Distant Reader Indexes (experimental)

This is a list of indexes intended for the purposes of practicing with the creation of Distant Reader study carrels. They include:

  1. the Reader's catalog - a collection of about .3 million open access items (articles and etexts); something for everyone
  2. the Reader's index - a experimental power-user's interface to the above but much faster

  3. arXiv - preprint articles from the physical and computer sciences, mostly
  4. Internet Archive's Open Library - books on just about any topic

  5. all carrels
  6. a specific carrel
  7. locally cached content from Project Gutenberg
  8. locally cached open access journal articles
  9. journal articles on the topic of COVID-19
  10. a set of Catholic pamphlets

Eric Lease Morgan <emorgan@nd.edu>
August 24, 2023