item: #1 of 9 id: addrakatti-fast-2023 author: addrakatti title: addrakatti-fast-2023 date: 2023 words: 2365 flesch: 48 summary: The students access published lecture videos independent of time and location. Lecture videos and MOOCs are hosted on cloud platforms to make them available to registered users. keywords: lecture; search; text; video cache: /shared/reader-library/code4lib-issue_55-2023/cache/addrakatti-fast-2023.html plain text: /shared/reader-library/code4lib-issue_55-2023/txt/addrakatti-fast-2023.txt item: #2 of 9 id: bradley-creating-2023 author: bradley title: bradley-creating-2023 date: 2023 words: 5060 flesch: 47 summary: Git was already part of the workflow for development of the app, and we had used git pulls as a way of deploying other apps, such as the aforementioned feedback kiosks, so this seemed like a reliable solution here as well. This new service, with its greatly expanded machine and tool offerings, required a revamp of the underlying data structure and was an opportunity to rethink the React and Electron app used previously in order to make the queue more maintainable and easier to deploy moving forward. keywords: app; queue; value cache: /shared/reader-library/code4lib-issue_55-2023/cache/bradley-creating-2023.html plain text: /shared/reader-library/code4lib-issue_55-2023/txt/bradley-creating-2023.txt item: #3 of 9 id: eaton-drying-2023 author: eaton title: eaton-drying-2023 date: 2023 words: 2816 flesch: 62 summary: ['item'] } And the Vue constructor: new Vue({ el: '#app', components: { 'menus-component': menusComponent … }, data() { return { hamburger: [ { Link:, icon: fas fa-search fa-fw bigger-icon, description: OneSearch, target_blank: , id: 1 }, … We uploaded our Vue code as a single file to the “Upload Customization Files” section of the LibGuides CMS admin interface. Using Vue allowed us to greatly simplify the HTML documents, while also improving maintainability. keywords: aria; vue cache: /shared/reader-library/code4lib-issue_55-2023/cache/eaton-drying-2023.html plain text: /shared/reader-library/code4lib-issue_55-2023/txt/eaton-drying-2023.txt item: #4 of 9 id: heng-revamping-2023 author: heng title: heng-revamping-2023 date: 2023 words: 6345 flesch: 50 summary: The Code4Lib Journal – Revamping Metadata Maker for ‘Linked Data Editor’: Thinking Out Loud Mission Editorial Committee Process and Structure Code4Lib Issue 55, 2023-1-20 Revamping Metadata Maker for ‘Linked Data Editor’: Thinking Out Loud With the development of linked data technologies and launch of the Bibliographic Framework Initiative (BIBFRAME), the library community has conducted several experiments to design and build linked data editors. Specifically, there are two expectations for the name entity search function in linked data editors: (1) no restraints on the order of a name; and (2) supporting variant name searching. keywords: bibframe; catalogers; cataloging; data; maker; metadata; viaf cache: /shared/reader-library/code4lib-issue_55-2023/cache/heng-revamping-2023.html plain text: /shared/reader-library/code4lib-issue_55-2023/txt/heng-revamping-2023.txt item: #5 of 9 id: lou-using-2023 author: lou title: lou-using-2023 date: 2023 words: 2011 flesch: 54 summary: However, this is not a perfect solution, and over time a problem with record discrepancies can become severe with thousands of records out of sync. This reduced the cataloging effort eventually needed to fix record discrepancies. keywords: data; records cache: /shared/reader-library/code4lib-issue_55-2023/cache/lou-using-2023.html plain text: /shared/reader-library/code4lib-issue_55-2023/txt/lou-using-2023.txt item: #6 of 9 id: schriner-data-2023 author: schriner title: schriner-data-2023 date: 2023 words: 3853 flesch: 60 summary: To combat this fragmentation, a call for open data would require that research data: “(1) Is freely available on the Internet, (2) Permits any user to download, copy, analyze, re-process, pass to software or use for any other purpose; and (3) Is without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself” (“Open Data,” n.d.).  SPARC states that “Despite its tremendous importance, today, research data remains largely fragmented—isolated across millions of individual computers, blocked by disparate technical, legal and financial restrictions” (“Open Data,” n.d.).  keywords: data; stress; word cache: /shared/reader-library/code4lib-issue_55-2023/cache/schriner-data-2023.html plain text: /shared/reader-library/code4lib-issue_55-2023/txt/schriner-data-2023.txt item: #7 of 9 id: tidal-editorial-2023 author: tidal title: tidal-editorial-2023 date: 2023 words: 758 flesch: 49 summary: This is my second time and last time as coordinating editor for Code4Lib Journal. Since there is now an opening on the editorial committee of Code4Lib Journal, please respond to this call for editors. keywords: code4lib; journal cache: /shared/reader-library/code4lib-issue_55-2023/cache/tidal-editorial-2023.html plain text: /shared/reader-library/code4lib-issue_55-2023/txt/tidal-editorial-2023.txt item: #8 of 9 id: weideman-designing-2023 author: weideman title: weideman-designing-2023 date: 2023 words: 9219 flesch: 41 summary: Yet, as I’ll discuss later, while archival description encourages these practices, the current systems available for managing digital materials are designed only to work with bibliographic description, thus they are blocking the use of automated approaches in practice. Additionally, even if we design discovery systems that make use of archival description, there is a usability cost that may be unavoidable when we compare it to the simplicity of bibliographic description. keywords: access; archival; archival description; bibliographic; description; digital; discovery; materials; records; systems cache: /shared/reader-library/code4lib-issue_55-2023/cache/weideman-designing-2023.html plain text: /shared/reader-library/code4lib-issue_55-2023/txt/weideman-designing-2023.txt item: #9 of 9 id: zhang-click-2023 author: zhang title: zhang-click-2023 date: 2023 words: 2409 flesch: 59 summary: Generating usage report with Google Analytics You can use the many report functions in Google Analytics to review and analyze the data collected by Google Tag Manager. We have used data collected by Google Tag Manager for decision-making. keywords: google; primo; tag cache: /shared/reader-library/code4lib-issue_55-2023/cache/zhang-click-2023.html plain text: /shared/reader-library/code4lib-issue_55-2023/txt/zhang-click-2023.txt