103 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY MUSEUM OP COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. GIFT OF Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. Vol. 31, No. t, p. U1-X)'.), p|. 4-10. THE METAMOBPHOSES OP THE HERMIT CRAB. By Millktt T. Thompson. IiOSTON: PRINTED for toe SOCIBTT. September, 1903. k 4 No. 4.—THE METAMORPHOSES OF THE HERMIT CRAB.1 BY MILLETT T. THOMPSON. Introduction. Tim group of the Pagurids or hermit crabs has always attracted the attention of carcinologists, not only because of its extent both in species and in individuals, but also because of the asymmetry which involves nearly every genus and the habit of protecting the soft abdomen within hollow objects, typically the shells of Gastropod Mollusca. Whether the asymmetry — which is of dextral type except in the genus Paguropsis — owes its origin to this use of shells for residences, since nearly all marine Gastropod shells are dextral in coil, cannot be determined with certainty until the phy- togeny and relationships of the various genera are better understood. But, nevertheless, it is unquestionable that the modifications found are in a very great degree correlated with residence in dextrally spiral shells. This alone makes the ontogeny of the group an .extremely interesting and important subject for study. Knowledge of Pagurid ontogeny was in its beginnings practically contemporaneous with the discovery of the metamorphosis among the higher Crustacea. During the discussion which followed Thompson's assertion ('28) that the supposed genus "Zoea" was a larva, Vigors ('30) in a review of Rathke's study of the develop- ment of Aatucus fluviatilis, which has no metamorphosis, appeared skeptical with regard to Thompson's conclusions. This drew a reply from the latter author (Thompson, '30-'31), communicating a list of fifteen Decapods in which he had observed the young to be unlike the parent and "Pagurus" was included in this list. The further statement by Thompson five years later, in 1835, that both "Zoe" and "Megalope" were larvae and his reiteration that, among "Macrura," Attacua marinus, Pagurus, and other forms underwent a metamorphosis, greatly stimulated research on erusta- 1 From the Anatomical laboratory, Brown university, and the laboratory of the U. S. fish commission, Woods Hole, Mass. 148 PROCEEDINGS: BOSTON SOCIETY NATURAL HISTORY. cean development, and in the year 1840, two papers on Pagurid development appeared. One of these (Rathke, '40) deserves to stand as the first real contribution to our knowledge of the metamorphosis in this group. For Thompson did not describe his larva and Philippi's paper of the same year merely figured in a rough way the first zoea. Rathke's paper, however, briefly described three zoeal and a Macruran-like older stage of the European "Pagurus bernhardus." Two years later (Rathke, '42) it was republished in more complete form with excellent figures of the zoeae and of the maxillipeds, tail fan, and pleopods of the "older larva." Then twenty years passed without any important addition along this line of carcinological research until the publication of Muller's "Fur Darwin," in 1864. This article described a "Pagurus" zoea, called attention to the absence of any gradation in the successive zoeal stages towards the Macruran-like stage, and, although it is uncertain whether Muller actually saw this later stage, it is described and compared to a small shrimp which had received from Milne- Edwards the name Glaucothoe. "Glaucothoe peronii may be such a young, still symmetrical Pagurus." The recapitulatory nature of the stage is also asserted. "The abdomen is truly in the adult a clumsy [ungeschlachter] sac, filled with liver and sexual organs, but it is yet fairly powerful [kriiftig] in the glaucothoe-stage and it was also still stronger when this stage was the permanent form of the animal." A few years after Muller's article appeared, Spence Bate (?68) published an account of two zoeae and a glaucothoe which he col- lected at the surface and correctly assigned to "Pagurus." Of the latter stage he says: "In this they probably continue until they find a suitable molluscous shell. ... I imagine that they may cast their exuvium and grow during the whole time that they are deficient of such a shell because I have taken specimens, occupants of shells, that were still smaller than the ones described and yet further advanced toward maturity. It would be curious to see if, were they deprived entirely of a shell as a habitat they would continue to grow and retain the normal [i. e., symmetrical] form of the pleon gener- ally." This query as to the effect of depriving the young of a shell was in part answered by Agassiz ('75) nearly ten years later. He showed that the larva might attain asymmetry and a soft abdomen THOMPSON: METAMORPHOSES OF HERMIT CRAB. 149 before a shell was entered and considered that the desire tor a shell arose from the anatomical changes. The extreme brevity of his record, however, has been a cause of much confusion. It was not clearly shown whether this metamorphosis without a shell was the typical developmental sequence or only a frequent happening. Moreover, the amount of the asymmetry attained at this time was not certainly defined. Hence the record has been interpreted to mean that the change from the glaucothoe to the adult form was gradual and covered several ecdyses (Bouvier, '91). Hut I am convinced that Agassiz intended to indicate the change as occurring with a single ecdysis and the figures published by Faxon ('82) sup- port this contention. These show four zoeae, and in less detail a fifth stage which is identified with the genera Glaucothoe and Prophylax. Immediately following the fifth stage comes a stage entitled "age when it takes up its abode in a molluscan shell," and this figure depicts a crab with almost adult asymmetry, but bearing minute rudiments of pleopods on the right side of the abdomen. The main outlines of Pagurid ontogeny had now become clear. The young passed through several zoea stages and then moulted to a glaucothoe phase analogous to the megalops of the true crabs, and as with them the mysis phase was suppressed (Claus, '76) into the last of the zoea stages, the metazoea (Claus, '85). The anatomy of the glaucothoe, however, remained almost unknown and the details of the metamorphosis to the adult form obscure. For as already noted, considerable uncertainty existed as to whether the larva passed to the adolescent phase directly or gradually. Since Agassiz's note, no work has given us much additional data regard- ing this most important point in the whole development. For the recent articles by Sana ('89) and Czerniavsky ('84) do not deal with the postzoeal stage except to depict the external form, although they are valuable records for several genera and species of hermit crabs. The present research, then, was undertaken in the hope that through a study of the anatomy from the time of hatching until the adult form was attained, and through examination of the rdie of the shell in the development, some knowledge of this almost untouched field might be obtained. The study was carried on during the three years prior to 1902 at Brown university and at the laboratory of the United States fish commission at Woods Hole. I wish to 150 PROCEEDINGS: BOSTON SOCIETY NATURAL HISTORY. express ray especial gratitude to Dr. H. C. Bumpus, now director of the American museum of natural history, for the assistance and guidance furnished me throughout the work at both institutions. I am also indebted to Dr. A. D. Mead, of Brown university, and to Dr. H. M. Smith, of the United States fish commission, for ample provision extended to me during my study. The Adult Crab. Throughout the region about Woods Hole, the genus Eupagurus is practically supreme and is represented there in the shallower waters by four species, viz.: longicarpus, annulipes, acadianns, which is apparently only a variety of the European bern/tardus, and pollicaris. Of these, E. longicarpus is the only one generally distributed along the shore. It is extremely abundant and extends from tide-water to a depth of about twenty-five fathoms and is associated over the lower limits of its range with acadianns which is a deeper-water species, and in the shallow waters with pollicaris and annulipes, but of these only pollicaris occurs along shore and then only in a few localities. Because of its distribution and abundance, E. longicarpus was selected for the present research. But after much of the work had been completed, it was discovered that the larvae of annulipes could not be distinguished from those of the selected species, as their slightly smaller size furnished no adequate criterion for their separa- tion. Whenever the annulipes larvae were unusually abundant, as was shown by the occurrence of their adolescent stages in the experiments,-1 could note no difference in the ontogeny from the periods when undoubted longicarpus predominated. In sections also, the smaller specimens of any stage, presumptive annulipes, were wholly like their larger companions. This is perfectly in accord with what we know of the adults themselves. Eupagurus longicarpus and E. annulipes differ only in specific details. E. longicarpus is. the larger, has slender chelipeds and its coloration is diffuse. E. annulipes, on the other hand, has stout chelipeds and prominent belts of brown pigment on the anterior thoracic limbs. My research is therefore not invalidated, but rather enriched by the confusion. It becomes a life history of two, instead of one species. THOMPSON: METAMOKPHOSES OF HERMIT CRAB. 1")1 The majority of the larvae handled belonged to E. longicarpua and it is fitting therefore that this species should be described rather than E. unnidipes. But the following account is applicable to the latter and to the other species of the genus also. Like many other Decapods, Eupagurus longicarpua is crepuscular and during the day a majority of individuals remain buried in the sand or congregated in the shade. They are omnivorous and must glean very closely, as they pick up bits of gravel or detritus from the bottom and brush them over between the maxillipeds. They also toss sand — usually with the smaller cheliped only — to the mouth parts, brush it between them and let the grains fall again in a continuous stream. Probably it is in this manner that they obtain the diatoms and foraminifera, which- are found in the stomach and intestine. But although the food is thus very largely diatoma- ceous, no sort of vegetable or animal matter is refused. The asymmetry is dextral. The chelipeds and the two following pairs of limbs are larger on the right than on the left side. The abdomen is spirally twisted to the right and only the sixth segment, telson, and first segment are heavily calcified. The remainder and major portion is soft and bloated. The boundaries of the segments are lost, except dorsally where the posterior borders of the terga can be traced, and show that the fourth and fifth segments are elon- gate, while the second and third are shortened. The sternum of the first segment or peduncle is indistinguishably fused with the sternum of the last thoracic segment. The peduncle bears no appendages and the four succeeding segments have no pleopod on the right side. On the left side, the female has a large biramous pleopod on the second, third, and fourth segments and a smaller pleopod with a minute internal ramus on the fifth (pl. 6, fig. 24); while the male has a pleopod similar in shape to the most posterior of the female's series on the third, fourth, and fifth segments, but no pleopod on the second segment (pl. 6, fig. 25). The uropods are alike in the two sexes and the left is the larger (pl. 7, fig. 31„). The greater development of the female's pleopods is probably correlated with their use during the breeding season when the eggs are borne on the hairs of their borders. It must not be hastily assumed, however, that the pleopods of the male have no function. While watching adolescent crabs that were inhabiting straight glass shells I have noticed that their pleopods were at times waved in the 152 PROCEEDINGS: BOSTON SOCIETY NATURAL HISTORY. water. This suggests a possible function for these appendages in both sexes to reinforce the current in the shell which is primarily induced by the branchial outflow and movements of the body. Bate ('50) records a similar movement of the appendages in female hermit crabs which were bearing eggs. The rdle played by the sensory hairs on these appendages must be nearly equivalent in both sexes. A large columella prominence is present. Although it has been suggested that this organ aids the crab in maintaining a firm hold on its shell, I feel that this cannot be a complete explanation for the existence of the structure. If it serves this function at all, it must be mainly passively, in conforming the body more perfectly to the columella angle of the shell chamber. Moreover, it is not a very muscular organ even in the genera in which it is well developed and it is only imperfectly developed in a large number of hermit crabs. Our species of Eupagurus maintain their hold on the shell chiefly by the grip of the calcified telson and uropods on the columella, while the tuberculated areas on the posterior thoracic limbs and uropods may lend assistance. The chitin over the venter of the abdomen also is roughened with fine transverse lines. When an attempt is made to dislodge a crab by traction on its limbs, an additional resistance is often obtained by the elevation of the rostral region of the carapace against the roof of the chamber. The breeding period of E. longicarpus is very long. Females with eggs attached to the pleopods can be obtained from May until mid-September. The zoeae begin to appear in the auflrieb in the latter part of June and are very abundant during July and August. The glaucothoe can be obtained as late as October. Our knowl- edge of the breeding period of the remaining species of Eupagurus is imperfect. E. annuHpes breeds over practically the same period as lonf/icarpus, ceasing a little earlier in the fall. Zoeae that agree closely with Sara' ('89) description of the zoeae of E. bernhardus occur seatteringly throughout the summer. Quite likely these are the larvae of acadianus. The glaucothoe, however, has eight instead of the ten telson bristles shown in Sars' plate. The young of pollicaris have not been identified and most of them are probably liberated in June, though females with eggs are taken during July. THOMPSON: METAMOIU'HOSES OF HEHMIT CRAB. 153 General Accocxt of the Metamorphosis. The eggs and young of Eupagurus are very sensitive. Zoeae were hatched in confinement with great difficulty and as they invari- ably died in a few hours it was necessary to collect all material directly from the auftrieb. Even zoeae collected in this way could not endure more than one moult and although the later phases were much more resistant, they were nevertheless delicate as compared with the young of many other Decapods. The most vital factors in rearing crab larvae seem to be cleanli- ness and an even, moderate, water temperature. The following method for rearing the young, although not original, is recorded here because it was by far the most satisfactory of those tried. In the end it was exclusively used. The young were kept in covered dishes of clean sea-water which was in sufficient volume to render unnecessary the use of algae for aeration. The water was changed daily, or in hot weather oftener, and to ensure a constant tempera- ture the dishes were partly immersed in running water or suspended in large aquaria. Diatoms, collected with a fine net or scraped from submerged objects, were the most satisfactory food, but animal food was also given. Woods Hole offers especial advantages for the study of crusta- cean development. Strong currents prevail in the neighboring waters, and one of these rushes past the wharves of the Fish Com- mission station during part of each tide and a large "tow net" may simply be suspended in this current and emptied at convenient inter- vals. Also, at those times when there is a paucity of animal life in the water, the numerous "slicks" caused by conflicting currents and back-sets, may prove an excellent resource, as the plankton is concentrated in these areas. Zoea phaae.— The zoeae of lonijicarpu s and annulipes (pl. 4. fig. 1-4) have the characteristic Pagurid form: without carinae or spines; with long, straight rostrum; hind angles of carapace pro- duced; swollen compound eyes, and third maxilliped rudimentary at time of hatching. The transparent body is pigmented with con- tractile scarlet and yellow chromatophores, and the eyes are black with yellow pigment diffused over the surface. No trace of a median eye can be found. The stomach and intestine are usually clean, as but little foixl is taken during the phase. The livers con- 154: PROCEEDINGS: BOSTON SOCIETY NATURAL HISTORY. tain strongly refractive, yellowish globules. These larvae are pho- totactie, though to a less degree than Brachyuran zoeae, and in a glass vessel range themselves head downwards against the lighted side. They swim tail foremost, and rather slowly and steadily. The surfaces of the body, however, are not definitely oriented, though either the dorsal or ventral are uppermost more frequently than the lateral. This lack of orientation seems to be correlated with the complete absence of otocysts in the three earlier stages and with the undeveloped condition of these organs in the fourth stage or metazoea. While swimming, the eyes, antennae, and uropods are invariably held in the positions shown in figure 4 (plate 4). In captivity, the moults between the successive stages usually take place at night or in the early morning, and the larvae sink to the bottom of the aquarium and remain quiescent for a considerable period previons to the actual- ecdysis. The manner of moulting under natural conditions could not be determined. The length of the zoea phase and of its several stages is not known. The occurrence of the successive stages in the auftrieb indicates that the phase possibly extends through only two or three weeks. But little reliance, however, can be placed upon data of this class, and it is very probable that the period varies with the external conditions, as is the case with other crustacean larvae. In our Eupagurids, the zoea phase comprises four stages, which may be separated as follows: — First Zoea. Third maxilliped rudimentary (pl. 4, fig. ]); sixth abdominal segment not distinct from telson; exopods of maxillipeds with four feathered setae; thoracic limbs as a simple mass of undifferentiated tissue. Length, 1.9-2.7 mm.1 Second Zoea. Exopod of third maxilliped functional as swimming-foot; endopod barely indicated (pl. G, fig. 142); exopods of maxil- lipeds with six setae; anlagen of uropods as a baud of tissue along each side of the telson (pl. 7, fig. 312); thoracic limbs distinct, rudimentary, fourth pair excessively long, fifth pair short and concealed beneath others (these proportions are found also in the two following stages). Length, 2.7-3 mm.1 1 Including as they do the larvae of two species, all the measurements have an unduly extended range. THOMPSON: METAMORPHOSES OF HERMIT CRAB. 155 Third Zoea. Uropods present, and sixth abdominal segment distinct; exopods with seven setae; rudiments of the gills on second, third, and fourth limbs. Length, 3.5-4 mm.1 Fourth Zoea, Metazoea. Limb rudiments very large, dactylus of cheliped distinct; rudimentary pleopods present: gill rudiments for chelipeds present; right cheliped obviously larger than left—this condition of the chelipeds may possibly date from the third zoea; maxillipedal exopods with eight setae; uropods sym- metrical ; mandibles without palpus rudiment. Length, circa 4 mm.1 Faxon ('82) described four zoea stages identical with these four, and it is likely that he studied larvae belonging either to Eupagurus longicarpus or to annulipes. Other investigators have not recorded so many stages. Xone of them describes the second zoea, unless one of the figures, no. 52, in Claus's "Zur Kenntniss der Kreislaufs- organe" ('84), corresponds to it. But it should not be assumed that this stage is typically absent from the zoea phase of the various Fagurids, for it closely resembles the first stage and might readily be overlooked. My third zoea corresponds to Kathke's ('40, '42) "young of one and three-fourths lines" and to Clauses ("61) "spiiteres Stadium." The other writers make no mention of a similar stage. The metazoea has been repeatedly noted, l'athke ('40, '42) termed it, "young over two lines long"; Bate ('68), " what we take to be the second stage"; Clans, "Mysisstadinm" ('76), "Metazoea" ('85); and Sars ('89), "last larval stage," "last stage before moult to adolescent stage." Postzoeal phase.— The postzoeal phase includes only one stage, the fifth or glaucothoe (pl. 4, fig. 5). The larva is now 2.8-3.3 mm. long and is Macruran in form with symmetrical abdomen and with pleopods on the second to the fifth segment. The uropods are asymmetrical as in the adult, and the thoracic appendages are on the whole adult in type and proportions. A few tubercles on the posterior thoracic limbs and on the uropods (pl. 6, figs. 19, '20; pl. 7, fig. 31t) represent the future tuberculated areas. The sternum of 1 Including as they do the larvae of two species, all the measurements have an unduly extended range. 156 PROCEEDINGS: BOSTON SOCIETY NATURAL HISTORY. the first abdominal segment, which is not very wide at any time, can no longer be detected in sections. The otoeysts are functional and orientation is definite. Internally the livers, lateral caeca, green glands, and sexual glands are thoracic. The unpaired intestinal caecum is lacking and the muscles and blood vessels are similar to those of Macrurous Decapoda. In color, the glaucothoe resemble zoeae except that the branches of the yellow chroinatophores form a fine network over the limbs and carapace and produce a grayish effect. As before, the stomach and intestine are usually empty and transparent and the livers con- tain refractive globules. Glaucothoe are found at the surface, either swimming or clinging to floating seaweed and seem to be more abundant at night. When swimming, the dorsal surface is uppermost, the abdomen is extended while the limbs are either extended or hang stiffly down. Though phototaxis is still present, at times individuals cease swimming and crawl about on the bottom of the aquarium. These examine the objects in their path, and if they find a shell or other hollow object, may enter it and abandon the free-swimming life. Quite frequently, however, after a brief exploration the larva will recommence swim- ming. More rarely, a glaucothoe that has already entered a house will abandon it. As the sixth stage approaches, the desire for a covering for the body becomes stronger with the alterations in struc- ture until it is almost impossible to keep the larvae "naked." They use all available objects or ensconse themselves in crevices. A house may be taken at any time during the phase, but a short period of free-swimming life is typical. Not infrequently a glaucothoe will remove bits of rubbish from a shell, but I was not able to confirm Agassiz's observations ('75) where his young tore out and ate dead snails and then used the shells. Glaucothoe, according to my observations, take but little food. If, however, his reference is to adolescent crabs, they are quite voracious and might readily eat a dead snail, though I have observed nothing of the sort. It is, however, scarcely necessary to assume or suggest a causal sequence between this act and the use of the shell for a dwelling. The glaucothoe stage as a rule lasts only four or five days, but during this time a profound modification of structure takes place. The livers, sexual glands, and green glands pass into the abdomen, THOMPSON: METAMORPHOSES OF HERMIT CRAB. 157 the circulatory system is modified, and the muscles and pleopods degenerate, so that before the moult to the sixth stage closes the period, the anatomy has become adult in plan. This metamorphosis is not dependent on the presence of a body covering, but completes itself perfectly in larvae which are prevented from obtaining a shell. The whole animal also becomes less transparent, the chelipeds become white, and brown bands appear on the posterior pereiopods, a coloration recalling that found in the adult Eupagurus annidipes. The moult to the sixth stage is preceded by a brief period of quiescence, and in the few cases observed, the actual eedysis was rapid. Either the integument of the thorax is sloughed first and that of the abdomen later, or the entire integument is sloughed in one piece. The latter method seems to be the rule for the zoeal ecdyses, while the former is more frequently the rule in the adult, and the abdominal exuvium is usually badly torn in the process. The glaucothoe stage is the "noch altera .Tungern" of Rathke ('40, '42); the "Glaucothoestufe" of Mailer ('64); the "third stage" of Bate ('68); "stage when it seeks a shell" of Agassiz ('75), and the "first postlarval," "first adolescent" of Sars ('89). It is not mentioned by other workers with the exception of Czerniavsky ('84). Adolescent phase.— "Adolescent phase" is more a convenient term under which to discuss the development during the earlier postlarval life, before the adult anatomy is fully attained, than a definitely limited period. There is also little to be gained by an attempt to separate the numerous stages which may be included within it. The crab has the adult structural plan before the close of the glaucothoe period, but all the organs must still undergo devel- opment to realize fully the adult structure. The length of this process varies widely in different parts. Sixth-stage larvae are of the same size as glaucothoe, and the specific adult form may be attained before much growth occurs. After about forty days have passed, the young reach a length of from five to eight millimeters. The sixth stage lasts from six to twelve days, but the later moults are irregular and crabs of the same age may be very unlike in size and development. The manner of life in all the adolescent stages is that of the adult, and food is taken abundantly almost immediately after the moult from the glaucothoe. The sixth stage retains the annidipes color, handed to it by the 158 PROCEEDINGS: BOSTON SOCIETY NATURAL HISTORY. glaucothoe (pl. 4, fig. G). With the seventh stage, however, the longicarpua young become separable from annidipes larvae, as in them the brown bands are lost. The full adult colors and the com- plete specific form are not attained until about the twentieth day from the glaucothoe. The sixth stage also has a nine-jointed antennal flagellum and certain retrogressive alterations in the mouth parts, which are legacies from the glaucothoe (pl. 5, figs. 10, 12, 13). The elongation of the flagellum is very gradual, the nine-jointed condition often persisting till the eighth stage, while crabs forty days from the glaucothoe have only 17 or 27 joints. The metamorphosis of the pleopods during this period is of special interest. At no time are there any traces of appendages on the peduncle, which is interesting when we remember that some Pagu- rids, as for example, Sympagurus and Paguristes, have pleopods on this segment in the adult. Typically, the sixth stage has no append- ages on the right side of the abdomen, except the uropod, but on the left the pleopods are well developed on segment three to five and are of the type found in the glaucothoe, i. e., they resemble those of the adult male. On the second segment the pleopod is reduced to a mere rudiment (pl. 4, fig. 6). About nineteen percent of reared sixth-stage larvae, however, retain rudiments of one or more of the right hand pleopods. The typical reduction may be expressed in a formula, by use of R for an appendage which is retained intact, Ku for a rudimentary appendage, and O to denote the loss of an appendage. The non-typical reductions are dealt with in another part of this paper. Glaucothoe. Left : Right . 1 O: 0 tt 2 R: R .. 3 R: i: h 1 R: i: tt 5 R: R ii 6+R: R Sixth Stage. Left : Right O : I) Ru : O R: 0 ]{ : 0 R : () +R : R — Adult Male. Left : Right () : 0 O: 0 R: 0 R: O R : 0 +R: R— Adult Female. Left : Right O : O R : O R: <) R : 0 R : 0 + R: R— At the moult to the seventh stage or, more rarely, at the next following moult, the retained rudiments are lost, except the one on the second segment in those crabs which will become females. But although sex can be recognized thus early, not less than a year and THOMPSON: METAMORPHOSES OF HERMIT CRAB. 159 probably a still longer time must elapse before sexual maturity is attained. In the young females the rudiment on the second seg- ment begins to develop into a perfect pleopod at about thirty days from the glaucothoe. The remaining pleopods, and in many instances, this one also, do not begin to alter to the female type until ten days later, and the development of this type requires several moults for its full completion. The sixth stage was figured by Faxon ('82), and described by Agassiz ('75) as "stage when they need a shell." The later ado- lescent stages have not been recorded by anyone. Special Account op the Metamokpiiosis. The account of the development that has already been given has briefly described the plan of the anatomy in the larval stages and shown how this gives place to the adult type of structure in the glaucothoe phase. In the present chapter it is proposed to discuss in more detail the larval anatomy and the modifications by which the adult type is produced. Techni'/ue.— In this work, microscopical examination of living larvae or of specimens cleared in cedar oil gave only dubious results and therefore it was necessary throughout to employ serial sections. No killing fluid was uniformly satisfactory because of the difficulties of penetration and because the same tissues in different stages do not react in the same way to a reagent. The best and most reliable solutions used were a saturated aqueous solution of picric acid, five percent picro-acetic, and the stronger solution of Flemming. The brown stain produced in the contents of the liver cells was a serious objection to the use of the otherwise excellent reagents of the vom Rath series, and the lime salts in the integument in all stages barred picrosulphuric. Perenyi's fluid and corrosive sublimate'in its various forms, the latter admitted by incision, though they frequently gave excellent fixations, were uncertain in action. To prevent injury to the delicate tissues after fixation, all the mate- rial was imbedded in paraffin from xylol as soon as possible. The integument in this connection offered no obstacle to penetration or dehydration. In sectioning, however, it was troublesome, forcing me to cut with a thickness of ten micra. Selective staining was 160 PROCEEDINGS: BOSTON SOCIETY NATURAL HISTORY. found essential to good work, and iron-alum haematoxylin, counter- stained with orange G or Bordeaux red proved especially valuable. It was necessary to cut sections in both sagitto-longitudinal and transverse planes, for, although transverse sections are the more generally valuable, the others are essential for purposes of compari- son and absolutely indispensable in studying the muscles of the abdomen. It was found advantageous, though not absolutely neces- sary, to have in addition to these last, a few corono-longitudinal sec- tions of each stage. External anatomy.— The development of the form of the body has already been in the main adequately treated in the preceding chapter, while the details of the development of the appendages will be better understood from the figures on plates 5, 6, and 7, than from any description. It remains, therefore, in this section, to speak of the telson and gills only. The telson (pl. 7, fig. 31) in the first zoea bears on each side of the median marginal notch five feathered spines (1-5), a minute bristle (ti), and the short, smooth spur of the angle (7). The for- mula is: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. In the second stage, a pair of new spines (1') are added within the older series. The tips of the uropods as they develop, are sheathed within the angle spur (7) and this is consequently lost when these appendages become free. The angle spur of the third zoea is a new structure (x). The third and fourth stages have the same telson formula: 1', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G, x, and in both, spine 4 is short and smooth. The eight setae on the border of the telson of the glaucothoe represent spines 1', 1, 2, and 3 of the zoeal series. The median cleft appears with the sixth stage, and the adult form is attained with the seventh stage. The moderate length of spine 4 in the earlier, and its short spur-like form in the later zoea stages serve to differentiate the zoeae of longicarpus and annulipes from the zoea that I have assigned to acadianus and from the larva of the European bemhardu s (Kathke, '42; Sars, '89), in both of which these spines are smooth and elongate throughout the zoea phase. As already noted, the gills become functional with the glaucothoe stage. At this time they are present in the same number and arrangement as in the adult crab, viz.: — THOMPSON: METAMORPHOSES OF HERMIT CRAB. 161 Mxp, Mxp8 I II III IV V 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Pleurobranch. 0222220 10 Arthrobranchs. 000 0 0000 Podobranchs. The larger posterior gills are provided with two short rows of ova lamellae, but the smaller anterior ones show at most only two or three plates each. The gills on the maxilliped and cheliped seg- ments are simple and the maxillipedal pair are so minute as to be invisible in surface views. They cannot be detected, either, in some excellent sections. But since they are very plainly shown in all sections of mature glaucothoe and most of the sections in which they cannot be seen are of younger specimens, it may be presumed that they arise during the period. In this case it scarcely seems possible to refer their occasional absence to error in interpretation, although such outpnshings of the body wall usually appear at and not between the ecdyses. Whenever present they are very distinctly shown in sections cut in any plane. The sixth-stage larva has cheliped gills that are divided into two or three lamellae, but its maxillipedal gills are still simple. These latter reach a trilamellate condition at about the fortieth day from the glaucothoe phase. One crab eighty days from the glaucothoe phase showed an anterior maxillipedal gill with four, a posterior with twelve pairs of lamellae. Internal anatomy.— A brief description of the stomach of the adult crab is a necessary preliminary to the description of the con- struction of this organ in the larvae, but it may be limited in scope to an account of the topography. No details of the ossicles are necessary, since these cannot be worked out in the serial sections of the developmental stages. The stomach of the adult (pl. 9, fig. 57) has a cardiac portion of more than twice the length of the pyloric. The cardio-pyloric valve is crowned with blunt setae. Each lateral tooth consists of two rounded tubercles, a comb of transverse rugae, and a hairy terminal process. The oesophageal opening is guarded by a pair of upper and lower oesophageal plates. The pylorus is broadened laterally into a pair of shallow upper, and prominent lower pyloric pouches (pl. 9, fig. 57, 52, upp, Ipp). The latter have their inner surfaces densely clothed with long setae, and above, the wall of the pylorus 162 PROCEEDINGS: BOSTON SOCIETY NATURAL HISTORY. projects into the lumen in a prominent crest, the lateral-valve ridge (Ivr), which terminates posteriorly as the lateral pyloro-intestinal valve. These valves are united with the dorso-lateral and the min- ute, median, dorsal valve for a space (pl. 9, fig. 58, do, dlv, lo) so that these valves enter the intestine as a continuous curtain. Throughout the zoea phase, the stomach (pl. 9, fig. 55) has a deep and narrow cardiac portion, which is not longer than the pylo- rus, and chitin is poorly developed except on the smooth cardio- pyloric valve. There is no dorsal tooth; the lateral teeth are simple and project upward instead of horizontally (pl. 9, fig. 48, It); the pyloro-intestinal valves are not united and are three in number, viz. '• the paired laterals and dorsal. In the first zoea the pylorus is with- out pouches, but with the second stage an area on either side of the median pyloric valve becomes setose and in the fourth stage these areas are depressed to form the lateral pouches. The eardiopyloric and median pyloric valves are at first confluent, but become distinct with the second stage. A single oesophageal plate appears with the fourth stage. The stomach of the glaucothoe (pl. 9, fig. 56) may be regarded as transitional in type, its more elongate form, horizontal lateral teeth (pl. 9, fig. 51), and well developed lateral-valve ridges recalling the stomach of the adult. There are indications of a dorsal tooth; the pyloro-intestinal valves are united; and a small dorso lateral valve (dlr) is added on each side. In other respects the larval characters persist. No metamorphosis occurs during the period except a change in the mutual relations of the openings from the livers and lateral caeca. The sixth stage has a stomach of adult type, but with the parts less specialized. The upper pyloric pouches are still wanting, and they are probably of late adolescent development. In the intestine of the Decapoda, it is generally accepted that the limits of the ehitinous lining are coincident with the limits of the post- and mid-guts. But until this is supported by a larger body of evidence, it is perhaps better to use the purely descriptive terms "ehitinous" and "achitinous" for the post- and mid-guts respec- tively. In the adult Eupagurus the achitinous gut is relatively shorter than usual, as the ehitinous gut only extends into the ante- rior part of the abdomen. An unpaired caecum — first described by Swammerdam in 1787 — starts from the right side of the achitinous THOMPSON: METAMORPHOSES OF HERMIT CRAB. 163 gut in the rear of the thorax, turns back into the abdomen and lies there in a coil superficial to the livers (pl. 8, fig. 46, tc). The chiti- nous gut near the point of union with the anterior gut has the usual series of prominent folds, the methoria, and at its posterior end a rectum is differentiated. This occupies the sixth segment and the telson. In the zoea and glaucothoe phases the achitinous gut is longer than in the adult and extends back to a point within the fifth seg- ment of the abdomen, where its short, columnar cells give place to the larger, more vacuolated cells of the chitinous gut (pl. 9, fig. 54, ch hit). Methoria are present at this point with the glaucothoe and during the latter part of this period the unpaired caecum arises as an outpushing of the dorsal wall of the achitinous gut just eephalad of these folds. As soon as this diverticulum appears, or occasionally a little earlier, the chitinous gut begins to encroach on the territory of the achitinous gut. Unfortunately, however, sections throw no light on the mechanism of the change, but a series of specimens merely shows the caecum, methoria, and chitinous lining lying farther and farther forward in the abdomen, until with the earlier adolescent stages the methoria reach their definitive position in the region of the second segment. No mitotic figures can be found and altbough histolysis occurs at this time throughout the length of the gut, it is not especially prominent. The elongation of the achitinous gut which brings the proximal end of the caecum from the abdominal into jts definitive thoracic position, must take place late in adolescent life. The diverticulum was still wholly abdominal in a reared specimen two months past the glaucothoe. But some small crabs that were collected at Wareham, Mass., in August, 1900, showed the caecum in its definitive relations. The age of these crabs was not known, but they were very small and their development was greatly advanced over that of larger, reared crabs known to be sixty days past the glaucothoe phase. So they were probably about a year old; perhaps two years old. An elongate achitinous gut which is gradually replaced by the chitinous gut, is found in the young of other Decapods besides Eupagurus. For these, however, I have only fragmentary records. An examination of an immature Virbius, 4 mm. long, and of a Crangon with a length of 0 mm., shows no methoria, but the H54 PROCEEDINGS: BOSTON SOCIETY NATURAL HISTORY. achitinou8 gut extends back as far as the fifth abdominal segment. A similar condition is found in Homarus even in the first adolescent — fourth — stage, at which time the animal is adult in form and has a caecum developed from the anterior gut. Among Thalassinids, the older zoeae of Gebia affinis and CaUianassa etimpsonihwre the union of the two regions of the gut in the fifth abdominal segment, and in all the preadolescent stages of Naushonia (M. T. Thompson, :03) this relation is maintained with the addition of metboria. The metazoea of ITippa talpoidea has the methoria in the anterior part of segment five of the abdomen, but in the first adolescent these have moved to the second segment. Among the Brachyura, the late zoea of Pinnotheres displays the anterior limit of chitin at the fifth abdominal segment and the megalops has methoria at this point. There is no caecum at this stage. On the other hand, a very young zoea referable either to Cancer or to Carcinus showed methoria and a well developed caecum in the second abdominal segment. The megalops of Callinectes hastatus likewise has these parts in this anterior segment and in this crab they have moved to the first segment in the first adolescent stage. Cancer irromlus has the caecum and methoria in the rear of the thorax in both metazoea and megalops. The livers or enteric glands, which open from the lateral pyloric pouches are very voluminous in the adult crab. Each consists of an axial tube from which arise slender lateral diverticula. The latter are long and numerous along the abdominal portion of the axis, but short and scanty along the thoracic. Both axis and tubules have a wall of one layer of cells with abundant cytoplasm (pl. 9, fig. 53) vacuolated and laden with secretions. At intervals, single cells or groups of cells, either granular, or more usually vacuolated, project into the lumen and partly occlude it. Proper fixation of these tissues is difficult and they do not stain readily. Immediately caudad from the openings of the livers into the pylorus, a pair of lateral caeca arise. These lie one on either side of the stomach in an irregular coil. The cells of their walls are distinguishable from those of the livers by the absence of secretions and vacuoles, and by the ease with which they may be fixed and stained. During the zoea phase, the livers are cephalic in position (pl. 8, fig. 34—37). Each communicates with the pylorus by an extensive THOMPSON: METAMORPHOSES OF HERMIT CRAB. 1(55 opening and presents four diverticula: anterior, lateral, dorsal, and posterior lobes. The cells of these glands are vacuolated and distended by deposits of a highly refractive yellow substance that stains black with osmic acid. As in the adult, cells or groups of cells may partly occlude the lumen, and during the fourth zoea and glaucothoe stages this phenomenon reaches its climax (pi. 9,-fig. 08). The lateral caeca at this time are rounded glands which resemble the livers in histology and in reactions to reagents. Posteriorly they become approximated and enter the main canal dorso-laterally at the origin of the intestine, ten or even twenty micra cephalad from the openings of the livers (pl. 9, figs. 48, 49, 50). The livers and lateral caeca of the glaucothoe have at first the same relations as in the zoeae except that they extend within the newly developed thorax (pl. 8, fig. 38). The lateral caeca are insignificant in size throughout the phase, and undergo no meta- morphosis beyond a separation of their proximal ends, so that they enter the intestine at the sides of the stomach, as in the adult crab. The livers, on the other hand, pass through a complicated meta- morphosis. A description of a selected series of glaucothoe of different ages will better indicate the order of these modifications as well as the relations that they bear to the changes in position or structure in the other organs of the body, than a detailed account. The altera- tions are of course, subject to slight individual variations. 1. A young glaucothoe just moulted from the zoea (pi. 8, fig. 38). Only the posterior lobes of the livers have increased propor- tionally to the increased size of the stomach. 2. An older specimen, never in a shell (pl. 8, fig. 39). The anterior and dorsal lobes of the livers are further reduced; the lateral lobes have almost disappeared, though the one on the right still retains a minute lumen; the posterior lobes extend to the last segment of the thorax and the apex of the right gland lies beneath the intestine toward the left side of the body. The openings of the lateral caeca into the intestine are now caudad instead of cephalad from the openings of the livers. The green glands have begun to grow back to form the median nephrosac and a new artery is developing in the abdomen. 3. A still older specimen. The lateral liver lobes have disap- peared; the dorsal become mere prominences, and the posterior barely enter the abdomen. !()() PROCEEDINGS: BOSTON SOCIETY NATURAL HISTORY. 4. Next specimen. The posterior lobes are now abdominal, lying to the left of the intestine, which is displaced to the right and dorsally. The canals from the green glands reach the region of the pericardium but are not yet united. The sexual cells are abdominal. A rudimentary intestinal caecum is present. 5. With livers completely shifted (pl. 8, fig. 40). The dorsal lobes have disappeared, and the anterior are greatly reduced. The chitinous gut is rapidly elongating, advancing the caecum towards the anterior part of the abdomen. The green glands have formed the nephrosac. The muscles are beginning to degenerate. G. Fourth day in the shell. The anterior lobes of the liver are gone. The cells of the lateral caeca have taken on the adult his- tology and reactions; the nephrosac is abdominal; the muscles and pleopods and all the other organs are of adult type, in readiness for the moult to the adolescent phase. Sixth-stage crabs retain the simple cylindrical livers (pl. 8, fig. 42) for only a few days; then diverticula begin to appear along the borders, first of the right, then of the left gland (pl. 8, fig. 43). The development of these diverticula seems to follow a fairly definite plan (pl. 8, fig. 44). Owing to the way in which those from the right gland pass under the intestine, the adult condition is ultimately produced and the earlier displacement is obscured to casual inspec- tion. The livers seem to lie each on its own side of the intestine. A shift of the latter back again toward the mid-line of the body, which becomes possible from the eighth stage on because of the gradual proportional'increase of the diameter of the abdomen, also aids in confusing the earlier relations. But by careful dissection, the displacement can be traced in the adult. The main axis of the right gland will be found to lie beneath or slightly to the left of the gut for a considerable part of its course in the abdomen. As young crabs show this better than older ones, two views of the abdominal contents of the crabs collected at Wareham are appended (pl. 8, figs. 45, 46). The green glands of Enpnt/urus longicarpus have the same gen- eral arrangement as the glands of J'J. bernhardus described by Marchal ('92), except that the nephrosac is short and broad and the canals which unite this structure to the cephalic portion of the gland are without accessory diverticula. The cells of the canals and nephrosac have a characteristic histological appearance (pl. 9, THOMPSON: METAMORPHOSES OK HERMIT CRAB. 167 figs. 52, 53). Tlie cytoplasm is scanty and stains faintly; the nuclei are small, spherical, and prominent. The green glands cannot be found in sections of the first or second /.oea stages. Some third zoeae show them, but they are without a lumen and almost wholly confined within the base of the antennae. These glands are, however, constantly present in fourth zoeae and each has the form of a bent tube, 0.2 mm. long, either simple or with two short, ventrally projecting diverticula at the proximal end. The glands of the glaucothoe are relatively longer than those of the zoeae and extend out of the antenna vertically into the cephalo- thoracic cavity (pl. 9, fig. bl,gg). Their shape may he compared to a letter "L "; the orifice being situated at the angle, and the proximal diverticula forming the shorter arm. About the time when the livers swing to the left as they pass toward the abdomen, the tip of the vertical limb of each green gland begins to grow back as a canal which lies closely appressed against the lateral wall of the cephalothorax until it reaches the region of the pericardium. Here the canals swing toward the midline of the body, meet one another beneath the pericardial septum, and fuse to form a nephrosac, 0.1- 0.2 mm. long (pl. 8, fig. 40), which for a considerable period may retain an imperfect median partition as a remnant of its double origin. Toward the end of the glaucothoe phase the nephrosac passes to its definitive position in the abdomen (pl. 8, fig. 42) and during the adolescent period attains to the larger proportions rela- tive to the surrounding structures which it has in the adult crab. The cells of the basal portion of these glands in all stages, and of the whole gland in the zoeae and glaucothoe, have granular, homo- geneous cytoplasm, small, reticulate nuclei, and indistinct cell boundaries. But the canals and nephrosac from their first appear- ance show the adult histology. Though the bulk of the gland is not sufficient for the production of canals and nephrosac without a multiplication of cells, no mitotic figures could be found, which recalls the condition of the liver cells during the changes in those organs, where the nuclei remained reticulate. But there the original bulk is ample to form the livers of the sixth stage through a remod- eling. In both series of specimens the tissues seemed perfectly well preserved. A shell gland is present throughout the zoea phase. It is lost 168 PROCEEDINGS: BOSTON SOCIETY NATURAL HISTORY. with the moult to the glaucothoe. It opens on the ventral face of the second maxilla and in form is a bent tube whose distal end extends toward the cephalothoracic cavity. These glands must be very important for the zoea before the development of the green glands with the fourth stage, and, despite the fact that the green glands have a lumen and are therefore presumably functional, in the latter period the shell glands are relatively longer than in the three earlier stages. Our knowledge of the development of the sexual system is very meager. A sixth-stage larva or a mature glaucothoe shows in the abdomen near the tip of the nephrosac two fusiform clusters of five or six cells (pl. 8, fig. 42, g\ pl. 10, fig. G3). These are readily identifiable as the sexual glands. Younger zoeae and glaucothoe have similar cells lying beneath the pericardial septum in the thorax (pl. 10, fig. 62). This position recalls the grouping of the sexual cells in the zoeae of Mysis, (Nusbaum, '87), Palaemonetes (Allen, '93) and Gebia (Butschinsky, '94) the only Decapod larvae for which they have been described. I was not able to find sexual cells in any earlier stage than the fourth zoea, perhaps because of the thickness of my sections. These cells pass to the abdomen at the time when the livers shift, but unfortunately no sections showed them in transition. There must, however, be an increase in their number at this time. The pericardial group contains less than half a dozen cells, while the abdominal clusters have five or more cells apiece. The time for the appearance of sexual ducts and orifices is unknown. When adolescent larvae reach an age of about forty days from the glaucothoe, they show what are apparently sexual orifices. Hut if these specimens are sectioned, no openings can be found nor anything that can be interpreted as even the an/age of a duct. These "pseudo-orifices" must be merely shallow depressions in the integument over the regions where the true openings will ultimately be developed. The crabs collected at Wareham, in 1900, which were certainly not less than one year old, had the sexual ducts well developed (pl. 9, fig. 53, sd), and the sexual glands were large and complexly coiled, but not quite mature. This would mean that the production of sexual products would not have occurred in them before the following year, e., the hermit crab is probably not mature before the second or third year of its life (see page 168). THOMPSON: METAMORPHOSES OF HERMIT CRAB. Kill Sex is recognizable at the seventh stage, from six to twelve days after the close of the glaucothoe phase, when the males lose the rudimentary pleopod on the second segment (pl. 4, fig. 6, ru). But the secondary sexual characters in the female pleopods (pl. 6, fig. 24) do not begin to appear until thirty or forty days of adolescent life have passed and then their development is quite gradual. This early differentiation of sex in Eupagurus loiigicarpus and .annul ipes has an interesting bearing on the subject of parasitic castration as it exists in the allied Eupagurus bernhardux. There, Giard ('86) has found that the male crabs if infested with a Bopyrid, Athelgespaguri, have pleopods of female number and form; while the females when parasitized with the Cirriped, Peltogaster, bear the typical female number of appendages, but in type these approxi- mate those of the normal male. Xo data is at hand with respect to the adolescent development of E. bernhardus, but if it resembles that of our species at all closely, the modifications shown by the parasitized males require either the attachment of the parasite very early in adolescent life, or a sufficiently potent effect from its presence to cause a reappearance of the pleopod on the second segment. The alterations of the parasitized females on the other hand, would be explainable as arrest of development. The parasite presumably might attach itself at any time within the first fifty days of adoles- cent life and yet be able to check the complete development of the female type of appendage. Xo ecto-parasite has been found on our Eupagurus annidipes. The only ecto-parasite on E. longicarpus, a Bopyrid, Stegophryxus hyptius, produces no alteration in the second- ary sexual characters of the host. The circulatory systems of our various species of Eupagurus are .similar in all, and that of E. bem/utrdus (Bouvier, '91) will serve as the type. The hepatic arteries are wholly thoracic, so that only a small part of the liver receives blood from this source. The ven- tral thoracic artery terminates posteriorly with the branches to the fifth pair of limbs and the abdomen is supplied by the superior abdominal alone. As this artery enters the second segment of the abdomen, it divides into two trunks: b and b'. The former is a small vessel which courses superficially to the left, supplying livers, sexual glands, and appendages. The latter is a larger trunk which plunges downward to the right of the intestine, runs caudad along the dorsal surface of the flexor muscles, and then in the fourth seg- 170 PROCEEDINGS: BOSTON SOCIETY NATURAL HISTORY. ment divides into a supramuscular branch that continues the course above the muscles, and an intramuscular branch that pierces them and runs caudad beneath them in the position of a ventral abdominal artery. The blood vessels in the larvae can only be studied satisfactorily from serial sections and hence there are annoying gaps in my record. For the arteries are scarcely traceable unless distended with blood, and only a few specimens of any stage will chance to show the desired condition. As a rule, however, all the dorsal vessels were equally well preserved and much could be learned from a single specimen, but ventrally the shrinkage of the integument against the ganglia obliterated the arteries to a greater or less degree. These and other causes also, prevented a study of the venous sinuses. The only artery passing cephalad from the heart in the earlier zoea stages is the anterior aorta, and it extends to the base of the rostrum, lying close beneath the dorsal wall of the cephalothorax. In the fourth stage its anterior end becomes deflected over the sur- face of the supra-oesophageal ganglion. No structure which sug- gested a cephalothoracic sac similar to that described for the zoea of Palaemonetes (Allen, '93) was found at any stage. A sternal artery is present at all stages and passes down in its adult relations to the thoracic ganglia, between the fiber masses for the third and fourth pairs of limbs (pl. 7, fig. 29, at a). The antennary arteries are first found in the fourth zoea and as they are not invariably present, they probably arise during the period. They diverge strongly and give off a branch to the stomach. Their ultimate distribution, however, could not be determined for the different stages. The hepatic arteries first appear during the glaucothoe stage after the livers have shifted to the abdomen. There is no trace of them in younger specimens even when the preservation of the heart and adjacent parts is perfect. The deferred development of the hepatic arteries can scarcely be regarded as correlated with the reduced function of these vessels in the adult crab, although at first this might seem probable. For, although among Decapods it is usual (Claus, '84) for these arteries to be present throughout the larval period, this is not an invariable rule. The Thalassinid, Naushonia (M. T. Thompson, :03), has only anten- nary arteries and aorta forward from the heart during the zoea and mysis phases. Claus's figures in his monograph on the circulation in THOMPSON: METAMORPHOSES OF HERMIT CRAB. 171 Decapods show that in the Thalassinid, Calliaxis, and the shrimp, Crangon', the hepatic arteries, although appearing in the zoea phase, are yet later in development than the antennary arteries. Thus the latter in their development seem to precede the hepatics when both pairs are not present throughout larval life. And in Eupagurus the antennary arteries appear^unusually late, not until the fourth zoea. Unquestionably, the ventral thoracic artery does not enter the abdomen at any stage, but as already noted, this vessel was difficult to trace and the distribution of its branches could not be completely determined. It is certain, however, that in the first zoea, vessels pass off to the first maxilliped; that in the second zoea this artery sup- plies the third maxilliped and, in some cases at least, one or more of the rudimentary limbs; and in the fourth stage the artery extends to the mouth and gives off branches to the maxillipeds and to the five pairs of rudimentary limbs. It is only necessary to suppose that the artery gives off in addition to the branches already enumerated, vessels to the second maxilliped iu the first, and to the two pairs of anterior maxillipeds in the second zoea, to make the arrangement for each stage agree exactly with the distribution of the vessels in the "Pagurus" zoeae studied by Glaus ('84). The ascending arte- rioles which pass up through the nerve chain between the ganglia for the first and second limbs and in the next posterior interspace (Bouvier, '89, '91) are discernible as early as the second zoea. Two other ascending arterioles are found even in mature glaucothoe: one between the maxillipedal and the cheliped ganglia and one between the maxillipedal and the maxilla ganglia. They may yet be detected in the adult. Some sections of zoeae suggest the possibility of the existence during the earlier stages, of additional ascending arterioles between the individual maxillipedal and maxilla ganglia, but they are not conclusive. The superior abdominal artery is present throughout the develop- mental period. With the earlier zoea it is a simple vessel extending almost the length of the abdomen in the first, and to the telson in the later stages. In the fourth zoea and glaucothoe, however, this artery gives off five pairs of segmental branches, a pair for each seg- ment from the second to the sixth. At the time when the livers commence their shift, the adult plan is evolved from this simpler arrangement (pl. 10, tig. G4). A new artery arises from the right segmental artery in the second segment, 172 PROCEEDINGS: BOSTON SOCIETY NATURAL HISTORY. plunges downward toward the flexor muscles and during the last part of the glaucothoe period, pierces these. Its further develop- ment could not be followed, as it was impossible to interpret the blood vessels through sections of the adolescent stages, owing to the twist of the abdomen and consequent confusion of landmarks. But it is obvious that this new vessel is to be identified with b' of the adult crab's arteries and that b of the adult system is the superior abdom- inal. This latter artery swings to the left with the completion of the shift of the livers and as the displacement is usually accompanied by the suppression of the right segmental artery of the second seg- ment distal to the origin of b', the latter quickly assumes the adult relations and appears to arise directly from the superior abdominal, b. Occasionally, however, this segmental vessel will persist in mature glaucothoe and even into the sixth stage. The fate of the other segmental vessels is uncertain. The four posterior pairs can be identified in very mature glaucothoe and occasionally in sixth stage larvae. Their presence in the latter stage suggests that they may persist in the adult crab, bnt whether this is actually the case or not could not be determined. The anterior pleopods of the adult cer- tainly receive blood from branches of the superior abdominal (Bouvier, '91). But on the other hand at this time this vessel does not extend to the rear of the abdomen and the uropods are supplied by the inframuscular branch of b'. We have no data with regard to the abdominal arteries of any Pagurid outside of the genus Eupagurus and whether the peculiar abdominal blood system of this genus is generally distributed among the members of the group is not known. In case it is not generally present, it might furnish a valuable criterion of relationship. Among other Decapods the artery most nearly analogous to b' occurs in Gebia deUura (Bouvier, '90). This vessel, however, arises directly from the superior abdominal in the fifth segment and such a poste- rior position appears to me effectually to militate against regarding it.as homologous with the Eupagurid artery, //. The development of the latter suggests rather that it originated either as a new structure, or, more likely, as an enlargement of some minor branch of the segmental artery of the second segment, when the gradual suppression of the ventral abdominal artery necessitated a more per- fect connection between the dorsal arterial trunk and the ventral region of the body. Once introduced, the branch has usurped many THOMPSON: METAMORPHOSES OK HERMIT CRAB. 173 of the functions which ordinarily belong to a superior abdominal artery. The abdominal musculature of the young Eupagurus was studied chiefly from serial sections. Although only longitudinal sections proved of value, this does not at all effect the accuracy of the results, since in examining the muscles of adult Cambarus or Homarus by means of sections, only those cut in the longitudinal plane are interpretable. Such sections, however, throw a great deal of light on the arrangement of the muscles in these Crustacea. And I feel the more confidence in my conclusions with regard to musculature in these forms from the fact that they are based on both dissections and sections, although they differ somewhat from those usually accepted. In any event, the abdominal muscles of the young Eupagurus are essentially like the muscles of Cambarus, Homarus, and other Maerura; and sections of each are mutually comparable (pl. 10, figs. 59,60, 61). The muscles of Eupagurus reach their highest efficiency with the glaucothoe stage. At this time the extensors are well developed with a generally longitudinal course (pl. 10, fig. 59, ext); the pleopodal muscles converge from a region of attachment above the hinge or metacleis where the segments interlock and are independent of the flexors (pl. 10, fig. 59a, pim). The flexors comprise several muscles, the descending, transverse, longitudinalis, and loop-envelop- ing. The arrangement of these various muscles can best be under- stood from the study of a single segment, selecting segment two as typical. The abdomen of the glaucothoe is highly convex and hence the attachment above the hinge, the metacleis insertion, is more dor- sal than in the flatter segment of Homarus. The descending and transverse muscles arise from this point. The former is a broad band whose ventral end is inserted at the articulation with segment one; the latter is cylindrical and runs first ventrally and then trans- versely to come into intimate union with its mate from the other side of the body. In Cambarus and Homarus the transversalis is flat and in the latter genus it arises as part of the loop-enveloping muscles. The lateralis or lateral longitudinal passes from the anterior to the posterior borders of the segment at the sides; and ventrally above the nerve cord the ventralis or ventral longitudinal occupies 174 PROCEEDINGS: BOSTON SOCIETY NATURAL HISTORY. a similar position. Possibly the latter is a series of muscles rather than a single bundle, but the sections are not clear on this point. The loop-enveloping muscles, which form the bulk of the flexors, arise in common with the ventralis muscles from the anterior boundary of the segment, but ascend as a broad sheet of fibers (pl. 10, fig. 59b). They soon become transverse in course and grad- ually separate into two parts, the loop or circularis and the envel- oping or oblique. The fibers composing the loop muscles, probably augmented by fibers from the metacleis insertion, turn longitudinally so that the anterior end of the muscle lies dorsad of the transversalis, meeting the posterior end of the loop muscle of segment one, while its posterior end passes into segment three and there meets the loop muscle of that segment above the transversalis. _ The middle portion of the muscle is depressed and the successive arcs are very characteristic in longitudinal sections. Toward the mid-plane of the body a slip (pl. 10, fig. 59e, .'.) passes down from the anterior end of the muscle to become attached at the union of segments three and four, but whether on the sternum of segment three or into the articular membrane cannot be determined. Still nearer the mid- plane, the whole muscle, the anterior fibers changing first, becomes a longitudinal descending muscle. The fibers which go to form the enveloping muscle retain a more generally transverse course as they are separated from the fibers of the loop muscle; and therefore this muscle lies across the belly of the loop muscle (pl. 10, fig. 59d). Toward the mid-plane of the body it becomes in its turn descending, and goes down closely associated with the descending part of the loop muscles (pl. 10, tig. 59f, x3). The attachments of the descending portions of these muscles are not clearly shown in the sections. At times they are apparently at the articulation between the segments three and four; again the muscles seem to pass on to the next posterior articulation, a discrepancy which is possibly due to an attachment in part at both points. The loop muscle is small in Cambarus and is largely or perhaps wholly derived from the metacleis insertion. In Homarus it is a large mus- cle and derived from the metacleis insertion and attached at its descending end to the sternum of the third segment. In Homarus the slip x is attached to the sternal plate of segment three. The enveloping muscle in both of these Macrura and in allied forms is very large. THOMPSON: METAMORPHOSES OF HERMIT CRAB. 17") The foregoing description for the second segment will apply equally well to segments one and three except that in the former the anterior attachments are on the eephalothoracic walls. The fourth segment has a weak loop muscle which barely reaches the end of the loop muscle from segment three. Posteriorly its descend- ing portion seems to be attached at the articulation between seg- ments five and six. The fifth segment has only pleopodal, trans- versalis, and ventralis muscles. The sixth segment has pleopodal, transversalis, and ventralis, and the last mentioned muscle lies beneath the nerve cord. The muscles of the zoeae are on the whole similar to those of the glaucothoe, but less well developed and with weak attachments. The pleopodal muscles are wanting, except those for the uropods which come in with the fourth zoea. The three earlier zoeae have also the fourth segment like the fifth from the absence of loop- enveloping muscles. Mature glaucothoe, adolescent crabs, and adults have a musculature of a totally different type. The extensors are extremely weak; a thin iayer of fibers — the integumentary muscles — lines the integu- ment beneath the nerve cord; the flexors are bulky and those of the right side are considerably larger than those on the left. Hut the flexors on both sides are merely a series of strongly diagonal bands with the more dorsal fibers runninsr almost transverselv. Minor peculiarities present themselves in the different segments, but there is nothing which suggests either transversalis or loop-enveloping muscles, although descending, lateralis, and ventralis muscles are doubtfully identifiable. These muscles have been compared to the chevron-like muscles of Gebia and Callianassa and described as a crowded series of such "chevrons" (Bordage, '93). If these muscles are to be identified witli their forerunners in the larvae, a study of their metamorphosis becomes imperative. But unfortunately this could not be attained in as complete a form as might be desired. The changes are crowded into a comparatively short period near the end of the glaucothoe phase, the degenerative processes make it difficult to secure good preservation and there seems to be a slight reconstruction or remodeling near the very end of the alterations. The following data are at hand, however, from several individuals, and from them a general notion of the homol- ogies of the adult muscles can be obtained. 176 PROCEEDINGS: BOSTON SOCIETY NATURAL HISTORY. 1. The transversalis muscles begin to lose their fibers at the time when the livers shift to the abdomen. 2. After the shift is completed and the nephrosac has passed to the abdomen, the loop muscle's fibers have become straight, and the descending portions of this and of the enveloping muscles are weak. The descending, lateralis, and ventralis muscles remain distinct, but the transversalis, the pleopodal muscles, and the intrinsic muscles of the pleopods themselves have disappeared. 3. Then the integumentary muscles appear; the descending and the ventralis still show fibers, but only a few fibers can be found in the loop-enveloping muscles. The columella prominence is developing. 4. Still later, traces of the enveloping and descending muscles can still be identified, but only with difficult}'. The ventralis and integumentary muscles are somewhat more distinct. The flexor muscles of the adult hermit crab then, evidently lack the transversalis elements, and retain only remnants either of descending or of lateralis muscles. The relative proportions of the remaining flexors, the ventralis and the loop-enveloping muscles, are not readily or surely determinable. Probably the ventralis plays the larger rdle. The thin layer of integumentary muscles seems to be derived from scattered fibers that lie in the same position during the glaucothoe stage. These may also give rise to the apical fibers of the muscles in the columella prominence but the basal fibers of this organ are certainly derived from the ventralis of the third segment and it is possible that the others are also. The theory that the flexor muscles of the hermit crab are a crowded series of "chevron" muscles is scarcely tenable in face of this evidence from the study of their structure and metamorphosis. The support that it has received from the chevron-like muscles of Gebia and Callianassa also fails when a closer examination is made. In Gebia certainly, the "chevrons" resolve themselves into loop- enveloping systems with a weak loop and insignificant transversalis, so that the preponderance of the enveloping element gives a notably oblique course to the muscles. The larval hermit crab has, therefore, abdominal muscles more like those of generalized Macrurous Crustacea, than those of such Thalassinids as Gebia, and it would be interesting in this connection THOMPSON: METAMORPHOSES OF HERMIT CRAB. 177 to know the type of musculature among the less specialized Thalas- sinoids. This might throw some light on the extent to which the perfection of the Maeruran type in the Eupagurus larvae is palin- genetic. For it is not possible to regard it as simply correlated with the active life of the zoea or glaucothoe. The very active megalops of the Brachyuran, Callinectes, although provided with enormous pleopodal and well developed descending muscles, has of the remaining possible flexors only the ventralis bundles; the metazoea of Pinnotheres and both the young zoea and the metazoea of Cancer show similar relations, with the addition of a few fibers which may be doubtfully identified as loop-enveloping elements. Moreover, Gebia, like other Macrura, has in the larval stages a very perfect loop-enveloping system of flexors, and these are carried on into the first adolescent almost intact, although the animal is at this period quite inactive. The muscles of the stomach of the zoea and glaucothoe are very simple. At first only dorsal and ventral supporting muscles are present (pl. 9, tig. 47). But with the second stage two additional bundles arise with attachments near the point where the oeso- phageal plates will later appear and the third zoea adds two more which extend from the anterior face of the stomach forward to the cephalothoracic wall. This simple arrangement is retained by the metazoea and by the glaucothoe until the very close of the latter period. Then it rapidly gives place to the complex musculature of the adult. The new muscles are developed from myoblasts which lie around and above the stomach from the third zoea onward. Of the zoeal muscles, the pair that extend from the region of the oeso- phageal plate are alone retained. It seems probable that the adductors of the mandibles in the adult are also new structures with the glaucothoe, and not deriva- tives of the fan of muscles that moves the jaws in the zoeae (pl. 9, fig. 49). But the moult from the fourth zoea produces so great a change in the plane of the mouth parts relative to the body axis that a satisfactory comparison between sections through this region in zoea and glaucothoe is impossible. The remaining muscles of the body call for no especial mention. The developing limbs remain filled with undifferentiated tissue until the fourth zoea and then fibers begin to make their appearance. The thoracic portion of the nervous system of the adult hermit 178 PROCEEDINGS: BOSTON SOCIETY NATURAL HISTORY. crab is symmetrical. The supra-oesophageal ganglion resembles in its finer structure the same ganglion in Carcinus (Bethe, '95, '97) or Astacus (Krieger, '80). The ventral ganglia are somewhat con- centrated (pl. 7, tig. 29). Those that supply the mouth parts form a quadrate mass which is closely associated with the more posterior thoracic ganglia. The three interior of these are large with strong ventral projections of the fiber masses; the two posterior are insignificant. The abdominal portion of the nervous system is but little modi- fied by the asymmetry. The ganglion of the first segment is not apparent and is presumably fused with the thoracic mass (Bouvier, '89). The five remaining ganglia are distinct (pl. 7, fig. 30) and those for segments two, three, and four are displaced to the left. The displacement of the ganglion for the fourth segment is very slight and scarcely establishable in the adult crab, but is well shown in sections of adolescent crabs. Each abdominal ganglion gives off a pair of ganglionic nerves (gri) beneath the integumentary muscles, either to a pleopod or to the point where a pleopod morphologically ought to be situated. The areas supplied by these nerves also receive a more delicate commissural (coinm n) above the muscles from the commissure cephalad from the ganglion. A similar arrangement of sub- and supramuscular nerves is found in (iebia uffiiiis. There is no obvious difference in the size of the nerves supplying the right and left sides of the body, and they all show fibers and bipolar cells. This lack of asymmetry appears less striking when we recollect that these nerves are probably very largely sensory and this function would be nearly equal on both sides of the body through the hairs on the pleopods on the right and the tufts of hair on the left at the points where pleopods ought to stand. The function of the muscles also is very simple and so the larger size of the right flexors cannot greatly disturb the equality of the two sides of the body with respect to other structures. The nervous system develops almost without metamorphosis. The earlier larval stages have a supra-oesophageal ganglion of essentially the same structure as that of the adult, but differing in the smaller relative bulk of the fiber masses and fiber tracts as compared with the ganglion cells. In the zoea phase these cells completely surround the fiber masses and tracts, and although less THOMPSON: METAMORPHOSES OF HERMIT CRAB. 17!) numerous in the glaucothoe, the cell groups still are indistinguishable and confluent. But by the time the adolescent stages are reached the groups though still united, become identifiable. The median ventral group, the cellulae mediales, is the first to become com- pletely distinct and separate, in crabs forty days past the glaucothoe. The adult separation of all groups was found in the Wareham crabs. The globuli of the brain decrease in size in the earlier stages more rapidly than do the fiber masses. The diameter of each bears the following ratio to the width of the latter, measured in coronal or transverse sections at different periods : — Diameter of Width of Stage globulus. intervening fiber mass. Adult Sixth stage Fifth stage Second stage First stage 1.42 + 2 2 2.6 3 The infra-oesophageal ganglion has a history similar to that of "the supra-oesophageal. The zoeae have small fiber masses which are deeply imbedded in ganglion cells and these latter are especially prominent on the ventral side of the ganglion. In surface view, therefore, the ganglia would exhibit as great a degree of concen- tration as in the adult, but in reality the individual fiber masses are much more distinct, especially those for the maxillipedal and max- illa segments. The fiber masses for the limb segments are very small in the zoea phase. With the glaucothoe, the cheliped gang- lion alone shows a ventralward projection, this detail appearing for the other limbs in the adolescent phase. Nerves pass to the rudi- mentary limbs in the fourth zoea. The three earlier zoea stages have possible traces of the first abdominal ganglion in two minute fiber masses that lie outside of the thoraco-abdominal commissures at their origin. Nothing of this can be detected later. The length of the segments of the abdomen is more nearly equal during the zoea and glaucothoe phases than during later life, and hence the five abdominal ganglia are nearly equidistant from one another at these periods. Both ganglionic and commissural nerves are present from the first zoea ,(pl. 7, fig. 29). At the close of the glaucothoe period, after the 180 PROCEEDINGS: BOSTON SOCIETY NATURAL HISTORY. muscles are already much degenerated, the commissure between the ganglia of the second and third segments shortens by one third, the next posterior commissure shortens to a less extent, and commis- sures 4 and 5 lengthen. These changes bring the ganglia into their definitive distances from each other, accompanying the changes in the lengths of the respective abdominal segments preparatory to the moult to the sixth stage. The displacement of the anterior ganglia to the left is one of the last changes before the glaucothoe stage closes, and occurs as the columella prominence arises. The Shell in the Ojitocexy. Rathke noted in 1840 that the developing hermit crab became slightly asymmetrical before the close of the zoea phase and all observers have recorded asymmetry for the chelipeds and usually also, dissimilarity for the uropods in the glaucothoe phase. Agassiz ('75) went a step farther and found that a very considerable advance toward the adult asymmetry might be attained before the larva ever entered a shell. It seemed clear from his account that this could not be regarded as the invariable sequence; but how far it might be looked upon as typical remained uncertain. He says of the change: "When the moult has taken place which brings them to the stage when they need a shell [my sixth stage] we find an important change in the two pair of feet now changed to shorter feet capable of propel- ling the crab in and out of the shell; we find that all the abdominal appendages except those of the last joint are lost; but the great dis- tinction .... is the curling of the abdomen; its rings .... are quite indistinct and the test covering it is reduced to a mere film. It is therefore natural that the young crab should seek shelter for this exposed portion of his body." His figures, published in 1882 (Faxon, '82), corrected and furnished a partial interpretation of this text. But they seemed to indicate that these changes might be only a beginning of a gradual metamorphosis to the complete adult form. It has therefore remained for the present research to show that the adult structure, so far as its plan is concerned, is completely attained during the glaucothoe stage, and that typically the metamorphosis is inaugurated before a shell is taken. Nevertheless the young crab always enters the shell before the changes are far advanced, THOMPSON: METAMORPHOSES OF HERMIT CRAB. 181 usually within the first forty-eight hours of its life as a glaucothoe. \V hat then is the significance of the shell in the ontogeny? It is clear that it cannot be regarded as an essential factor, but may it not perhaps influence the development to a lesser extent? If such an influence were present it obviously might act in two directions: to affect the rate of the metamorphosis, or to modify the order of the metamorphosis and possibly, but less probably, the resulting structures themselves. In addition to this, despite the fact that the dextral asymmetry is fixed in the ontogeny, appearing before a shell is taken and completing itself even when the latter is absent, it is conceivable that the entrance into a dextral shell which nor- mally occurs at a definite point in the development may have some controlling influence, so that exposure to other than dextral shells might not be without effect on the course or integrity of the meta- morphosis. Effect on the rate of development.— In connection with our first possible effect of the shell, that on the rate of the development, the influence, if any, will involve the glaucothoe more than a later stage as this is the period of most extensive change and the time when the shell is normally assumed. Therefore a number of experi- ments were performed on glaucothoe by which they were exposed to different environments relative to the time when the shell was taken and also to the shape of the shell, whether dextral, sinistral, or uncoiled. For these experiments the age of the larvae used, had to be known within as narrow limits as possible. So fourth-stage zoeae were col- lected and placed in a large jar, where during the night many would moult to the glaucothoe. New zoeae were used each day, and in the morning the glaucothoe were removed and reared in one or more experiments as the case might be. For I made it a rule never to mix glaucothoe of different ages, but kept each batch separate from all preceding ones. The experiments were examined daily at the same morning hour. At first, aii additional mid-period record was taken, but it was found that the larvae moulted chiefly in the "small hours" of the morning and this habit rendered a mid-period record less necessary and as the pressure of other work became severe it was abandoned. The fairly definite time of moulting also served to reduce the unavoidable time error which might otherwise have had a range of twelve hours. The large number of specimens 182 PROCEEDINGS: BOSTON SOCIETY NATURAL HISTORY. used further counteracted this error and also tended to equalize it in the different series. So on the whole, the number of days that the larvae remained in the glaucothoe phase was determinable with a fair degree of accuracy, and although some error must remain, it does not affect the comparability of the series. Series A. Normal. The glaucothoe were provided with dextrally spiral shells and given opportunity to take these whenever they pleased. The shells of the marine snail, Soyootypus, were used, being abundantly obtained from the egg cases. Eleven experiments were made, using 183 larvae, 99 of which attained the moult to the sixth stage. 6 glaucothoe 6 percent remained in stage 4 days. 8 • 3 ti tt i. u 44 57 57 t. tt u I. .-) 2 i 2 ii tt tt 54 19 19 u tt tt u o 14 14 it tt 64 4' 4 ii tt 7 2' 2 " .h 2' 2 it 8 The percentages for the duration of the stage may be arranged in a curve in which the ordinates represent days, the abcissae the per- centages (pl. 7, fig. 3'2, continuous line). This gives a very steep curve with the mode at the fifth day. Series B. Delayed Normal. In these experiments, a batch of larvae was separated into two parts'. One half was provided at once with dextral shells to serve as a control experiment; the other did not receive shells immediately. The figures for the control records have already been THOMPSON: METAMORPHOSES OF HERMIT CRAB. 183 given as part of the figures for series A. They are separately listed here for comparison with the figures for the "delay" record. B 1. The larvae were kept three days without shells and were then provided with them, and they entered these within a few hours. One experiment, using 10 glaucothoe in the control section, all of which lived to the sixth stage; and 10 in the delay section, 7 of which attained the moult. Control. Belay. 1 glau. 10 % r'm'n'd 4 days. 1 glau. 14 % r'm'n'd 5 days. 8 " 80 % " 5" 4" 57 % " 5^" 1 " 10 % " 5J" 2" 28 % " 6 B 2 The larvae were kept four days without shells and were then pro- vided with them. Three experiments, using 55 crabs in the control, 25 of which attained the moult to the sixth stage; and about the same number in the delay, 22 of which reached that moult. Control. Delay. 3 glau. 12 % r'm'n'd 4 days. 6 glau. 27 % r'm'n'd 5 days. 2" 8 %" 4J" 2" 9 %" b\" 11)" 76%" 5" 12" 55%" 6" 1" 4 %" o\" 2" 9 %" 7" The curves that may be constructed from the percentages of these experiments, resemble in shape the curves for the experiments of series A (pl. 7, fig. 32), but have a more restricted range. The curve for the three days' delay (broken line) has the mode between the fifth and sixth day; while that for the four days' delay (dotted line) has the mode at the sixth day. The curves for the control experiments exactly resemble the curve plotted for series A. 184 PROCEEDINGS: BOSTON SOCIETY NATURAL HISTORY. Series C. Naked. In these experiments, glaucothoe were reared without any covering for the body. Five experiments, using 123 larvae; 50 of which attained the moult to the sixth stage. No mid-period examination. 7 glaucothoe 14 percent remained in stage 4 days. 6 " 12" """5" 21 " 42" """6" 15 " 30" """7" \ *t 2 u u tt "8 u The curve that may be constructed (pl. 7, fig. 33, continuous line) has the same range as the curve for the experiments of series A, but its mode is on the sixth day and the seventh day percentage is high, giving it a very different shape from the curves for either A or B. It may be objected that the absence of a mid-period exami- nation is responsible in large measure for this difference in shape. But the mid-period moults, if not separately recorded, will merely increase the record for the following morning and if the curve for A be plotted with the mid-period moults thus added to the day records (dotted line), it does not at all resemble the curve for the present series. So although the sixth and seventh day percent- ages may readily be somewhat higher than they would have been with a mid-period count, the difference would be insufficient to modify the curve essentially. Series D. Indifferent. The glaucothoe were provided with straight tubes of such diameter that they could not twist the bod}-. Glass tubes proved the best of the various objects tried. Three experiments, using (54 larvae, 39 of which reached the moult to the sixth stage. No mid- period examination. 35 glaucothoe 89.7 percent remained in stage 5 days. 4 « jo « " « » (i » THOMPSON: METAMORPHOSES OF HERMIT CRAB. 185 The curve for these experiments would have a very limited range and show the mode on the fifth day. Series E. Sinistral. The larvae were provided with small sinistral shells and given opportunity to take them at will. The shells of the fresh-water snail, Physa heterostropha, were used. Eight experiments, using 146 glaucothoe, 58 of which attained the moult to the sixth stage. No mid-period examination. 3 glaucothoe 5 percent remained in stage 4 days. 35 it 60" " "" 5" 12 " 20.7" " "" 6" 8 " 13.8" " "" 7" The curve which may be plotted for this series is similar to the curves for A, B, or D except that the percentage for the sixth day is slightly higher (pl. 7, fig. 33, broken line). But this may be attributed to the fact that a large number of larvae, 36 percent, delayed their entrance into the shell and so retarded their develop- ment. The absence of a mid-period examination probably also contributes to increase the percentages for the sixth day. These six series of experiments clearly show that the minimum duration of the glaucothoe stage and phase under any condition is four days, and the maximum duration is eight days. In all classes of experiments,except those of the "indifferent" and "delayed" series, some larvae remained in the stage the minimum period. The maximum period was reached not only in the "naked" but also in the "normal" series. The experiments also show that the shell exercises an influence on the rate of development proportional to the time which elapses between the moult from the last zoea stage and the time when the glaucothoe enters the shell. The experiments with shells of other than dextral coil, however, so closely resembled the latter " normal" experiments that no attempt was made to repeat them under "delay" conditions. They indicate that the influence of the shell is independent of its form as far as any 186 PROCEEDINGS: BOSTON SOCIETY NATURAL HISTORY. direct effect is involved. But when shells depart strongly from the dextral type, an indirect influence is exerted, dependent on the fact that many larvae are reluctant to enter such shells. Effect on health.—Another influence of the shell on the growing larva was brought out by the experiments. Attention has already been called to the high mortality among Eupagurus larvae. Now this mortality was especially noticeable in those experiments where the glaucothoe were either wholly prevented from entering a shell (C) or only permitted to enter one after a considerable delay (B 2). Here it reached about sixty percent. In the "normal" experiments and in the less abnormal experiments of the "delay" series (B 1), only forty-six and thirty percent respectively of the glaucothoe perished before the moult to the sixth stage could be reached. The entrance into a shell early in the glaucothoe phase has then an important bearing with regard to the health of the crab. At first sight also this seems to be to some extent correlated with the form of the shell used. The glaucothoe that lived in straight glass tubes (D) lost thirty-nine percent of their number, a death rate less than that for the normally reared crabs. The crabs in sinistral shells, on the other hand, had a death rate as high as that prevailing among crabs which never obtained a shell. But of course, as before, this may be the result of the reluctance of glaucothoe to enter sinistral shells with the consequent prejudice to their health, rather than a direct effect of the peculiar twist of the shell. With my adolescent crabs the death rate among those reared with sinis- tral shells was not noticeably higher than among those reared in other kinds of houses. Although this is based on a smaller number of crabs, it would lend support to the idea that the higher death rate among "sinistrally reared" glaucothoe was indirect. A partic- ularly disastrous experiment with adolescents showed a mortality among larvae living in dextral, indifferent, and sinistral shells, of fifty-seven, fifty-two, and sixty percent, respectively. The absence of a habitation is invariably injurious. The mortality for "naked" adolescents in the above experiment was eighty-one percent. Even with wild adults death usually follows after a short continuance of the "naked" condition. Injury to the soft and defenseless abdomen is generally the immediate cause of death, but there are occasional indications which may point to some general physiological disturbance caused by the lack of a body covering. THOMPSON: METAMORPHOSES OF HERMIT CRAB. 187 Effect of the shell on structure.— Since the shell determines to some extent the duration of the glaucothoe phase and also affects the health of the crab, a further influence might be perhaps expected. But in vain. The order in which the different organs develop from the larval to the adult type is the same whether the glaucothoe obtains its shell early or late in the period. It is independent of the presence or absence of the shell, and is not affected by its shape. Moreover, no difference in the structure or arrangement of the parts of the body of sixth-stage crabs reared under the various conditions can be detected, except in the reduction of the pleopods. A crab of this age, typically, has no pleopods on the right side of the body, but this is not invariably the case even among "normally reared " larvae, and some crabs retain rudiments of one or more of these appendages. The metamorphosis of the pleopods has been expressed by the following formulae (see page 158): — Glaucothoe. Sixth Stage. Adult g. Adult 0. Segment 1 O : 0 O : O O : 0 O : O "2 R : R Ru : 0 0 : O R : 0 "3 R : R R : 0 R : 0 R : 0 4 R : R R : 0 Ii : 0 R : 0 "6 R : R R : 0 R : O R : 0 "6 +R : R— +R : It- +R : R— +R : R— However, since segments one and six do not vary, the formulae may be written in briefer form: glaucothoe = K, R, R, R : R, R, R, R; sixth stage = Ru, R, R, R : O, O, O, O; adult i? = O, R, R, R: O, (), O, O; and adult ? = R, R, R, R : (), (), (), (). The nature of the variations from the normal sixth-stage formula under all conditions was studied in about five hundred crabs which had been reared from the glaucothoe as follows: 107 in dex- tral shells, 62 in straight shells, 108 in sinistral shells, and 221 with- out shells. Of these 493 crabs, 159 or thirty-two percent varied from the usual pleopod formula. The different variations were numerous, but they fall naturally into three groups: (a) those where one or more of the right appendages were retained as large (Ru +), medium (Ru), or small (Ru —) rudiments, in order from before backward; (b) those where there was loss in number or size of the pleopods on the left side; and (c) those where there was 188 PROCEEDINGS: BOSTON SOCIETY NATURAL HISTORY. irregularity in the retention. The time that each crab was under the microscope had to be very limited and the dimensions given do not represent measurements, but are based on comparisons with the unaltered pleopods of the left side. Class A. Rudiments without joints or rami.. Twenty-five combinations, but only a few common to several specimens, viz.: — Ru, R, R, R : Ru, O, O, O, 9 examples. All series. Ru, R, R, R : Ru, Ru, O, O, 8" All series excepting indifferent. Ru, R, R, R : Ru, Ru, Ru, Ru—, 12" Naked series only. Ru, R, R, R : Ru, Ru, Ru, Ru, 14" All series. Ru+, R, R, R : Ru-f, Ru+, Ru-f, Ru-f, 13" Naked and indiffer- ent only. Class B. Rudiments without joints or rami. The variations of this class are probably only the result of defective ecdysis or injury during the glaucothoe stage. Three examples. Ru-K Ru-f-, Ru-f-, Ru-f-: Ru, Ru, Ru, Ru, 1 example. Normal series. O, R, R, R :O, O, 0, Ru, 1 " Sinistral series. Ru+, Ru+, Ru+, Ru-f- :Ru+, Ru-f-, Ru, Ru, 1 " Indifferent series. Class C. Rudiments without joints or rami except once, where the append- age was small, but perfectly formed and of male type (R*). Eleven examples in all., Ru, 11, R, R : Ru, O, Ru, Ru, 1 example. Normal series. Ru, R, R, R : Ru, Ru, R, O, 1" "" Ru, R, R, R : O, Ru-f, (), O. 1" "" Ru, R, R, R : Ru, O, Ru—, O, 1" Sinistral series. Ru, R, R, R : O, O, Ru, O, 1" "" Ru. R, R, R : O, Ru—, Ru—, O, 3" Naked and sinistral series. Ru, R, R, R : Ru, Ru+, Ru, O, 1" Naked series. Ru, R, R. R : 0, O, R», O, 1" Sinistral series. Ru, R, R, R: O, Ru-f-, Ru, R, 1" Naked series. THOMPSON: METAMORPHOSES OP HERMIT CRAB. 189 The distribution of the variations.— The crabs that showed the variations, the variants, were distributed among the different con- ditions as follows: — 1. Normal 107 crabs 21 variants 19.6 percent. Indifferent 62" 10" 16.0" Sinistral 103" 23 " '22.2" Naked 221" 105" 47.0" The percentages of the actual combinations under each environ- ment to the whole number of variations recorded for all environ- ments were: — 2. Normal 28 percent of all the combinations. Indifferent 26 " """" Sinistral 36 " """" Naked 221 " """" The actual combinations of each kind presented, as compared with all the recorded combinations for each class of variations were: — 3. A B C Normal 24% 33% 30% Indifferent 32" 33" — Sinistral 36" 33" 50" Naked 94" — 25" The distribution of the variant crabs among the classes of varia- tions was as follows: — 4. A 1! C Normal 21 variants 86% 4.7% 14.0 % Indifferent 10" 80" 4.7" — Sinistral 23" 74" 4.7" 17.0" Naked 105" !)(!" — 3 8" 190 PROCEEDINGS: BOSTON SOCIETY NATURAL HISTORY. The first two tables closely parallel the results of the experiments on the rate of development. Here again the emphasis is placed on the actual presence or absence of the body covering rather than on its form. The crabs reared in sinistral shells had only a slightly larger percentage of varying individuals or variants, and only a little higher degree of variability than normally reared larvae. But those which had never entered a shell showed more than twice the normal percentage both of variants and of variability. The crabs reared in straight shells were less variable both in respect to the number of variants and to the combinations of characters than the normal, just as in the earlier experiments nearly ninety percent of the "indifferent" glaucothoe remained five days in the stage as against fifty-seven percent of the normally reared glaucothoe. I cannot suggest any explanation for this phenomenon. Tables 3 and 4 are somewhat disappointing. The greater varia- bility of the "sinistral " and "naked " crabs over normally reared, is not, except with the variations of class A, either united with a tendency toward a larger percentage of combinations compared to all the combinations for am' class, or with leanings toward the peculiar variations of class C, although, a priori, both contingencies might have been expected. The numerous variant crabs of the "naked " series were almost all members of class A. Three of the most striking variations found, viz.: Ru, R, R, R : Ru, R*, Ru, O, Ru, K, R, R : Ru, Ru, R, O and Ru, R, R, R : O, Ru + , Ru, R, were presented by crabs from the normal, sinistral and naked series. Although the presence of a sinistral shell or the lack of any covering for the body affects the larva only with respect to one series of organs, the pleopods, it might seem that a continuance of such a condition might be more potent; at least to conserve the variations already present. The rudimentary pleopod on the second segment becomes in the female the largest of the abdominal appendages. May it not be possible for a similar reconstructive power occasionally to reside in those other rudiments which are retained by so many sixth-stage larvae, despite the fact that typic- ally with the males this appendage lacks reconstructive power and is lost very early in adolescent life. On experiment, however, it was found that outside of the pleopods no organ was affected at all by a continuance of abnormal conditions and only in a single case were the latter altered. THOMPSON: METAMORPHOSES OF HERMIT CRAB. 11)1 In the summer of 1900, a number of crabs from "sinistral" experiments were kept with sinistral shells. No especial attention was paid them. One of these grew much more rapidly than its mates and when it was about eighty days past the glaucothoe phase it was examined. It then had a carapace 3.7 mm. in length, an antennal flagellum of 35 joints, an ophthalmic scale which was adult in form, and sexual "pseudo-orifices " on the third pair of limbs, i. e., in the female position. The pleopods, however, were of male number and type with the addition on the right side of the fourth segment of a pleopod exactly like the corresponding appendage on the left. The formula was: O, R, R, R,: O, O, R, O. I am not inclined to attach much importance to this peculiar specimen and least of all to regard its peculiarities as connected with its life in a sinistral shell. With the exception of the pleopod it was internally and externally, a dextrally asymmetrical crab. Although it had lived for eighty days from the glaucothoe, it had not lost the male type of pleopod, when normally the female type should be almost or completely established. Moreover, the pleo- pods were of male number, while the "pseudo-orifices " were in the female position. It seems to me that this crab was merely a sport, resulting very probably from the unnatural conditions of captivity, and just as likely to have appeared in one series of experiments as in another. However, it certainly shows that the retained rudiments of the sixth stage may occasionally be conserved or reconstructed. An attempt, during the following year, to repeat this experiment with larvae that were known to be variants, was unfortunately rendered inconclusive by an unusually high mortality- One hundred and eighteen variant sixth-stage crabs were collected, chiefly from "naked " and "sinistral" experiments, and reared to the adult form under the following conditions: 30 in dcxtral shells, 7 in straight tubes, 30 in sinistral shells, and 58 without shells. Out of these only 37 survived to be examined—a dead crab is almost immediately so mangled by the survivors as to be worthless for study — and in no case did any crab preserve the variations beyond the seventh stage and only 16 percent retained them into that stage. That is, whenever the moult from the sixth stage failed to give the normal adult pleopod formula, the succeeding ecdysis produced it. Further investigations ought to be made in this direction. They require but little care outside of a supply of food, as metazoea may 192 PROCEEDINGS: BOSTON SOCIETY NATURAL HISTORY. daily be placed in a jar, the glaucothoe removed as they appear and reared in balanced aquaria, new larvae being continually added and the young crabs studied as fast as they attain the adult form. Reliance should be mainly placed on sinistral shells. It is a waste of material to keep adolescent crabs naked. The results from the foregoing study of larvae under various conditions with respect to the shells, effectually dispose of any probability that the adult crab can be modified by altering the form of the shell in which it lives. If in the presumably most plastic period of the animal's life, when there is in addition a slight varia- bility to work upon, we are unable to alter the structure except in a most trivial detail and then but rarely —supposing that the retention of the pleopod by the crab in 1900 was due to the form of the shell .—we cannot expect for an instant that even a long continuance in an abnormal shell will modify the adult. The occasional discovery of a hermit crab (Milne-Edwards & Bouvier, '91; Marchal, '91) in a left-handed shell has no significance in this connection. The supply of shells runs, along shore at least, very close to the demand. Residence in a sinistral shell simply means that the crab has been dispossessed and is protecting his body with the best hollow object available. An endless list of such habi- tations might be compiled. I have collected adult crabs in the shells of Crepidula and Vermetus; and my glaucothoe used every hollow object they came across, from bits of algae that were twisted or rolled and broken float-bladders of Fucus or Sargassum, to fragments of exuviated crustacean integument and fragments of the fine dirt-tubes of small Annelids. There is no case where any departure from the normal form has been found in a crab which was using an unusual residence. Choice of shells. — A consideration of the dextral asymmetry of our hermit crabs with the rdle played by the shell in the ontog- eny, naturally leads to the question whether these crabs evince any preference for one type of shell over another. The only investigator who has attempted to study this experimentally (Bouvier, '92) has come to the conclusion that they do not show a preference for dextral over sinistral shells. He experimented by supplying the crabs with a mixture of shells of different sorts and then keeping a record of their movements. Approached from this side, the problem is difficult of solution. When a crab seizes on a THOMPSON: METAMORPHOSES OV HERMIT CRAB. 193 new shell, it turns it over and over, thrusts the chelipeds within the chamber and then probably enters it. As far as I can judge, the preliminary exploration merely tells the crab that the "shell " is hollow, empty, and clean, and I cannot agree with those who would see in it a measuring or comparing of the shell. Apparently the crab does not perceive either the type or the size of the shell until it has inserted its abdomen into the chamber and tested the shell by moving about in it, etc., deciding by actual trial whether the new will prove better than the old house. It almost invariably keeps a firm hold on its former habitation, so as to be able to return to it if the new house proves ineligible. This method of selection by trial leads to numerous changes that are inconclusive and only serve to confuse an observer. On the other hand, there seems to me to be evidence which points to a preference for shells of dextral type. If a single right-handed shell is dropped into an aquarium where the crabs are in straight tubes or sinistral shells, it will in the long run be found and used — unless its size be utterly inadequate — even though the bottom is encumbered with empty shells of other sorts. Similarly there is a tendency to abandon sinistral shells for straight tubes. This does not indicate any deliberate choice. The crabs are constantly changing shells and if one obtains the dextral shell he does not as readily exchange it as he would a shell of other type. Hence that shell will be found in use when the aquarium is examined. In general, for both larvae and adults, the need seems to be, first for a covering and then for one of suitable size and shape. The animal is twisted dextrally. Therefore, other things being equal, the desire for a well fitting house will tend to bring the crab into a right-handed shell. Hut there are evidently a number of unknown factors which enter into a choice, especially a choice between shells of the same type. And there are many instances where crabs leave shells that, as far as appearances go, are vastly more suitable than the ones they substitute for them. The larvae show the tendency to take dextral shells more strongly than do the adult crabs. The experiments show that young provided with shells of unusual form are more restless than those provided with dextral shells. The number that were found swim- ming after the first twenty-four hours, which means that they were either deferring their entrance into a shell or had come out again 194 PROCEEDINGS: BOSTON SOCIETY NATURAL HISTORY. after entrance, aggregated 36 percent of all individuals in the sin- istral series, '20 percent for the "indifferent" and 16 percent in the normal series. The observed cases where glaucothoe abandoned their shells when disturbed, were 7 percent in the sinistral experi- ments, but only 1 percent in the normal. In the "indifferent" experiments no specimen was observed to act in this manner. More- over, a single dextral shell dropped into an'aquarium will certainly be found and used. When several glaucothoe are placed in a dish on the bottom of which there are scattered various shells, wre find that as each larva stops swimming, settles down and crawls on the bottom, it examines the objects in its path and is apt to enter the first that has a cavity in it. Then, if not satisfied, it either recommences swimming or, more usually, makes a further search dragging about its newly acquired house. It is well known (Agassiz, '75) that in the inves- tigation and use of a shell the glaucothoe handle the shell exactly in the same manner as do adults. My observations would make them subject also to the same limitations. Like other investigators, I have not been able to repeat the obser- vation (Brooks, '99) that hermit crabs "even make vacant [a shell] that seems eligible by pulling out its occupant piece by piece and eating him," although a dead snail is quickly devoured by the crabs and the emptied shell not infrequently used. If the snail, while the crabs are pulling and picking at it, gets pulled out bodily, the vacant shell may indeed be taken by one of the diners, but more usually the «rabs devote their attention to the meat and leave the shell unno- ticed. I have never seen anything which would imply an inten- tional or necessary connection between the eating of the snail and the use of the vacant shell. When, however, a crab is searching for a shell he acts in a very different manner, attempting to pull out the dead meat bodily, just as other rubbish is removed from a shell that is being examined. The snail may be eaten after removal, and I have seen a shell-hunting crab eat fragments which wTere torn off while he was trying to extract the snail. But this is unusual; for, as a rule, if the snail does not come out readily the crab either aban- dons the attempt, or if desperately in need of a residence crowds in between the meat and the shell. THOMPSON: METAMORPHOSES OF HERMIT CRAB. 195 The Asymmetry. Although it is evident that the structural modifications possessed by the majority of the hermit crabs are on the whole in closest correlation with the use of dextrally spiral shells as residences, there are two genera in the group which suggest that the asymmetry in its beginnings was perhaps not connected with this mode of life. Mixtopagurus certainly might be regarded as pointing to an origin for the asymmetry prior to, or outside of the use of a coiled shell, as it combines a slight dextral twist with residence in holes in bits of wood. The sinistral asymmetry of Henderson's genus Paguropsis also seems difficult of explanation on any theory which would derive the asymmetry primarily from the use of shells. For the right- handed spiral has always been the predominant type of coil among the marine Gastropod Mollusca. The point of view with regard to these geflera remains unchanged whether the Pagurids be considered as a natural or a convergent group. This question of the origin of the asymmetry seems to me to be insoluble at the present day. Detail of the adult anatomy is as yet very scanty and for those genera about which most is known it does not bear closely on the problem. Probably a large number of the anatomical peculiarities of such a typically asymmetrical genus as Eupagurus, for example, may be looked upon as inherited; similar structures being found among the Thalassinidea, the modern repre- sentatives of the stock from which the hermit crabs were in all likelihood derived (Ortmann, :01). For example, the weak integu- ment of the abdomen finds its counterpart among the members of the latter group. These live in burrows or crevices and probably their ancestors had similar habits. So the Pagurids might have attained a much weakened integument before they began to exchange stationary for movable "burrows." There is a curious resemblance between the degenerative details of the abdominal muscles of the Eupagurids and those of Gebia. Unfortunately, knowledge of the abdominal musculature of more generalized Thalassinids than Gebia is wanting. And even if the details shall be found to agree in the two groups, such a reduction of parts may be merely the usual out- come where the abdomen is little used by a burrowing species and not necessarily peculiar to the Pagurids, nor inherited from their Thalassinoid ancestors. l!)t) PROCEEDINGS: BOSTON SOCIETY NATURAL HISTORY. Other anatomical details also fail to throw light on the problem. The alterations by which the posterior end of the body has been transformed into a hook-like organ point to life in a movable residence, but might have been developed in either a straight or a spiral house. The tuberculated areas on the uropods in the more symmetrical hermit crabs and on both uropods and posterior thoracic feet in the asymmetrical forms, do not even indicate life in a mov- able residence. They are found in Pylocheles, which lives in the cavities of sponges. The reduction of the ventral abdominal artery also may have come in either early or late in the development of the hermit crab group. This vessel is very weak in some Thalassinids, e. g., Gebia deltura (Bouvier, '90), and is still present in the anterior abdomen of so asymmetrical a Pagurid as Paguristes (Bouvier, '90a). The record might be thus continued with respect to other characters and with the same result. Our knowledge of the adult anatomy is insufficient to throw light upon the origin of the asymmetry, although, as already noted, the anatomy has been profoundly modified for the life in spiral shells. The metamorphosis is also inconclusive on this point except in one particular; and this merely points to an early use of a dextrally spiral shell and does not bear upon the beginnings of the asymmetry. I refer to the displacement of the right liver to the left of the intes- tine and mid-line of the abdomen as the livers pass back from the thoracic position. That this must be interpreted as palingenetic seems to me to be fairly certain. Not only is it natural to extend this significance from the liver shift itself to the displacement, but the change also is an essentially transitory phenomenon and it is very hard to imagine any cause on other grounds for its introduction into the metamorphosis. If the displacement be palingenetic, it will go far to support the idea of an early use of shells. The shift of the livers in the phylogeny of the group probably occurred very early, for these organs have had time to attain a complicated structure since reaching the abdominal region. Further, they lie far back in the thorax in modern Thalassinids. Now, if these organs were already abdominal at the time when the shell was first assumed, it is difficult to understand how the compression of the right side of the body against the columella of the shell could have caused a displacement rather than an atrophy of the right liver. But if they were still thoracic or barely abdominal when life in shells first began, displace- THOMPSON: METAMORPHOSES OF HERMIT CRAB. 197 ment during the development of the abdominal position would be the most likely outcome. These considerations make it seem prob- able that the shell was taken early in the history of the group, and so indirectly support that theory which derives the asymmetry pri- marily from use of shells. Another important consideration adds further support to this view. At the time when the ancestor or ancestors of the hermit crabs began to seek other residences than burrows or crevices, the chances would have been favorable for the immediate use of dextrally spiral shells. The Pagurid group cannot have originated before the late Cretaceous or early Eocene (Ortmann, rOl) while the Gastro- poda are geologically a very old group. So we may suppose that a supply of mainly dextral shells would have been at hand when the hermit crabs began to use "movable burrows" and the asymmetry might have been affected by the shell at the very outset. This of course leaves the sinistral asymmetry of Paguropsis unexplained. Thus the whole question falls back on general considerations, and on such a basis there is no reason to abandon our "shell " theory despite the lack of positive evidence. The relationships of such forms as Mixtopagurus and Paguropsis to the other genera of the group are wholly unknown. In fact, the relationships existing between the various genera as a whole, are very obscure. The group is in all likelihood convergent and not natural, although there is reason to believe that most of the genera are genetically related. If convergent, the parts of the group may be of different ages, the characteristic mode of life being assumed at different times by vari- ous forms. All this confusion must be cleared away before the asymmetry can be thoroughly understood. And this will require a vastly more extensive anatomical knowledge than we at present possess. The extent of the group and the poor preservation of the internal anatomy, particularly in the abdominal region, have hitherto turned investigation toward description of species and genera. While this is necessary, it usually does not lay enough emphasis upon the anatomy as a whole, but is content with a record of the more obvious and superficial detail of carapace and limbs. Now research must go farther afield. We need information with respect to the finer details of the structure in each species. I believe the clue to the origin of the asymmetry and to the phylogeny of this group of Crus- tacea lies in a study of the internal rather than the external anatomy. 198 PROCEEDINGS: BOSTON SOCIETY NATURAE HISTORY. The Glaucothoes. In the year 1830, Milne-Edwards described a small, supposedly adult shrimp under the name " Glaucothoe peronii." No one seems to have questioned the validity of this form as a true species, until the year 1864, when Miiller pointed out its similarity to the post- zoeal stage of "Pagurus" and suggested that it might be a larva. But since that time the problems arising out of Muller's suggestion have attracted the attention of several carcinologists. On the one hand, Bate ('66, '68) asserted that Glaucothoe was "only a larval Pagurus" and Faxon ('82) simply identified his postzoeal Pagurids with Milne-Edwards's genus and with the older genus Prophylax (Latreille, '30); while on the other hand, Glaus ('76) asserted that the structure of the mouth parts in Glaucothoe was adult rather than larval; Miers ('81) described a second species, G. rostrata; and Henderson ('88) described a third species, G. carinuta. More recently the whole problem has been re-attacked by Bouvier through a study of the Glaucothoes themselves and, in the year 1891, he published the results of his work. He concluded that these forms were undoubtedly larval, since they lacked sexual orifices and opthalmic scales; that they were Pagurid rather than Thalassinid and belonged to the asymmetrical Pagurids; that they were not a natural group, for on structural grounds G. peronii was assigned to Sympagurus, while G. carinata lay nearer "Pagurus or a related form "; and that they presented "exactly all the essential characters of the larvae described by certain embryologists under the name of glaucothoes." Now my research, as has been the case with the work of other students of Pagurid development, does not bear directly on the main problem presented by these peculiar crustacean forms. But it does involve some subordinate phases of the problem and affects some of the suggestions which have been put forward during the discussion. Two main objections have been brought against the "larval theory": the great size — 10 to 20 mm.— of the Glaucothoe as compared with all known glaucothoe-stage larvae, and the feeling that if these forms were really developmental stages they would be more abundant. Henderson ('88) has especially laid stress on this latter point. It seems to me that the cogency of both of these objections has been overestimated. THOMPSON: METAMORPHOSES OF HERMIT CRAB. 199 Although historical parallels are unsafe, it is interesting to note the essential likeness of the argument from relative size to one of the objections brought by Westwood ('35) against J. V. Thompson's assertion that the higher Decapoda developed through a metamorpho- sis. He said that he had collected "specimens of zoea that were ten lines long between the spines, .... far too large to suppose that they would subsequently put off their zoe form and appear as crabs, bearing at the same time in mind .... the minute size of the latter animals in the very young state, although possessing their ordinary form." Similarly, the supposed rarity of the Glaucothoe is more apparent than real. When we remember that these forms were almost all collected at some depth below the surface, the number already taken — about twenty — does not seem especially small. And further, even among littoral Crustacea the larvae are often less abundant than would be inferred from the prevalence of the adults. The young of the lobster, Homarus, for example, swim freely for ten to twenty days after they hatch, but they are not commonly taken in tow nets. The glaucothoe larvae of the Pagurids themselves have seldom been recorded. 'The Plankton expedition of 1889 does not record a Pagurid zoea, and the glaucothoe phase is relatively much rarer than the zoeae. At Woods Hole, where hermit crabs are very abundant and the zoeae are obtained in unusually large numbers, fifteen or twenty glaucothoe would be an excellent haul for one day, and the average would be much lower than this without considering the days when the animal plankton is extremely scanty, although occasionally I have collected, on particularly favorable night tides, when there was a full moon, nearly or over a hundred glaucothoe. My research bears directly upon Bate's suggestion ('68) that glau- cothoe-phase larvae probably continue in the form until they obtain a shell and perhaps moult and grow. Recently this theory has been elaborated by Bouvier ('91a) as directly applied to the Glauco- thoes themselves, in explanation of their size and rarity. "They are, so to speak, less fortunate larvae than the rest, which continue to grow until the time that they find a suitable habitation." Now, I find in the genus Eupagurus a glaucothoe phase that comprises only one stage, during which there is almost no increase in size. The duration of this period is short and it is but little affected by delay in obtaining a habitation. These results are found to be fully 200 PROCEEDINGS: HOSTON SOCIETY NATURAL HISTORY. in accord with Agassiz's earlier observations ('75) on the same genus, when his rather obscure note is critically examined. And they ought to make us cautious in assuming as at all characteristic of Pagurid ontogeny either the existence of more than one stage in the glaucothoe phase or growth during that period. However, the multiform and possibly polyphyletic nature of the Pagurid group must not be overlooked. So that no general conclu- sion can safely be based on the ontogeny of a single genus. Espe- cially will this be true of the Glaucothoes. Despite Bouvier's conclusions, there seems reason to question whether they can be the young of forms closely related to those genera for which glauco- thoe-stage larvae have been described, viz. . Eupagurus (Rathke, '42; Bate, '68; Faxon, '82; Sars, '89), Spiropaguros (Sars, '89), and Diogenes (Czerniavsky, '84). The mouth parts of Glaucothoe as figured by Milne-Edwards appear more mature in character than the corresponding appendages in the glaucothoe phases of Eupay- urus anuUipes, lonr/icarpus, or our variety of bernhardus. For the equivalent stage of the European E. bernhardus we have figures of the maxillipeds alone (Rathke, '42), but they agree in all respects with the same appendages in the New England species. The mouth parts of the other described glaucothoe larvae have not been studied. The differences in the mandibular palp, in the first maxilla, and anterior maxilliped are especially noticeable in this connection, for in Eupagurus these parts have retrogressed from their condition in the zoeae and are without setae or at most only provided with rudi- mentary setae, while in Glaucothoe they are at least setose. The absence of ophthalmic scales also is in contrast to the con- ditions existing in the larvae studied by Sars ('89) and Czerniavsky ('84) and probably those examined by Rathke. With respect to his larvae Rathke ('40, '42) only makes the indefinite statement that the eyes had the same form as those of the adult, but he seems to have worked upon the same species as did Sars. Of Bate's larva ('68) nothing is known with respect to these structures, and the young figured by Faxon ('82) do not have the ophthalmic scales. This last is almost unquestionably attributable to oversight. The figure was drawn from a rough sketch in which there was no intent to show more than the general form. Moreover, if the figure is correct with respect to the scales, it must represent the glauco- thoe phase of some other genus than Eupagurus. Four species of THOMPSON: METAMORPHOSES OF HERMIT CRAB. 201 this genus have these scales in the glaucothoe stage. As the figure was drawn from a specimen collected near Woods Hole, a region characterized by the practically exclusive predominance of the genus Eupagurus this would be a most unlikely contingency. At the present time three '' species" of Glaucothoe are recognized, but Bouvier ("91) has noted that the specimens of G. peronii collected by the "Talisman" are not wholly like Milne-Edwards' type specimen. If as I believe, the glaucothoe phase in the crabs from which these larvae are derived, is short and without any appre- ciable growth, these discrepancies can no longer be explained as differences in age and development. They indicate rather that the j-oung of more than one species of hermit crab have been grouped under the single name. Summary. The adult Eupagurus has a dextral asymmetry which not only affects every organ in the abdomen but extends into the thoracic region, so that scarcely any system of organs in the body escapes some modification or displacement. However, with the exception of the flexor muscles and arteries of the abdomen, the homologies with corresponding parts in other Decapoda are clear. But the diagonal muscle bands and the peculiar division of the superior -abdominal artery into the two trunks, b and b', are interpretahle only from a study of the larva. The muscles are then shown to be a greatly degenerated loop-enveloping system from which the trans- versalis muscle has been lost. The arteries resolve themselves into -supra-abdominal and a new vessel, primarily derived from the second segmental artery of the right side. This latter artery is probably peculiar to the Pagurids and without homologue among the higher Macrura. The development is concentrated. There are four stages in the zoea phase, the last of which is a metazoea. The postzoeal or glau- cothoe phase consists of one stage which is Macruran in general form and from the first presents a mingling of adult and larval char- acters. The external anatomy, especially of the cephalothoracic region, recalls the adult. The appendages — except the pleopods —the gill formula, the asymmetry of the chelipeds and uropods, the structure of the stomach, the concentration of the nerve ganglia 202 PROCEEDINGS: BOSTON SOCIETY NATURAL HISTORY. and the absence of a distinguishable nerve center for the first abdo- minal segment are more adult than larval. On the other hand, the anatomy and positions of the livers, and lateral caeca, the mus- culature of the stomach, the lack of an intestinal caecum, and. the great elongation of the achitinous portion of the gut, the position of the sexual cells beneath the pericardial septum, and the preponder- ance of ganglion cells over fiber masses in the nervous system, are essentially as in the zoeae. Also many organs may be interpreted as presenting palingenetic as well as developmental characters. The cephalic position of the green glands, the thoracic position of the livers, the structure of the abdominal muscles and arteries, the com- plete set of pleopods, and the segmented abdomen may possibly serve as examples of this. The metamorphosis by which the structures attain the adult type of arrangement, commences before a shell is taken, although the larva usually enters a shell within the first forty-eight hours after the moult from the zoea phase. Through it, the livers, sexual cells and green glands become wholly or in part abdominal, the arterial system in this region is reorganized, and its muscles and pleopods degenerate. The anatomy becomes completely adult in type before the glaucothoe period ends. The stimulus of a shell is not necessary for the completion of this metamorphosis, any more than for its inauguration. The glaucothoe that has never entered a shell attains the adult structural type exactly like the glaucothoe which may have taken a shell immediately after the moult from the zoea phase. The shell is, nevertheless, very important. The length of the glaucothoe period bears a direct rela- tion to the time that elapses between the moult from the zoea phase and the entrance into a shell. Under normal conditions the period ranges from four to eight days, lasting five days for a majority of individuals; but deferring or preventing the taking of a covering for the body prolongs it, so that it may reach six or seven days for a majority of individuals. The range, however, is not altered. This effect is derived from the presence or absence of the shell, and is not dependent, except indirectly, on any peculiarities of its form. The shell also deeply affects the health of both glaucothoe and adult. Among glaucothoe which do not obtain a covering for the body or only obtain one after a delay of some days, the death rate is higher than among more normally reared individuals. The form THOMPSON: METAMORPHOSES OF HERMIT CRAB. 203 of the shell here plays only a very subordinate part. Adolescent crabs which are kept without shells show an increase of mortality similar to that among glaucothoe. The anatomical modifications that appear during the glaucothoe stage are, with but one exception, uninfluenced by either the presence, absence, or form of the shell. The exception is found in the retention of rudimentary pleopods on the right side of the body in the sixth stage, though typically at this period appendages should be absent from this side. The percentages of crabs that vary from the typical arrangement and the number of the variations displayed, are larger among larvae which have been reared without shells. The form of the shell is important to a small degree, and sixth-stage larvae reared from the glaucothoe in sinistral shells are slightly more variable than individuals reared with dextral shells. In a single instance a crab reared in a sinistral shell reconstructed or retained one perfect pleopod on the right side of the abdomen. But this crab was otherwise so abnormal that there is reason to doubt whether the variation was connected with the special environ- ment. Outside of this case, there is no evidence that the anatomy can be modified by a longer or shorter residence in shells of peculiar shape. Typically the retained pleopod rudiments are lost in the moult that closes the sixth stage. There seems to be no reason to infer that hermit crabs learn the shape or size of a shell, except by trial and use. But on the other hand there is evidence for the assertion that they show a preference for dextral shells over those of other forms, based on the fact that if a dextral shell is dropped into an aquarium it will, in the long run, be found and used, even when the bottom is encumbered with shells of other kinds. It is not possible at present to determine whether the asymmetry of the Pagurids is primarily attributable to life in spiral shells. The relationships of the genera are too imperfectly understood. Nevertheless, the asymmetry in its structural details is very closely adapted to the conditions imposed by this mode of life, which raises a strong presumption in favor of the view that the asymmetry was, from the first, a result of life in dextrally spiral shells. If the dis- placement in ontogeny, of the right liver to the left of the intestine points to a similar displacement in phylogeny the latter might well be the outcome of a compression of the right side of the body 204 PROCEEDINGS: BOSTON SOCIETY NATURAL HISTORY. at the time when the livers were passing from the thoracic to the abdominal position such as a shell would cause. There is reason also to believe that this shift took place early in the history of the Pagurid group. Finally, the chances that the ancestral hermit crabs would use dextral shells rather than other objects at the time when they began to seek movable residences, are rendered very great by the age of the Gastropod Mollusca as a group, while the Pagurids are of comparatively recent origin. THOMPSON: METAMORPHOSES OF HERMIT CRAB. 205 LITERATURE. Agassiz, A. '75. Instinct ? in hermit crabs. Amer. journ. sci., series 3, vol. 10. p. 290- 291. Allen, E. J. '93. Nephridia and body-cavity of some Decapod Crustacea. Quart. journ.. microscop. sci., new series, vol. 34, p. 403-42(1, pi. 36-38. Bate, C. S. '50. Notes on Crustacea. Ann. and mag. nat. hist., series 2, vol. 6, p. 109-111, pi. 7. '66. Carcinological gleanings.— No. 2. Ann. and mag. nat. hist., series 3, vol. 17, p. 24-31, pi. 2. (Preliminary note for next article.) '68. Carcinological gleanings.—No. 4. Ann. and mag. nat. hist., series 4, vol. 2, p. 112-121, pl. 9-11. (Two zoeae and the glaucothoe of "Pagurus.") '76. On the development of the crustacean embryo, and the variations of form exhibited in the larvae of 38 genera of Podephthalmia. Proc royal soc. London, vol. 24, p. 375-379. (A list of species whose zoeae were seen by W. H. Powers. He asserts that the young of Birgus latro " certainly spend their larval life in the sea.") Bethe, A. '95. Studicn ttber das centralnervensystem von Carcinus maenas nebst angaben ilber ein neues verfahren der methylenblaufixation. Archiv f. mikroscop. anat., vol. 44, p. 579-622, pi. 34-36. '97. Das nervensystem von Carcinus maenas. Ein anatomisch-physiolog- ischer versuch. Archiv f. mikroscop. anat., vol. 50, p. 460-546, pi. 25-30. Bordage, E. '93. Note surTetude comparee du systeme musculaire des Thalassinides et des Paguriens. Compte rendu sommaire des séances de la soc. philo- mathique, Paris, no. 10, p. 3-5, text fig. 1-2. Bouvier, E. L. '89. Le systeme nerveux des crustaces Decapodes. Ann. des sci. nat., zool., series 7, vol. 7, p. 73-106, pi. 7. '90. Sur l'organization de la Gebia deltura. Bull. soc. philomathique, Paris, series 8, vol. 2, p. 46. '90a. Variations progressives de l'appareil circulatoire arteriel chez les crustaces Anomoures. Bull. soc. philomathique, Paris, series 8, vol. 2, p. 179-182. 20(5 PROCEEDINGS: BOSTON* SOCIETY NATURAL HISTORY. '91. Recherches anatouiiques but le systeme artériel des crustaces D4ca- podes. Ann. des sci. nat., zool., series 7, vol. 11, p. 197-282, pi. 8-11. '91a. Les Glaucothoes sont-elles des larves de Pagures? Ann. des sci. nat., zool., series 7, vol. 12, p. 65-82. (Anatomy of Glaucothoe and discussion.) '92. Observations sur les raoeurs des Pagures, faites au laboratoire mari- time du Saint-Vaast-la-Hogue pendant le mois d'Aout 1891. Bull. soc. philomathique, Paris, series 8, vol. 4, p. 5-9. Brooks, W. K. '99. The foundations of zoology, viii + 339 pp.; New York. Butschinsky, P. '94. Zur entwicklungsgeschichte von Gebia littoralis. Zool. anzeiger, vol. 17, p. 253-256. Claus, C. '61. Zur kenntniss der Malacostracenlarven. WUrzburger naturwissensch. zeitschr., vol. 2, p. 23-46, pi. 2-3. (First and later zoea of "Pagurus." Regarded by the author as possibly a Dromia larva.) '76. Untersuchungen zur erforschung der genealogischen grundlage cles crustaceen-systems. viii-|-123 pp., 25 text figs., 14 pls.; Wien: 4to. (The previously described larvae were "Pagurus" and now the mysis stage is described. Discussion of the metamorphosis). '84. Zur kenntniss der kreislaufsorgane der Schizopoden und Decapoden. Arbeiten a. d. zool. inst. d. univ. Wien, vol. 5, p. 271-318, pl. 1-9. (Figures ventral arteries of two zoea stages, pi. 9, fig. 53-55.) '85. Neue beitrflge zur morphologic der crustacean. Arbeiten a. d. zool. inst. (I. univ. Wien, vol. 6, p. 1-108, 1 text fig., pi. 1-7. (Contains a figure entitled "Metazoea of Pagurus" but regarded by many as representing a Galathea larva.) Czerniavsky, V. "84. Crustacea Decapoda Pontica littoralia; materialia ad zoographiam l'onticam comparatam. 2. Schr. nat. gesellsch. Charkoff, vol. 13, auppl., 268 pp., 7 pls. (Russian.) (Two zoeae and postzoeal larva of "Diogenes mrians," teste Bouvier, '91a.) Faxon, W. '82. Selections from embryological monographs. 1.— Crustacea. Mem. mus. couip. zool., vol. 9, no. 1, 11 pis. and explanation. (Four zoeae, the glaucothoe, and the sixth stage of "Pagurus." probably Eupagurun longkarpus; pi. 12, tig. 18-30, pi. 13, fig. 5-6.) Giard, A. '86. Sur la castration parasitaire chez VEupagurus bernhardus (Linne) et chez la Gebia stellata (Mont.). Comptes rend, de l'acad. des sci., vol. 104, p. 1113-1115. THOMPSON: METAMORPHOSES OF HERMIT CRAB. 207 Goodsir, H. I). S. '42. On a new genus and six new species of Crustacea, with observations on the development of the egg and on the metamorphoses of Caligus, Car- cinus, and Pagurus. Edinburgh new philosoph. journ., vol. 33, p. 174-192. (Note on the first zoea of "Pagurus." ) Henderson, J. R. '88. Report on the Anomura collected by H. M. S. Challenger during the years 1873-76. Report on the scientific résulte of the voyage of II. M. S. Challenger during the years 1873-76, zoology, vol. 27, xii + 221 pp., 21 pis. (Description of Glaucothoe carinata, p. 83-84, pi. 9, fig. 1-la.) Hesse, E. '76. Description des crustacés rares on nouveaux des côtes de France. Ann. des sci. nat., zool, series 6, vol. 3, art. 5, 42 pp., pl. 5-6. (Curious description of the first zoea of 'Tagurus m'manthropos.") Krieger, K. R. '80. L'eber das centralnervensystem des flusskrebses. Zeitschr. f. wis- sensch. zool., vol. 33, p. 527-594, pl. 31-33. Latreille, P. A. "30. Cuvier's Le règne animal, distribué d'après son organisation, pour servir de base à l'histoire naturelle des animaux et d'introduction à l'anatomie comparée. 2d éd., 5 vols. ; Paris. (Description of Prophylax, vol. 4, p. 78.) Marchai, P. '91. Sur un Pagure habitant une coquille sénestre {Xeptunea contraria Chenu). Bull. soc. zool. de France, vol. 16, p. 267-269. '92 Recherches anatomiques et physiologiques sur l'appareil excréteur des crustacés Décapodes. Archiv. de zool. expérim. et gén., series 2, vol. 10, p. 57-275, text fig. 1-20, pl. 1-9. Mayer, P. '77. Zur entwicklungsgeschichte der Dekapoden. Jenaische zeitschr. f. naturwissensch., vol. 11, p. 188-269. pl. 13-15. (Embryology of " Pagurus striatus."] Miers, E. J. '81. Account of the zoological collections made during the survey of H. M. S. "Alert" in the Straite of Magellan and on the coast of Patagonia. Crustacea. Proc. zool. soc. London, 1881, p. 61-79, pi. 7. (Description of Glaucothoe rostrata.) Milne-Edwards, A., & Bouvier, E. L. '91. Sur les modifications que subissent les Pagures suivant l'enroulement de la coquille qu'ils habitent. Bull. soc. philomathique, Paris, series 8, vol. 3, p. 151-153. Milne-Edwards, II. '30. Description des genres Glaucothoe, Sicyouie, Stïgeste et Acete, de 208 PROCEEDINGS: BOSTON SOCIETY NATURAL HISTORY. l'ordre des crustaces DCcapodes. Ann. des sci. nat., zool., series 1, vol. 19, p. 333-352, pi. 8-11. (Description of Glaucothoe peronii.) Mttller, F. '64. Fiir Darwin. 8vo; illus. Leipzig. (Zoea of "Pagurus," p. 35-3", fig. 26.) Nusbaum, J. '87. L'euibryologie de Mysis chameleo (Thompson). Archiv. de zool. experim. et gen., series 2, vol. 5, p. 123-202, 13 text figs., pl. 5-12. Ortmann, A. E. : 01. Bronn's Klassen und ordnungen des thier-reichs. Arthropoda. Vol. 5, part 2, no. 60-62. (See p. 1317, pi. 128.) Philippi, A. '40. Zoologische beuierkungen. 2. Das genus Zoe ist der erste zustand von Pagurus. Archiv f. naturgesch., vol. 6, pt. 1, p. 184-186, pi. 3, fig. 7-8. (First zoea of " Pagurus hungarus.") Ratlike, H. '40. Zur entwickelungsgeschichte der Dekapoden. Archiv f. naturgesch., vol. 6, pt. 1, p. 241-249. (Description of three zoeae and the glaucothoe of "ragurus bern- /tardus.") '42. BeitrSge zur vergleichenden anatoinie und physiologie. 2. Zur ent- wickelungsgeschichte der Dekapoden. Neuste schr. d. naturforseli. gesellsch. in Danzig, vol. 3, pt. 4, p. 23-55, pi. 2-4. (An expansion of the foregoing account.) Sars, G. 0. '89. Bidrag til kundskaben om Decapodernes forvandlinger. 2. Lithodes, Eupagurus, Spiropagurus, Galathodes, Galathea, Munida, Porcellana (Nephrops). Archiv f. math, og naturvid., Christiania, vol. 13, p. 133-201, pi. 1-7. (Zoea, metazoea, and glaucothoe of "Eupagurus hernhardus," "E. pubescens," and "Spiropagurus chirocanthus." Note on the larvae of "S. forbesii.") Smith, S. I. '73. The metamorphoses of the lobster, and other Crustacea. In VerriU's Report upon the invertebrate animals of Vineyard Sound and adjacent waters, with an account of the physical characters of the region. Report U. S. comm. fish and fisheries, 1871-1872, p. 522-537, text fig. 4. (Record of the young of Eupagurus in Vineyard Sound, p. 530.) Swammerdam, .T. 1737-38. Bybel der natuur. 2 vols. ; Leyden. THOMPSON: METAMORPHOSES OF HERMIT CRAB. 20't Thompson, J. V. '28. Zoological researches and illustrations. No. 1, 36 pp., 4 pis. Cork. '30-'31. On the metamorphoses of Decapodous Crustacea. Zool. journ., vol. 5, no. 19, p. 383-384. (Asserts a metamorphosis for "Pagurus " among other genera.) '35. On the double metamorphosis in the Decapodous Crustacea, exempli- fied in Cancer maenas, Linn. Philosoph. trans, royal soc. London, 1835, pt. 2, p. 359-362, pi. 6. (With respect to "Pagurus," merely a repetition of his former assertion.) Thompson, M. T. :03. A rare Thalassinid and its larva. Proc. Boston soc. nat.hist., vol. 31, no. 1, p. 1-21, pi. 1-3. Vigors, N. A. '30. Untersuchungen ueber die bildung und entwickelung des flusskrebses von Heinrich Rathke. Zool. journ., vol. 5, no. 18, p. 241-255. West-wood, J. O. '35. On the supposed existence of metamorphoses in the Crustacea. Philosoph. trans, royal soc. London, 1835, pt. 2, p. 311-328, pi. 4. Willey, A. :00. Zoological results based on material from New Britain, New Guinea, Loyalty Islands and elsewhere, collected during the years 1895, 1896, and 1897. Pt. 5. 4to : Cambridge, Eng. (The young of Birgus latro hatch as zoeae.) Printed, September, 1903. Thompson.—Metamorphoses of Hermit Crab. PLATE 4. All the figures are reduced about two thirds in reproduction. Fig. 1. First zoea, ventral. X 52. mxp„ third maxilliped. Fig. 2. Second zoea, lateral. X 40. mnd, mandible; ul. upper lip. Fig. 3. Third zoea, lateral. X 34. ych, yellow, rch, red chromatophores. Fig. 4. Fourth zoea, dorsal, swimming position. X 25. ht, heart; ch int, chitinous gut. Fig. 5. Glaucothoe or fifth stage, dorsal. X 25. Fig. 6. Sixth stage, dorsal. X 25. at, stomach; ic, caecum; int, intestine; ru, rudimentary pleopod on segment two; eij, right liver. Thompson. — Mftamokhiiuses ok Hkhmi r ("kah. I'l.AI K +. Pm,i\ liosros Sim- Nat. Misi Vin.. ,\. Thomi'Son.— Metamorphoses of Hermit Crab. PLATE 5. Development of the appendages, showing the structure in the first (1), sec- ond (2), third (3), and fourth (4) zoeae, the glaucothoe (5), and the adult (a). For purposes of comparison, the appendages in each series are drawn to a common size. Abbreviations Common to all Figures. Fig. 7. First antenna, dorsal. Fig. 8. Second antenna, dorsal. Fig. 9. Mandible, ventral. Fig. 10. First maxilla, ventral. Fig. 11. Second maxilla, ventral. Fig. 12. First maxilliped, ventral. Fig. 13. Second maxilliped, ventral. en— endopod. ex— exopod. ie — lacinia externa. (t —lacinia interna. sc. — scaphognath i te. prot — protopod. Thompson.— Metamorphoses of Hermit Crab. Plate 5. M, T. Tliumpson dei. I'hoc. Boston Sue. Nat. Hist. Vol. 81. Thompson. - Metamorphoses of Hermit Crab. PLATE 6. Development of the appendages (continued,!. Abbreviations as before; subscript numbers mark the stages and Roman numerals indicate the thoracic limbs and the abdominal segments. Fig. 14. Third maxilliped, ventral. Fig. 15. Thoracic limbs, first zoea, lateral. Fig. 16. Thoracic limbs, second zoea, lateral. Fig. 17. Thoracic limbs, third zoea, lateral. Fig. 18. Thoracic limbs, fourth zoea, lateral. Fig. 19. Fourth limb, glaucothoe, dorsal. Fig. 20. Fifth limb, same, dorsal. Fig. 20a. Tip of same, adult. Fig. 21. Abdomen of fourth zoea, showing pleopods, ventral. Fig. 22. Pair of pleopods of fourth zoea more'enlarged, lateral. Fig. 23. Pleopods of glaucothoe, drawn in their respective proportions. Fig. 24. Pleopods of adult female, drawn in their respective proportions. Fig. 25. Same of adult male. Thompson.—Metamorphoses op Hermit Char. Plate (i. THOMrsos. — Metamorphoses of Hermit Crab PLATE 7. As before Roman numerals indicate thoracic limbs and abdominal segments and subscripts mark the stages. Fig. 26. Curves showing amount of variability and range of variations in sixth-stage larvae. The ordinates indicate the conditions of rearing: the abcissae the percentages. Continuous line = amount of varia bility; broken line = range of variations. Conditions are: n»\ normal: na, naked; Bin, sinistral; ind, indifferent. See page 18i). Fig. 27. Part of abdomen, first zoea; living material, showing ganglia and nerves. Fig. 28. Development of ophthalmic scale, a. first antenna; e, eye. Fig. 29. Ventral surface of infra-oesophageal ganglion, adult, ar, ascending arterioles; comm., thoracic commissures; oes, oesophageal comiuis sures; st a, sternal artery. Fig. 30. Eupagurus polticuris; abdominal ganglia to show arrangement of these parts in the genus Eupagurus. gn, ganglionic nerve from fifth ganglion; comm n, commissural nerve from fourth commissure; cp, columella prominence; no, nerve to fifth thoracic limb. Fig. 81. Development of telson and uropods; 31,, 31„, and 314 show the ventral, the others the dorsal surface. Drawn to common size. ur. anlagen of uropods. Fig. :!2. Curves showing duration of the glaucothoe stage, normal and delayed. Ordinates represent days, abcissae percentages. Continuous line = A, normal; broken line = HI, delay of three days; dotted line = I3-. delay of four days. Fig. 33. Same, naked and sinistral. Continuous line = C, crabs kept with- out shells; broken line= E, sinistral shells; dotted line = A, plotted with the day and half day percentages added together. Thompson'.— Metamorphoses of Hermit Crab PLATE 8. Development of the livers. All the figures are schematic, but each represents the condition in a single individual, depicted either from a "plotting " on profile paper, or from a wax reconstruction. Allowance must be made for shrinkage and shiftings in the loosely attached organs, especially in figure 34-37, and 44. Figure 34-37 are drawn in relative proportions; figure 38-42 with a common length of thorax. The slender liver caeca are crowded together in the living animal, but sepa- rated here for clearness. ABBREVIATION'S CoMMOS TO ALL FlGL'RES. an — anus. lat I — lateral lobe. ant I — anterior lobe. k — lateral caecum. tlor I — dorsal lobe. oes — oesophagus. eg — liver. post I — posterior lobe. g— gonad. sd— sexual duct. gg — nephrosac. .it — stomach, ic — intestinal caecum. sta—sternal artery. int — intestine. Fig. 34. Thorax of first zoea, reconstructed; right, lateral. X 120. Fig. 35. Thorax of second zoea; right, lateral. X 200. Fig. 36. Thorax of third zoea, reconstructed; right, lateral. X 200. Fig. 37. Thorax of fourth zoea; right lateral. X 200. Fig. ;!8. Thorax of glaucothoe, example 1, page 165, reconstructed. X 120. Kig. 39. Thoiax of glaucothoe, example 2, page 165, reconstructed. X 160 (?). Fig. 40. Thorax of glaucothoe, example 5, page 16C, reconstructed. X 271 (?). Kig. 41. Thorax of glaucothoe, example 6, page 166, reconstructed. X 129 (?). Fig. 42. Sixth stage, reconstructed; right lateral. X 280 (?). Kig. 43. Abdomen of mature sixth stage, showing earliest growth of liver caeca; reconstructed. Kig. 44. Abdomen of adolescent crab, twenty to thirty days past the glau- cothoe; reconstructed. Kig. 45. Abdomen of Wareham adult, see page 166. Dorsal; from photograph of reconstruction. Fig. 46. Same; lateral, with intestine partly cut away. Thompson.— iMetamnrphoees of Hermit Crab. PLATE 9. Ahbkeviations Common to all Figures. a— anterior aorta. int— achitinous gut. aa — antennary arteries. lat t — lateral tooth. ant I — anterior lobe of liver. Ic — lateral caecum. car — carapace. Ipp — lower pyloric pouch. rh int — chitinous gut. Ic—lateral pyloro intestinal valve rpv — cardio-pyloric valve. Ivr— lateral-valve ridge. dlv — dorso-lateral pyloro-intestinal mpv — median pyloric valve. valve. mua — muscles passing to limbs. dor I — dorsal lobe of liver. oes — oesophagus. tit — dorsal tooth. oes comm — oesophageal commissures. dv — dorsal pyloro-intestinal valve. op — oesophageal plate. gg — green gland. post I — posterior lobe of liver. ht—heart. upp — upper pyloric pouch. Fig. 47-50. Transverse sections, first zoea. Fig. 47. At beginning of mandibles. X 85. gang, posterior cells of supra- oesophageal ganglion; at, stomach. Fig. 48. Thirty micra farther bark, showing approximation of lateral caeca. X 130. Ipp, site for lower pyloric pouch; //, lateral tooth. Fig. 49. Ten micra beyond last. X 85. Fig. 50. Thirty micra farther back, showing entrance of livers into pylorus, tips of pyloro-intestinal valves and beginnings of floor of intestine, x. X 85. Fig. 51. Transverse section, glaucothoe.showing vertical limb of green gland. X 85. gl'ili, globulus: «/, upper lip. Fig. 52. Transverse section, sixth stage, through the pylorus, X 115. gang, ventral thoracic ganglia; gg, canal from green gland to nephrosac; upp, site of future upper pyloric pouch. Fig. 53. Wareham adult, transverse section of abdomen, showing three liver tubules, the ventral wall of the nephrosac {gg), sexual duct {sd), chit- inous gut, caecum {ic), and upper part of flexor muscles {flet). X 180. Fig. 54. Intestine of glaucothoe, longitudinal section through methoria; show- ing chitinous gut. achitinous gut, and mesodermal sheath of gut, ma. X 525. Fig. 55-57. Development of stomach, somewhat diagrammatic, from plottiiigs on profile paper. Fig. 55. Stomach of fourth zoea, (cardiac part too short). X 184. Ic, entrance of lateral caecum into pylorus; eg, entrance of liver into pylorus. Fig. 56. Stomach of glaucothoe, (cardiac part too short). X 138. Fig. 57. Stomach of adult, X 43. lop, lower oesophageal plate; uop, upper oesophageal plate. Fig. 58. Transverse section, glaucothoe, to show union of the pyloro-intes- tinal valves in the intestine and the partial occlusion of the lumen of the liver. X 180. Thompson. Metamorphoses or Hkhmit Ckak. Plate 9. Thompson.— Metamorphoses of Hermit Crab. PLATE 10. Koman numerals indicate thoracic limbs and abdominal segments. Abbreviations Common to all Figures. car— sinus of carapace. I seg a — left segmental artery. dese m — descending muscle. nc — nerve cord. en m — enveloping muscles. pI m— pleopodal muscles. ext — extensor muscles. post I — posterior lobe of liver. flex — flexor muscles. r set/ it — right segmental artery. g — gonad. st a — sternal artery. gang — ganglia. vent —ventralis muscles. int — achitinous gut. x— descending portion of loop muscles. lat m — lateralis muscles. x* — descending portion of enveloping ten m — loop-enveloping muscles. muscles. I m — loop muscles. Fig. OOa-f. Muscles of abdomen, glaucothoe, slantingly sagittal; the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 7th, and 10th, of a series of sections each ten micra thick. The transversalis muscles are blackened. Fig. 60. Diagram of the flexor muscles of glaucothoe; lateralis and ventralis omitted except where they come in contact with the other muscles. Viewed from within. Fig. 61. Flexors of Cambarus; series of four sections for comparison with sections in figure 59 ; descending, ventralis,and lateralis omitted for clearness. Fig. 62. Sexual cells, glaucothoe, reversed by compound microscope, sa, pos- terior aorta, x 370. Fig. 63. Sexual cells, sixth stage. See plate 8, figure 42. rns, nuclei of mesodermal sheath. X 370. Fig. 64a-d. Development of artery b', as shown in one individual. F.xample 2, page 16"). . .sa, superior abdominal or artery b. Fig. 64a. Dorsal aspect, plotted from sections. X 220. Fig. 64b-d. The three successive sections indicated in fig. 64a. X 60. Fig. 64b. Showing the outer end of the left segmental artery cut longitudi- nally, and the right artery in cross section. Fig. 64c. Showing the tips of the segmental arteries passing into the pleo- podal muscles on each side. Fig. 64d. Showing the tips of the segmental arteries in the muscles and artery 6' running beneath the extensors before it dips toward the flexors. Desc m Car Phoi\ Boston So. . Nat Hist. Vol. at. I Price list of recent memoirs. 4to. Vol. V, No. !). The skeletal system of Nccturus maculatus Rafinesque. By H. H. Wilder, Ph.D. 53 pp., 6 plates. $1.00. No. 8. Observations on living Brachiopoda. By Edward S. Morse. 73 pp., 23 pis. $2.00. No. 7. Description of the human spines showing numerical variation, in the Warren Museum of the Harvard Medical School. By Thomas Dwight 76 pp. SI.50. No. 6. The anatomy and development of Cassiopea xamachana. By Robert Payne Bigelow. 46 pp., 8 plates. $1.40. No. 5. The development, structure, and affinities of the genus Equisetum. By Edward C. 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