Submit a zip file to create a study carrel

Complete the following form, and the creation of a study carrel will be submitted on your behalf.

Need some sample data? Try downloading, compressing (zipping), and then submitting the Iliad and the Odyssey from Homer. Want something more contemporary? Try Pride and Predidice by Jane Austen. Both timeless stories with something for everyone. Want to read your own files? Simple. On your computer: 1) create a folder/directory, 2) copy any number or types of files into the directory, 3) compress (zip) the directory, and finally 4) submit the resulting .zip file in the form below.

Once submitted, you will receive two email messages: 1) when the building process has begun, and 2) when the building process has finished. Depending on the size of your input, processing can take a few minutes to more than an hour, but most of the time, processing is done in less than five minutes. If you have any questions, then don't hesitate to drop me a line. --Eric Lease Morgan <> (June 14, 2023)

your username (NetID):
your email address:
where is your zip file:
give your carrel a name: