Cent.-Am. Rhop. III, pl. 92, f. 25 ĝ genitalia, 1900. Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico; June and July. I have seen the type of this species and the pale upper surface is very different from garita. 3. QARISMA POWESHEIK Hesperia powesheik Parker, Am. Ent. & Bot. 11, 271, 1870. Thymelicus garita Plötz (not Reakirt), Stett. Ent. Zeit. XLV, 287, 1884. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. III, 1859, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book 343, pl. XLVII, f. 4, 1898. Described from thirty-one males and two females taken June 21, 1870, at Grinnell, Iowa. It has also been taken in Colorado and South Dakota, and I have observed it personally so near to the Minnesota line in Iowa that it probably enters that state. Michigan (Wolcott). Genus ADOPAEA Billberg Adopaea Billb., Enum. Ins. 81, 1820. Type Papilio thaumas Hufn. Similar to Copaeodes but with the antennal club larger and relatively longer, and with a rudiment of the apiculus. The outer margin of the primaries is more oblique, relatively shorter, and more deeply sinuate. The stigma of the male is similar. This genus has been incorrectly used in the past in our fauna for eunus and wrighti; it is represented only by an introduced species. 1. ADOPAEA LINEOLA Papilio lineola Ochs., Schmett. Eur. I, (2), 230, 1808. Morris, British Butterflies, 153, pl. 70, 1890. Spuler, Schmett. Eur. t. 18, ff. 6a, 6b, 1910. 47th Rep. Ent. Soc. Ont. 142, 1917. Introduced from Europe. The reference in the report of the Entomolog. ical Society of Ontario records its capture at London, Ontario, on July 1, 1910, and every year from then until the date of the publication, Genus COPAEODES Speyer Copaeodes Speyer, Edw. Cat. Lep. 49, 64, 1877. Type Heterop- terus procris Edw. Palpi upturned; second joint densely scaled; third fine, point- ed, not quite as long as in Ancyloxypha. Antennae scarcely two-fifths as long as primaries; club rather small, stout, blunt. Primaries trigonate; costa straight except at base and apex; outer margin slightly sinuate; anal angle almost rectangular. HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 63 Secondaries rounded, slightly lobed at anal angle. Wings more elongate in female. Primaries of male with a slender, longi- tudinal stigma. Cell of primaries about three-fifths as long as wing; vein 5 arising much nearer to 4 than to 6. Fig. 21. 1. COPAEODES AURANTIACA Ancyloxypha aurantiaca Hew., Desc. Hesp. 45, 1868. Hesperia waco Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 11, 122, 1868. Heteropterus minima Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. III, 196, 1870. Hesperia procris Edw., op. cit. 215. Thymelicus macra Plötz, Strett. Ent. Zeit. XLV, 284, 1884. Copaeodes candida Wright, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. (2), III, 34, 1890. Copaeodes nanus Watson, (not H.-S.), Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, 98 (fide G. & 8.). Holland, Butterfly Book 345, pl. XLVII, f. 9, 1898. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 473, pl. 92, ff. 39-42, 1900. Wright, Butt. W. Coast 236, pl. xxxi, ff. 409, 411, 1905. Skinner, Ent. News XXIX, 150, 1918. Arizona, May, July, August and September. Texas, California, March, May, August. I cannot agree with Dr. Skinner that this and the following are but one species, but as he suggests, rayata may fall before the female of procris, in which case the latter name might be restricted to the female type and retained as a species. ! 2. COPAEODES RAYATA Copaeodes rayata B. & McD., Contributions II, (3), 100, pl. 111, ff. 1, 2, 1913. San Benito, Texas; June and July. I have seen the types of this species and it is abundantly distinct from aurantiaca. The pale ray is variably distinct, but the veins are darker than the ground color and of a somewhat rusty shade on the lower surface of the secondaries. The size is smaller than aurantiaca. ? GROUP C Key to the genera 1. Club of antennae blunt or with a rudiment of the apiculus .Chaerephon Club of antennae with a sharp apiculus, sometimes very short ...2 2. Vein 5 of primaries well curved toward base, arising con- spicuously nearer to 4 than to 6... .3 Vein 5 but slightly curved, only a little nearer to vein 4 at base; L. D. C. weak.... ..11 • B 1 e out 64 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 3. Antennae scarcely longer than width of thorax..Hylephila Antennae distinctly longer. .4 4. Mid tibiae with spines... .5 Mid tibiae without spines...... ...Atrytone 5. Apiculus of antennae shorter than thickness of club or not abruptly constricted... ..6 Apiculus at least equal to thickness of club, slender; either abruptly constricted or distinctly longer than thickness of club .... .9 6. Primaries apically produced and secondaries lobed; apiculus very short..... ....7 Primaries and secondaries moderate; apiculus usually mod- erately long.... .8 7. Male stigma slender; wings of female moderate....Pamphila Male stigma a large blotch; wings of female similar to those of male... ..Atalopedes 8. Vein 2 of primaries slightly nearer to base of wing than to vein 3. Secondaries well marked with yellow fulvous; see description ...Augiades Vein 2 variably nearer to 3; when doubtful, secondaries with little fulvous, at the most a transverse band; see descrip- tion ...Polites Vein 2 immaterial. Club of antennae very stout, with a fine apiculus, or moderate with a thick apiculus.....Poanes 9. Apiculus slender, about twice thickness of club....Oligoria Apiculus shorter or thick.... ....10 10. Apiculus slender; male stigma large, with large gray scales; under surface fuscous.. .... Catia Apiculus tapered, not abruptly constricted; male without stigma; under surface not fuscous. Poanes Apiculus slender, variable, male stigma variable. Under surface gray powdered to dark brown..... .Atrytonopsis 11. Male stigma large; maculation yellow. .Epiphyes Stigma not large; maculation not pale yellow... 12 12. Apiculus fine; shorter than thickness of club......Lerodea Apiculus longer, or wings immaculate. 13 13. Third joint of palpi long (ex. nanno); fringes checkered Amblyscirtes Third joint short; fringes not checkered. 14 ORY 65 HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 1. Ben 14. Vein 5 almost intermediate between 4 and 6; under surface with purplish lustre... .. Lerema Vein 5 considerably nearer to 4; under surface otherwise .Mastor f doo ender , E med at sout ar a altog i Genus CHAEREPHON Godman & Salvin Chaerephon G. & S., Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 474, 1900. Type Pamphila citrus Mab. Second joint of palpi upturned, deeply scaled; third small, oblique, smooth. Antennae less than one-half as long as primaries; club large, obo- void, subacute but without a reflexed apiculus. Costa of primaries straight except at base; apex produced, round- ed acute in males, less sharp in fe- males; outer margin rounded in cen- ter and straighter nearer apex and anal angle, though almost evenly rounded in some females. Secondar- ies rounded, lobed at anal angle in male, slightly so in female. Both wings appear shorter and broader in antenna of rhesus, b. Palpus of Fig. 22. Chaerephon. a. Club of the male than in the female. Pri- eunus, d. Neuration of eunus maries of male with a faint stigma composed of an oblique bar above vein 2 followed by two small round patches in line below the vein. Fig. 22. Key to the species 1. Wings yellow-fulvous... eunus, wrighti Wings mostly fuscous. .2 2. Under surface gray powdery... .simius Under surface more or less yellowish..... 3 3. Yellow of under surface of secondaries interspersed with dark patches; maculation distinct... Thesus Yellow pale, dull, even; maculation obscure. carus TarisT ܕܐ eunus, c. Club of antenna of Pete Porn Lim * 1. CHAEREPHON EUNUS Copaeodes eunus Edw., Papilio I, 47, 1881. Holland, Butterfly Book, pl. XLVII, f. 10, 1898 (as wrighti). Wright, Butt. W. Coast 237, pl. xxxi, ff. 412, 414, 1905. California, June. *** 66 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 2. CHAEREPHON WRIGHTI Copacodes wrighti Edw., Can. Ent. xiv, 152, 1882. Wrighti is probably a synonym of eunus ; the original description fits eunus, the type localities are in the same part of California, and we do not know of two species of these general characteristics. Both of these have been erroneously placed in Adopaea in the past, whereas Adopaea is close- ly related to Copaeodes and eunus is not at all similar in structure. 3. CHAEREPHON RHESUS Pamphila rhesus Edw., Field and Forest 111, 116, 1878. Biol. Cent. Am., Rhop. II, 475, pl. 93, ff. 5-7, 1900. Skinner, Ent. News xi, pl. II, ff. 19, 20, 1900. Kellogg, Am. Ins. pl. ix, ff. 19, 20, 1904. Colorado, Arizona. 4. CHAEREPHON CARUS Pamphila carus Edw., Can. Ent. xv, 34, 1883. Texas and Arizona, May, July and September. 5. CHAEREPHON SIMIUS Amblyscirtes simius Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. ix, 6, 1881. Holland, Butterfly Book 341, pl. XLVII, f. 8, 1898. Colorado; Sioux County, Nebraska, July. This is one of our rarer species. I am indebted to Mr. Leussler for & specimen taken in Sioux County, Nebraska, the only one in my possession. Genus PAMPHILA Fabricius Pamphila Fab., Ill. Mag. vi, 287, 1807. Type Papilio comma Linn. Ocytes Scud., Syst. Rev. 55, (76), 1872. Type Erynnis metea Scud. Anthomaster Scud., Syst. Rev. 57, (78), 1872. Type Hesperia leonardus Harris. Palpi upturned ; second joint with a smooth vesti- ture of scales and some hairs; third about one-half as long as second but part- ly concealed. Antennae less than one-half as long as primaries; club large Fig. 23. Pamphila and Augiades, a. Palpus of with a very small apiculus A. enoui, b. Club of antenna of P. viridis c. Same, female, d. Palpus of P. viridis, e. which is a little longer in Same, denunded, f. Section of palpus of A. syivanus; outer line shows limit of vestiture, the female. Costa slightly g. Palpus of A. napa D 0 O. HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 67 emarginate to slightly convex; outer margin slightly sinuate to evenly rounded, usually more rounded in the female. Secondaries rounded, slightly lobed at anal angle. In all of the species the wings of the females are longer and more rounded than those of the males. Vein 5 of primaries arising very near to 4; 3 near end of cell; 2 about intermediate between 3 and base of wing; cell slightly over three-fifths as long as wing. Vein 7 of second- aries slightly nearer to end of cell than to 8. Mid tibiae spiny. Male stigma slender, strong, extending from base of vein 3 to basal third of vein 1 and made up of a long piece in front of vein 2 and a shorter piece behind 2 which is set just outside of the first but is continuous with it. Fig. 23. Key to the species This key is not to be regarded as a means of ultimate identification; in Pamphila no key can be sufficient in itself, for many of our species and forms intergrade to such an extent that only a practiced eye can even sort them properly. The key to the forms of comma included here is based on specimens in the Barnes collection which have been compared with the types, and so may be relied on for typical specimens. It will not, how- ever, suffice for the placing of the multitude of intermediate forms which occur in large series. 1. Under surface of secondaries with alternating greenish and fuscous areas; veins white on disk. .... Under surface evenly colored; veins not white.... .2 2. Upper surface fuscous with reduced, poorly defined, pale spots; under surface of secondaries with a pale band.... .metea Upper surface more or less fulvous or with well defined spots, or lower surface with separate spots..... .3 3. Under surface of secondaries with a pale ray in the cell.. .morrisoni With or without a pale spot in cell..... .4 4. Under surface of secondaries yellow to brown with an oblique band of uniform, confluent white spots posterior to vein 6; sometimes with a single spot before this band..... ....columbia Spots making up band, when present, not confluent, unequal, irregular- ly placed or with more than one spot before vein 6. Under surface usually greenish in forms which are likely to confuse..... ...5 5. Under surface of secondaries with sharply defined white spots or yel. lowish to greenish with the bent macular band traceable...... Under surface without sharply defined white spots; immaculate or with traces of separate spots, usually poorly defined or not white......13 6. Under surface of primaries fuscous; spots on secondaries small and rounded .. .....seminole Under surface of primaries with some fulvous or spots on secondaries otherwise .7 ...uncas ...6 68 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 7. Spot on under surface of secondaries just behind vein 2 nearer base of wing than rest of band or absent. Band sometimes too much mod. ified to show this difference. ... .8 This spot on a line with rest of band or outside of it; band well marked, white .... viridis 8. Spots not confluent, their size variable; under surface usually dark with sparse over-scaling.... .. woodgatei Spots usually confluent or over-scaling dense.. .9 9. Upper surface bright with sharp contrasts; costal area of primaries fulvous; white spots of lower surface very large and bright...... juba Upper surface with a variable diffusion of fuscous; when maculation is sharp, the other characters differ. Spots below moderate to greatly reduced, white or yellowish.... .10 10. Maculation below yellow but not reduced. .sassacus 12 Maculation white or greatly reduced... .11 11. Macular band with one spot before vein 7, one behind vein 2 followed by a trace of a second; band irregular; superficial vestiture gray. green ...nevada Band equally contrasting but more regular and abbreviated, usually with no spot before 7 and only one reduced spot behind 2; superficial vestiture green... ....colorado Spots dull white; superficial vestiture golden brown... .. manitoba Under surface of secondaries very smooth in appearance, yellow; spots white ...idaho Spots greatly reduced, white. .assiniboia Spots greatly reduced, yellowish.. ..oregonia 12. Under surface of secondaries pale; maculation faint.. Under surface dark; maculation contrasting.sassacus, race manitoboides 13. Under surface of secondaries dark red-brown with pale, cream-white spots ....leonardus Under surface otherwise. 14 14. Pale maculation above very diffuse; pale area in end of cell of pri. maries showing two pale nuclei, always vague. .sassacus, race dacotae Cell of primaries with two sharply defined spots in end, or with these indistinguishably fused.. ...15 15. Disk of secondaries above with fulvous spots (@); under surface very dark (9).......... ....attalus, race seminole Disk more or less broadly fulvous (@); under surface pale (!)....16 16. Under surface of secondaries yellow-fulvous, with or without vague traces of large spots.... ....meskei Under surface of a lighter shade, more or less yellow; spots small or absent.... .17 17. Southern species, Florida, Texas, Ohio?... ....attalus Prairie species, Iowa, Nebraska, Dakota, Montana, and California ...ottoe, pawnee, pawnee race montana .sassacus HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 69 1. PAMPHILA UNCAS Hesperia uncas Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 11, 19, pl. v, f. 3, 1863. Hesperia ridingsi Reakirt, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vi, 151, 1866. Hesperia arius Plötz, Stett. ent. Zeit. XLIV, 213, 1883. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. III, 1862, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book 349, pl. XLVII, ff. 27, 28, 1898. Colorado and Arizona, June and July. 2. PAMPHILA LASUS Pamphila lasus Edw., Papilio iv, 54, 1884. Described from Arizona. I do not know the species. 3. PAMPHILA LICINUS Pamphila licinus Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. III, 275, 1871. I do not know this species. 4. PAMPHILA METEA Hesperia metea Scud., Proc. Ess. Inst. III, 177, 1862. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. II, 1650, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book 348, pl. XLVII, ff. 33, 34, 1898. New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Rhode Isl. and; May and June. This species is readily distinguished by its dark color, vague, whitish maculation and the tendency of the macular band on the under surface of the secondaries to be produced along the veins. The spots making up this band are neither separate nor very bright as in the other dark colored species. 5. PAMPHILA MORRISONI Pamphila morrisoni Edw., Field and Forest ii, 116, 1878. Hesperia morissoni Plötz, Stett. ent. Zeit. XLIV, 215, 1883. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 478, pl. 93, ff. 9, 10, 1900. Colorado, May. This is a small, bright species which is readily recognized by the elonga- tion of the white mark in the cell of the secondaries below. 6. PAMPHILA COLUMBIA Pamphila columbia Scud., Syst. Rev. 56, (77), 1872. Pamphiła sylvanoides Scud., (not Boisd.) Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 11, (3), 351, pl. x, f. 22 (type), pl. XI, pp. 15, 17, 1874. Pamphila california Wright, Butt. W. Coast 241, pl. XXXI, 423, 1905. Thymelicus erynnioides Dyar, Jn. N. Y. Ent. Soc. XV, 50, 1907. California, April and October. All of the specimens in the Barnes collection have the band very even, as mentioned in the key; in Wright's figure it appears to be somewhat re- duced toward the anal angle, but the color of the under surface of the secondary is characteristic. 70 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 7. PAMPHILA NEVADA (Plate I, Fig. 9) Pamphila nevada Scud., Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. II, 347, pl. x, ff. 1-4, pl. XI, f. 3, 4, 1874. Wright, Butt. W. Coast 240, pl. xxx, pp. 418, C, 419, b, c, 421, b, c, 1905. I follow Dr. McDunnough in making this species distinct from comma. There is some difference in the male genitalia and if we restrict nevada to the typical form the under surface differs as noted in the key. Arizona to Northern Canada. 8. PAMPHILA COMMA Pamphila comma Linn., Syst. Nat. 484, 1758. Comma is a European species and does not occur in its typical form in this country. 8a. race COLORADO Pl. I, fig. 11 Pamphila colorado Scud., Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. II, 349, pl. x, ff. 16, 17, 18, pl. xi, ff. 1, 2, 1874. Arizona north to Washington, California. In the typical form the under surface of the secondaries is bright green with the band pure white, short, rather even, and the basal marks united to form a U. 8b. race MANITOBA Pamphila manitoba Scud., Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. II, 351, pl. ~, ff. 8. 11, pl. xi, ff. 7, 8, 1874. Scud., Butt. New Eng. 11, 1646, 1889. Pamphila manitoba, var. laurentina Lyman, Can. Ent. XXIV, 57, 1892. Northwestern United States and Western Canada. The typical form is golden brown beneath with whitish maculation. 8c. race IDAHO Pamphila colorado, var. idaho Edw., Can. Ent. xv, 148, 1883. Wright, Butt. W. Coast 241, pl. xxxi, f. 422, 1905. California, Oregon, north into Canada. The smooth, yellow appearance of the under surface of the secondaries is characteristic. 8d. race ASSINIBOIA Pamphila manitoba, var, assiniboia Lyman, Can. Ent. XXIV, 57, 1892. Regina, Canada. 8e. race OREGONIA Plate I, fig. 13 Pamphila oregonia Edw., Can. Ent. xv, 150, 1883. Nevada, west to the coast and north into Canada. The maculation of the under surface is similar to that of assiniboia but yellowish instead of white. HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 71 9. PAMPHILA RURICOLA Hesperia ruricola Boisd., Ann. Soc. Ent. France (2), X, 315, 1852. Described from California. Many things have been referred to this species, which may be one of the forms of comma. I know nothing of the type nor of authentic specimens. 10. PAMPHILA JUBA Hesperia comma Boisd. (not Linn.), Ann. Soc. Ent. France (2), x, 313, 1852. Pamphila juba Scud., Syst. Rev. 56, (77), 1872. Scudder, Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 11, 349, pl. x, ff. 19, 20, pl. XI, ff. 5, 6, 1874. Wright, Butt. W. Coast 239, pl. xxx, ff. 417, 418b § (not viridis 9), 1905. Oberthür, Etudes ix, (1), p. 43, pl. caxi, f. 2082 (comma Bdv.). Utah, Colorado, Nevada, California; May and June. . 11, PAMPHILA WOODGATEI Pamphila woodgatei Williams, Ent. News xxv, 266, 1914. Arizona, Texas and New Mexico; September and October. This has been placed as a variety of juba but I believe that it is dis- tinct. I have had no males for dissection. 12. PAMPHILA VIRIDIS (Plate I, Fig. 12) Pamphila juba var. viridis Edw., Can. Ent. xv, 147, 1883. Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas; June and September. The form of the macular band in this species is unique and apparently constant. 13. PAMPHILA LEONARDUS Hesperia leonardus Harris, Ins. Inj. Veg., 3rd ed., 314, f. 138, 1862. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. II, 1673, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book 349, pl. XLVII, ff. 35, 36, 1898. New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, west to the Mississippi; occa- sional in eastern Iowa; August and September. Scudder records it from Ontario and Florida, the latter in March and April (Butt. New Eng. II, 1676-7). 14. PAMPHILA CABELUS Pamphila cabelus Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. ix, 4, 1881. Described from Nevada. This is another of our lost species of Pamphila. Apparently it belongs in the ottoe group. 15. PAMPHILA HARPALUS Pamphila harpalus Edw., Trang. Am. Ent. Soc. Lx, 3, 1881. Described from Nevada. The same may be said of this as of the preceding. 9 > 72 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 16. PAMPHILA ATTALUS Pamphila attalus Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. III, 276, 1871. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. II, 1653, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book 349, pl. XLVII, f. 23, 1898. Florida, Texas. In the Barnes collection several specimens are labelled Ohio, and Scudder (Butt. New Eng. 11, 1655) mentions records from Wis- consin, Iowa and New Jersey. I think that the middle western records are more likely to be pawnee or ottoe. Southern specimens of attalus are darker than these two species, and have the spots of the upper surface dark. er and more reddish. 16a. race SEMINOLE Ocytes seminole Scud., Syst. Rev. 55, (76), 1872. Erynnis attalus quaiapen Scud., Butt. New Eng. 1655, 1889. Pamphila slossonae Skinner, Ent. Amer. vi, 138, 1890. Florida, April to June, October. Seminole is very dark both above and below. The maculation is re- stricted in the male, and the under surface of the primaries very slightly marked with fulvous, while in the female all spots are whitish and the under surface is not marked with fulvous. Scudder describes quaiapen as a female form of attalus. 17. PAMPHILA MESKEI Pamphila meskei Edw., Can. Ent. ix, 58, 1877. Pamphila straton Edw., Papilio, 1, 78, 1881. Florida and Texas. I have seen only three males in the Barnes collection. These resemble attalus above; beneath the secondaries are yellow-fulvous, immaculate in one of the three specimens and with traces of large, diffuse, pale spots in the other two. 18. PAMPHILA OTTOE Hesperia ottoe Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vi, 207, 1866. Scudder, Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. II, 348, pl. x, f. 6, pl. XI, f. 13, 1874. In the typical form the males are tawny above with a very narrow ter- minal border of fuscous, and compared specimens in the Barnes collec- tion have the under surface bright yellow. I have taken a species at Sioux City, Iowa, in late July and early August which I have placed as ottoe and which is distinguished by the ochraceous under surface and the exten- sion of the pale area of the upper surface along the veins into the moder- ately broad fuscous terminal border. True pawnee occurs in this locality at a different season. Specimens in the Barnes collection are from Mon- tana. 19. PAMPHILA PAWNEE Hesperia pawnee Dodge, Can. Ent. VI, 44, 1874. Montana, July. Colorado, September. Omaha, Neb., June. South Da. HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 73 kota, Sioux City, Iowa, late June and early July, late August and early September. Described from Dodge County, Neb. The under surface is usually immaculate yellow, in the female sometimes grayish and usually with small pale spots. The spots on the upper surface of the primaries in the female are very pale, and this sex closely resembles attalus. The males of this species may be distinguished by the more ex- tensive pale areas of the upper surface and their lighter shade. 19a. race MONTANA Pamphila pawnee subsp. montana Skinner, Ent. News xxII, 413, 1911. California, Colorado, Montana. A specimen in the Barnes collection which has been compared with the type is much darker than normal pawnee, both above and below. 20. PAMPHILA SASSACUS Hesperia sassacus Harris, Ins. Inj. Veg., 3rd ed., 315, 1862. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. II, 1641, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book 348, pl. XLVI, f. 13, 1898. Holland, Butterfly Book pl. XLVII, f. 44, 1898, (not sylvanoides). Kellogg, Am. Ins. pl. x, f. 5, 1904. New Jersey, New York and Connecticut, westward into Iowa; June, July, August. 20a. race MANITOBOIDES Pamphila manitoboides Fletcher, Rep. Ent. Soc. Ont. for 1888, p. 85, 1889. Ontario, Canada. Dr. W. T. M. Forbes has called my attention to this relationship of manitoboides, which seems so close that I am adopting his arrangement. Formerly it has been called a distinct species or a form of comma, but it is identical with sassacus except in the darker color and greater contrast of the markings of the lower surface. 20b. race DACOTAE Pamphila sassacus, subsp. dacotae Skinner, Ent. News XXII, 412, 1911. South Dakota, June. Sioux City, Iowa. I have seen paratypes of both sexes in the Barnes collection, and in the males the only difference which I can formulate between this form and sassacus is a general darkness of color and obscureness of the under sur- face. The females have the markings of the upper surface greatly reduced and diffuse, and the lower surface grayish with small, indefinite spots. 21. PAMPHILA HORUS Hesperia horus Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. III, 277, 1871. Barnes & McDunnough, Contributions iv, (2), 80, 1918. Type locality Dallas, Texas. Apparently this species belongs in Pam- phila, but I know nothing of it except from the description and Barnes and McDunnough's note. 9 74 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Genus HYLEPHILA Billberg Hylephila Billb., Enum. Ins. 81, 1820. Type Papilio phylaeus Drury. Euthymus Scud., Syst. Rev. 56, (77), 1872. Type P. phylaeus Drury. This genus closely resembles Pamphila in structure but dif- fers in the very short antennae and the straighter stigma. The female, as in Atalopedes, does not differ much in general struc- ture from the male; some are almost indistinguishable from campestris, but they never have hyaline spots on the primaries. We have but one species of Hylephila. 1. HYLEPHILA PHYLAEUS Papilio phylaeus Drury, Ill. Ex. Ent. I, 25, pl. XII, ff. 4, 5, 1770 and II, app., 1773. Phemiades augias Hübner, (not Linn.), Zutr. exot. Schmett. 11, 10, pl. 531, ff. 227, 228, 1821-23. Pamphila bucephalus Steph., Ill. Brit. Ent. Haust. I, 102, pl. 10, ff. 1, 2, 1828. 9 Pamphila hala Butler, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, 1870, 504, (fide G. & S.). Scudder, Butt. New Eng. II, 1631, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book, 354, pl. XLVII, f. 40, (not brettus 8 ), pl. xlvi, ff. 18, 19, 1898. Wright, Butt. W. Coast pl. XXXI, f. 437 (not brettus ), 138 o, b and e (not brettoides), 1905. Pennsylvania, August; Illinois, April and October. Southern United States from Flor- ida to Arizona, April to October. Califor- nia, June and July. Genus ATALOPEDES Scudder Atalopedes Scudder, Syst. Rev. 57, (78), 1872. Type Hesperia hur- on Edw. Pansydia Scud., Syst. Rev. 60, (81), 1872. Type Hesperia mesogram- ma Poey. Apiculus of antennae longer than in Pamphila, over one-half thickness of club in female. Stigma a large, black Fig. Atalopodes campestris Boisd, 2. Club of antenna, b. Pal blotch, so greatly developed as to 3 24. pus, . HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 75 cause distortion of the posterior margin of the cell so that oppo- site the stigma the width of the cell is less than its distance from the margin. Base of vein 3 strongly curved; apical angle of cell more produced than in Pamphila; vein 7 of secondaries near- er to 8 than to end of cell in male. There is much less differ- ence in structure between the sexes in this genus than in Pam- phila. Fig. 24. 1. ATALOPEDES CAMPESTRIS Hesperia campestris Boisd., Ann. Soc. Ent. France (2), x, 316, 1852. & Hesperia sylvanoides Boisd., Ann. Soc. Ent. France (2), x, 313, 1852. Hesperia huron Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 11, 16, pl. I, ff, 1, 2, 1863. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. 11, 1661, 1884. Holland, Butterfly Book 352, pl. XLVI, ff, 4, 5, 1898. Wright, Butt. W. Coast 245, pl. xxxi, f. 435, 1905. Oberthür, Etudes ix, (1), pl. caxi, ff. 2082, ô type; 2085, type of syl- vanoides, 1905. Atlantic to Pacific, Gulf to northern Iowa and Illinois; March to Octo- ber. The large stigma of the male and the hyaline spots on the primaries of the female furnish a convenient means for the identification of this species. Genus AUGIADES Hübner Augiades Hbn., Verz. bek. Schmett. 112, 1820. Type Papilio sylvanus Esper. Ochlodes Scud., Syst. Rev. 57, (78), 1872. Type Hesperia ne- morum Boisd. Palpi upturned; third joint oblique, very small, without its vestiture about one-quarter as long as the second. Apiculus of antennae variable but never longer than diameter of club. Costa of primaries flattened; outer margin more strongly curved to- ward apex; cell about three-fifths as long as wing; vein 5 curv- ing slightly toward 4; discocellulars very oblique. Secondaries rounded, slightly lobed at anal angle. Stigma straight, moder- ately heavy, extending from base of vein 3 to basal two-fifths of 1, broken on 2. Mid tibiae weakly spined. Fig. 23. I group this rather varied lot of species because of the ex- tremely short third joint of their palpi. This is not readily . seen except when bleached or denuded, but I have carefully ex- amined sylvanus, sylvanoides, agricola, and snowi and find that they agree, while the others can readily be associated on super- ficial resemblance. Other structures are rather variable. ܝ 76 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Key to the species 1. Spots of primaries shaply defined, often hyaline or subhyaline.. Spots more or less ill defined, never hyaline.... 3 2. Expanse over one inch; fulvous spots restricted.. .snowi Less than one inch; fulvous of secondaries a diffused discal patch ....milo, agricola 3. Large; wings pale, tawny, with a little fuscous along the outer mar. gin · yuma Smaller; wings not broadly tawny. .4 4. Under surface of secondaries with a variably distinct pale transverse band; ground color not pure pale yellowish.... ...sylvanoides, napa Under surface without a pale band, yellow. • nemorum, pratincola 1. AUGIADES SYLVANOIDES Hesperia sylvanoides Boisd., Ann. Soc. Ent. France (2), x, 313, 1852. & Hesperia pratincola Boisd., Ann. Soc. Ent. France (2), x, 315, 1852. Hesperia agricola Plötz, (not Boisd.), Stett, ent. Zeit. XLIV, 219, 1883. Hesperia francisca Plötz, Stett. ent. Zeit. XLIV, 220, 1883. Wright, Butt. W. Coast 243, pl. xxxi, ff. 430, C, 432, 433, b, c, 1905. Oberthür, Etudes ix, (1), pl. ccxl, ff. 2083, 2084, 2089, 1913. California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia; June to August. la. race NAPA Hesperia napa Edwards, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. iv, 202, pl. I, ff. 3, 4, 1864. Colorado, August. This is practically the same in appearance as sylvanoides but is larger and the under surface of the secondaries is less variable. 2. AUGIADES NEMORUM Hesperia nemorum Boisd., Ann. Soc. Ent. France (2), x, 314, 1852. Pamphila verus Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. IX, 4, 1881. Wright, Butt. W. Coast, pl. XXXI, ff. 430b, 431, 431c1, 1905. Oberthür, Etudes ix, (1), pl. ccxl, f. 2086, 1913 (type). California, June. 2a. race PRATINCOLA Hesperia pratincola Boisd., Ann. Soc. Ent. France (2), x, 315, 1852. Oberthür, Etudes ix, (1), pl. caxi, f. 2088, 1913 (type). I follow Barnes and McDunnough's Check List in placing this form. The insect is not represented in the Barnes collection, but Oberthür's ex. cellent figure looks like a specimen of nemorum with the fuscous marginal areas of the upper surface greatly reduced. 3. AUGIADES AGRICOLA Hesperia agricola Boisd., Ann. Soc. Ent. France (2), x, 314, 1852. Hesperia yreka Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vi, 207, 1866. Pamphila milo Edw., Can. Ent. XV, 34, 1883. HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 77 Pamphila nemorum Skinner (not Boisd.), Ent. News XI, pl. 11, f. 21, 1900. Kellogg, Am. Ins. pl. ix, f. 21, 1904. Oberthür, Etudes ix, (1), pl. coxl, f. 2087, 1913 (type). California, May to July. Edward's description states that milo has hyaline spots in the primaries and agricola none; Oberthür's figure proves that they are present in the type of agricola, hence milo is probably merely a synonym. 4. AUGIADES SNOWI Pamphila snowi Edw., Can. Ent. ix, 29, 1877. Holland, Butterfly Book 350, pl. XLVII, ff. 29, 30, 1898. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 483, pl, 93, ff. 19-23, 1900. Arizona and Colorado, June and July. 5. AUGIADES YUMA Hesperia yuma Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. IV, 346, 1873. Pamphila scudderi Skinner, Ent. News x, 111, 1899. Skinner, Ent. News XI, pl. 11, ff. 9, 10, 1900. California, June. Utah and Arizona, July. Genus POLITES Scudder Polites Scud., Syst. Rev. 57, (78), 1872. Type Hesperia peckius Kirby Hedone Scud., op. cit. 58, (79), Type Hesperia brettus Bd. & Lec. Limochores Scud., op. cit. 59, (80). Type Hesperia manataaqua Scud. Pyrrhosidia Scud., Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. II, 346, 1874. Type Hesperia mystic Edw. Palpi upturned; third joint about one-half as long as second, slender, distinct. Antennae shorter than in Augiades, varying from two-fifths as long as the primaries in some females to one- half in some males; club rather large, usually longer in the female and occasionally almost as long as the shaft; apiculus abruptly constricted and reflexed, shorter than thickness of club though variable in length. Wings variable; costa of primaries usually straight except at base and apex but sometimes slightly emarginate or convex; outer margin very slightly sinuate to evenly rounded, more rounded in the female. Primaries often apically produced in the male, less so in the female. Second- aries broadlyrounded, very slightly lobed at the anal angle. Cell of primaries about three-fifths as long as wing; vein 5 much 78 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 3 nearer to 4 than to 6 at base; 2 always arising nearer to 3 than to base of wing but variable; discocellulars moderately oblique. Mid tibiae with promi- nent spines. Stigma of male in its most com- plex form made up of an outer oblique black line, a black dash from end of cell to vein 2 and a black spot above the basal third of vein 1, the enclosed space filled with gray scales, and the entire stigma followed by a patch of raised gray scales. In many of the species the stigma is much sim- pler. Fig. 25. I believe that the ac- tion of Barnes and Mc- Dunnough with refer- ence to this group of species (Contributions Fig. 25. Polites. Antennal clubs : a. rerna, b. man. ataaqua 1, c. manataaqua 2. Palpi: d. 'verna, e. III, 130) is the best dorsal aspect, f. manataaqua, g. brettus, denuded. Neuration and details: n. peckius ; possible treatment. It i. Posterior margin of cell of primaries of peckius 3. Same, taumas , k. Same, mystic 0,"1. Same, may be possible to split sonora ' , m. Same, manataaqua , n. Middle leg yff Limochores but I find such a complete transition in the structures that I hesitate to do so. I place verna here because its relation to manataaqua seems to me much closer than with the species of Atrytonopsis, where Barnes and McDun- nough place it. The gentitalia of the male are closer to deva, but those of the two genera are of a very similar type. The apiculus of the antennae is usually longer than in Polites, but I have found it variable, and in some specimens fairly short. Key to the species 1. Under surface of secondaries immaculate or with a transverse band of pale spots, never sharply bent opposite cell nor with spot at this point much the largest..... 2 Secondaries otherwise below. 7 8 verna, denuded. HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 79 ...3 ...cernes 2. Upper surface of secondaries immaculate or with a few very vague spots Upper surface always with the transverse row of spots, more or less suffused; usually with a spot in cell...... 5 3. Small Florida species. Stigma of male very small, female usually with a few powdery whitish spots on the under surface of the sec- ondaries ..baracoa Usually moderate to large. Stigma large. Spots, when present, not superficial and powdery, and usually showing slightly on upper sur- face 4 4. Smaller; male stigma with several velvety black areas; female with maculation of primaries tinged with fulvous, costa and cell often part- ly fulvous... Larger; stigma of male continuous or broken only on vein 2; macula- tion of female pale, whitish, rarely with a little pale fulvous in cell ... manataaqua 5. Under surface of secondaries powdered with yellowish to green scales; macular band slender... .sonora Color straw yellow to brown; band broader... ...6 6. Male stigma slender, broken on vein 2; female usually with much yel- low-fulvous above; in western specimens pale below and well marked above ...mystic Male stigma with three black areas; female with hazy transverse rows of spots on all wings and some fulvous in cell, not extensively marked; dark below, powdered with yellow. Western species.... .mardon 7. Pale areas on under surface extending in pale lines along the veins ..sabuleti Pale areas at most angulate on veins. .8 8. All spots of macular band large, but not equal, that between 4 and 6 largest; color yellow..... ..peokius Spots small except the one between 4 and 6; color white or whitish ....draco Pale area covering entire wing except a few dark patches, not divided into separate spots and rarely defined as a band; secondaries sometimes entirely yellow below. Female with yellow areas heavily powdered with dark scales; secondaries immaculate above.. .9 9. Male stigma very broad. .stigma Male stigma moderate.... .brettus, chuska (1) 1. POLITES VERNA Pamphila verna Edw., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1862, 57. Pamphila pottawattomie Worth., Can. Ent. XII, 50, 1880. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. II, 1742, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book 360, pl. XLVI, f. 32, 1898. Eastern United States, west to Colorado, July. 80 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 2. POLITES MANATAAQUA Hesperia cernes Harris, (not Boisd.), Ins. Inj. Veg., 3rd ed., 316, 1862. Hesperia manataaqua Scudder, Proc. Ess. Inst. III, 175, 1863. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. II, 1720, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book 357, pl. XLVI, f. 30, 1898. Northeastern United States west into Nebraska and South Dakota; June and July. Holland's figure looks like a dark female of taumas. Manataaqua is readily distinguished from taumas in the female sex by its darker color, paler maculation and larger size, though the difference is difficult to explain in a key. 2a. race RHENA Pamphila rhena Edw., Field and Forest II, 115, 1878. Pamphila alcina Skinner, Ent. News IV, 212, 1893. Skinner, Ent. News XI, 414, pl. 11, f. 25, 1900 (type of alcina). Kellogg, Am. Ins. pl. ix, f. 25, 1904 (type of alcina). Although retained for many years as a species this is apparently only the western race of manataaqua. It is distinguished from the typical form by its paler color, more extensive markings and the larger amount of pale tawny or yellow fulvous which marks the upper surface. Colorado. 3. POLITES TAUMAS Papilio taumas Fab., Mant. Ing. II, 84, 1787. Hesperia thaumas Fab. (not Hufn.), Ent. Syst. III, (1), 327, 1793. Hesperia phocion Fab., Ent. Syst., Supp. 431, 1798. Hesperia cernes Bd. & Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. pl. 76, ff. 1, 2, 1833. Hesperia ahaton Harris, Ins. Inj. Veg. 3rd ed., 317, f. 140, 1862. Butler, Cat. Fab. Diurn. Lep. B. M., 277, pl. 2, f. 14; pl. 3, f. 9, 1869. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. 11, 1725, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book 357, pl. XLVII, f. 20, 1898. United States and Canada, April to August. I see no reason to doubt that Fabricius' name applies to this species. 9 4. POLITES BARACOA Hesperia baracoa Lucas, Sagra's Hist. Cuba vii, 650, 1857. Pamphila amadis H.-S., Corr.-Blatt Regensb. XVII, 142, 1863. Pamphila myus French, Can. Ent. XVII, 33, 1885. Florida, February to April, July, September. I have seen one record of its occurrence at Toronto, Canada (A List of Butterflies taken at Toronto, Gibson, Ont. Nat. Sci. Bull. No. 6, 1910, 35-44. Baracoa det. Skinner) but the only specimens which I have seen came from Florida. The species is smaller and darker than taumas and the males are easily distinguished by the small stigma. Some females of taumas run very close, but in most specimens of baracoa the powdery spots mentioned in the key are present. HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 81 5. POLITES MARDON Pamphila mardon Edw., Papilio I, 47, 1881. Holland, Butterfly Book 354, pl. XLVII, f. 26, 1898. Washington, Oregon, 6. POLITES PECKIUS Hesperia peckius Kirby, Faun. Bor. Am. iv, 300, pl. 4, ff. 2, 3, 1837. Hesperia wamsutta Harris, Ins. Inj. Veg. 3rd ed., 318, f. 141, 1862. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. II, 1683, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book, 353, pl. XLVII, ff. 24, 25, 1898. Atlantic coast to Texas and Arizona, southern Canada; May to July. It requires more imagination than I possess to see peckius in Cramer's figure of coras. 7. POLITES SABULETI Hesperia sabuleti Boisd., Ann. Soc. France (2), x, 316, 1852. Hesperia genoa Plötz, Stett. ent. Zeit. XLIV, 207, 1883. Wright, Butt. W. Coast 246, pl. XXXI, 440, 1905. Oberthür, Etudes Ix, (1), pl. ccxl, ff. 2091, 2092, 1913. California, April, July to September. The pale marks of the lower surface are yellowish on a background of darker yellowish color. 7a. race TECUMSEH Pamphila sabuleti, var, tecumseh Grinnell, Ent. News XIV, 11, 1903. Pamphila chispa Wright, Butt. W. Coast 247, pl. XXXI, f. 441, 1905. California, June to August. Teoumseh is smaller than typical sabuleti and has the fulvous areas of the upper surface more restricted. The under surface has a greenish-gray tone and the pale spots are smaller. 8. POLITES DRACO Pamphila draco Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. III, 274, 1871. Skinner, Ent. News XI, pl. II, f. 23, 1900. Kellogg, Am. Ins. pl. ix, f. 23, 1904. California, Utah and Colorado, June to August. > 9. POLITES SONORA Ochlodes sonora Scud., Syst. Rev. 57, (78), 1872. Pamphila siris Edw., Papilio 1, 47, 1881. Pamphila sylvanoides Skinner, Syn. Cat. N. Am. Rhop. 84, 1898. Wright, Butt. W. Coast 242, pl. xxxi, f. 425, 426 (not columbia), 1905. Washington, Oregon, California; May, June, July and August. The only difference which I can see between this and Skinner's variety in the series in the Barnes collection is the more yellow color of the under surface of its secondaries. 82 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 9a. race UTAHENSIS Pamphila sylvanoides, subsp. utahensis Skinner, Ent. News XXII, 413, 1911. Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado and Utah; July and August. I would apply this name to the specimens of sylvanoides which are green below. 10. POLITES MYSTIC Hesperia mystio Scud., Proc. Ess. Inst. 111, 172, 1863. Holland, Butterfly Book 351, pl. XLVI, ff. 22, 23, 1898. New Jersey, north into Canada and west beyond the Missouri River; May to July. Most specimens from the western limits of the range are of the race dacotah, but I have typical mystic from Sioux City, Iowa. In this form the under surface of the secondaries is fairly dark with a contrasting pale band. 10a. race DACOTAH Hesperia dacotah Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. III, 277, 1871. Pamphila mystic, subsp. pallida Skinner, Ent. News XXII, 412, 1911. Colorado, June; eastward into Iowa. South Dakota. The under surface of the secondaries is yellow, scarcely darker than the pale transverse band in extreme specimens. ab. WEETAMOO Thymelicus mystic weetamoo Scudder, Butt. New Eng. 11, 1707, 1889. A dark brown melanic aberration occurring in the female sex. Ordinary maculation much reduced, of separate spots. ab. NUBS Thymelicus mystic nubs Scudder, Butt. New Eng. 11, 1707, 1889. Also a female aberration; dark areas suffused with tawny scales. 11. POLITES BRETTUS Hesperia brettus Boisd. & Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. pl. 75, ff. 3-5, 1833. Hesperia wingina Scud., Proc. Ess. Inst. III, 173, 1863. Hesperia unna Plötz, Stett. ent. Zeit. XLIV, 204, 1883. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. II, 1701, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book 351, pl. XLVII, f. 41, 1898. Gibson, Ont. Nat. Sci. Bull. No. 6, 42, 1910. Florida, north to Virginia, west to Texas; April, July, August and Octo- ber. Gibson lists one specimen from Toronto, Canada, determined by Dr. Skinner. lla. race BRETTOIDES Pamphila brettoides Edw., Papilio III, 71, 1883. Western Texas and Arizona. Brettoides has very narrow dark outer margins on the upper surface in the male, with no more than a trace of the patch at the end of the stigma; the under surface is likewise broadly tawny yellow. I do not know the female. HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 83 12. POLITES STIGMA Pamphila stigma Skinner, Can. Ent. XXVIII, 188, 1896. Skinner, Ent. News XI, pl. 11, f. 15, 16, 1900 (15 Cotype). Kellogg, Am. Ins. pl. ix, ff. 15, 16, 1904 (15 Cotype). Texas, New Mexico. I have seen the type of stigma in the Strecker collection, and it is sim- ilar to brettus but dark, heavily marked above, and has a very large stigma. Vibez is intermediate between it and brettus but at present I am not pre- pared to agree with Dyar's suggestion that they are all the same species (Jn. N. Y. Ent. Soc. XIII, 128, 1905). Godman and Salvin make stigma synonymous with vibes (Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 480, 1900). 13. POLITES CHUSKA Hesperia chuska Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. IV, 346, 1873. I know nothing of this species. It is placed between sabuleti and draco in Barnes and McDunnough's Check List, but this was done merely with a knowledge of the description. The type locality is Arizona. Genus CATIA Godman & Salvin Catia G. & S., Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 481, 1900. Type Hes- peria druryi Latreille. Catia is structurally similar to Polites but differs in the long slender apiculus of the antennae, which always exceeds the diameter of the club, and in the form of the male stigma. The stigma is com- posed of a velvety black patch below the end of the cell and a similar patch above the inner third of the anal vein, with Fig. 26. Catia otho A. & S. a. Club of antennae, b. Neuration large, silky, gray scales between. In the bleached wing it appears as two similar oval spots, one on each side of vein 1. Fig. 26. In describing Catia Godman and Salvin say of the peculiar structure of the stigma that it is so remarkable that we think it of sufficient importance to put the species possessing this char- acter into a separate genus." Otho is closely related to the species now included in Polites and was formerly associated with some of them in Thymelicus, but the form of the apiculus sep- árates them, and no fundamental or superficial similarity can be traced in the stigmata. 84 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 1. CATIA OTHO Papilio otho A. & S., Lep. Ins. Ga. I, 31, pl. 16, 1797. Hesperia drury Latr., Enc. Meth. ix, 767, 1823. Thymelicus pustula Geyer, Zutr, exot. Schmett. iv, ff. 625, 626, 1832. Hedone aetna Scud. (not Boisd.), Syst. Rev. 58, (79), 1872. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. II, 1696, 1889. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 482, pl. 93, f. 18, ở gen., 1900. Florida and Texas, May and June. The southern specimens which I refer to otho tend to & reddish shade on the under surface; on the upper surface of the secondaries there are some discal spots, while the primaries have fulvous on the basal half of the costa, a complete series of subapical spots, and sometimes other ful- vous marks in addition to those found in egeremet. la. race EGEREMET Hesperia egeremet Scud., Proc. Ess. Inst. III, 174, 1863. Pamphila ursa Worth., Can. Ent. XII, 49, 1880. Hesperia cinna Plötz, Stett. ent. Zeit. XLIV, 58, 1883. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. II, 1696, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book 351, pl. xlvi, ff. 28, 29, 1898. United States and southern Canada, west to the Rocky Mountains; July. Texas in October. Under surface pale fuscous, sometimes tinged with brown; secondaries rarely with a trace of discal marks above, and pale spots of primaries lim- ited to three or less beyond the stigma and one or two subapical points. The females of otho and egeremet have the same pale marks as the males. Genus POANES Scudder Poanes Scudder, Syst. Rev., 55, (76), 1872. Type Hesperia massasoit Scud. Phycanassa Scud., op. cit. 56, (77). Type Hes- peria viator Edw. Paratrytone Dyar, Jn. N. Y. Ent. Soc. XIII, 136, 1905. Type Pamphila howardi Skinner. Palpi oblique; second joint shaggy, third small, not long though sometimes rendered prominent by its vestiture. Antennae about one-half as long as primaries; club large, api- culus varying from rather slender and slightly shorter than thickness of club to long, thick, Antennal tapering and not well reflexed. Primaries viator, ºb. massasoit, trigonate; costa slightly convex; outer margin c. hobomok, a taxiles, slightly to prominently rounded; apex rather Fig. 27. clubs of Poanes. &. e. melane HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 85 prominent. Secondaries broadly rounded, slightly lobed at anal angle. Cell of primaries well over one-half as long as wing; vein 5 moderately curved in basal half, arising nearer to 4 than to 6; 2 nearer to 3 than to base of wing. Cell of secondaries less than one-half as long as wing. Mid tibiae with a few long spines. Fig 27. Hobomok, zabulon, taviles, and melane were first placed in Poanes by Barnes and McDunnough (Contributions III, 132, 1916). Although melane is rather anomalous, it apparently belongs with the other species, whose relation to massasoit through hobomok is obvious. Owing to the great range of varia- tion thus introduced into the genus in the structure of the an- tennae, palpi, and wings, I have added also viator, which differs somewhat in wing form, and the species placed by recent writers in Paratrytone. These last possess the stigma in the male but it is so variable that I regard it as in the process of development. In howardi, aaroni, and streckeri it is very slender, sometimes scarcely visible but often well marked, and in yehl it is heavier but very variable. In one of the types it is slender, while in the other it is as heavy as in some specimens of conspicua. Includ- ing all of these species Poanes becomes such a complex genus that I have drawn up the following diagram to show the apparent relations of the several groups: howardi aaroni yehi streckeri massasoit hobomok / zabulon taxiles viator melane 86 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Key to the species 1. Under surface of secondaries with bright yellow marks. .2 No clear yellow on under surface.... 4 2. Yellow a broad transverse band crossed by a broad ray through cell..3 Yellow much more extensive...... ...zabulon 3. Wings broadly yellow-fulvous with narrow fuscous margins; yellow of under surface rather dull. ..... .....taxiles Wings less broadly fulvous and more or less fuscous within outer mar- gin; yellow of under surface of secondaries very bright... .hobomok Wings dark, with or without small pale spots..... .. massasoit 4. Upper surface of secondaries with pale markings indefinite, or faint; sometimes immaculate... 5 This surface with a bright yellow.fulvous patch..... ..8 5. Pale spot in cell of primaries at least faintly indicated.... · pocahontas No trace of this spot... ..6 6. Wings immaculate above. massasoit form suff usa Wings with pale spots.... 7. Under surface with some bluish irroration. .zabulong Without bluish irroration.... .melane 8. Primaries with definite spots or a dark stigma.. .9 Spots diffuse, extended, or discal area broadly yellow-fulvous; male stigma pale, slender..... ..10 9. Ŝ with stigma; with three small, round, pale spots on under surface of secondaries.... ... yehi ſ without stigma; without such spots... .viator 10. Under surface of secondaries with a vague, pale dash through cell howardi, aaroni Under surface partly greenish-fuscous with contrasting pale veins ..streckeri ...7 . 1. POANES VIATOR Hesperia viator Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. iv, 202, pl. I, f. 5, 1865. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. II, 1604, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book 362, pl. xlvi, f. 15, 1898. New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Southeastern Canada, Omaha, Neb., (Leussler); June to August. 2. POANES MASSASOIT Hesperia massasoit Scud., Proc. Ess. Inst. III, 171, 1863. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. II, 1597, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book 361, pl. XLVI, ff. 21, 22, 1898. New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Iowa, July. Skinner (Cat. p. 80) records it westward and southward to Texas and Colorado. The male is either immaculate blackish brown above or with a few small yellow-fulvous spots, while the female frequently has the spots of large size an. a very pale shade. HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 87 Form SUFFUSA Pamphila massasoit, var. suffusa Laurent, Ent. News III, 15, 1892. Skinner, Ent. News XI, pl. II, f. 22, 1900. Kellogg, Am. Ins. pl. ix, f. 22, 1904. New Jersey, New York; June and July. The pale area of the under surface of the secondaries of this form is heavily powdered with rusty brown scales. 3. POANES HOBOMOK Hesperia hobomok Harris, Ins. Inj. Veg. 3rd ed., 313, f. 137, 1862. Atrytone zabuloni Scud., (not Bd. & Lec.), Butt. New Eng. II, 1617, 1889. Atrytone zabulon Holland (not Bd. & Lec.), Butterfly Book 364, pl. XLVII, ff. 37, 38, 1898. West Virginia north into Canada and west into Nebraska; May and June. form POCAHONTAS Hesperia pocahontas Seud., Proc. Ess. Inst. III, 171, 1863. Hesperia quadaquina Scud., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. xi, 381, 1868. Scudder, Butt. New Eng., II, 1617, 1889. Skinner, Ent. News XI, pl. II, ff. 3, 4, 1900 (not normal hobomok ). Northeastern United States, Quebec; June. Pocahontas differs from the normal female in the pale shade and greater restriction of the spots on the upper surface, and the brown powdering of the secondaries below. 4. POANES ZABULON Hesperia zabulon Boisd. & Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. pl. 76, ff. 6, 7, 1833. Hesperia zabulon, form pocahontas Holland (not Scudder), Butterfiy Book 364, pl. XLVII, f. 39, 1898. Illinois, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, North Carolina; May and August. Holland's figure looks much more like the true female of zabulon than like pocahontas, though it is impossible to identify a figure of the upper surface accurately. The under surface of the secondaries of the male of zabulon is bright yellow with a few marks of brown. In the female the brown areas are more extensive and the entire wing is so heavily powdered with rusty scales that it is difficult to trace the pale areas at all. > 5. POANES TAXILES Pamphila taxiles Edwards, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. ix, 5, 1881. Holland, Butterfly Book 365, pl. XLVII, ff. 31, 32, 1898. Colorado and Arizona, June and July. Nevada, N. M. 6. POANES MELANE Hesperia melane Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. II, 312, 1869. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 494, pl. 94, ff. 30-34, 1900. Holland, Butterfly Book 365, pl. xLvi, ff. 7, 8, 1898. Wright, Butt. W. Coast 249, pl. XXXI, f. 453, 1905. 88 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY California, south into Mexico; May. Melane and the female of taxiles are similar but they are not difficult to separate; usually the locality from which the specimens come is sufficient. 7. POANES HOWARDI Pamphila howardi Skinner, Can. Ent. XXVIII, 187, 1896. Phycanassa viator Holland, (not Edwards), Butterfly Book pl. XLVI, f. 14, 1898. Op. cit. pl. XLVI, f. 38. Florida. The expanse of specimens which I have seen runs between thirty-two and thirty-six millimeters. Aside from this and its darker color the species does not differ superficially from aaroni. 8. POANES AARONI Pamphila aaroni Skinner, Ent. News I, 6, 1890. Holland, Butterfly Book 363, pl. XLVI, f. 37, 1898. New Jersey, June and August. I have seen specimens only from Angle- sea and Atlantic City. Aaroni expands twenty-seven to thirty-three millimeters and is paler, more yellowish, than howardi. Howardi may yet prove to be a southern race of aaroni. 9. POANES YEHL Pamphila yehi Skinner, Ent. News iv, 212, 1893. Holland, Butterfly Book 359, pl. XLVI, f. 40, 1898. Tennessee, Georgia, Mississippi; August and September. Superficially this species looks more like a relative of A. conspicua but the mid tibiae are spined. The white spots on the under surface of the secondaries in the female are unique. 10. POANES RADIANS Hesperia radians Lucas, Sagra's Hist. Cuba VII, 650, 1857. Pamphila streckeri Skinner, Ent. News iv, 211, 1893. Skinner, Ent. News XXVIII, 82, 1917. Florida. The only specimen which I have seen is the type of streckeri and since it lacks the middle legs it is impossible to place the species definitely. Barnes and McDunnough place it in the genus Euphyes in the check list, but without specimens at hand. Its superficial resemblance is rather with aaroni. Genus ATRYTONE Scudder Atrytone Scud., Syst. Rev. 56, (77), 1872. Type Hesperia iowa Scud. Euphyes Scud., Syst. Rev. 59, (80), 1872. Type Hesperia meta- comet Harris. HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 89 Anatrytone Dyar, Jn. N. Y. Ent. Soc. XII, 140, 1905. Type Hesperia delaware Edwards. Palpi upturned; second joint closely appressed, smoothly and deeply scaled; third moderate, oblique. Antennae about one- half as long as primaries; club long, moderately thick; apiculus about as long as thickness of club, sometimes a little shorter. Costa of primaries flattened or very slightly convex; outer mar- gin moderately and almost evenly rounded; apex usually prom- inent. Secondaries rather small, rounded, slightly lobed at anal angle; a little more apically elongate in the females. Cell of primaries normal; discocellulars oblique, weak; vein 5 curved, nearer to 4 than to 6; 2 about intermediate between 3 and base of wing. Stigma present or absent, composed of two similar, slender, elliptic pieces placed end to end on opposite sides of vein 1. Mid tibiae without spines. The long antennal club and spineless mid tibiae make this a very distinct genus as used here, but no characters are available for the separation of Atrytone and Euphyes of other writers except the male stigma, which is present only in the species formerly placed in Euphyes. The types of the two do not re- semble each other, but in the species congeneric with them we find an excellent connecting series, in which arpa and byssus differ very slightly except in the stigma. row Key to the species 1. Under surface of secondaries immaculate or with a faint, pale, trans- verse band on disk. .... .2 Under surface of secondaries with two pale rays. ...dion Under surface with a few diffuse spots forming a curved transverse ..conspicua 2. Fringe of inner margin of secondaries white.. bimaoula Fringe of this margin not white...... .....3 3. Wings immaculate fuscous above and below or with a few small pale spots on primaries ($).... vestris Wings with more pale markings. .4 4. Wings mostly dark brownish-gray below.... -palatka Wings tinged with yellow or red below. 5 5. Stigma present.. .arpa 3 Stigma absent.. .6 6. Upper surface of secondaries fuscous... 7 Secondaries with fulvous discal marks. .8 90 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 7. Primaries with a transverse row of fulvous spots.. ..arpaq With diffuse pale fulvous areas. arogos 8. Veins black... .9 Veins not black. . arogos 9. Wings usually broadly yellow-fulvous with a terminal fuscous band above; immaculate yellow or brownish yellow below..... .... logan Wings with the fulvous definitely limited; under surface of second- aries in most specimens with a faint pale transverse band, never clear yellow ... byssus 1. ATRYTONE AROGOS Papilio vitellius A. & 8., (not Fab.), Lep. Ins. Ga. I, 33, pl. XVII, 1797. Hesperia arogos Boisd. & Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. pl. 76, ff. 3, 4, 5, 1833. Hesperia iowa Scud., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. XI, 401, 1868. Hesperia mutius Plötz, Stett. ent. Zeit. XLIV, 199, 1883. Atrytone vitellius Holland (not Fab.), Butterfly Book 364, pl. XLVI, f. 6, 1898. Florida, August and September. Nebraska and Iowa, June and July. Ocean County, N. J., July (Davis). The pale tawny wings with their broad, even, fuscous borders distinguish the male; the female is readily associated with the male, but the fuscous is more extensive, encroaching upon the discal area and often almost oblit- erating the tawny color. 2. ATRYTONE LOGAN.. Hesperia logan Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 11, 18, pl. I, f. 5, 1863. Hesperia delaware Edw., op. cit. p. 19, pl. 5, f. 2. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. II, 1614, 1889. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 490, pl. 94, ff. 4-6, 1900. Holland, Butterfly Book 365, pl. xlvi, f. 24, 25, 1898. Florida to Texas, north to Montana and Illinois; July and August. 2a. race LAGUS Pamphila lagus Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. ix, 5, 1881. I regard this as scarcely worth separating from logan. It is the western race, and in extreme forms has the fuscous terminal borders reduced to very slender lines and the under surface very pale. 3. ATRYTONE BYSSUS 9 Hesperia bulenta Bd. & Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. pl. 67, ff. 1-5, 1833. Pamphila byssus Edw., Can. Ent. XII, 224, 1880. Holland, Butterfly Book 358, pl. XLVI, f. 20, 1898. Florida, August. Skinner includes Texas (Cat. p. 89). Dr. McDunnough places bulenta tentatively as a synonym of byssus. The figure is a striking thing, unlike any known species of North America, but it does bear a remote resemblance to this species. HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 91 4. ATRYTONE ARPA Hesperia arpa Boisd. & Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. pl. 68, 1833. Florida, June, September and October. The stigma is present in the males of this and all of the following species, which make up the former genus Euphyes. 5. ATRYTONE PALATKA Hesperia palatka Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. I, 287, 1867. Hesperia floridensis Plötz, Stett. ent. Zeit. XLIV, 196, 1883. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. III, 1863, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book 358, pl. XLVI, f. 21, 1898. Florida, May, August to October. Skinner gives its range as “Gulf States, Neb." (Cat. p. 89). In the original description the name of this species was spelled pilatka but this was amended by Edwards himself in his later writings. It is the largest species of the genus. 6. ATRYTONE DION Pamphila dion Edw., Can. Ent. XI, 238, 1879. New York, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois and Omaha, Neb. (Leuss- ler); June and July. St. Louis, Mo. (Knetzger). The pale dashes on the under surface of the secondaries are unique in this genus. 7. ATRYTONE CONSPICUA Hesperia conspicua Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 11, 17, pl. 5, f. 5, 1863. Ô Hesperia pontiac Edw., op. cit. 17, pl. XI, f. 5. Hedone orono Scud., Syst. Rev. 58, (79) 1872. Seudder, Butt. New Eng. II, 1732, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book 358, pl. XLVI, ff. 16, 17, 1898. New Jersey north to Massachusetts and west into Nebraska; July. 8. ATRYTONE BIMACULA Hesperia bimaoula G. & R., Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y. VIII, 433, 1867. Hesperia acanootus Scud., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. XI, 381, 1868. Hesperia illinois Dodge, Can. Ent. IV, 217, 1872. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. II, 1718, 1889. Ontario, New Jersey, New York, Iowa; July. Skinner lists Nebraska (Cat. p. 88). I have taken one specimen at Sioux City, Iowa. The under surface of the secondaries is usually pale with the veins marked in white. The upper surface has a little yellow-fulvous on each side of the stigma in the male, and only two or three small extradiscal spots in the female which are of a very pale color. 9 1 9. ATRYTONE VESTRIS Hesperia vestris Boisd., Ann. Soc. Ent. France (2), x, 317, 1852. Hesperia metacomet Harris, Ins. Inj. Veg. 3rd ed., 317, 1862. 92 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Pamphila rurea Edw., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1862, 58. Hesperia kiowah Reakirt, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vi, 150, 1866. . Hesperia osyka Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. I, 288, 1867. Pamphila osceola Lint., 30th Rep. N. Y. Mus. Nat. Hist. 170, 1878. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. 11, 1739 and ni, 1865, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book 360, pl. xlvi, f. 31, 1898. Wright, Butt. W. Coast 247, pl. xxxi, f. 442, 1905. Oberthür, Etudes ix, (1), pl. coxl, f. 2093, 1913 (type). United States and Southern Canada; May to July. form IMMACULATUS Pamphila vestris, var. immaculatus Williams, Ent. News xxv, 267, 1914. Described from the Jemez Mts., New Mexico. I have seen it from the White Mts., Arizona, but not from more northern localities. As the name implies, it lacks the whitish spots usually found on the primaries of the female. Genus ATRYTONOPSIS Godman & Salvin Atrytonopsis G. & S., Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. 11, 497, 1900. Type Hesperia deva Edw. Palpi upturned; third joint moderate, oblique, not concealed in vestiture of second. Antennae slightly less than one-half as long as primaries; club moderate, longer in female than male; apiculus shorter than thickness of club in Fig. 28. Antennal clubs: a. Atrytonopsis dera Edw., male, equal to it or b. A pittacus Edw., c. A. edwardsi B. & McD., f. Oligoria maculata Edw. h. Lerodea eufala Edw., Pal. longer in female. Pri- pi. d. A. deva Edw., g. Mastor bellus Edw., i. Le. rodea eufala Edw., e. Detail of neuration : end of cell maries of male apic- of primaries, Lerema accius S. & A. ally produced; costa nearly straight; outer margin slightly rounded; apex rounded- acute. Secondaries rounded; outer margin flattened at end of cell; anal angle slightly lobed ; length from humeral angle to anal angle greater than through cell in male and less in female. Cell of primaries three-fifths as long as wing; vein 5 curved at base, nearer to vein 4 than to 6; L. D. C. almost transverse; M. D. C. scarcely visible, very oblique; vein 2 almost inter- HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 93 a mediate between 3 and base of cell. Stigma rudimentary, con- sisting of a few modified scales faintly indicating the position of the structure; well developed in a few species, where it is sim- ilar to that of Atrytone but more slender. Mid tibiae spiny. Fig. 28. The absence of yellow-fulvous, frequent occurrence of gray scales on the under surface of the wings, and the acute apices of the primaries in the males of most of the species give this genus a very distinctive habitus. Key to the species 1. Fringes not checkered. .2 Fringes checkered..... 7 2. Under surface of secondaries with a transverse row and three subasal white spots; not heavily gray-powdered..... .loammi Spots partly obsolete or hyaline..., 3 3. Secondaries with hyaline spots.. pittacus Secondaries without hyaline spots.. .4 4. Fringes of secondaries white or whitish.. 5 Fringes concolorous with wings or slightly paler. 6 5. Fringes dirty white, usually dark at anal angle. lunus Fringes pure white, rarely intermixed with dark scales, usually not very dark at anal angle. .deva 6. Wings very dark.. .hianna Wings pale..... .vierecký 7. Under surface marbled with purplish; spots semi-hyaline......cestus Under surface heavily gray powdered.. ...8 8. Spots yellowish, opaque or nearly so... · python Spots white, subhyaline.... .. edwardsi 1. ATRYTONOPSIS LOAMMI Lerema loammi Whitney, Can. Ent. VIII, 76, 1876. Pamphila regulus Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. ix, 5, 1881. Skinner, Ent. News XI, pl. II, f. 24, 1900. Kellogg, Am. Ins. pl. ix, f. 24, 1904. Florida, March and October. North Carolina, July. The dark brown ground color and the pure white, opaque spots on the under surface of the secondaries separate loammi readily from the rest of the genus. 2. ATRYTONOPSIS HIANNA Hesperia hianna Scudder, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. XI, 382, 1868. Hesperia grotei Plötz, Stett, ent. Zeit. XLIV, 54, 1883. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. II, 1771, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book, 366, pl. XLVI, ff. 9, 10, 1898. Northeastern United States westward into Nebraska, Manitoba; June. 94 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 3. ATRYTONOPSIS LUNUS Pamphila lunus Edwards, Papilio iv, 56, 1884. Arizona, June to August. Similar to deva but larger and darker, and with the white areas not so pure as in deva. 4. ATRYTONOPSIS DEVA Hesperia deva Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. V, 292, 1876. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 498, pl. 95, ff. 6-10, 1900. Arizona and Utah. Skinner lists southern Colorado (Cat. p. 87). 5. ATRYTONOPSIS VIERECKI Pamphila vierecki Skinner, Ent. News XIII, 213, 1902. Ft. Wingate, New Mexico, June; two males, one compared with the type, in the Barnes collection are all that I have seen. Vierecki is similar to deva but smaller, paler and more grayish, with two spots in the end of the cell of the primaries, sometimes connected, and a well marked stigma in the male. 6. ATRYTONOPSIS PITTACUS Pamphila pittacus Edw., Papilio 11, 138, 1882. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 498, pl. 95, ff. 11-13, and 14, 15 (not python Edw.), 1900. Skinner, Ent. News xi, pl. II, ff. 17, 18, 1900. Kellogg, Am. Ins. pl. ix, ff. 17, 18, 1904. Arizona, July. The straight row of hyaline spots on the secondaries characterizes pitta- cus among our species. 7. ATRYTONOPSIS PYTHON (Plate I, Fig. 1) Pamphila python Edw., Papilio 11, 139, 1882. Arizona, May and June. Python is the only one of our species in which the spots are distinctly yellowish. 7a. race MARGARITA Pamphila margarita Skinner, Can. Ent. XLV, 426, 1913. Described from Jemez Springs, New Mexico. I am not familiar with this form. 8. ATRYTONOPSIS CESTUS Pamphila cestus Edw., Papilio iv, 57, 1884. Southern Arizona. I am not familiar with this species. 9. ATRYTONOPSIS EDWARDSI Atrytonopsis edwardsi B. & McD., Contributions n, (2), 135, pl. viii, ff. 9, 10, 1916. HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 95 Pamphila cestus Wright, (not Edw.), Butt. W. Coast 249, pl. XXXII, f. 482, 1905. Arizona. This species was described to correct a common misconception of cestus and the types are undoubtedly distinct from the species on which the de- scription of cestus was based. I believe that the name will fall before Hesperia ovinia Hew., illustrated in the Biologia (Pl. 97, ff. 1, 2, 1900) un- der the name Thespieus ovinia. The type of ovinia in the British Museum will have to be examined to settle the matter definitely, but even from the figures it is easy to see that the species can hardly belong in Thespieus. > Genus OLIGORIA Scudder Oligoria Scud., Syst. Rev. 61, (82), 1872. Type Hesperia ma- culata Edw. Structure not much different from Atrytonopsis. Male pri- maries less apically prolonged and without stigma. Vein 5 near- er to 4 than in the preceding genus. Middle tibiae with a few long spines. Apiculus of antennae abruptly constricted, sharp- ly reflexed, very slender and usually about twice as long as thickness of club. Dyar remarks (Jn. N. Y. Ent. Soc. XIII, 137, 1905) that he is unable to separate this genus from Lerodea and therefore places maculata in the latter. He is followed in this by Barnes and McDunnough in the Check List, but the differences between maculata and eufala are so striking that they must be separated. Since maculata agrees with no other genus known to me, I retain Oligoria for the one species. Fig. 28. 1. OLIGORIA MACULATA Hesperia maculata Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. iv, 202, pl. I, f. 6, 1865. Hesperia norus Plötz, Stett. ent. Zeit. XLIV, 36, 1883. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. II, 1761, 1883. Holland, Butterfly Book 361, pl. xLvi, f. 35, 1898. Florida, May to July. Skinner gives its range as the Gulf States and occasionally New York. (Cat. p. 87). Genus LEREMA Scudder Lerema Scud., Syst. Rev. 61, (82), 1872. Type Papilio accius A. & S. Palpi oblique; third joint moderate, partly concealed by ves- titure of second. Antennae about one-half as long as primaries; club moderate; apiculus slender, longer than thickness of club. 96 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Primaries rather long; costa flattened in middle; outer margin curved, flattened before anal angle; apex rounded-rectangular. Secondaries lobed slightly at anal angle, otherwise rounded. Cell of primaries over three-fifths as long as wing; discocellulars weak, slightly oblique; vein 5 arising a little nearer to 4 than to 6, al. most straight. Male with a slender, well developed stigma run- ning from the base of vein 3 to just within the middle of vein 1. Middle tibiae with a few long spines. Fig. 28. 1. LEREMA ACCIUS Papilio accius A. & S., Lep. Ins. Ga. I, 45, pl. 23, 1797. Hesperia monoco Scud., Proc. Ess. Inst. II), 178, 1863. Hesperia punctella G. & R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. I, 1, 1867. Hesperia nortonii Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. I, 287, 1867. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. II, 1768, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book 366, pl. XLVIII, f. 8, 1898. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 554, pl. 99, f. 44, 1900. Southern half of United States east of Rockies; May, July, August, Octo- ber, November. Skinner (Cat. p. 87) mentions a record by Aaron from Eastern Pennsylvania. Genus EPIPHYES Dyar Epiphyes Dyar, Jn. N. Y. Ent. Soc. XIII, 132, 1905. Type Pamphila carolina Skinner. I have seen but one poor specimen of the female of carolina. From it nothing can be told except that vein 5 is but slightly curved and not much nearer to 4 than to 6. It therefore belongs with Lerema and allied genera, and according to Dyar's descrip- tion of the male stigma it should constitute a good genus. The original description of Epiphyes is as follows: “Antennal club cylindrical, the point rather obtuse and about equal to the diam- eter of the club. Palpi with the third joint moderate, rather slender; wings normal, vein 2 arising at the middle of the cell, 3 before the end. Mid tibiae spiny. Male stigma a large, ill defined blotch. Type Pamphila carolina Skinner." 1. EPIPHYES CAROLINA Pamphila carolina Skinner, Ent. News III, 222, 1892. Holland, Butterfly Book 367, pl. XLVI, f. 36, 1898 (type). North Carolina. The species is easily recognized by the well defined, pale yellow macula- tion and the form of vein 5 of the primaries. HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 97 Genus MASTOR Godman & Salvin Mastor G. & S., Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. 11, 567, 1900. Type Mas- tor anubis G. & S. ? Megistias G. & S., op. cit. 571. Type Hesperia tripunctata Latr. Palpi upturned; third joint small. Antennae slightly more than one-half as long as primaries in male, less in female; apicu- lus shorter than thickness of club and variously reflexed; club short, rather stout. Costa of primaries flattened; outer margin slightly rounded; apex somewhat produced. Secondaries broad- ly rounded, relatively small; in the female the primaries are less produced and the apex of the secondaries more prominent than in the male, much as in Atrytone. The male possesses a small stigma made up of a dot of scales below vein 2 and a longer patch above, variably developed in different specimens. It is much larger in bellus than in phylace, very small in oslari and absent in fusca. Cell of primaries normal; vein 5 slightly curved, arising a little nearer to 4 than to 6. Mid tibiae with a few spines. Fig. 28. I believe that oslari is more closely related to A. nanno than to bellus, and am placing fusca in this genus rather doubtfully. Unfortunately I have not had sufficient material for dissection in this group and have therefore been unable to make a careful study of the anatomy of the doubtful species. I am unable to find a good basis of separation for fusca, which Godman and Salvin say belongs in Megistias, but I am not familiar with tripunctata so Megistias may not fall before Mastor. Key to the species 1. Vestiture of head and fringes golden... .bellus Head golden; fringes whitish... ·phylace Without golden vestiture.. 2. Under surface powdery gray. .oslari More or less yellowish below, never powdery gray. ..fusca 2 1. MASTOR FUSCA Hesperia fusca G. & R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 1, 2, 1867. Southern United States, New Jersey, Pennsylvania; April to July. St. Louis, Mo., (Knetzger). Fusca is usually immaculate grayish fuscous above and slightly tinged with yellowish below, especially on the veins of the secondaries. Occasion- 98 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY al specimens show a faint trace of spots on the upper surface of the pri- maries, and frequently the ground color is darker. > 2. MASTOR BELLUS Pamphila bellus Edw., Papilio iv, 57, 1884. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 568, pl. 100, f. 36, ở gen., 1900. Skinner, Ent. News XI, pl. II, ff. 11, 12, 1900. Kellogg, Am. Ins. pl. ix, ff. 11, 12, 1904. Wright, Butt. W. Coast 247, pl. XXXI, f. 443, 1905. Arizona, May to July. 3. MASTOR PHYLACE Pamphila phylace Edw., Field and Forest 111, 117, 1878. Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico; June. 4. MASTOR OSLARI Pamphila oslari Skinner, Ent. News x, 112, 1899. New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado; April, June to August. Oslari is usually pale fuscous above, but occasionally a series will show some yellow fulvous scales on the disk of the primaries and a faint trace of indefinite spots such as are always present in A, nanno. Such speci- mens may be separated from nanno by the gray under surface of the sec- ondaries with vague pale spots instead of small sharp ones. Genus AMBLYSCIRTES Scudder Amblyscirtes Scud., Syst. Rev. 54, (75), 1872. Type Hesperia vialis. Edw.. Stomyles Scud., op. cit. 55 (76). Type Pyrgus tector Hbn. Palpi large, upturned; second joint with shaggy vestiture; third slender, smooth, vertical; almost as long as second except in nanno. An- tennae moderate; club large; apicu- lus longer than thickness of club. Primaries in most species similar in the two sexes, less apically produced than in the related genera; costa flattened; apex rounded-rectangu- lar; outer margin strongly rounded except toward anal angle; cell about three-fifths as long as wing; discocel. Fig: 29. Amblyscirtes vialis Edw. a. lulars very weak and only slightly Club of antenna, b. Palpus, c. Neuration oblique; vein 5 weakly curved HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 99 toward base, a little nearer to 4 than to 6; secondaries rounded, in most of the species longer through the cell than in the related genera. Male stigma small, sometimes scarcely visible, composed of a short, oblique dash above the base of vein 2 and a smaller longitudinal dash below it. Middle tibiae spiny. Fig. 29. The checkered fringes of this genus are a convenient super- ficial character, and indeed the only one by which nanno can readily be placed. The other species are readily referred to the genus by the long third joint of the palpi, taken with the api- culus of the antennae. Whether nanno should be left in Ambly. scirtes is a question which I have been unable to settle; its sim- ilar habitus would cause me to hesitate to remove it. cassus Key to the species 1. Vestiture of under surface of secondaries with no suggestion of green.2 Under surface of secondaries more or less greenish.... .9 2. Spots on under surface of secondaries connected by { pale lines on veins .textor No such lines.. .3 3. Under surface of secondaries with diffused pale spots or immaculate..4 With well defined pale spots..... .8 With a brown patch in the middle.. ..nysa 4. All maculation above yellow-fulvous.... Subapical spots of primaries, at least, whitish. .5 5. Secondaries without pale spots below.... .vialis With a transverse row of powdery pale spots..... .6 6. Maculation of upper surface tinged with yellow-fulvous. No trace of yellow-fulvous.... ....7 7. Irroration of under surface smooth, fine.. .alternata Irroration with a rough appearance... ...celia 8. Under surface dark, irroration sparse; spots small and powdery but sharply contrasting.. ..nanno, elissa Under surface finely and smoothly grayish-irrorate; spots very sharply defined, moderate... ...comus 9. Under surface pale greenish-gray; primaries with spots between veins 4 and 6 above; southwestern species..... .....nereus Darker greenish-gray; very bright in fresh specimens; spots at end of cell of primaries usually lacking; eastern species. aenus ..hegon 1. AMBLYSCIRTES NANNO Amblyscirtes nanno Edw., Papilio 11, 142, 1882. Biol. Cent. Am., Rhop. II, 504, pl. 95, ff. 31-34, 1900. Wright, Butt. W. Coast 250, pl. XXXI, f. 455, 1905. Arizona, July. 100 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY The primaries of nanno are more apically produced and the secondaries relatively smaller and more rounded than in the normal species of Ambly. scirtes. 2. AMBLYSCIRTES ELISSA Amblyscirtes elissa G. & S., Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 505, pl. 95, ff. 40, 41, 1900. Skinner, Ent. News XV, 344, 1904. I have not seen this species. Apparently it is very similar to nanno. Skinner reports it from Cochise County, Arizona. 3. AMBLYSCIRTES AENUS Amblyscirtes aenus Edw., Field and Forest 111, 118, 1878. Holland, Butterfly Book 341, pl. XLVII, f. 7, 1898. Colorado, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico; May to July. 4. AMBLYSCIRTES CASSUS Amblysoirtes cassus Edw., Papilio III, 72, 1883. Amblyscirtes simius Wright, (not Edw.), Butt. W. Coast pl. xxxi, f. 454, 1905. Arizona; June, July and September. The under surface of the secondaries of cassus is heavily irrorate with pale gray scales which give these wings a roughened appearance. The spots are large and distinct but vaguely defined. 5. AMBLYSCIRTES CELIA Amblyscirtes celia Skinner, Ent. News vi, 113, 1895. Texas, March, April and July. There is a specimen in the Barnes collection which has been compared with the type, and from which I have noted that the under surface of the secondaries is finely but rather sparsely and roughly powdered with gray; spots small but not clear-cut. 6. AMBLYSCIRTES VIALIS Hesperia vialis Edw., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1862, 58, 1862. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. II, 1582, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book 340, pl. XLVII, f. 5, 1898. United States and Southern Canada; May, June, July, August. 7. AMBLY SCIRTES HEGON Hesperia hegon Scud., Proc. Ess. Inst. III, 176, 1863. Hesperia samoset Scud., op. cit. 176. Hesperia nemoris Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 11, 507, 1864. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. II, 1589, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book 340, pl. XLVII, f. 6, 1898. Georgia north into Canada and west to central Iowa; May and June; August in the north. HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 101 Hegon is more commonly known as samoset. It is similar to nereus but the transverse row of spots on the primaries is usually less complete and fresh specimens are much more greenish below. The distribution is suffi- cient to separate specimens which bear locality labels. 8. AMBLYSCIRTES NEREUS Hesperia nereus Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. V, 207, 1876. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 502, pl. 95, ff. 27-30, 1900. Arizona, June to August. 9. AMBLYSCIRTES ALTERNATA Hesperia alternata G. & R., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 1, 3, 1867. Hesperia eos Edwards, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. III, 276, 1871. Amblyscirtes meridionalis Dyar, Jn. N. Y. Ent. Soc. XIII, 135, 1905. Georgia; Skinner lists cos from Texas, Georgia and Florida. A specimen which Dr. McDunnough placed as alternata in the Barnes collection proved to be the same as Dyar's types of meridionalis in the Strecker collection, and the descriptions of all of the species lead me to believe that they are synonyms. The primaries are apically produced, so that the outer margin is longer than in vialis, and the fringes are an un- usually pure white, as in nysa. The under surface has a transverse row of faint, powdery spots on the secondaries and is otherwise similar to vialis. 10. AMBLYSCIRTES NYSA Amblyscirtes nysa Edw., Can. Ent. ix, 191, 1877. Pamphila similis Strecker, Lep. Rhop. & Het. 131, 1878. Texas and Arizona, March to June. The under surface of the secondaries is distinctive and the fringes are a clearer white than in any other species than alternata. The upper surface of nysa is very similar to that of alternata in all particulars. 11. AMBLYSCIRTES COMUS Hesperia comus Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. V, 206, 1876. Amblyscirtes nilus Edw., Field and Forest ii, 118, 1878. Pamphila quinquemacula Skinner, Ent. News XXII, 413, 1911. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 502, pl. 95, ff. 25, 26, 1900. Texas and Arizona, August. From a specimen in the Barnes collection compared with Edward's mate- rial I have noted that the under surface is finely and smoothly grayish irrorate and the spots small, white, sharply defined and not crowded to- gether. 12. AMBLY SCIRTES TEXTOR Pyrgus textor, Hübner, Zutr. exot. Schmett. pl. 89, ff. 515, 516, 1825. Hesperia oneko Scud., Proc. Ess. Inst. III, 176, 1863. Hesperia wakulla Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 11, 311, 1869. Holland, Butterfly Book 341, pl. XLVII, f. 16, 1898. 102 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY North Carolina and Kentucky to Texas; August. The under side of the secondaries is very strikingly different from any other species, but I see no structural basis for Stomyles, of which textor is the type. Genus LERODEA Scudder Lerodea Scud., Syst. Rev. 59, 1872. Type Hesperia eufala Edw. Palpi upturned, very smoothly scaled; third joint about half as long as second but buried in vestiture of second almost to its tip. Antennae much less than one half as long as primaries; apiculus slender, shorter than thickness of club. Primaries api- cally produced; costa slightly emarginate or straight except at apex and humeral angle; outer margin slightly sinuate, convex from apex to vein 2. Secondaries rounded, lobed at anal angle. Both primaries and secondaries longer and more rounded in the female than in the male. Cell of primaries about three-fifths as long as wing; discocellulars weak, scarcely oblique; vein 5 almost straight, about two-thirds as far from 4 as from 6; 2 much nearer to 3 than to base of wing in both sexes. Male without stigma. Mid tibiae spined. Fig. 28. 1. LERODEA ARABUS Pamphila arabus Edw., Papilio , 26, 1882. Arizona, April. Differs from eufala in the presence of a dark brown discal shade on the under surface of the secondaries. 2. LERODEA EUFALA Hesperia eufala Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 11, 311, 1869. Pamphila floridae Mab., Bull. Soc. Ent. France (5), VI, p. 1x, 1876. Holland, Butterfly Book 356, pl. XLVI, f. 33, 1898. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 500, pl. 95, ff. 16-18, 1900. Wright, Butt. W. Coast pl. xxxi, f. 445a, b, 1905 (as nereus). Florida, Texas, Arizona; April to July, October and November. GROUP D Key to the genera 1. Middle tibiae without spines.. . Prenes Middle tibiae spined.... ....2 2. Male with stigma; under surface of secondaries mottled with several shades.. ...Thespieus Male without stigma; under surface of secondaries uniform- ly colored.. ...Calpodes HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 103 Genus THESPIEUS Godman & Salvin Thespieus G. & S., Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 519, 1900. Type Hesperia dalmani Latr. This genus is very close to Calpodes and the male genitalia of the two illustrated by Godman and Salvin are similar, but I have very little material of Thespieus and have not seen the typical species, so I hesitate to sink it. 1. THESPIEUS MACAREUS Goniloba macareus H.-S., Corr. Blatt Regensb. XXIII, 192, 1869. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 520, pl. 96, ff. 41-43, 1900. Skinner, Ent. News XIII, 183, 1902. Macareus has been recorded from the southwestern part of our country and Marco Id., Fla.; I have not seen the species. Genus CALPODES Hübner Calpodes Hbn., Verz, bek. Schmett. 107, 1820. Type Papilio eth- lius Cr. Palpi upturned, closely , closely ap- pressed; third joint small, almost entirely concealed. The palpi re- semble those of most species of Group A of the Hesperiinae. An- tennae less than one-half as long as primaries; club stout, apiculus ex- ceeding thickness of club, sharply reflexed. Primaries with the apex produced and subtruncate, longer in the female than in the male ; Fig. 30. Prenes and Calpodes. a. Club of antenna of P. ocola Edw., secondaries strongly lobed at the b. Neuration of ocola, c. Club of antenna of 0.ethlius Cramer anal angle, broader and more rounded in the female than in the male. Neuration as in Prenes. Mid tibiae with short prostrate spines on the inner surface. Fig. 30. 1. CALPODES ETHLIUS Papilio ethlius Cramer, Pap. Exot. IV, 212, pl. cccxcii, ff. A, B, 1782. Hesperia chemnis Fab., Ent. Syst. III, (1), 331, 1793. Eudamus olynthus Bd. & Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. pl. 75, ff. 1, 2, 1833. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. II, 1750, 1889. Holland, Butterfly Book 355, pl. XLV, f. 3, 1898. 104 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 507, pl. 95, ff. 45, 46, 1900. Florida to Texas, June. Skinner lists it as occasional in New York, (Cat. p. 88). St. Louis, Mo., (Knetzger). Ethlius is readily distinguished by its large size, the long cell of the primaries, the form of the palpi and the presence of hyaline spots on the secondaries. 2. CALPODES COSCINIA Goniloba coscinia H.-S., Corr.-Blatt Regensb. XIX, 54, 1865. 9 Hesperia ares Feld., Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien XII, 477, 1862. Brownsville and San Antonio, Texas, May. Barnes and McDunnough list ares as a doubtful synonym of coscinia while Godman and Salvin in the Biologia make it a synonym without qual. ification. If the two names refer to the same species, ares should be used; I know of nothing which will settle the matter at present. Coscinia differs from ethlius and T. macareus in the absence of hyaline spots from the secondaries. Genus PRENES Scudder Prenes Scud., Syst. Rev. 60, (81), 1872. Type Hesperia pano- quin Scud. Similar to Calpodes but with the wings more angular and the mid tibiae without spines. Fig. 30. Prenes is very close to the Old World genus Parnara and may fall before it. Dr. W. T. M. Forbes tells me that he is unable to separate the two, and from a superficial study of the genotypes I have found nothing which will differentiate them. I prefer to retain Prenes, however, until I can make dissections of the type of Parnara for more accurate study. Key to the species 1. Secondaries with a few pale spots below... .....2 Secondaries immaculate below or with pale dashes or very faint traces of spots...... .4 2. Upper surface powdered with yellowish scales. panoquinoides Upper surface without yellowish scales.... ..3 3. A pale spot in end of cell of primaries; spots on under surface bluish .....nero No spot in cell; spots below not bluish... 4. Two pale dashes on under surface of secondaries.. panoquin Usually immaculate; never with dashes...... ...ocola .errans 1. PRENES NERO Hesperia nero Fab., Ent. Syst., Supp. 433, 1798. Hesperia nyctelius Latr., Enc. Meth. ix, 746, 1823. HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 105 > Goniloba corrupta H.-S., Corr.-Blatt Regensb. XIX, 54, 1865. Goniloba sylvicola H.-S., op. cit., p. 55. Hesperia fusina Hew., Desc. Hesp. 30, 1868. Hesperia fufidia Hew., Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), XIX, 81, 1877. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 509, pl. 96, ff. 4-7, 1900. Florida. Differs from ooola in the presence of a pale spot in the end of the cell of the primaries and a transverse row of faint, bluish spots on the under surface of the secondaries. The synonymy is that of Godman and Salvin. 2. PRENES PANOQUIN Hesperia panoquin Scud., Proc. Ess. Inst. 111, 178, 1863. Hesperia ophis Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. III, 216, 1871. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. III, 1867, 1889. Skinner, Ent. News XI, pl. 11, ff. 13, 14, 1900. Kellogg, Am. Ing. pl. ix, ff. 13, 14, 1904. Florida, New Jersey; April, May, August. 3. PRENES PANOQUINOIDES Pamphila panoquinoides Skinner, Ent. News 11, 175, 1891. Skinner, Ent. News XI, pl. 11, f. 26, 1900 (type). Kellogg, Am. Ins. pl. ix, f. 26, 1904 (type). Florida. This species is slightly powdered with yellowish scales above but less heavily than panoquin, from which it differs also in the absence of the large dashes of the under surface. 4. PRENES ERRANS Pamphila errans Skinner, Ent. News III, 174, 1892. Wright, Butt. W. Coast pl. XXXI, f. 445, 1905 (as nereus). California, July and August. Differs from ocola, which it closely resembles, in the presence of a trans- verse row of pale spots on the under side of the secondaries, which are not bluish as in nero. 5. PRENES OCOLA Hesperia ocola Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. II, 20, pl. XI, f. 4, 1863. Prenes hecebolus Scud., Syst. Rev. 60, (81), 1872. Pamphila ortygia Möschl., Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien XXXII, 328, 1882. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. III, 1866, 1889. Pamphila parilis Mab., Comp. Rend. Soc. Ent. Belg. XXXV, CLXXI, 1891. Holland, Butterfly Book 355, pl. XLVI, f. 34, 1898. Biol. Cent.-Am., Rhop. II, 511, pl. 96, ff. 13-15, 1900. Kentucky, Florida, Mississippi and Texas; May, July to October. Skin- ner (Cat. p. 88) adds Indiana and Eastern Pennsylvania. Ocola is usually immaculate below but some specimens show a trace of the spots which mark errans, though they are not, as a rule, sufficiently well marked as to cause difficulty in separating the species. They never 106 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY have the marked blue shade found in nero. In the synonymy of ocola I follow Godman and Salvin (Biol. 511), who say that they have seen the types of all three synonyms and find them to show no tangible difference.' DOUBTFUL SPECIES AND GENERA Genus POTANTHUS Scudder Potanthus Scud., Syst. Rev. 54, (75), 1872. Type Hesperia omaha Edw. 1. POTANTHUS OMAHA.. Hesperia omaha Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 11, 21, 1863. Hesperia mingo Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. vi, 207, 1866. Potanthus californica Scud., Syst. Rev. 54, (75), 1872. Scudder, Butt. New Eng. III, 1861, 1889. Potanthus dara Dyar (Kollar?), Bull. 52, U. S. N. M., p. 48, 1902. The early literature gives the range of this species as West Virginia, Colorado and California. Edwards places the species next to palaemon in his catalogue (Cat. Diurn. Lep. 48, 1877), and Dyar regards it as the Oriental species, Padraona dara Kollar. It is very difficult to say what it may be from the scanty evidence available. > 2. ATRYTONE KUMSKAKA Hesperia conspicua Scud. (not Edw.), Trans. Chi. Acad. Sci. I, 336, 1869. Atrytone kumskaka Scud., Can. Ent. xix, 45, 1887. According to the description this is a true Atrytone which Scudder has mistaken for the female of conspicua. Dr. McDunnough tells me that Scudder's figure of the male genitalia resembles those of byssus, but it seems to me that the description itself suggests a dark female of hobomok. The type locality is Dennison, Iowa, but I have never taken anything in western Iowa which might be the species. 3. THANAOS RUTILIUS (nomen nudum) Nisoniades rutilius Mead, U. 8. Geog. Surv. W. 100th Merid. v, 787, 1875. The reference reads as follows: “One individual, now in Mr. Scudder's hands for description, was taken June 23, at Turkey Creek Junction.” The specimen was probably placed by Scudder with another species. Family MEGATHYMIDAE Barnes and McDunnough, Contributions I, number 11, 1912, Re- vision of the Megathymidae. Head small, much narrower than the thorax. Palpi rather small, oblique. Antennae moderate; club large, stout and pyri- form to more cylindrical with a rudimentary apiculus. Venation much as in the Pamphilinae; vein 3 of the primaries varying in HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 107 position between the sexes of several species. Larvae borers in stems of plants. Fig. 31. Barnes and McDunnough's revision of this family is so satis- factory that I am going into very little detail in treating it. I have worked out the following key to the North American species of Megathymus Fig. 31. Megathy. from the material in the Barnes collection, and believe that it will suffice for the determination of most of the material likely to fall into the hands of collectors; those who are deeply interested in the family will doubtless ob- tain the few articles which are useful to students who make these insects a hobby. Only one genus is represented in our fauna. mus streckeri Skin ner. Club of all. tenna •Yuccae 2 Genus MEGATHYMUS Scudder Megathymus Scud., Syst. Rev. 62, (83), 1872. Type Eudamus yuccae Boisd. & Lec. Characters of the family. Key to the species 1. Under surface with a large white patch contiguous to vein 8 of the secondaries, or this spot the largest on the wing; no more than a trace of extra-median pale spots on secondaries..... Under surface of secondaries with a more or less complete transverse row of pale spots and with larger spot on vein 8 outward.... .3 2. Size large, 55 to 75 mm. Spots of upper surface bright yellow. Under surface of secondaries gray at margins.. yuccae Size smaller, seldom over 55 mm. Spots pale yellow. Outer margin of secondaries narrowly or not at all pale..... .... race coloradensis Size similar to coloradensis. Spots yellowish to white. Secondaries with a broad pale outer border.... .race navajo 3. Size very large, 65 to 90 mm. Spots of primaries bright yellow. Sec- ondaries without discal spots above and with at most a slender, linear pale margin.... Size smaller, not over 70 mm. Secondaries with discal spots, a crenu- late marginal band or with pale areas not bright yellow..... .....4 4. Under surface of secondaries smooth, powdered with blue-gray scales at outer margin... ...cofaqui Under surface of shaggy appearance, washed with gray scales and hairs over entire surface, sometimes most evidently between transverse row of spots and outer margin.... 5 5. Upper surface of primaries with a pale basal area contiguous to vein 1; spots yellow to yellowish-fulvous, or with a transverse sub-basal row of spots on the under surface of the secondaries...... .6 This area seldom present, if so powdery and not contiguous to vein 1 ursus 108 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY and with maculation not bright yellow. No transverse row of spots near base of secondaries below.... .7 6. Expanse 40 to 50 mm. Larger specimens females with pale spots of primaries broadly confluent and veins concolorous... ... polingi Expanse 50 to 70 mm., smaller specimens males with spots separated by dark veins or by broader dark areas....... ......aryana, neumoegeni Expanse 50 mm, or slightly over. Spots small, rounded and whitish. Southern California.. ..race stephensi 7. Spots yellowish white to pale yellow; at least one extra-discal spot on under surface of secondaries and rarely some above..... ...streckeri Spots deeper yellow; extra-discal spots obsolete, not more than one or two fine points present, or with discal spots above. ....... race tezana Spots greatly reduced, yellowish; extra-discal band on under surface of secondaries evenly curved but irregular. Spot in end of cell of primaries linear, bent, in apical angle.... ..smithu 1. MEGATHYMUS YUCCAE Eudamus yuccae Boisd. & Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. pl. 70, 1833. Riley, 8th Rep. St. Ent. Mo., 169-182, 1876 (Biol.). Florida, Georgia, South Carolina; April and May. la. race COLORADENSIS M. yuccae, var. coloradensis Riley, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis III, 567, 1877. Colorado, April. 1b. race NAVAJO M. yuccae, var, navajo Skinner, Ent. News XXII, 300, 1911. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 209, pl. x, 1911. Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, S. California; April to June. 2. MEGATHYMUS URSUS Megathymus ursus Poling, Ent. News XIII, 97, pl. 4, 1902. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 205, 1911. Pima County, Arizona; August. 3. MEGATHYMUS COFAQUI Aegiale cofaqui Strecker, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 148, 1876. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 203, 1911. Georgia, Florida; March. The male type is a form of streckeri to which Barnes and McDunnough have given the name texana. The female type represents cofaqui. This sex may be distinguished by the slightly emarginate outer margin of the primaries and the resultant sharpness of the apex. 4. MEGATHYMUS STRECKERI Aegiale streckeri Skinner, Can. Ent. XXVII, 179, 1895. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 204, 1911. HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 109 Southwestern Colorado, New Mexico, Cherry County, Nebraska (Leus- sler); May and June. race TEXANA M. streckeri, subsp. texana B. & McD., Contr. 1, no. III, 39, pl. 11, f. 9, 1912. Southern Texas. 5. MEGATHYMUS SMITHI Megathymus smithi Druce, Biol. Cent.-Am., Het. II, 320, pl. 69, f. 5, 1896. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 205, 1911. I have seen one specimen from Corpus Christi, Texas, in the Barnes Collection. > 6. MEGATHYMUS NEUMOEGENI Megathymus neumoegeni Edw., Papilio 17, 27, 1882. Megathymus aryana Dyar, Jn. N. Y. Ent. Soc. XIII, 141, 1905 (partim); (fide B. & McD.). Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 206, 1911. Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 207, 1911 (fide B. & McD.). Arizona, September. According to Barnes and McDunnough's revision the females can read- ily be separated from aryana. They say: “in every instance the could be separated at once on wing pattern, the yellow band on primaries being much broader and either touching or broadly coalescing with the costal spot at end of cell.” Of the male they say that neumoegeni is usually a smaller and slighter species, and give the following points of difference: “(1) in neumoegeni the spots are often small, well separated, irregu- larly rounded; when forming a more or less coalescent band spot 2 from anal angle is usually almost square and its inner margin is not prominent- ly wedge-shaped as in aryana. “(2) The fulvous hairing at base of both wings is much more extended in neumoegeni, covering on the secondaries most of the area between the subterminal spots and the base of wing. The presence or size of yellow spots in the basal area beneath the fulvous hairs we have found of no specific value. “(3) The underside of secondaries of neumoegeni is usually distinctly paler in color, due to a greater sprinkling of white scales (compare Figs. 2 and 7). The whitish subterminal band is very variable in both species, in both distinctness and extent, and of no value for purposes of separa- tion.'' In spite of this great similarity of the two species, the form of the male genitalia verifies their distinctness. 6a. race STEPHENSI Megathymus neumoegeni Wright (not Edw.), Butt. W. Coast 255, pl. XXXII, f. 483, 1905. 110 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Megathymus neumoegeni subsp. stephensi Skinner, Ent. News XXI, 126, 1912. Barnes & McDunnough, Contributions I, (5), 44, 1912. Southern California, Texas. 7. MEGATHYMUS ARYXNA Megathymus aryrna Dyar, Jn. N. Y. Ent. Soc. XIII, 141, 1905. Arizona; July, September and October. 8. MEGATHYMUS POLINGI Megathymus polingi Skinner, Ent. News XVI, 232, 1905 ( only, fide B. & McD.). Skinner, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 207, 1911. Arizona, September. > BIBLIOGRAPHY Part one includes all separate works and articles bearing particularly on the Hesperioidea. Part two contains a list of the periodicals consulted. References occurring in all of the works listed have been verified; others are copied from the best available authorities. PART I ABBOTT & MITH, The Natural History of the Rarer Lepidopterous Insects of Georgia, two volumes, London, 1797. BANKS, N. and CAUDELL, A. N., The Entomological Code, Washington, D.C., 1912. BARNES, WM. and MoDUNNOUGH, J., Revision of the Megathymidae, De- catur, Ill., 1912. Check List of the Lepidoptera of Boreal America, Decatur, Ill., 1917. Contributions to the Natural History of the Lepidoptera of North America, I, 1911-12. BOISDUVAL, J. A., Icones Historique des Lepidopteres d'Europe, Paris, 1832-43. and LeConte, J. L., Histoire Generale et Iconographie des Lepidop- teres et des Chenilles de L'Amerique Septentrionale, Paris, 1829-33. BUTLER, A. G., Lepidoptera Exotica, London, 1869-74. Catalogue of Diurnal Lepidoptera Described by Fabricius in the Collection of the British Museum, London, 1869. COMSTOCK, J. H. and A. B., Manual for the Study of Insects, Ithaca, N. Y., 1895. CRAMER, P., Papillons Exotiques des trois parties du Monde, l'Asie, l'Afri. que at l'Amerique, Amsterdam, I, 1775 to IV, 1782, and supplement by Stoll, 1787-1796. DOUBLEDAY, E., WESTWOOD, J. O. and HEWITSON, W. C., The Genera of Diurnal Lepidoptera, London, I, 1846; II, 1850. DRURY, D., Illustrations of Exotic Entomology, London, three vol., 1770- 1775. DYAR, H. G., A List of the North American Lepidoptera and Key to the Literature of this order of Insects, Bulletin 52, U. S. N. M., Wash- ington, D.C., 1902. A Review of the Hesperiidae of the United States, Jn. N. Y. Ent. Soc. XIII, 111-142, 1905. EDWARDS, W. H., Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of America North of Mex. ico, Trang. Am. Ent. Soc. vi, 1-68, 1877. Elwes, H. J., and EDWARDS, JAMES, A Revision of the Oriental Hesperiidae, Trans. Zool. Soc. London xiv, pt. iv, number 1, 1897. 112 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY FABRICIUS, J. C., Systema Entomologiae, Flensburg and Leipzig, 1775. Mantissa Insectorum, Copenhagen, 1787. Entomologia Systematica, Vol. II, Copenhagen, 1793. Supplementum Entomologiae Systematicae, Copenhagen, 1798. FELDER, C., and ROGEN HOFER, R., Reise der osterreichischen Fregatte No- vara um die Erde, Zoologischer Theil, II, Abth. 2, Vienna, 1864-67. FRENCH, G. H., Butterflies of the Eastern United States, Philadelphia, 1886. GODMAN, F. D. and Salvin, O., Biologia Centrali-Americana, Lepidoptera Rhopalocera, Vol. II, 1893-1901, and plates, Vol. III, London, HARRIS, T. W., A Treatise on Some Insects Injurious to Vegetation, third edition, Boston, 1862. HERRICH-SCHAFFER, G. A., Prodromus Systema Lepidopterorum, in Corr.- Blatt Regensb. HEWITSON, W. C., Descriptions of New Species of Hesperiidae, London, Part 1, pp. 1-25, 1867; part 2, pp. 25-26, 1868. HOLLAND, W. J., The Butterfly Book, New York, 1898. HUBNER, J., Verzeichniss bekannter Schmetterlinge, Augsburg, 1816-1820. Sammlung exotischer Schmetterlinge, and Zutrage zur Sammlung, partly by Geyer, Augsburg, 1818-1832. KIRBY, W. F., A Synonymic Catalogue of Diurnal Lepidoptera, London, 1871; Supplement, 1877. KIRBY, WM., Fauna Boreali-Americana, iv, The Insects, London, 1837. LATREILLE, P. A., Encyclopedie Methodique, ix, Article on Butterflies, Paris, 1819. LINNAEUS, C., Systema Naturae, tenth edition, Stockholm, 1758. LINTNER, J. A., Entomological Contributions, I, 1872 to IV, 1878, (Annual Report of the New York State Museum of Natural History, Albany). LUCAS, H., in Sagra's Historia física, política y naturel de la isla de Cuba, Vol. vii, Paris, 1856. MABILLE, P., Famille Hesperidae, Genera Insectorum, Vol. XVII, Brussels, 1903-4. MÉNÉTRIES, E., Enumeratio corporum animalium musei imperialis Acad- emiae scientiarum Petropolitaniae, St. Petersburg, 1855-1863. MEAD, T. L., Report on the Collection of Diurnal Lepidoptera, etc., U. S. Geographical Surveys West of the 100th Meridian, v, ch. 8, 1875. OBERTHUR, C., Etudes d’entomologie and Etudes de Lepidopterologie Com- paree, Rennes, I, 1876. SOUDDER, S. H., A Systematic Review of American Butterflies, etc., Re- port of the Peabody Academy of Science for 1872, pp. 22-83. Historical Sketch of the Generic Names Proposed for Butterflies, Boston, Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. x, pp. 91-293, 1875. The Species of the Lepidopterous Genus Pamphila, Boston, Me- moirs of the Boston Society of Natural History, Vol. II, part III, num- ber iv, 1874. HESPERIOIDEA OF AMERICA 113 The Butterflies of the Eastern United States and Canada, with a special reference to New England, Cambridge, three Vol., 1888-1889. and BURGESS, E., On Asymmetry in the Appendages of Nisoniades, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. XIII, 282, 306, 1870. SEITZ, A., The Macrolepidoptera of the World, Vol. I, The Palaearctic Butterflies, Stuttgart, 1909. Hesperiidae by P. Mabille. SKINNER, H., A Synonymic Catalogue of the North American Rhopalocera, Philadelphia, 1898, and supplement to end of 1904. The Larger Boreal American Hesperiidae, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXVII, 169-209, pl. x, Philadelphia, 1911. Studies in the Genus Thanaos, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XL, 195-221, Philadelphia, 1914. SPULER, Die Schmetterlinge Europas, four vol., Stuttgart, 1908-10. STAUDINGER, O., Exotische Tagfalter, etc., Furth, 1888. STRECKER, H., Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera and Heterocera, Indigenous and Exotic, Reading, Pa., 1872-78. TUTT, J. W., British Butterflies, I, 1905-6. WATSON, E. Y., A Proposed Classification of the Hesperiidae, with a Re- vision of the Genera, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1893, pp. 3-132, pl. I-III. WRIGHT, W. G., Butterflies of the West Coast, San Francisco, 1905. PART II American Entomologist and Botanist, New York, 1880. Annales de la Societe entomologique belge, Brussels, I, 1857. Annales de la Societe entomologique de France, first series, I, 1832 (now running without series number). Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London, first series, I, 1838. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society, I, 1878-VII, 1885. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Science, 1873. Canadian Entomologist, I, 1869. Cistula Entomologica, London, I, 1869-III, 1885. Correspondenz-Blatt des zoologisch-mineralogischen Vereins in Regensburg, Ratisbon, I, 1847. Entomologica Americana, Brooklyn, I, 1885-VI, 1890. Entomological News, Philadelphia, I, 1890. Entomologische Zeitung, herausgegeben von dem entomologische Verein zu Stettin, Stettin, I, 1840. The Entomologist, London, I, 1839. Entomologists' Monthly Magazine, London, 1864. Field and Forest, Washington, D.C., I, 1875-III, 1877-78. Illiger, Magazin für Insectenkunde, Brunswick, I, 1801-VI, 1807. Jahrbücher des Nassauischen Vereins für Naturkunde, Wiesbaden, 1844. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, I, 1917. Journal of the New York Entomological Society, New York, I, 1893. Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History, Boston, 1866. Papilio, New York, I, 1881-IV, 1884. 114 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1841. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, I, 1864. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia, I, 1861-VI, 1867. Proceedings of the Essex Institute, Salem, 1848-1870. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Washington, D.C., I, 1878. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, London, 1832. Psyche, Cambridge, I, 1874. Report of the Entomological Society of Ontario, Toronto, 1871. Report of the Peabody Academy of Sciences, Salem, I, 1868-VI, 1873. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, Philadelphia, 1867. Transactions of the Chicago Academy of Sciences, Chicago, I, 1867. 1 1 Obtainable from the University Librarian; Price $1.00 OURET a OLAR MAY 1927 FIRST SERIES NO. 45 MARCH 15, 1921 UNIVERSITY OF IOWA STUDIES Botanut 1 54 1o 8 STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY VOLUME IX NUMBER 5 REPORTS ON THE CRINOIDS, OPHIU- RANS, BRACHYURA, TANIDACEA AND ISOPODA,AMPHIPODS, & ECHINOIDEA of the Barbados-Antigua Expedition of 1918 PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, IOWA CITY Issued semi-monthly throughout the year Iowa, as second class matter. Entered at the post office at Iowa City, provided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized on July 3, 1918. Acceptance for mailing at special rates of postage FED YTV UNIVERSITY OF IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY PROFESSOR CHARLES CLEVELAND NUTTING, M. A., Editor CONTINUATION OF BULLETIN FROM THE LABORATORIES OF NATURAL HISTORY OF THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA VOLUME IX NUMBER 5 REPORTS ON THE CRINOIDS, OPHIU- RANS, BRACHYURA, TANIDACEA AND ISOPODA,AMPHIPODS, & ECHINOIDEA of the Barbados-Antigua Expedition of 1918 The Crinoids The Ophiurans The Brachyura The Tanidacea and Isopoda The Amphipods The Echinoidea AUSTIN H. CLARK AUSTIN H. CLARK MARY J. RATHBUN PEARL L. BOONE CLARENCE R. SHOEMAKER HUBERT LYMAN CLARK ! 1 PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, IOWA CITY 4 CONTENTS Crinoids .1-28 29-64 Ophiurans Brachyura Tanidacea and Isopoda. .65–90 .91-98 Amphipods ..99-102 Echinoidea 103-121 REPORT ON THE CRINOIDS Collected by the Barbados-Antigua Expedition from the University of Iowa in 1918 AUSTIN H. CLARK Curator, Division of Echinoderms, U. S. National Museum PREFACE It was most gratifying to me to be honored with a request to prepare an account of the crinoids of the State University of Iowa's Barbados-Antigua Expedition for I have myself visited Barbados four, and Antigua three times in connection with my studies on the terrestrial fauna of the West Indies, and I natur- ally take a keen interest in everything that concerns these islands. Perhaps it may not be out of place here to list the titles of my previous contributions to the zoological literature of the Lesser Antilles. These are the following: 1903, (A reply to Mr. P. Foster Huggins; deals with birds). The Sentry, Kingstown, St. Vincent, vol. 13, issue of Friday, November 20, p. 2. The Birds of St. Vincent. West Indian Bulletin (Barbados), vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 75–95, 1904. Notes on the Insects of Barbados, St. Vincent, the Grenadines and Grenada. Psyche, vol. 11, pp. 114-117, December, 1904. Description of a new Euphonia from the southern West Indies. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, vol. 18, pp. 19–22, February 2, 1905. Preliminary descriptions of three new Birds from St. Vincent, West Indies. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, vol. 18, pp. 61-64, February 21, 1905. The Migrations of certain Shore Birds. The Auk, vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 134-140, April, 1905. An unrecognized Subspecies of Bellona cristatus. The Auk, vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 215–216, April, 1905. Shore Birds eating small Fish. The Auk, vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 208–209, April, 1905. 4 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY The Crab Hawk (Urubitinga) in the Island of St. Lucia. The Auk, vol. 22, No. 2, p. 210, April, 1905. A supposed Specimen of the Yellow Warbler (Dendroica aestira) from Grenada, West Indies. The Auk, vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 212–214, April, 1905. Habits of West Indian Whitebait. American Naturalist, vol. 39, No. 461, pp. 335-337, May, 1905. Extirpated West Indian Birds. The Auk, vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 259– 266, July, 1905. The Lesser Antillean Macaws. The Auk, vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 266– 273, July, 1905. The Genus Conurus in the West Indies. The Auk, vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 310–312, July, 1905. The former status of the Flamingo and the Fish Hawk in the Lesser Antilles. The Auk, vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 318,319, July, 1905. Birds of the southern Lesser Antilles. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 32, No. 7, pp. 203–312, October, 1905. The West Indian Parrots. The Auk, vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 338–344, October, 1905. The Greater Antillean Macaws. The Auk, vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 345– 348, October, 1905. The West Indian black Forms of the Genus Cæreba. The Auk, vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 392–395, October, 1906. The Macaw of Dominica. The Auk, vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 309–311, July, 1908. A list of the Birds of the Island of St. Lucia. West Indian Bulletin (Barbados), vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 182–192, May, 1911. Piccole Note su degli Onychophora. Zool. Anzeiger, vol. 42, No. 6, pp. 253-255, July 18, 1913. Two interesting mammals from the Island of Tobago, West Indies. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. [8], vol. 13, pp. 68–70, January, 1914. The present Distribution of the Onychophora, a Group of terrestrial Invertebrates. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, vol. 65, No. 1, pp. 1-25, January 4, 1915. The present Status and Breeding Season of the Giant Toad (Bufo agua) in Barbados, St. Vincent, Trinidad and Demerara. Copeia, No. 27, February 24, 1916, pp. 13–14. My notes on the mammals of the Lesser Antilles with refer- ences to the specimens obtained are incorporated in the following paper: Mammals of the West Indies, by Glover M. Allen. Bull. Mus. Comp. 1 BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 5 Zoöl., vol. 54, No. 6, pp. 175–263, July, 1911. [On p. 201 under Leporidæ the heading Oryctolagus cuniculus should read Lepus europaeus, and Lepus europaeus in the last line on the page should read Oryctolagus cuniculus.] HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION The island of Barbados has long been well known as a locality for recent crinoids. The first recent stalked crinoid discovered was a specimen of Isocrinus asteria from Martinique described by Guettard under the name of "Palmier marin" in 1761; but in the very next year Ellis described another specimen of the same species from Barbados. A second individual from Bar- bados was described by J. S. Miller in 1821, together with one from Nevis. The second known recent stalked crinoid was also from Marti- nique, and was described by d'Orbigny in 1837 under the name of Holopus rangii. It had only four rays, and was altogether such an extraordinary form that Dujardin and Hupé in 1862 suggested that possibly it was a barnacle rather than a crinoid. In 1871 Mr. (later Sir) Rawson W. Rawson, the Governor of Barbados, sent to Dr. J. E. Gray a drawing of another specimen of this species which was published by the latter under the name of Holopus rawsoni. The actual specimen Gray never saw. During his residence at Barbados Sir Rawson Rawson was so fortunate as to obtain, in addition to several specimens of Holo- pus rangii, examples of Isocrinus decorus and Endococrinus parræ, and of several species of comatulids. In 1858 d'Orbigny described from a recent breccia at Guade- loupe, which also contained a human skeleton, a fragment of a crinoid which he called Bourgueticrinus hotessieri. In 1871 the United States Coast Survey steamer “Hassler" dredged some specimens of a closely related, possibly the same, species off Sandy Bay, Barbados, which were described by Count Pourtalès in 1874 under the name of Rhizocrinus rawsonii. Comatulids were first reported from the West Indies in 1825 by the Reverend Lansdown Guilding of St. Vincent, who men- tioned them incidentally in connection with the description of a new pentacrinite which he called Encrinus milleri. In this paper 6 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY he published the first notice of the curious brachial articulation now known as the syzygy. Sir Rawson Rawson had secured a number of comatulids at Barbados, but the first published record for that island was Pourtalès' description of Antedon (Neocomatella) pulchella and A. (N.) alata, which appeared in 1878. In 1912 Dr. Clemens Hartlaub's memoir on the comatulids collected by the United States Coast Survey steamer “Blake" was published, in which were listed a number of species from twenty stations off Barbados. Isolated records of individual specimens from Barbados appeared in 1912 and 1913. THE OCCURRENCE OF ISOCRINUS ASTERIA AND OF HOLOPUS It is an extraordinary fact that in spite of all the dredging that has been done in the Caribbean Sea and about the West India Islands only four specimens of Isocrinus asteria have been brought up, one at Montserrat by the “Blake," one at Guade- loupe by the “Blake", one off Saba by the “Investigator," and a part of a stem off Havana by the “Albatross,'' and only two of Holopus rangii, one, a fragment, at Montserrat, and one off Cuba, both by the “Blake.” The majority of the known speci- mens of both these species have been taken on fishermen's lines, or by shore parties working from a small boat, or discovered on the beaches. The apparent rarity of these species, in contrast to the other species of Isocrinus, the species of Democrinus and the species of Bythocrinus, is undoubtedly due to the fact that they inhabit shallow water, living amongst the gorgonians and corals, like the similarly rare West Indian astrophytons. This hypothesis is supported by the occasional occurrence of Holopus rangii washed up on the windward beaches of Bar- bados, where it is recorded also that once after a hurricane a large number of individuals of Isocrinus of all ages and sizes were cast ashore, and by the capture by Sir Rawson Rawson of two specimens of Holopus in 5 fathoms of water. Speaking of the habitat of Isocrinus Sir Rawson wrote in a letter to Dr. Gray: “I have only procured one specimen of the BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 7 Pentacrinus caput-medusa (Endoxocrinus parræ), and it was the first; I am therefore more uncertain about the place where it was procured than I am about the habitat of the Pentacrinus mülleri (Isocrinus decorus). But I believe that they are all pro- cured on the same bank, which, instead of five or six miles from the shore, as I was first informed, cannot be more than a mile, within the hundred-fathom line." From this it is apparent that Endoxocrinus parrce and Iso- crinus decorus occur in relatively shallow water at Barbados as elsewhere in the West Indies. , THE RESULTS OF THE BARBADOS-ANTIGUA EXPEDITION While a considerable number of species have been described from the Caribbean region our knowledge of the crinoids of that area is still in its infancy, and any information of any kind regarding them is therefore of interest and value. To illustrate the paucity of the data regarding the crinoids from the very shallow water in the western Atlantic I may men- tion that, except for Tropiometra picta which is locally abundant from Tobago, Trinidad, and Venezuela to southern Brazil, there are only six records, one from Bahamas (Nemaster iowensis), one from the Tortugas, Florida (Nemaster iowensis, discovered by the University of Iowa's Bahamas Expedition), one from St. Thomas (Antedon dübenii), one from Dominica (Nemaster iowensis), and two from Brazil (Antedon dübeniï and Nemaster sp.). We probably already know a majority of the species inhabiting the Caribbean region; but these have been described from speci- mens long preserved and without notes regarding the details of their occurrence, color, or other points of interest, while in order to understand any animal we must have far more information than that included in a mere description of its differential struc- tural characters and one or two records of its occurrence. Considering the relative rarity of littoral and sublittoral cri- noids in the Caribbean region and the difficulties attending their capture owing to the roughness of the bottom frequented by them the collection by the Expedition of representatives of this group 8 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY at no less than twenty-five out of one hundred and one stations constitutes quite a remarkable record. The species represented are the following: Nemaster iowensis Comactinia meridionalis Nemaster discoidea Analcidometra armata Leptonemaster venustus Coccometra hagenii Democrinus rawsoniż Of these seven species one, Analcidometra armata, is new to the fauna of Barbados, having previously been known only from near the Tortugas, Florida, and from off Colon. The record of Nemaster discoidea from Antigua is the first record of any cri- noid from that island. Professor Nutting's notes on the occurrence and color of the comatulids at Barbados are very interesting and instructive. He says that “as a whole they seemed much more brilliant than the forms encountered on the 'Pentacrinus ground' off Havana and on the Pourtalès plateau by the Bahama expedition. Few marine animals are harder to secure intact than these, as the very fragile arms are almost sure to be broken in dredging, either with the dredge or tangles. We secured a number of per- fect specimens by taking them from the crannies in large coral rocks brought up from time to time in the dredge. Here they had been protected and could be taken out without injury; but their colors, alas, soon vanished in preservatives. This habit of living in rocks was quite the usual thing off Bar- bados. We often found these crinoids far in the interior of masses of old coral rock brought up in the dredge, and we were careful to break such rock very thoroughly, as fine comatulæ were often found within a cavity in the very heart of such masses. “It is hard to imagine the use of these brilliant colors in a habitat such as this. Of course the rocks themselves were often brilliantly colored by the assemblage of corallines, sponges and gorgonians with which they were overgrown. The predominating colors of these were red and yellow, which also characterized the comatulids as well. I find the following colorations of free crinoids mentioned in my notes: "yellow and white; yellow and red; purple and white; black arms, with yellowish pinnules; . BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 9 rich deep vermillion, with bright yellow pinnules; lemon yellow, with black upper surface to the arms; grayish in color; violet in tinge; a crimson crinoid arm; black, with greenish yellow arms; magenta, with dark yellowish arms; one specimen very dark gray, almost black, with whitish cirri.'” The Crinoid Fauna of Barbados Crinoids have been dredged by the steamers of the United States Coast Survey at the following stations at Barbados: “Hassler" Station, December 30, 1871, off Sandy Bay, 100 fathoms Neocomatella pulchella Comactinia echinoptera Neocomatella alata Democrinus rawsonii : “Blake" Station 272, off Barbados, 76 fathoms Comactinia meridionalis Crinometra coronata “Blake" Station 273, off Barbados, 103 fathoms Neocomatella pulchella Democrinus rawsonii “Blake” Station 274, off Barbados, 209 fathoms Bythocrinus robustus "Blake" Station 277, off Barbados, 106 fathoms Neocomatella pulchella Comactinia echinoptera Neocomatella alata Comactinia meridionalis Democrinus rawsonii “Blake" Station 278, off Barbados, 69 fathoms Comactinia meridionalis “Blake" Station 280, off Barbados, 221 fathoms Endococrinus parre “Blake" Station 281, off Barbados, 200 fathoms Isocrinus blakei “Blake" Station 283, off Barbados, 237 fathoms Endoxocrinus parræ “Blake" Station 285, off Barbados, 13-40 fathoms Nemaster rubiginosa 10 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY "Blake" Station 286, off Barbados, 7–45 fathoms Comactinia meridionalis 6 “Blake" Station 287, off Barbados, 71/2–50 fathoms Neocomatella pulchella “Blake" Station 290, off Barbados, 73 fathoms Neocomatella pulchella Stylometra spinifera Democrinus rawsonii “Blake" Station 291, off Barbados, 200 fathoms Isocrinus blakei Endo.cocrinus parree “Blake” Station 292, off Barbados, 56 fathoms Stylometra spinifera “Blake" Station 294, off Barbados, 137 fathoms Neocomatella pulchella Neocomatella alata “Blake” Station 295, off Barbados, 180 fathoms Isocrinus blakei Endoxocrinus parrce “Blake" Station 296, off Barbados, 84 fathoms Neocomatella pulchella Endoxocrinus parræ Isocrinus decorus Democrinus rawsonii “Blake” Station 297, off Barbados, 123 fathoms Comactinia meridionalis Stylometra spinifera Democrinus rawsonii “Blake'' Station 298, off Barbados, 120 fathoms Neocomatella pulchella Leptonemaster venustus Neocomatella alata Stylometra spinifera Isocrinus decorus “Blake" Station 299, off Barbados, 140 fathoms Neocomatella pulchella Stylometra spinifera According to P. H. Carpenter Sir Rawson Rawson obtained at Barbados the following crinoids : Exocyclic comatulids Isocrinus decorus Endocyclic comatulids Endococrinus parre Holopus rangi BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 11 There are in the British Museum the following crinoids from Barbados : Comactinia echinoptera Endoxocrinus parre Stylometra spinifera Holopus rangir The Kiel Museum contains two crinoids from Barbados, col- lected in 1873: Nemaster discoidea Comactinia meridionalis In the Hamburg Museum there is the following crinoid from Barbados : Isocrinus decorus Thus the known crinoid fauna of Barbados in 1913 included the following seventeen species : Neocomatella pulchella Crinometra coronata Neocomatella alata Coccometra hagenii Nemaster rubiginosa Isocrinus asteria Nemaster discoidea Isocrinus decorus Leptonemaster venustus Isocrinus blakei Comactinia echinoptera Endo.cocrinus parre Comactinia meridionalis Holopus rangi Stylometra spinifera Democrinus rawsoni Bythocrinus robustus It is interesting that specimens of the following, practically half of the total number, had been brought up on fishermen's lines or captured in other ways without the assistance of elab- orate dredging gear: Nemaster discoidea Isocrinus asteria Comactinia echinoptera Isocrinus decorus Comactinia meridionalis Endorocrinus parree Stylometra spinifera Holopus rangii Indeed, Isocrinus asteria and Holopus rangii have both been found washed up on the beaches. The West Indian Crinoid Fauna There are known from recent seas 576 described species of crinoids, representing 142 genera which are distributed among 28 families and subfamilies; of these, 76 species, included in 22 12 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY genera and 6 families, are stalked, while 500 species, included in 120 genera and 22 families and subfamilies, are of the unstalked comatulid type. In the West Indian region there occur 51 species (exclusive of two inadequately described) distributed among 30 genera and 16 families and subfamilies; of these 12 species belonging to 8 genera and three families are stalked, and 39 species belonging to 22 genera and 12 families and subfamilies are comatulids. It will be remembered that Dr. P. H. Carpenter in 1881, after a cursory examination of the “Blake" comatulids estimated the number of West Indian species as slightly less than 55. The families and subfamilies represented in the West Indian region are Capillasterinæ Perometrina Comactiniinæ Zenometrinæ Colobometridae Bathymetrinæ Tropiometridæ Pentametrocrinidæ Thalassometridæ Atelecrinidæ Charitometridae Pentacrinidæ Antedoninæ Holopodidæ Thysanometrinæ Bourgueticrinidæ Of the genera the following 16 are confined to the West Indian region, though all of these, excepting Holopus, are closely related to Indo-Pacific genera NEMASTER HORAEOMETRA LEPTONEMASTER CRINOMETRA COMATONIA HYBOMETRA COMATILIA CoCCOMETRA MICROCOMATULA ZENOMETRA COMACTINIA HYPALOMETRA ANALCIDOMETRA HOLOPUS STYLOMETRA ISOCRINUS The following 3 genera occur also in the eastern Atlantic, but not in the Indo-Pacific region NEOCOMATELLA ANTEDON RHIZOCRINUS BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 13 The following 11 genera occur in the Indo-Pacific region as well as in the West Indies TROPIOMETRA ATELECRINUS CROTALOMETRA ENDOXOCRINUS ADELOMETRA BATHYCRINUS TRICHOMETRA MONACHOCRINUS PENTAMETROCRINUS DEMOCRINUS BYTHOCRINUS This shows graphically the isolation of the crinoid fauna of the Caribbean area. The Geological Significance of the West Indian Crinoid Fauna Of the six fossil groups which are represented by recent spe- cies, the Zygometridæ, Pentacrinidæ, Holopodidæ, Apiocrinidæ, Bourgueticrinidæ and Plicatocrinidæ, three, the Pentacrinidæ, Holopodidæ and Bourgueticrinidæ, occur in the West Indian region, and the Plicatocrinidæ, inhabiting the abysses and known from off west Africa, probably will eventually be found there. The genera occurring in the West Indies which include both recent and fossil species are the following Family Pentacrinidae Isocrinus Range of the recent species.-West Indies. Horizons.—Trias and Jurassic; Europe and North America. Family Holopodidæ Holopus Range of the recent species.-West Indies. Horizon.—Tertiary; Italy. Family Bourgueticrinidæ Rhizocrinus Range of the recent species.-West Indies to Massachusetts, and northwestern Europe. Horizons.-Cretaceous, New Jersey; Eocene, Europe. Democrinus Range of the recent species.-Tropical Atlantic and East Indies. Horizon.-Recent; Guadeloupe. As in all the rest of the world there are only two genera, 14 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY CATOPTOMETRA and EUDIOCRINUS, both belonging to the Zygo- metridæ and both ranging from the Malayan region to southern Japan, which are definitely known to include both recent and fossil species, it would seem that the Caribbean region has a closer affinity with the past faunas than has any other area. The relative antiquity of the West Indian crinoid fauna seems to be attested by the following facts: Of the 8 genera of stalked crinoids represented 4, or one-half, occur also as fossils; in the Indo-Pacific region out of 19 stalked genera only 1 occurs as a fossil.* Of the 30 genera of comatulids 23, or 77%, include only five or ten armed species. The COMASTERINAE, HIMEROMETRIDAE, STEPHANOMETRIDAE and MARIAMETRIDAE, including only multi- brachiate species, are not represented; the ZYGOMETRIDAE, many species of which are conspicuous for the great number of arms, is also unrepresented. Of these 30 comatulid genera 23, or 77%, are monotypic, or are represented by a single species. KEY TO THE GENERA OF CRINOIDS REPRESENTED IN THE CARIBBEAN SEA AND ADJACENT WATERS ci ai No stem; the center of the dorsal side of the animal is occupied by a single more or less thick plate or knob bearing jointed appendages by means of which the animal attaches itself. bi five very long and slender arms Pentametrocrinus b2 ten or more arms one or more of the proximal pinnules bears in its terminal por. tion a comb-like structure formed by the production of the distal outer side of each of the segments in the form of a long thin triangular process di more than ten arms el all of the division series are composed of two ossicles; the lowest pinnule is on the second brachial following the last axillary Neocomatella e first division series of two ossicles, the second of four of *Cf. The Ontogeny of a Genus, American Naturalist, vol. 45, No. 534, June, 1911, pp. 372-374; The Comparative Age of the Recent Crinoid Faunas, American Journal of Science (4), vol. 32 (whole No. 182), No. 188, August, 1911, pp. 127-132; Das relative Alter der rezenten Seelilienfaunen, Naturwiss. Rundschau, JG. 27, No. 15, April 11, 1912, pp. 191-192; On the Deep Sea and Comparable Faunas, Intern. Revue der ges. Hydrobiol. und Hydrogr., vol. 6, 1913, Heft 1, pp. 17-30, Heft 2/3, pp. 133-146. BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 15 which the two outer are united by syzygy, the following of three of which the two outer are united by syzygy; sometimes the division series are very irregular; the first pinnule following the outermost axillaries is on the first brachial Nemaster d2 ten arms el cirri short and stout with the dorsal profile smooth, there being no processes on the distal ends of the segments; the segments of the middle pinnules are short and broad, with the distal corners more or less produced Comactinia e2 cirri longer and more slender, the outer segments bearing more or less prominent processes on the dorsal side of the distal ends fi the three pairs of pinnules following the first pair on each arm are absent Comatilia f2 all of the pinnules are present gi first and second segments of the proximal pin- nules with a very high and prominent carinate process of which the outer edge, at least on the second segment, is parallel with the longitudinal axis of the pinnule Leptonemaster g2 there are no carinate processes on the basal seg- ments of the proximal pinnules hi cirri slender, but not excessively 80; terminal comb arising at about, or even within, the proximal third of the pinnules of the first pair, composed of exceptionally large rounded teeth which usually much exceed in height the lateral diameter of the segments which bear them, and frequently absent; 4th-7th brachials with prominent spinous median knobs or keels; usually one or more of the earlier segments of P, is twice as long as broad, or even longer; size moderate Comatonia h2 cirri excessively slender and threadlike, the enormously elongated segments with greatly gwollen articulations; the penultimate seg. ment, which is much shorter than those pre- ceding, is twice as long as broad; terminal 16 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY comb confined to the tip of the proximal pinnules, and of the usual type; no carina- tion of the earlier brachials; none of the segments of P, elongated Microcomatula c2 no comb-like structures on the proximal pinnules di there are no deposits in the ventral perisome of the pinnules visible to the naked eye el each cirrus socket is bordered proximally and laterally by a prominent raised rim; a narrow circlet of basals sep- arates the centrodorsal from the radials; centrodorsal conical, the cirrus sockets arranged in ten equidistant columns; first syzygial pair and following brachials very obliquely wedge-shaped or triangular Atelecrinus e2 no raised rim about the proximal and lateral portions of the cirrus sockets; no basals; first syzygial pair oblong; following brachials oblong or slightly wedge-shaped, later becoming triangular, or at least more obliquely wedge-shaped fi centrodorsal elongate, conical or columpar, with the eirrus sockets arranged in 10 definite columns gi the ten columns of cirrus sockets are closely crowded on a conical centrodorsal; size small; color yellow Adelometra g2 the ten columns of cirrus sockets are segregated in five radial pairs separated by high inter- radial ridges; centrodorsal columnar; size me- dium or large; color red or purple Zenometra f2 cirrus sockets closely crowded, and without definite arrangement gi proximal pinnules absent; lowest pinnule on the fifth brachial Hypalometra g2 proximal pinnules present; the second and fol- lowing brachials bear pinnules hi first pinnule extraordinarily flexible, com- posed of more than 30 segments which are about as long as broad with their corners cut away, appearing like a string of minute beads; second and following pinnules of the BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 17 same length, but composed of about half as many much longer segments, and much less flexible Cocco etra are h2 most or all of the segments of the first pin- nule longer than broad ji proximal pinnules all of the same char- acter; first pinnule shorter than the sec- ond, which is shorter than the third ji each brachial has the midline of the dorsal surface raised into a high prominent keel; the division series and first two brachials very broad, in close lateral contact with their neighbors, and only slightly convex dorsally; the genital pinnules are very long, the longest pinnules on the arm; the centrodorsal is very large, columnar or broad truncated conical; the cirri are short and stout, without dorsal processes; the general habitus is stout Tropiometra j2 the dorsal surface of the brachials is unmodified, but their distal edges are produced in a frill of long spines; the division series and lower brachials are narrow and well rounded dorsal. ly; the genital pinnules are shorter than the proximal or distal pinnules, which are of the same length; all the pinnules are very slender and stiff, especially the lower, which are thorn. like, the component segments with numerous long spines on their distal ends Hybometra iz first pinnule markedly longer than the second and following ji first pinnule very stout, and so large at the base as to give the second brachial the appearance of an axil. lary; edges of the elements of the division series armed with coarse 2 18 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY short spines; cirri short and stout, with short subequal segments most of which bear high dorsal spines, the more proximal with a transversely elongate chisel-like edge Analcidometra j2 first pinnule much elongated, but not especially stout; no true dorsal spines on the cirrus segments ki centrodorsal rounded conical, al- most entirely covered with from 40 to 60 cirrus sockets; cirri long, rather slender, composed of from 25 to 30 segments; proximal brachials with the distal edge ab- ruptly everted and conspicuously spinous; first pinnule more slen- der than those following; division series and lower brachials in close lateral apposition and flattened against their neighbors Trichometra k2 centrodorsal very low, flattened hemispherical, with less than 35 cirrus sockets; cirri short, rather stout, with not more than 15 seg. ments; no eversion of the distal borders of the earlier brachials; first pinnule stouter than those succeeding; division series and bases and widely separated; a cluster of perisomic interradial plates in each inter- radial angle arm Antedon narrow d2 the ambulacral grooves on the pinnules and arms are bor- dered by two rows of minute plates easily seen in dried specimens of which those of the inner row can be closed down over them el cirri short and stout, strongly curved, with not more than 20 segments none of which bear dorsal spines; centrodorsal very broad, more or less columnar or broad truncated conical, the cirrus sockets closely crowded and irregularly arranged; first two pinnules similar, slender, BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 19 composed of numerous short segments; 20-30 arms; proximal portion of animal usually highly ornamented with spines or tubercles, though sometimes plain Crinometra e2 cirri long, with more than 30 segments of which the out- er bear prominent dorsal spines; centrodorsal rather small, more or less conical, the cirrus sockets arranged in ten columns; first pinnule longer and stouter than the following fi the segments in the basal half of the genital pin- nules are much broadened, forming a roof over the gonads; 10 arms Horaeometra f2 the segments of the genital pinnules are not ex- panded; usually between 20 and 30 arms gi very spinous; the edges of the elements of the division series and lower brachials are armed with long spines, and each of the middle and outer brachials bears a single long curved later- ally compressed spine which overlaps the base of the brachial succeeding; division series and arm bases narrow, strong convex dorsally and more or less separated Stylometra g2 smooth; the edges of the elements of the divi- sion series and brachials are unmodified; divi- sion series and arm bases broad and in close lateral apposition Crotalometra 22 A stem is present bi the short thick stem or stalk consists of a single unjointed element by which the animal is solidly attached to corals or other hard ob- jects; the arms are very short and stout, six of them being consid- erably larger than the other four Holopus b2 the stem is long and many jointed; its distal end is never attached bearing five articulated processes or cirri; the stem ends ab- ruptly, exposing the distal face of one of the columnals, which is usually more or less worn; size large di all of the division series are of vo elements Endoxocrinus d2 the first division series is of two elements, the following always of more than two, the number increasing distally Isocrinus 20 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY c2 there are no modified columnals, and no cirri; at the end of the stem there is a cluster of roots, or radicular cirri, which may extend upward over a number of columnals di the third, sixth and ninth brachials (the fifth, eighth and eleventh ossicles beyond the radials) have a muscular articu. lation at either end; the basals are fused into a solid ring which is broader than long, cylindrical or truncated conical Bathycrinus de all the ossicles following the radials are united in pairs by non-muscular articulations; that is, muscular and non-mus- cular articulations regularly alternate throughout the arm; the basals are separated, or fused into a solid ring which is truncated conical, longer than broad el ten arms (twelve arms in six-rayed species) Monachocrinus e2 five arms fi no sutures visible between the basals, which are fused into a solid conical ossicle; four to seven rays Rhizocrinus f2 basals always separated by distinct sutures; always five rays gi stem relatively slender, the longest columnals at least twice as long as broad; calyx more or less conical Bythocrinus g2 stem stout, the longest columnals rarely so much as twice as long as broad, usually only slightly longer than broad; calyx almost or quite cylin. drical Democrinus THE PLANT-LIKE INTERRELATIONSHIPS OF THE CARIBBEAN CRINOIDS Some years ago I stated that the study of the fixed and seden- tary marine animals was often rendered exceptionally difficult through the more or less complete assumption of that type of variation which we find among the plants. Individuals of many species of plants vary very widely according to the dampness or dryness, richness or barrenness, and brightness or darkness of the locality inhabited, while in other types which will grow only within a relatively small range of conditions the variation is slight. BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 21 The same thing is true in the fixed and sedentary marine ani- mals, and is well illustrated by the Caribbean crinoids. The thermal and actinic range of the stalked species is small, as they are for the most part inhabitants of deep water where conditions are practically uniform; their range of variation is therefore slight and there is little difficulty in delimiting their species. But many, if not most, of the unstalked species in the Carib- bean Sea have an unusually great bathymetrical range, their representatives in the littoral and sublittoral zones living under a great variety of conditions varying in temperature and illumi- nation, and therefore also in the quality and quantity of the food. From this circumstance it comes about that each of the more abundant types occurs in a number of more or less distinct varieties which, intergrading in every conceivable way, are quite plant-like in their interrelationships, and which appear to be proportionate in number to the thermal and actinic range of the species. Thus the interrelationships of the forms in the genus COMAC- TINIA—Hartlaub recognizes fifteen varieties of Comactinia echin- optera—and in the genus CRINOMETRA, with fifteen nominal spe- cies, recall the interrelationships of the more difficult sections of such plant genera as CRATÆGUS, RUBUS or Rosa, and those of the forms in the genus NEM ASTER the interrelationships of our local species of CIRCÆA. The comatulids differ from all the other fixed and sedentary animals in being reduced to practically nothing but a food col- . lecting apparatus, the organs not concerned, as are the arms and pinnules, in the collection of food being reduced to an absolute minimum. In the plants the species of Rafflesiaceæ are for the most part reduced to a flower only, without leaves, stem or true root, and it is interesting to note that the range in size of the species of Rafflesiaceæ and of the comatulids is the same, from less than an inch in diameter to about three feet (Rafflesia arnoldi and Heliometra maxima). In the crinoids the excretion of waste products is for the most part effected by the formation of small globules (sacculi) chiefly along the ambulacral grooves which are superficially quite similar to the "glands" dotting the leaves in the Hypericaceæ and 22 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY other plants. As a rule in the crinoids, as in many, if not most, other sedentary and fixed types, the pigment is more or less dis- tributed throughout the entire animal (it may even be chiefly or entirely internal in some of the Polyzoa) as in most of the plants used for dyeing purposes, and is not chiefly or exclusively super- ficial as in most active animals. When it is recalled that the variations in the symmetry of flowers are duplicated with great exactness in the zoöids of the fixed animal types and in the crinoids, the odorous features of the Menthaceæ, most Solana- ceæ, etc., are equally characteristic of sponges, the acrid juice of the Brassicaceæ is duplicated in most cælenterates (small mille- pores are called “sea ginger" in Barbados), the pleasant odor of many plants is equally a feature of Flustra and other marine animals, etc., etc., the comparison between the fixed and seden- tary animals and the plants is seen to be quite justified. ANNOTATED LIST OF THE SPECIES OBTAINED Family Comasteridae Subfamily Capillasterinæ Nemaster iowensis (Springer) Actinometra iowensis 1902. SPRINGER, American Geologist, vol. 30, p. 98 (Florida reefs, 3 feet).-1903. SPRINGER, Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 217-221, plate 1. Nemaster iowensis 1909. A. H. CLARK, Vid. Medd. fra den natur- hist. Foren. i Köbenhavn, 1909, p. 118. Station 53: Arms only; "arms black, pinnules lemon yellow at tips, shad- ing into black.” Station 97: Arms only. Station 98: Arms only. Station 99: Arms only. Station 100: Arms only. BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 23 > Barbados; Engineers' Pier, in 25 feet of water. One specimen; the centrodorsal is very thin, discoidal, the flat dorsal pole 5 mm. in diameter, slightly sunken in a circular area 2 mm, in diameter in the center, The cirri, which are arranged in a single very irregular mar- ginal row, are XXII, 13-15, 13 mm. or 14 mm. long. The 43 arms are about 90 mm. long. The color in life was "sulphur yellow." Barbados. Arms only; "nearly black." Nemaster discoidea (P. H. Carpenter) Actinometra discoidea 1883. VON GRAFF, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zoöl., vol. 11, No. 7, p. 127 (nomen nudum; myzostomes). - 1884. VON GRAFF, “Challenger” Reports, vol. 10, Zoology, part 27, p. 14 (nomen nudum; myzostomes),-1888. P. H. CARPENTER, “Challenger” Reports, vol. 26, Zoology, pp. 58, 316, 317, 368, 382 (Caribbean Islands, 88–118 fathoms). Actinometra echinoptera var. discoidea 1912. HARTLUB, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zoöl., vol. 27, No. 4, p. 463, pl. 17, figs. 7, 9, 15 (fig. 14, also given as this species, is probably iowensis). Nemaster insolitus 1917. A. H. CLARK, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- ington, vol. 30, p. 65 (“Albatross" Station 2146, Caribbean Sea, 34 fathoms). Station 50: Arms only. Station 51: One magnificent specimen; the centrodorsal is thin, discoidal, the flat dorsal pole 5 mm. in diameter with a shallow central de- pression; the cirri are XXIV, 13, from 12 mm. to 14 mm. long; ; the twenty slender arms are about 150 mm. long; all of the IIBr series are 4(3+4). Station 70: Arm fragments. Station 79: Arms only. Station 85: Part of an arm. 24 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Station 92: Arms only. Barbados. One small specimen with 15 arms 45 mm. long. The color in life was “very dark gray, pinnules and cirri whitish, the former banded with darker." Detached arms, presumably from another station. The color in life was "black, with yellow pinnules." Station 101: One much broken specimen with 19 arms. 9 Leptonemaster venustus A. H. Clark Leptonemaster venustus 1909. A. H. CLARK, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 36, p. 499 (“Grampus” Station 5104). Station 3: One small specimen; this had "a greenish tinge when fresh." Station 7: One small specimen; in life this was "pale yellow." Station 11: Twenty specimens, with arms from 20 mm. to 50 mm. in length; in life these were "yellow." Station 13: One small specimen. Station 18: One specimen. Station 46: One specimen with arms about 65 mm. long. The color in life is described as follows: “Arms barred with cadmium yellow; the base of each arm is of this color up to the main division, and for an eighth of an inch or more distal to this point; beyond this for a quarter of an inch, more or less, the usual white color prevails, then a yellow bar for three-sixteenths of an inch, again a white bar for about the same distance; beyond this the white prevails, the yellow bars being irregularly spaced and one-sixteenth of an inch or less in width; there are from five to seven bars, as a rule, on each arm; the pinnules over each bar tend to be yellowish; the tips of the arms are also yellowish; the cirri are a paler yellow.” BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 25 Station 56: One specimen with arms about 30 mm. long. Station 59: One specimen with arms 50 mm. long. The color in life was "yellow." Station 67: Five specimens with arms up to 65 mm. in length. The color in life was “brownish." Station 78: One small specimen. 6 Subfamily Comactiniinæ Comactinia meridionalis (Agassiz and Agassiz) Alecto meridionalis 1865. AGASSIZ and AGASSIZ, Seaside Studies p. 121, figs. 153, 154 (“A. Agassiz, MS.;" coast of South Caro lina). Comactinia meridionalis 1909. A. H. CLARK, Vid. Med. fra den naturhist. Forening i Köbenhavn, 1909, p. 150. Station 9: Arms only. In life these were either “light yellow,” or “body of arm light yellow, the pinnules deep carmine, tipped with yel- low in most cases.” Station 11: Four specimens, with the arms about 60 mm. long. In life these had the arms “dark carmine, the pinnules orange with red and yellow spots and tipped with yellow;" or the arms were “bright purple, the pinnules more so." Station 14 : One small specimen, with the base of the pinnules strongly purple.” Station 51: One young specimen with the arms 40 mm. long. Station 67: Five specimens with very slender arms up to about 70 mm. in length. In life one was "a rich carmine;" another was "ricb carmine with yellow spots, the pinnules orange yellow.”' Station 78: Two specimens, the larger with the longest arms about 70 mm long. 26 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 66 > Station 85: One specimen with arms about 70 mm. long. Station 96: Four specimens, the largest with the anterior arms 85 mm. and the posterior 47 mm. in length, closely resembling those collected by the “Corwin” off French Reef. In life one was “dark yellow;' the others had the “arms dark rose pink, the cirri pale yellow, the pinnules pale yellow, banded with burnt sienna." Barbados. One specimen, which had the “arms deep mauve, and the pinnules very pale straw yellow banded with grayish purple." Family Colobometridæ Analcidometra armata (Pourtalès) Antedon armata 1869. POURTALES, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zoöl., vol. . 1, No. 11, p. 356 (west of the Tortugas, in 35 fathoms). Oligometra caribbea 1908. A. H. CLARK, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 34, p. 238 (off Colon, in 34 fathoms). Station 11 : One very small specimen with arms 15 mm. long. Family Antedonidæ Subfamily Thysanometrinæ Coccometra hagenü (Pourtalès) Comatula (Alecto) hagenii 1868. POURTALES, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zoöl., vol. 1, No. 6, p. 111 (of Sand Key, Florida, in 100 fathoms). Coccometra hagenii 1908. A. H. CLARK, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- ington, vol. 21, p. 129. Station 15 : Four small and young specimens; the segments of Ps are much longer than usual, probably owing to their small size. Family Bourgueticrinidæ Democrinus rawsonii (Pourtalès) Rhizocrinus rawsonii 1874. POURTALES, Ill. Cat. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 4, No. 8, p. 27. BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 27 Station 7: One extraordinarily well preserved specimen, agreeing in all details with Pourtalès' types, which were also from Barbados. The total length is 178.7 mm.; the arms are 19 mm. long, the calyx (including the radials) 4.7 mm. long, and the stem, which is composed of 58 columnals plus a portion of the root, is 155 mm. long. LIST OF THE STATIONS, WITH THE SPECIES REPRESENTED AT EACH Station 3: Leptonemaster venustus Station 7: Leptonemaster venustus Democrinus rawsonii Station 9: Comactinia meridionalis (arms) Station 11: Leptonemaster venustus Comactinia meridionalis Analcidometra armata Station 13: Leptonemaster venustus Station 14: Comactinia meridionalis Station 15: Coccometra hagenii Station 18: Leptonemaster venustus Station 46: Leptonemaster venustus Station 50: Nemaster discoidea (arms) Station 51: Nemaster discoidea Comactinia meridionalis Station 53: Nemaster iowensis (arms) Station 56: Leptonemaster venustus Station 59: Leptonemaster venustus Station 67: Leptonemaster venustus Comactinia meridionalis Station 78: Leptonemaster venustus Comactinia meridionalis Station 79: Nemaster discoidea (arms) Station 85: Comactinia meridionalis Station 92: Nemaster discoidea (arms) Station 96: Comactinia meridionalis Station 97: Nemaster iowensis (arms) Station 98: Nemaster iowensis (arms) 28 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Station 99: Nemaster iowensis (arms) Barbados; Engineers' Pier, 25 feet: Nemaster iowensis Barbados : Nemaster iowensis (arms) Nemaster discoidea Comactinia meridionalis Station 101: Nemaster discoidea REPORT ON THE OPHIURANS Collected by the Barbados-Antigua Expedition from the University of Iowa in 1918 AUSTIN H. CLARK Curator, Division of Echinoderms, U. S. National Museum PREFACE By a fortunate combination of circumstances it happened that just before and during the early dredging operations of the U. S. Coast Survey between 1867 and 1879 (by the steamers “Cors win,” “Hassler” and “Blake”), which were the first intensive deep sea investigations ever undertaken, interest in the ophiurans had reached a pitch of intensity quite comparable to that of the revival of the past ten years centering in the Indo-Pacific and Antarctic, and new material was studied and described as rap- idly as it was obtained. The two authors of those days chiefly interested in the West Indian ophiurans were Theodore Lyman of Harvard, who studied the ophiurans collected by the ships of the Coast Survey, and later those of the "Challenger," and Christian F. Lütken of Copenhagen to whom were sent a large number of specimens from the Danish West Indies, mostly from St. Thomas, collected by A. H. Riise. As many of Riise's speci- mens were later also sent to Lyman, the latter was enabled to study authentic examples of many of Lütken's species from the original locality. The completeness of the early collections and the thoroughness and accuracy with which the early authors worked are attested by Professor Kohler's report upon the ophiurans secured by the “Albatross” in the West Indies (1914) and by Dr. Hubert Lyman Clark's memoir on the ophiurans of Porto Rico (1902) and catalogue of known ophiurans (1915) in which a negligible number of new Caribbean types are described, and almost none of the earlier species placed in synonymy. *Published with the permission of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. 29 30 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Within the last few years the study of the ophiurans has taken on a renewed impetus, and a number of large and important memoirs have appeared. A rather unusual feature of this activ. ity has been that all of the authors concerned have worked in perfect harmony and without a trace of other than the most friendly coöperation, with the result that, instead of a mass of new and conflicting ideas and testily debated new genera and species we have before us today an entirely new classification of these animals in its perfected form only two years old yet accepted by all the authorities on the subject, and an increase of something like 300% in the number of known species, over 400 having been described by a single author, very few of which it has been found necessary to place in the synonymy of older forms. To the energy and activity of Professor René Kohler of Lyons we are indebted for the greatest increase in the number of known types, and to Professor Hikoshichiro Matsumoto of Sendai for our new classification; to Dr. Hubert Lyman Clark of Harvard we are indebted not only for an important increase in the num- ber of known genera and species, second only to that which we owe to Professor Kohler, but also for a magnificent memoir in which all of the recently described new species are included, assembled under Matsumoto’s revised classification. The classification here adopted follows that employed in Dr. Clark's memoir except that, with Professors Kæhler and Verrill, I recognize the family Ophiomycetidæ, the genera of which are placed by Matsumoto and by H. L. Clark in the Ophiacanthidæ. The memoirs which should be consulted in connection with the present paper are the following: REPORT ON THE OPHIUROIDEA COLLECTED BY THE BAHAMA EXPE- DITION IN 1893. Addison E. Verrill. Bulletin from the Lab- oratories of the State University of Iowa, vol. 5, No. 1 (Bul. letin of the University of Iowa, N. S., vol. 1, No. 6), September, 1899, pp. 1-86, plates 1-8. > A CONTRIBUTION TO THE STUDY OF OPHIURANS OF THE U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM. René Kæhler. Bulletin 84, U. S. Nation- al Museum, 1914, pp. i-vii, 1-173, plates 1-18. BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 31 9 A New CLASSIFICATION OF THE OPHIUROIDEA. Hikoshichiro Matsumoto. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, 1915 (April 12, 1915), pp. 43–92. CATALOGUE OF RECENT OPHIURANS : based upon the collection of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Hubert Lyman Clark. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, vol. 25, No. 4, December, 1915, pp. 165–376, plates 1-20. A MONOGRAPH OF JAPANESE OPHIUROIDEA, arranged according to a new Classification. Hikoshichiro Matsumoto. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, vol. 38, Art. 2, March 31, 1917, pp. 1-408, plates 1-7. OPHIURES (collected by Kükenthal and Hartmeyer in the West Indies, a number at Barbados). René Kæhler. Zoölogischer Jahrbuch, Supplement 11, Heft 3, 1913, pp. 351-380, plates > 20, 21. THE CARIBBEAN ECHINODERM FAUNA On the basis of the available data it is difficult to make any statements of value regarding the subdivisions of the echinoderm fauna of the American side of the tropical Atlantic. There is a certain homogeneity about it which suggests that it should be regarded as a single faunal unit locally modified, as a result of diverse ecological conditions, by the partial or complete elimina- tion of certain types which results in local changes in the faunal balance; that is to say, the faunal characteristics of any given region are more closely dependent upon the size and character of the adjacent land mass (features determining the amount and kind of food) than they are upon fundamental faunal consid- erations. The Brazilian section of this fauna includes several character- istic types not known elsewhere in the region. Perhaps the most striking of these is Paracentrotus gaimardi, which also occurs in west Africa. This species appears to be rare and local and it is not by any means certain that it does not occur in the next section. The fauna of the continental shores of the Caribbean region, with Trinidad and Tobago, seems, so far as we can tell, to be 32 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY essentially similar to the Brazilian, minus certain types and plus a few others. The most conspicuous of the latter is the littoral Thyraster serpentarius, but this is known only from Vera Cruz and from off Tampa Bay, Florida (Cat. No. 36995 U. S. National Museum). The third division, which appears to be merely the preceding minus a number of its characteristic types and plus a few which possibly are not in reality confined to it, includes the Antillean Islands north of Tobago and the Atlantic coast of North America to Carolina, some of the species even reaching Cape Cod. This division is richest in species in the Greater Antilles and southern Florida, and poorest in the southern Lesser Antilles, especially on the oceanic island of Barbados. THE OPHIURANS COLLECTED BY THE EXPEDITION The expedition brought back representatives of forty-three spe- cies of ophiurans; of these 26 were found at Barbados only, 14 were found both at Barbados and at Antigua, and 3 were found only at Antigua. Of the 40 species collected at Barbados the following 11 were there found for the first time: Ophiomyxa flaccida Amphiodia planispina Astrophytum muricatum Ophiactis savignyi Ophioplus tuberculosus Ophiothrix lineata Amphiura diducta Ophiothrix pallida Amphipholis limbata Ophiomusium sculptum Ophiolepis elegans The 17 species collected at Antigua constitute new records ; they were: Ophiomyxa flaccida Ophiocoma riisei Ophiactis mülleri Ophioderma appressa Ophiothrix angulata Ophioderma brevicauda Ophiothrix öerstedii Ophioderma cinerea Ophiothrix suensonii Ophioderma rubicunda Ophionereis reticulata Ophiura acervata Ophiocoma echinata Ophiomusium validum Ophiocoma pumila Ophiolepis elegans Ophiolepis paucispina BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 33 THE WEST INDIAN OPHIURAN FAUNA There are known from the recent seas 1420 described species of ophiurans representing 192 genera which are distributed among 13 families. In the West Indian region there occur 255 species represent- ing 88 genera and all the known families. Whereas in the case of the crinoids all the species occurring in the Caribbean region are confined to that area, a considerable number of the ophiurans occur more or less generally through- out the Atlantic basin, or are represented by closely related types in the east Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea, and some are almost universally distributed. As examples of wide ranging forms the following may be mentioned. Amphipholis squamata, which is found from Norway to the Cape of Good Hope, on both sides of the Atlantic, and from Australia and New Zealand to Juan Fernandez, California and Hawaii. Amphiura otteri, occurring on both coasts of the north Atlan- tic and in Lower California. Ophiactis savignyi, occurring in shallow water in all warm seas. Ophiacantha vepratica, found in the West Indies and in Fiji. Ophiomusium lymani, occurring everywhere in water of mod- erate depth and temperature. Ophiomusium planum, found on both coasts of the middle At- lantic and in the Indian Ocean. Amphiophiura sculptilis, found in the West Indies, the Indian Ocean, the East Indies and Japan. Asteronyx loveni, found in all northern seas and southward to the West Indies, Lower California and Japan. The following 21 genera are known from the Caribbean region only; those marked with an asterisk (*) are monotypic. *OPHIOBRACHION OPHIOSCIASMA *OPHIOPHRIXUS *OPHIOHOLCUS *OPHIOPLUS *HEMIEURYALE 3 34 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY > *ASTROCNIDA OPHIOMITRA *ASTROPHYTUM *OPHIACANTHELLA * ASTROGORDIUS *MICROPHIURA *ASTROCYCLUS *OPHIOBLENNA *ASTROCYNODUS *OPHIONEMA [ TOPHIOCHONDRUS) *OPHIOTHYREUS *OPHIOCHONDRELLA *AMPHIPHOLIZONA *OPHIOPÆPALE While a number of these genera will undoubtedly eventually be found in other parts of the world, still the fact that they represent 24% of the total number of genera occurring in the West Indies is significant, and the fact that all but three of them, or 83%, are monotypic is still more so. The existence in the West Indian region of these endemic genera indicates that this region constitutes a very marked faunal entity, while the occurrence of so many monotypic genera suggests that faunal stability was attained a long while ago; in other words that, as compared to the other portions of the oceans, faunal evolution has been retarded so that the West Indian region may be described as faunally the most ancient portion of the recent seas. So far as we are able to judge from the geological record, taken in connection with the recent fauna, there are two quite distinct types of distribution, always, however, more or less superimposed, in every homogeneous animal group. A newly arisen animal type immediately spreads to the limits of its possible distribution, and within the area overrun by it all sorts of variants appear which may be considered as of varietal, subspecific or specific value. Thus a genus or any other homogeneous group represented in a given faunal district by a number of closely related types is a group of recent origin, or of recent introduction. As time passes a number of factors begin to assert themselves, internal and external parasitism, economic pressure of great numbers of individuals, and economic pressure of competing types, which tend to restrict the possible scope of variation and to confine the variants within well marked limits which con- stantly become narrower and narrower until only a few well marked and distinct types remain each of which has now ac- quired the status of a monotypic genus. BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 35 Thus a group of animals represented in a given region wholly or chiefly by a number of very distinct types, or monotypic gen- era, has been more or less isolated in that region for very con- siderable period. It is interesting to compare the occurrence of the ophiurans in the Caribbean region with that of the crinoids. Total number of ophiuran families, 13; of crinoid families, 28. Total number of ophiuran genera, 192; of crinoid genera, 142. Total number of ophiuran species, 1420; of crinoid species, 576. Ophiuran families in the West Indies, 13; percent of total, 100. Crinoid families in the West Indies, 16; percent of total, 54. Ophiuran genera in the West Indies, 88; percent of total, 46. Crinoid genera in the West Indies, 30; percent of total, 21. Ophiuran species in the West Indies, 255; percent of total, 18. Crinoid species in the West Indies, 51; percent of total, 9. Endemic ophiuran genera, 21; percent of total in West In- dies, 24. Endemic crinoid genera, 16; percent of total in West Indies, 53. Monotypic ophiuran genera, 18; percent of total in West In- dies, 20. Monotypic crinoid genera, 11; percent of total in West Indies, 37. The recognized families and subfamilies in the recent crinoids are in almost all cases better differentiated than the same divi. sions among the ophiurans as we understand them now. This indicates a phylogenetic advancement of the crinoid over the ophiuran fauna whereby the former has become more definitely crystallized into well circumscribed types. The relationships of the ophiuran and crinoid families, genera and species may be analyzed as follows: OPHIURANS Number of families 13 Average number of genera per family 16 Average number of species per genus 7 CRINOIDS 28 5 4 36 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 0 1 0 4 The greater number of crinoid families indicates that the recent crinoid fauna, if not actually older than the recent ophi. uran fauna, at least developed earlier, as the various forms have become more definitely circumscribed and segregated into well differentiated units. The relative state of undevelopment of the ophiuran fauna is also indicated by the much larger number of genera in each family and of species in each genus, as well as by the larger number of species in each genus in any given locality. Only about one-half of the higher groups of crinoids are repre- sented in the West Indies, while all of the higher groups of ophiurans occur there. One crinoid family, the Holopodidæ, is known only from the Caribbean Sea. Assuming that the Ma- layan region is the present center of distribution for marine animals and the place of origin of most recent types, this is easily accounted for by the much greater facilities for dispersal possessed by the vast majority of the ophiurans, through their pelagic young. Only 21% of the known crinoid genera are found in the West Indies, while 46%, or more than twice as many, of the ophiuran genera occur there. This also is probably due to the greater facilities for dispersal possessed by the ophiurans. Of the known ophiuran species 18% occur in the West Indies, as against 9%, half as many, of the known crinoids. This would seem to indicate that as the Caribbean crinoid fauna had grown old and become crystallized along definite lines no new acces- sions had come in from the rapidly developing fauna of the Malayan region, whereas the interchange of ophiurans from east to west has kept the ophiuran fauna younger. Among the crinoids 53% of the Caribbean genera are not represented elsewhere, while among the ophiurans the number is less than half as large, only 24%. This is the result of the crystallization of the West Indian crinoid fauna and the lack of interchange with other faunas, which has taken place to a much greater degree than in the case of the ophiurans. Exactly the same explanation holds for the fact that 37% of the endemic genera of crinoids are monotypic, while only about half as many of the ophiuran genera, 20%, are monotypic. The 192 genera of ophiurans may be classified according to their geographical ranges as follows: BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 37 Universally distributed, or occurring in all warm seas..68 Indo-Malayan region only.. ...57 Caribbean region only.. .21 Antarctic only 8 South Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand.... Arctic and north Atlantic.. North Pacific North Pacific and north Atlantic. Middle Atlantic ..... Caribbean Sea and west coast of Central America...... Peru to southern California.. Caribbean Sea to Galapagos Islands.. Caribbean Sea and Mediterranean.. 1 Indo-Pacific and Mediterranean. 1 Southern California and New Zealand. 1 (Unclassified ... 4] - w co co co er os at In order fully to understand the affinities of the West Indian ophiuran fauna the following apparently anomalous ranges of certain genera, supplemented by similar cases among the star- fishes and echinoids, must be considered. Warmer parts of the eastern and western Atlantic; Mexico to Chile NARCISSIA ARBACIA Both coasts of tropical America ENCOPE MELLITA West Indies and western coast of Central America HEMIPHOLIS OPHIOCRYPTUS OPHIOZONA West Indies and Galápagos Islands (probably in reality the same as the preceding) SIGSBEIA Peru to southern California (some only in part) ASTROCANEUM PAULIA (Galápagos Islands DIOPEDERMA also) GYMNOPHIURA PHARIA PLATASTERIAS PHATARIA 38 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY NIDORELLIA HELIASTER AMPHIASTER CÆNOCENTROTUS (Galápagos Islands also) TETRAPYGUS West Indies and eastern Atlantic; Hawaiian Islands; southern Japan; Kei Islands CÆNOPEDINA Western coast of Mexico; Hawaiian Islands; Australia, Tas- mania and Lord Howe Island; Mediterranean Sea and eastern Atlantic CENTROSTEPHANUS Southern and Lower California, southern Japan, and south- ern Australia HELIOCIDARIS West Indies and the Hawaiian Islands PODOCIDARIS West Indies and southern Australia OPHIOPRIUM Southern California and New Zealand OPHIOPTERIS In view of the past intercommunication between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific the similarity of certain elements of the Caribbean fauna and of that of the western coast of tropical America is not surprising; the latter, however, includes a very considerable number of genera which occur nowhere else, to- gether with a few species of characteristic Indo-Malayan types, such as Mithrodia, Acanthaster, Anthenea, Leiaster, Astropyga, etc., which are not represented in the Caribbean Sea. A significantly large number of genera, including well known and conspicuous littoral types, inhabit a more or less extensive portion of the following anomalous range-Mediterranean Sea, Caribbean Sea, southern Australia and New Zealand, southern Japan, the Hawaiian Islands, and the western coast of tropical America. This discontinuous range, though indicated by very diverse types and only in part by each, nevertheless must be considered a zoogeographic unit. Its outstanding feature is the fact that it BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 39 a represents the extreme outer limits of a tropical and subtropical faunal region the center of which is the Indo-Malayan region. The types inhabiting it, that is to say occurring only on the extreme periphery of the Indo-Pacific faunal area (of which the Mediterranean Sea was at one time a part) may be considered, therefore, as relics of a previous fauna at one time characteristic of the central Indo-Malayan region from which they have now been extirpated through the competition of younger and more efficient types. The same facts are brought out equally well in many other groups of marine animals, and are also reflected in a modified way in the terrestrial faunas. In the faunas of the colder seas all intergradations are found between types which are quite unique, and types differing little or not at all from others in the Indo-Malayan region, and this intergradation is complete enough so that we are justified in considering the fauna of the colder waters as similarly ultimately derived from the (past or present) fauna of the East Indian region largely through the intermediary of deep water forms. Some of these genera of the colder waters, as ASTRICLYPEUS and GLYPTOCIDARIS, are extraordinarily restricted in their distribu- tion and rare, while others are abundant and widely spread. One of the peculiarities of the West Indian ophiuran fauna is the relatively poor representation of Ophiotrichidæ. This family includes 13 genera and 157 species of which 126 belong to the genus OPHIOTHRIX, occurring in all the warmer portions of the recent seas and represented by 7 species in the West Indies. One monotypic genus, OPHIOTRICHOIDES, is only known from the Ca Verde Islands, but the remaining 11 genera are exclusively Indo-Malayan. All of the species of this family are more or less conmmensal in habit, and some are almost parasitic. The species of four of the genera, OPHIOMAZA, OPHIOÆTHIOPS, OPHIOPHTHI- RIUS and OPHIOSPHÆRA, live upon comatulids. In one genus, OPHIOPTERON, the arm spines are webbed together and resemble little fins which has given rise to the idea that it is able to swim. The greatest mystery connected with the Caribbean ophiurans concerns the genus OPHIOBLENNA. The only known species, Ophioblenna antillensis, was described in 1859 from two speci- mens collected at Water Island, St. Thomas. In spite of all the 40 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY collecting that has since been done in the West Indies, and even at Water Island itself, no others have ever come to light. THE OPHIURANS OF THE CARIBBEAN REGION Those designated with an asterisk (*) have been recorded from Barbados. Family Ophiomyxidæ Ophiomyza flaccida Ophiosciasma attenuatum *Ophiomyza tumida Ophiophrizus quadrispinosus Ophiomyza brevicauda Ophiodera stimpsonii *Ophiobyrsa serpens Ophioscolex disacanthus Ophiobyrsa perrieri *Ophioscolex glacialis Ophiobrachion uncinatus *Ophioscolex tropicus *Ophiogeron supinus Ophioscoler serratus *Ophiosciasma granulatum Ophioleptoplax atlantica Family Trichasteride Astroschema arenosum Astroschema elongatum Astroschema intectum Astroschema nuttingi Astroschema brachiatum Astroschema vicinum * Astroschema love *Ophiocreas lumbricus • Astroschema oligactes Ophiocreas oedipus Astroschema sulcatum *Ophiocreas spinulosum Astroschema tenue Asteronyx lovéni Astroschema clavigerum Astrodia tenuispina Family Gorgonocephalidæ Astrogomphus vallatus Astrospartus mucronatus Astrogomphus rudis Astrophytum muricatum *Asteroporpa annulata Astrogordius cacaoticus * Asteroporpa pulchra Astrocyclus cæcilia *Astrocnida isidis Astrocynodus herrarai Family Hemieuryalidæ Ophiochondrus armatus Ophiochondrella squamosa *Ophiochondrus convolutus • Sigsbeia murrhina Ophiochondrus crassispinus Ophioholcus serradiatus Ophiochondrus gracilis Ophioplus tuberculosus *Hemieuryale pustulata BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 41 Family Ophiacanthidæ Ophiolebes claviger Ophiomitrella lævipellis Ophiolebes humilis Ophiomitrella glabra Ophiacantha anomala *Ophiomitra valida *Ophiacantha aspera Ophiomitra ornata Ophiacantha bidentata *Ophioplinthaca incisa Ophiacantha cosmica Ophioplinthaca chelys Ophiacantha curima Ophioplinthaca dipsacos Ophiacantha echinulata Ophioplinthaca spinissima *Ophiacantha hirsuta *Ophiocamax fasciculata Ophiacantha lineata *Ophiocamax hystrix *Ophiacantha mesembria Ophiocamax austera *Ophiacantha metallacta *Ophiacanthella troscheli Ophiacantha oligacantha Ophioprium cervicorne Ophiacantha ophiactoides Ophioprium imperfectum *Ophiacantha pentacrinus Ophioprium permixtum Ophiacantha robusta Ophiotreta lineolata *Ophiacantha scutata Ophiotreta mixta *Ophiacantha stellata *Ophiotreta sertata *Ophiacantha valenciennesi Ophiotreta littoralis Ophiacantha affinis Ophialcæa nuttingi Ophiacantha levis Ophiotoma bartletti Ophiacantha segesta Ophiotoma gracilis Ophiacantha vepratica Ophioconis miliaria Ophiothamnus chariis *Ophiohelus umbella *Ophiothamnus exiguus Microphiura decipiens Ophiothamnus vicarius Ophioblenna antillensis Ophiologimus secundus Family Ophiomycetidæ *Ophiomyces frutectosus Ophiomyces mirabilis Ophiotholia mitrephora Family Amphiuridæ Amphiura goniodes Ophiochytra tenuis Amphiura grandisquamata Amphiodia atra Amphiura lunaris Amphiodia gyraspis Amphiura otteri Amphiodia limbata Amphiura kinbergiensis Amphiodia planispina 42 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY * Amphiura palmeri Amphiodia pulchella Amphiura semiermis Amphiodia repens *Amphiura stimpsonii Amphiodia rhabdota Amphiura bihamula Amphiodia riisei Amphiura complanata Amphiodia trychna Amphiura crassipes Amphiodia lütkeni Amphiura diducta Amphiodia tymbara Amphiura fibulata Ophiocmida loveni Amphiura flexuosa Ophiocnida scabriuscula Amphiura kükenthali Ophiocnida cubana Amphiura rathbuni Ophiocnida scabra Amphiura vivipara Amphioplus abditus Hemipholis elongata Amphioplus agassizii Ophiophragmus brachyactis Amphioplus coniortodes Ophiophragmus pulcher Amphioplus cuneata Ophiophragmus lütkeni Amphioplus incisa Ophiophragmus würdemanni Amphioplus nereis Ophiophragmus filogranea Amphioplus thrombodes Ophiophragmus septa Amphioplus tumida Ophionephthys limicola Amphioplus verrilli Ophionema intricata Amphilimna olivacea Amphipholis abnormis Amphilimna caribea Amphipholis gracillima Ophiactis cyanosticta Amphipholis pachybactra *Ophiactis duplicata Amphipholis pentacantha *Ophiactis mülleri Amphipolis squamata Ophiactis plana Amphipolis subtilis Ophiactis savignyi Ophiostigma isacanthum Ophiactis lymani Ophiactis loricata Family Ophiotrichidæ *Ophiothrix angulata Ophiothrix lineata Ophiothrix angulata megal- *Ophiothrix oerstedii aspis Ophiothrix pallida Ophiothrix brachyactis *Ophiothrix suensonii Ophiothrix rathbuni Family Ophiochitonide Ophiochiton grandis *Ophionereis reticulata BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 43 *Ophioplax ljungmani Ophionereis olivacea Ophioplaz reducta Ophionereis squamulosa Family Ophiocomidae *Ophiocoma echinata *Ophiopsila hartmeyeri *Ophiocoma pumila *Ophiopsila polysticta *Ophiocoma riisei *Ophiopsila riisei Ophiopsila fulva Ophiopsila maculata Ophiopsila vittata Family Ophiodermatidæ *Ophioderma appressa Ophioderma rubicunda *Ophioderma brevicauda Ophioderma pallidum *Ophioderma brevispina Ophiomusium rugosum *Ophioderma cinerea Ophioderma squamosissima Ophioderma elaps Ophiocryptus dubius Ophioderma guttatum Ophiarachnella angulata Ophioderma holmesi Ophiarachnella petersi ?Ophioderma januarii Bathy pectinura lacertosa Ophioderma clypeata Bathypectinura tessellata Family Ophiolepididæ *Ophiomastus secundus Ophiomusium planum Amphiophiura bullata Ophiomusium dugosum Amphiophiura convexa *Ophiomusium serratum Amphiophiura coronata *Ophiomusium testudo Amphiophiura fasciculata *Ophiomusium validum Amphiophiura metabula Ophiomusium sculptum Amphiophiura oedignatha Ophiomusium stellatum Amphiophiura sculptilis Ophiomisidium speciosum Amphiophiura scutata Ophiomisidium pulchellum Stegophiura macrarthra Ophiolipus agassizii *Ophiura acervata Ophiophyllum petilum *Ophiura falcifera Ophiothyreus goësii Ophiura irrorata * Amphipholizona delicta Ophiura lepida *Ophioceramis albida Ophiura ljungmani *Ophioceramis januarii Ophiura tenera *Ophiozona impressa ?Ophioglyphina robusta *Ophiozonella antillarum 44 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Homalophiura abyssorum Ophiozonella clypeata Homalophiura inornata *Ophiozonella marmorea *Ophiomusium acuferum *Ophiozonella nivea Ophiomusium armigerum Ophiozonella nivea compta *Ophiomusium eburneum *Ophiozonella tessellata Ophiomusium lymani Ophiomidas dubius *Ophiomusium monoplax Ophiolepis elegans Ophiomusium oligoplacum *Ophiolepis paucispina Family Ophioleucidæ Ophioleuce depressa Ophiopyren longispinus *Ophiopæpale goësiana *Ophiernus adspersus The following names are based upon color varieties : Amphiura vivipara var. annulata H. L. Clark Ophiothrix oerstedi var. lutea H. L. Clark Ophiothrix angulata var. atrolineata H. L. Clark Ophiothrix angulata var. violacea Müller and Troschel Ophiothrix angulata var. phoinissa H. L. Clark Ophiothrix angulata var. phlogina H. L. Clark Ophiothrix angulata var. poecila H. L. Clark THE OCCURRENCE OF OPHIURANS AT BARBADOS AND AT ANTIGUA In his account of the natural history of Barbados published in 1750 the Reverend Griffith Hughes wrote under the heading “The Sea Scorpion,” “What we call here the Scorpion is by Petiver called Stella marina Scolopendroides. Its five rays might perhaps properly cause it to be called the Stella marina." This is the only ophiuran mentioned by Hughes. The Sea Scorpion, Ophiocoma echinata, still called by the same name, I found to be abundant in 1903, and Professor Nutting states that it occurs almost literally under every stone and scut- tles away with amazing celerity when disturbed. It was the most abundant and conspicuous form of animal life under the loose coral rocks uncovered at low tide on both sides of the labor. atory at Pelican Island. It is most commonly brown in color, with the club shaped spines almost black. The disk shows great variation, often having a central oval or pentagonal area of BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 45 cream color showing in sharp contrast to the dark brown spines. Besides Ophiocoma echinata, 0. riisei and 0. pumila were se- cured, but were much less abundant. Professor Nutting also mentions the common association of Ophiocoma echinata with Echinometra viridis. The species of Ophiocoma were the most common ophiurans along the shores at Barbados, although several other species were more or less abundant. Three species of Ophiothrix, O. angulata, 0. oerstedii and 0. suensonii, the last named the most abundant, fairly swarmed over some of the gorgonians brought up near Hastings by the diver. Often the large profusely branched gorgonians were fairly covered with the wriggling ophiurans. Professor Nutting writes that one of the most beautiful ser- pent stars he ever saw was taken at Station 64, in from 60 to 70 fathoms. It was a large specimen with a spread of about ten inches, with a very distinct band of vivid crimson on a back- ground of light pink along the dorsal surface of the arms and extending to the center of the disk. The spines were very slen- der, 8 mm. long, quite transparent, with saw-like sides and in three series on each side of the arms. This individual has not come to hand, but undoubtedly it was a particularly fine example of Ophiothrix suensonii. Of the simple armed basket fish Professor Nutting says that perhaps the most conspicuous and strikingly marked were Aster- oporpa and Astrocnida from deep water. The arms in Astero- porpa are unbranched, while those of Astrocnida from Stations 55, in — fathoms, and 89, in 80 fathoms, are slightly branched at the tip and ornamented throughout with transverse elevated bands of light gray alternating with depressed bands of deep chocolate. These circular ridges are beset with thorny stubby spines. The bases of the arms are swollen, and the swellings in- vade the dorsal surface of the disk in the center of which is a star shaped area formed by similar ridges. Another simple armed basket fish, Astroschema oligactes, is from Station 7, and is orange colored and exceedingly hispid all over, feeling like coarse sandpaper, wiry in texture, with arms tapering to a mere coiled thread which can wind itself closely around a support and cling there most tenaciously. A certain flabellate red and white 46 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY gorgonian was very common in the dredging and almost always a species of simple armed basket fish (Astroschema, spp.) was coiled closely around the branches which it matched so perfectly in color that it was very apt to be overlooked. The protective coloration is so commonly found in serpent stars living as sym- bionts on alcyonarians that many writers have noticed it. Professor Nutting says that at Antigua "our favorite collect- ing ground was near what we called 'Rocky Point,' across from Barclay Point and inside of the Pillars of Hercules. The echinoderms were perhaps the most conspicuous group at this place, although most of the species were the same as those secured at Barbados. At the foot of the Pillars of Hercules certain species found a refuge in the cracks of the rocks that were continually being scoured by the waves. On these rocky flats everything seemed to be stuck tight and had to be forcibly pried loose. There were small holothurians that wedged them- selves in these cracks and held on with remarkable tenacity." OPHIURANS PREVIOUSLY OBTAINED AT BARBADOS The Ophiurans collected by the "Hassler" at Barbados in 100 fathoms Astroschema oligactes Astroschema tenuis Asteroporpa annulata Astrocnida isidis Ophiacantha hirsuta Ophiacantha stellata Ophiomitra valida Amphiura palmeri Ophiomyces frutectosus Ophiactis duplicata Ophiothrix angulata Ophiothrix suensonü Ophioplar ljungmani Ophiura acervata Ophiomusium acuferum Ophiomusium testudo Ophioceramis albida Ophioceramis januarii Ophiozonella nivea Ophiopapale goësiana The Ophiurans collected at Barbados by the “Blake" Station 272; 76 fathoms Ophiomyxa tumida Ophiactis mülleri Astroschema lave Ophiothrix suensonii Astroschema oligactes Ophiomusium acuferum Asteroporpa annulata Ophiomusium testudo BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 47 Ophiomitra valida Amphipholizona delicata Ophiactis duplicata Ophiozona impressa Ophiopepale goësiana Station 273; 103 fathoms Ophioscoler tropicus Ophioplax ljungmani Astroschema love Ophiomusium acuferum Asteroporpa annulata Ophiomusium testudo Ophiacantha hirsuta Amphipholizona delicata Ophiacantha stellata Ophiozonella marmorea Ophiactis duplicata Ophiozonella nivea Ophiozonella tessellata Station 274; 209 fathoms Ophiocamax hystrix Ophiomusium acuferum Ophiotreta sertata Ophiomusium eburneum Ophiactis duplicata Ophiomusium serratum Ophiozonella nivea Station 275; 218 fathoms Ophiactis duplicata Station 276; 94 fathoms Ophiomyza tumida Ophiactis duplicata Astroschema lave Ophiothrix suensonii Astroschema oligactes Ophionereis reticulata Astroschema tenue Ophiomusium acuferum Asteroporpa annulata Ophiomusium testudo Hemieuryale pustulata Ophiozona impressa Ophiozonella antillarum Station 277; 106 fathoms Asteroporpa annulata Ophiomitra valida Sigsbeia murrhina Ophiothrix suensonii Hemieuryale pustulata Ophioplax ljungmani Ophiomusium acuferum Station 278; 69 fathoms Ophiomyra tumida Ophionereis reticulata Ophiobyrsa serpens Ophioderma cinerea 48 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Astroschema oligactes Ophiomusium acuferum Amphiura stimpsonii Ophiomusium testudo Ophiactis mülleri Ophiozona impressa Station 279; 118 fathoms Ophiocreas spinulosum Station 280; 221 fathoms Ophiochondrus convolutus Ophiotreta sertata Ophiacantha pentacrinus Ophiomusium eburneum Ophiocamar hystrix Ophiomusium serratum Ophiozonella nivea Station 281; 288 fathoms Ophiomyra tumida Ophiacantha scutata Astroschema arenosum Ophiomyces frutectosus Ophiocreas lumbricus Amphiophiura fasciculata Ophiocreas spinulosum Ophiomusium acuferum Station 282; 154 fathoms Ophiomyces frutectosus Ophiozonella tessellata Station 283; 237 fathoms Ophiacantha aspera Ophiacantha valenciennesi Ophiomitra valida Station 285; 13-40 fathoms Ophiomyza tumida Ophiothrix suensonii Ophiothrix angulata Ophiopsila risei Ophioderma brevispina Station 286; 7-45 fathoms Ophiothriz suensonii Station 287; 71/2-50 fathoms Ophiopsila polysticta Station 288; 399 fathoms Ophiacantha metallacta Ophiomastus secundus Ophiacantha pentacrinus Ophiomusium monoplax Ophioplinthaca incisa Ophiozonella antillarum Amphiura goniodes Ophiernus adspersus BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 49 Station 290; 73 fathoms Ophiomyra tumida Ophiacantha stellata Astroschema lave Ophiomitra valida Astroschema oligactes Ophiocanthella troscheli Asteroporpa annulata Ophiactis duplicata Astrocnida isidis Ophiothrix suensonii Astrocyclus cæcilia Ophiomusium acuferum Ophiacantha aspera Ophiomusium testudo Ophiozonella tessellata Station 291; 200 fathoms Ophiomyza tumida Ophiura falcifera Ophiogeron supinus Ophiomusium acuferum Ophiacantha pentacrinus Ophiomusium validum Ophiacantha scutata Ophiozonella antillarum Ophiocamax hystrix Ophiozonella nivea Ophiotreta sertata Ophiernus adspersus Station 292; 56 fathoms Astroschema love Ophiothrix angulata Asteroporpa annulata Ophiothrix suensonii Astrocnida isidis Ophiomusium acuferum Ophiacantha stellata Ophiozonella nivea Station 293; 82 fathoms Ophioscolex glacialis Ophiothrix suensonii Ophiacantha hirsuta Ophiomusium acuferum Ophiacantha stellata Amphipholizona delicata Ophiopæpale goësiana Station 294; 137 fathoms Ophiothrix suensonii Ophiozonella nivea Station 295; 180 fathoms Ophiocamax fasciculata Station 296; 84 fathoms Ophiomyra tumida Astrocyclus cæcilia Astroschema lave Hemieuryale pustulata Astroschema oligactes Ophiothamnus exiguus Asteroporpa annulata Ophiomitra valida Astrocnida isidis Ophiomusium acuferum 4 50 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Station 297; 123 fathoms Astroschema oligactes Ophioplar ljungmani Asteroporpa annulata Ophiomusium acuferum Ophiomitra valida Ophiozonella tessellata Ophiotreta sertata Ophiopæpale goesiana Station 298; 120 fathoms Astroschema oligactes Astrocnida isidis Asteroporpa annulata Ophiopæpale goësiana Ophiozona impressa Station 299; 140 fathoms Ophiacantha pentacrinus Ophiomusium acuferum Ophiozonella tessellata Station 300; 82 fathoms Ophiacantha hirsuta Ophiohelus umbella Ophiomusium acuferum Ophiuran recorded as in Sir Rawson W. Rawson's collection: Astrocyclus cæcilia Ophiurans recorded from Barbados by Professor René Koehler in 1907: Ophioplax ljungmani Ophioscoles glacialis; Astrocyclus cæcilia 82 fathoms Ophiurans recorded from Barbados by Professor Kæhler in 1913: Ophioderma appressa Ophiocoma echinata Ophioderma brevicauda Ophiocoma riisei Ophioderma cinerea Ophiocoma pumila Ophiozona impressa Ophiothrix angulata Ophiolepis paucispina Ophiothrix oerstedii Ophionereis reticulata Ophiothrix suensonii Ophiurans recorded from Barbados by Professor Kühler in 1914: Ophioplax ljungmani Astrocyclus cæcilia BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 51 Ophiurans recorded from Barbados by Dr. Hubert Lyman Clark in 1915 : Ophiosciasma granulatum, 94 fms. Asteroporpa pulchra, 56-125 fms. Ophiacantha mesembria, 140-221 fms. Amphiura palmeri, 100 fms. Ophiopsila polysticta, 71/2-50 fms. Ophiopsila hartmeyeri, 69 fms. Amphipholizona delicata, 76-103 fms. Ophiomusium monoplaz, 399 fms. Ophiozonella marmorea, 103 fms. ANNOTATED LIST OF THE SPECIES OBTAINED Ophiurans collected by the Barbados-Antigua Expedition from the State University of Iowa, together with the collecting sta- tions listed by the Expedition : ANNOTATED LIST OF THE SPECIES OBTAINED Order PHRYNOPHIURIDA Family Ophiomyxidæ OPHIOMYXA FLACCIDA (Say) Pelican Island, Barbados; tide pools.-One specimen. English Harbour, Antigua.—One specimen. OPHIOSCIASMA GRANULATUM Lyman Station 26: One specimen. Family Trichasteridæ Astroschema arenosum Lyman Station 46: Two specimens. ASTROSCHEMA LAEVE Lyman Station 36: One specimen. ASTROSCHEMA OLIGACTES Lütken Station 7: Five specimens. Station 34: One specimen. Station 35: One specimen. 52 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Astrochema tenue Lyman Station 59: part of an arm. Family Gorgonocephalidæ Asteroporpa annulata Lütken Station 7: One specimen. Station 41: One small specimen. Station 58: One small specimen. Astrocnida isidis Lyman Station 55: One specimen. Astrophytum muricatum (Lamarck) Carlisle Bay, Barbados ; 20 feet; found on a gorgonian.-One small specimen with the disc 14 mm. in diameter. Carlisle Bay, Barbados; 5 fathoms.-One small specimen with the disc 12 mm. in diameter. Barbados; from fish pots.—Two specimens, one with the disc about 50 mm., the other with the disc 30 mm. in diameter. Astrocyclus cæcilia (Lütken) Station 97: One small specimen with the disc 8 mm. in diameter. 9 Order LÆMOPHIURIDA Family Hemieuryalidæ Sigsbeia murrhina Lyman Station 97: Four very small specimens, the largest with the disc 4 mm, in diameter. Ophioplus tuberculosa (Lyman) Barbados.--One specimen. Hemieuryale pustulata von Martens Station 2: Two specimens. Station 36: One specimen. Station 51: Six specimens. Station 57: Fifteen specimens. Station 64: One specimen. Station 70: Six specimens. Station 82: One small specimen. : : BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 53 Family Ophiacanthidæ Ophiacantha mesembria H. L. Clark Station 9: Two small specimens. Station 15: One specimen. Station 28: Four small specimens. Station 37: Two small specimens. Station 59: One specimen. : : Order GNATHOPHIURIDA Family Amphiuridæ Amphiura diducta Kähler Station 1: One specimen. Amphiura palmeri Lyman Station 96: Two specimens. Amphipholis limbata (Grube) Station 79: One specimen. Amphiodia planispina (von Martens) Station 1: One specimen, with the disc lacking. Ophiactis mülleri Lütken Station 11: One specimen. Station 67: Two specimens; one of these has three mouth papillæ. Station 101: Twenty-two specimens. No locality: Two specimens. Ophiactis savignyi Müller and Troschel Station 1: One specimen. Ophiactis duplicata (Lyman) Station 6: Three specimens. Station 45: One specimen. Family Ophiotrichida Ophiothrix angulata Ayres Station 1: Six specimens. Station 11: Eight specimens. Station 13: One specimen. : 54 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTOPY : . Station 18: One specimen. Station 51: One specimen. Station 65: One specimen. Station 67: Three specimens. Station 70: One specimen. Station 78: Two specimens. Station 85: Two specimens. Station 96: Three specimens. Station 100: Five specimens. Barbados; Engineers' Pier, 15-20 feet. Fragments. Barbados; off Pelican Island, 4 fathoms; from gorgonians and corals.-Seven specimens. Barbados; off Pelican Island, 50 feet.-One small specimen. Barbados; off Needham's Point; diver.-Eight specimens. Station 101: Four specimens. Antigua; English Harbour; in eel grass.-Two specimens. Ophiothrix lineata Lyman Barbados; off Pelican Island, 4 fathoms; from gorgonians and corals.-One specimen. Ophiothrix oerstedii Lütken Barbados; Engineers’ Pier, 15–20 feet; from gorgonians; May 18, 1918.-Two specimens. Barbados; Needham's Point; diver.-Ten specimens. Antigua; English Harbour; in eel grass.—Three specimens. Antigua; English Harbour; rocks.-One specimen. Ophiothrix suensonii Lütken Station 53: One specimen. Station 59: One specimen. Station 62: One specimen with the disc 14 mm. in diameter; the spines on the disc are much more numerous and shorter than usual. In life the disc was olive gray with five radial red bands, and the arms were whitish with the dorsal arm plates dark coral red and the ventral plates lighter. Station 89: One specimen. Barbados; Engineers’ Pier, 15-20 feet; from gorgonians; May 18, 1918.-Fifty-four specimens. Barbados; off Pelican Island.—Two specimens. - : BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 55 Barbados; off Pelican Island, 4 fathoms; from gorgonians and corals.--Thirteen specimens. Barbados; Carlisle Bay, 20 feet; on gorgonians.—Twenty-nine specimens. Barbados; off Needham's Point; diver.-Twenty specimens. Barbados; off Hastings; June 5, 1918.-Thirteen specimens. Station 101: Two specimens. Antigua; English Harbour.-Seven specimens. Ophiothrix pallida Ljungman Station 96: Two specimens. Order CHILOPHIURIDA Family Ophiochitonidæ Ophionereis reticulata (Say) Station 1: Three specimens. Station 67: One specimen. Station 70: One specimen. Station 79: One small specimen. Station 101: One specimen. Antigua; English Harbour.-Seven specimens. Family Ophiocomidae Ophiocoma echinata L. Agassiz Station 96: One specimen. Barbados; Pelican Island; tide pools.—One specimen. Barbados; Bathsheba; tide pools.-Eleven specimens. Station 101: One specimen. Antigua; English Harbour; rocks.—Three specimens. Antigua; English Harbour; in eel grass.-One specimen. Antigua; English Harbour.–Fifteen specimens. Antigua.-One specimen. Ophiocoma pumila Lütken Station 96: One specimen. Barbados; Pelican Island; tide pools; May 11, 1918.-Four specimens. Barbados; Pelican Island.-One specimen. Barbados; Needham's Point; June 8, 1918.-Four specimens. 56 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY : Antigua; English Harbour; rocks.-Fifteen specimens. Antigua; English Harbour.—Ten specimens. Ophiocoma riisei Lütken Station 1: Five specimens. Station 96: Two specimens; one of these, small and without granules on the disc, was kindly identified for me by Dr. H. L. Clark. Station 100: Three specimens. Station 101: Five specimens. Antigua; English Harbour; rocks.-Seven small specimens. Antigua; English Harbour.–Seven specimens. Antigua ; Falmouth Harbour.-One specimen which in life was "deep reddish brown." No label.-One specimen. Ophiopsila hartmeyeri Kähler Station 53: One specimen. Station 96: One specimen. Family Ophiodermatidæ Ophioderma appressa (Say) Station 11: One small specimen. Barbados; Pelican Island; tide pools; May 11, 1918.—Two specimens. Barbados; Pelican Island.—Ten specimens. Barbados; off Needham's Point; June 6, 1918.-Four speci- mens. Station 101: Three specimens. Station 103: Five specimens. Station 104: Two specimens. Antigua; English Harbour; in eel grass.-Sixteen specimens. Antigua; English Harbour.-Sixteen specimens. Antigua; Falmouth Harbour; in eel grass; collected by W. K. Fisher.-Eighteen specimens. Ophioderma brevicauda (Say) Barbados; Pelican Island; tide pools.--Six specimens. Barbados; Pelican Island.-Seventeen specimens. Barbados; off Needham's Point; June 8, 1918.-One specimen. Antigua; English Harbour.-Nine specimens. BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 57 : Ophioderma cinerea (Lyman) Station 78: One specimen. Antigua; English Harbour.-Five specimens. Ophioderma rubicunda Lyman Station 98: One specimen. Pelican Island: One specimen. Station 101: Three specimens. Family Ophiolepididæ Ophiura acervata Lyman Station 116: One specimen. Ophiomusium testudo Lyman Station 2: One small specimen. Station 11: One small specimen. Station 26: Two small specimens. Station 51: Three small specimens, kindly determined for me by Dr. H. L. Clark. Station 79: One small specimen. Ophiomusium validum Ljungman Station 116: One specimen. Ophiomusium sculptum Verrill Station 4: Three specimens. Station 7: One specimen; "arms banded with orange on whitish.' Station 15: One specimen. Station 28: One specimen. Station 44: One specimen. Station 49: One specimen. Ophiozona impressa (Lütken) Station 51: One small specimen. Ophiozonella nivea (Lyman) Station 1: One specimen. Station 3: One specimen. Station 26: One specimen. Ophiozonella tessellata (Lyman) Station 62: One specimen. 58 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Ophiolepis elegans Lütken Station 11: One specimen. Station 18: One specimen. ?Barbados.—Three specimens. Antigua; English Harbour.-Eleven specimens. Ophiolepis paucispina Müller and Troschel Station 1: One specimen. Antigua ; English Harbour; in eel grass.—Thirteen specimens. LIST OF THE STATIONS, WITH THE SPECIES REPRESENTED AT EACH The Crinoids collected at these Stations are also given. Station 1 : Amphiura diducta Ophionereis reticulata Amphiodia planispina Ophiocoma riisei Ophiactis savignyi Ophiozonella nivea Ophiothrix angulata Ophiolepis paucispina Station 2: Hemieuryale pustulata Ophiomusium testudo Station 3 : Leptonemaster venustus Station 4: Ophiomusium sculptum Station 7: Astroschema oligactes Ophiomusium sculptum Asteroporpa annulata Leptonemaster venustus Democrinus rawsonii Station 9: Ophiacantha mesembria Comactinia meridionalis Station 11: Ophiactis mülleri Ophiolepis elegans Ophiothrix angulata Leptonemaster venustus Ophioderma appressa Comactinia meridionalis Ophiomusium testudo Analcidometra armata Station 13: Ophiothrix angulata Leptonemaster venustus BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 59 : Station 14: Comactinia meridionalis Station 15: Ophiacantha mesembria Ophiomusium sculptum Coccometra hagenii Station 18: Ophiothrix angulata Ophiolepis elegans Leptonemaster venustus Station 26: Ophiosciasma granulatum Ophiomusium testudo Station 28: Ophiacantha mesembria Ophiomusium sculptum Station 34: Astroschema oligactes Station 35: Astroschema oligactes Station 36: Astroschema læve Hemieuryale pustulata Station 37: Ophiacantha mesembria Station 41: Asteroporpa annulata Station 44: Ophiomusium sculptum Station 46: Astroschema arenosum Leptonemaster venustus Station 49: Ophiomusium sculptum Station 50: Nemaster discoidea Station 51: Hemieuryale pustulata Ophiozona impressa Ophiothrix angulata Nemaster discoidea Ophiomusium testudo Comactinia meridionalis Station 53: Ophiothrix suensonii Nemaster iowensis Station 55: Astrocnida isidis 60 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Station 56: Leptonemaster venustus Station 57: Hemieuryale pustulata Station 58: Asteroporpa annulata Station 59: Astroschema tenue Ophiothrix suensoniä Ophiacantha mesembria Leptonemaster venustus Station 62: Ophiothrix suensonii Ophiozonella tessellata Station 64: Hemieuryale pustulata Station 65: Ophiothrix angulata Station 67: Ophiactis mülleri Leptonemaster venustus Ophiothrix angulata Comactinia meridionalis Station 70: Hemieuryale pustulata Ophiothrix angulata Ophionereis reticulata Station 78: Ophiothrix angulata Leptonemaster venustus Ophioderma cinerea Comactinia meridionalis Station 79: Amphipholis limbata Ophiomusium testudo Ophionereis reticulata Nemaster discoidea Station 82: Hemieuryale pustulata Station 85: Ophiothrix angulata Comactinia meridionalis Station 89: Ophiothrix suensonii Station 92: Nemaster discoidea BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 61 > Station 96: Ophiothrix angulata Ophiocoma pumila Ophiocoma echinata Ophiocoma riisei Comactinia meridionalis Station 97: Astrocyclus cæcilia Sigsbeia murrhina Nemaster iowensis Station 98: Nemaster iowensis Station 99: Nemaster iowensis Station 100: Ophiothrix angulata Ophiocoma riisei Barbados; Engineers' Pier, 15-20 feet Ophiothrix angulata Ophiothrix oerstedii Ophiothrix suensonii Barbados; Engineers’ Pier, 25 feet Nemaster iowensis Barbados; Pelican Island, tide pools Ophiomyra flaccida Ophiocoma pumila Ophiocoma echinata Ophioderma appressa Ophioderma brevicauda Barbados; off Pelican Island, 4 fathoms Ophiothrix angulata Ophiothrix lineata Ophiothrix suensonii Barbados; off Pelican Island, 50 feet Ophiothrix angulata Barbados; off Pelican Island Ophiothrix suensonii Ophioderma appressa Ophiocoma pumila Ophioderma brevicauda Barbados; Carlisle Bay, 5 fathoms Astrophytum muricatum Barbados; Carlisle Bay, 20 feet Astrophytum muricatum Ophiothrix suensonü 62 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Barbados; off Needham's Point Ophiothrix angulata Ophiocoma pumila Ophiothrix oerstedii Ophioderma appressa Ophiothrix suensonii Ophioderma brevicauda Barbados; off Hastings Ophiothrix suensonii Barbados; Bathsheba Ophiocoma echinata Barbados; from fish pots Astrophytum muricatum Barbados Sigsbeia murrhina Nemaster discoidea Nemaster iowensis Comactinia meridionalis : Barbados Ophiolepis elegans Station 101: Ophiactis mülleri Ophiocoma echinata Ophiothrix angulata Ophiocoma riisei Ophiothrix suensonii Ophioderma appressa Ophionereis reticulata Ophioderma rubicunda Nemaster iowensis Station 103: Ophioderma appressa Station 104: Ophioderma appressa Station 116: Ophiura acervata Ophiomusium validum Antigua; English Harbour, in eel grass Ophiothrix angulata Ophiocoma echinata Ophiothrix oerstedii Ophioderma appressa Ophiolepis paucispina Antigua; English Harbour, rocks Ophiothrix oerstedii Ophiocoma pumila Ophiocoma echinata Ophiocoma riisei BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 63 Antigua; English Harbour Ophiomyza flaccida Ophiocoma rise Ophiothrix suensonii Ophioderma appressa Ophionereis reticulata Ophioderma brevicauda Ophiocoma echinata Ophioderma cinerea Ophiocoma pumila Ophiolepis elegans Antigua; Falmouth Harbour Ophiocoma pumila Ophioderma appressa Antigua Ophiocoma echinata REPORT ON THE BRACHYURA Collected by the Barbados-Antigua Expedition from the University of Iowa in 1918 MARY J. RATHBUN Associate in Zoology, U. S. National Museum INTRODUCTION . > Hughes in his “Natural History of Barbados”, 1750,1 enu- merates fifteen kinds of crabs, but the descriptions are so brief and the names so trivial that it is impossible to determine most of the species with any great degree of certainty. Only two of the brachyuran crabs are figured; one, the Horned Crab (pl. XXV, fig. 3) is an undoubted Stenocionops furcata, the other, the Lazy Crab, (pl. XXV, fig. 1) is a composite, having the chelipeds and ambulatory legs of Mithrax spinosissimus attached to the body of a Parthenopid crab, Daldorfia horrida (= Parthe- nope horrida of authors), an Indo-Pacific species. From the dredgings of the U. S. Coast Survey steamers “Blake" and “Hassler”, A. Milne Edwards1 in 1880 published a list which includes thirty-eight species of brachyuran crabs from the waters about Barbados. This is supplemented by the later report (1902) on the Oxystomes of the same collection by Milne Edwards and Bouvier," which adds three species to the earlier list. The present expedition obtained ninety-three species of brachyurans of which only one species is found to be undescribed. The range of twenty-nine species is extended by their capture at Barbados LIST OF SPECIES Tribe Brachyura Subtribe Oxystomata Family Dromiidæ DROMIA ERYTHROPUS (George Edwards) Rathbun, Ann. Inst. Jamaica, vol. I, 1897, p. 39. 1 See bibliography on page 89. 5 65 66 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Carlisle Bay, Barbados; in fish pot; 19. Brought up by diver off Pelican Island, Barbados; 1 9 ovige- rous. DROMIDIA ANTILLENSIS Stimpson Rathbun, Ann. Inst. Jamaica, vol. I, 1897, p. 39. p Barbados; 1 9 ovigerous. Family Dorippidæ CYCLODORIPPE PERPUSILLA (Rathbun) Clythrocerus perpusillus Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 90, text-fig. 4. One mile S. W. of Pelican Island, Barbados; 38 fathoms; bottom of fine coral fragments; May 13; sta. 1; 1%, the same size as the type. Known only from the type specimen, off Vieques. Family Raninidae RANINOIDES LEVIS (Latreille) Ranina loevis Latreille, Encyc. Méth., Entom., vol. X, 1825, p. 268. Raninoides levis Milne Edwards, Hist. Nat. Crust., vol. II, 1837, p. 197. Barbados; W. by N. of Pelican Island 234 miles and drifting off shore; 107 fathoms; bottom of fine sand; tangles; May 16; sta. 10; 1 small 0,1 young. In the young specimen, carapace 6 mm. long, the supra-orbital margin between the two fissures is not produced in a spine but is obliquely truncate. Family Calappidæ CALAPPA ANGUSTA A. Milne Edwards Bull. M. C. Z., vol. VIII, 1880, p. 18. Barbados; Lazaretto E. by N. 12 N., Pelican Island S. E.; bottom of fine sand; June 7; sta. 88; 1 juv. Taken at Barbados by the “Hassler," 100 fathoms, and by the "Blake," 103 fathoms. CALAPPA GALLUS (Herbst) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, ܪܙ p. 85. Pelican Island, Barbados; in fish pot; 1 %. BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 67 CYCLOES BAIRDII Stimpson Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 85. English Harbour, Antigua; 1 !, 10.4 mm. long. One mile S. W. of Pelican Island, Barbados; 38 fathoms; bot- tom of fine coral fragments; May 13; sta. 1; 1 juv. In the West Indies, this species seems not to have been reported south of Guadeloupe ; although it occurs in the Pacific at Panama. Family Leucosiidæ EBALIA STIMPSONII A. Milne Edwards Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, P. 87. Barbados; Cable Station E. S. by E., Paynes Bay Church N. E., off shore 34 mile; 35–75 fathoms; bottom alternate sand and rocks; sta. 78; 1 o. Described from off Barbados, 7 to 50 fathoms, “Blake." ILIACANTHA SUBGLOBOSA Stimpson Bull. M. C. Z., vol. II, 1871, p. 155. . W. by N. of Pelican Island, Barbados, 2 miles; 75–80 fathoms; sand bottom; sta. 3; 1 9 juv. S. of St. Mathias Church, Barbados, 1 mile; 60 fathoms; bot- tom of coarse sand; May 20; sta. 21;1 0. W. by N. of Telegraph Station, Barbados, 1/2 mile or more off shore, about edge of drop off; 50–70 fathoms; bottom rocky; tangles; June 1; sta. 66 and 67; 2 juv. ; Dredged by the “Blake" at Barbados, 56 to 94 fathoms. Subtribe Brachygnatha Superfamily Brachyrhyncha Family Portunidae PORTUNUS (PORTUNUS) SULCATUS (A. Milne Edwards) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 45. English Harbour, Antigua ; by electric light; July; 1 juv., 3.2 mm. long. Bathsheba, Barbados; 1 juv. Pelican Island, Barbados; tide pool; May 13; 1 0 juv. 68 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY PORTUNUS (ACHELOUS) ORDWAYI (Stimpson) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, P. 46. English Harbour, Antigua; electric light; July, 1918; 1 juv. CALLINECTES ORNATUS Ordway Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, P. 48. Barbados; 1 adult 8. CRONIUS RUBER (Lamarck) Charybdella rubra Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 51. Antigua; 1 juv. Family Xanthidae LIOMERA LONGIMANA A. Milne Edwards Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, P. 25. . Barbados; May 15; 10 0 9 9 ovig. On old coral; May 31; 8 7 15 %. On old coral heads; June 4; 12 11 (1 ovig.). Needham Point, Barbados; May 18; 3 0 1 %. One mile S. of sta. 19, off Needham Point; 84 fathoms; rocky bottom; sta. 20; 20 49. Okra Reef, Barbados; May 13; 35 0 44 (35 ovig.) 8 juv. Not previously noted south of Guadeloupe. LIOMERA DISPAR (Stimpson) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 25. Pillars of Hercules, Antigua; 1 9. Barbados; May 15; 6 ; 21 (8 ovig.). On old coral, May ? 31; 3 0 13 2 juv. On old coral heads; June 4; 4 46. One mile S. of sta. 19, off Needham Point, Barbados; 84 fathoms; rocky bottom; sta. 20; 2 0 49 (2 ovig.). 1 Okra Reef, Barbados; May 13; 3 0 14 & (7 ovig.). Not previously recorded south of Porto Rico. PLATYPODIA SPECTABILIS (Herbst) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 26. Needham's Point, Barbados; May 18; 1 0 1 & ovig. BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 69 LEPTODIUS FLORIDANUS (Gibbes) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, > p. 27. Pillars of Hercules, Antigua; 1 .. Barbados; 8 3. ovig. 8 Pelican Island, Barbados; tide pools; 20. May 11; 3 o. May 13; 4 (3 ovig.). Shallow; 1 0 1 juv. Okra Reef, Barbados; May 13; 1 juv. 1 XANTHODIUS PARVULUS (Fabricius) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 27 Pelican Island, Barbados; shallow; 20. In tide pool; May 11; 1 0 juv. 1 9. Barbados; 1 o. No label; 1 . CYCLOXANTHOPS DENTICULATUS (White) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, . p. 27. Pillars of Hercules, Antigua; 1 0 juv. Pelican Island, Barbados; tide pool; 1 0. Bathsheba, Barbados; 2 juv. PANOPEUS HERBSTII Milne Edwards Eupanopeus herbstii Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 28. English Harbour, Antigua; 1 juv. Pillars of Hercules, Antigua ; 1 0 thin shell, 2 juv. Barbados; 2 0 1 %. . PANOPEUS OCCIDENTALIS Saussure Eupanopeus occidentalis Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 29. Pillars of Hercules, Antigua; 1 %. PANOPEUS AMERICANUS Saussure Eupanopeus americanus Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 29. Pillars of Hercules, Antigua; 1 0 small. 70 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY PANOPEUS HARTTII Smith Eupanopeus harttii Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 29. Pillars of Hercules, Antigua; 1 8. Pelican Island, Barbados; shallow; 1 0. EURYPANOPEUS ABBREVIATUS (Stimpson) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 30. Pillars of Hercules, Antigua; 1 0 1 0 1 juv. HEXAPANOPEUS HEMPHILLII (Benedict and Rathbun) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 31. Barbados; from old coral head; June 4; 1 of medium size, identified with some doubt, as both sides of the body are infested with an isopod parasite which has so distorted the carapace that the lateral teeth are abnormal and unlike on the two sides. Not before found south of St. Thomas and Porto Rico. MICROPANOPE LOBIFRONS A. Milne Edwards Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 32. S. W. of Pelican Island, Barbados, 1 mile; 38 fathoms; bottom of fine coral fragments; May 13; sta. 1; 2 0 2 9. One-half mile W. of sta. 17; 40 fathoms; bottom coarse sand; May 18; sta. 18; 1 9. W. N. W. of Lazaretto, Barbados; N. N. W. of Pelican Island; 33 fathoms; bottom rocky; dredge; May 27; sta. 51; 9 (1 ovig., 3 with Rhizocephalids). Cable station, Barbados, bears E. by S., Lazaretto, E. S. E. 42 S.; 35-60 fathoms; bottom mostly rocky, on steep slope; tangles; June 3; sta. 75; 1 0. Cable station E. S. by E., Paynes Bay Church N. E., off shore 34 mile; 35–75 fathoms; bottom alternate sand and rocks; June 3; sta. 78; 1 with a small Rhizocephalid under the abdomen. W. by N. of Telegraph Station, Barbados; little more than a half mile off ; 30–65 fathoms; bottom of rocks and sand; June 5; sta. 79; 39 (2 with a Rhizocephalid larger than the abdomen but attached under it). Taken at Barbados by the “Blake'' in 94 fathoms. . BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 71 ACTAEA RUFOPUNCTATA NODOSA Stimpson Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 33. 114 miles due W. from white lighthouse at Needham Point, Barbados; in line with red house; 67-70 fathoms; bottom stony; May 17; sta. 11; 1 6 juv. Taken at Barbados by the “Blake” in 94 fathoms. ACTAEA SETIGERA (Milne Edwards) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 34. 2 Pillars of Hercules, English Harbour, Antigua; 2 . English Harbour, Antigua; 1 0 1 juv. Okra Reef, Barbados; May 13; 1 0 3 juv. Pelican Island, Barbados; 1 9 juv. Needham Point, Barbados; 1 0 juv. May 18; 1 ! juv. Barbados; 1 8. May 15; 1 0 4 juv. From old coral head; May 31;16 juv., 1 juv. From coral heads; June 4; 1 0 1 juv. Not before recorded from so far south. ACTAEA BIFRONS Rathbun Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 34. Barbados; 1 o. Shoal Bank, Barbados; 30 fathoms; bottom rough; June 12; sta. 96; 1 o. Shoal Bank, about 3 miles W. of Needham Point; 20–40 fath- oms; sponge bottom; sta. 101; 1 8. . This species has been found only off Porto Rico and Colon. XANTHIAS NUTTING Rathbun Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 35. Barbados; 1 small 8. XANTHIAM GRANULIMANUS (Stimpson) Plate II, figs. 2 and 3. Rathbun, Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, vol. IV, 1898, p. 271. Barbados; from coral heads; June 4; 1 & ovigerous. Known previously from Bahamas and Cuba. > 72 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Carapace guboval, front slightly advanced, regions indicated by shallow furrows; anterior and antero-lateral regions irregularly granulated, the coarser granules forming short lines near the lateral teeth. Edge of front bow-shaped, a short median slit. Upper margin of orbit transverse and a little sinuous. Four antero-lateral teeth beside the angle of the orbit, first tooth low, remote from orbit, remaining teeth sharp-pointed, edge of orbit and teeth granulate. Lower surface of carapace densely granulate, lower margin of orbit more advanced than upper, with a V-shaped outer sinus and a thick, triangular tooth at inner angle. Chelipeds unequal, exposed surfaces of carpus, manus and proximal ends of fingers coarsely granulate; fingers deeply grooved, the granules extend- ing more than half the length of the intervening ridges in the smaller chela. Legs hairy, especially the last three segments, upper margin of merus and upper surfaces of carpus and propodus denticulate. The above description was made from a Bahama specimen () in the U. S. National Museum. The Barbados specimen is much smaller but ovigerous. Length of carapace 3.7 mm., width 5.2 mm. CHLORODIELLA LONGIMANA Milne Edwards) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, P. 36. Barbados; May 15; 3 79 (1 ovig.) 2 juv. Coral heads; May 31; 1 o. On old coral heads; June 4; 30 29. Okra Reef, Barbados; May 13; 2 0 29. One mile S. of sta. 19, off Needham Point, Barbados; 84 fath- oms; bottom rocky; sta. 20; 1 o. Not previously recorded from Barbados; known from Guade- loupe and Curaçao. OZIUS RETICULATUS (Desbonne and Schramm) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 37. Barbados; 1 %. Not previously recorded from Barbados; the nearest points are Guadeloupe and Puerto Colombia. PILUMNUS CARIBAEUS Desbonne In Desbonne and Schramm, Crust. Guadeloupe, 1867, p. 32. Needham Point, Barbados; May 18; 1 9. In this species the lateral spines are 4, including the spine at the outer BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 73 angle of the orbit; the first and often the second spine is bifid. In the Barbados specimen, there is a spine immediately following the orbital spine, which is subequal to it, and the second spine also is double, composed of 2 separate spines, the hinder of the two being smaller; in short, the margin appears to be 6-spined. Two spines on the dorsal surface of the hepatic region and one on the branchial region near by, are larger than usual. The outer surface of the larger as well as of the smaller palm is rough all over. Not previously known south of Guadeloupe. PILUMNUS BARBADENSIS, sp. nov. Plate I 7 Type-locality.-Barbados; from old coral heads; May 31; 3 0 29; the largest o has been selected as the holotype. (Cat. No. Mus. Univ. Iowa.) Additional lots.-Okra Reef, Barbados; May 13; 2 young. Barbados; from coral heads; June 4; 5 small. Measurements.-Male holotype, length of carapace 6.7, width 9.4 mm. The largest & is 12.3 mm. wide and too broken to per- mit measurement of the length; figured %, length 7.6, width 10.7 mm. Description. Carapace suboval, antero-lateral margin arched but shorter than the postero-lateral margin. Surface covered with a short, soft, sparse pubescence which does not conceal the carapace. Furrows between regions and gastric subregions well marked. Surface minutely roughened, especially along the front and antero-lateral regions where the granules are acutely pointed. The lobes of the front are oblique, slightly convex save at outer end which is right angled; edge crenulate. Inner orbital angle acute, elevated; upper orbital margin sloping obliquely outward and backward to a slight outer tooth. Edge of orbit finely denticulate. Antero-lateral margin armed with 3 slender, acuminate spines, each set in a stout, trian- gular, denticulate base. The carapace is widest at the posterior pair of these spines; the two interspaces are subequal; between the anterior spine and the orbital angle there is a spinule, little larger than the sharp denticles of the neighboring surface, and confused in dorsal view with several sub- hepatic spinules. Suborbital region covered with coarse, acute granules. Lower orbital region more advanced than upper, its spinules more elongate; spinule at inner angle a little larger and more pronounced. Chelipeds very unequal, thinly clothed with longer hairs than the cara- pace; carpus covered with acute granules, and with two spinules, one above the other at the inner angle. Only the proximal third or less of the major palm is rough with granules, the roughness forming an oblique band border- ing the carpus but stopping short of the lower margin; the proximal two- 74 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY thirds of the lower edge is separately roughened; remainder of palm smooth and naked; fingers of $ dark brown with light tips, color not reaching quite to base of immovable finger, color line vertical; a narrow interdigital gape. In the minor cheliped the entire outer surface of the palm is very rough, the granules arranged for the most part longitudinally; the fingers are less gaping and are deeply grooved, the ridges very rough. In the female, the fingers are a lighter brown and in the largest female the roughness on the major palm is less extensive. Ambulatory legs slender, bordered with long hair; merus slightly en- larged, upper margin edged with slender spines. Dactyli noticeably slender, Relationships.-Of the Pilumnus in the West Indian fauna, this approaches nearest to P. spinipes (= Micropanope spinipes A. Milne Edwards 1) in many details such as the ornamentation of the antero-lateral margin, the partial roughness of the major palm, the slender legs. On the other hand, the carapace of barbadensis is more oval and more convex, front more deflexed, and the minor palm rough all over, while in spinipes the granu- lation is similar on the two palms. P. andrewsii Rathbuna is a broad species with antero-lateral margin similar to that of barbadensis, but the interregional fur- rows are deeper, the upper orbital border has two small but dis- tinct emarginations, the major palm is smooth, the minor one nearly so. PilUMNUS FLORIDANUS Stimpson Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 40. W. N. W. of Lazaretto, N. N. W. of Pelican Island, Barbados; dredged in from 80–100 fathoms to where rocks begin at about 35 fathoms; bag full of coarse sand; sta. 53; 1 & ovig. Not previously known south of Porto Rico and St. Thomas. HETERACTAEA CERATOPUS (Stimpson) Pilumnus ceratopus Stimpson, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., vol. VII, 1860, p. 215. Needham Point, Barbados; by diver; 1 $. Barbados; May 22; 1 juv. From coral heads; June 4; 1 0 4 . Not recorded south of Guadeloupe. i Crust. Rég. Mex., 1880, p. 326, pl. LIV, fig. 3. 2 Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, vol. IV, 1898, p. 266, pl. V, fig. 2. T 75 BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS ERIPHIA GONAGRA (Fabricius) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, P. 42. Pillars of Hercules, English Harbour, Antigua; 1 juv. Barbados; 1 0 3 9 (all small). Bathsheba, Barbados; 38 (the largest one with abnormal abdomen, which is intermediate in width between Ő and adult 9). Needham Point, Barbados; 3 (1 ovig.). Pelican Island, Barbados; tide pool; May 11; 1 !, 1 juv. No label; 3 0 4 $ (3 ovig.). MELYBIA THALAMITA Stimpson Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, > Sre 78176 P. 43. Slur Barbados; 2 0 1 9 ovig. From broken coral; May 27;1 ovig. S. W. of Pelican Island, Barbados, 1 mile; 38 fathoms; bottom of fine coral fragments; May 13; sta. 1; 1 & ovig., 2 juv. Not previously recorded from Barbados; found at Porto Rico and Colon. z do DOMECIA HISPIDA Eydoux and Souleyet Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, > P. 43. $ Barbados; May 15;1 & ovig. May 22; 1 juv. In coral heads; May 31; 1 9. From coral heads; June 4;1 8. Living in Acro- . pora; 1 0 3 9 ovig. 1 young. Okra Reef, Barbados ; May 13; 1 0 6 ? (4 ovig.). Needham Point, Barbados; May 18; 1 8. One mile S. of sta. 19, off Needham Point; 84 fathoms; bottom rocky; sta. 20; 1 0 4 (2 ovig.). W. by N. of Pelican Island, 112 miles; 80 fathoms; bottom rocky; tangles without weight; May 16; sta. 7; 1 young. Family Goneplacidæ GONEPLAX BARBATA (A. Milne Edwards) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. N. M., No. XCVII, 1918, p. 26, pl. IV, figs. 1 and 3; pl. V. 1 76 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY W. by N. of Pelican Island, Barbados, 2 miles; 75–80 fathoms; sand bottom; May 15; sta. 3; 1 immature. ; This specimen unites the characters of G. barbatal and G. sigsbei,2 as given in my monograph (pp. 26-27). It will be noted there that all the specimens (4) of barbata recorded are male, while both those of sigsbei are female. The specimen in hand has the lateral dentation of barbata, as shown in plate V., while lacking a branchial ridge, an orbital notch, and a patch of hair on the cheliped, which three characters link it to sigsbei. There is a very small but sharp spine on the upper margin of the arm and the inner angle of the wrist, not the prominent, curved spine of typical barbata, nor the blunt tooth of sigsbei. Both barbata and sigsbei are recorded from off Grenada, and barbata also from Gulf of Mexico and Straits of Florida. > PANOPLAX DEPRESSA Stimpson Rathbun, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. XCVII, 1918, p. 47, pl. XII, figs. 1 and 2, text-fig. 21. Barbados; 1 0 19. From broken coral; May 27;1 0. Not previously noted south of Porto Rico. Family Pinnotheridæ PARAPINNIXA HENDERSONI Rathbun Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. XCVII, p. 109, 1918, pl. XXVI, figs. 1-5. English Harbour, Antigua; by electric light; July; 1 0 29. This extends the range of the species, which heretofore has been found in N. W. Cuba and on the west coast of Florida. Family Cymopoliidæ CYMOPOLIA AFFINIS (A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. XCVII, 1918, p. 196, pl. XLVI, pl. XLVII, fig. 3, text-fig. 121. S. W. of Pelican Island, Barbados, 1 mile; 38 fathoms; bottom of fine coral fragments; May 13; sta. 1; 1 0 1 , both immature. Previously taken off Barbados in 68 fathoms by the U. S. C. S. Str. “Blake." 1 Rathbun, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. XCVII, 1918, p. 26, pl. IV, figs. 1 and 3, pl. V. 2 Op. cit., p. 26, pl. IV, figs. 2 and 4. BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 77 CYMOPOLIA BAHAMENSIS (Rathbun) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. XCVII, 1918, p. 200, pl. XLVII, figs. 1 and 2. Barbados; Lazaretto bears S. E. by E., 12 mile off shore; 35 fathoms; bottom rocky; tangles; May 24; sta. 42; 1 & ovig. Known only from the Bahamas. CYMOPOLIA SICA A. Milne Edwards Rathbun, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. XCVII, 1918, p. 208, pl. XL, figs. 3 and 4, text-fig. 127. 114 miles W. of Telegraph Station, Barbados; 118 fathoms; bottom of fine sand ; May 30; sta. 60; 1 9 ovig. Taken by the “Blake" off Barbados in 82 fathoms. ܕܙ Family Grapsidæ GRAPSUS GRAPSUS (Linnaeus) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. XCVII, 1918, p. 227, pls. LIII and LIV, text-fig. 135. Barbados; 3 o 4 (2 ovig.). GEOGRAPSUS LIVIDUS (Milne Edwards) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. XCVII, 1918, p. 232, pl. LV. Pelican Island, Barbados; May 18; 1 ; nocturnal; color in life, light olive brown, marbled on carapace with dark Van Dyke brown; legs faintly spotted. GONIOPSIS CRUENTATA (Latreille) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. XCVII, 1918, p. 237, pl. LVII, text-fig. 136. Bridgetown, Barbados; mangrove swamp; 2019;1 is shedding. N. of Bridgetown, mangrove swamp; 1 %. PACHYGRAPSUS TRANSVERSUS (Gibbes) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. XCVII, 1918, p. 244, pl. LVI, figs. 2 and 3. Pillars of Hercules, Antigua; 4 0 4 $ (3 ovig.). English Harbour, Antigua; 1 0 1 9 ovig. 78 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Bathsheba, Barbados; 1 o. Needham Point, Barbados; 1 9. Barbados; 1 9 ovig. , ; EUCHIROGRAPSUS AMERICANUS A. Milne Edwards Rathbun, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. XCVII, 1918, p. 282, pl. LXXIV, text-fig. 144. W. of Telegraph Station, Barbados, 1 mile; 86 fathoms; bot- tom rocky; May 30; sta. 59; 1 0. Cable station, Barbados, bears E. by S., Lazaretto E. S. E. 12 S.; 35-60 fathoms; bottom mostly rocky, working on steep slope; tangles; June 3; sta. 75; 1 9 1 juv. The type-locality is off Barbados, 69 fathoms, “Blake." ARATUS PISONII (Milne Edwards) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. XCVII, 1918, p. 323, pl. XCVI. English Harbour, Antigua; 1 .. Pillars of Hercules, Antigua; 2 (1 ovig.). PLAGUSIA DEPRESSA (Fabricius) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. XCVII, 1918, p. 332, pl. ci, text-fig. 154. Barbados; 1 old male. Bathsheba, Barbados; 1 small but mature g. PERCNON GIBBESI (Milne Edwards) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. XCVII, 1918, p. 337, pl. CV. Pillars of Hercules, Antigua ; 2 3 (1 juv.). English Harbour, Antigua; 2 o juv. . Okra Reef, Barbados; May 13; 1 0 juv. Family Gecarcinidae CARDISOMA QUANHUMI Latreille Rathbun, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. XCVII, 1918, p. 341, pls. CVI and CVII, text-fig. 155. Bridgetown, Barbados; 1 large, well-developed 8, 1 adult . 1 Mangrove swamp, north of Bridgetown; 1 young . BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 79 UCIDES CORDATUS (Linnaeus) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. XCVII, 1918, p. 347, pls. CX-CXIII, pl. CLIX, figs. 3 and 4, text-fig. 158. Barbados; 1 8 small. Antigua; mangrove swamp; 2 large . The larger has a carapace 73.7 mm. long, 100 mm. wide. The greatest width com- pared to the length is intermediate between that given in my monograph for a smaller specimen of cordatus and the width of occidentalis. This Antigua specimen lacks the first ambulatory leg on the right side; the first leg on the left side is shorter than the second leg, but may not be normal. The smaller specimen of the two has the ambulatory legs of the right side normal; the first leg on the left side is no longer than, indeed, a trifle shorter than the second leg. Both these specimens have the palm straighter below than in the specimens previously described by me. In spite of these vari- ations in cordatus, there is no likelihood of confusion with occi. dentalis, as the palms of the latter are longer and slenderer than any of the cordatus examined, and the carapace is narrower be- hind in proportion to its greatest width. GECARCINUS LATERALIS (Freminville) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. XCVII, 1918, p. 355, pls. CXIX and CXX, text-fig. 161. Barbados; 1 0 1 9 1 juv. Family Ocypodidae OCYPODE ALBICANS Bosc Rathbun, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. XCVII, 1918, p. 367, pls. CXXVII and CXXVIII. Barbados; beach on south coast; 2 . Pelican Island, Barbados; 1 9. UCA MORDAX (Smith) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. XCVII, 1918, p. 391, pl. CXXXIV, figs. 3 and 4, text-fig. 166. English Harbour, Antigua ; 20. In mangrove swamp;1 , large. 80 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY N. of Bridgetown, Barbados; mangrove swamp; 7 0 6, of medium size. Superfamily Oxyrhyncha Family Parthenopidæ PARTHENOPE (PLATYLAMBRUS) FRATERCULUS (Stimpson) Lambrus fraterculus Stimpson, Bull. M. C. Z., vol. II, 1871, p. 130. Off Lazaretto, Barbados; 20 fathoms; bottom rough; tangles; June 6; sta. 87;1 o. This specimen has the dorsal projections more acute than cus- tomary, and the chelipeds a little longer, with sharper teeth or spines. Not before known from the West Indies. Its southern boun- dary has been Yucatan in the west, Miami in the east: SOLENOLAMBRUS TENELLUS Stimpson Bull. M. C. Z., vol. II, 1871, p. 134. Barbados; Lazaretto bears S. E. by E., 42 mile off shore; 35 fathoms; bottom rocky; tangles; May 24; sta. 42; 1 9 ovig. Dredged off Barbados by the “Hassler," 100 fathoms, and by the “Blake" in 56 to 103 fathoms. Family Inachidæ Subfamily Inachinæ STENORYNCHUS SAGITTARIUS (Fabricius) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 53. N. W. 12 N. of Pelican Island, Barbados, W. 1/2 S. of Laza- retto; 80 fathoms; bottom fine sand; May 27; sta. 49;1 0. Shoal Bank, Barbados, about 3 miles W. of Needham Point; 20-40 fathoms; sponge bottom; sta. 101; 1 0. ; Taken at Barbados by the “Blake" in 94 fathoms. PODOCHELA HYPOGLYPHA (Stimpson) Podonema hypoglypha Stimpson, Bull. M. C. Z., vol. II, 1871, p. 127. Barbados; Paynes Bay Church bears E. N. E. and the Laza- BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 81 retto S. E. by S., off shore 1/2 mile; 50 fathoms; bottom rocky; tangles; May 31 ; sta. 64; 1 small but adult male. Not before noted south of Guadeloupe. PODOCHELA GRACILIPES Stimpson Bull. M. C. Z., vol. II, 1871, p. 126. Lazaretto, Barbados, bears S. E. by E., 12 mile off shore; 35 fathoms; bottom rocky; tangles; May 24; sta. 42;1 o. Cable station, Barbados, bears E. by S., Lazaretto E. S. E. 12 S.; 35–60 fathoms; bottom mostly rocky, working on steep slope; tangles; June 3; sta. 75; 1 . Not before found in the lesser Antilles, although off Yucatan and Colombia. BATRACHONOTUS FRAGOSUS Stimpson Bull. M. C. Z., vol. II, 1871, p. 122. S. W. of Pelican Island, Barbados, 1 mile; 38 fathoms; bottom of fine coral fragments; May 13; sta. 1; 1 0. EUPROGNATHA GRACILIPES A. Milne Edwards Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 58. 2 miles due W. of Pelican Island, Barbados; 80 fathoms; bot- tom coarse sand; May 17; sta. 13; 1 small . Dredged by the "Blake" at Barbados in 69 to 76 fathoms. ARACHNOPSIS FILIPES Stimpson Bull. M. C. Z., vol. II, 1871, p. 121. Barbados; W. N. W. of Lazaretto; N. N. W. of Pelican Island; 33 fathoms; bottom rocky; dredge; May 27; sta. 51; 1 %. Subfamily Pisinæ CHORINUS HEROS (Herbst) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 61. Pelican Island, Barbados; tide pool; May 11; 1 immature. > HERBSTIA DEPRESSA Stimpson Plate II, fig. 4. Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., vol. VII, 1860, p. 57. > 6 82 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 3 Barbados; May 15; 1 9 ovig.; median length of carapace 14, width 12, length to tip of rostral horns 14.8 mm. Besides the tubercles on the carapace mentioned by Stimpson there are 4 tubercles or granules forming a transverse oblong on the branchial region, 2 of the granules near the inner angle of this region and the other 2 granules in a line posterior to the middle of the cardiac region. There is also a granule on the dorsal sur- face which forms a triangle with the 2 marginal spines at the widest part of the carapace. The row of spines on the merus of the cheliped is on its upper margin. Not before found south of St. Thomas. LISSA BICARINATA Aurivillius Plate II, fig. 1. Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, 4 P. 64. S. W. of Pelican Island, Barbados, 1 mile; 38 fathoms; bottom of fine coral fragments; May 13; sta. 1; 1 9 ovig.; carapace con- cealed dorsally by a calcareous coating which does not disguise the characteristic elevations. Subfamily Schizophrysinæ THOE PUELLA Stimpson Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, 9 P. 63. > Pillars of Hercules, Antigua; 2 0 3 $ (1 ovig.). MITHRAX SPINOSISSIMUS (Lamarck) The Lazy Crab Hughes, Nat. Hist. Barbados, 1750, p. 262, pl. XXV, fig. 1 (part: chelipeds and legs only). Mithrax spinosissimus Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 66. Barbados: W. N. W. of Lazaretto; N. N. W. of Pelican Island; 33 fathoms; bottom rocky; dredge; May 27; sta. 51; 3 young. The largest of these, about 9 mm. long in the median line, shows a small spine on the basal antennal segment at the base of the next segment. MITHRAX ACUTICORNIS Stimpson? Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, P. 66. BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 83 Barbados; May 22; 1 juv. with carapace less than 6 mm. long. Agrees in the main with M. acuticornis but the carapace is smoother than usual, the tubercles being fewer and lower. MITHRAX PILOSUS Rathbun Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 66. Pillars of Hercules, English Harbour, Antigua; 1 0 juv. Barbados; 1 o. Not before noted from Barbados, but occurring at Guadeloupe and Caracas. MITHRAX HEMPHILLI Rathbun Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 69. English Harbour, Antigua; shore; 1 0. MITHRAX VERRUCOSUS Milne Edwards Mag. Zool., vol. II, 1832, cl. VII, pl. IV and explanation. Pillars of Hercules, English Harbour, Antigua; 1 o, medium size. Fort Barclay, English Harbour; July 9; 1 . juv. English Harbour; shore; 1 9 juv. Pelican Island, Barbados; 1 juv. Not previously recorded from Barbados; occurs at Guadeloupe, Martinique and on the coast of Brazil. MITHRAX DEPRESSUS A. Milne Edwards Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 68. English Harbour, Antigua; shore; 1. Ő medium, 1 juv. MITHRAX PLEURACANTHUS Stimpson Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 68. Barbados; 1 ó juv. From coral heads; May 27; 2 6 1 9 ovig., all small. Not recorded previously from Barbados, or farther south than Martinique. MITHRAX CARIBBAEUS Rathbun Plate III Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, vol. XXXIII, 1920, p. 23. Barbados; 2 , one rather large, the other middling small. 84 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Length of carapace of larger & on median line 53.5, extreme width 71 mm. Length of smaller $20.8, width 24.4 mm. Approaches M. hispidus in its large size and general shape, but the carapace is a little narrower, and the crenulation of the prehensile edges of the fingers in the gape persists in the old, while it disappears in old hispidus. Differs from all its allies in the arrangement of tubercles or tubercles and spines on the postero-lateral region. There is a postero-lateral spine in the young and middle-sized, which be- comes a tubercle in the old; it is situated not far behind the spine at the lateral angle of the carapace, and forms the outermost of a transverse row of three, which is subparallel to another row of three tubercles. Barbados is the furthest east for this species; it has been taken at Porto Rico, St. Thomas and Venezuela. MITHRAX (MITHRACULUS) SCULPTUS (Lamarck) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 71. Pillars of Hercules, English Harbour, Antigua; 14 8 6 (4 ovig.). English Harbour; 1 d. Pelican Island, Barbados; 4 0. Barbados; under sea anemone; 3 0 1 %. M. sculptus is usually olivaceous, the color persisting in alco- hol. The 4 specimens taken from under sea anemones are an exception, as they are reddish brown, in alcohol. MITHRAX (MITHRACULUS) CORYPHE (Herbst) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 71. Pillars of Hercules; English Harbour, Antigua; 6 0 7 9 (4 ovig.). Ft. Barclay, English Harbour; July 9;1 0. Pelican Island, Barbados; 2 81%. Tide pool; May 11; 1 8 2 & ovig. Barbados; 1 0. From coral head; June 4; 1 o. Shore; 1 9 ovig. Under sea anemones; 3 8 5 (4 ovig.) 1 juv. . . BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 85 MITHRAX (MITHRACULUS) FORCEPS (A. Milne Edwards) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 70. 1 mile S. of sta. 19, off Needham Point, Barbados; 84 fathoms; bottom rocky; sta. 20; 1 9 ovig. Barbados; 2 3 juv. MITHRAX (MITHRACULUS) RUBER (Stimpson) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 69. > Pelican Island, Barbados; 1 0 1 9 juv. Needham Point, Barbados ; May 18; 3 0 1 ¢ immature. By diver; 18. 1 mile S. of sta. 19, off Needham Point; 84 fathoms; bottom rocky; sta. 20; 2 0 39. Okra Reef, Barbados; May 13; 6 0 6 %, all small. Barbados; shore; 1 9. May 15; 7 4 (2 ovig.) 2 juv. May 22; 1 o. On old coral; May 31; 1 0 1 ! immature. From coral heads; June 4; 4 0 1 9 ovig. 1 juv. Not heretofore known south of Guadeloupe. MITHRAX (MITHRACULUS) CINCTIMANUS (Stimpson) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 70. English Harbour, Antigua; shore; 1 %, immature. MICROPHRYS BICORNUTUS (Latreille) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 72. . Pillars of Hercules, English Harbour, Antigua; 10 0 5! (2 ovig.) 1 juv. English Harbour, Antigua; shore; 4 0 2 (1 ovig.). Antigua; 1 & ovig., with the slender, slightly divergent, in- curved horns figured by A. Milne Edwards, in Crust. Rég. Mex., 1873, pl. XIV, fig. 2. Bathsheba, Barbados; 3 & ovig., 1 juv. Pelican Island, Barbados ; May 11;3! (1 ovig.) 1 juv. Tide pool; May 11; 2 8. May 13; 1 o. . Needham Point, Barbados; May 18; 1 juv. Barbados ; 4 0 2 & ovig. Under sea anemones:10, soft shell. 86 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY MICROPHRYS INTERRUPTUS Rathbun Plate II, fig. 5. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, vol. XXXIII, 1920, p. 24. Fort Barclay, English Harbour, Antigua, July 9; 1 0 1 8 juv. Needham Point, Barbados; May 18; 1 . Known previously only from Cuba, the type locality. Measurements. The male from Needham Point is only slightly larger than the type male; the male from Fort Barclay is con- siderably larger, total length of carapace 16.7, length of horns 2.4, width of carapace without spines 13.6, with spines 13.3 mm. The carapace is widest above the bases of the first ambulatory legs where it exceeds slightly the width between the tips of the postero-lateral spines, which are above the bases of the second ambulatory legs. The egg-bearing female is about the same size as the male and is concealed beneath a mass of algae and other small organisms. Relationships.-M. bicornutus is very widespread and abun- dant, and a very variable species, but the form which I call inter- ruptus appears to be consistently different. It differs from bi- cornutus in being wider in proportion to its length, and wider across the orbits in proportion to its posterior width; in the greater prominence of the oblique branchial protuberances which are in line with the postero-lateral spine; in the more transverse direction of the arch of four tubercles on the intestinal region; in the shorter and more transverse tooth at the antero-external angle of the basal antennal segment, which is very little ad- vanced in dorsal view beyond the preorbital angle, and in ventral view gives the segment much greater relative width than in bicornutus; in the presence of a small but well-developed tooth or lobe on the infra-orbital margin, just outside the antennal segment; this tooth is lacking in bicornutus. STENOCIONOPS FURCATA (Olivier) The Horned Crab, Nat. Hist. Barbados, 1750, p. 266, pl. XXV, fig. 3. Stenocionops furcata Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 73. BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 87 9 Barbados; in shore 200 yards from sta. 22 (14 mile E. of sta. 21, in shore 400 to 500 yards) ; 35 fathoms; bottom rocky; tangles; May 20; sta. 24; 1 . MACROCOELOMA TRISPINOSUM (Latreille) Milne Edwards, Hist. Nat. Crust., vol. I, 1834, p. 336. English Harbour, Antigua; shore; 1 9 ovig., overgrown with sponge. MACROCOELOMA TRISPINOSUM NODIPES (Desbonne) In Desbonne and Schramm, Crust. Guadeloupe, 1867, p. 15, pl. V, fig. 13. English Harbour, Antigua; shore; 1 0,1 juv. MACROCOELOMA SUBPARALLELUM (Stimpson) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 74. Bathsheba, Barbados; 1 9 ovig. Pelican Island, Barbados; tide pools; May 11; 1 9 immature. Barbados; 1 9. Shallow water; under large anemone; 1 9 18 ovig. The specimens are almost concealed by seaweed, alcyonarians and other foreign substances. First occurrence at Barbados; known from Guadeloupe and Old Providence. MACROCOELOMA EUTHECA (Stimpson) Pericera eutheca Stimpson, Bull. M. C. Z., vol. II, 1871, p. 112. S. W. of Pelican Island, Barbados, 1 mile; 38 fathoms; bottom of fine coral fragments; May 13; sta. 1;1 0. W. by N. of Telegraph Station, Barbados; 12 mile off shore about edge of drop off'; 60–70 fathoms; tangles; June 1; sta. 66; 19. First occurrence at Barbados, though taken at St. Croix and Colon. MACROCOELOMA INTERMEDIUM Rathbun Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 75. Off Lazaretto, Barbados; 20 fathoms; bottom rough; tangles; June 6; sta. 87;1 immature. First record at Barbados, though taken at Dominica and Colon. 88 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY PICROCEROIDES TUBULARIS Miers Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 76. Shoal Bank, Barbados, about 3 miles W. of Needham Point; 20-40 fathoms; sponge bottom; sta. 101; 1 juv. Not before taken near Barbados, but off St. Thomas and the coast of Brazil. Pitho MIRABILIS (Herbst) Rathbun, Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, p. 78. Pillars of Hercules, English Harbour, Antigua; 1 %. BIBLIOGRAPHY 6 DESBONNE and SCHRAMM. Crustacés de la Guadeloupe d'après un manuscrit du Docteur Isis Desbonne comparé avec les échantillons de crustacés de sa collection et les dernières publi- cations de MM. Henri de Saussure et William Stimpson. 1re partie. Brachyures. Basse-Terre. 1867. [Edited by Alphonse Schramm.) EDWARDS, A. MILNE. Reports on the Results of Dredging under the Supervision of ALEXANDER AGAssiz, in the Gulf of Mexico, and in the Caribbean Sea, 1877, ’78, '79, by the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer "Blake", Lieut.-Commander C. D. Sigsbee, U. S. N., and Commander J. R. Bartlett, U. S. N., Command- ing. VIII. Etudes préliminaires sur les Crustacés. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zoöl. at Harvard College, vol. VIII, No. 1, Cambridge, 1880, pp. 1–68, pls. I and II. EDWARDS, A. MILNE. Recherches Zoologiques pour servir a l'his- toire de la faune de l'Amérique Centrale et du Mexique, 5e partie, Paris, 1881. Etudes sur les Xiphosures et les Crustacés de la Région Mexicaine, 1873-1880. 368 pp., 61 pls. EDWARDS, A. MILNE, and E. L. BOUVIER. Reports on the Results of Dredging under the Supervision of Alexander Agassiz, in the Gulf of Mexico (1877-78), in the Caribbean Sea (1878– 79), and along the Atlantic Coast of the United States (1880), by the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer “Blake", Lieut.-Com. C. D. Sigsbee, U. S. N., and Commander J. R. Bartlett, U. S. N., Commanding. XXXIX. Les Dromiacés et Oxystomes. Mem. Mus. Comp. Zoöl. at Harvard College, vol. XXVII, No. 1, Cambridge, 1902, pp. 1–127, pls. 1-XXV. EDWARDS, H. MILNE. Sur les Crustacés du genre Mithrax. Mag. Zool., vol. II, Paris, 1832, classe VII, pls. I-V. EDWARDS, H. MILNE. Histoire Naturelle des Crustacés, vol. I, Paris, 1834, xxxv and 468 pp. > 7 89 90 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY HUGHES, GRIFFITH. The Natural History of Barbados. London, 1750. Book IX. Of Crustaceous Animals. Pp. 261–266, pl. XXV. RATHBUN, MARY J. List of the Decapod Crustacea of Jamaica. Ann. Inst. Jamaica, vol. I, No. 1, 1897, pp. 1-46. RATHBUN, MARY J. The Brachyura of the Biological Expedi- tion to the Florida Keys and the Bahamas in 1893. Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, vol. IV, 1898, pp. 250-294, pls. I-IX. RATHBUN, MARY J. The Brachyura and Macrura of Porto Rico. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., vol. XX for 1900, part 2, 1901, pp. 1-137, pls. I and II. RATHBUN, MARY J. The Grapsoid Crabs of America. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. XCVII, 1918, pp. 1-461, pls. I-CLXI. RATHBUN, MARY J. New species of Spider Crabs from the Straits of Florida and Caribbean Sea. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, vol. XXXIII, 1920, pp. 23-24. STIMPSON, WILLIAM. Notes on North American Crustacea, Nos. I and II. Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., vol. VII, New York, pp. 49–93 (1859), pp. 176-246 (1860), pls. I, II and V. STIMPSON, WILLIAM. Preliminary Report on the Crustacea dredged in the Gulf Stream in the Straits of Florida. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. at Harvard College, vol. II, Cam- bridge, 1871, pp. 109-160. EXPLANATION OF PLATES Plate III and plate II, fig. 1, are from photographs loaned by the U. S. National Museum. The other photographs on plate II were made by Mr. Clarence R. Shoemaker and retouched by Mr. Seward H. Rathbun who made the drawings on plate I. Plate I Pilumnus barbadensis, 9, Barbados Fig. 1. Major chela, X 8. 2. Minor chela, X 9.4. 3. An ambulatory leg, X 8. 4. Carapace, with eyes and antennae, X 7. Plate II Fig. 1. Lissa bicarinata, , Cat. No. 24120, U. S. N. JI., dorsal view, carapace 9.6 mm. long. 2. Xanthias granulimanus, $, Cat. No. 20052, U. S. N. II., ventral view, X 3. Carapace 9.2 mm. wide. 3. Same, dorsal view, X 3. 4. Herbstia depressa, f, Barbados, X 2 2-3. 5. Microphrys interruptus, , Fort Barclay, X 3. Cara- pace, including horns, 16.7 mm. long. > Plate III Mithrax caribbaeus, o holotype, Cat. No. 50363, U. S. N. M., dorsal view, carapace, including horns, 66.3 mm. long. PLATE I 245 2 4. بوبليليه 3 илиал PLATE II 2 4 5 3 PLATE III REPORT ON THE TANIDACEA AND ISOPODA Collected by the Barbados-Antigua Expedition from the University of Iowa in 1918 PEARL L. BOONE Aid, Division of Marine Invertebrates, U. S. National Museum The Isopod Crustacea of the Barbados-Antigua Expedition conducted by the State University of Iowa during the summer of 1918, though a small collection, has proven quite interesting. Of the six species represented, one, Ecosphaeroma nuttingi, is new to science; another, Porcellio parvicornis Richardson, repre- sents the second record of this species, which was described from a single specimen secured in the Bermudas in 1901. A single representative of the Tanaidacea was taken ; namely, Apsuedes espinosus Moore. An annotated list of the material collected and discussion of the new species is herewith presented. The drawing of the latter was made by Mr. Seward H. Rathbun under my direction. TANAIDACEA Family Apseudidæ Genus APSEUDES Leach > APSEUDES ESPINOSUS Moore Apseudes espinosus Moore, Bull. U. S. Fish Commission XX, pt. 2, 1902, pp. 165-166, pl. 7, figs. 1-6. Richardson, Bull. 54, U. S. Nat. Mus., 1905, p. 38, figs. 34 a-f. One male specimen of this species was collected at Station 1, Barbados, 1918, and is in the collection of the State University of Iowa. Moore described the type from a female, taken by the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries steamer "Fish Hawk”, at Station 6079, off St. Thomas, Porto Rico, 20 fathoms, on coral bottom. 91 92 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Representatives of this species from the following localities are in the collections of the U. S. National Museum; from among algae, No Name Key, Fla.; off the Customs House, Mayaguez, Porto Rico, Station 6651, in 4-6 fathoms; also from Station 6090 off Culebra Island, S. W. Culebrita, Porto Rico, in 16 fathoms. ISOPODA Family Cirolanidæ Genus CIROLANA Leach CIROLANA MAYANA Ives Cirolana mayana Ives, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1891, pp. 186–187, pl. VI, fig. 6, figs. 3–10.-Richardson, Bull. 54, U. S. Nat. Mus., 1905, p. 87, fig. 66. A single adult specimen, collected in sand, June 2, 1918, Barbados, was secured and is in the collections of the State Uni- versity of Iowa. Type locality: Port of Silam, Yucatan, 3 specimens. Subse- quent records for this species are: Boqueron Bay and Culebra, Porto Rico (H. F. Moore). Santa Marta, U. S. Colombia (Rich- ardson). Brandon's, Barbados Beach ; San Francisco Bay, Low- er California (Richardson, 1905). I doubt the validity of this last locality. There are no specimens of Cirolana mayana Ives in the collec- tions of the U. S. National Museum. > 2 CIROLANA PARVA Hansen Cirolana parva Hansen, Vidensk. Selsk., Skr. (6), V, 1890, pp. 340–341, pl. 2, figs. 6-6b, pl. 3, figs. 1-1d. Richardson, American Naturalist, vol. 34, 1900, p. 217. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 23, 1901, p. 514. Bull. 54, U. S. Nat. Mus., 1905, p. 111, figs. 93–94. Moore, Bull. U. S. Fish Com., 20, pt. 2, 1902, p. 167, pl. 8, figs. 6-8. Sixteen specimens from Pelican Island, Barbados, were col- lected June 13, 1918, 14 of which are in the collection of the State University of Iowa and two in the U. S. National Museum, Cat. No. 53882. One specimen, taken with electric light at English Harbour, one taken at dredging station 1, Barbados, another from Station BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 93 11, Barbados, also one labeled “Barbados, May 15, 1918,” are in the collections of the State University of Iowa. Type localities :-Hansen states that he has examined repre- sentatives of the species from the following localities : St. Thomas, West Indies, 5 specimens (Krebs, 1867); St. Croix, West Indies, 2 specimens (Oersted); West Indies, 1 specimen (Kroyer); without locality but probably West Indies, 1 specimen; 25° N. B., 34° V. L., 2 specimens (Hygom); Samoa Islands, 1 speci- men (Mus. Godeffroy). This last he offers with hesitation and fears the locality with specimen may be wrong, but states the specimens are identical with the West Indian material. In addition, representatives of this species from the following localities are in the collections of the U. S. National Museum; between the delta of the Mississippi and Cedar Keys, Florida, Stations 2369–74, 25–74 fathoms depth; Station 2406, Gulf of Mexico, Lat. N. 28° 46', Long. W. 84° 49', 26 fathoms; Station 7293, Gulf of Mexico, off Northwest Channel, 714 fathoms depth, off Biscayne Key, Florida, 16–34 ft. depth; Grassy Key Lake, off Grassy Key, Florida, Station 7431, 8 feet depth, No Name Key, Florida, banks, low tide; off Knights Key Channel, N. E. Bahia Honda Key, Florida, Station 7411, 10 ft. depth; Pigeon Key Lake, Florida, Station 7404, 101/2 ft. depth; Key West, Florida, among algae, below low tide; Key West, Florida; speci- mens from sponges, Lisbon Reef, Andros Island, Bahamas; in algae (Panicillus capitatus), Georgetown, Great Exuma, Ba- hama, shallow water about the keys, Esperanza, Cuba; from mangrove roots, Boque Islands, Montego Bay, Jamaica; Maya- guez, Porto Rico; from Porto Real, Porto Rico; Ponce, Porto Rico; Playa de Ponce, Porto Rico, on lighthouse reef, Arroyo, Porto Rico; Fajardo, Porto Rico; Boqueron Bay, Porto Rico; Ensenada Honda, Culebra, Porto Rico; off St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, U. S., Station 6080, 20 fathoms depth; St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, U. S. Family Excorallanidæ Excorallana Stebbing? EXCORALLANA SUBTILIS (Hansen) Corallana subtilis Hansen, Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. (6), V, 1890, > i See Hansen for characters of family, Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. (6), V, 1890, pp. 311. 313, 317, 376, Kjobenhavn. 2 Fauna and Geography of the Maldive and Laccadire Archipelagoes, II, Pt. 3, 1904, p. 704. 8 94 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY pp. 382, 383, pl. 7, figs. 3–3e, Richardson, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIII, 1901, p. 519. Excorallana subtilis Richardson, Bull. 54, U. S. Nat. Mus., 1905, p. 146, fig. 130 a-d. A single immature specimen of this species was taken at Okra Reef, Barbados, May 13, 1918, and is in the collections of the State University of Iowa. Hansen described this species from a single young female spe- cimen in the process of ecdysis labelled “St. Thomas, Krebs, Aug. 24, 1858”, which is in the Copenhagen Museum. Two male specimens collected in the harbor of Key West, Florida, by Dr. Edward Palmer, in 1884, Cat. No. 13581, are in the collections of the U. S. National Museum. These specimens agree with Hansen's description except that they lack the two large tubercles at the base of the abdomen, but it must be re- called that the type was an immature female in process of ecdysis. EXCORALLANA OCULATA (Hansen) Three specimens of this species were collected with electric light at English Harbour, Barbados, 1918; two of these are in the collections of the State University of Iowa, the third is in the collections of the U. S. National Museum, Cat. No. 53886. Hansen described the species from two specimens collected in the West Indies, by Krebs, 1866, and deposited in the Copen- hagen Museum. Three specimens, collected by the steamer “Albatross'' at Sta- tion 2758, in 20 fathoms of water, off Cape St. Roque, Brazil, are in the U. S. National Museum. Family Cymothoidæ Genus ANILOCRA Leach ANILOCRA LATICAUDA Milne Edwards Anilocra laticauda Milne Edwards, Hist. Nat. Crust. III, 1840, p. 259. Anilocra mexicana Saussure, Rev. Mag. Zool., 1857, p. 505. Anilocra leachi (Kroyer) Schiödte & Meinert, Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift (3), XIII, 1881–83, pp. 126–131, pl. IX, figs. 1-3. Richardson, American Naturalist, XXXIV, 1901, p. 528.- BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 95 Moore, Report U. S. Com. Fisheries XX, Pt. 2, 1902, p. 172, pl. X, figs. 3-4. Richardson, Bull. 54, U. S. Nat. Mus., 1905, p. 227, fig. 230. Two adult and four young specimens of this well-known fish parasite were collected May 14, 1918, near Pelican Island, Bar- bados, and are in the collections of the State University of Iowa. The type locality of the species was described “Habitat la mer des Antilles”. The species has been recorded as parasitic on Ocyurus chrysu- rus, Bathystoma rimator, Haemulon plumieri, H. arcuatum, Upeneus martinicus, and Abudefduf saxtalis from a series of localities establishing a geographic range from Maryland to the Straits of Magellan. The representatives of the species from the following localities are in the collections of the U. S. National Museum: on “Grunt, Jewfish Bush Lake, Florida; "on fish,” Key West, Florida; Arroyo and Vieques, Porto Rico; West End Santa Lucia Bay, Cuba; Cape Cajon, Cuba; on parrot-fish, Montego Bay, Jamaica; on eye of yellow-tail, Ocyurus chrysurus, Montego Bay, Jamaica; “from angle of mouth (external) of Bathystoma rimator”, Ja- maica; from small yellow-tail, Snug Harbor, Montego Bay, Ja- maica; on head of Haemulon arcuatum, Cozumel, Yucatan; Cat. No. 7660, on fish, St. Thomas, West Indies; Buck Island, near St. Thomas, West Indies; 1 specimen on red-fish, St. Croix, West Indies; on Abudefduf saxatilis, Toso Point, Canal Zone, Panama; on A, saxatilis, Colon Reef, Panama; Cat. No. 20481, 2 speci- mens, Porlamar, Margarita Island, Venezuela; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Genus CYMOTHOA Fabricius CYMOTHOA OESTRUM (L.) Oniscus oestrum Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., 10th Ed., I, 1758, p. 636, No. 2; Fauna suecica, 2nd ed., 1761, p. 499, No. 2053; Syst. Nat., 12 ed., I, 1767, pt. 2, p. 1059, No. 2. Asellus oestrum Olivier, Encycl. Méthod. IV, 1789, p. 253. Cymothoa oestrum Fabricius, Entom. Syst. II, 1798, p. 505, No. 6,-Leach, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, XI, 1815, p. 372; Dict. Sci. Nat. XII, 1818, p. 362. Cymothoa dufresnei Leach, Dict. Sci. Nat. XII, 1818, p. 352. 96 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Cymothoa immersa Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., I, 1818, pp. 399–400. 7 be Cymothoa oestrum Desmarest, Consid. Gén. Crust., 1825, p. 309, pl. 47, figs. 6–7, Miers, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1877, pp. 671-672,- Schiödte and Meinert, Naturh. Tidsskr. (3), 14, 1883–84, pp. 271-279, pl. 8, figs. 5–13. Richardson, American Naturalist, 34, 1900, p. 221; U. S. Nat. Mus., 23, 1901, p. 530; Bull. 54, U. S. Nat. Mus., 1905, p. 254, fig. 263. Four adult specimens of this species were found parasitic on the tongue of "horse-eye cavalli” (fish), May 28, 1918, Bar- bados. About twenty-five very young of the second stage were collected in sand, Barbados, June 2, 1918. One of the adults is in the collections of the U. S. National Museum, Cat. No. 53883. The remainder are in the collections of the State University of Iowa. The type locality of this well-known parasite was recorded “Habitat in Oceano”. It has been recorded as taken from the following hosts : Caranz latus, C. ruber, “jack-fish”, from branchial cavity; “red Fish" stomach, in the tongue of Scombroid fishes, parasitic on the mouth of Priacanthus arenatus and Trachurops crumenopthal- mus; Sparisoma abilgaardi, Cynocion ciorchus, on Strombus gi- ganteus, the various localities cited giving a geographic range from the shore of Virginia to the southern shores of the Carib- bean Sea, also the coast of Peru. The representatives of this species from the following localities are in the collections of the U. S. National Museum: from the mouth of Caranx ruber, Tortugas, Florida; Key West, Florida; parasitic on Trachurops crumenopthalmus, and on Priacanthus arenatus, Bermuda ; Cat. No. 28678, from the “stomach of red- Fish”, near Barbados; from parrot-fish, Sparisoma abilgaardi, Montego Bay, Jamaica; from the branchial cavity of jack fish, Caranx species, Jamaica; Curaçao, Feb., 1884; from mouth of fish, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, U. S.; 1 young male specimen on the gills of Cynocion ciorchus, Colon market, Colon, Canal Zone, Panama; Swan Island, Caribbean Sea. 看 ​1 BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 97 Family Sphaeromidæ SPHAEROMINAE HEMIBRANCHIATAE ExOSPHAEROMA NUTTINGI new species Figures 1-2 Body elongate-ovate, smooth, ground color creamy yellowish, irregularly mottled with fine black splotches. Head two-thirds as long as wide with frontal margin produced to a median point on either side of which it is moderately excavated and thence recurvate for the reception of the antennal joints. Eyes large, round, occu- pying the entire postlateral area of the head. First antennae with the basal article elongate, broad, flattened, second article half as long as the first, very convex; the third article slender, cylindrical, two-thirds as long as the first, and a flagellum of eight slender subequal articles and extends almost to the posterior margin of the first thoracic segment. The second antennae have the first and second joints short, subequal, the third and fourth joints each slightly longer than the second, the fifth joint slightly longer than the fourth and a flagellum of eleven tapering subequal articles which extends almost to the posterior margin of the third segment. The maxillipeds have the lobes of the distal four joints much produced. The first thoracic segment is slightly longer than any of the others which are subequal, the epimera are easily distinguished and have their respec- tive lateral margins rounded and sculptured. The seven pairs of legs are similar, subequal, irregularly, sparsely set with spines along the inner side. The abdomen has the first thoracic segment a trifle longer than the sev. enth thoracic segment and bears three transverse lines indicating the coales- cence of four segments, the terminal segment is convex, domelike, with the posterior marginal area on a slightly lower plane than the central area; the posterior margin is broadly rounded, the extreme median area has a broad shallow excavation on the ventral surface, the distal termination of this channel causes a vague almost invisible truncation of the dorsal margin. The uropoda have the peduncle rounded, knob-like, its articulation with the inner branch being difficult to distinguish; the inner branch has the inner lateral margin relatively straight, the outer margin broadly rounded, the distal margin crenulate; the outer blade is four-fifths as long as the inner blade and is broadly oval with its posterior margin crenulate. Pleopoda one and two are subequal, similar, fringed; pleopoda three has the exopod two-jointed; pleopoda four and five have the endopods thick, of fleshy aspect, with deep, essentially transverse folds, the exopods submem- braneous and rather pellucid, two jointed. The present species may be distinguished from Exosphaeroma crenulatum Richardson* by the fact that it has three transverse lines on the first ab- dominal segment indicating the coalescence of four segments; these lines * Exosphaeroma crenulatum Richardson, Bull. 54, U. S. Nat. Mus., 1905, p. 298, figs. 317-318. 98 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY are quite differently placed from the two lines of coalescence of Exosphae- roma crenulatum; the posterior margin of the telson is different, the uropoda have both blades slightly crenulate only on the distal end, and the lobes of the second, third and fourth joints of the palp of the maxilliped are much produced. The holotype and eleven paratypes are in the collections of the State University of Iowa. Six additional paratypes are in the collections of the U. S. National Museum, Cat. No. 53884. All were collected from among the spines of a sea urchin, Barbados. Named for Professor C. C. Nutting. ONISCOIDEA Family Oniscidae Genus PORCELLIO Latreille PORCELLIO PARVICORNIS Richardson Porcellio parvicornis Richardson, Trans. Conn. Acad. Sciences, XI, 1902, p. 302, pl. 40, fig. 57.-Bull. 54, U. S. Nat. Mus., 1905, p. 616, fig. 667. Three specimens of this species were collected at Indian River, Barbados, May 21, 1918. Two specimens are in the collections of the State University of Iowa and one in the U. S. National Museum, Cat. No. 53885. These represent the second record of this species, which was described from a single specimen collected by Prof. A. E. Verrill at the Bermudas in 1901, and deposited in the collections of Peabody Museum, Yale University. a EXPLANATION OF PLATE Fig. 1. Exosphaeroma nuttingi new species, type. Fig. 2. Exosphaeroma nuttingi maxilliped. PLATE I saphat aropok lobeg od Te mail of the in the 41 2 jence 196 Rire tions น่ ไม่ 1 REPORT ON THE AMPHIPODS Collected by the Barbados-Antigua Expedition from the University of Iowa in 1918 CLARENCE R. SHOEMAKER Aid, Division of Marine Invertebrates, U. S. National Museum The Amphipod collection of the expedition is represented by 191 specimens which are included in sixteen species. The rec- ords are all new for Barbados and four of the species (Ampelisca lobata, Lembos concavus, Chevalia aviculae, and Ampithoe inter- media) are reported for the first time from the east coast of America. 1. LYSIANOPSIS ALBA Holmes Station 1, one mile S. W. of Pelican Island, Barbados, May 13, 1918, 38 fms. 2 specimens This species was described by S. J. Holmes in 1905 from Woods Hole, Mass. It was reported by Arthur S. Pearse in 1912 from Gulf of Mexico. J. B. Henderson and Paul Bartsch found it off Cape San Antonio, Cuba, in 1914, and in 1915 it was col- lected by myself at St. Thomas, W. I. 2. AMPELISCA LOBATA Holmes Station 1, one mile S. W. of Pelican Island, Barbados, May 13, 1918, 38 fms. 1 specimen This is the first report of the occurrence of this species upon the east coast of North America, the species having been de- scribed by S. J. Holmes off San Nicolas Island, Southern Cali- fornia, in 1908. 3. AMPHILOCHUS, species Pelican Island, Barbados, May 13, 1918. 2 specimens These specimens are too imperfect for identification. 4. LEUCOTHOE SPINICARPA (Abildgaard) Pelican Island, Barbados, May 13, 1918. 1 specimen (immature) This species is found throughout the Arctic Ocean, on the 99 100 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY coast of Norway, northern coast of Europe, British Isles, Azores, Bermuda, Mediterranean, Ceylon, Seychelles, British East Af- rica, Red Sea, McMurdo Sound (Antarctic), South Georgia, Cape Agulhas, South Orkneys, East coast of North America, Gulf of Mexico, St. Thomas, Jamaica, Cuba, and South Africa. This is the first mention of its occurrence at Barbados. Leu- cothoe spinicarpa frequently lives commensal in the branchial chamber of Ascidians. 5. BATEA CATHARINENSIS Müller Pelican Island, Barbados, May 13, 1918. 3 specimens Batea catharinensis was discovered at Desterro, Brazil, and in 1865 Fritz Müller created the genus for it. No members of the genus were again met with until 1900 when some specimens were found near Woods Hole, Mass., and described by S. J. Holmes as Batea secunda. The specific differences which this author points out, however, are very slight and the two species will probably prove to be the same. Batea catharinensis has also been found at Chesapeake Bay, Skull Creek, S. C., mouth of May River, S. C., and now at Pelican Island, Barbados. > 6. PONTOGENEIA VERRILLI Kunkel Pelican Island, Barbados, May 13, 1918. 1 specimen In 1910 B. W. Kunkel described this species from Bermuda and this single specimen now from Barbados marks the second record. 7. MAERA IN AEQUIPES (A. Costa) Pelican Island, Barbados, May 13, 1918. 46 specimens This species has been reported from the Azores, Mediterra- nean, Bermuda, Cuba, and South Africa; and the present record is the first for Barbados. 8. ELASMOPUS RAPAX A. Costa Pelican Island, Barbados, May 13, 1918. 48 specimens This species has been reported from Norway, British Isles, France, Azores, Bermuda, Gulf of Mexico, Jamaica, Cuba, and now for the first time from Barbados. BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 101 9. ORCHESTIA PLATENSIS Kroyer Station 1, one mile S. W. of Pelican Island, Barbados, May 13, 1918, 38 fms. 1 specimen Beach near Pelican Island, Barbados, May 27, 1918. 10 specimens This Amphipod has been found upon the beaches of nearly all the temperate and tropical regions of the earth; this, however, is the first record for Barbados. 10. LEMBOS CONCAVUS Stout Pelican Island, Barbados, May 13, 1918. 17 specimens In 1913 Vinnie Ream Stout described this species from Laguna Beach, California. The specimens taken at Barbados are smaller but agree very well with the description. This is the first ap- pearance of this species on the east coast of America. 11. EURYSTHEUS LINA Kunkel Pelican Island, Barbados, May 13, 1918. 35 specimens The first specimens of this species were found at Bermuda in 1903 and described by B. W. Kunkel in 1910.Specimens have been taken also at Tortugas, Florida, and Porto Rico and this record from Barbados extends the range much to the south. 12. EURYSTHEUS, species Station 1, one mile S. W. of Pelican Island, Barbados. May 13, 1918, 38 fathoms. 1 specimen This single, female specimen is in too imperfect a condition for specific identification. 13. CHEVALIA AVICULAE Walker Pelican Island, Barbados, May 13, 1918. 18 specimens This species was found by Herdman and Hornell at Ceylon in pearl oyster washings, and described by A. O. Walker in 1904. It was later taken at Saya de Malha Bank, Cargados Islands, and South Africa. Walker thinks this is probably a tube-build- ing species but nothing yet is known of its habits. The species described by Arthur S. Pearse as Chevalia mexicana in 1912 from the Gulf of Mexico will probably prove to be the same as Walker's species. This is the first record for Barbados. 102 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY 14. AMPHITHOE INTERMEDIA Walker Barbados, under sea anemones. 3 specimens A. O. Walker described this species from Ceylon in 1904, and in 1905 he reported it from the Maldive Islands. Chevreux in 1907 reported it from the Tuamotu Islands. In 1909 A. 0. Walker recorded it from Praslin Reef, Zanzibar, and Red Sea. The specimens from Barbados agree with those figured by Chev- reux in having the broad rounded lobe on the lower, anterior corner of the second joint of the second gnathopods. 15. GRUBIA COMPTA (Smith) Barbados, June 4, 1918 (from coral heads). 1 specimen This species was described by S. I. Smith in 1873 and was said to range from North Carolina to Cape Cod. In 1912 Arthur S. Pearse reported it from Harbor Key and Key West, Florida. The present record is the first from Barbados. 16. PODOCERUS BRASILIENSIS (Dana) Pelican Island, Barbados, May 13, 1918. 1 specimen This is a tropical Atlantic species which heretofore has been reported only from Rio Janeiro and Antigua. > REPORT ON THE ECHINOIDEA Collected by the Barbados-Antigua Expedition from the University of Iowa in 1918 HUBERT LYMAN CLARK Museum of Comparative Zoölogy, Cambridge The collection of Echinoidea made by the party from the University of Iowa, which under the leadership of Professor C. C. Nutting, visited Barbados and Antigua in the summer of 1918, is not a large one but it represents well the typical littoral West Indian fauna. The 229 specimens belong to 18 species, all but two of which are known, characteristic forms of the Carib- bean region. The two exceptions are notable indeed, for each represents a genus not hitherto reported from the West Indies : one (Pseudoboletia) is recorded from the eastern Atlantic (As- cension Island) and the other (Centrostephanus) occurs on the western coast of Mexico. Of the 229 specimens, 178 belong to three very common West Indian species, Echinometra lucunter, Echinoneus cyclostomus and Brissus brissus. The equally common species, Centrechinus antillarum, Tripneustes esculentus and Lytechinus variegatus, are represented by very few specimens, presumably because their large size made extensive series undesirable and their common- ness made such series unnecessary. These six common species occurred at both Barbados and Antigua. The only other echini found at the latter island were Eucidaris tribuloides and Cly- peaster rosaceus, which are also common and widespread species. But no Clypeaster was taken at Barbados. The 18 species fall naturally into two divisions, those which occur along shore, or on reefs easily accessible at low tide, and those which are gotten only by dredging, trawling or the use of tangles. The former are the strictly “littoral" group; the latter belong rather to the “continental” fauna; of course members of the littoral group are often taken in deeper water, sometimes 103 104 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY C > down to 50 or even 100 fms., but the species of the continental group do not seem to ever come up into the very shallow water. The following list shows the echini of the present collection which belong to the strictly littoral group: Eucidaris tribuloides Echinometra lucunter Centrechinus antillarum Clypeaster rosaceus Lytechinus variegatus Mellita seriesperforata Tripneustes esculentus Echinoneus cyclostomus Brissus brissus In a recent study of the littoral echinoderms of the West Indies (1919, Publ. 281, Carnegie Inst., pp. 51–74), I have re- corded 7 of these 9 species from Barbados and 6 from Antigua, relying mainly on the field notes of Dr. W. K. Fisher who was a member of the Iowa party. The present collection adds Lyte- chinus variegatus to the fauna of Barbados and Clypeaster rosa- ceus and Echinoneus cyclostomus to the fauna of Antigua. Of the remaining nine species, eight unquestionably belong to the continental groups. The ninth, the unique Pseudoboletia, may possibly prove to be littoral but the depth at which it was found is not recorded. The nine species are: Stylocidaris affinis Lytechinus callipeplus Tretocidaris bartletti Lytechinus euerces Coelopleurus floridanus Genocidaris maculatus Centrostephanus rubicingulus Pseudoboletia occidentalis Agassizia excentrica Excepting only the two new forms, all these species were taken by the “Blake" near Barbados, and also near Dominica, Mont- serrat or St. Cruz. Hence their occurrence in the present collec- tion was quite to have been expected. There are no specimens however of any of them from Antigua, all having been taken off the southwest coast of Barbados in 25-100 fms. But practically no dredging was done at Antigua except in the shallow harbors and bays, owing to the high seas outside those sheltered areas. LIST OF SPECIES EUCIDARIS TRIBULOIDES Cidarites tribuloides Lamarck, 1816. Anim, s. Vert., 3, p. 56. BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 105 Cidaris tribuloides A. Agassiz, 1872. Rev. Ech., p. 253; pl. Id and pl. II, figs. 1-3. Eucidaris tribuloides Döderlein, 1887. Jap. Seeigel, p. 42. There are three specimens of this well-known sea-urchin at hand; one, 38 mm. in diameter with primary spines 35-38 mm. long, from Falmouth Harbor, Antigua ; one 25 mm. with spines of about that length, from Carlisle Bay, Barbados, 30 fms.; and an interesting young individual, about 16 mm. in diameter, with- out a locality label but apparently from Barbados. This last specimen has the primary spines very stout (15 mm. long by 2.5 mm. in thickness) and more or less flaring at tip. Owing to the unusually well developed longitudinal ridges, the tips are quite florescent. The peculiarities of this specimen are probably asso- ciated with its youth, as the wear on the spines during maturity and their tendency to become the abiding-place of bryozoans and other fixed animals in their old age usually obliterate such fea- tures as are here noted. STYLOCIDARIS AFFINIS > Cidaris affinis Philippi, 1845. Arch. Naturg., jhg. 11, 1, p. 351. See Mortensen, 1903, INGOLF Ech., pt. 1, pl. I, fig. 1. Dorocidaris papillata A. Agassiz, 1872. Rev. Ech., p. 254 (in part); pl. I, fig. 5. Stylocidaris affinis Mortensen, 1909. Ech. Deutsch. Südpolar- Exp., p. 52. All of the 5 specimens of this cidarid in the present collection are young, the largest being scarcely half grown. The diameter of the test is 9-17 mm. and the primary spines are 2–2.3 times as much, as a rule. In one specimen, however, 11 mm. in diameter, the primaries are scarcely 15 mm. long. There is some diversity in the coloration of these individuals, for in some the brownish- red lines and markings in the interambulaca and on the abac- tinal system are quite distinct and in others they are nearly or quite wanting. The youngest primaries (i. e., those on the upper- most coronal plates) are normally quite different from the typ- ical spines of the midzone, lacking the longitudinal dentate ridges. Occasionally the difference is emphasized by color; in 106 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY one of the present series, these young spines are distinctly pink and unbanded. Fully developed primaries are more than twice the test-diameter, nearly cylindrical or terete, with the distinct, dentate, longitudinal ridges equally developed on all sides. In specimens less than half grown they are often conspicuously banded with 5-8 ill-defined reddish-brown zones. The specimens in the present collection were taken at the fol- lowing stations off the southwestern coast of Barbados. Station 9. May 16, 1918. W. by N. Pelican Island, 242 miles, 100 fms. Rocky bottom. Tangles. 2 specimens. . 2 Station 34. May 23, 1918. S. E. of Hastings, 2 miles off shore, 80-90 fms. Rocky bottom. Tangles. 1 specimen. Station 36. May 23, 1918. S. W. of Carlisle Bay, 2 miles off shore, 80–90 fms. Rocky bottom. Tangles. 1 specimen. Station 46. May 25, 1918. N. N. W. Pelican Island, due west of Prospect, 2 miles off shore, 100 fms. Tangles. Bottom not recorded. 1 specimen. TRETOCIDARIS BARTLETTI Dorocidaris bartletti A. Agassiz, 1880. Bull. M. C. Z., 8, p. 69. Tretocidaris bartletti Mortensen, 1903. INGOLF Ech., p. 16. 1910, Bull. 74 U. S. Nat. Mus., pls. 2 and 3. As with the preceding cidarid, all of the half-dozen individuals of this fine species are young, not nearly half grown, the test diameter ranging from 10 to 17 mm., with the primary spines 15–27 mm. The color is commonly brighter than in affinis, the reddish tints being usually quite red and the test and small spines being often quite greenish. The bands on the spines are generally distinct and their number may be 8 or 9, although the spines are shorter than in affinis. The two species seem to occur together and the young are easily confused. But aside from any matters of coloration, the form of the primary spines is sufficient for separating the two species, even if the very different glob- iferous pedicellariae cannot be found. In bartletti, the typical primaries are flattened and the lateral dentate ridges are more conspicuous, with bigger dentations, than those of either dorsal or lower surface. This makes a noticeable contrast to the cylin- drical, uniformly ridged and generally longer spines of affinis. BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 107 Barbados is the type-locality for bartletti and all of the speci- mens at hand came from there. At two of the following stations Stylocidaris was also tal en. Station 7. May 16, 1918. W. by N. Pelican Island, 2 miles, 80 fms. Rocky bottom. Tangles. 1 specimen. Station 34. May 23, 1918. S. E. of Hastings, 2 miles off shore, 80-90 fms. Rocky bottom. Tangles. 1 specimen. Station 35. May 23, 1918. S. W. of Needham Point, 21/2 miles off shore, 80-90 fms. Rocky bottom. Tangles. 1 specimen. Station 36. May 23, 1918. S. W. of Carlisle Bay, 2 miles off shore, 80-90 fms. Rocky bottom. Tangles. 1 specimen. Station 37. May 23, 1918. Off Pelican Island, 21/2 miles, 100 fms. Rocky bottom. Tangles. 1 specimen. Station 44. May 25, 1918. N. W. Pelican Island and S. W. Lazaretto, 212 miles off shore, 90-100 fms. Medium coarse sand. Dredge. 1 specimen. > CENTRECHINUS ANTILLARUM Cidaris (Diadema) antillarum Philippi, 1845. Arch. Naturg., jhg. 11, 1, p. 355. Diadema setosum A. Agassiz, 1872. Rev. Ech., p. 274 (in part). Centrechinus antillarum H. L. Clark, 1918. Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. Iowa, 7, No. 5, p. 24. Only a single small specimen of this most characteristic West Indian sea urchin is in the present collection. It has the test about 30 mm. in diameter while the primary spines are some 55 mm. in length. They still show traces of the youthful banding, so striking a feature of much smaller specimens, but the general impression of this specimen is unicolor, though it is by no means really black. In the “Narrative”, Professor Nutting says this "black nui- sance” is found “almost everywhere in shallow water, both on sandy and rocky bottom”, about Barbados, while it is also "abundant” at Antigua. Apparently it is abundant wherever it occurs, for it is very common at the Tortugas and along the > 108 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY southern Florida coast, while at the other extreme of the West Indian region, on Buccoo Reef, Tobago, it is more abundant than at any other place where I have personally seen it. CENTROSTEPHANUS RUBICINGULUS: sp. nov. Plate I, figs 1 and 2. Test 12 mm. in horizontal diameter, 5 mm. high, decidedly flattened both above and below. Coronal plates 8 or 9 in each column, with no essential difference between ambulacra and interambulacra in this particular, but the interambulacra are about 4 mm. wide at ambitus while the ambulacra are scarcely 3.5. Abactinal system large, 5 mm. in diameter, covered with a fairly thick skin; all the oculars are insert; genital plates large, each with a long genital papilla, the length of which about equals the width of the plate; periproct about 2.3 mm. across, covered with small roundish plates, set in thick skin. Uppermost abactinal primary spines, usually two of each vertical series, very small (1 mm. long, more or less), smooth and club-shaped ; all the other primaries, especially those of midzone which are the longest (12–14 mm.), very rough with the usual rings of minute spinelets. Peristome 7 mm. in diameter, quite closely covered with non-ambulacral plates among which the five pairs of buccal plates are easily distinguished by their larger size and their clusters of pedicellariae and the spinelets so characteristic of Centrostephanus Pedicellariae of only two kinds so far as observed, ophiceph- alous and globiferous. The former have valves .25–40 mm. long, with the loops 10–30 per cent more. These pedicellariae occur on the buccal plates and scattered about sparsely on the test; those on the test are considerably larger than those on the peristome. The globiferous pedicellariae, as in the other mem- bers of the genus, have the valves imbedded in heavily pigmented glands; these pedicellariae therefore, though very small, are made conspicuous by their black tips; the valves are .22-.32 mm. long and terminate in 4 short, subequal, somewhat spreading * Rubus = red + cingulus = a zone or band, in reference to the banded spines. BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 109 teeth; the general form of the valves is very similar to that found in C. rodgersii (See Mortensen, 1904. Siam Ech., pl. IV, fig. 19) except that in the Australian species there are six ter- minal teeth. Peristome nearly white, but thick skin near mouth, tube-feet and gills yellowish. Pedicellariae pale reddish-yellow. From below ambitus upward the epidermis becomes thicker and stead- ily more and more pigmented until on the periproct it is quite black, especially at center. Primary spines whitish or glassy with 2–5 ill-defined but very distinct bands of red; the shade of red is between nopal-red and garnet brown of Ridgway's pl. 1 (Color Standards and Nomenclature, 1912), and is quite free from any violet or purple tinge. The little club-shaped prima- ries on the abactinal plates have their distal halves bright rose- purple in striking contrast to their surroundings; the shade is very near the rhodamine purple of Ridgway's pl. XII. Holotype from Station 101. June 13, 1918. On Shoal Bank, about 3 miles W. of Needham Point, 25–40 fms. Sponge bottom. Dredge. It is a great pity that only a single specimen of this pretty little urchin was taken, for the genus, although occurring on the western coast of Mexico and also in the Mediterranean, has never been found hitherto in the West Indian region. Moreover it is probable that this is a very young specimen and it would be interesting to know to how large a size the species grows. The Australian species, rodgersii, is the largest, reaching a diameter of 100 mm., while the Mediterranean and Mexican species attain less than half that size, so far as we yet know. Neither species is at all well known. In every way, the West Indian species is nearest to that of the Mexican coast (coronatus) but it differs in several minor particulars. The coloration is noticeably different for in coronatus, the red which bands the spines is distinctly purplish and there is no trace of purple on the primaries of rubicingulus. More important is the difference in the globiferous pedicellariae; in coronatus, the narrow part of the blade is short and the terminal teeth are very long (see A. Agassiz and H. L. Clark, 1908, Mem. M. C. Z., 34, pl. 51, figs. 18, 19) while in rubicingulus, the narrow part of the blade is longer and the teeth are very much shorter. Of course, more material is needed > > 9 110 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY before all the differences between the two species can be clearly set forth. COELOPLEURUS FLORIDANUS A. Agassiz, 1872. Rev. Ech., p. 102. 1883, “Blake" Ech., pl. VII. The specimens of this fine sea-urchin are all from the deeper water off southwestern Barbados. All are very young, the tests measuring only 6–13 mm. in horizontal diameter. The spines are generally more or less badly broken but when these are intact they are usually 4-4.5 times the test diameter. The only diver- sity these individuals show is in the degree of brightness of their coloration. Some have no trace of blue or lavender abactinally while others, larger ones, have it quite well marked. The 7 speci- mens were taken at the following stations : Station 7. May 16, 1918. W. by N. Pelican Island, 2 miles, 80 fms. Rocky bottom. Tangles. 1 specimen. Station 19. May 18, 1918. 142 miles west of Needham Point, 80 fms. Rocky bottom. Dredge. 1 specimen. Station 26. May 20, 1918. Due W. of Pelican Island, 75 fms. Rough, stony bottom. Dredge. 1 specimen. Station 34. May 23, 1918. S. E. of Hastings, 2 miles off shore, 80-90 fms. Rocky bottom. Tangles. 1 specimen. Station 36. May 23, 1918. S. W. of Carlisle Bay, 2 miles off shore, 80-90 fms. Rocky bottom. Tangles. 2 specimens. Station 88. June 7, 1918. Lazaretto E. by N. 12 N., Pelican Island S. E. Depth (?). Fine sandy bottom. Dredge. 1 specimen. LYTECHINUS CALLIPEPLUS H. L. Clark, 1912. Mem. M. C. Z., 34, p. 251; pl. 96, figs. 4-6. The rediscovery of this interesting little species by Professor Nutting's party is of real importance and the five specimens ob- tained throw a great deal of light on the specific characters, for the holotype was only 8.5 mm. in diameter and the largest known specimen was only 11.5 mm., while the largest in the present series is 20 mm. and another is 17. These larger specimens show BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 111 that the coloration is more striking and more distinctive than was suggested by the types. Each of the five specimens deserves separate consideration. The smallest is only 7 mm. in diameter and 4 mm. high. The whole abactinal surface is more or less reddish with indefinite and inconspicuous blotches in the ambulacra and interambulacra. The periproct, the proximal part of the oculo-genital ring and a large blotch at upper end of each interambulacrum are greenish- white. The abactinal spines are nearly all coral-red, but some have whitish tips. The next specimen is 9 mm. by 5, and has a somewhat different coloration, very similar to that of a third specimen, 11 mm. by 6.75. In these individuals, the general color abactinally is green- ish-white but this is largely obliterated by the development of the red blotches in both the ambulacra and interambulacra. These blotches are more or less coalesced so that the median two- thirds of each interambulacrum and about half of each ambu- lacrum are quite reddish. The larger spines are greenish with red only at the base but the small spines are often tinged with red throughout. The specimen 17 mm. in diameter is 10 mm. high and its coloration is much like that of the largest specimen but it is somewhat greener, the red shades are paler, the markings are less distinct and all the spines, even the actinal, have a reddish tinge. The superb specimen from station 35 is 20 mm. in diameter and 12 mm. high; the abactinal system is not quite 6 mm. across but the heavily plated peristome is 9; the primary spines are 4-5 mm. long. There are 14 interambulacral and 15 ambulacral plates in each column. Ocular I is broadly insert but the other oculars are completely excluded from contact with the periproct. The test is greenish-white, nearly white abactinally, with large, squarish but irregular blotches of orange-brown or rusty-red at and above the ambitus. The shade varies according to moisture; it is brightest when wet. There are typically three blotches in each interambulacrum but the one at ambitus is low and im- perfect. There are four in each ambulacrum but the one at ambitus is rather faint. In both series, the next to the lowest is largest and brightest. The periproctal plates are nearly white 112 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY but the plates of the oculo-genital ring are variegated with greenish and reddish tints. Most of the abactinal tubercles are pale red. The actinal spines are nearly white but the bases of the larger ones and more or less of the entire length of small ones have a more or less marked greenish tinge. At and above the ambitus some of the spines become more or less pale red, the color being confined to the base of the spine or extending its whole length. The pedicellariae are white, as are the plates which cover the peristome. The additional data which these Barbadian specimens furnish show that callipeplus is a very well marked species quite distinct from any other member of the genus. In its coloration, it is more like pictus and anamesus of the western coast of Mexico, or verruculatus of the Indo-Pacific region, than it is like its West Indian congeners but the shade of red shown by the tubercles, spines and abactinal spots is entirely different from anything exhibited by the other spotted species. Station 7. May 16, 1918. W. by N. Pelican Island, 2 miles, 80 fms. Rocky bottom. Tangles. 1 specimen. Station 11. May 17, 1918. 144 miles due west from white lighthouse at Needham Point, in line with red house, 67- 70 fms. Stony bottom. Dredge. 1 specimen. Station 35. May 23, 1918. S. W. of Needham Point, 242 miles off shore, 80-90 fms. Rocky bottom. Tangles. 1 specimen. Station 36. May 23, 1918. S. W. of Carlisle Bay, 2 miles off shore, 80-90 fms. Rocky bottom. Tangles. 2 specimens. , LYTECHINUS EUERCES H. L. Clark, 1912. Mem. M. C. Z., 34, p. 247; pl. 107, figs. 46. This typically West Indian sea-urchin is represented in the present collection by only a single specimen. It is 11 mm, in diameter, with the abactinal system 31/2 mm. across, and ocular I nearly or quite insert. A few of the actinal spines show traces of red. The periproctal plates are light apple-green, but else- where both test and spines are white or whitish. 7 113 BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS ted rules : hais of sci Station 6. May 15, 1918. North of Insane Asylum off spring garden or freshwater bathing place, 100 fms. Rough bottom. 1 specimen. LYTECHINUS VARIEGATUS ale medie iding 2 2 po [IM, ? isܐ ; per les sthing Cidaris variegata Leske, 1778. Add. ad Klein, p. 85. Lytechinus variegatus A. Agassiz, 1863. Bull. M. C. Z., 1, p. 24. Toxopneustes variegatus A. Agassiz, 1872. Rev. Ech., pt. 1, p. 298; pl. IVa, figs. 5, 6. In the Narrative of the expedition, Professor Nutting refers to the occurrence of this well-known species at several places in Antigua but does not speak of finding it at Barbados. Yet the only two specimens in the collection bear the label “Barbados". They are of about equal size (78 mm. in diameter with primary spines 13–15 mm. long) but differ strikingly in color and were evidently selected as examples of the extremes in coloration. One has the test pale brownish-white with only traces of green; the tubefeet are very pale brown; the pedicellariae, muscles and small spines are whitish; the peristome, heavily plated, is pale brownish with traces of green; the primary spines are light green, whitish at base, dark at tip; many have one or two faint dusky bands close to the tip; of many, the tips are regenerating. The other specimen has the test dull light green and whitish; the tubefeet are pale brown; the pedicellariae, muscles and mili- ary spines are white or whitish; the heavily plated peristome is dull greenish; the primary spines are deep, dark green, the tips becoming purplish but not markedly so; the secondary spines are pale yellow-green. In the Narrative (p. 189), Professor Nutting makes the interesting suggestion that the habit which both this species and Tripneustes esculentus have, of holding bits of sea-weed and other rubbish all over the dorsal surface, may be for the purpose of protection from the sun. It would be easy to ascertain whether this is the case and the habits of these sea-urchins would well repay careful investigation. be 1 4 TRIPNEUSTES ESCULENTUS 1 Cidaris esculenta Leske, 1778. Add. ad Klein, p. XVII. Hipponoë esculenta A. Agassiz, 1872. Rev. Ech., pt. 1, pp. 135, 301; pl. VIa, figs. 1-3. 114 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Tripneustes esculentus Bell, 1879. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 657. > > In the Narrative, Professor Nutting refers often to this well- known “sea-egg”, one of the very few sea-urchins which have any economic importance. In some cases, the sea-egg is called Hipponoë and in others, the correct name Tripneustes is used. Complaint is made (p. 188) that I have given no clue to the reason for abandoning Hipponoë, but this is hardly fair since I have given the full reference to Bell's paper where the matter was amply elucidated over forty years ago. It is no innovation of mine, to make use of Tripneustes. Hipponoë is preoccupied and there is no good reason for persisting in its use. Professor Nutting calls attention (pp. 80, 188) to two inter- esting color forms of the sea-egg, and both are represented among the eight specimens in the present collection. The two forms seem to be reasonably distinct and further investigation of their differences and the causes thereof is worth while. Ap- parently in the pallid form the development of pigment is inhib- ited, only a little on the triphyllous pedicellariae being visible, while the peristome and gills are brown. In the melanistic form, pigment is markedly developed, especially on the peristome (par- ticularly, close to the teeth), in the pedicellariae, in the tube-feet (except the white tips), in the tips of the branches of the gills and even to some extent in the epidermis of the test. The devel- opment of the pigment is not correlated with size but whether it is correlated with age is as yet unknown. The specimens at hand range from 34 mm. in diameter to 132 mm. The primary spines on the smallest specimen are notably long (9 mm.), more than one-fourth the test-diameter. As a rule, they are hardly half as much as that. Of the eight specimens, seven are from Barbados and one is from English Harbour, Antigua. GENOCIDARIS MACULATA A. Agassiz, 1869. Bull. M. C. Z., 1, p. 262. 1872, Rev. Ech., pl. VIII, figs. 1-18 (as Temnechinus maculatus). Two bare, dead tests, without buccal membrane or periproctal plates, are the only representatives of this little sea-urchin in the BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 115 2 collection. Both the “Hassler” and the “Blake” took Geno- cidaris off Barbados, but in each case three specimens taken to- gether was the total capture, so it is obviously not common in that region. One of the bare tests of the present collection is 7 mm. in diameter but the other is only 3.5. Station 84. June 6, 1918. Spring Garden bears E. N. E., Needham Point Light, S. E. Off shore 112 miles, 100 fms. Fine, sandy bottom. Dredge. 2 specimens. PSEUDOBOLETIA OCCIDENTALIS, sp. nov. Plate II, figs. 1 and 2 Test 54 mm. in diameter, 27 mm. high, only a little concave orally and rather flat abactinally. Coronal plates 25 in each interambulacral column and 30 in the ambulacra; the inter- ambulacra are about 19 mm. wide at ambitus and the ambulacra about 14. Each interambulacral plate in the midzone has 4 large primary tubercles, the outermost is slightly the largest, the innermost is smallest; a large secondary tubercle occupies the outer end of the plate, encroaching on the ambulacra; there are 8-10 much smaller secondary tubercles, chiefly along upper mar- gin of plate, and about a dozen irregularly scattered miliaries; orally the number of primary tubercles becomes reduced to 3 and then to 2 and on the lowest plate to one; the gill slits are very deep, reaching up between the tubercles of the third plate (from the peristome); aborally there are 4 primaries to the tenth plate (from the genital), 3 to the seventh and 2 to the fourth or fifth. Each ambulacral plate in the midzone has 2 primary tubercles and a secondary tubercle at each end; the outer secondary encroaches much on the poriferous area; it is wanting only on the lowest two plates and on the uppermost three or four; the inner secondary occurs only in the midzone; the inner primary occurs first on about the twelfth plate from the ocular. Pore-pairs in strongly curved arcs of four, the low- est distinctly nearer the ambulacral mid-line than the upper- most. Abactinal system small, only 9 mm. across, the periproct only oculars I and V broadly insert, the others not nearly so; > 116 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY genital pores large near outer end of plate; ocular pores very small, about half way between center and distal margin; genital plates each with a large secondary tubercle, 3-6 large miliaries, and half a dozen or more minute miliaries; oculars with 3-6 large, and a number of minute miliaries. Periproct covered with about 20 plates, among which the suranal is scarcely distinguish- able; the larger plates each carry 1-3 large miliaries. Peristome large, about 22 mm. across, with deep gill-slits; it is well plated but not heavily so; buccal plates large, nearly circu- lar, the two of a pair close together, the pairs separated from each other by about a millimeter. Each buccal plate carries about half a dozen slightly club-shaped miliary spines, besides numerous small stout tridentate pedicellariae. Most of the non- ambulacral plates of the peristome carry one or more miliary spines besides small stout tridentate pedicellariae. Primary spines about 12 mm. long at ambitus, terete basally and becoming flattened only slightly near tip; the tip itself is concave, not pointed; each spine has 20–22 well marked stria- tions. Secondary and miliary spines, slender, cylindrical, bluntly pointed Pedicellariae numerous and diversified but only the small stout tridentate are at all common. In size and form the pedicellariae offer no characters by which they can certainly be distinguished from those of P. maculata. Globiferous pedicellariae rare, of two sizes, one with valves about .80 mm. in length, the other with valves about half as large. Ophicephalous pedicellariae rare, with valves about .50 mm. long and loops .15 mm. more. Tridentate pedicellariae in at least three forms: (a) slender, with valves, 1.25 mm. long; (b) small stout, with valves about .50 mm. long; and (c) big, stout, with valves over a millimeter long, half a millimeter wide and very serrate margins; only one of these big pedicellariae was noted. Triphyllous pedicellariae with valves .22 mm. long and about .18 mm. wide near tip. Color (in alcohol) pale brown with a distinctly greenish cast, the midzone with about 20 large irregular blotches of a dis- tinctly darker shade; there are two of these blotches in each ambulacrum and interambulacrum but they vary in size and distinctness. Primary spines pale fawn-color, decidedly greenish basally and very faintly pinkish at tips; on the dark blotches BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 117 the primaries are deep brownish-green, light only at the tips, but there is much diversity in the relative proportions of green and pale fawn-color. Holotype labelled only "Barbados", but Professor Nutting tells me that "in all probability it came from a depth of be- tween 30 and 100 fms." The discovery of Pseudoboletia in the West Indian region is certainly one of the most noteworthy results of the Barbados- Antigua Expedition, for the genus is not known on the western coast of tropical America and is really characteristic of the Indo-Pacific fauna. On June 10, 1904, the "Scotia" took two specimens of a Pseudoboletia in 40 fms. off the island of Ascen- sion, in mid-Atlantic but well south of the equator. It is re- markable that the new species from Barbados is not very close to this Atlantic species," which has five pairs of pores to an arc and banded actinal spines, but is so very close to P. maculata of the Philippines that one hesitates to call them distinct. The follow- ing differences however warrant keeping them separate, at least until more material is available. In maculata, the inner primary tubercle of the ambulacra appears first on the seventh, eighth or ninth plate from the ocular, in specimens 52-55 mm. in diameter, while in occidentalis it occurs first on the tenth-twelfth plate; this is not an important character and will probably prove in- constant and unreliable. In maculata the periproct is covered by about 30 plates and the oculo-genital ring is more granulated, than in occidentalis. The primary spines of the midzone in maculata are markedly flattened, with bluntly chisel-shaped tips (though with a terminal concavity), and are 14-16 mm. long. Their color too, green at base and red-purple or reddish at tip, is quite different from the pale colors of occidentalis. In view of the insignificance of these differences, the question naturally arises whether the Barbados specimen was not acci- dentally brought from the East Indian region (or possibly from Hawaii). Professor Nutting assures me there is no doubt what- ever that the specimen at hand was collected at Barbados. It is not inconceivable that a small specimen of maculata might have been brought on a very foul ship bottom through the Panama Kohler called the specimens from Ascension P. maculata but they really represent quite a different species, which I have proposed (1912, Mem. O. Z., 34, p. 344) to call atlantica. 118 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY Canal to Barbados, but that seems so highly improbable that we are better justified in believing that Pseudoboletia is a natural member of the Barbadian fauna. It is strange that neither the "Blake”, the “Hassler”, nor the “Albatross”, nor any other collector in the West Indies, has met with the genus but the reason may be that the vessels mentioned did nearly all their collecting outside the 100 fms. line while the other collectors have done very little dredging at any depth. The teeming area between 10 and 100 fms. has scarcely been touched as yet. ECHINOMETRA LUCUNTER Echinus lucunter Linné, 1758. Sys. Nat. ed. 10, p. 665. Echinometra subangularis A. Agassiz, 1872. Rev. Ech., p. 283, pl. Xa, figs. 2-4. Echinometra lucunter Lovén, 1887. Ech. Linnaeus, p. 157. Of this very common species, there are 94 specimens in the collection, of which 7 are bleached bare tests. Only three are from Barbados, the remaining 91 being from the Pillars of Her- cules and English Harbour, Antigua. The largest specimen is 53 mm. long, 43 mm. wide and 28 mm. high, while the smallest is about 9X8X4.5. Some of the specimens from English Harbour are very dark-colored, a very dark purple-drab or a violet-black. They are also quite wide in proportion to the length and look as though the ambitus were a circle, but examination shows the width is always 1.5-3 mm. less than the length. The Barbados specimens are of two types of coloration : 2 are fawn-color be- coming purplish-red at spine tips, while the third is dark olive, the primaries with purple tips. At English Harbour, specimens taken from the rocks near the entrance show the effects of the heavy surf in which they spend so much of their lives. The primary spines are nearly all dis- torted or regenerating at the tip. In the Narrative (p. 189), Professor Nutting describes the conditions under which the Echinometras flourish at Antigua. In speaking of their occur. rence at Barbados (p. 83) he says that E. viridis is a “very com- mon form” and that E. lucunter is “less common”. As there are no specimens of viridis in the collection and both Barbados а BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 119 and Antigua are well outside its known range, I think dark greenish specimens of lucunter have been mistaken for viridis. CLYPEASTER ROSACEUS Echinus rosaceus Linné, 1758. Syst. Nat. ed. 10, p. 665. Clypeaster rosaceus Lamarck, 1801. Syst. Anim. s. Vert., p. 349. Echinanthus rosaceus A. Agassiz, 1872. Rev. Ech., p. 311; pl. XId, figs. 1, 2. The only evidence of the occurrence of this well known species in the region visited by the Iowa party, is a group of fragments of a bare test about 80 mm. long, taken at English Harbour, Antigua. MELLITA SEXIESPERFORATA Echinodiscus sexiesperforata Leske, 1778. Add. ad Klein, p. 135. Mellita sexiesperforata Meissner, 1904. Bronn's Thierreichs, 2, abb. 3, buch 4, p. 1384. There are three fine specimens of this well-known "key-hole urchin” from Barbados. Their color in alcohol is bright yellow- brown. While one specimen is longer than wide, 78X76 mm., the other two are distinctly wider than long, 80x82 mm. and 66 X 69 mm. The labels do not indicate just where or under what conditions these urchins were taken, and there is no men- tion of them in the "Narrative". ECHINOEUS CYCLOSTOMUS Leske, 1778. Add. ad Klein, p. 109. This well-known cosmopolitan echinoid has taken on new in- terest recently from the fact that it is now fairly well demon- strated that it is a Holectypoid, the genus Echinonëus and its near relative Micropetalon being the only living representatives of that order (See Hawkins, 1920, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. (B), 209, p. 442). Both at Barbados and Antigua, Echinonëus was found in its customary habitat, in the sand beneath rock frag- ments. There are 3 specimens in the collection from Barbados 120 IOWA STUDIES IN NATURAL HISTORY and 33 (of which 18 are bleached, bare tests) from English Har- bour, Antigua. The smallest specimen is 7 mm. long by 5 mm. wide; the largest is 35 X 29 mm. The form of the test shows much diversity, the width ranging from .66 to .77 of the length and the height from .39 to .48. AGASSIZIA EXCENTRICA A. Agassiz, 1869. Bull. M. C. Z., 1, p. 276. 1883, Mem. M. C. Z., 10, pl. XXV. Twice during the dredging off Barbados, the bare dead tests of this species were met with. All are small, ranging from 5.5 to 9.5 mm, in length; the largest is 8.5 mm. wide and 8 mm. high. Station 48. May 27, 1918. S. W. of Lazaretto, W. by N. of Pelican Island, 25–72 fms. Coarse coral sand. Dredge. 3 specimens. Station 77. June 3, 1918. Cable station bears 342 S. 1 mile off shore. 40-50 fms. Dead bottom-coarse sand. 2 specimens. BRISSUS BRISSUS Spatangus brissus (var. unicolor) Leske, 1778. Add. ad Klein, pp. XX, 182. Brissus brissus H. L. Clark, 1917. Mem. M. C. Z., 46, p. 218. This spatangoid, almost always found associated with Echino- nëus, was not taken at Barbados, although it is recorded from that island and probably occurs there. From Antigua there are 48 specimens, of which 4 are bare tests. One was taken at the Pillars of Hercules but all the others are from English Harbour. The smallest specimen is 22 mm. long, 17 mm. wide and 11 mm. high, while the largest is 61 X 45 X 36 mm. One specimen is peculiarly deformed, as a result of a serious injury at some time in interambulacrum 4, which is now entirely healed; this speci- men measures 42X35X25 mm. In the Narrative (pp. 190–192), Professor Nutting discusses in a very interesting way the pecu- liar subsurface habits of Brissus and Echinonëus. My own ob- servations of these species agree well with those of the Iowa a BARBADOS-ANTIGUA REPORTS 121 party, but I have not noted that the depth below the surface was as great as six inches. In many cases the animals are just below the surface. As a rule the larger the animal the more deeply it is buried. Probably the animals move up and down in the sand with changes in temperature and tidal conditions, and no doubt the larger individuals move more rapidly and greater distances than the smaller ones. The food is certainly in large part di- atoms and other unicellular organisms. Museum of Comparative Zoology Cambridge, Mass. May 28, 1920 PLATE I 1 2 Centrostephanus rubicingulus. X3. 1. Oral view. 2. Aboral view. PLATE II 1 1 2 Pseudoboletia occidentalis. Nat. size. 1. Side view. 2. Aboral view. Obtainable from the University Librarian: Price, $1.50 g 1 Botany RR BUTLER MAR 28 1923